School District of Haverford Township

2537 Haverford Road

Ardmore, Pennsylvania 19003

Phn: (610) 853-5939 * Fax: (610) 853-5922

July, 2001


It is the intent of these specifications to describe the delivery of a fully operational, functional system. The work under this contract is to include the furnishing of all labor, materials necessary to complete this process as shown in these specifications, and as may be reasonably inferred as necessary to complete the work in all particulars. All contractors are awarded with the understanding that the contractor has acquainted himself with all the requirements of the contracts and specifications, the conditions of the site, and has obtained all the information necessary for the completion of this project. The contractor shall not at any time, after the submission of his bid, make any claim what so ever based on insufficient data or a misunderstanding of the requirements, nature, conditions, or extent of the work under the contract.

Program Objectives

• Maximize the safety and efficiency of the District heating equipment.

• Minimize or eliminate, where possible, chemical handling by School District personnel.

• Minimize operational downtime through the effective use of preventative maintenance.

• Reduce overall energy consumption through optimum heat transfer efficiency.

• Train School District personnel in the proper operation of heating equipment.

• Provide monitoring and reporting of program results to evaluate all program cost.

General Instructions

Vendor shall supply, deliver and apply where specified, all chemicals and services necessary to clean, inspect, start-up and adjust the equipment listed in Schedule ‘A’. .

Regulatory Compliance

All work completed and products supplied shall comply with all applicable regulations; this will include U.S. Dept of Safety, PA Dept. of L&I, PA Dept of Ed., OSHA, ASME, NFPA and all other applicable Federal, State and Local regulatory agencies.

Chemical Delivery and Storage

Vendor shall be responsible for delivery of all material on company owned and

operated delivery trucks. Due to the type of facilities, trucks shall be properly equipped

and drivers trained in safe and proper handling of chemicals to be supplied. Vendor shall

be responsible for removal and proper disposal of recycling of all empty contain in

accordance with all applicable regulations. MSDS Sheets shall be displayed for all products on site at point of application.


Field Reports

All vendor personnel must notify the designated supervisory School District personnel upon arrival, for any purpose, at facility. A written report shall be submitted to School District designee at the completion of any site visit. Reports of service shall include test results, work performed, discussion of conditions found and recommendations. Field report shall be reviewed with the signed by designated supervisory personnel.

Management Report

Following each service, a complete report, including a summary of test results as they relate to established parameters, discussion of conditions found and recommendations for all buildings included, shall be forwarded to the designated School District management personnel with in ten (10) days of completion.

Vendor Qualifications


The vendor should supply the names and phone numbers of five (5) references at least three (3) to be Public School Districts, serviced by the vendor and are using programs similar to those recommended in this proposal.

Service Technicians

Field service technicians shall have five- (5) years’ experience in this field.


The School District of Haverford Township intends to enter into annual contract for Boiler/Burner Maintenance in accordance with the above specifications (dated July, 2001) for the fiscal year of 7/01 to 6/02, with the option of an extension to a second year 7/02 to 6/03. The District to inform the contractor of the contract award in the form of a “Notice to Proceed”; a District Purchase Order to be issued separately. The District reserves the right to cancel this contract with thirty-day notice, or at any time, for failure to conform to these specifications.


The work completed shall include supplying all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to open and thoroughly clean, test and coordinate Boiler Inspections, close, start-up and perform safety and efficiency tests.

Contractor is to leave all spaces and equipment clean and free of debris; in the same condition as found. The Contractor is responsible to remove all trash and debris from the premises, in accordance with all applicable regulations.

For cast iron sectional hot water boilers only, the waterside is to be cleaned every other year, following the boiler inspection schedule (fireside cleaned every year).

Open and Clean Boilers

• Open all doors, access plates, etc. to allow proper access for cleaning all heating surfaces of each boiler. Cover all burners to protect from soot and debris during the course of cleaning.

• Wire brush and vacuum clean the boiler, breeching, and the base of each chimney.

• Put hydrostatic test on boiler and record pressure under which the safety relief valve opens; inspect boiler for leaks while under pressure.

• Drain boiler and open mud legs, drums, etc. Wire brush and flush thoroughly.

• Check all piping for signs of leakage.

• Open and clean boiler return lines.

• Remove and clean gauge glasses, install new gaskets and replace.

• Open low water cutoffs and automatic feeders, thoroughly clean and inspect linkage for damage or wear. Replace strainers on automatic feeders.

Boiler Inspection

• Contact District and the District Insurance carrier for inspection. Accompany Boiler Inspector, if necessary.

• Leave all manholes, handholes, plugs, doors, etc. open to allow proper inspection of the fire and watersides of the boiler.

• The following specific items (at a minimum) must remain open for inspection:

o All handholes and manholes in steel steam boilers.

o All low water cutoffs in all steam boilers.

• In contract years that the hot water boilers are not opened, contractor must verify the proper operation of the low water cutoffs. In years when the hot water boilers are opened, cutoffs must be left open for inspection.

Boiler Closing

• After receiving satisfactory inspection report and permission to close from the Boiler Inspector, close, seal and fill boilers so that they are ready to return to service.

