
ABBA – THE MOVIE SCRIPT-Good morning! It's one minute to five, and it's a beautiful day. It's time for me to go. Catch you tomorrow night. From midnight to dawn, with the latest and greatest in country music. All you truck-drivers, late-nighters and early risers -- remember: what you see is what you get. This is Ashley Wallace... Thanks for keeping me company.-ABBA -- the hottest property on the pop scene. They sell 60 million records around the world.- ABBA?- Yep. How does this grab you: "Radio 2TW will present, on the night of their departure from these shores -- a two-hour ABBA radio special. For the first time-- your favourite country and western host turns ace reporter."-That's really not my bag, is it?-Come on, it's a good challenge. Take it!-We want ABBA!-I know it's a rush, but I want it on air 7.30 the night they leave. That gives you one week.-What about Lenny? I mean, Lenny handles the pop scene.-Lenny's not on. He's too slick, he's too superficial. I want an exclusive, in-depth interview with the people themselves. ABBA, the people. The real people.-We want ABBA!-I want an interview. I want a gut-level dialogue. An exclusive, gut-level... dialogue. You know what I mean?-Errr… you don’t... you don't want me to… to interview ... you... you don't want me to interview them? You want me to just have a chat.- Come on. You know what I mean.-Yeah... but...-Get inside their heads. I don't want to know what they have for breakfast. I want to know what they think, what they feel, what they fear... What they hate!- Sure. Right. I understand.-We want ABBA!-Listen... The pop scene's never been touched like this before.-Really?-We want ABBA!-I mean... It's a good idea. I mean, about not sort of being an interview.-A slice of life. Got me?-We want ABBA!-Good on you, Ash, my boy. Your deadline's the night that ABBA departs these shores. 7.30 tonight week.- Right. OK. Good.-Go.-Go… right.-We want ABBA!-Are you sure you want me to do this documentary?-Don't use that word. It's not a documentary, it's an EVENT! This is going to be W-O-R-L-D-W-I-D-E.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[ABBA AT SYD AIRPORT]-We want ABBA! We want ABBA!We want ABBA! We want ABBA!We want ABBA! We want ABBA!-HYSTERICAL SCREAMINGBENNY - Lots of cameras around.BJORN -What do you want us to do?BJORN - What's all this? [A BIG GROUP OF PHOTOGRAPHERS]BENNY - I don't know… A little wave?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-Excuse me, pal... Do you know what time ABBA are arriving?- 9 o'clock, I think.- Where are they coming through?-They've gone out the back door.- The back door? But I have to interview them.-You'll just have to wait for the press conference, won't you?-Press conference?- It's on in half an hour.- Do you know where?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[AIRPORT TANOY]-ABBA wishes to thank their supporters for coming -- and are sorry they cannot see them.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- I'd like to rent a car, please.- Do you have a reservation?-No, I don't, but... just any car, as long as it's fast.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [PRESS CONFERENCE]-Any performer gets very nervous before going on stage. Can I ask you, as a group -- do you still go through that traumatic experience before you go on stage?BENNY - I think every show is a bit nervous before you... I mean, you think you have a good performance because you had a good audience the day before. But going from Amsterdam to London -- or from London to Sydney --such a difference. I'd hate the sound of 30,000 people booing.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-Excuse me, is this the right jam for King's Cross?- No, it's back that way.- Thanks.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[PRESS CONFERENCE]AGNETHA -- I think the travel is very, very hard. One day when I woke up in a Europe tour ... I started to think, "Where am I? In which city?” And it's terrible.BJORN - I think that it's a bit of an asocial life on tour. You just eat, sleep, go on stage, and nothing more. And it kills creativity in a way that I don't like.FRIDA -- It's boring to travel, but it's fantastic to be on stage. I really love it.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[RADIO IN CAR]-The group’s arrival in Australia has been accompanied by a blaze of publicity. According to the promoters they are bigger than The Beatles. And with an entourage of 105 people -- they are almost twice as big as The Rolling Stones concert. While they are here they’ll perform 11 concerts in 10 days to an estimated 140,000 people. ABBA are obviously very big business and the organisers are treating them like royalty. They’ve even arranged a civic reception for them in Melbourne.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[PRESS CONFERENCE]-Do you take drugs or alcohol, or anything like that?BENNY - No drugs.- You're clean?BENNY - No, not clean, but we don't take any drugs.