
Office Of Administration



General Information 787-9945

Communications Office 772-4237




FAX 783-4374


Weaver Neil 705-5656

Executive Deputy Secretary

Gabrielle Trucco 215-9769

Executive Assistant

McLaughlin Lauren 214-6601

Director of Special Projects

Remillard Denise 214-7080




FAX 783-5455

Chief Counsel

Herbster, Keith 783-2590

Administrative Officer

Donohoe Carol 705-5642

Fisher Joshua 317-5027

Human Resources Division

Deputy Chief Counsel

Holbert Anthony 783-2590

Senior Counsels

Kunkel Jonathan 783-2590

Williams Cynthia 783-2590

Assistant Counsel

Fellows Jillian 783-2590

Kerr Andrew 783-2590

Miller Jason 783-2590

Information Technology Division

Deputy Chief Counsel

Janosik-Nehilla Valerie 783-2590

Senior Counsel

Rainey Angela 783-2590

Topper Mary 783-2590

Assistant Counsel

Kanova Vera 783-2590




FAX 783-4374

Sunshine Notices 783-5055


Gamble Brandi 783-5055

Administrative Officer

Alberto Osorio 783-5055

Continuity Program Manager

Vacant 783-5055

Enterprise Records Information Manager

Miller Michael 783-5055

Records Information Manager

Vacant 783-5055

OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS, Legislative affairs, Policy AND digital



FAX 783-4374

Communications Director

Egan Daniel 772-4237

Director of Legislative Affairs

Hudock Vince 772-8054

Policy Director

Passiment Jessica 425-6505

Digital Director

Lupian-Lua Yadira 772-5174

Office of Equal Employment Opportunity

555 Walnut Street

Forum Place, Suite 701

Harrisburg 17101


Murray Sheldon 775-8479

Administrative Assistant

Young Dellanor 783-1130

Bureau of Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and Appeals

555 Walnut Street

Forum Place, Suite 701

Harrisburg 17101


Jones Robin 783-1131

Bureau of Equal Employment Opportunity Investigations

555 Walnut Street

Forum Place, Suite 701

Harrisburg 17101


Vacant 214-0832

Bureau of Department of Corrections EEO Investigations

1920 Technology Parkway

Mechanicsburg 17050


Epoca Tiffany 728-0363

Office for Information Technology



FAX 787-4523

Chief Information Officer

Deputy Secretary for Information Technology

Capellan Amaya

Executive Deputy Chief Information Officer

Hebbe Jason 836-3000

Administrative Officer

Jerome JoElla 346-1545

Chief Accessibility Officer

Strom Ellen 7th Fl FP 772-8072

Human Resources/Administration Support

FAX 525-5877

Reisinger Aleda 310 FB 705-5567

Enterprise Data Office (EDO)

Forum Place, 7th Floor, 555 Walnut Street

Harrisburg 17101

FAX 783-4374

Chief Data Officer and EDO Director

Partsch David 425-6775

Data Scientist

Long John 857-3312

Open Data Officer

Matthews Jere 775-8472

Technology Business Office (TBO)

310 Finance Building, 613 North Street

Harrisburg 17120

FAX 525-5877


Reeder Jill 772-7098

IT Project Management

Kanth Ray 775-8481

IT Policy and Performance Management

Vacant 783-9450

IT Financial Management

Kolb Kate 772-5848

IT Service Management

Bickleman Sue 772-8627

Enterprise Solutions Office (ES)

555 Walnut Street

Forum Place, 7th Floor, Harrisburg 17101

FAX 705-9112


Loych Erich 346-0052

Integrated Enterprise System Office (IES)

555 Walnut Street

Forum Place, 7th Floor, Harrisburg 17101

FAX 705-9112

General Number 705-1664

HR Information – Local 346-5483

Toll Free 1-866-ESS-COPA (1-866-377-2672)

