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[Pages:2]EDUCATOR DISCIPLINE ACT1 24 P.S. ??2070.1 et seq.

Effective February 18, 2014


Section 1a.

Short Title.

Section 1b.


Section 2.

Certification Requirements.

Section 3.

Professional Standards and Practices Commission.

Section 4.

Membership and Qualifications.

Section 5.

Power and Duties.

Section 6.

Organization and Meetings of the Commission.

Section 7.


Section 8.

Commission Staff.

Section 9.

Complaints and Department Investigations.

Section 9a.

Mandatory Reporting.

Section 9b.

Discipline for Criminal Offenses.

Section 9c.

Imposition of Discipline on Additional Grounds.

Section 9.d.

Imposition of Discipline on Founded Reports.

Section 9e.

Reciprocal Discipline.

Section 9f.

Unavailability of Certain Defense and Mitigating Factor.

Section 10.

Confidentiality (Repealed).

Section 11.

Duties of School Entities.

Section 12.

Department Action After Investigation.

Section 13.


Section 14.

Proposed Report by Hearing Officer.

Section 15.


Section 16.


Section 17.

Unauthorized Release of Information (Repealed).

Section 17a.

Immunity From Liability.

Section 17b.


Section 18.

Commission Proceedings and Procedures.

Section 18a.

Charter School Staff Members.

Section 18b.


Section 18c.

Disposition of Fees and Fines Collected.

Section 19.

Effective Date.

1 This compilation of the Educator Discipline Act is not intended to be an official document. The document was created for the convenience of interested parties. When citing the Act, please refer to the version contained in Purdon's Statutes.


Section 1a. Short Title.--This act shall be known and may be cited as the Educator Discipline Act.

Section 1b. Definitions.--When used in this act, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:

"Administrator" shall mean an educator who holds a letter of eligibility, a commission, an administrative certificate or a supervisory certificate or who serves in a school entity in a position that supervises the educational operations of a school building, a school program or a school system.

"Certificate" shall mean any Commonwealth of Pennsylvania certificate, commission, letter of eligibility or permit issued under the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the "Public School Code of 1949," or under the act of January 28, 1988 (P.L.24, No.11), known as the "Private Academic Schools Act." The term includes a certificate or letter of eligibility that is invalid or inactive as defined in 22 Pa. Code ? 49.2 (relating to inactivity and invalidity).

"Charter or cyber charter school" shall mean a school established pursuant to Article XVII-A of the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the "Public School Code of 1949."

"Charter or cyber charter school staff member" shall mean an individual employed by a charter or cyber charter school in a position for which certification would be required in a public school other than a charter or cyber charter school but who is not required to hold certification under section 1724 A of the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the "Public School Code of 1949." The term includes an individual who is an administrator, including the chief administrator or the individual with primary responsibility for the administration of the charter or cyber charter school.

"Chief school administrator" shall mean the superintendent or chief executive officer of a school district, the executive director of an intermediate unit, the director of an area vocational-technical school, the chief administrator of a charter or cyber charter school, the director of a private academic school or the chief administrator of a contracted educational provider.

"Child" shall mean an individual who is less than 18 years of age. "Commission" shall mean the Professional Standards and Practices Commission. "Contracted educational provider" shall mean an individual or an entity with which a school entity has contracted to provide direct educational services to its students. "Contracted educational provider staff member" shall mean a person who:


(1) serves in a position for which certification would be required in a public school; and (2) is employed by a contracted educational provider or by or in a school entity as an individual contracted educational provider. The term includes an individual who is an administrator, including the chief administrator or the individual with primary responsibility for the administration of a contracted educational provider. "Department" shall mean the Department of Education of the Commonwealth.

"Discipline" shall mean any of the following:

(1) Private reprimand. (2) Public reprimand. (3) Suspension. (4) Revocation. (5) Surrender. (6) Supplemental sanctions. "Educational specialist" shall mean a person who holds an educational specialist certificate issued by the Commonwealth, including, but not limited to, a certificate in the area of elementary school counselor, secondary school counselor, social restoration, school nurse, home and school visitor, school psychologist, dental hygienist, instructional technology specialist or nutrition service specialist. "Educator" shall mean a person who holds a certificate, who is a charter or cyber charter school staff member or who is a contracted educational provider staff member. "Indictment" shall include a bill of indictment, police criminal complaint, criminal information or other similar document. "Private academic school" shall mean a school that is licensed to operate under the act of January 28, 1988 (P.L.24, No.11), known as the "Private Academic Schools Act." "Revocation" shall mean the termination of a certificate, the termination of the eligibility to be employed as a charter or cyber charter school staff member or the termination of the eligibility to be employed as a contracted educational provider staff member. "School entity" shall mean a school district, intermediate unit, area vocational-technical school, charter or cyber charter school, private academic school or contracted educational provider.


