Lucifer’s Detour To Ignorance and Damnation

“In those days Yohanan the immerser came preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying `Repent! – For the Kingdom of heaven has come near!’ … Then people from Jerusalem and all Judea, and the country around the Jordan, went out to him. They were immersed by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins. And seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his immersion, he said to them, `Brood of adders! Who has warned you to flee from the coming wrath? -- bear, therefore, fruit worthy of repentance. And do not think to say to yourselves we have Abraham as our father. For I say to you that Elohim is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones. And the ax is already laid to the root of the trees. Every tree, then, which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. I immerse you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than…He shall immerse you in the Set-Apart Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in His hand and He shall thoroughly cleanse His threshing floor and gather His wheat into His storehouse, but the chaff He shall burn with unquenchable fire”.

(Excerpts from Matthew 3:1-12)

If you have read my article “A Radical View of Set-Apartness”, you know about the life changing impact my first visit to Qumran had on me this last Passover. This Sukkot I went once more to Qumran. He spoke to me while I was there, “The ax is laid to the root of the trees”. And then He began to teach me what trees Yohanan was talking about and why he was so brutal in addressing the religious leaders, as was Yahushua in Matthew 23. While the Essenes could be called “religious”, their intent was to come out of all defilement of the Roman puppet system in the Temple, and prepare themselves for the final battle between the sons of light and the sons of Belial that would come before Messiah would come. They laid for us a foundation of understanding of set-apartness that we must heed, for we are in the time of this final battle, and Messiah is coming within a short few years. Read “The Shmittah Year Prophecy” and “The Forty-Eight Hour Transition”, “Pole Shift” and other articles that give the timing of these last seven years that we are in now.

Probably none of you reading this article think you have a “religious spirit” or being “religious.” Some of you have been called “religious” by free wheelers, because you guard the Torah. But, in this article I want to expose what the spirit of religion is all about, so that, if need be, you may repent and turn from religion, which is man-based, to personal relationship with Yahuweh and Yahushua, being taught and led by the Spirit of Yahuweh daily, dwelling in His Presence, and knowing Them as They really are.

We are in the final seven years before Messiah comes, and the ax is indeed

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laid to the root of all trees (national or world systems, religious belief systems--the agendas, plans and purposes of man under Lucifer—which have been planted by man) so that in the final end, only what has been established by Yahuweh will prevail. He gave us 120 Jubilee years, striving with us to obey Him, but now we are inside the 7,000th millennium, and the striving has stopped. We either align ourselves to His plumb line standard, or suffer His wrath.

Soon all religion will be destroyed by fire, and the world ruler--the new world Caesar/Emperor, the new world Pharaoh, the new world President--will demand that all worship him or die. At the root of the “trees” that He will hew down is the worship of Lucifer—from which all religion stems from. Masons, in their “Bible” Morals and Dogma, by their guru Albert Pike, clearly says, “Our god is Lucifer”. Free Masonry is a Lucifer-based religious system. The illuminati is a Lucifer worshipping religion. The New Age Movement is a Lucifer worshipping religion. But, all religions are Lucifer worshipping at their core, masked by a shallow layer of white wash “goodness”.

The word “religion” comes from the Greek expression “the regions of Rhea”. Rhea was the mother of Zeus, the savior god that replaced Yahuweh among the Greeks.

All religion has its roots in Lucifer and Nimrod. Through the centuries in different cultures, Nimrod, and his re-incarnation as his son Tammuz, the sun god, took on different names, titles, and appearances, but basically all traced their origins to the original founder of the tower of Babel and its temple to Marduk. Man’s attempts to build a tower into heaven to reach “God”, is the basis of all religion. However, to submit to Yahuweh is not in the heart of sinful man. The eye of Horus on the Great Seal on the back of the U.S. dollar bill, is known also by other names—Osiris, Apollo, and the Masonic “God”. Yet, its roots are in Nimrod, the “gebbor”—the mighty man “in the face of Yahuweh”. The underlying work of the hierarch Illuminati as a whole is to bring this demon from the pit, “Apollyon” “Abaddon”, Revelation 9:11, put him in a cloned body, and set him on the Temple Mount to rule in the place of Yahushua—as the son of the “Destroyer” – Apollo, back to Nimrod, by whatever name. (II Thessalonians 2:3)

Religion is man-based--man created. It can only appeal to the soul—the mind, intellect, reasoning, emotion, feelings, natural life force, and will). The soul is also the seat of our rebellious sin nature—called “the carnal nature” or “flesh” in the Word, which revolts against the will of Yahuweh. The soul contacts the natural world through the five senses, and takes in data, right or wrong, which it uses to come to its conclusions. Data from religion leaves one ignorant of the whole truth, shuts one off from knowing Yahuweh and Messiah Yahushua as They are, leaves one dependent on human leadership, and leaves one with a prideful “know it all” superiority attitude, however hidden behind a mask of spirituality, and self-righteousness. The soul is rebellious, self-centered, egotistical, prideful, and carries the nature of Lucifer in its revolt against the

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Covenant of Yahweh—Torah—the teachings and instructions of the Kingdom of heaven. Because Lucifer rebelled and was expelled, he does not want anyone else obeying Yahuweh. His crowing achievement in creating religion was the creation of a counterfeit religion to the saving work of Yahushua – the Greek-created “Christianity”. In this religion, its “believers” are actually taught that they must NOT obey the Torah of the kingdom of heaven. Both Greece and Rome hated the Torah, so they promoted this religion, which has nothing to do with the real Yahushua, the Messiah of Israel, and His Father Yahuweh. Religion keeps one from knowing Yahuweh and Yahushua as They are. It also gives a person a false image of who they are.

Most people do not think they are religious, or controlled by a religious spirit. Most do not know they are wearing a façade of spirituality--hiding behind deception. Most people would just say they “have their religion”, or their belief system that they live by. But, the spirit of religion is very subtle and cunning. It is masked as to its real character. It blinds and deafens its victims so that they do not see the puppeteer pulling strings to control and manipulate their mind, emotions and will, to even disguise themselves from themselves. Most do not purposely wear a mask to hide their real self, but religion itself masks its hidden nature, until something happens to expose the truth.

Man also has a spirit. Together the soul and spirit make up the “spirit man”—or spirit being that is very tangibly real within us. Scientists have actually weighed people who were dying, and when they actually breathe their last breath, and

pass into eternity, the scales showed that they weighed slightly less than they did when they were alive. There have been many, many reports by doctors who have been with patients when they died, and then revived the patients, who told them that they saw their bodies below, but their spirit was floating up towards the ceiling. I have talked with three of such people who died in the hospital and came back--people I know--and they have told me about their experiences of being in heaven and talking with Yahushua. They were amazingly almost identical. I died also and saw Yahushua, who sent me back of course. I have much more to do--my course is not finished.

The “spirit man” is what passes into eternity and awaits the resurrection, in which they receive their renewed bodies to inhabit. If the spirit is re-born by the working of Yahuweh’s Spirit, through repentance of sin and faith in Messiah’s death and resurrection, it becomes transformed so that one has the ability to touch the Eternal realm of Yahuweh and Yahushua. The Word says we were “bought with a price”—the price of His own blood. “Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin”. He took our place. We deserved death for violating His Torah. “Sin is the transgression (revolt, rebellion, apostasy) of the Torah” (I John 3:4) But, Messiah paid the price of justice so that we might go free. Then He rose from the dead to take His blood and sprinkle it on the mercy seat in heaven, assuring our salvation and our eternal life. This is why we must commit our entire life to obedience to Him alone as our Master and

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Savior, for without Him, we would never be able to approach Yahuweh and be citizens of the Kingdom of heaven.

There are at least forty things mentioned in the Scriptures that happen by sovereign intervention by Yahuweh’s Spirit, when a person truly repents, and puts their faith in Messiah Yahushua, with the earnest desire to follow Him only. Usually, especially in the western world, when one is re-born by His Spirit in a church or religious setting, some member of the group moves in quickly to instruct the mind of His new creation in man’s thinking and reasoning, and in religious principals, so that Truth becomes hidden, and the person becomes blinded to what the Word of Yahuweh really says.