Travel Information 346-3401

Toll Free 1-800-824-0626


Lyons Robyne 705-9834

Business Operations – Assistant Director

Mosebey Stuart 705-9117

Service Delivery – Assistant Director


Enterprise Information Security Office (EISO)

5 Technology Park, DGS Annex Complex

Harrisburg 171110

FAX 772-8018

Chief Information Security Officer

Sipe James

Administrative Officer

Brenda Beissel 705-7754

IT Delivery Centers

Information Security Officers (ISO)

Conservation & Environment ISO

Potvin Matthew RCSOB 214-4610

Public Safety ISO

Sarzynski Brandon 1920 Tech Parkway 712-5077

Health and Human Services ISO

Miknich John 2525 North 7th Street 460-4575

Employment, Banking and Revenue ISO

Dressler Christopher 393 Walnut Street 772-9622

Infrastructure & Economic Development ISO

Turner Bruce 1400A N Cameron St 346-5558

General Government ISO

Everly Lucas 5 Tech Park 346-5557

Enterprise Technology Services Office (ETSO)

1 Technology Park, DGS Annex Complex

Harrisburg 17110

FAX 772-8113

Chief Technology Officer

Paul Kevin 346-2727

Administrative Support Management Division

Kolb Kate 772-5848

IT Delivery Centers

Chief Technology Officers (CTOs)

Chief Operating Officer, OIT

Paul Kevin 1 Tech Park 346-2727

Conservation & Environment CTO

Fake Tim RCSOB 772-5896

Public Safety CTO (Acting)