• Supply all necessary plugs, gaskets, and seals to close both water and fire sides of the boilers.

• Fill boilers and insure that any/all valves closed by the contractor in the course of this work are opened and that the boilers are ready to be returned to service.

Seasonal Start-up and Combustion Testing

• Review manufacturer’s recommendation for boiler and burner start-up.

• Check flue supply.

• Check auxiliary equipment operation.

• Inspect burner, boiler and controls prior to start-up.

• Start burner and check operating controls (prior to 10/15) Test safety controls and pressure relief valve. Review proper procedures with building personnel.

• Perform combustion tests; Dual-Fuel and Tri-Fuel burners are to be tested on each fuel as available. Minimum tests, as applicable: firing rate, fuel/air ratio, CO-2, CO, and smoke test.

• Adjust burner controls, on each fuel, as required, to obtain optimum efficiency.

• Provide written report following each inspection.

Schedule “A”

Heating Equipment, by building

(Information to be verified by vender)

Chatham Park Elementary: L&I Boiler Certificate expiration date: 9/15/01

Hot Water Re-circulating Boiler System

1 – 122 BHP Weil McLain cast iron sectional boiler; Burner: Webster/Cyclonetic Model #JB2C-30-EP170-M.25-MP, Dual Fuel

1 – 106 BHP Weil McLain cast iron sectional boiler; Burner: Webster/Cyclonetic

Model #JBC-10-R7795C-LL.20, Dual Fuel

5 gal bypass chemical feeder

Coopertown Elementary: L&I Boiler Certificate expiration date: 9/15/01

Hot Water Re-circulating Boiler System

2 – 90 BHP Weil McLain 88 cast iron sectional boilers; Burners: PowerFlame, Dual Fuel, Model # CR 3-GO—20, Gas only available

5 gal bypass chemical feeder

Lynnewood Elementary: L&I Boiler Certificate expiration date: 9/15/01

Hot Water Re-circulating Boiler System

2 – 85 BHP Weil McLain cast iron sectional boilers; Burners: PowerFlame, Dual Fuel, Model # C 2-GO—15.

5 gal bypass chemical feeder

Manoa Elementary: L&I Boiler Certificate expiration date: 10/14/01

Hot Water Re-circulating Boiler System

2 – 81.4 BHP Weil McLain cast iron sectional boilers; Burners: PowerFlame, Dual Fuel, Model #CR3-GO-20

5 gal bypass chemical feeder

Oakmont Elementary: L&I Boiler Certificate expiration date: 9/15/01

Hot Water Re-circulating Boiler System

2 – 85 BHP H. B. Smith cast iron sectional boilers; Burners:

#1 – Industrial Combustion, Dual Fuel, Model # MMG – 42S

#2 – Gordon Piatt Model # R10 1 – GO –20

(Fuel oil only is available)

5 gal bypass chemical feeder

Haverford Middle School: L&I Boiler Certificate expiration date: 9/15/03

Hot Water Re-circulating Boiler System

3 – 125 BHP Weil McLain cast iron sectional boilers; Burners: Power Flame, Dual Fuel Model # CR4-GO-25

5 gal bypass chemical feeder

Haverford High School: L&I Boiler Certificate expiration date: 9/15/01

Hot Water Re-circulating Boiler System

3 – Clever–Brooks 150 BHP steel fire tube package boiler systems

5 gal bypass chemical feeder

Domestic Hot Water Boiler

2 - TurboPower 600 Gal water heaters; Burners: FirePower model RG 250

Closed Loop Chilled Water Re-circulating System, with Alfa Laval Thermal, Inc plate and frame heat exchanger, model # M15-BFG (807.22sq ft, 123 – 0.4 mm plates)

5 gal bypass chemical feeder

Open Loop Condenser Water Re-circulating System

2 – 380 T. Trane chiller units.

1 – 300 T. Tower-Tech cooling tower

Polsatrol microprocessor based water treatment controller, model # MCT 210

Brookline: L&I Boiler Certificate expiration date: 9/15/01

Hot Water Re-circulating Boiler System

2 – 75 BHP H. B. Smith cast iron sectional boilers; Burners: Gordon – Piatt,

Model #R10-GO-20, Oil only available

5 gal bypass chemical feeder

Chestnutwold: L&I Boiler Certificate expiration date: 9/15/01

Steam Boiler System

2 – 75 BHP H. B. Smith cast iron sectional boilers; Burners:

#1 – Industrial Combustion, Model #MMG-42S, Oil only available

#2 – Gordon-Piatt, Model #R10.1 – GO – 20, Oil only available

Chemical tank with electrical pump

End of Section

Bid Sheet

Price quotation for annual Boiler/Burner Maintenance for

School District of Haverford Township

In accordance with the Boiler/Burner Maintenance Specifications dated July 2001

Year 1 Year 2 (optional)

School 7/01 – 6/02 7/02 – 6/03

Chatham Park Elementary

Coopertown Elementary

Lynnewood Elementary

Manoa Elementary

Oakmont Elementary

Haverford Middle School

Haverford High School

(Includes Domestic Water Boilers)



Annual Total:

Submitted by: Date:


Contact individual:


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