National Steinbeck Center Salinas, CA

National Steinbeck Center

Salinas, CA

What We Did

Marketing research:

surveyed members & community Interviewed program attendees Held bi-lingual community round-tables

What we learned:

Pride in the stories of the people Community wanted to be engaged

Tied research to Strategic Plan

Audiences in Plain Sight

Traditional audience

National/international tourists aged 54+ educated or highly educated Household income $75,000+ Caucasian.

Local demographic

Population of 140,000 Median age of 26 65% illiteracy rate, high school completion rate of 57% 26% unemployment, average per capita income $16,500 Ethnic makeup (70% Latino, 8.2% Asian/Pacific Islander, 2.1% African American, .8% Native American, and 10% mixed ethnicity) Multi-lingual

Change in Mission

To tell the story of John Steinbeck's rich legacy.

The National Steinbeck Center....building community, celebrating creativity, inspired by the words of John Steinbeck.

Audience Development Strategy

Address and identify target groups and audiences clarifying:

Methods for engagement Ways to sustain relationships How to use information gathered Realistic expectations Methods to evaluate progress

Define topics for engaging the community that align with the mission


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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