Mba notes



Data provided here is not absolute….its only for reference








Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. Human Resource Management can also be performed by line managers.

Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training.

Outsourcing the Human Resource (HR) processes is the latest practice being followed by middle and large sized organizations.

It is being witnessed across all the industries. In India, the HR processes are being outsourced from nearly a decade now. Outsourcing industry is growing at a high rate

Human Resource Outsourcing refers to the process in which an organization uses the expert services of a third party (generally professional consultants) to take care of its HR functions while HR management can focus on the strategic dimension of their function.

The functions that are typically outsourced are the functions that need expertise, relevant experience, knowledge and best methods and practices. This has given rise to outsourcing the various HR functions of an organization.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (or “RPO”) to India is characterized by identifying those expertise that are not inherent to the core of the client organization, i.e. dividing the process of recruitment into core and non-core HR activities.

The non-core recruitment processes such as database searching, job advertisements, head hunt research; internet mining, etc. involve 50 – 60% of the recruiter’s time, energies and costs. Outsourcing the non-core recruitment process creates additional efficiencies, while simultaneously allowing for a focus on building relationships with candidates and clients.  Recruiters, thus, are able to focus better on core recruitment functions and work on important hiring strategies that create profitable growth and sustain business success.

For reasons of having no time and resources to manage human resource functions, companies usually resort to HR outsourcing. It is a cost-effective way of managing human resource functions without having to resort to employing personnel for an in-house HR staff.

There are a lot of benefits that businesses can gain from outsourcing HR tasks. One of the most appealing benefits is the ability of a company to focus on their core business activities while still having effective HR policies.


|Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization. |

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|Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organization. |

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|Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities. |

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|Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees. |

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|Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost. |

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|Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants. |

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|Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave the organization only after a short period of time.|

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|Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce. |

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|Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates. |

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|Increase organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants  |

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• The objective of project was to identify the benefits of outsourcing recruitment and Understanding the recruitment process.

• The Project contains details about the various criteria of outsourcing recruitment.

• The project highlights the reasons why companies indulge in outsourcing recruitment and the merits and advantages of outsourcing recruitment to direct hiring.

• It also enumerates various factors to be considered before outsourcing recruitment.

• Identify the various practices of recruitment existing in the industry. The project should have a detailed understanding of the methods adopted by recruitment agencies to make the hiring process quicker.


Data Source: The Company database was provided by the Human Resource Department and personal survey was conducted based on questionnaire.

Research Design: The study undertaken was of exploratory nature, which aims at gathering the preliminary data to throw the lights on the real nature of the issue and give possible suggestion.

To collect the data a systematic manner, a detailed questionnaire covering all communication setup related question were used.


There are two types of data:

• Primary Data

The primary data are original in character. They are in the shape of raw material often called raw data to which statistical methods are applied. The sources of primary data are called primary sources.

✓ Direct Personal observation

✓ Mailed Questionnaire method

• Short and clear

• Simple and intelligible

• Simple alternative, multiple-choice or open-end type

✓ Schedule Method

• Secondary Data

Secondary data are those data which have already been collected by some other persons for their purpose. The secondary data can be obtained from various sources of information’s.

✓ Published Source

• Various publications of Books.

• Official websites.


• While designing the questionnaire it was kept in mind to gather more and more information from each target person. For the neither present nor descriptive questions could have served the purpose. Therefore the questionnaire contained in the open-ended questions.

• The study was conducted at Damco; the sample size was of 50 so that accuracy of data so collected could be absurd covered by circulation of questionnaire.

• The accuracy of indications given by the respondents may not be consider adequate as whether the language used in the questionnaire is understand by the respondent cannot be taken for granted.

• The study is based on the information gathered from the employee. Therefore in such case it is possible that the information supplied might be biased because the employee might have spared less time for answering the questionnaires.

• Since the survey was limited to 50 employees it is rather difficult to give a precise conclusion.









Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a form of business process outsourcing (BPO) when an employer outsources or transfers all or part of the staffing process to an external service provider. A true or total RPO solution involves the outsourcing of the entire recruiting function or process to an external service provider.

This provider serves to provide the necessary skills, tools, technologies, and activities to serve as their client's virtual "recruiting department". This definition differs from occasional recruiting support often provided by many temporary, contingency, and executive search firms. While these organizations do provide an invaluable service, they do not qualify as RPO as it does not involve the outsourcing of the recruiting process.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) History

In February 2009 the Human Resources Outsourcing Association (HROA) specified and approved a group associated with them the Recruitment Process Outsourcing Alliance. Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is basically a type of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) where the management of the firm gives the responsibility of the recruitment process for that organization to a third party service provider. The Recruitment Process Outsourcing provider can himself choose the methods to carry out the recruitment process which they feel is convenient for them, which may be that the vendor may adhere to his own methodologies or the company’s way of carrying out the entire recruitment process.

The Recruitment Process Outsourcing is a lot different from the other service providers such as contingency search firms, staffing agencies and retained search providers in dealing with entire recruitment because the RPO provider is entirely responsible for the methods utilized, design ownership, conducting the entire recruitment process and the outcomes of the process.

Service Providers other than the RPO providers like executive and contingency search forms were providing the firms with recruitment services for many years until the employers started realizing the consistency of the concept on relying upon an outsource to deal with the entire or part of the recruiting process. This was not until the 1970’s when there was a high-level competition in the technical labor market.

Expanding High Tech Firms were usually distressed upon the acquisition of high tech expertise and specialists and were left with other choice except to hire highly paid external recruiting specialists for the completion of their hiring staff projects.

With the passage of time many companies starting analyzing how they can reduce their expenses while still be able to hire the high tech specialists for their firm and while doing this they started to acknowledge the steps of the recruiting process along with focusing on the areas of great difficulties faced by their company. This then eventually added great value to the business.

At first, the job of the RPO programs was just to conduct the recruitment process, shortlist the eligible candidates and inform the employers it and the acquisitions are then carried out by the company.

As time passed, the idea of outsourcing kept gaining more and more favor among establishments’ HR managements because they not only helped in reducing the expenses and overhead cost but also helped in bringing quality and completion in the labor market. Since then until the early 2000’s, among many companies, RPO programs were taken into great consideration to fulfill their recruitment needs.


Recruitment outsourcing is fitting increasingly established tradition for both the large and the small business of today. A survey was conducted and it was noticed that in many of the European countries, nearly 50% of the business are recruited outsourced. Different countries are recruiting outsourcing in different countries and providing them the quality work and service they desired for years.

Recruitment outsourcing can be defined as the hiring process is outsourced to the third party to achieve better results. Recruitment outsourcing is considered by business to be both a long designate solutions to attain efficiency in venture operations and concise phrase. Recruitment outsourcing helps the company in finding the best suitable professional for the job with less cost being incurred. Recruitment outsourcing works in finding the individuals in web blue print, marketing, IT maintenance, logistics, accounts management and web hosting.

There are various reasons involved why an organization should use recruitment outsourcing. The expertise way of finding the suitable candidate, use of higher technologies and proper surveys, scrutiny of the offered skills and professionalism in the applicant’s date.

Whether it is a small or a large business, it is necessary to find the relevant information needed about recruitment outsourcing as well as the advantages and the disadvantages involved in hiring the third party to fulfill your needs. Recruitment outsourcing surely has pros and cons. recruitment outsourcing firm’s job is to work on the information being provided by the company to a greater extent and to find the best suitable result possible for the growth of the organization.

Outsourcing has impacted on a long term basis on the business and recruitment outsourcing has really developed with its wide range of searches of the working assets of the company. Recruitment outsourcing surely helps in reducing the cost of the company by sharing the work load of the in-house human resource department and providing them the better results compared to the in-house.

Recruitment outsourcing has worked wonders in finding the suitable candidate from other country and making them realize that this is the perfect opportunity for them to grab on and show what you are capable of. The service provided by the recruitment outsourcing firms are of highly quality in compared to the charges they put on.

There is a negative vibe in Americans that outsourcing is an evil which is taking jobs away from them and providing it to strange countries. Recruitment outsourcing has really contributed in the growth of finding the experienced professional at a cheaper rate globally.