Duncan Phil 798-5351

Health and Human Services CTO

Eckman Howard WOB DGS Annex 772-6469

Employment, Banking and Revenue CTO

Tirpak John 13th Fl L&IB 705-7962

Infrastructure & Economic Development CTO

Winemiller Robert 5th Fl CKB 346-5543

General Government CTO

Mehl Roy 7th Fl FP 772-8050

Bureau of Network, Unified Telecommunications and Security Operations

1 Technology Park, DGS Annex Complex

Harrisburg 17110

Chief Operating Officer

Baier Frank 772-8058

Network Unified Telecom & Security Ops Division

Andrews Brian 705-9514

Compute/Cloud Division

Mace Kevin 783-1711

Facility Design

Jensenius Kathy 772-8093

Technical Solutions Architect

Hetrick Jerry 214-8254

Bureau of Support Services

1 Technology Park, DGS Annex Complex

Harrisburg 17110

FAX 772-8018

Help Desk – OA-LAN 783-1087

End User mgmt./Service Desk

Brady Steve 772-8070

Client Management Division – Chief

Kell Susan 787-9321

Bureau of Service Value Management



FAX 772-8113

Service Value Management Division

Paul Kevin 346-2727

Administrative Support Management Division

Kolb Kate 772-5848

Project Management Division


Transition Management Division

Ackerman Lynne 836-3003

Contract Management Division

     Schwarts Thomas......................................... 204-4188

Change Management Division

     Brant Robin …….......................................... 772-8132

Conservation and Environment

IT Delivery Center

3rd Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building

400 Market Street

Harrisburg 17105

Chief Information Officer

Diecidue Tom 783-0384

Administrative Officer

Hull Daniel 772-5915

Public Safety

IT Delivery Center

1920 Technology Parkway

Mechanicsburg 17050

Chief Information Officer

Rhoads Dustin 728-7722

Administrative Officer

Liskey Melissa 728-0342

Health and Human Services

IT Delivery Center

2525 North 7th Street, 3rd Floor

Harrisburg 17110

Chief Information Officer

Patterson Sandra 772-6445

Administrative Officer

Newberry Crystal 772-7111

Employment, Banking and Revenue

IT Delivery Center

13th Floor, Labor and Industry Building

Harrisburg 17121

Chief Information Officer

Naisby David 705-6494

Administrative Officer

Cable Sarah 787-2669

Infrastructure and Economic Development

IT Delivery Center

5th Floor, Commonwealth Keystone Building

Harrisburg 17120

Chief Information Officer

DeMatt Mike 783-2026

Administrative Officer

Philips-Rakestraw Mary 783-2026

General Government

IT Delivery Center

555 Walnut Street

Forum Place, 7th Floor, Harrisburg, 17101

Chief Information Officer

Snyder Julie 705-5462

Administrative Officer

Bates Katherine 772-5358

Human Resources and Management



Acting Deputy Secretary

Swarthout Jason 787-8191

Administrative Officer

Lee Strohecker Wha 787-8191

OA RTKL 787-8191

Office of Employee Relations & Workforce Support

112 Finance Building

613 North Street, Harrisburg 17120


Sullivan Tracy 787-5514

Bureau of Employee Benefits

108 Health and Welfare Building, 625 Forster St

Harrisburg 17120

FAX 772-3153


Long Tara 787-9872

Bureau of Employee Relations

404 Finance Building, 613 North Street

Harrisburg 17120

FAX 783-0430


Phillips Edward 787-5514

Administrative Officer

Stoy Sandra 787-5514

Appeals Manager

Baldo Jane 787-5514

Labor Relations Staff Specialists

Heffner Darren 787-5514

Sheehan Jerry 787-5514

Sluga Justin 787-5514

LeClair Benjamin 787-5514

Bureau of Workforce Support

402A Finance Building, 613 North Street

Harrisburg 17120

FAX 772-3153


Cebular Sheryl 787-8575

SEAP Program Director

Moravetz Susan 787-8575