"Secretary" shall mean the Secretary of Education of the Commonwealth. "Sexual abuse or exploitation" shall have the meaning given to the term by 23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 63 (relating to child protective services). "Sexual misconduct" shall mean any act, including, but not limited to, any verbal, nonverbal, written or electronic communication or physical activity, directed toward or with a child or a student regardless of the age of the child or student that is designed to establish a romantic or sexual relationship with the child or student. Such prohibited acts include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) sexual or romantic invitations; (2) dating or soliciting dates;

(3) engaging in sexualized or romantic dialogue;

(4) making sexually suggestive comments;

(5) self-disclosure or physical exposure of a sexual, romantic or erotic nature; or

(6) any sexual, indecent, romantic or erotic contact with the child or student.

"State Board" shall mean the State Board of Education.

"State Board of Private Academic Schools" shall mean the departmental administrative board as

established by the act of January 28, 1988 (P.L.24, No.11), known as the "Private Academic Schools Act." "Student" shall mean an individual enrolled in: (1) a public school, including an intermediate unit, area vocational-technical school and a charter or cyber charter school; (2) a private school, including a nonpublic, nonlicensed school, private academic school and accredited school; or (3) a contracted educational provider. "Supplemental sanctions" shall mean private or public disciplinary sanctions that focus on remediation or restitution, including, but not limited to, fees, fines, prescribed coursework, evaluations, treatment plans, impaired educator programs and other corrective action plans. "Surrender" shall mean the termination by consent of a certificate or eligibility to be employed as a charter or cyber charter school staff member or as a contracted educational provider staff member whenever the surrender occurs at any time after the-issuance of the certificate or the employment in a


charter or cyber charter school or contracted educational provider. "Suspension" shall mean the temporary termination of a certificate, the temporary termination of

the eligibility to be employed as a charter or cyber charter school staff member or the temporary termination of the eligibility to be employed as a contracted educational provider staff member for a specific period of time, for an indefinite period of time or until specific conditions are met.

"Teacher" shall mean any person who holds a Pennsylvania teaching certificate or who is employed as a contracted educational provider staff member or by a charter or cyber charter school in a position for which certification would be required in a public school other than a charter or cyber charter school, but who is not required to hold certification under the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the "Public School Code of 1949."

Section 2. Certification Requirements.--(a) No educator shall be employed by a school entity in the Commonwealth unless he has met the certification requirements which are applicable to the position in the institution in which he is employed as established by the State Board, the State Board of Private Academic Schools or the department. An educator whose certificate has been revoked, suspended or surrendered is not eligible for employment in a school entity in a position requiring certification or for which certification would be required in a public school other than a charter or cyber charter school or eligible for any certificate until the certificate or eligibility is reinstated in accordance with this act.

(b) An educator whose eligibility to be employed as a charter or cyber charter school staff member or as a contracted educational provider staff member has been revoked, suspended or surrendered is not eligible for employment in a school entity in a position requiring certification or for which certification would be required in a public school other than a charter or cyber charter school or eligible for any certificate until eligibility is reinstated in accordance with this act.

Section 3. Professional Standards and Practices Commission.--(a) There is hereby created a Professional Standards and Practices Commission consisting of thirteen members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of a majority of the members elected to the Senate.

(b) The term of office of members of the commission shall be three years, with members serving fixed and staggered terms so that in the first two of every three years, the terms of four members expire, and in the third of every three years, the terms of five members expire.


(c) Vacancies shall be filled for an unexpired term in the same manner as original appointments. No person shall serve for more than two consecutive terms as a member of the commission; however, members may continue to serve after the expiration of their term until a replacement appointed by the Governor is confirmed. The Governor may remove any member from the commission for misconduct or malfeasance in office, incapacity, or neglect of duty. All members of the commission shall be residents of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Section 4. Membership and Qualifications.--(a) The membership of the Professional Standards and Practices Commission shall consist of:

(1) Six classroom teachers broadly representative of the education profession, with not more than one from a school entity other than a public school.