In the true new birth, there are at least forty things that the Spirit of Yahuweh does instantly to bring us to new birth, so that we are “new creations” in Him (II Corinthians 5:17-21)

If the new believer is not taught to study the Word (Genesis to Revelation) with the Teacher—the Spirit of Yahuweh—and how to live in His Presence through prayer, the mind can take over and squelch what Yahuweh wants to impart to the spirit. There are at least forty ways that He speaks to the re-born spirit, as precidented in the Word, but few even know one of them. What a tragedy! Then one becomes proud of his religious knowledge from man, but has not touched the Eternal realm of Elohim. The soul must submit to the re-born spirit for a person to walk in “newness of life” “blameless before Him in love”. The new birth severs between the soul and spirit, rebirthing the spirit and perfecting it, so that the spirit, which receives also the “mind of Messiah” can begin to transform the soul and submit it to His will. When the soul and the spirit are united in submission to His will, then a person can walk in

blamelessness – “in newness of life”. The Word talks about “the saving of the soul” by the “washing of the Word”. The more the soul (mind, etc.) is fed the Word, the will begins to soften and weaken and submit to the power of the Spirit within the re-born spirit, and you have someone then, filled with His power and His authority. This can not be done via religion. No one can know Yahuweh or Yahushua through religion—IMPOSSIBLE!

I was born of the Spirit 59 years ago, and from that time, I was transformed into a “new creation” and began walking with Them in newness of life. The Spirit has led me all the way. I was re-born in the midst of a Christian denomination, but because I was truly severed from the kingdom of darkness and entered the “Kingdom of His Dear Son”, He has led me into all truth by the Spirit. When I began to know the real Savior and Messiah, the real Father and Elohim of Israel, all those years of knowledge and training came alive, and I began to know Them as They really are – outside of all religions of man.

I have been taught by the Spirit, and therefore, like my Teacher (Yahuweh’s Spirit), I have an aversion and disgust for the opinions of man that come from the soul. (John 16:13; I John 2:27) Yahuweh’s Spirit is vexed (tormented) because so few listen to Him teach. Yet, all who are taught by the Spirit, and are led by the Spirit, are the sons of Elohim (Romans 8:14).

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Religion is soul-based—soul based outside of the intervention of Yahuweh’s Spirit. Religion may sound good, but is Luciferic to the core (deception). Yohanan the Apostle said, “Try the spirits to see if they be of Elohim”. But, people trust people, and so hardly anyone knows the real Elohim of the Scriptures. Lucifer is terrified of anyone knowing that they have an eternal spirit that can contact the realm of Yahuweh, and dwell in that realm. So many quote Psalm 91, but do not understand the condition in verse 1 – that of dwelling in His realm (Colossians 3:1-3 and Ephesians 2:4-6).

Jeremiah 2:8: “The priests do not say, `Where is Yahuweh?’ And those who handle the Torah do not know Me, and the shepherds transgress against Me, and the prophets prophesy by Ba’al and walked after things that did not profit”. I find that most Messianic people do not know Him, but are very proud of their Torah-keeping to the point of lunacy by some. The fruit of the re-born spirit (Galatians 5:22-24) is just not there.

Matthew 7:13-16a: “Enter in through the narrow gate—for the gate is wide, and the gate is broad, that leads to destruction and there are many who enter through it. Because the way is narrow and the way is hard pressed, which leads to life, and there are few who find it. And beware of the false prophets who come in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are savage wolves. By their fruits you will know them…”

Ii Corinthians 11:13-15: “For such are false messengers, deceptive workers, masquerading as ministers of Messiah. And no wonder! For Satan himself masquerades as a messenger of light! It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works”.

People who are not transformed by the new birth, who have not contacted eternity, but only have a religious belief system, follow after what appeals to the soul. They study the Word but are not taught by the Spirit, so they come up

with all sorts of good sounding beliefs. Others hear their beliefs and they sound good, so they follow what man says, and end up on the “broad way” that leads to destruction. Many are proud of their knowledge of the “Bible”…yet their knowledge is from someone else that they’ve listened to, or their own reading of the Bible, without the leading of the Spirit. Therefore, they are proud and spiritually exalt themselves, and others who are weaker go along with their assertions, and become snared in deception.

They may use the Scriptures, but the lazy, who do no study for themselves, are fooled by a façade of “knowledge”. Their teachings do not align to the whole of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, as taught by the Spirit to the humble and contrite, however the lazy would not know that, for they don’t study the Scriptures with the Spirit to learn truth. He is the Spirit of Truth. All who are taught by Him come to the real Messiah, and agree. Several times, I have met people for the first time, being in their homes to teach, and been with them for several days, fellowshipping for hours a day, and not disagreeing on one

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thing. Impossible in the natural! But, because I am Spirit-taught, and they are Spirit-taught, we come together in Him, and flow in the Spirit.

I John 2:27: “The anointing (the smearing of the “oil of the Spirit”—His Presence) that you have received from Him stays in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But, the anointing (The Person of the Spirit) teaches you concerning all, and is true, and is no falsehood, and even as He has taught you, you stay in Him”. This “anointing” is His Presence within our re-born spirit. Our re-born spirit has its own mind. It is the temple of the Spirit, if one is filled with the Spirit. Though the Spirit does forty things in us instantly if we are truly born of the Spirit, He does not enter until we ask Messiah to immerse us in the Spirit. This is what Yohanan the immerser was speaking of. He will immerse you in the Spirit. When one is born of the Spirit, the Spirit of Yahuweh immerses us into Messiah (I Corinthians 12:13). It was natural in the early assemblies to be filled, or immersed, in the Spirit at the same time as one put their trust in Messiah for salvation, as in the case of the salvation of Cornelius and his family (Acts 10). I wrote my own testimony in several articles, but especially in “The Ruach and Sha’vu’ot”. I have walked with Them for over 60 years now, and I know Them well. They know me, and I am Their servant. Therefore, my life has been a life of miracles. I write these articles to draw some into the life of miracles, so that you might know Them intimately, so that you can know Their nature, thinking, and ways, so that you might have a personal relationship with Them, so like Enoch, you might walk with Elohim.

Religion is the broad way that leads to destruction! There may be some truth in the religious belief system, but the truth is not manifested in the lives of the people it enslaves. Christianity talks about loving one another. Yet, as an ordained minister in a major denomination, and growing up with the jealousy and competition of the “ministry”, real “love” is almost non-existent. Yet, Yohanan the Apostle said, “We know we have passed from death unto life

because we love the brethren”. “Love” in Hebrew understanding means submission and obedience. Therefore, Yahushua said: “If you love Me—guard My commandments”. I know few Christians who guard His commandments, for He tells us to forsake all to be His taught-one, and to go into all the world and preach the Good News of His salvation, making disciples (taught ones) of all nations.

I worked in Customer Service for a Christian bookstore in Ft. Worth, Texas, which was huge—the size of a big warehouse. It contained all the latest fads of Christianity, the latest books, and trinkets, even statues of Santa Claus holding baby Jesus at Christmas time. As I rang up a lady’s purchase, she asked what translation of the Bible she should buy. She made this comment: “I am just a new Christian, but from what I see in this bookstore, I have a lot of catching up to do – there is so much here that I suppose I need to have”. This really crushed me. All she needed was to get before Him, entering into His Presence, and

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letting Him teach her. All the other junk and books of man’s opinion was useless, and dangerous to her spiritual maturity.

Religion is death to spiritual life. I have exposed the root of Greco/Egyptian/Roman/Persian Christianity in “The Foundation of Deception”.

I have exposed Rabbinic Judaism in “Exposing Rabbinic Judaism and Its Link to Rome”. Revelation calls religion a whore. “Spiritual whoredom” happens when one departs from Yahuweh and makes people and deceptive beliefs into gods. This is idolatry—substituting man’s teaching for His teaching. Subtly religion creates fear, that if one doesn’t embrace the teachings of the group leader, or church, or popular teacher on TV like everyone else, they will be put out of the inner core of the special ones. Religion replaces Yahuweh and Yahushua with dependency on man. By following the leaders, one feels secure in thinking they are “right with God”, yet they are being led far from Him. Religion produces false security. It is really bondage. It blinds eyes and deafens ears to His Truth.