SEAP & WPV Specialist

Little Ziva 787-8575

CDL Program Administrator

Sucic James 787-8575

CDL Program Coordinator

Vacant 787-8575

Talent Management Office

517 Finance Building

613 North Street, Harrisburg 17120

Talent Management Director

Martin Miranda 787-5703

Administrative Officer

Autumn Stillman 787-5703

Bureau of Organization Management

515 Finance Building

613 North Street, Harrisburg 17120


Noll Carol 787-6154

Salary Administration Division – Chief

Rummel Jordan 514 FB 787-6154

Position Classification Services Division – Chief

Toomey Charlotte 787-6154

Special Services Division - Chief

Schwartz Aimee 787-6154

Classification Plan Management Division – Chief

Vacant 787-6154

Grievance and Arbitration Division – Chief

Sedlock Jonathan 787-6154

Field Staff 787-6154

Bureau of Talent Acquisition

513 Finance Building

613 North Street, Harrisburg 17120


White Lydia 710-2597

Background Check Division - Chief

Crawford Amanda 710-2939

Intake Division – Chief

Kuchinski Becky 787-1555

Posting Development Division - Chief

Hartman Jenine 710-2786

Lightner Lara 710-2630

Veterans’ Preference Division - Chief


Evaluations Division - Chief

Nieves Angel 215/560-2254

Bureau of Enterprise Recruitment

518 Finance Building

613 North Street, Harrisburg 17120


Forte Shelly 783-2224

Recruitment Manager

Osborne Tyrell 857-3309

Recruiters 857-3309

Enterprise Internship & Entry Programs Manager

Hane Cassandra 857-3272

Enterprise College Internship Coordinator


Agency Temporary Services

221 Finance Building

613 North Street, Harrisburg 17120


Albright, Christopher 783-3917

Employment Program Coordinator

Negley Michael 783-3917

Bureau of Talent Planning and Development

511 Finance Building

613 North Street, Harrisburg 17120


Flom Brian 705-5600

Trainers 787-3813

Field Staff 787-3813

Integration Lead

Brown Jonathan 736-7341

Talent Development Leads

Cambria Jarad 861-6461

Frechette Michelle 705-9879

Peoples Cheryl 783-5787

Myers Sandy 525-5460

Weand Crystal 736-7342


Klimowicz Nick 705-5660

Turner Marleigh 857-3313

HR Shared Service Office

9th Floor, Commonwealth Keystone Building

PO Box 824, Harrisburg PA 17108


Thomas Jason. 705-9122

Administrative Officer

Vacant 705-5671

HR Systems Office

9th Floor

Commonwealth Keystone Building Harrisburg, PA 17108


McKenzie Matt 346-9697

HR Analytics and Program Support Office

9th Floor, Commonwealth Keystone Building

PO Box 824, Harrisburg, PA 17018


Thornton, John 425-7352

HR Service Center

9th Floor, Commonwealth Keystone Building

PO Box 824, Harrisburg 17108

Employee Services 1-866-377-2672

Employee Services FAX 425-7190

Agency Services 1-877-242-6007

Agency Services FAX 783-3472

FMLA Services 346-4667

FMLA Services Fax 425-5389

Military Services 857-3333

Military Services FAX 265-8244

Work-Related Injury Services 857-3666

Work-Related Injury Services Fax 787-7763


Norris Chris 787-8001

Agency Services Division – Chief

Palmer Jayel 787-8001

Employee Services Division – Chief

Bland Brent 787-8001

Absence Services Division - Chief

Shuttlesworth Jen 787-8001

Related Injury Services– Chief

Ecija Melissa 787-8001

Agency HR Operations Office




Laughman Debbie 783-1782

Human Resource Analyst

Todero Angelica 783-8732

General Government

HR Office

508 Finance Building, 613 North Street

Harrisburg 17120

FAX 425-7267


Korb Ann 783-5446

Employee Relations & Workforce Support Chief

Updegrove Matthew 783-5446

Talent Management Chief

Baltimore Paula 705-5649

Slingwine Joann 783-4254

