The Outsiders Practice Quiz: Chapters 1-5

[Pages:1]The Outsiders Practice Quiz: Chapters 1-5

Directions: Select the letter or letters that correctly answer each question:

VOCABULARY 1. In Chapter Three the text states, "Buck glared at me for a second, then stumbled off. He was pretty well crocked, which made me apprehensive. If Dally was drunk and in a dangerous mood...". The word apprehensive means uneasy or fearful as it is used in the text. What pieces of evidence provide a clue to the meaning of the word? a. "Buck glared at me" b. "He was pretty well crocked" c. "for a second" d. "If Dally was drunk and in a dangerous mood"

2. In Chapter Four the text states, "Yet in his hard face there was character, pride, and a savage defiance of the world. He could never love Cherry Valance back. It would be a miracle if Dally loved anything. The fight for self-preservation had hardened him beyond caring." Which word means the opposite of defiance? a. disregard b. contemptuous c. compliant d. rebellious

SETTING 3. In chapter four, why does the placement of the fountain in the setting develop the narrative's plot? a. Due to almost drowning, Pony becomes unconscious, building tension as he does not witness the murder. b. The fountain is significant because it is where the gang usually congregates. c. The Socs utilize the fountain to torture Pony. d. The gurgling of the fountain masks the sounds of the altercation.

4. At the end of chapter four, how does the setting of the church affect the characters and plot? a. It causes Pony to reflect on an earlier experience in church, which brings him joy. b. It foreshadows conflict later in the novel due to Pony's focus on premonition. c. Pony reveals that he has not been to church in quite some time, which highlights his questionable character. d. It further amplifies Pony and Johnny's discomfort as the floor is too hard to sleep on.

CHARACTERIZATION 5. The end of Cherry and Ponyboy's conversation in chapter three shows which two of the following? a. Cherry is willing to fight the social classes in order to befriend Ponyboy. b. Cherry is self-centered and thinks Ponyboy is beneath her. c. Cherry does not let the social classes stop her feelings for Dallas. d. Cherry will never publicly be associated with Ponyboy.

6. The last paragraph on page eighteen show what about Ponyboy? a. He secretly wishes he didn't have an older brother. b. He is afraid to admit he wishes Darry cared about him. c. He is concerned about being left without Sodapop. d. He refuses to see that Soda will leave in order to be with Sandy.


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