Christianity, Rabbinic Judaism, and Islam are all rooted in Papal Rome. Now as a whole, they have returned to their home base, and joined together with all other Luciferic religions with the Illuminati Jesuits of the Vatican, to form a global religion that will end in the worship of the world ruler—anti-messiah.

All religion is a substitute for Yahuweh and Yahushua—the Elohim of the Scriptures. It is IMPOSSIBLE to know Them in religion! They are outside all religion! In these final days, They will destroy all of man’s religions with the fire of Their judgment. As Revelation 17 tells us, the whore will be burned with fire. She has deceived the whole world. She is guilty of the blood of multi-millions of set-apart ones. She is hidden. She is from Babylon (Nimrod). She is specifically the religion of end-time Babylon—Christianity, which has masked Lucifer’s evil ones since the first century, and caused the murder of more people on earth than all the wars in history.

Religion has its roots in the control of man’s mind. It is a mind-programming device. When well programmed, the loyal religious person only sees and hears

what their programmers (teachers and gurus) want them to see and hear. If you’ve ever listened to Jehovah’s Witnesses or Mormons who come to your door, you see that they are like robots, spewing out their canned rhetoric learned from their leaders. It is easy to break through that if one is anointed with the Spirit of Truth. Underneath is usually a person who longs from Truth, and who has been confused, but feels secure in their “group”.

Religion is filled with false prophets and false doctrines. Many fool their victims with false prophecy and dreams, with signs and wonders, just like the false prophet of Revelation 13. Beware! What comes from Yahuweh aligns to Yahuweh’s Word, but also His nature, His ways, and His thinking consistently.

Please refer my study: “The Message of the True Prophet” for discernment.

Many read the Word, but with the glasses of the programmer on their faces.

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Thus, they see but don’t see, hear but don’t hear. (Isaiah 6:9-10 and Matthew 13:14-16)

A remnant that has been re-born and made new creations by the working of Yahuweh’s Spirit, have the nature of Messiah. They desire His Word, they desire to obey, they fear losing His Presence, they walk in “newness of life”,

they are “seated in heavenly places in Messiah Yahushua”--their whole life is

committed to being good servants of their new Master. Religion is only in the head (soul), which includes sentimental attachment and emotion, thus their leaders can manipulate them to love or hate, to bless of kill, reject or embrace. Religious people are easily offended if someone disagrees with their pet doctrines. I’ve tried to show people from the Word that their beliefs are not even Scriptural, but their nice façade drops, mask comes off, and they become angry, hostile, and defensive. They are under the control of the spirit of religion, which is a Luciferic spirit—a demonic hierarch, principality and power over this earth.

Messiah made it clear that we have one Master, and one only—Him! Thus few hear from Yahuweh’s Spirit in their spirit. Few know what it means to be led by the Spirit, to walk in the Spirit, to pray in the Spirit, and learn from the Spirit as their Teacher. It is foreign to most Christians, Messianic believers and Jews to really know what it is like to walk with Elohim as Adam did before his sin.

Knowing a person intimately is far different than having a belief about someone. You can know every detail of the life of a famous person, but if they do not give you the phone number of their private home phone and cell phone, you do not really know them. If you can’t go to their door and be welcomed in with a joyful greeting, you don’t know them and they don’t know you. Yet religion makes a person think that they know “God” or “the Lord”, painting some concept that is sentimental and endearing, yet most people don’t even know His real Name. Fewer still know how He thinks. Fewer still have the joy of having Him share the deep things of His heart with them.

Christianity is a purely pagan religion created by the Greeks, and later institutionalized by the Romans. It was a counterfeit taken from Egypt, Greece, Rome and Persia. Its root is in Nimrod. Rabbinic Judaism, under Rabbi Akiva,

joined with and submitted to, Rome for their protection. The Roman Emperor Constantine used religion to unite his empire, creating a conglomerate religion that produced what became “The Roman Catholic Church”. Both of these religions, at different times, have been instrumental in killing Torah-guarding believers in Messiah Yahushua who refused to bow to Akiva’s Judaism and Rome’s paganism. The murder of true believers by the Roman Church has not ceased, however, since the fourth century. The Roman Church thought they had them all killed by the fourth century, but the Roman church even admits that these “heretics” were followers of the Jewish Messiah Yahushua and the teachings of His Apostles. But, they despised their Torah-guarding, and their copies of the Good News by Matthew in Hebrew. The Greeks and Romans did all they could to stamp out anything Hebrew. The Greeks and Romans hated the

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Torah. They despised circumcision. The Greeks, especially, from the first century, did everything they could to try to ruin the reputation of the true set-apart Torah-guarding believers, even twisting Scripture, and making Sha’ul (Paul) to be a hater of Torah. Thus the lies continue to this day. The Inquisition was created to try to stamp them out. Today, the one target of the world

government will be to stamp out the true ones who only followed the Messiah Yahushua, and obeyed the Torah of Yahuweh.

Constantine created his conglomerate sun god religion in 325 CE at the Council of Nicea. He appointed himself as the first pope/Pontifix Maximus, and commanded all to also honor Him as an emperor-god. Emperor worship was strong in Rome, and centered in Asia in Pergamum, where Messiah said the seat of Satan was. The “seat of Satan” was the altar of Zeus, but also the temple of emperor worship. When political Rome fell, emperor worship and the power of Rome simply went into the papacy and the church. Thus Rome never died—it just became the control center for Lucifer’s world religion. Today it is the control center of Lucifer’s world religion and plans for world takeover!

Today, the Name of Yahuweh is illegal in most countries of our world. The Word of Yahuweh is considered under global law to be a “hate-crime book”, and outlawed, at least in law books for now, in countries such as Canada, America and the UK. To use the Name of Yahuweh has been banned officially by the Vatican. It is not to be said in their churches or in the homes of their one billion plus members. Witnessing openly to Messiah as the only way to salvation can incur arrest, even in the U.S., under the “Genocide Laws”. Now, laws have been passed in the U.S. against home meetings, but not enforced yet. We are definitely following China’s pattern. But, then, China is a Communist nation, and America is fast becoming communist.

For those whose names were written in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world, no matter how a believer begins after their new birth, He promises to bring them into the Truth of His Covenant--if they continue on to love Truth. If one continues to move forward in truth, and does not sit down in man’s traps, He can bring them quickly into all Truth as He teaches them.

II Thessalonians 2:8-12, tells of the great deception that He will send to those

who have not “received a love of the truth” so that they might be damned, because they did not love Truth. Because “truth” is synonymous with His Word—and His Tenach (miscalled the Old Testament) is the only Word mentioned in the Word, those who do not receive a love of His Torah (His instructions and teachings)—His Prophets and His Writings, which all picture Messiah, will be open to receiving the great deception to come. Tragically, most who come to Messiah by faith, are told they do not have to obey Yahuweh’s Torah. Thus, most are satisfied to go to church, or church-related teachers, and never learn the “truth”.

I have spoken in churches and meetings in Wales and England, where people told me they had never read the Old Testament because their church considered it “obsolete”. “Replacement Theology” teaches that the church

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replaced Israel, and the New Testament replaced the Hebrew Scriptures, that faith replaced obedience to His Covenant, and church replaced the need for the empowerment of His Spirit. But, without calling it “Replacement Theology” Americans are also taught the same thing. Many use the Psalms or a few verses from the “Old Testament” for promises, or to back their belief-system, but do

not obey its continual pleading to observe His teachings and instructions of the Kingdom of heaven. There was no “new” covenant as opposed to an old one. The promise of Jeremiah 31:31-34 was a “renewed covenant”, as the moon is renewed each month—a renewal of the Covenant of Torah but from the power of the Spirit in His love. In Matthew 26:28, when Yahushua lifted the cup and said, “This is the new covenant in My blood”… the Greek word there means the same as the Hebrew word for “renewed”. Once Elohim puts His Word out of His mouth, it will never be drawn back. All of the Shabbats, the Festivals, the New Moons—all the Torah is “forever”. How long is everlasting and forever? In Isaiah 66:22-23, speaking of the time-period after Father comes to earth and eternity has begun, He tells us we will still be celebrating the Shabbats, the Festivals (appointed times) and the New Moon, as worship before Him. Religion has lied to us … and given us substitute holidays that are rooted in pure 100% paganism. In I Kings 12, when the ten tribes split from Judah and Levi and went north, Jeroboam became their King. He was afraid they would want to go to Jerusalem for the Festivals, so he told them “You don’t have to go to Jerusalem”. He set up different festivals out of Yahuweh’s timing, a different priesthood, different gods to worship, and different laws. He was the first anti-messiah. Constantine was the second, and the third is soon to come. But, they all pull their trickery to get around obedience to Yahuweh.