Dept Of Corrections HR Office

1920 Technology Parkway, Mechanicsburg, PA

DOC HR Director

Stanton Ty 728-5351

DOC HR Employee Relations

Oles Bryan 728-5321

DOC HR Talent Management

Swartzell Lisa 728-5352

DOC HR Field Operations

Linn Chris 814/643-2400

Pennsylvania State Police HR Office

1800 Elmerton Ave, Harrisburg, PA

Human Resource Manager

VanderGheynst Sara 787-8100

Employee Relations and Workforce Support

Harry Arlene 787-6305

Talent Management

Geyer Tasha 705-3719

Employment, Banking and Revenue

HR Delivery Center

651 Boas Street, Room 1415 Labor & Industry Building

Harrisburg, PA


Striggle Patrick 787-6374

Employee Relations Division Chief

Drupp Krista 787-9892

Talent Management Business Partner

Brillhart Andrea 783-4838

Workforce Support Division Chief

King Randy 787-2071

Health and Human Services

HR Delivery Center

Room 226 Health & Welfare Building

Harrisburg, PA


Ray Dan 787-5618

Field Operations Division Chief

Cvejkus John 789-5505

Employee Relations & Workforce Support Division Chief

Flagg Erica 787-1680

Talent Management Business Partner

Taylor Traci 783-9302

Talent Development Business Partner

Vacant 736-7342

Infrastructure and Economic Development

HR Delivery Center

400 North Street, 5th Floor

Harrisburg, PA


Koscelnak Steve 787-0484

Field Operations Division Chief

Fletcher Sharion 610/205-6810

Employee Relations & Workforce Support Division Chief


Talent Management Business Partner

Herb Jill 346-8051

Employee Services Division Chief

Soubik John 783-2687

Conservation and Environment

HR Delivery Center

Rachel Carson State Office Building

400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA

FAX 787-2938


Haertsch Christy 783-1782

Employee Relations & Workforce Support Chief

Cramer Dan 783-5790

Talent Management Business Partner

Rickert Sharon 783-6118


Albright Christopher OA 221 FB 783-3917

Andrews Brian OA 1 Tech Park 705-9514

Arnold Jonathan OA WOB DGS Annex 772-6469

Auch Kory OA 110 FB 787-0778

Baier Frank OA 1 Tech Park 772-8058

Baldo Jane OA 404 FB 787-5514

Bland Brent OA 9th Fl CKB 787-8001

Bonfanti Joe OA 510 FB 265-8974

Brady Steve OA 1 Tech Park 772-8070

Burkhart Glenn OA 1 Tech Park 705-2508

Cable Sarah OA 13th Fl L&IB 705-6494

Carroll Terri OA 9th Fl CKB 787-8001

Cramer Dan OA RCSOB 783-5790

Crawford Amanda OA 513 FB 710-2939

Dean Domenica OA 110FB 787-3517

DeMatt Mike OA 8th Fl CKB 783-2026

Diecidue Tom OA 3rd Fl RCSOB 705-5413

Donohoe Carol OA 408 FB 783-2590

Dressler Christopher OA 393 Walnut Street 772-9622

Duncan Phil OA 798-5351

Egan Daniel OA 222 FB 772-4237

Everly Lucas OA 5 Tech Park 346-5557

Fellows Jillian OA 408 FB 783-2590

Fisher Joshua OA 408 FB 783-2590

Flagg Erica OA1st Fl Forum Place 787-1680

Forte Shelly OA 518 FB 783-2224

Gamble Brandi OA 510 FB 705-5590

Haertsch Christy OA RCSOB 705-3741

Hair Alan OA 517 FB 787-5703

Hane Cassandra OA 520 FB 857-3272

Hartman Jenine OA 517 FB 710-2786

Hebbe Jason OA FB 207 836-3000

Heffner Darren OA 404 FB 787-5514

Hepler Lori OA 1101 S Front St 705-8663

Herbster Keith A OA 408 FB 783-2590

Holbert Anthony OA 408 FB 783-2590

Hudock Vince OA 222 FB 772-8054

Hull Daniel OA 3rd Fl RCSOB 772-5915

Jackson Charles OA 1 Tech Park 783-2229

Janosik-Nehilla Valerie OA 408 FB 783-2590

Jerome JoElla OA FB 207 346-1545

Jones Robin OA 7th Fl Forum Pl 783-1130

Kanova Vera OA 408 FB 783-2590

Kell Susan OA 1 Tech Park 787-9321

Kenyon Heather OA 517 FB 710-2785

Kerr Andrew OA 408 FB 783-2590

Korb Ann OA 508 FB 783-5446

Krall Rebecca OA 517 FB 787-5703

