
REQUEST FOR WHITE PAPERS (RWP)RWP NumberN00421-20-9-0002RWP Title:P-8A Radio Frequency (RF) CountermeasureWhite Papers Due Date/TimeDecember 2, 2019/ 4 PM EST Submit White Papers ToRWP@Notes:Please advise CMG as soon as possible via email to RWP@ if your organization intends to submit a White Paper to CMG in response to this RWP. White Paper submittals are UNCLASSIFIED.Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft DivisionOther Transaction AgreementStatement of Need (SON)Title of Requirement: P-8A Radio Frequency (RF) CountermeasureProject Number: N00421-20-9-0002Estimated Prototype Price: $4.0MEstimated Delivery Date of Prototype: Five (5) months after awardProject Security Classification: SECRETMinimum Acceptable Data Rights: GOVERNMENT PURPOSEProblem Statement: The U.S. Navy is facing an emerging threat from hostile countries’ usage of surface-to-air Radio Frequency (RF) missiles. These adversary threats must be acknowledged and prepared for to ensure victory in the future battlespace. To be effective at thwarting RF missile attacks, the U.S. Navy is seeking to rapidly prototype and demonstrate an RF Countermeasure (RFCM) system for the P-8A aircraft leveraging existing P-8A hardware and software interfaces.Desired Objective:Demonstrate a wing-mounted RFCM prototype solution on P-8A aircraft weapons stations 1 and 11 with the capability for loading, carriage, and employment of an RFCM against a missile threat to improve combat survivability by reducing aircraft susceptibility to RF guided surface-to-air missiles. The RFCM system shall be packaged within a Harpoon Weapon Outer Mold Line (OML).The proposed technical solution shall include the following capabilities:Technical RequirementMinimum Technical RequirementWeight/SizeLess than 500 lbs total, and full system must fit within a Harpoon weapon shape (i.e., OML)Power/DatalinkControllable over MIL-STD-1760DIf required, power supplied over MIL-STD-1760DCoolingSelf-contained, as required, within Harpoon shape; P-8A will not allocate Environmental Cooling System (ECS) resourcesDetection CapabilityRefer to Classified SECRET P-8A RFCM Performance Specification Document (Appendix A)Survivability CapabilityRefer to Classified SECRET P-8A RFCM Performance Specification Document (Appendix A)Minimum capability requirements of the Prototype:The RFCM system interface requirements with the weapon stations 1 and 11 are MIL-STD-1760D Class II tailored by the omission of 270VDC and High-band 1 Type B signals (see 1760D standard for detailed power availability). The Government is capable of providing Government Furnished Equipment/Property to minimize technical risk and ROM cost of the proposal, to include but not limited to: One (1) ALQ-214 V(2) countermeasure systemTwo (2) ALE-55 Reel-In/Reel-Out Fiber Optic Towed DecoysHarpoon-shaped pod to host the Contractor proposed RFCM systemThe following Government Furnished Information will be provided:MIL-STD-1760DP-8A Wiring Diagrams for weapons stations 1 and 11P-8A RFCM Performance Specification Document (SECRET)Harpoon Weight and Balance ReportThe documents listed above may be requested in support of the response to the statement of need. The request must include the vendor’s CAGE code and clearance level. Once confirmed by the Government, documents will be transmitted to the vendor. It is noted that the Performance Specification Document must be transmitted via SIPR or can be picked up via Courier Card. Requests for documents should be made via email to:Candice Anderson at candice.l.anderson@navy.mil and LT Michael Marschall at michael.marschall@navy.mil. The RFCM system will provide sufficient Jam-to-Signal (J/S) ratio and include the techniques necessary to provide the Reduction-in-Lethality (RiL) values identified in Appendix A (SECRET). The system will support jamming in the Baseline Frequency Bandwidth identified in Appendix A (SECRET).This effort will require the Contractor to propose required hardware (if not attainable through GFE), software, and engineering support to generate and operate 1 instance of the prototype that matches the mass properties of a Harpoon weapon store. The Government will conduct all required ground and flight testing with support from the Contractor. Engineering support from the Contractor is anticipated during approximately 4 ground and approximately 6 flight test events at Patuxent River Naval Air Station, as well as post-test engineering support to analyze and report on the effectiveness of the prototype (check classified addendum). The Government desire is for the RFCM system prototype to be available to support Government-led flight testing within 5 months after prototype project award.Additional Desired Capabilities:It is desired that the system provide the J/S Objective Frequency Bandwidth identified in Appendix A (SECRET).Evaluation Factors for White Papers: The Government will conduct an evaluation of all eligible WPs submitted in response to this RWP based on an integrated assessment of the following: The degree to which the solution meets the requirements of the SON.Evaluation of the potential impacts of the data rights assertions.Evaluation of significant nontraditional or one-third (1/3) cost share, if applicable.Evaluation of the Contractor-Furnished versus Government-Furnished Equipment that provides the U.S. Navy the best value.Evaluation of proposed ROM price against government funding profile.White paper responses shall be limited to 15 pages.