Did Messiah die for the mess that man has created with its 5000+ denominations and organizations and its 350+ translations of the English Bible, and its church splitting and arguing? No! He died for the “few” that would enter the narrow gate into the Kingdom through faith and obedience.

“Faith” in Hebrew context means working out what you believe so that all might see what you believe. Therefore, the Torah is our gift--our instructions, our teachings, and our guideline for our set-apartness, and for

the transformation of our soul, so that we walk in alignment to the will of Yahuweh, our Father! Lucifer hates the Torah with all his being….and so His prime objective, even now, is to rid the world of Yahuweh and His Torah, and to produce a race of humans that are DNA altered so that they have no spirit that can touch eternity—the realm of Yahuweh--transhumanism, transgenics—beings that do not reflect the image and likeness of Yahuweh.

Christianity tells its people they do not have to obey the Torah, that it was “nailed to the cross”, don’t have to go to Jerusalem for Yahuweh’s Festivals, sets Sunday (the day of sun god worship, “the lord’s--Baal’s--day) as the day of worship instead of Yahuweh’s Shabbat, has a priesthood all its own that is trained to obey denominational leaders, is rooted in pagan gods, and has adopted Christmas and Easter (two vile pagan-based abominations to Yahuweh)

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instead of Passover and Sukkot? (For more information on this, read “Joyful Abominations” and “Passover or Easter—Which One Honors the Savior”)

Because of the manipulation of the Word and the Apostles teachings by the Hellenistic Jews and Greeks who despised Torah, the church taught that Torah was passé and Messiah replaced it with another covenant. Also the translations from the original Hebrew, into to Aramaic, to Greek, to Latin, and to English and other languages, with no understanding of Hebrew culture, or the culture of Messiah’s day, it was easy through the centuries to twist the meanings of words, so that we have a false understanding of Yahushua’s message. We

Praise Yahuweh that now we can have the translation of Hebrew Matthew in English, and also the Messianic Writings from the Hebrew and Aramaic.

Today, so many will fight for the doctrines of their religion, quoting some human teacher for the proof of their belief system, but they do not love the Truth.

Today emperor worship still goes on in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and parts

of Europe. Dictators such as Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Castro (and now Barack Obama) became gods of religion themselves. All who opposed these self-proclaimed gods were marked for death. Obama has been diagnosed as a psychopathic narcissist who is very dangerous. He is fast moving America into Socialism on its road to Communist takeover, and is now making lists of all “resisters” to his plans. There is even a government phone number people can call to betray, turn in, someone who disagrees with his plans.

America is being purposely pushed into anger, thus civil war is close, as well as martial law to control the rioters. Now, local police departments are being transformed into federally controlled departments. Sheriff departments are being eliminated so that a new “security force” will be put in effect--before the end of 2009, so it is planned. Obama is bringing America down, while raising up the world government—the beast system--at the same time.

He is a world religious catalyst. He has been and is called “the savior, the messiah, even the last Imam, “God”, “the One”, the world president, the one to solve all the world’s problems, and the new King Tut—Pharaoh of the world.

He has quite a worshipping cult around him. Yet there is no proof of his American citizenship, or of his family, or of his DNA that is so miraculous – he just popped onto the world scene, and who control him? I do not ask: “who is he?” I ask: “what is he?”

Lucifer set up gods like Nimrod, and Zeus and Jupiter to replace Yahuweh. He set up gods like Horus, Osiris, and Apollo to replace Yahushua, the true Savior.

Nimrod was thought to be a god. He tried to build the tower of Babel with its temple of Marduk on the top to reach heaven, to give Lucifer the desired throne of Yahwueh—Isaiah 14:12-14. When Nimrod died, his wife, Samaramis, said that he ascended to heaven and became the sun god. She was found to be pregnant, and so she said that her son was in the incarnation of her husband the sun god. Thus Nimrod incarnated into Tammuz, and Samaramis became “the Queen of heaven”. Here is the tip of the root of the mother-child cult

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that has encircled the globe and ended up with Mary and baby Jesus, Eve and baby Adam. Thus we have the “trinity” –father, son, and holy spirit (pictured by the Queen of heaven, since the Holy Spirit was the one who put the sun god in her womb). The true belief is in two—Yahuweh and Yahushua. The true belief is not monotheistic. There are two thrones in heaven. Elohim is a plural. “Let Us make man in Our image”. The word “one” in Deuteronomy 6:4 is “echad” – a family word, a unity word, two as one. Adam and Eve became “echad”—one flesh. But, the newscasters are right—the world has “three great monotheistic religions” – Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Catholicism talks about “God in three Persons--blessed Trinity”. Jews are fiercely monotheistic, but if you press them, though can get very angry, they will agree that “echad” refers to two in unity—a family word. Islam was created from about 350 gods of Arabia, and the moon god picked to be the supreme one. Regarding the “Holy Spirit” – in II Corinthians 3:17-18, we read that the Spirit is Yahuweh. If you are filled with the Spirit, you are filled with Yahuweh. Go over John 17 carefully.

The “christianese language” is pagan-based, as are Christian symbols. “Christ” comes from the Egyptian worshippers of Serapis, a god who replaced Osiris as the main god, in Alexandria, Egypt. All Greek religions had “Christ” in

there somewhere. The worshippers of Serapis were called “Christians” and their leaders “the Bishops of Christ”. Thus the Hellenistic Jews and Greeks in Antioch began a counterfeit religion to replace the teachings of the Apostles of Yahushua, which took on the name of Christianity. Their god became “Iesous” later was transliterated into “Jesus” by creating the letter “J” in the English alphabet about 500 years ago. It is related to the sun gods—especially the savior god Zeus. Please study the article “The Hebrew Names and Titles of the Elohim of Israel”.

These Hellenistic Jews descended from ancestors in the days of Antiochus Ephiphanes. Antiochus came into Israel and basically said: “Convert to Greek culture and gods or die”--so many converted. They are the ones who tried to kill the Apostle Sha’ul (Paul). (Acts 9:28-30) They were the ones of II Peter 3:15-17 who twisted his words and the words of Scripture to their own advantage. Verse 16b-17: “…our beloved brother Sha’ul wrote to you…which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do also the other Scriptures. And, then, beloved one, being forewarned, watch,

lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the delusion of Torahlessness”. The delusion of Torahlessness was Gnostic Christianity.

These Hellenistic Jews and Greeks were the ones who did everything they could to stamp out the teachings of the Apostles. Rome picked up on their religion, and Constantine added to it from other pagan sources, and we got “the church” by 325 CE.

Religion is a murderous institution. Each religion, each church, each denomination, each sect or cult, stands against anyone who does not go along with the dictates of its leaders. Religion, because it is soul-based and tied to

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emotions, easily stirs people to hate and violence. Many rouse their members to hostility, and thus wars come and go. It is pretty well known now that the Roman Catholic (universal) Church also created Islam, using Mohammed, and though Islam got out of its control for a while, is now back in its control. The Illuminati is headquartered in the Vatican, in the Jesuit Order. From there, all wars are dictated, all killings, all manipulation of global politics, and the uniting of the world religion under their man – whom they will put on the Temple Mount as god. This is their vocally expressed goal.

The Jesuits at the top are Luciferics – pure and simple—the shadow hierarch of the Illuminati. As Fr. Malachi Martin, a top writer for the Vatican disclosed in his novel Windswept House, they perform human sacrifice in the Vatican. His exposing of the true Vatican got him murdered. The goal of these Luciferic Jesuits is to offer Lucifer at least 6 billion people in sacrifice. Messiah tells us, as well as the whole Word expressing it, that unless He comes in time, no flesh will be left alive on the planet once Lucifer gets his chance at the blood of humans. His desire is to wipe out every image and likeness of Yahuweh.

