BibleWise Unscramble — Pray in Secret


Unscramble -- Pray in Secret

The Bible verses below are from Matthew 6:5-8 (CEB) and share Jesus' message about how to pray. Unscramble the words in red to complete the verses.

"When you y a p r , don't be like e i p h o c y r t s . They love to pray standing in the u n g s y e g s o a andon the e t r e s t corners so that people will see them. I assure you, that's the only reward they'll get. But when you pray, go to your room, shut the o d r o , and pray to your t r a F h e who is present in that c t e r e s place. Your Father who sees what you do in secret will w a d r e r you. When you pray, don't pour out a flood of empty words, as the

l e n G i t s e do. They think that by saying many words they'll be heard. Don't be like them, because your Father o k w s n what you d e n e before you k s a ."

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