*******Only Government personnel will evaluate the White Papers*********Production: Successful completion of the Other Transaction prototype effort may result in an award of a follow-on production contract to satisfy any of the following requirements, or a combination thereof:Production of retrofit kits for installation into fielded P-8A aircraftProduction of forward fit kits for installation into production P-8A aircraftThe follow-on production contract/agreement may be awarded without further competition, as per the provisions of Other Transaction Authority 10 U.S.C. §2371b(f).WHITE PAPER INSTRUCTIONSOverviewAn RWP is issued by CMG to solicit White Papers from consortium members that detail their proposed technology solutions to address the challenges outlined in the corresponding Government Statement of Need (SON). CMG members can submit White Papers individually, or collaborate via a team. CMG will work with each interested member to ensure that government expectations are met and statutory compliance is maintained. Draft White Papers must be submitted to CMG by the member deadline specified in this RWP for review for completeness and compliance. Upon completion of that review, the White Papers will be forwarded to the Government by CMG.CMG members solely are responsible for all expenses associated with responding to this RWP. White Papers shall conform to the White Paper Template and adhere to the formatting instructions. Non-traditional Defense Contractor Participation or Cost-Share Commitment Each Prototype Project awarded under an Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) must meet at least one of the following conditions: There is at least one Non-traditional Defense Contractor (NDC), small business or nonprofit research institution participating to a significant extent in the Prototype Project, or At least one-third of the total cost of the Prototype Project is to be paid out of funds provided by parties to the transaction other than the Federal Government. What is an NDC?An NDC is an entity that is not currently performing and has not performed, for at least one year preceding the issuance of a prototype project solicitation, any contract or subcontract for the DoD that is subject to full coverage under the FAR-based Cost Accounting Standards (“CAS”). Full CAS coverage is required typically for contracts greater than $50 million. Firm-fixed price contracts and contracts with small businesses are exempt from all CAS requirements regardless of dollar value. How Does an Entity Determine if it is an NDC?A review of an entity’s DoD cost-plus contracts and subcontracts on which it has performed during the previous year will aid in determining NDC status. If none of the contracts or subcontracts was subject to full CAS coverage, then the entity is an NDC. OTA awards do not impact NDC status, as CAS does not apply to OTAs.Are Small Businesses Automatically Considered NDCs?Yes. Since contracts and subcontracts with small businesses are exempt from all CAS requirements, small businesses are deemed NDCs under OT Authority. An entity is considered a small business based upon its applicable North American Industry Classification System (“NAICS”) designation (as described at 13 C.F.R. §121.201) for the specific nature of the work being proposed.Are Nonprofit Research Institutions Considered?NDCs?The 2018 NDAA made Nonprofit Research Institutions essentially the same as NDCs with respect to OT Authority.Can a Subsidiary or a Division of a Corporation Qualify as an NDC? Yes. Provided the definition of an NDC is met, the entity can be at the prime level, team members, sub-awardees, lower-tier vendors or intra-company business units, including a subsidiary or division of a Traditional Defense Contractor. Regarding NDC Participation, What does “Significant” Mean?Significant participation is determined on a project basis and is based on the importance of the NDC contribution to the overall execution or outcome of the proposed project. OT Authority statute does not prescribe a monetary threshold or percentage value to justify significance. Examples