Loyalty to human religious teachers has caused man to imprison, torture and kill. But, few realize that the world system has a religion. The top world rulers worship Lucifer. They are planning a sacrifice to Lucifer of at least one billion

people soon. Many doctors are also Luciferics, and taking training in human sacrifice. Look up “Operation Paperclip” and see that our AMA from after WWII was infiltrated with ex-Nazi doctors that America brought into the U.S. to continue their wicked experiments on the American people. This is why plagues like H1N1 just pop up out of nowhere, and fear is spread by the news media so that people panic and take the far-deadlier vaccine. Read the recent article “Health Care Plan…” for valuable information.

Revelation 18:4 tells us to flee end-time Babylon “…lest you receive of her plagues”. He has warned the hearing remnant. Yet, how many churches, Messianic congregations, and Jewish synagogues are preparing their people for what He has warned us about in Jeremiah 50 and 51, Revelation 18, Isaiah 47, Isaiah 13 and 18 etc.? Few even know what is going on – they’re too busy preparing for the next social, the next food fest, or the next moneymaking project of their group. Religion keeps ones head buried in the sand, like an ostrich, and leaves them neck down exposed to danger. Religion makes ignoramuses out of people, keeps them dumb, deaf, and vulnerable.

There are Jews who have created a “hit-squad”, that kills Jews who convert to Christianity or become Messianic. Many of you followed the story of the Ortiz boy in Ariel, Israel, who one Purim went to his front door and saw a package left there. He picked it up and it exploded, sending nails everywhere, into him and his home. It is a miracle he is alive. It destroyed a lot of their home. The crime of this family: being Messianic. The perpetrators were Jews. The persecution by Jews against Jews is increasing, some to hostility. Some Jews often reject family members who have become “believers”, sending them away. Muslims have the legal right in their countries to kill anyone who

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converts—men, women and children, and they do. Nations that are Muslim have the right to execute anyone who “blasphemes” Allah or Mohammed. About two years ago in Afghanistan, the country we freed to have democracy but who chose Islamic shira law, executed a convert to Christianity openly and legally through their courts. It was on American news, yet the U.S. did nothing to intervene. So much for Democracy in Muslim nations!

Yet, Christians gossip and slander, and do all sorts of cruel things to hurt and ruin the reputations of the true set-apart ones whom they are jealous of, or whom they consider to be different than them. It is called “character assassination”—murder by mouth. The shocking thing is that these people have no conviction of wrongdoing. Most are so subtle in their “character assassination” that they get away with it, and come out appearing to be saints. I’ve had very personal experience through the years by those who without any conviction of wrong have tried character assassination on me. But, I do not defend myself—I cling to Isaiah 54:17.

Tibetan Buddhist priests channel demons, and will kill all who oppose them, or send demons to do their dirty work. I had personal encounter with this in Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia in 1996.

Witches and warlocks know how to kill by witchcraft. Those who believe in reincarnation have no problems with killing humans. But, they would not kill a “sacred cow” in Indian, for it might be a reincarnated family member. The New

Age Movement wants to destroy off the planet all “resisters” to the coming of their Avatar – their god. They explicitly mention Christians and Jews. But, think tanks leaders speak of killing off “useless eaters” --crippled people, mentally deficient people, blind and deaf people—anyone who might resist them, or not be desirable in the work of their “new age”, but also people over 60 and children under the age of three. Thus the rulers of this world have set in motion a “Eugenics” program to destroy a large portion of mankind. (Read the article: “Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind” for an understanding of this).

May 9-11, 2009, the Mayans and other groups said that the great Dragon has arisen and given us until 2012 to appease “Mother Gaia” – Mother Earth – and clean up earth, or the earth will self destruct. Obama immediately followed that with the “Climate Bill”. This agenda is also a catalyst for purging the earth of undesirables, who offend Mother Gaia.

The Pharisees wanted Yahushua dead. They could not kill Him by their law. They had to have an excuse to send Him to the Romans to kill Him. In John 8:40-47, He says to the Pharisees, “You are of your father the Devil”. The

Pharisees, the High Priest, too, were all controlled by Rome – puppets for the Romans. Messiah was a threat to their power and authority.

Matthew 26:64-65 tells us that they found their excuse. Their own writings said that anyone who blasphemed the name of Elohim was to be killed. In fact, blasphemy was the only reason they could kill Him “legally”. By that time, to use His Name, as it is now, was considered “blasphemy”. Yet, we read in John

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17, that He gave His Father’s Name to His disciples. He came in His Father’s Name. He was Yahushua – “Yahuweh is Salvation”. In Matthew 26:63-65, the High Priest asks Yahushua: “…say to us if you are the Messiah, the Son of Elohim”. Verse 64: “…`You have said it. Besides I say to you, from now you shall see the son of Adam sitting at the right hand of YAHUWEH and coming on the clouds of heaven’ ”. Verse 65: “Then the High Priest tore his garments saying `He has blasphemed! Why do we need any more witnesses? See, now you have heard His blasphemy”. The reason they were so hostile at the plaque that Pilate put on the stake was that he used His Name—Yahushua—which contains the yod, hey, waw of the Name of His Father—the family name.

Today Muslims kill those who “blaspheme” Allah, Mohammed or the Koran. Today, the same thinking is in many Orthodox Jews, religious Jews, who consider Messianic people deserving of death. Yet, “blasphemy” is taking the Name of Yahuweh and bringing it nothingness, bringing it down to disgrace, but also not using it. In ancient times, when a leader of a neighboring tribe conquered Israel, they would make a “stella” – writing on a rock slab. The only one found to date that gives evidence of King David’s rule, was written by a King of Moab who talks about his god Chemosh who conquered Yahweh, and the king of Judah of the House of David. I’ve seen this stella in the Museum in Jerusalem. The Arabs know His Name as Yahweh. In ancient times, when an army conquered another nation’s army, they said it was their god who had the

victory. We see this in Scripture, for example in II Chronicles 20, how Israel’s Elohim won the battle over many other nations, and how Yahuweh was praised. Today when a nation wins a battle over another nation, the victorious nation is praised. In our world, “the state” is god – and its armies are the armies of the state.

When the anti-messiah sits to rule, his prophet will try to make sure no one will be worshipped except him. The false prophet will make the whole world worship “the Dragon” and the image of the anti-messiah. You can get a picture of this in Daniel 3 – where Nebuchadnezzar set himself up as god to be

worshipped, and the three Hebrew young men resisted, and were thrown into the fiery furnace. What an awesome story for our faith to be build on!

Today, I am happy to report, that there is a growing number of Orthodox Jews, even some rabbis, who are seeking to find Yahuweh through the Psalms and through the Prophets. The rabbis have been astute to forbid the study of Daniel – for in it is the timing of the first coming of Messiah, and in Isaiah is the truth of the “suffering Servant”—the “Branch” – the particular type of shoot, “nezaret’ that comes up from the root of a tree – “the root out of dry ground”

(Isaiah 53). (Interesting that China forbids teaching from the books of Daniel and Revelation.) These Orthodox Jews, to find truth, are meeting in secret to study the Prophets. They are finding Yahushua, the true Messiah of Israel. A revival is happening behind closed doors, but as we read from Zechariah 12:10-13:1, when Messiah comes, the greatest revival in human history will happen… the receiving of Messiah Yahushua, and a return to the true Torah of Yahuweh.

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I don’t care now nice your religious group is, or how you run here and there to conventions and seminars to hear your favorite teacher--if your Teacher is not Yahuweh’s Spirit, you have deception in your belief-system. If you are content to do your religious duties on Shabbat, at Festival times and new moons, and have your social club among friends of your group, but do not have a personal relationship with Yahuweh through Yahushua on a daily basis, then all you have is a head belief that will block you from hearing Him in the days of terror.