A small and midsized company does not have that much fat, so controlling the cost is an everyday part of life. Cost of recruiting is the cost which is under routine scrutiny. Majority of the cost of the talent acquisition is hidden in variations and lot of time is spent on hiring management and performance skills. A poor performer is the biggest cost which an organization can incurred while hiring. Employee is the working asset of the company and before hiring, the company needs to scrutinize the ability possessed by them as well as the experience of working in the environment. The variability factor is much more in individuals that in any electronic system which can be easily matched.

The wrong hire will get a fire from you or will resign after some months because he would not be able to adjust himself in the working environment. All the procedure is then repeated if you hire the wrong one as well as the expenditure will increase. However, it should be understood by the organization that the higher cost is not the failed one; it’s the poor one which will slowly learn how to work. The individual not having the ability to step up to the next level and is unable to fit in the culture of the organization will cost the organization more than the failed one.

Wasting the cost of the management time is the biggest cost for company to bear if not having a specialized department of recruiting. Recruiting does consume time and if your manager is spending a lot of time doing work compared to the specialist doing it much faster, then it is surely a waste of expensive resources.

Direct cash outlays do sometimes turns into a big cost for the organization. Quality is important in this criterion not quantity. The organization needs to understand that quality of the candidate is more valuable than the quantity of responses for the job. Sometimes, organization in trying to lessen these visible costs, they inflate less visible costs.

Using the third party in recruiting is same as any other aspects of business. Third party does possess expertise, investment in technology. Economic scale and finely honed process to complete the work better, faster and cheaper compared to the in-house. If the third party have the ability to deliver fine quality candidates, then it there is a possibility that they are effectively saving a lot of your money than costing the organization .

Objectivity in RPO the killer App in HR Services

Ever since the inception of corporate culture in the world, procedures for almost all aspects have been standardized and polished even in the non corporate sectors. Many support systems have emerged to strengthen this ways of this culture.

RPO is one such feature which has come to existence purely from corporate needs. The transformation from stable jobs to frequent changeover has led to the creation of this institution that is responsible for supplying the service and multinationals with their never ending needs for recruitment.

The most important facet of RPO is its objectivity which makes RPO: the killer app in HR service. With a crystal clear aim and directives from the client, the RPO can carry out its assigned duty of recruiting efficiently and accurately.

To achieve this standard of the killer app in HR service, RPO has to compartmentalize its activities without overlapping each activity. These can be divided into following clearly demarcated actions


This is the initial stage in which the client hiring the RPO service elaborates his requirements to the RPO. The finer the details at this stage better and far reaching will be its effects. This is where maximum objectivity is achieved.

The earlier HR firms lacked this aspect and that is what led to the emergence of this field. Greater details mean accurate screening and selection. This will eventually be beneficial for both the RPO and his client.

Sourcing and screening

The next step in the chain of recruitment process actually determines the objectivity and the quality of the RPO firm itself. Getting rid of the extraneous applicants and sorting out the relevant ones for assessment is way more complicated than merely reading resumes. This is a process in which applicant found unsuitable does stand a chance for another requirement and has to be posted in the right slot of the data base at the same time a client’s screening criteria is being applied.


By applying psychometric and aptitude testing, comprehension testing, verifying capacity and problem-solving, inspiration and motivation metrics, etc. a trained professional can very conveniently gain sufficient information regarding an applicant’s personality aptitude and attitude towards work. After assessment an individual is either considered suitable for the vacant post of not.


Once selected or short listed, it is then the job of the client to take the final decision if to select one or more. This all is already agreed and the limit is laid done by the client and the firm through mutual understanding.


The task of the RPO is not yet over. Even after selection or rejection of an individual they continue to sort things out. Details and ground checks such as drug abuse related history or any criminal record that may have been concealed initially would require be settling in time and keeping as a record for future employment of the individual.

What everyone in his capacity needs to understand is that RPO is definitely the killer app in HR services, but if either the two of the parties lose track of objectivity the entire exercise will be a total waste for both the parties..


After the huge success of the BPO sector in India which was responsible for the economic boom in India in the previous years. Yet again India Inc is all geared up for a variant of BPO called the RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing). According to the Recruiters Association this industry is expected to become a $3.5 billion industry in India itself by the end of this fiscal year. This rapidly increasing industry has a simple mantra which is to manage and handle all the recruitment process of a company and basically takes off the headache and simplifies the process of hiring.

Though this outsourcing technique is widely adopted in the western countries, it is still new in India and is definitely going to be the future of recruitment process by all major companies in India. As a matter of fact many companies have already employed this model for their recruitment needs in India and also abroad. The major advantages of RPO is the cost spent by the HR department of the company is decreased, the quality of the recruitment is better improving your employer brand and a major amount of time spent on hiring can be used to improve the business strategies employed. These companies handle the job profiling, publishing the job requirements and also the interviewing process. The companies are sure of getting the best in the lot as the RPO companies have dedicated recruitment panels for each of their client who work 24×7 to find the best employees the company wants. The company can save up to 50% of their annual sum they spend on hiring by employing this model of hiring and also has to provide all necessary information on job openings and requirements to the RPO firm.

With a very competitive market and a lot of talented people ready to be hired companies like Wipro the third largest IT firm in India has its recruitment process outsourced to a company and is expecting its costs to be reduced by about 15 to 20 percent this fiscal year.

The Indian industry is quite mature and will welcome this new outsourcing technique in every part of the industry ranging from IT, Banking, Manufacturing and Retail also. With the current scenario where every company is looking out to cut costs outsourcing is one thing which every company will look out for.

To jot down all the benefits of RPO is a very difficult task, though listed below are the most popular advantages of using RPO solutions.

COST: Cost incurred is one of the main criteria for the measurement of success of any business company. With this in mind, RPO companies use the scheme of “economies of scale” where in the allocate a couple of recruiters for you company. This scheme sounds sensible because you are actually saving your expenses on recruiting this handful of recruiters all yourself.

SERVICE: Greater employee retention is one major benefit. The rpo solutions help fine tune candidates to suit the best of your company’s needs. It also looks after your company’s future recruitment deals and offers best support for the entire process.

SPEED: job profile advertisement is one area where a company spends lot of time and effort. Rpo process ensures this time to be implemented in other developmental activities of the business. Outsourced company takes the responsibility of collecting candidate’s profiles who have applied and handpicking the most talented among them. A complete analysis would have already been done by them.

Recruitment Outsourcing 3 Efficiency Metrics

In Recruiting, the measurement of success is very analytical. The general metrics that need to be focused while recruiting are: quantity, cost, time and quality. There is way by which we can measure the “Quality” of the results of the recruiting process using three great Efficiency Metrics.

Efficiency seems to be a strange commodity. It can occur as various definitions to various people. For instance in Physics, the efficiency of a machine is analyzed from how much useful work is output compared to the energy input. NO machine can function at 100% efficiency, in the same way we cannot expect 100% efficient results from a recruitment process.

The efficiency measures in a recruitment process are carried out on the basis of the recruiters work and the productivity of the entire recruitment process.

The Basic three metrics are as follows:

1) Submittal efficiency

The submittal efficiency is measured on the basis of the candidates’ qualification as per requirement of the job profile. It is measured by dividing the number of applicants interviewed by the number of applicants who submitted their profiles. This number is expected to be really high but it is relatively average.

If the efficiency seems to be below average, then there may appear be some poor actions being conducted by the recruiters, perhaps spending a lot of time while going through resumes or insufficient specification of the job profile. When the efficiency reaches a very low percentage then ordered are delivered to certify the problem areas.

2) Interview efficiency

The interview efficiency is measured on basis of the hiring manager’s evaluating process. It works by extracting the results by dividing the number of applicants who are shortlisted and offered the position by the total interviewed number of candidates. This sort of efficiency can measure up to near to and al little below average as compared to the submittal efficiency. But the same determination actions are applied if the efficiency results are very low.