of “significant” participation are:Supplying a new key technology or product, or unique capability;Causing a material and quantifiable reduction in the project cost or schedule;Causing a measurable increase in the performance of the prototype;Accomplishing a significant amount of the effort;Value-added analysis not based on percentage of project work or value. How does a Traditional Defense Contractor Satisfy the Cost-sharing Requirement?If the member responding to an RWP is a Traditional Defense Contractor and there is no significant participation by an NDC in the project, the Traditional Defense Contractor is required to expend resources on the project amounting to one-third of the project cost. Cost-sharing does not involve funds paid directly to the Government. There are two types of cost-sharing:Cash—outlays of funds to perform under the project for labor, materials, new equipment or subcontractor effort; sources can include new IR&D funds, profit or fee from another contract, and overhead or capital equipment expense pool;In-Kind—reasonable value of equipment, materials or other property used in performance under the project.White Paper Format The White Paper (WP) template is provided as an attachment to this RWP. The following formatting requirements apply:Times New Roman 10 (or larger), single-spaced, single-sided, 8.5 by 11 inchesSmaller type may be used in figures and tables, but must be clearly legibleMargins on all sides (top, bottom, left and right) should be at least 1 inchRefer to the SON for the requirement specific page limit. The page limit excludes the White Paper Cover Sheet and Affirmation of Business Status Certification(s)WPs shall include a cover sheet, not counted toward the page limit, that includes:Prototype Project TitlePrimary point of contact, secondary point of contact, and FSO, if applicable, including name, address, phone, and e-mail contact informationTotal Solution Rough-Order-of-Magnitude priceShaded text in the White Paper Template indicates areas for entry of information by the member. Shading should be removed before submittal of the White Paper.DO NOT SUBMIT ANY CLASSIFIED INFORMATIONTechnical RequirementsEach WP shall contain the following information:Background and Benefits of Proposed SolutionTechnical Approach, including clearly defined prototype solutionSchedule and DeliverablesParticipants, including description of contributions and significance of eachData Rights Assertions: Identify any intellectual property, patents and inventions involved in the proposed solution and associated restrictions on Government use of that intellectual property, patents, and inventions. The following information shall be presented for all assertions:Technical data, computer software or patent to be furnished with restrictionBasis for assertionAsserted rights categoryName of entity asserting restrictionsIf no restrictions are applied, insert “None” in each column.Data Rights Withholding: Identify any technical data or software involved in the proposed solution that shall NOT be delivered for Government use. The following information shall be presented:Technical data and computer software being withheldName of entity owning the technical data and computer softwareIf no restrictions are applied, state No Withholding.Cost Section Requirements The Government will be considering affordability in making its source selection decision; therefore, the White Paper shall contain cost information as requested in the table in Section 6.0 of the White Paper Template.Evaluation CriteriaThe Government will conduct an evaluation of all eligible WPs submitted in response to this RWP based on criteria identified within the SON.Basis for SelectionIt is the Government’s intention to select, negotiate and fund Prototype Projects from the submitted WP(s). The WP selection will be conducted in accordance with the Government’s procedures and the evaluation criteria identified herein. The Government will make a determination whether to:Select the WP(s), or some portion of the WP(s), and/or Retain the WP(s) in a library for potential future requirements in accordance with the terms of the OTA.The WP selection decision will be provided to CMG, and the Government will issue a Request for Proposal(s) to CMG for the selected WP(s).Affirmation of Business Status Certification Each participant proposed in the WP shall complete the Business Status Certification which is provided as an attachment to this RWP.These certifications shall be included as an attachment to the WP and will not count toward the page limit.Export Control Research findings and technology developments arising from the resulting RWP may constitute a significant enhancement to the national defense and to the economic vitality of the United States. As