Mark 13:9-11 talks about coming before authorities that are hostile to you. It says that you must not think beforehand what you are going to say, but at the time you need to speak, the Spirit will tell you what to say. If you are not used to hearing Him in your spirit, and interacting with Him, so that you know His voice, how will you hear from Him in a time of total mind-shut down panic? I’ve often told the story of almost dying of malaria in Tanzania in 1997, and how I could preach for hours, talk and interact with people, without being able to know my own name. I heard Him in my spirit and repeated what He said. There is a “mind of the spirit” that hears Him and interacts with Him and bypasses the reasoning mind.

If your ear is on His chest, and you are hearing His heart, then you are very active in reaching as many as possible with the Good News of Messiah’s salvation, and His coming Kingdom. You are not sitting on your religious duff doing your own thing—you are reaching out in prayer and action to do as He has

commanded us—“go into all the world and preach the Good News”.

Unless a person is daily flowing in His perfect will, as a good servant of Messiah Yahushua, a trained and tested soldier of Messiah Yahushua, too, when the panic sets in and the world is falling apart, only those who know Him in the “secret place”, who dwell in His Presence, will reap the benefits of His protection. Only those who love His Name and fear Him, and obey His commandments from the heart, with a nature like Messiah’s, will reap the promises of Malachi 3:16-4:3.

Most people of the west are untested. They live and die in their “matrix”—their fantasy bubbles. Thus, most people do not know themselves. They do not see themselves in the real world. Most see things subjectively as it relates to them and their family and friends. It takes getting out of comfort zones and obeying the Master’s commands to take His Good News—His “Good News of the Kingdom”—to all the world, to get an objective view, and thus know oneself through the testing that comes from being out of the comfort zone.

Western religion speaks in concepts, philosophies, and noble ideals. It does not

address the real world to which Yahushua came. True discipleship is not taught in the church. When the time of testing comes, most people will be reduced to paralyzing fear and animalistic responses. Get out of your comfort zone, so you can know the real you.

Religious teachers use the Scriptures, sometimes a few verses out of context,

but where the Scriptures disagree with the group leader, or denominational

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leader, the Scriptures are ignored, rejected, changed, added to, subtracted

from, or totally revised to say what the leaders want said.

Religion is the biggest war maker and the biggest moneymaker on earth. It is the biggest racket on earth. All religions are cults. It is based on control of men’s minds and greed. It comes through all the ancient religions, where the priests had knowledge others didn’t have, and others paid the priests to go before God for them and tell them what God was saying. It is no different than the “playing church” that goes on today. The tired out use of Malachi 3:10 in Evangelical churches is just one example. I’ve seen the storehouses by the Temple Mount in Jerusalem—stone enclosures for the grains, oil, wine, and vegetables, given to the priests for their food to continue the work of the Torah. Tithes were brought every three years to insure the food supply of the priests. It has nothing to do with the pastor’s salary and the lights to light the church, or to buy padded pews, or to build an elaborate stage the annual Christmas play.

Deuteronomy 4:2: There is penalty for adding to or subtracting from His Word. Religion manipulates the Word, and manipulates the minds of man to control them. Religion makes its leaders greedy, lusting after power and control, and greedy for money. Look at the deceptions of the “prosperity gospel”.

But, in Judaism, and you can read the nasty details in “Exposing Rabbinic Judaism”, Akiva, in order to create rabbinic Judaism, reduced Yahuweh down to just another rabbi, literally making a fool out of Him--Yahuweh is mocked, and His Torah considered lower in authority than the Oral Law, the Talmud, and the Mishna, and other writings of religious Jews. He actually says that if Yahuweh says one thing, and a rabbi says another thing, that the rabbi is always to be obeyed. But, more subtly Christianity does the same thing. Oftentimes “God” or “the Lord” or even “Jesus” has no say because the Word is replaced by the thinking of the minister, or twisted to say what the minister wants it to say. Whole doctrines that have swayed the minds of millions are sometimes based on one or two verses taken out of context—like the Jesuit-based rapture teaching of the 1500s, and the spurious doctrine of the rapture from 1830, propagated by Kenneth Darby and the Scoffield Reference Bible.

The pope who dubbed Henry VIII the Defender of the Faith said: “It has served us well, this myth of Christ”. The Catholic hierarch has always known it was Constantine’s pagan fabrication. But, the “church”, as in the days of Constantine, unites a lot of people under their authority, and now the whole world will be united under the Vatican’s authority.

Thus Lucifer’s religious system has taken over the majority of the world’s people, and in the days to come will take over the minds of men to worship “the beast”. Only a few who know Him, know His Word, know His nature, His ways and His thoughts, will ever survive to overcome. Lucifer is terrified of

people knowing Yahuweh. So, his most subtle and effective ploy has been to counterfeit the Messiah so well, that people think they are worshipping Him,

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but most, in fact, are worshipping a Greek/Roman counterfeit. Yahuweh’s Spirit is faithfully trying to reach as many as possible to bring them forward out of religious bondage into the light of His Word, but few are responding because of religious dependency. His people must humble themselves and repent!

John 5:45: Messiah said: “I have come in My Father’s Name and you did not receive Me. If another comes in his own name, him you will receive.”

He was speaking of the lawless one to come. But, as Sha’ul warned, “the

mystery of iniquity is already at work”. The Apostles battled Gnostic Greek Christianity and Phariseeism. The one whose name so many followed was the Greek “Iesous”, which was transliterated into Yesu, and “hey-zeus”, and then Jesus. A remnant is now returning to Yahushua or Yahshua, guarding the Torah with a heart of love and submission to Them, and walking in newness of life.

The Illuminati has faithfully mind-programmed Americans for decades. Read

about this in “Mind Programming, Hidden Manipulation, and the World Brain” and “Quiet Wars and Silent Weapons” taken from their own handbook.

But, the most deeply ingrained mind programming comes from religion. Today in America, FEMA has hired at least 35,000 pastors, priests, and rabbis, to do what most pastors do for the public church in China—spy on their members. The churches are now under the control of FEMA. The message of the church in America has often gone alone with the political agenda of Luciferics through the years, even promoting the eugenics agenda back in the 1920s and 30s. Now the message is so watered down that the church is no more than a glorified social club for the most part. There are some exceptions.

The world leaders – Illuminati, Masons, CIA, CFR, Bildeberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, and the like, are all worshippers of Lucifer, and all sacrifice to Lucifer. The world is being taken over by Lucifer, and his archenemies are those who are true to Yahuweh. Gnostic belief is popular now: That Lucifer was the good god of the Garden of Eden who sought to illumine Eve, and Adam, her son. Yahuweh was the evil one who tried to prevent illumination. “Lucifer” means “the illumined one”, the “light-bearer”, “the shining one”.

Each of Lucifer’s religions glitter with shining sparkles that draws the unsuspecting into the spider web of sticky control and spiritual starvation, while being slowly eaten by the spider. Religion is like the hierarch spirit of the python/anaconda, which hits its victims in the head, then drags them into the mud to be slowly devoured. This is the working of religion, and the lazy, naïve, and unsuspecting, are easily drawn into this web or tantalized intellectually by the python’s hypnotic stare, so that they easily are prey to be devoured.

Today, NASA arranges all of its launches and landings according to the rising and position of the star Sirius. They have an Egyptian priest who calculates these things for them, for their whole organization is Lucifer-based. The gods of ancient Egypt direct much of what is done in our sophisticated world of the knowledge of good and evil—the technological world that Lucifer brought to man via Nephilim. The Masons are enamored with the pyramid of Giza. Today,

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the Nephilim are back. Cloned bodies are being prepared for those coming out of the pit once again—including the body for the anti-messiah and false prophet. In 2010, world knowledge will DOUBLE EVERY TWO MONTHS. This is because Lucifer and his fallen angels learned the secrets of DNA manipulation and species combining, of space bending, anti-gravity methods, space travel,

about weapons of destruction, drugs from planets, and all sorts of things from being in the presence of Yahuweh. Thus they offer Yahuweh’s knowledge to

mankind, as their own knowledge. Some of the greatest scientists, like Nicola Tesla, have admitted that they received their knowledge from sky gods.

