Sample Analytical Sentence Outline- AP Literary Analysis Paper

Sample Analytical Sentence Outline- AP Literary Analysis Paper

Remember, the first steps are to create essential questions, then gather evidence to help support your answers to the questions. Try to focus on 4-5 questions and then decide one to focus on as your main topic. Each question may become a body paragraph. Once you’ve settled on a topic, you can list categorical subtopics (body paragraphs) that will support your thesis. Your thesis is also a working thesis, where you will need to revise or update as your write.

Thesis: To truly show the corruption of the Medieval society of England, Chaucer gives voice to various characters from different social classes using a satirical and sometimes critical tone.

Paragraph 1: Wife of Bath

Topic Sentence: The Wife of Bath’s Tale shows the corruption of knights and the underlying problems of the chivalric code.

Evidence: (Include quotes from primary AND secondary sources)

-Knight raped a girl

-Woman has power and sends out knight on a quest- reversal

-The knight gets what he wants in the end with a loyal and beautiful wife- hyperbole

Paragraph 2: Knight’s Tale

Topic Sentence: The Knight’s Tale displays the skewed focus of the society, who care more about money and victory in battle than true love or individuals’ desires.

Evidence: (Include quotes from primary AND secondary sources)

-Theseus builds giant arena for the battle

-Arcite prays to Mars for victory (ironically wins but does not get the girl)

-Emily doesn’t get her wish for chastity and is told to marry

Paragraph 3: Merchant’s Tale

Topic Sentence: The Merchant’s Tale displays the lack of respect in marriage due to the societal practice of arranged marriages built on status instead of love.

Evidence: (Include quotes from primary AND secondary sources)

-May cheats on January in a Pear Tree

-January is “blind” to see May’s true nature because he picks her for her looks

-Damien does not respect his elders due to the forced marriage of May and January

Paragraph 4: The Summoner’s Tale

Topic Sentence: In the Summoner’s Tale, the church is a target due to the corruption of the friar, supposedly working for the church, but really working for money for himself.

Evidence: (Include quotes from primary AND secondary sources)

-Friar preaches about greed and anger to a man who shows neither characteristic

-Friar is not intelligent, trying to share a fart amongst multiple other friars

-Friar commands wife to feed him and take care of him in a selfish manner

You get the idea?

Note: You will most likely need to add transitional words to your topic sentences once the order of the body paragraphs is set.


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