-The four of you admit that you are now millionaires. Are you worried that you make money faster than you can spend it?BENNY -- No. It's a lot of money coming in, but there's a lot of tax to pay if you're a Swedish citizen, which is fair. But still, it's... it's a matter of hard work, and the money isn't that important. Really, it's more a matter of pleasing yourselves in what you're doing. We can't do anything else in the future than trying to keep ourselves happy in our work.--I'd like to direct a couple of questions to Agnetha if I may... I read somewhere where you are the proud owner of an award which declares you as the lady with the most sexiest bottom. Is that true?AGNETHA - How can I answer to that? I don't know. I haven't seen it!-Thank you ABBA. Thank you ladies and gentlemen of television.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[CONCERT]-We want ABBA! We want ABBA!We want ABBA! We want ABBA!BENNY: Have you filmed the umbrellas out there? It's a fantastic sight.STIG: Agnetha, I have four kilos of make-up. Is the make-up artist here? Where could she be...?BJORN: She'll come if you ask her.ROADIE- Don't go out and get your hair wet, okay?-We want ABBA! We want ABBA!BENNY: The only thing I'm worried about is that the power just stops.BJORN: The opening? BENNY: Just walk out there.ROADIE: I don't think there's much we can do, really, with the wind and the rain... There's not a lot we can do.-We want ABBA! We want ABBA! We want ABBA! We want ABBA! We want ABBA!ANNOUNCER: Ten minutes to the show of a lifetime!-We want ABBA! We want ABBA! We want ABBA! We want ABBA! We want ABBA! We want ABBA! We want ABBA!-HYSTERICAL SCREAMINGFRIDA: Ahhhhh!!! [HIGHER] Ahhhhhhh!!! TIGER The city is a nightmare, a horrible dream, some of us will dream it forever…+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[TICKET BOX OFFICE]- Can I see your press card, please?-Er, well look, I haven't got my card on me at the moment.-Well, I'm sorry, but I can't let you in if you haven't got a card.-But I'm a radio announcer. I've got to get an interview with them!-There's nothing I can do. If you haven't got a card, you can't get in.- Well, look, I'll buy a ticket. How much are they?-Sold right out. I haven't got one left. I'm very sorry.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[CONCERT]BJORN: Hello, Sydney! Very glad to see you! I'll tell you one thing: you make us forget the rain. I just hope that we can make you forget it, too!SOSWhere are those happy days?+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-ABBA tickets for sale... ABBA tickets going cheap. Want any ABBA tickets, mate? ABBA tickets! Want any ABBA tickets?- ABBA tickets! Are you selling tickets? How much? I'll buy one.- 50 bucks.-50 dollars? I haven't got 50 dollars.-You ain't gonna see ABBA then, are you?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++MONEY, MONEY, MONEY+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE]-Could you... hold this? Could you, sort of, hold it in the middle? Let's have a smile. Down. Lower! Down a bit. That's it. Happy now.-Excuse me... Is it possible to have a talk?-Not now.-Go somewhere and have a quiet talk? I know this is an incredible hassle for you... with all these people. I can understand these problems that you have -- but if we can go somewhere quiet... Have a drink or something to eat?-Go back. Press photographers only.- Can we go somewhere quiet...?-You can't go anywhere with them. No interviews today at all, it's just press photographers.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++HE IS YOUR BROTHER++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[ASHLEY AND RADIO BOSS ON PHONE]-Yeah, yeah, sure. Everything's fine. There's no need to worry. I met them at the airport, we spoke for quite a long time... [OTHER BLOKE SPEAKING ON PHONE] Yes. Yes. There's just one thing: I have to go to Perth.- Perth? That's 2000 miles and a very expensive airfare away!-Yes, I know that, but you wanted the close personal story, and they... That's the way it has to be. I have to get to know them. They have to trust me.-I want every listener on 2TW to share ABBA with you -- and me and all of us, privately. Right?-Don't worry. I'll get the personal side. I've already got some interviews in the street -- some comments on people, how they feel about the group. Oh! Also... Could you send my press card to Perth? I left in such a rush that I left it in the studio.INTERMEZZO++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [PLANE TANNOY]-Ladies and gentlemen. In a few moments we will be landing in Perth.++++++++++++++++++++++++++-Why do you like ABBA?-I like the clean-cut beat … and the clean-cut appearance. I think they're nice and clean. They've always dressed nicely. They look tidy on stage. Some of the groups today look positively ugly on stage. -What do you like most about their music?-Makes me very happy. Makes me wanna get up and dance.- Thank you. Are you an ABBA fan?- Not particularly. I hate them. I've got a 12-year-old ABBA nut. He's got the records and posters. The house is full of them. It's as much as a man can stand.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++MAMMA MIA+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- Hi. Has my press card arrived yet?