Today in Israel is rabbinic Yom Kippur. The streets are deserted. The whole nation shuts down. Only emergency vehicles are allowed on the streets. It is an amazing thing. Yet, how does Yahuweh view this?

Jeremiah 2:8: “The priests did not say `where is Yahuweh’. And those who handled the Torah did not know Me. And the shepherds transgressed against

Me. And the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that did not profit.” Today, almost no Jewish or Messianic rabbis know Him. Rabbinic Judaism says that since the temple was destroyed in 70 CE and there can be no blood sacrifices, the reading the instructions for Yom Kippur and about the sacrifices for Yom Kippur it is the same as performing them. Akiva said that good deeds replaced the need for sacrifices. Therefore, the Jews go to synagogue today, and read about Yom Kippur and hope that their good deeds will get them into heaven, and register them in the book of life for another year. Do you see how by manipulation, truth is destroyed?

Isaiah 1:9-14 and Malachi 2:1-9 speaks of what Yahuweh thinks of rabbis and those who obey rabbis: Excerpts: “What use are your many offerings? I have had enough of burnt offerings and the fat of fed beasts…stop bringing futile offerings, incense is an abomination to Me. New Moons, Shabbats, the calling of meetings—I am unable to bear unrighteousness and your assemblies. My being hates your New Moons and your appointed times, they are a trouble to Me and I am weary of bearing them. And when you spread out your hands, I hide my eyes from you, even though you make many prayers I do not hear”…

“And now O priests, this command is for you: If you do not hear and if you do not take it to heart to give esteem to My Name…I will send a curse upon you and I will curse your blessings…for the lips of the priest should guard knowledge and they seek the Torah from His mouth…but you have turned from the way and you have caused many to stumble in the Torah…you are not guarding My ways”. “Curse” is often from the word “allah”—the name of the Muslim moon god. Surely, the curse hanging over Israel is Islam. It is because they do not observe His Torah, His way. They pervert His right rulings, to make people dependent on rabbis and not on Yahuweh. Today, it is “blasphemy” to use His Name openly, except on the eve of Yom Kippur at the Western Wall in Jerusalem--so say the rabbis. Messianic people shy away from using “Yahuweh.” Most Messianic people shy away from Yahushua, and hide behind the feminine past participle of “yesha” – yeshua--meaning salvation. That is

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NOT His Name. His Name must carry the Father’s Name—Yahu—just as any son carries his father’s name.

But, lies, deceptions, fears, and Luciferic intervention, since the days of Babylon, have left Jews and Messianic people in fear of using His Name, so they

break the Third Commandment, and bring His Name to nothingness, even though He commands us to use it. Today, they use “God”, “Lord” and “Ha

Shem”, rather than using His Name that He says to use. Near 7,000 times in the Scriptures the word “Lord” is substituted for His Name. And, in Hebrew, “Lord” is “Baal”.

Communism is a religion. Their god is the state, and the demigods are the leaders of the state. America is in the midst of a socialistic/communistic take over. Its illegal President is a Marxist/Communist and Muslim dictator. His job

is to bring down America and raise up the new world order. When the American

people are angry enough and riot, martial law is ready to take over. Yet many American Messianic people I’ve heard of, instead of obeying His warnings through the written Word and His prophets, have chosen to listen to foolish false prophets who say that nothing will happen to America, and if it does, He will send Moses to help them out, or an angel to rescue them. Foolishness!

Ezekiel 33:2-5: “…When I bring the sword upon a land, the people of the land shall take a man from their borders and shall make him their watchman, and when he sees the sword coming upon the land, and shall blow the ram’s horn and shall warn the people, then whoever shall hear the sound of the ram’s horn and shall not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood is on his own head—he heard the sound of the ram’s horn but did not take the warning, his blood is on himself. But he who takes the warning shall deliver his own being”. Father has told us to flee from end-time Babylon, and described the end-time nation that is the embodiment of Nimrod’s plans—America. He has told us to get out of the path of His wrath, but hardly anyone is taking warning. So their blood will be on their own heads! Religion has caused a great number of people to ignore the warnings because they have listened to false prophets and the reasoning of their own deceived minds!

Technology is here, like the “sound of silence” I’ve written about in such articles as “Digital TV Beware”, and other mind-controlling apparatuses, so that any one who resists can be totally shut down mentally. This is why I stress living out of your spirit that contacts the eternal. How can you hear Him clearly in times of terror, if you do not hear Him daily and flow in His timing now? You can’t.

Religion compromises the plumb line of Yahuweh, and makes excuses for wrong (Amos 7:7-8) Most Muslims that I met during my eight years in Aqaba, Jordan, let us know that they only went though the motions of their religion. Some said they wished they could be Christians. To them Christian meant Roman Catholic of Greek Orthodox. Their reason was that Christians could sin all they wanted, then ask the priest or Jesus to forgive them, and they could go on sinning. They told us that they could sit down and have a meal with a Jew, but

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Christian women were for sex. They got this idea from the many Eastern European Christian women, and women from Asia and America, who came there and succumbed to their flattery and macho sexuality. But, even in Jerusalem during Sukkot, for example, American women who are touring, and even Christian women that come for Christian conferences from America in particular, often walk around in immodest clothing, typical of America, but repugnant to Orthodox Jews, which also causes drooling lust in Arab men.

The average Muslim is often stirred up by lies from their muftis and that is what causes them to riot. I lived with a lot of Palestinians, and most are just people who want to live out their lives in peace. Now in Israel there is arising another critical situation between the Palestinian Authority, which America pours millions of dollars into, and the nation of Israel—a third “Intifada” is brewing.

We can see, therefore, that most religion is culture-based. Therefore the cultural religion, overseen by demonic spirits, is a product of “familiar spirits” – spirits that pass down through families for generations. Islam is a cultural religion from the sixth century. It is also a legal system from that time period. That is why they dress like they did in the 6th century, and have marriage and

family thinking like in the 6th century, and resort to violence to enforce their cultural religion like in the 6th century. It is estimated that 80% of Muslims converting to Christianity renounce Christianity to go back to Islam because of fear, family pressure, or cultural pressure. Islam is incredibly like Roman

Catholicism--their parent organization. They use beads to pray, they worship Mary as Queen of heaven, and as “our lady of Fatima”, they worship

Jesus as a prophet, and adhere to some of the Old Testament. Rome has gathered the world’s people to itself from its inception to conquer the world through its religion, carrying on what Constantine started. I have a picture of a Hindu priestess anointing the last pope by marking him with the “third eye” on his forehead. He was a very close friend of the Dalai Lama. The last pope also said that he was gathering his Islamic brethren under the Vatican’s umbrella.

The world’s top leaders go to the Vatican regularly for meetings, instruction, and most likely Luciferic worship. This current pope gave Obama an encyclical

on July 10th at the Vatican calling for world government, world economy, and world religion under the Vatican.

Christianity has introduced many, many doctrines that are not even in the Scriptures. One day in Jordan, I listed about thirty. Just a few are 1) the teaching that we spend eternity in heaven, 2) the teaching that Yahuweh’s Torah was “nailed to the cross” (from the 1940s only), 3) the pre-seven year

rapture of the church, 4) the seven-year tribulation, 5) unconditional love, 6) we will throw our crowns at Jesus’ feet, 6) water baptism saves 7) there is no more baptism in the Spirit, and all the gifts of the Spirit have ceased. There are also 25 words in the English Bible that come from pagan roots.

There is a small remnant of people that He has held back from the foundation of the world for this time-period only. They are a warrior people, empowered

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by Him, backed by His authority, whom He trusts. These are the ones who know their Elohim and are strong and ACT to do His will. They have no religion—they know Yahuweh and Yahushua through years of interaction, testing, discipline, and uniting of heart. (Daniel 11:32b, Revelation 3:7-12; Revelation 7:1 and following, Revelation 12:14-17; Revelation 14:1-5, 12; and Revelation 22:3-5.)

Revelation 17 talks about the great whore—Mystery Babylon. Religion has its inner core, its secret-keepers, its hierarchy, its priesthood that lords it over the “laity”.

