VEC Company

|VEC Company |Bank Account Number |Rates for Monthly Service |Dates Payments Are Due: Start October 1|

|Note* Please only pay VEI West if| | |or November 1, depending on when firm |

|there are no VEI firms to pay. | | |begins payroll |

|Check monthly | | | |

|VEI-WEST WATER |610119060 |.06% of monthly net income |By 10th of each month |

|VEI-WEST GAS |610119079 |.06% of monthly net income |By 10th of each month |

|VEI-WEST ELECTRIC |610119087 |2.5% of monthly net income |By 10th of each month |

|VEI-WEST CENTRAL BANK |610119095 |6.2% of monthly net income, or $3.15 per |By 10th of each month |

|Gasoline payments for vehicle | |gallon | |

|VEI-WEST CELL PHONE/TELEPHONE |610119109 |$75 per month or 2.6% of net monthly income |Starting November 1 bill must be paid |

| | | |by 10th of each month |

|VEI-WEST CENTRAL BANK |610119230 |Other payments if you cannot find a place to |By 10th of each month |

| | |pay for a purchase | |

|VEI-WEST PROPERTY MANAGEMENT |610119117 |Apartment or Home Rental 34.4% of net monthly |By 10th of each month |

| | |income or approved researched amount | |

|VEI-WEST CAR INSURANCE |610119125 |$250 per month, or 1.7% of net mo. Income for |By 10th of each month |

| | |car insurance + .3% renters insurance | |

|VEI-WEST FRANCHISE TAX BOARD |610119176 |California State Taxes for paid to this |Employees do not need to pay this |

| | |account (State Income Taxes) |account unless they owe money to CA for|

| | | |State Income Taxes |

|VEI-WEST INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE|610119184 |Federal Taxes for paid to this account |Employees do not need to pay this |

| | |(Federal Income Taxes) |account unless they owe money to IRS |

| | | |for Federal Income Taxes |

|VEI-WEST CHARITIES |610134132 |All charitable contributions paid to this |Paid when needed monthly |

| | |account | |

|VEI-WEST LOANS |610119222 |Payments for personal Loan : 6.9% of net |By 10th of each month |

| | |monthly income for car loan | |

|VEI-WEST INTERNET |610119192 |1% of net income per month, or $45 per person |By 10th of each month |

|VEI-WEST CABLE |610119168 |$90 per person per month cable TV, or 1% of |By 10th of each month |

| | |net monthly income | |

|VEI-WEST GROCERIES |610119206 |14.6% of net monthly income |By 10th of month if paid monthly or |

| | | |each week if paid weekly |

|VEI-WEST HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS |610119214 |Minimum .9% Household supplies + 1.1% personal|By 10th of each month if paid monthly |

| | |care items/services |or each week if paid weekly |


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