
Vocabulary Unit One



Exercise 1

Below are your vocabulary words for this week’s unit. Locate the handout containing these words and their dictionary entries, and copy the entries onto a separate sheet of paper. Copy everything everything everything E V E R Y T H I N G in each entry. Leave N O T H I N G out. Use the same spacing and line breaking used on the handout. Make sure you keep this work in your notebook because you will need it to complete Exercises 2, 3, and 4 throughout the week.

• A MINIMUM of half credit will be deducted from your grade if you fail to copy over ALL of any entry or if you fail to use the same spacing and line-breaking used on the handout.

• DO NOT use a word processor. Credit will be given for handwritten work only.

|predilection |calumny |subservient |ingratiating |dissembling |

|parochial |faction |licentious |inculcate |prodigious |

Exercise #2A and 2B.


Match the vocabulary word to its correct synonym or synonymous phrase. Put your answers in the boxes.

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| |1. predilection |A. meek |

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| |2. parochial |B. narrow-minded |

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| |3. calumny |C. charming |

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| |4. faction |D. slander |

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| |5. subservient |E. to instill |

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| |6. licentious |F. a dissenting group within a larger group |

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| |7. ingratiating |G. lying |

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| |8. to inculcate |H. preference; tendency |

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| |9. dissembling |I. immoral |

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| |10. prodigious |J. gigantic |


Directions: Read each sentence below. Choose the unit word that best fits in the space. Use each unit word once. TYPE YOUR ANSWERS IN THE BOXES.


Irene knew her roommate’s family was wealthy, but nothing had prepared her for the ___ of their home; it was like a palace.

|opulence |

1. The tabloids often are sued for printing _____ about celebrities.

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2. The Puritans began as a/an _____ of the Anglican Church.

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3. Parents hope to _____ in their children the desire to succeed.

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4. The jury was taken in by the girls’ _____, but the judge didn’t appear to fall for it.

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5. Moe and Stella’s _____ behavior is the subject of all the town gossip.

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6. The Oxford English Dictionary is a/an _____ work, filling many volumes.

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7. Harriet never sees the good in others. In fact she has a/an _____ to believe the worst in most any situation.

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8. Bob was _____ when his boss was around, but very aggressive with those who worked under him.

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9. Tom’s _____ behavior included smiling at the teacher and working enthusiastically in class.

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10. If you only associate with people who are like you, you will have a/an _____ view of the world.

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Exercise 3

Directions: Answer each question with a unit word. Write your answer under each question.


What do have if you show a preference for something?

|predilection |

1. Which word would you use to describe someone who doesn’t stand up for himself?

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2. Which word would you use to describe someone who has a closed mind?

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3. Which word suggests that someone might have a tendency to behave in a certain way?

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4. What am I using if I say something bad about you?

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5. What might you call the act of pretending to be someone you aren’t?

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6. What are you if you are as big as an elephant?

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7. What are you if you have very weak morals?

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8. What do you do if you try to teach good manners to your little brother?

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9. What are you being if you try to get into your mom’s good graces?

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10. What would you call a group who wanted to change the way elections in their club were done?

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Exercise 4

In a separate document, write original sentences for the unit words. Follow the detailed instructions in the handout: “Instructions for Writing Sentences with Vocabulary Words.” The instructions explain how to use context clues, how to complete proper underlining, and how to write sentences in pairs using synonyms or synonymous phrases from Exercise #2A of this worksheet (ONLY!).


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