- Just a moment, sir. No, I'm sorry. There's no mail at all for you.-We want ABBA! We want ABBA! We want ABBA!-Look, can't you see I'm a journalist?-But you haven't got a press card, and we're all sold out. There's nothing I can do, I'm sorry.-Excuse me... Do you know where ABBA are?- Yes, they're straight through there.-What do you think you're doing here?--l-I've... ...got an interview...- Who with?- ABBA!- Who said?- Stig Anderson, their manager.- Well, show me your press pass… You haven't got a press pass.- Well, I have, but I...-You haven't got an interview either, have you? Out!- But listen... [GETS THROWN OUT]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ROCK MEI’VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[ABBA’S HOTEL]-ABBA. Which floor?-Number 5, but you haven't got a chance!-That's OK, I'm a professional.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[IN ABBA’S BEDROOM]TOM OLIVER - Oh! The Sydney reviews.BJORN - Thank you.TOM OLIVER: It was pretty dangerous for a while with the rain on stage -- you were very lucky you didn’t hurt yourself.FRIDA: Yes, we were.- What does "kinky" mean?TOM OLIVER: Kinky? Ah, it's a... sort of a perversion. Usually a sexual perversion.-What do they find kinky?- "ABBA's kinky, velvet bed."- "Velvet" what?- Bed.BENNY: This is the giant bed Agnetha and Bjorn ordered to be ready at the hotel. And the manager made sure their dressing-gowns were ready when the super group arrived.HA HA HA!TOM OLIVER: A kinky journalist!BENNY: Agnetha’s bottom tops show.AGNETHA: Oh my God! Don’t they have bottoms in Australia? BJORN: “That”, a middle-aged man said with feeling, “is really something worth seeing.”TOM OLIVER: I suppose he thought that was a very funny headline.AGNETHA: At least I did something for the show, didn’t I?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++BODYGUARD -Nej, nej, nej [nay, nay, nay]…ROBERT HUGHES: Listen pal -- I ought to shove this microphone so far down your throat I could record your stomach talking to your…TOM OLIVER: Haven’t I seen enough of you today? This is known as an elevator -- it goes up and down -- and you’re going down.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[MONTAGE]NAME OF THE GAME++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[HUGHES AND HIS BOSS ON PHONE]-Hello? Good morning! Everything is going really well here. Everything's fine. There's just one small problem. I have to tag along with them to Adelaide.-Adelaide... ever-lovin' Adelaide is taking a chance with you, Ashley.-Listen, you don't have to worry. I know them all quite well... but the time is not ripe yet for an interview.-I'm trying to remain friends with you, but you're making it bloody difficult!-They have to have confidence in me. It's too early. Do you know what I mean?-All right, go to Adelaide. But please, Ashley, get that dialogue we spoke of!-The dialogue... That's exactly why I wanted to wait. Oh... Just one more thing. My press card. Can you send it on to Adelaide? Great. Thank you.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[PLANE TANNOY]-Ladies and gentlemen. Shortly we will be landing in Adelaide. Please fasten your seatbelts and make sure your seat is in an upright position.++++++++++++++++++++++++-What do you like about their songs?-It's got type of... a feeling that, you know, you're happy.-There's nothing really special about them. They're only human beings... Except their music. That's what's special. RING RING (SCHOOL KIDS)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++-ABBA books and posters! 75 cents each!-ABBA buttons! Get your ABBA buttons here!- What don’t you like about ABBA?-They show off too much. They just wear too many clothes. And too much make-up.-We want ABBA! We want ABBA!We want ABBA! We want ABBA!WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE ME?-Would you like to tell me why you like ABBA?-I like the songs.-What do you like about the songs?-The parts that are good.-What parts are good?-The songs are good, because their names are good. And one of the men is sexy, you know. They look sexy.- Do you think ABBA are sexy?-I think they're nice, and a bit sexy.-Sexy?!-Sexy...WHEN I KISSED THE TEACHERGET ON THE CAROUSEL[words included here cos it’s interesting – no need to sing]Get on the carouselGet onThe roundabout is just beginningGet onIt's fun to see the world a-spinningGet on the carouselWell, all I really wanna do is get offGet on the carouselWell, all I really wanna do is get offGet onYour happiness is waiting for you(It's only making me scared)Get onBe famous, let the world adore you(Well, I don't know if I care)Get on the carouselWell, all I really wanna do is get offGet on the carouselOh... I really wanna goI feel so dizzy I wanna goListen!Now I don’t think I can take much moreSo can’t you tell em to make it slowListen!I want the speed that I had beforeI’m feeling sick and I wanna stopSpinning!So won’t you let me get off this thing?I got a feeling I reached the topSpinning!I only wanted to dance and singThe roundabout is just beginningGet on...