3) Offer efficiency

The last of the three basic efficiencies is measured on the basis of the number of candidates who accept your proposal and commence the position. It is evaluated by dividing the number of candidates to accept the offer by the total number of proposals. The same process of analyzing the efficiency is applied, if it is above average then the job is being well done, if average or near to average then there has to be certain actions taken to modify the process and if its below or very less than average then it is certain that the recruit is doing poor job and negotiations are then carried out to eradicate the offers.

Evaluation of the efficiency metrics is considerably easy and beneficial. It lends a huge hand in improving the quality of the recruitment process.

Recruitment Processing Outsourcing (RPO) Software Makes Hiring Qualified Applicants Easy and Effortless

It has become quite hard for the companies to choose the appropriate candidate for various positions these days. The recession in economy have made the employers extremely picky from where to choose as well as not to make any mistakes which can raise their expenses above the level, so how to find the best suitable candidate for the job is the question in the mind of the organizations. Fortunately, recruiting software is available which can help in staffing easier.

Finding the qualified candidate using the recruiting software is quite easy. It contains different software packages which help in completing the task easier and efficiently. They have the tendency to handle general issues, although there is some software which does much finest jobs than others.

There are various types of software packages available in the market which can help in finding the qualified candidate and make the company task much easier. They all have the ability to handle same general issues, although there are some recruiting soft wares which can perform the job better than others. If you are facing trouble in sorting out the resumes and applications, then it is necessary to get the recruiting software which will do a good job filing them.

Just give a thought that all the applications will be sorted out digitally. There will be no tension of misplacing or losing any of the hard copy files. Recruiting software makes it easy for you to go through the important information and type about each applicant. Recruiting software enables you to add specific notes regarding what you are looking for as well as which candidates may qualified for the particular department. Human resource department of the organization can also work on this and go through candidate’s sourcing software. They can input the information after the interview is conducted.

By using this technology, you have the ability to input information about the candidate you are looking for. The program has the capability to automatically search through the applications. It saves your time in looking at each and every application at a time. You will have easy and a quick way to narrow down the search. You can also categorize your search for specific qualifications or specific candidates by using the candidate sourcing software.

Thanks to the internet technology, it has become very easy for the businesses to keep tracking of each and every single individual involved with company. The information of the applicant can be tracked. Staffing and recruiting software potentially saves a lot of your money in the long run.

The Perfect RPO Storm Get Ready to Sink or Swim

It has been noticed that the RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) has reached a higher standard lately and more and more people are currently being recruited. It is for sure going to stay for a while now and this field has a long way ahead. The industry has been invested with billions of dollars and many benefits are yet to be gained. The Recruitment Process Outsourcing is basically a business form in which the organizations give authorities to an outsourcing company to handle all the recruitment activities.

If this is what RPO is, then what does perfect storm mean? And how is it beneficial for a company to look closely at RPO? This is explained in the following sex reasons.

• Since the 1980, when Tom Peters moved away employees that were not core to the success of the business, this advice has been taken seriously ever since. Today, many companies depend a lot on BPO because they accept it as a way to their success. There may be probability that a company does now want to go with ROP, but the merits will always be considered.

• The executives always finding the process of recruitment beneficial. Due to the work load that is already on their shoulders and many other responsibilities the executives believe they cannot accept the pressure of time to time hiring, turnover and legal claims etc.

• The expected shortage of labor has become an issue for many. After the retirement of baby boomers, qualified workers in large quantity are not expected to be seen around. Companies are now considering the argument whether they should get linked with an RPO partner.

• Not many are willing to try this change as most of the people probably like to follow the old traditional way of working and recruiting. They believe it is safe to take the word load and continue the process of recruitment being done internally. But now there are many successful RPO firms that have proved to be promising and have provided good assistance to the people.

• You are not likely to come across a Global company that is not considering the idea of international recruiting. They are pretty much confident about getting the results in the presence of many civilized RPO firms operating in different parts of the world.

• We are safely over the tipping point considering the RPO buzz that has been created by the media. The number of associations, conferences and newsletters are giving birth to more RPO communication.


According to the Recruitment Process Outsourcing Association (RPOA), the official definition for the RPO is “Recruitment Process Outsourcing is when a provider acts as a company’s internal recruitment function for a portion or all of its jobs. RPO providers manage the entire recruiting/hiring process from job profiling through the on-boarding of the new hire, including staff, technology, and method and reporting. A properly managed RPO will improve a company’s time to hire, increase the quality of the candidate pool, provide verifiable metrics, reduce cost and improve governmental compliance.“

Besides that, sporadic recruitment support, like short-term, emergency, retained and executive search services are more akin to outsourcing but are not actually that. This is more of a service provider or projects based outsource group’s activity and is not part of RPO.

The main role of RPO companies is to act on behalf of their client in the process of hiring staff just as their own HR team would have done. This is usually to support a company as an insider to reduce their workload of fresh recruiting or hiring at all tiers.

The key difference is assuming the ownership of the entire process of hiring by the RPO companies, while the other types of HR service provider acts as part of a process controlled by the client organization.

With RPO companies in aid, the hiring organization can continue to focus its efforts on their business without involving in the process of hiring as this tends to slow, or even stop their functioning.

Professional RPO companies assure their hosts with confidentiality and timeliness and offers improvement in quality, cost, service and speed. This is what makes hiring professional RPO companies worth its while.

The need for hiring RPO companies arises from the fact that when a company calculates its managerial staff’s commitment in terms of employment in productive activities and find hiring lesser productive but essential task which requires deliberation at the same time and means the future output of the company. This has to be handled in a very professional way so that the staff in future is competent and can function well in the company’s working environments.

RPO companies can be hired for their valuable services as a permanent faculty of HR department for managing a continuous process of hiring or work on case to case bases, depending solely on a company’s hiring frequency and their budget for this purpose.













At a Glance...

Damco Solutions is a leading provider in the information technology industry since 1996. Damco is a global software services organization that delivers innovative business & technology solutions to leading companies worldwide.

Damco Solutions offers a comprehensive portfolio of IT and IT-enabled services with a distinct focus on providing web application development, product engineering services, enterprise integration solutions and mobile-based custom applications.

Damco choose a right strategic associate in this competitive marketplace, who can value ROI, is critical. With more than a decade of collective ingenious approach and technical proficiency, equipped with a wealth of knowledge & expertise, strengthened by CMMi and IS0 quality certifications, Damco can foster any business concept into a world-class IT solution.

Damco have demonstrated expertise on multiple technologies such as Microsoft, Sun, IBM, PHP, Oracle as well as Mobile platforms.

Apart from technologies, Damco are also proficient in Data processing, Prepress and Backend Processing. With this wide array of skills & expertise, Damco are a comprehensive IT service provider who can offer technically & commercially viable solutions to address all your IT needs.

As the company executes the core development of all projects through facilities in India, working with us allows radically cutting the expenses on development while achieving excellence.

Dam co’s team always believes in the motto – Doing it Efficiently, Doing it Right, Doing it well!


Truth that motivates...

Since 1996, Damco Solutions Endeavour has been to provide services & solutions that generate optimum user satisfaction. Gradually, Damco has been endowed with some magical feathers in its hat that make a distinct impression for the organization. They include but are not limited to:

• Presence across USA, UK, Luxembourg, Australia and India

• 7000+ person-years of project experience

• Over 400 projects completed within stipulated time & budget

• CMMi and ISO certified development centers

• Registered with Software Technology Parks of India (STPI), NASSCOM and Export Promotion Council of India

• 30% CAGR

• Onsite-offshore methodology

• Data protection with secure infrastructure and regular security audit

• Stringent focus on quality & compliance issues

• 24*7 business continuity plan


Ideas that drive…


"To be globally recognized IT Company with a passion to promote a culture of constant innovation, quality and integrity in adding value to the customers that the company serve and employees nurture."


To live vision, Damco have established three pillars of values.

• Customer Centricity: To be a committed provider of the best IT Solutions and Services as measured by quality, cost, delivery, and innovation to uphold customers trust in us.

