The Thigh, Hip, Groin, and Pelvis


1. Improper care of a thigh contusion leading to incomplete absorption of the

M, K hematoma and producing a formation similar to cartilage or bone is called:

(394) A. myositis ossificans traumatica. C. osteopyrexia.

B. osteomyelitis. D. myositis dessicans.

2. The most common site for stress fractures of the femur is the:

M, K A. femoral head. C. femoral shaft.

(399) B. femoral neck. D. femoral condyles.

3. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head seen in children 3 to 12 years of age

M, K is called:

(402) A. osteopyroxymia. C. osteomyelitis dessicans.

B. Legg-Perthes disease. D. femoral epiphysitis.

4. An injury that results from a blow to an inadequately protected iliac crest,

M, A producing transitory paralysis of the soft tissue structures is known as a:

(404) A. hip pointer. C. dislocated hip.

B. groin strain. D. quadriceps strain.

5. Repeated stress on the pubic symphysis and adjacent bony structures by the

M, K pull of muscles in the area causes:

(405) A. osteomyelitis. C. pubic apophysitis.

B. osteitis pubis. D. osteochondrosis.

6. In managing a hamstring strain, which of the following should be avoided?

M, A A. Immediate application of an ice pack

(397) B. Application of an elastic wrap for compression

C. Stretching using ballistic movements

D. Using eccentric exercises during rehabilitation

7. Which of the following is not a sign of a fractured femur?

M, A A. A shortened thigh C. Swelling of soft tissues

(399) B. Loss of thigh function D. Internally rotated thigh

8. A condition found mostly in boys between the ages of 10 and 17 that produces

M, A motion restrictions with hip and knee pain is:

(403) A. Legg-Perthes disease.

B. osteitis pubis.

C. snapping hip phenomenon.

D. slipped capital femoral epiphysis.

9. A hip sprain is best revealed through the athlete's inability to:

M, A A. circumduct the thigh. C. hop on the injured leg.

(399) B. flex the thigh. D. squat.

10. A quadriceps contusion must be identified and cared for early to prevent:

E, A A. scarring of the soft tissues.

(394) B. hemorrhage.

C. myositis ossificans.

D. all of the above.

11. In an athlete who has suffered a second-degree quadriceps contusion, knee

M, A flexion is usually:

(394) A. greater than 90 degrees. C. zero degrees.

B. no more than 90 degrees. D. less than 90 degrees.

12. In most athletes the hamstring group should have at least _________ percent

M, K of the strength of the opposing quadriceps group.

(397) A. 40 to 50 C. 60 to 75

B. 45 to 55 D. 80 to 90

13. Strains are always a problem for athletes; they tend to recur because of:

D, K A. inelastic scar tissue that lies down during the healing process.

(398) B. soreness associated with the initial injury.

C. permanent muscle atrophy.

D. limitations to full knee flexion.

14. A stress fracture of the femur is usually found ________.

M, K A. in the upper third

(399) B. in the middle third

C. in the lower third

D. at the lower weight-bearing surface

15. Stress fractures of the pelvis usually result from:

M, A A. crushing blows. C. abnormal overuse forces.

(405) B. direct trauma. D. muscular weakness.

16. Pelvis stress fractures tend to occur during:

M, A A. intensive training.

(405) B. competitive racing.

C. overuse forces.

D. all of the above.

17. Which of the following tears in the quadriceps creates little disability and

D, K discomfort but causes some deformity of the anterior thigh?

(397) A. Peripheral tear C. Partial tear

B. Deep tear D. Complete tear

18.Which of the following is a complication of a hip dislocation?

M, K A. Atrophic necrosis C. Myositis ossificans

(400) B. Coxa plana D. Legg-Perthes Disease

19. Which of the following is NOT associated with an acute femur fracture?

M, K A. It usually is caused by falling from a height.

(399) B. It occurs in the middle 1/3 of the bone.

C. Bone displacement is usually due to the great strength of the hamstrings.

D. It most often occurs in the shaft rather than the ends of the bone.

20. A positive Thomas Test indicates tightness in which muscle group?

D, K A. Hip extensors

(391) B. Hip flexors

C. Hip adductors

D. Hip internal rotators

21. A positive Straight Leg Raise Test can be indicative of all of the following

D, K conditions except:

(393) A. lower back problems.

B. injury to the sacroiliac joint.

C. tightness in the hip extensors.

D. inflexibility in the hip flexors.

22. Which of the following muscles Do Not flex the knee?

M, K A. Semimembranosis

(392) B. Rectus Femoris

C. Semitendinosis

D. Biceps Femoris


23. The femur is the longest bone of the body and is designed to permit maximum

E, K mobility and support during locomotion.


24. At the moment of trauma in a thigh contusion, pain, a transitory loss of

M, K function, and capillary effusion occur.


25. In a second-degree thigh contusion, the fascia is split; this allows the muscle to

M, K protrude, producing moderate pain and swelling.


26. In sports, fractures of the femur most often occur at the bone ends where the

M, K shaft flares out to form the condyles.


27. The function of the pelvis is to support the spine and trunk and to transfer their

E, K weight to the lower limbs.


28. Hamstring muscle strains rank first in incidence of sports injuries to the thigh.

E, K


29. A severe blow or repeated blows to the thigh can produce a myositis ossificans.

E, K


30. Vigorous stretching of a quad strain should begin immediately after the injury.

E, A


31. The pelvis is formed from five bones.

M, K


32. Slipped capital epiphysis is most commonly seen in young girls aged 10 to 17

M, K who are tall and thin or who are obese.


33. Dislocations of the hip are common in sports and most commonly dislocate

M, K anteriorly.


34. Pain of the pubic symphysis (termed osteitis pubis) is common in runners, soccer

M, A players, football players, and wrestlers.


35. After hip dislocation, complications such as muscle paralysis and degeneration

M, K of the femoral head are likely to develop.


36. Femur fractures, pelvic fractures, and hip dislocations are considered medical

E, K emergencies.


37. Avulsion fractures in the pelvic region occur with sudden acceleration and

M, K deceleration at the sites where major muscles attach.


38. A groin strain should be rested for 24 hours and protected with a hip spica.

D, K


39. The innominate bones of the pelvis are made up of the ilium, ischium, and pubis.

M, K


40. The straight leg raise test is used to check the flexibility of the hip flexors.

M, K



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