Krammes Deborah OA 517 FB 710-2109

Krchnar Cara OA 1415 L&IB 787-9892

Kunkel Jonathan OA 408 FB 783-2590

Laughman Debbie OA 112 FB 783-1782

LeClair Ben OA 787-5514

Lee Strohecker Wha OA 110 FB 265-8973

Lightner Lara OA 517 FB 710-2630

Linn Chris OA 814/643-2400

Liskey Melissa OA 1920 Technology Parkway 728-0342

Little Ziva OA 402A FB 787-8575

Long John OA 7th Fl Forum Pl 857-3312

Long Tara OA 402 FB 787-9872

Loych ErichOA 7th Fl Forum Pl 214-5317

Lupian-Lua Yadira OA 222 FB 772-5174

Lyons Robyne L OA 7th Fl Forum Pl 705-9834

Mace Kevin S OA 1 Tech Park 783-1711

Martin Darrell OA 1 Tech Park 705-9037

Martin Miranda OA 517 FB 787-5703

Matthews Jere OA 7th Fl Forum Pl 775-8472

McKenzie Matthew OA9th Fl Keystone 346-9697

McLaughlin Lauren OA 210 FB 214-6601

Messinger Matthew OA 1 Tech Park 346-0662

Miknich John OA WOB DGS Annex 346-1559

Miller Jason OA 408 FB 783-2590

Miller Michael OA 510 FB 705-2776

Moravetz Susan OA 402A FB 787-8575

Mosebey Stewart 7th Fl Forum Place 705-9117

Naisby David OA 13th Fl L&IB 705-6494

Neff Timothy OA 1 Tech Park 705-9047

Negley Michael OA 221 FB 783-3917

Newberry Crystal OA WOB DGS Annex 772-7111

Nieves Angel OA 215/560-2254

Noll Carol OA 515 FB 787-6154

Norris Chris OA 9th Fl CKB 705-5590

Oles Brian OA 1920 Technology Pkwy 728-5321

Osborne Tyrell OA 518 FB 857-3309

Osorio Albert OA FB 510 857-3314

Palmer Jayel OA 9th Fl CKB 787-8001

Parks Karena OA 1920 Technology Pkwy 728-5352

Partsch David OA 7th Fl Forum Pl 425-6775

Passiment Jessica OA 222 FB

Patterson Sandra OA WOB DGS Annex 772-6445

Paul Kevin OA 1 Tech Park 346-2727

Peoples Cheryl OA RCSOB 783-5787

Peresolak Elizabeth OA 517 FB 710-2110

Petery Crystal OA 7th Fl Forum Pl 705-9109

Phillips Ed OA 404 FB 787-5514

Phillips-Rakestraw Mary OA 8th Fl CKB 783-2026

Poretta Kim OA 5th Fl CKB 787-3036

Potvin Matthew OA RCSOB 214-4610

Rainey Angela OA 408 FB 783-2590

Ray Dan OA 226 H&WB 787-5618

Reeder Jill OA 310 FB 772-7098

Reigel Amanda OA 9th Fl CKB 787-4344

Reisinger Aleda OA 310 FB 705-5567

Remillard Denise OA 210 FB 214-7080

Rhoads Dustin OA 1920 Technology Parkway 728-0342

Russian Andrew OA 404 NOB 705-0083

Sarzynski Brandon OA 1920 Technology Parkway 728-5396

Schwartz Aimee OA 515 FB 787-6154

Shanar Nathan OA 3rd Fl L&IB 857-3730

Sharp Heather OA 410 FB 783-2590

Sheehan Jerry OA 404FB 787-5514

Sipe James OA 204 FB 705-5638

Sites Nikki OA 1415 L&IB 787-6250

Sluga Justin OA 404 FB 787-5514

Smith Colby B OA 310 FB 705-9101

Smith Timothy P OA 408 FB 783-2590

Snyder Julie OA 7th Fl Forum Pl 705-5462

Spiess Cristal OA 515 FB 787-6154

Stanton Ty OA 1920 Technology Parkway 728-5351

Stoy Sandy OA 404 FB 787-5514

Striggle Patrick OA 787-6374

Strom Ellen OA 205 FB 772-8072

Sucic James OA 402A FB 787-8575

Swarthout, Jason OA 110 FB 787-5703

Taylor Traci OA 106 H&WB 783-9302

Thomas Jason OA 9th Fl CKB 787-8001

Thornton John OA 9th Fl CKB 787-8001

Todero Angelica OA 112 FB 783-8732

Toomey Charlotte OA 515 FB 787-6154

Topper Mary OA 408 FB

Trout Emily OA 221 FB 783-3917

Trucco Gabrielle OA 210 FB 215-9769

Turner Bruce OA 1400A N Cameron St 346-5558

Ullrich Michael OA 2629 Market Place 705-7486

Updegrove Matthew OA 508 FB 783-5446

Weand Crystal OA 226 H&WB 736-7342

Weaver Neil OA 210 FB 705-5656

White Lydia OA 517 FB 710-2597

White Stacey OA 310 FB 783-4883

Williams Cynthia OA 408 FB 783-2590

Young Dellanor OA 7th Fl Forum Pl 783-1130


06 ADMINISTRATION (Updated November 2023)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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