• Process Excellence: To deliver quality implementations seamlessly and provide continuous business process improvements to clients.

• Employer of Choice: To provide a high quality workplace where people are empowered to lead and build a great organization.


Work Culture

At DAMCO, employees work with some of the brightest technical and managerial minds in the business, which implies that you will get to work with intelligent, highly motivated and responsible individuals who constantly strive to exceed beyond expectations.

Damco is an equal opportunities employer and believes that retaining talent is as important as acquiring talent. Damco understand that for us to grow as an organization, people must grow as well - both personally and professionally. If people are happy, they will transmit the feeling to clients as well. For this reason, Damco provide an easy yet challenging and collaborative work environment in which people can strive to deliver the best to the client, to each other and to themselves as well.

Damco - a preferred place to work in

There are a host of reasons that makes one choose us as his preferred workplace. 

Damco provide people a friendly interactive work environment; work that gets done through cutting edge technology, scope to work with the best in industry, and above all quality work on hardcore development projects. 

Damco are essentially a project-oriented company, which means clientele spans across sections of industries. Damco cover a spectrum of work domains like health care, insurance, grid computing, publishers, telecom, and supply chain and so on…. This gives an individual the opportunity to gain exposure to multiple fields and earn experience in one or many of them. Damco have diverse projects to suit an individual’s preference. To deliver quality work under strict deadline constraints, Damco at times, even work in shifts to cover 24/7 operations.

Though it is an unspoken rule to deliver work well within the deadlines, people always find time and scope for team activities and fun. 


People with dreams…

A team of young, dynamic and committed individual who possess shared vision and common objective.

Leadership at Damco is managed with team synergy, shared vision and common objective.

Leadership acumen combines strategic, operational and financial experience with extensive relationships and expertise within its target industries.

Damco recruit and hire personnel with brilliant technical and functional experts exhibiting demonstrated skills and proven track records.

Mohit Gupta

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Mohit Gupta, the founding member of Damco, is a seasoned IT professional who brings with him compelling experience of over 19 years with formidable credentials to play a key role in building a reputation for its strong work ethic, result-oriented consensus building and exceptional ability to forge and maintain foremost client relationships.

Mohit is the chief driving force in spearheading the new initiatives and areas of growth for Damco. His focus areas include Enterprise Management of Technology Assets, Applications Development Strategies and Management, Quality Assurance, Business Process Engineering and other emerging technology concepts.

As a Chief Executive Officer, Mohit has been instrumental in creating a culture of openness and transparency and instilling a "we never let you down" attitude at Damco.

Dimple Gupta

Managing Director, India

Dimple Gupta, a proactive co-founder, carves a niche for herself with over 16 years of rich experience in planning, strategizing and monitoring the entire gamut of administrations and operations at Damco.

As a Managing Director, Dimple is the inspiration and dynamic force behind Damco’s evolution into a well-established and renowned global IT Solutions, Services and Products Company with its footprints across multiple geographic regions through presence across USA, UK, Luxembourg, Australia and India.

Dimple exudes remarkable competence to withstand the challenges in setting the tone for the company’s values, ethics and culture.

Manish Gupta

Managing Director

Manish Gupta is endowed with 15 years of profound experience in IT industry. As a Co-founder and the Managing Director, he has been instrumental in formulating Damco vision and execution of the business strategy by ensuring operational excellence company-wide to extend the benefits of cost saving, flexibility, scalability and world class facilities/resources to its clients.

With an enviable client list, Manish has been at helm of several crucial transitions in Damco including key alliances, capacity growth, process initiatives and business development and also proactive participation and leadership internationally, thereby expanding its business portfolio through software implementations across a wide range of industries.

Aditya Kathpalia

Director, Sales & Marketing

Aditya Kathpalia, with over 20 years of prolific work experience in the IT industry, brings in extensive industry knowledge and business acumen.

As a Director- Sales and Marketing, Aditya has been instrumental in formulating the company’s strategy and so forth building and launching a few successful practices through impressive management of its businesses and operations. He has steadily managed several large projects and bids and has extensive experience in the areas such as Marketing, Business Development, Key Alliances, Capacity Growth and Relationship building.

Aditya shares a notable working relation with various clients across a wide range of industries including insurance, manufacturing & Logistics, Healthcare to name a few.


Sales, Marketing, Partnerships & Alliances.

Sachin Ramesh Bedi 

Head Sales, North America

Sachin Ramesh Bedi brings with him over 12 years of extensive industry knowledge and business acumen in orchestrating Sales, Marketing and New Business Development with a commitment to quality; aggressive pursuit of growth opportunities; cost-conscious management; initiative and innovation in a competitive market; and agility in meeting the needs of customers.

As a member of the senior leadership team, Sachin Ramesh Bedi has a progressive experience in setting spearheaded business unit strategy; coordinate with Marketing, Operations, and Engineering to elevate Organization’s profile throughout the business community in order to steadily gain share in the US market ensuring that customer needs are appropriately served.

Role/Participation: Develops, manages, and guides direct sales & tactical marketing strategy. Formulates and executes on policies and programs to maximize revenues for services, solutions and products.

Rajeev Pruthi


Rajeev Pruthi, with a stint of over 12 years in the area of operations and implementation in the IT industry, has been seamlessly designing IT policies and overseeing business process driven technology improvements within the organization.

A multitude professional, Rajeev’s vast experience with emerging technologies makes him the ideal CTO. He is also responsible for thoroughly understanding complex end to end customer solutions and making recommendations, estimations and proposals.

With a formidable focus on mentoring and grooming young leaders, Rajeev has also been the chief architect of process improvements initiatives at Damco – currently heading the PEG group driving the implementation of CMMi across organization.


Evaluating & Developing Technology Solutions, Business Analysis, Process re-engineering, IT Sales, Marketing, RFIs, RFPs, and proposal project management.

Sumeet Gupta

Delivery Manager

Sumeet Gupta, the key member of the core team, has been associated with Damco since 1998. A path breaking professional deeply committed to his work, Sumeet has successfully handled multiple roles during his 11 years stint in the organization notably- Delivery Manager, Project Lead, Team Lead, Onsite Coordinator, and Business Analyst.

Sumeet authenticates delivery of superior business outcomes for customers through an extensive experience across technology based application design and development, database modeling and implementation across various domains manifested with thorough Business Analysis and Requirement Determination and excellent hands-on experience in developing and executing complex projects.


Project Management, Building Practice, Managing Business, and Providing Support to Sales Initiative, Managing client and Implementing Business Solutions and Products.


Damco provides services to a range of clients in the private and government sector. The company have an enviable track record of providing services to the following Industry Sectors:

- Corporate

- Charities

- Direct Marketing

- Education

- Energy and Utilities 

- Financial Services

- Food/Catering 

- Government Bodies

- Legal

- Libraries

- Medical/Healthcare 

- Manufacturing and Logistics

- Publishers/Database Companies

- Professional

- Retail

- Recruitment Companies 

- Telecommunications 

- Travel 

Typical application of services for various market sectors include:


Forms Processing, Policy administration, Claim Processing

Banking & Financial Institutions 

Loan applications, Account opening, utility applications, Plastic Card applications, Cheque processing, etc.

Recruitment Companies 

Application Processing, Resumes processing, Conducting tests, gathering employee data, Climate surveys, etc. 

Universities and Colleges 

Scanning & Data Capture of Admission forms, Examination Forms processing, Admit card generation, Results Processing 

Market Research Companies 

Mailing lists compilation, Data capture from events, All kinds of Research 


Local Councils, Census Forms, Surveys, Passport, Income Tax, Police Complaints, Feedback forms, License forms etc. 

Survey Companies 

Plans & Drawing conversion, Digitization of Drawings, Auto CAD 


E-Publishing, Pre-Press Services 

Healthcare Providers 

Cards Processing, Medical Transcription, Healthcare Checkup forms 


Survey & Feedback Forms Processing 

Transportation & Logistics 

POD, Consignment Tracking etc. 


Telecom industry is experiencing a rapid change for last ten years which is compelling them to use latest solutions & services in order to remain competitive in the cut throat market.