such, in the conduct of all work under the subsequent PPA(s), the recipient will comply strictly with the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (22 CFR 120-130), the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (DoD 5220.22-M) and the Department of Commerce Export Regulation (15 CFR 730-774).Points of ContactQuestions regarding White Paper procedures should be directed to the CMG Contract Management Office, 540-937-6300 or via email to RWP@.WHITE PAPER TEMPLATERWP Number FORMTEXT Insert RWP Number from Request for White Papers (RWP) cover pageProposed Project Title FORMTEXT Insert Title from RWP cover pageSubmittal DateTo be completed by ConsortiumSubmitted By FORMTEXT Insert Consortium Member nameFacility CAGE Code FORMTEXT Insert Facility CAGE CodeConsortium Member Point of Contact (POC)**Note: POCs shall be from the prime member’s corporation, please do not insert contact information for subcontractor participants.POC NamePOC AddressPOC PhonePOC EmailPrimarySecondaryProposed Project Total$ FORMTEXT Insert proposed project total, rounded to the nearest dollarLess Cost Share$ FORMTEXT Insert amount if cost sharing applies or N/ATotal (Less Cost Share)$ FORMTEXT Insert amount after cost share deducted, rounded to the nearest dollarConsortium Fee$ FORMTEXT Insert 3.8% Applied to Total Price per the OTA termsTotal ROM Cost$ FORMTEXT Insert Total AmountSigned (electronic signature is acceptable)177800205740X00XSECTION 1.0Background AND BENEFITS OF PROPOSED SOLUTIONDescribe the proposed solution, including how the Government’s requirements shown in the Statement of Need are being addressed. Provide a brief description of the “new” capability that will result. SECTION 2.0TECHNICAL approachDescribe the design and detailed technical approach for achieving the proposed prototype solution. Clearly describe the proposed prototype and ensure that it is included as a deliverable in Section 3.0. SECTION 2.1PROJECT TASKSDescribe the specific tasks required for project execution. If a phased/element approach is indicated in the Government Statement of Need, the tasks shall be detailed by phase/element.SECTION 2.2RISKSDescribe the technical maturity of the proposed solution and its readiness to meet the Government’s requirements. Describe any technical, cost and schedule risks associated with achieving the proposed solution.SECTION 2.3FACILITY/PERSONNEL CLEARANCEThe current personnel and facility(ies) level of [Consortium Member name]’s is [Insert classification level]. SECTION 3.0PROJECT SCHEDULE AND DELIVERABLESMilestoneDeliverableEstimated Delivery(Months after Award) FORMTEXT Insert list of milestones FORMTEXT Insert list of deliverables associated with each milestone (at a minimum, the proposed prototype and a final report must be included as deliverables) FORMTEXT Insert estimated lead time in terms of months after award for each milestone/deliverable. The total proposed project duration is FORMTEXT [Insert proposed period of performance in months] months from project award.SECTION 4.0PARTICIPANTSParticipants (including Consortium Member)Business Status(check one)Participant Contribution andSignificance to Overall Project FORMTEXT Insert Consortium Member FORMCHECKBOX Traditional FORMCHECKBOX Non-traditional FORMCHECKBOX Nonprofit Research Institution FORMTEXT Insert detailed, quantifiable description which addresses the following: FORMTEXT What specific tasks will this Participant be accomplishing for this project? FORMTEXT Why are these Participant's tasks significant to this project?* FORMTEXT How is this Participant uniquely qualified to provide these tasks for this project? FORMTEXT Insert separate row(s) for each additional participant. Delete row(s) as applicable if Consortium Member is the only participant. FORMCHECKBOX Traditional FORMCHECKBOX Non-traditional FORMCHECKBOX Nonprofit Research Institution FORMTEXT Insert detailed, quantifiable description which addresses the following: FORMTEXT What specific tasks will this Participant be accomplishing for this project? FORMTEXT Why are these Participant's tasks significant to this project?* FORMTEXT How is this Participant uniquely qualified to provide these tasks for this project?