(Oh, please)It's fun to see the world a-spinningGet on the carouselWell all I really wanna do is get offGet on the carouselWell all I really wanna do is get offGet onYour happiness is waiting for you(It's only making me scared)Get onBe famous, let the world adore you(Well, I don't know if I care)Get on the carouselWell all I really wanna do is get offGet on the carouselOh... I really wanna goI feel so dizzy I wanna goListen!Now I don’t think I can take much moreSo won’t you tell ‘em to make it slowListen!I want the speed that I had beforeI’m feeling sick and I wanna stopSpinning!So won’t you let me get off this thing?I got a feeling I reached the topSpinning!I only wanted to dance and sing++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[OLD MELBOURNE HOTEL CORRIDORS]-Excuse me... You’re ABBA's manager, aren't you?STIG - Yes, I am.- I hope you can help me. I have to get an interview with ABBA.- Ignore this man, Mr Anderson. He's crazy.- Take it easy, will you! I'm doing a radio special, and it has to be on air tomorrow night. I really need that interview. Mr Anderson... I'm really desperate.STIG -Listen, if you are down in the reception by 10 o'clock tomorrow morning I will arrange this for you. OK?- For sure? I'll get to talk to them?STIG - For sure. OK. Bye-bye.-Thank you!++++++++++++++++++++++++[MONTAGE OF TOUR/PRESS CONFERENCES]-From concert to concertfrom town to townas though her whole world was spinningShe got what she wanted, and yetshe feels like a marionette!“You're so free, That's what everybody's telling me…”+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[CONCERT]-Alright, 10 minutes and away we go!-We want ABBA! We want ABBA!-Everybody on stage! -It’s time to get your rocks off!FERNANDOBJORN - You’ve been sitting for a long time now so it’s about time you got up -- because we’re gonna play a dancing number for you -- "DANCING QUEEN".++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[ASHLEY IN HOTEL ROOM BED]-Why the hell didn't you wake me up?+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-The Moomba Festival presents the last appearance of ABBA in Australia. They are leaving for the airport shortly to return to Sweden but here is your last chance to show your appreciation.-We want ABBA! We want ABBA!We want ABBA! We want ABBA! We want ABBA!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-Testing one, two. Testing one, two...FRIDA --Aaaaaah!SO LONG, see you honey+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[HOTEL RECEPTION]-Mr Wallace... your press card's arrived.-Keep it. It's yours.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[ELEVATOR – SEBEL TOWNHOUSE]--Excuse me... I'd just like to... Can I have a... an interview...?ABBA -- Sure.- If I can just... get this... If you just...EAGLE-That was absolutely fantastic. Thank you very much! I have everything I need. That's just great. It's been a pleasure meeting you. Have a nice trip home! Thank you. ABBA - Bye-bye. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[TAXI]-Radio 2TW, and make it fast. -Right. Hang on to your hat. What are you up to?- Radio special on ABBA.-ABBA? You're not with that mob, are you? Strewth. I took the wife and kids to see them the other night. Bloody terrible it was. Cost me a fortune. I thought it'd be the nicest, cleanest show. Not on your life, mate! They came dancing out on stage -- all dolled up in these white cloaks. And before you know it, they rip half their clothes off! And instead of facing the audience … this sheila had on the tightest pair of white slacks you ever saw in your life... She suddenly turns her back on the audience and starts ... You know what I mean. Starts flashing at the audience. Doing this sort of thing.-Can you drive a bit faster?-Anyway, there she was with what they say 'the most beautiful bottom in Europe'. Well, I guess... I've seen a few bottoms in my time ... We're both red-blooded males. I quite admired it in a way -- because I can take all that sort of thing -- but not in front of the wife and kids! And it's not the sort of thing you want to go flashing at them. Not in front of, literally, thousands of little kids. Flashing it away there. I Am A Tiger... What sort of a song is that?-Keep the change!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-Just in time, Ashley. It's in studio 2.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[AIRPORT]FRIDA – I can’t hear you, could you please move a little?AGNETHA - People were so nice, you know, and we had a really good time. BENNY - I'd really like to thank everybody for supporting us so much.Bjorn and Agnetha waving: GOODBYE!BENNY -This is a crazy thing, you know - leaving everything.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[RADIO STUDIO]-This is Ashley Wallace, back from Sydney......Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne, with a two-hour special, including an exclusive, on-the-spot interview -- with those super-Swedes, ABBA.-There’s nothing really special about them. They’re only human beings...- Are we on the air?- Everything’s OK. We're on the air...- Except their music. That’s special.-We're on the air!THANK YOU FOR THE MUSICTHE END ................

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