Damco has been providing its solutions and services to multiple telecom companies in US, Europe, South Africa and Asia-Pacific. Damco has the right combination of technical as well as functional knowledge to uniquely address the telecom industry needs while providing these appropriate solutions.

A perfect blend of technical & functional knowledge is exercised in all the service offerings of Damco that include but are not limited to:

• BI Solutions

• Call KPI Dashboards

• Self-Service Customer Portals

• Content Management Systems

• Network Health Check Real-time Dashboards

• E-commerce Solutions

• EAI and other Integrations

• Sales Data Analysis

• Subscriber Enrollment Process Backend Processing


Build to Support...

Damco has state-of-art infrastructure equipped with latest software, hardware and network platforms.

Damco believes in consistently upgrading its infrastructure as new technologies evolve and implement the same to support the delivery team manage the projects efficiently.

Some of the highlights of Dam co’s infrastructure are:

• Dual Routing

▪ Trans-Pacific as well as Trans-Atlantic

▪ Firewall

▪ Content Filtering

• Enterprise wide Anti Virus Scanning with regular updates

•  Networking

• Fast Gigabit Ethernet Layer 4 Switches with port level  monitoring and configuration

• BS7799 Compliant Secure Communication Equipment

• Dedicated point-to-point / VPN links between Damco and Client sites

• Remote access to Client Environment through Terminal Services, Citrix, VMware, Remote Desktop, Hyper V, 5250 emulation etc

• Security

• Strict Proximity Card Access with specific authorities

• Secure Server Room

• Intrusion Detections Systems and Alarms for Physical Security

• Security Guards at Entry Points


Discover the benefit…

At Damco is proud to have a tradition to cater with the changing needs of valuable clients. Being a professional IT solutions and services company, Damco are always ready to go that extra mile to satisfy clients’ need.

This is the reason Damco cherish & nurture long term symbiotic association with all clients and partners.

Damco is differentiated by:

• Best of both worlds - A renowned provider of high quality offshore services & solutions coupled with affordable price tags.

• Unmatched Track Record - Outstanding track record of customer satisfaction and retention.

• Global Delivery Model - Unique blend of local account management supported by remote delivery which results prompt cost savings and ROI.

• Customer Focused Approach - Proven track record of executing, managing and implementing large & complex projects within stipulated time frame ensuing a satisfied clientele across the globe.

• Quality Processes - Achieved CMMi Level 3 and IS0 9001:2000 certifications.

• Global Experience - Extensive global experience to encompass clients’ culture worldwide.


Committed to care…

Damco understand that business has direct & indirect effects on society and an ethical synergy is the requisite to survive along.

The company has extended commitment from the clients to the society and from daily project works to successful community relation for a collective betterment.

Towards this goal, Damco have a number of programs designed to make a way of life at

Damco and embrace sustainable social development:

• Social Investments

• Employee Engagements

A. Social Investments

Corporate Sponsorship

Damco has joined hands with Roshni –NGO to bring a difference in the lives of impoverished children by rekindling the desire in them to grow and flourish with the gift of formal education. They have successfully become an integral part of few reputed schools of Faridabad, Haryana.

Going Green

Damco believe that causing harm to the environment means harming ourselves, so the company have adopted a few small moral steps to protect the planet by,

• Focusing on green buildings, water conservation and increasing bio-diversity in the campuses

• Investing in latest technologies to improve power efficiency and minimize environmental releases

• Ongoing process to recycle, reduce waste and conserve energy.

• E-waste elimination practices while donating old computers and IT equipment

• Adopting policies to prohibit practices such as ignite or exporting e-waste

Inclusive Employment

By philosophy, Damco is an equal opportunity employer. The employment decision is purely based on merit, experience and potential of an individual and not on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, age, religion or disability.

B.  Employee Engagements

The young workforce of Damco is highly motivated to create a better society which in turn helps in mobilizing corporate citizenship and unleashing the potential of an individual to become a responsible human being.

Blood Donations

Voluntary Blood Donation camps are regularly organized by Damco in collaboration with Rotary blood bank with a thought to become a part that there is no substitute of blood and blood is life saving so why not donate and feel the joyful divine act of donating blood.

Community Service

Flexible & transparent platform for the employees so that they can willingly be a part of the NGO – Roshni to support the education and upbringing of the unprivileged children.


Testaments to Values Damco Add

• ‘We Succeed When Our Business Partners Succeed’ … ‘We Grow When Our People Grow‘

• Great teamwork is the way to create breakthrough

• Reliability transforms challenges into opportunities

• Unparalleled operational excellence delivers business impact

• “Never-Let-You-Down-Attitude” keeps us ahead of the curve

A winning Work Culture

The greatest symbol of being different at Damco is the dynamic and receptive work environment that stirs sense of pride and belongingness, emanating the highest standards of excellence and integrity, where each employee is treasured as a vital partner of the Organization.

The initiatives, policies and procedures have evolved through a consultative process with a high degree of employee involvement. This has helped us create a non-hierarchical, flexible and informal work environment.

Unlocking Growth Opportunity

The company invests in planning each employee’s flexibility and opportunity to pursue multiple careers and unhindered growth, while they continue to work with us. Damco are proud of our annual performance and career review processes, thereby facilitating the accomplishment of the short-term and long-term goals. It's all part of a practical commitment to looking after those who look after the business.

Transparency to measure Accountability

Damco encourage open, transparent and frequent communications with employees to boost trustworthy relationship. The open door policy empowers everyone to raise their voice related to ideas, concerns and feedback about almost anything they feel like.

Work-life balance

Damco care for People's need for self expression and leisure time by following the basic principle of a high quality work life that encourages fun and a positive attitude which brings passion to work, creates a culture of constant innovation and stimulates creativity in adding value to the customers serve.

Unyielding Benefits

The unflinching focus on the “high moral road” ensures an extremely stable & secure organization which is big enough to give you a level of benefits similar to the larger companies and small enough to give you a personal and friendly working environment where you get appropriately acknowledged for your creativity and innovations. Damco care for people’s self worth, collective excellence, their personal development and the compensation package which is among the best in the industry because the company want people to wake up every morning with a "desire" to want to be at work!


Damco has a very strong experience of working with Third Sector - Charities as well as Non-profit organizations with excellent understandings about all the processes involved in fund raising.

Damco has delivered solutions in order to improve these processes to more than 50 charities and fund-raising companies.

Some of the key services that can be provided by Damco are:

• CRM Solutions

• Application Development and Maintenance

• Fund-raising Management

• Campaigns Management

• Direct Debit and Payment Gateway Integrations

• Mobile Donor Form Applications

• MIS Reporting Dashboards

• BPO Services

• Donor Data Capture

• Account Number and Address Verification

• Fulfilment











Research points to the importance of good recruitment systems in the organizations. The 1980s brought downsizing, organizations were becoming too effective for their numbers of employees employed by them. Most problems concerning Human resources commences when recruitment is not handled properly. Resignations, low motivation, poor performance may be due to incorrect procedures in the recruitment process.

Definition of recruitment

Recruitment is the premier major steps in the selection process in the Organizations. It has been explained as an activity directed to obtain appropriate human resources whose qualifications and skills match functions of the relevant posts in the Organization. Its importance cannot be over-emphasized and can also be best described as the ‘heart’ of the organization.



Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a form of business process outsourcing (BPO) where an employer outsources or transfers all or part of its recruitment activities to an external service provider.

To quote the Recruitment Process Outsourcing Association, "Recruitment Process Outsourcing is when a provider acts as a company's internal recruitment function for a portion or all of its jobs. RPO providers manage the entire recruiting/hiring process from job profiling through the on-boarding of the new hire, including staff, technology, and method and reporting.

A properly managed RPO will improve a company's time to hire, increase the quality of the candidate pool, provide verifiable metrics, reduce cost and improve governmental compliance."

The RPO Alliance, a group of the Human Resources Outsourcing Association (HROA), approved this definition in February 2009: "Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a form of business process outsourcing (BPO) where an employer transfers all or part of its recruitment processes to an external service provider.