Religion is “Nicolaitian”—clergy over laity. Yahushua hates it. (Revelation 2:6, 15.) “Nico” means clergy—religious hierarchy--and “laitian” means the common man under the subjection of the clergy. Such is the Masonic “Craft”, which is a religion that worship gods of all types, especially Lucifer. But, only those at the very top know the truth about Freemasonry. Those under the top elite don’t know much about it, except it is their “group”. Not even all 33 degree Masons are brought into the inner circle. Thus in all religions, only a few at the top really know that their nice, sweet, lovely religion is Luciferic.

The Great Whore, Mystery Babylon, represents the hidden “mysteries” of “secret societies”, which is male controlled. Spiritual whoredom is like sexual perversion, where the male phallus is worshipped, and sex is unrestrained. These “secrets” have kept truth from everyone except the high-ranking elite that knows the god they worship. The male hierarch of religion, as well as Masonic groups, is rooted in Baal worship. Baal was worshipped by phallic symbols. Thus churches have steeples, Islam has minarets, and Masonic-created Washington D.C. has the Washington Monument.

The church is the same – there is the inner core that rules. In the “Dark Ages” the Word was kept from the church faithful, and they were told that only the

priests had the right to interpret the Scriptures. Judaism is the same—only the rabbis have the right to interpret the Word, thus the Jews study the writings of the rabbis, more than the Torah. They study the Torah with the interpretation given by the rabbis.

In a recent dream and word from Him, He has said that now the “restraining force” is leaving America, so that the judgment can go forth. Once His restrainers, His servants, are out of America and to safety where He is leading them, His wrath will allow Obama and all his demonic forces to take America down, to destroy world economy, and collapse the religious systems of man so that the “beast” can take his place in Jerusalem.

Exodus 20:3: “You will have no other gods in My face”. America is the most idolatrous nation on earth. But, my friends, religion is also a god that is a substitute for knowing Him. He pleads: “My people do not know Me”.

Religion makes fools out of people. American Christianity makes people so naïve that there is almost no discernment of spirits -- whoever carries a Bible and says, “God Bless you”, and has all the right words, must be a Christian. As per a vision to Jerry Golden, one day Christians will cry out to their pastors, “Why haven’t you told us to prepare? Why haven’t you told us the truth?” If

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your group leader is not preparing you to take action in following the Lamb, preparing to leave end-time Babylon (the window is about to close), about standing firm in martyrdom, about embracing suffering, about knowing Him personally, then get out of that group! Why stay in a sinking ship!

I was an ordained minister and President of my own corporation. I know the truth from the inside of religion. I don’t speak to criticize, just to expose, so that a few will find their way out to freedom.

Mark 7:5-13, excerpts from Messiah’s condemnation of the Pharisees. (Today, the Orthodox Jewish rabbis must have “apostolic succession” from the ancient Pharisees to be a rabbi – thus emulating the papacy). “In vain do they worship Me, teaching as teachings the commands of men. Forsaking the command of Elohim you hold fast to the tradition of men…Well do you set aside the command of Elohim in order to guard your tradition…nullifying the Word of Elohim through your tradition, which you have handed down….”

Today, even pantheists, witches and warlocks, Druids, Indian shamans, and all sorts of satanic groups are welcome in the Vatican’s world religious gathering.

Daniel 9:26 clearly says that the anti-messiah (the one who sits in the place of Messiah claiming to be god) comes out of Rome.

The bottom line is that we have one reason given to us by Yahuweh in which to boast: That we know Him! (Jeremiah 9:23-24)

We must repent of being a part of religion! We must repent of being a part of falsehoods, lies and deceptions that have infuriated Yahuweh and pushed Him and Yahushua far from us. We must thank Him daily for His mercy and compassion on us to draw us out of this stronghold of the Devil. We must praise Him for showing us His Truth. We must deny all association to any

religious control of man, and come out of it, if we want Him to receive us (II Corinthians 6:14-7:1). He is calling us to be “set-apart as I am set-apart”. ‘Without set-apartness no man will see Elohim”. He will destroy the whore of religion. “Babylon” means confusion. He will destroy the confusion of man and save a remnant that is clear of thought, pure and undefiled, whom He knows and trusts.

I had a dream a few years back, in which I was standing outside a little white church in the country, like the ones in the Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee and North Georgia. I was standing to the side of about four steps that went from the church to the ground. The service had finished and the pastor was greeting people as they left the service. One by one, a few came over to me and said, “Please teach us the truth. We want more of His Word”. I awoke. He said, “I will bring the people out to you”.

Years before, I was getting ready to go to church. The only reason I was going was for the social time with friends at lunch afterwards. The morning of July 18th 2001, a 9th of Av, Father was furious at me. He said, “You will never, ever, go into another church again”. I had a trip to Africa planned in which I would minister in churches. I cancelled it. He showed me that we are in the time period between the rejection of King Saul (representing the best of man) and

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the coronation of King David, who represents Messiah. He showed me we were in the time of the “mighty men” loyal to David/Messiah only. He showed me that the Jonathan-types, who, like Jonathan went back to his father King Saul for security, though he loved David, would die with Saul. Love of security can lead to our death.

Several of my friends said they thought they had to stay in the church to help the pastor and the people find the truth. But, I knew this was wrong. That is against Father’s nature. Staying in what He condemns is condoning what is going on. We must stand outside and He will bring them to us to disciple in His Word. We are either loyal to the coming King, or we are loyal to our present secure situation. Loyalty to the coming King means coming out of all that displeases Him. Look at things through His eyes.

In America particularly, the “I am” spirit is strong – the “Harry Potter” spirit, that follows Satan’s one law: “do as thou wilt”. Therefore, spiritual pride is a major problem. Wherever you find pride and arrogance, you’ve found Lucifer. The spirit of jezebel is strong in America—a ruling spirit. Manipulation, control, and hidden witchcraft is in the personality of some of the most saintly-appearing people. Many conceal a false sense of their own goodness, and if

confronted with the possibility of being wrong, many flair up and show a side of them that has been hidden.

Sad to say, but I’ve found that many are so proud of their Torah-guarding, that they have elevated their Torah guarding to the status of a god—they have substituted the outward working of Torah for a personal relationship with the Elohim of the Torah. Yet, they manifest no nature of the Messiah--no love, joy, peace, faith, long suffering, gentleness, kindness, patience, self control, no humility, no contriteness, and no fear of Yahuweh. They also have no desire to see other’s lives changed for eternity.

Yahuweh and Yahushua only deal with servants, who humbly have the nature of their Master. Only servants are rewarded. He only reveals His secrets to His servants. He only calls His servants “Friend”. Religious people are servants of the human master they’ve chosen in their church or assembly. Many are proud of all the cooking they do for the church or congregation, all the jobs they do for the church, all the hats they wear, and all the people they know, yet they do not know Him who calls us to be servants with total abandonment of self.

I began writing this article this morning, and now it is sunset in Israel, and rabbinic Yom Kippur 2009 is over. Father’s Yom Kippur will begin in two days. I honor His festivals by the ancient ways. Today, many Jews here in Israel have gone home from the synagogue today self-satisfied that they have done their religious duty, and hopeful that Ha Shem has seen their fasting and good deeds. Yet, the Word says that on Yom Kippur: “you shall afflict your soul!”

I’ve done my Hebrew homework. That means to humble yourself under His mighty hand, and repent of all sin. It means to let Him search you and show you the hidden things that He sees, so that you may make corrections in your

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life to please Him. It means that we sincerely repent, turn, and obey Him without compromise. Yet, many fast from food, which is not a bad thing, but in doing it, they are proud that they have suffered for the day, and hope for some reward from “God”.

Yahushua the great High Priest is coming! His blood is the only sacrifice for sin. And without His shed blood, by which He redeemed us—bought us back to Him—we have no hope of eternal life. Know Elohim outside religion. He is calling to us to come to Him in faith as a little child.

Psalm 139:23-24: Let Him search your heart and disclose to you what doors to the enemy you need to close, and what doors you need to open to the intervention of Yahuweh. It is time to open up to Him, and let His light shine in, so that all darkness is gone! Our King is coming soon!

Shalom and joy in His love,


Written: September 28, 2009, Jerusalem

Sent: October 7, 2009, Jerusalem

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