(2) Three administrators from a school entity, at least one of whom shall be a commissioned officer and one a principal, with not more than one from a school entity other than a public school.

(3) One administrator from an approved institution of higher learning in the Commonwealth offering approved teacher education programs.

(4) Two members from the general public, at least one of whom shall be an elected public school director.

(5) One educational specialist. (b) Except for the representatives of the general public, the Governor in making appointments shall consider recommendations from panels of nominees submitted by Statewide educational organizations which certify that the panels include only representatives of the category of professional personnel for which the panel or panels of nominees are submitted. However, the Governor shall not be limited to nominating members of Statewide organizations for appointments to the commission. (c) All members of the commission except the persons representing the general public shall have been actively engaged in teaching or providing related educational, administrative or supervisory services in a school entity or approved institution of higher education with approved teacher education programs for at least five of the eight years immediately preceding their appointment. A person appointed to the commission who leaves the Commonwealth to become domiciled in another state shall have his position on the commission deemed vacated. A person whose status changes to a category different from that for which that person was appointed may continue to serve on the


commission for the remainder of that person's appointment or until replaced. (d) The chairman of the State Board, or a member of the State Board designated by the

chairman, shall be an ex officio member of the commission without voting privileges. (e) The members of the commission, employes of the commission and agents of the commission

shall in all of their deliberations consider the public interest, including ensuring the health, safety and welfare of students or other individuals in school entities.

Section 5. Power and Duties.--(a) The Professional Standards and Practices Commission shall have the power and its duty shall be:

(1) To recommend to the State Board rules and regulations defining positions for which certification should be required and criteria to determine qualifications, consistent with this act, necessary to hold such a certificate.

(2) To recommend to the State Board rules and regulations providing for making a certificate permanent upon evidence of such teaching experience and additional preparation as may by rule be required.

(3) To recommend to the State Board rules and regulations providing for the department's investigation and determination of the acceptability of programs of professional education in colleges and universities of this Commonwealth issuing degrees to persons who may desire to teach in the schools of this Commonwealth. The commission may recommend as its own, with or without modification, standards used by other organizations engaged in the evaluation of teacher preparation programs. In recommending standards pursuant to this clause, the commission shall consider, among other factors, the following:

(i) Ongoing research and developing theories in education. (ii) The knowledge and skills necessary to effectively perform professional education functions. (iii) The liberal arts and general education requirements that are the foundation of a teacher preparation program. (iv) The value of student teaching, laboratory work and other professional experience as preparation for certification. (v) The cultural and demographic diversity of relevant student populations. (vi) Other interests of the public.


The commission shall assess the effectiveness of educator preparation programs and recommend changes to the State Board as indicated by such evaluations.

(4) To recommend to the State Board changes in teacher education programs based on commission conducted assessments of these programs.

(5) To recommend to the State Board rules and regulations providing for acceptance or approval of certificates to teach issued by other states, countries and bodies.

(6) To recommend to the State Board rules and regulations providing for the department to enter into agreements with agencies of other states for reciprocal approval of teacher preparation programs.

(7) To recommend to the State Board rules and regulations governing examinations for the initial certification of teachers.

(8) To cooperate with a national board for professional education certification recognized by the commission to such degree as, in the commission's judgment, shall bring advantage to the Commonwealth.

(9) To establish procedures for the commission's adjudication of educator misconduct and applications for reinstatement and for conducting public hearings, including the imposition of fines and fees.

(9.1) To adopt requirements regarding the submission of reports by the department on the processing of complaints in order to ensure the timely and effective resolution of complaints.

(10) To adopt and maintain a code for professional practice and conduct that shall be applicable to any educator as defined in this act, pursuant to the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as the Commonwealth Documents Law. Nothing in the code for professional practice and conduct shall be an independent basis for discipline other than a public or private reprimand, nor shall it pertain to questions of membership or affiliation or nonaffiliation in an employe organization, or participation in the actions of an employe organization, or participation or nonparticipation in the actions of an employe organization related to the negotiation of a collective bargaining agreement, a strike or other work stoppage as defined under the act of July 23, 1970 (P.L.563, No.195), known as the "Public Employe Relations Act."

(11.1) To direct the department to discipline any educator in accordance with section 9b, 9c, 9d



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