An RPO provider can provide its own or may assume the company's staff, technology, methodologies and reporting. In all cases, RPO differs greatly from providers such as staffing companies and contingent/retained search providers in that it assumes ownership of the design and management of the recruitment process and the responsibility of results."

On the other hand, occasional recruitment support, for example a temporary, contingency and executive search service is more analogous to out-tasking, co-sourcing or just sourcing. In this example the service provider is "a" source for certain types of recruitment activity.

The biggest distinction between RPO and other types of staffing is Process. In RPO the service provider assumes ownership of the process, while in other types of staffing the service provider is part of a process controlled by the organization buying their services.

Purpose / Benefits

RPO's promoters claim that the solution offers improvement in quality, cost, service and speed.

RPO providers claim that leveraging economies of scale enables them to offer recruitment processes at lower cost while economies of scope allow them to operate as high-quality specialists. Those economies of scale and scope arise from a larger staff of recruiters, databases of candidate resumes, and investment in recruitment tools and networks.

RPO solutions are also claimed to change fixed investment costs into variable costs that vary with fluctuation in recruitment activity. Companies may pay by transaction rather than by staff member, thus avoiding under-utilization or forcing costly layoffs of recruitment staff when activity is low.

Often the goal of starting an RPO solution is to achieve improvement in four areas: quality, cost, service, and speed.

RPO providers utilize their inherent economies of scale along with heightened levels of recruiting expertise that is expected within a company that does nothing but recruiting. The RPO provider will typically have a large staff of recruiters, an extensive database of candidate resumes, and the established tools and networks needed to source for all types of positions.

Costs can be reduced because an RPO provider typically provides greater recruiting efficiencies with best practice processes and improved sourcing techniques. In addition, RPO solutions typically allow for greater fluctuation in volumes and do not require dedicated staff to support a department when volumes are low. For example, if a company hires 10 recruiters to handle their peak requisition volumes, then the company will have to either lay-off recruiters during the slower periods or will be forced to compensate under-utilized recruiters. With RPO, the external provider can often shift underutilized resources to other clients where volumes are higher, thus saving the original client the cost of those resources

Benefits to the organization

• The opportunity for organizations to focus on core areas

• Flexibility of employment

• Ease of recruitment and replacement

• Long-term cost advantages

• Benefits of scale

Advantages of RPO

1. Top notch Talent Pool.

Competition for the most talented individuals is increasing. Organizations need to secure the best people quickly and efficiently to help them build competitive capability

2.Cost reduction and removal of workload from the HR Administration.

RPO providers take on the burden of operational recruitment activities, allowing organizations to focus on core value-creating and strategic activities. By transforming processes, utilizing best practice, and replacing a fixed cost base with a variable charging structure, RPO can significantly reduce the cost of recruitment. In regular staffing, you invest in salary, incentives, overheads, infrastructure cost and more. By outsourcing recruiting functions to Recruiting Junction, all you need to pay is a fixed monthly retainer fees (which is lesser than the salary of one in-house recruiter) along with a negligible commission.

3. Better Productivity and Quality.

RPO providers can provide highest quality services. By outsourcing your recruitment process to Recruiting Junction you get dedicated recruiters for each client, while in regular staffing, one recruiter handles many clients. In regular staffing the focus is lost, as recruiters serve bigger clients better. RPO recruiter can provide undivided attention to all your clients’.

4. Reduce operational risks.

Risks come in many forms, and the expert knowledge of an RPO specialist can help organizations reduce the risks associated with an inability to scale their business operationally to meet changing demand, and the risks of non-compliance to legislative and regulatory change.

Outsourcing Process Flow Chart


Chart no: 4.1

Techniques use by RPO for recruitment.

Online Candidate Sourcing.

Online candidate sourcing helps RPO for resume generation using the internet. From using Job Board/CV databases, Google, advanced search engine usage techniques, file type searches to searching blogs, and other business networking sites.

Advertising Posting.

RPO can post the advertisement in the leading newspaper about the vacancies of different companies to attract the right talent as per the requirement.. The cost of the advertisement can be share as per the agreement between the company and RPO. RPO should know how to write a Job Advert copy and manipulate keywords to attract candidates who could otherwise be heading towards competition.


RPO can get the best out of social networking sites like LinkenIn, Orkut, and FaceBook. Networking provides "never seen before" searching techniques and keys to unlock "hard to find" candidates. RPO should know how to write compelling emails and letters to engage cold candidates located on these sites, to convert them into hot prospects.


Improved communication levels will help RPO to stand out from the crowd. By applying world-class communication techniques in everything from emails, letters, job adverts to blog posts will help the RPO to gain edge over its competitor.


Full Outsourcing

Activities initiated in a recruitment process from day one i.e. understanding the requirement until closing down the position, all comes under the Full Outsourcing model. This model of outsourcing comprises of not only non-core but also core recruitment activities that are communication based and are effective for critical recruitment.

Partial Outsourcing

Apart from the core recruitment activities, all other non-core activities such as understanding the requirement, placing the position on various job boards, searching and researching candidates, sorting profiles, screening CV and responses, and finally sourcing you with the list of candidates that are the best match for the position make into partial outsourcing process. These are precisely the activities that RPOs are most preferred.

Feature-set comparison between the two outsourcing model:

|Partial RPO | |Full RPO |

|High client/data security | |Low client/data security |

|Partial RPO is about non-core activities in a recruitment process,| |Full RPO is about core and non-core activities in recruitment |

|which consumes up to 70% of the time. | |process. |

|More monotonous nature of job. | |More interesting kind of job . |

|Can produce quick results in a short span as employees have | |Involves all the activities till the candidate is placed in the |

|necessary expertise to extract the leads in bound timelines. | |company, which may end as a time consuming job. |

|Employees need a limited period training to start on the process. | |A high-level training is essential to help employees build better |

| | |repo with the candidates. |

|Low man hour rates. | |High man hour rates. |

RPO Process Model

Recruiting Manager:

Manages and is responsible for overall delivery to client including response rate, interview rate, fill rate etc. 

Recruiting Team Lead:

Reports to Recruiting Manager and monitors progress on each client job order. The Team lead is also responsible to maintain relationships with candidates in the hiring process and serves as second level escalation point. 

Junior Recruiting teams:

Perform backend searches for matching candidates in RPO internal database as well as various job boards, user groups and networking groups 

Senior Recruiting teams:

Evaluate and qualify candidates screened by junior recruiting team members. This results in overall operational efficiency in the recruiting process and yields optimal results in terms of a qualified candidate in the fastest time.

Purpose for Employee and Employer

• People choose a temporary job as they could not find a permanent job.

• flexible schedule,

• to be able to quit or if they are looking to work for short periods

• Many of the employers hire them to match the seasonal peaks in demand (eg, retail & textile industries.)

• to cover for holidays/ sick leave

• hire temporary staff for specialist skills

• Hire temp staff on a trial basis for permanent.




Data has been collected from 42 recruiters and 7 senior recruitment consultants and 1 Group Accounting Manager (GAM) of Damcosoft Pvt. Ltd. The questionnaire has been designed to know the recruitment yield ratio for three companies TCS, IBM and AIRTEL and to know the best source of recruitment and method of selection.

The questionnaire has 17 questions and the analysis for each question is as follows:

Table No-1

Q.1 The qualification of the recruiters at Damco


| | |% |

|MBA- HR |49 |98 |

|MBA - FIN |1 |2 |



From the above table it was found that all the recruiters at Damco were MBA’s with major specialization in Human Resource Management and only 1 in HR-FINANCE.

Table No-2

Q.2. Previous experience of the recruiters before joining Damco


|Experienced |43 |1year to 7 year |

|Inexperience |7 |Nil |



From the above table it was found that majority of the respondents were experienced. Only 7 people were Inexperience out of 50 employees, and these 7 people are under training process.

Table No-3

Q.3. The number of recruiters working for these clients in Damco


|TCS |22 |

|IBM |13 |

|AIRTEL(BPO) |15 |

|TOTAL |50 |



From the above table it was found that individuals who are engaged with clients like TCS, IBM, AIRTEL (BPO) in which the ratio of client TCS is high.