*Significance is defined as supplying a new key technology or product, accomplishing a significant amount of the effort, causing a material reduction in the cost or scheduling or causing an increase in the performance. Any vendor proposing labor costs must be listed as a participant.SECTION 5.0DATA RIGHTSData Rights Assertions: All intellectual property, patents and inventions involved in the proposed solution and the associated restrictions on the Government’s use of that intellectual property, patents and inventions are presented in the table below. If no assertions are being made, state as such.Data Rights Withholding: Identify any technical data or software involved in the proposed solution that shall NOT be delivered for Government use are presented in the table below. If none, state No Withholdings.Technical Data/ Computer Software/ Patent to be Furnished with Restrictions or WithheldBasis for Assertion or WithholdingAsserted Rights CategoryName of Entity Asserting Restrictions or Withholding FORMTEXT Identify the technical data/software/patent to be furnished with restriction or withheld (insert “None” if no restrictions apply) FORMTEXT Indicate whether development was exclusively or partially at private expense. If development was not at private expense, enter the specific reason for asserting that the Government’s right should be restricted FORMTEXT Insert asserted rights category (e.g., limited rights (data), restricted rights (software), government purpose rights, SBIR data rights or specifically negotiated license) FORMTEXT Insert corporation or individual*If COTS licenses will be required, please list them here.SECTION 6.0ROUGH ORDER OF MAGNITUDE (ROM) COSTCost Share (if applicable) is proposed as follows: Cash into Project: FORMTEXT [Describe and quantify the proposed cash contribution(s) being made for use on the project, or insert N/A].In-Kind Contributions: FORMTEXT [Describe and quantify the proposed in-kind contribution(s) being made for use on the project, or insert N/A].Cost ElementTotalDescription/CommentsPrime Contractor Labor$ FORMTEXT Insert generic position titles, estimated rates and labor hoursSubcontractor/Consultant Labor$ FORMTEXT Insert generic position titles, estimated rates and labor hours. If more than one Subcontractor is listed, provide cost break-out by Subcontractor.Material/Equipment$ FORMTEXT Insert list of proposed material/equipmentOther Direct Costs (ODC)$ FORMTEXT Describe proposed ODC (outside services, conference fees, software licenses, other fees/royalties, etc.)Travel $ FORMTEXT Describe estimated travel (e.g., travel to customer site(s) for meetings, etc.)Proposed Project Total$ FORMTEXT Sum of cost elementsLess Cost Share$ FORMTEXT Cost-share amount (if applicable)Total (Less Cost Share)$ FORMTEXT Amount after cost share is deductedConsortium Fee$ 3.8% Applied to Total Price per OTA termsTotal ROM Cost$ To be confirmed by CMG*Amounts should be presented in whole dollars onlyAffirmation of Business Status CertificationEach participant shall complete a separate certification. These certifications will not count toward the page limit. Participant Name FORMTEXT ?????Proposed NAICS Code FORMTEXT ?????Industry Size Standard (Small/Large) FORMTEXT ?????DUNS No. FORMTEXT ?????CAGE Code FORMTEXT ?????Active SAM Registration FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No Expiration Date: FORMTEXT ?????Address 1 FORMTEXT ?????Address 2 FORMTEXT ?????City/State/Zip FORMTEXT ?????POC Name/Title FORMTEXT ?????POC Phone/Email FORMTEXT ?????Check one of the following boxes: FORMCHECKBOX Non-traditional Defense Contractor (NDC) — A Non-traditional Defense Contractor is an entity that is not currently performing and has not performed, for at least the one-year period preceding the issuance of this Request for White Papers by the Department of Defense, any contract or subcontract for the Department of Defense that is subject to full coverage under the cost accounting standards prescribed pursuant to Section 1502 of Title 41 of the U.S. Code and the regulations implementing such section. All small businesses are considered NDCs. A small business is a business concern as defined under Section 3 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632). To be considered a small business for the purposes of this RWP, a concern must qualify as a small business under the size standard for the proposed North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code, as described at 13 C.F.R. 121.201. FORMCHECKBOX Nonprofit Research Institution — means a nonprofit institution, as defined in 15 U.S.C. §3703, and includes federally funded research and development centers, as identified by the National Scientific Foundation in accordance with the Government-wide Federal Acquisition Regulation issued in accordance with 41 U.S.C. §1303(a)(1) (or any successor regulation thereto). FORMCHECKBOX Traditional Defense Contractor — A traditional defense contractor is an entity that does not meet the definition of a Non-traditional Defense Contractor (NDC) or a Nonprofit Research Institution.This is to certify that the above is accurate, complete and current as of FORMTEXT insert date for FORMTEXT insert RWP number. Signature (electronic signature is acceptable)2978154191000Date Signed FORMTEXT ????? ................

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