Table No- 4

Q.4. The number of recruiters worked for the telecom client from (duration in days)



|20-40 |0 |0 |

|40-60 |17 |34 |

|60-80 |15 |30 |

|80-100 |0 |0 |

|100 + |18 |36 |

|TOTAL |50 |100 |



From the above table it was found that 36 percent of Recruiters in Damco are working for telecom companies for more than 100 days and 34 percent of people are working for their clients for not less than 40 days.

Table No- 5

Q.5. Total number of candidates lined up by the recruiters at Damco in the month of April for telecom clients.


|0-30 |11 |22 |

|30-60 |13 |26 |

|60-90 |10 |20 |

|90-120 |9 |18 |

|120+ |7 |14 |

|TOTAL |50 |100 |



From the above table it was found that out of the total respondents more number of people has lined up the candidates for interviews between 30-60 candidates. Only few people were able to line up candidates more than 120.

Table No- 6

Q.6. Various sources used by the recruiters at Damco for sourcing the candidates for telecom companies.


|Online |14 |28 |

|Existing Database |9 |18 |

|Reference |16 |32 |

|Headhunting |2 |4 |

|Others |9 |18 |

|TOTAL |50 |100 |



From the above table it was found that all the respondents used more than one source to recruit the candidate for telecom companies. Majority of the respondents have used Personal Reference as a source of recruitment online and existing database is used mostly used by the recruiters. And only little number of people had used Head hunting as a source of recruitment.

Table No-7

Q.7. Various method adopted by recruiters at Damco in the process of recruiting for telecom clients.


|Telephonic round |17 |34 |

|Personal information round |19 |38 |

|Aptitude test |8 |16 |

|Group Discussion |0 |0 |

|Others |6 |12 |

|TOTAL |50 |100 |



From the above table it was found that the all the respondents have used more than one method of selection. Majority of the respondents have adopted either Personal Information Round or Telephonic Round or both for short listing and selecting the candidate for further interview process.

Table No- 8

Q.8. The parameter of the recruiters at Damco in the process of recruitment. (1 being the highest and 5 being the least)

|PARAMETERS |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

| | | | | | |

|Communication Skills |5 |4 |0 |0 |0 |

| | | | | | |

|Qualification |4 |3 |1 |1 |0 |

| | | | | | |

|Confidence |3 |3 |2 |1 |0 |

| | | | | | |

|Language Skills |3 |0 |3 |1 |2 |

| | | | | | |

|Convincing Skills |4 |3 |0 |1 |1 |



From the above table it was found that 55% of the recruiters have ranked communication skills as 1’st rank and 44% of them have ranked it as 2 while selecting a candidate for their clients. 44% of them have ranked qualification as 1 and 33% of them has ranked it as 2. 33% of the respondents have ranked confidence as 1 and again 33% of the respondents have given confidence as 2’nd rank only 11% of them have ranked confidence as 4. It was also found that language skills are ranked as 1 by 33% of the respondents and it was also ranked as 5 by 22% of the respondents. Convincing skill is ranked as 1 by 44% of the respondents 33% of respondents ranked it as 2 and only 11% of them have ranked it as 5

Table No- 9

Q.9. Total number of candidates that are eliminated in the first round of recruitment by the recruiters at Damco


|0-5% |11 |

|5-10% |22 |

|10-15% |11 |

|15-20% |6 |

|20% above |0 |

|TOTAL |50 |



From the above table it was found that as per recruiters at Damco majority of the elimination of candidates was done between 5% to 10% in the first round of recruitment conducted by Damco, and few of them said their elimination ranged between 10% to 15%and 0% to 5% for their telecom clients.

Table No- 10

Q.10. Candidates who attended the final round of selection taken by the clients through the recruiters at Damco.


|100-85% |0 |0 |

|85-70% |24 |48 |

|70-55% |17 |37 |

|55-40% |9 |15 |

|Below 40% |0 |0 |

|TOTAL |50 |100 |



From the above table it was found that as per recruiters at Damco, 85%-70% of the candidates sent by them have attended the final round of selection by the clients and some said that the candidates who attended the final round were around 70% to 55%, but very few said that the candidates who attended the final round were 55% to 40%.

Table No- 11

Q.11. Candidates who got selected in the final round of selection conducted by the clients sent by the recruiters of Damco.


|0 |100-85% |

|22 |85-70% |

|28 |70-55% |

|0 |55-40% |

|0 |Below 40% |

|50 |TOTAL |



From the above table it was found that as per recruiters at Damco out of the candidates who attended the final round of selection majority of the candidates who actually got selected by the client were between 85% to 55%.

Table No- 12

Q.12. Candidates who are working for the client and are on-rolls of Damco.


|17 |100-80% |

|11 |80-60% |

|22 |60-40% |

|0 |40-20% |

|0 |Below 20% |

|50 |TOTAL |



From the above table it was found that as per recruiters at Damco majority of them have said that among the candidates sent by them to the client for final interview the actual on-rolls of the company were around 60% to 40%. Only few said that their candidates who are on-rolls were around 80% to 60%. And some person said the candidates sent by them were around 100% to 80%.

Yield ratio for TCS


|Total No. Of candidates lined up for the interview |400 |

|Candidates who did not turn up for the interview |151 |

|Total No. of candidates attended the interview |349 |

|Yield ratio |87% |

|Total No. of candidates eliminated in the first round |50 |

|Total number of candidates selected for final round |299 |

|Yield ratio |85% |

|Candidates who did not turn up for the interview |49 |

|Total number of candidates attended the final round |250 |

|Yield ratio |83% |

|Total No of candidates who got eliminated in final round |55 |

|Total candidates who got selected for the job |195 |

|Yield ratio |78% |

|Total candidates who did not accepted the job offer |42 |

|Total No of candidates who are on rolls of the company |153 |

|Yield ratio |78% |

|Cumulative yield ratio |38% |

Yield ratio for IBM



|Total No. Of candidates lined up for the interview |377 |

|Candidates who did not turn up for the interview |44 |

|Total No. of candidates attended the interview |333 |

|Yield ratio |88% |

|Total No. of candidates eliminated in the first round |43 |

|Total number of candidates selected for final round |290 |

|Yield ratio |87% |

|Candidates who did not turn up for the interview |10 |

|Total number of candidates attended the final round |280 |

|Yield ratio |96% |

|Total No of candidates who got eliminated in final round |36 |

|Total candidates who got selected for the job |244 |

|Yield ratio |87% |

|Total candidates who did not accepted the job offer |119 |

|Total No of candidates who are on rolls of the company |125 |

|Yield ratio |51% |

|Cumulative yield ratio |33% |

Yield ratio for AIRTEL (BPO)


|Total No. Of candidates lined up for the interview |50 |

|Candidates who did not turn up for the interview |10 |

|Total No. of candidates attended the interview |40 |

|Yield ratio |80% |

|Total No. of candidates eliminated in the first round |8 |

|Total number of candidates selected for final round |32 |

|Yield ratio |80% |

|Candidates who did not turn up for the interview |4 |

|Total number of candidates attended the final round |28 |

|Yield ratio |88% |

|Total No of candidates who got eliminated in final round |3 |

|Total candidates who got selected for the job |25 |

|Yield ratio |89% |

|Total candidates who did not accepted the job offer |13 |

|Total No of candidates who are on rolls of the company |12 |

|Yield ratio |48% |

|Cumulative yield ratio |24% |


Data has been collected from a sample of 50 employees working in Damcosoft Pvt.Ltd. The questionnaire consisting of 17 questions was intended to know the process of Selection through Recruitment Process Outsourcing. It was also meant to know the effective source of recruiting and pattern of selection and the yield ratio of recruitment for three companies, which are TCS, IBM and AIRTEL (BPO).

➢ Analysis of data collected as above reveals that 100% of the employees working at Damco are specialized in Human Resource Management as all the people who are engaged in as a recruiter were MBA’s.

➢ 94% of the employees were having prior experience before joining Damco. Only few recruiters are fresher who are undergoing training.

➢ It was found that all the recruiters have recruited for more than one client and majority of them have recruited for TCS as the requirements were more.

➢ It was found that majority of the recruiters were working with these clients for more than 100 days and not less than 40 days as some of them have joined Damco recently.

➢ It was also known that 44% of the employees have lined up 90 to 120 candidates in the month of April for these clients because of their expertise and skills in recruiting the candidates. 11% of the employees have lined up 0-30 candidates because they have joined recently. And 11% of the employees have lined up more than 120 candidates in the month of April because they have prior experience.

➢ It was also found that many of the recruiters have used references as the source of recruitment as the use of this source reduces cost in terms of time and cost of calling the candidate by making phone calls. And among the other sources online and existing database is mostly used for sourcing the candidates.

➢ It was found that the selection process was based on two rounds of interviews at Damco and the client took up one final round of interview. In Damco all of the recruiters have used Telephonic interview and Personal information round and only few have also used Screening round for selecting the right kind of people.

➢ It was found that communication skills and qualification is the important criteria for evaluating the candidate as it was ranked on the first position and last being the language skills.

➢ It was found that 55% of the recruiters have eliminated 5% to 10% of the candidates in the first round of selection based on the job description and employee specification given by the clients. 22% of the employees have eliminated the candidates from 10% to 15%. This may be because these recruiters may be new to the work and may be because the candidates have not enough capabilities to go for further selection process. It was also found that 22% of the recruiters have eliminated the candidates from 0% to 5% it may be because of these recruiters have got more experience in the same job.

➢ It was found that 78% of the recruiters said that out of the total candidates short listed by them in the first round of the selection process 85% to 70% of the candidates attended the final round by the client. And 22% of them said out of the short listed candidates 70% to 55% of them attended the final round by the clients. 55% of the recruiters said that out of the candidates who attended the final round of selection conducted by the client the clients have actually selected 70% to 55%.

➢ It was found that the cumulative yield ratio of TCS was comparatively higher than the other two companies that are IBM and AIRTEL (BPO) whose ratios are 33% and 24% respectively.

➢ It was found that the yield ratios of TCS, IBM and AIRTEL were 78%, 51% and 48% respectively.


Based on the findings of this study, the following suggestions and recommendations are made:

➢ Proper data must be maintained by each recruiter about the candidates who are not short listed at any of the stage of recruitment, as this will increase the database, which could be referred to whenever future requirement occurs for the similar or different job profiles.

➢ Recruiters should call those candidates who could be seen as good fit between the job and their personality. This will lead to wastage of recruiter’s time, candidate’s time and also the client’s precious time, which may yields to client dissatisfaction.

➢ Rather than going for telephonic interview, preliminary screening must be used so that it would give the clearer picture of what the candidate is looking out for and whether he/she is capable of doing the job or not.

➢ Before selecting the employee more emphasis must be laid on whether he/she is capable of doing that particular job or not and whether or not he/she fulfills the minimum criteria to do that job.

➢ While selecting the candidate the selection decision must be based on the candidate’s potential skills which could be further groomed by providing him by training rather than going by his qualification as this selection process is with reference to marketing job. Language skills are also the most important skill one has to possess in order to communicate so before selecting a candidate his language skills must also be tested.


The present value of the recruitment process outsourcing industry (RPO) in India is estimated to be $2.5 billion and it is expected to grow at the annual rate of 30-40 per cent for the next couple of years. According to a recent survey, only 8-10 per cent of the Indian companies outsource their recruitment processes.

However, the number of companies outsourcing their recruitment processes is increasing at a very fast rate and so is the percentage of their total recruitment processes being outsourced.

Outsourcing organizations strive for providing cost saving benefits to their clients. One of the major advantages to organizations, who outsource their recruitment process, is that it helps to save up to as much as 40 per cent of their recruitment costs. With the experience, expertise and the economies of scale of the third party, organizations are able to improve the quality of the recruits and the speed of the whole process. Also, outsourcing enables the human resource professionals of organizations to focus on the core and other HR and strategic issues.

Outsourcing also gives a structured approach to the whole process of recruitment, with the ultimate power of decision making of recruiting with the organization itself. The portion of the recruitment cycle that is outsourced range from preparing job descriptions to arranging interviews, the activities that consume almost 70 per cent of the time of the whole recruitment process.

In India, the trend of outsourcing recruitment is also catching up fast. For example: Vodafone outsources its recruitment activities to Alexander Mann Solutions (RPO service provider). Wipro has outsourced its recruitment process to MeritTrac. Yes bank is also known to outsource 50 per cent of its recruitment processes to such kinds RPO service providers.


1. Biswajeet Pattanayak, “Human resource management” 2001

2. IAIN MAITLAND, “handbook of recruiting interviewing, testing & starting work”1’st Indian addition 2001

3. P.R.Naidu, “HR Recruiting trends an Industry and academic interface”. Human capital vol :22 July 2006

4. S.Chandreshekhar “Refining Recruitment ”HRD Newsletter” vol: 21 September 2005

5. R.Dharma Rao, “right persons in the right job. Who decides?” Vol 9 December 2005.












1. Name :

2. Designation :

3. Qualification :

4. Working with Damcosoft since :

5. Previous experience if any.

i. name of the previous employer

ii. worked as

iii. duration of previous job

6. Name the clients for whom you worked till now

7. Who is your current client


8. You are working with the current client from (days)

a) 20-40 b) 40-60 c) 60-80 d) 80-100 e) 100 and above

9. Who were the clients you worked for in the month of APRIL

10. Number of candidates you lined up in the month of APRIL for your current client.

a) 10-30 b) 30-60 c) 60-90 d) 90-120 e) 120 and above

11. what were the sources of recruiting the candidates for your current client

a) Online sources b) Existing database c) Personal references

d) Head hunting c) others

12. What was the method adapted by you to recruit the people for your client?

a) Telephonic round b) personal information round c) aptitude test

d) Group discussion e) any other

13. What are the parameters for selecting a candidate according to your present client? (Rate from 1-5 and 1 being the highest).

|Parameters |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Communication skills | | | | | |

|Qualification | | | | | |

|Confidence | | | | | |

|Language skills | | | | | |

|Convincing skills | | | | | |

14. How many candidates were eliminated in the first round of interview conducted by you?

a) 0 – 5% b) 5% - 10% c) 10%- 15% d) 15% -20% e) 20% and above

15. How many candidates attended the final round of interview by your client?

a) 100% - 85% b) 85% - 70% c) 70% - 55% d) 55% - 40% e) below 40%

16. How many candidates were selected by your current client among the short listed candidates?

a) 100% – 85% b) 85% – 70% c) 70% – 55% d) 55 %– 40% e) below 40%

17. How many candidates are actually on the pay rolls of your company for your client?

a) 100% - 80% b) 80% - 60% c) 60% - 40% d) 40% - 20% e) below 20%


Table no: 4.1

Table no: 5.1

Chart no: 5.1

Table no: 5.2

Chart no: 5.2

Table no: 5.3

Chart no: 5.3

Table no: 5.4

X-axis: no of days

Y-axis: no of people worked

Chart no: 5.4

Table no: 6

X-axis: number of candidates

Y-axis: number of respondents

Chart no: 6

Table no: 5.6

Chart no: 5.6

X-axis: Sources

Y-axis: Respondents

Table no: 5.7

Chart no: 5.7

Table no: 5.8

Chart no: 5.8

X-axis: Rank

Y-axis: Parameter


Table no: 5.9

Chart no: 5.9

X-axis: Percentage

Y-axis: Respondents

Table no: 5.10

Chart no: 5.10

X-axis: Percentage of candidates

Y-axis: Respondents

Table no: 5.11

Chart no: 5.11

X-axis: Percentage

Y-axis: Respondents

Table no: 5.12

Chart no: 5.12

X-axis: Percentage

Y-axis: Respondents

Table no: 5.13

Table no: 5.14

Table no: 5.15


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