
|Thematic Unit: Así soy yo |

|Enduring understanding: Every individual is a unique product of his cultural environment. |

|Essential questions: What are you like? |

|Mini-unit plan inventory #3a: Mis Cosas favoritas - A picture dictionary @5 days |

|Language |Resources |Instructional activities |Multiple Intelligences/ |Vocabulary |Grammatical structures |Culture |Assessment situation |

|function/progress| | |Cross content | | | | |

|indicators | | |connections | | | | |

|These come from |Culturally |Play authentic and varied |Visual and performing arts- |Categoría, tipo |Noun-adjective |Identify types of foods|Interpretive: |

|the progress |authentic |Hispanic music softly in the|Musical- With a group, create| |agreement and placement|that are associated |Oral: Students lister to a sound clip from a |

|indicators of the|circulars and |background while students |a stanza for a song in |Words suggested by the | |with the various |Spanish language commercial and identify the |

|2009 NJ Standards|magazines such as |work in pairs or groups |Spanish to the tune of MY |students and their |Mi, tu su- possessive |cultures of the |category being discussed |

|(EG.) |People, Latina, | |FAVORITE THINGS |collages in the |adjectives |students in the class |Visual: read a description of one of the |

| |Buenhogar, |Each student will create a | |following categories: | |and compare them |collages as written by a classmate. Identify|

|7.1.A.1 etc.. |Vanidades etc. |collage of his favorites from|Sing the song chorally with |Música, arte, comida, |Mío, tuyo, suyo- | |the collage. |

| | |the following categories: |the rest of the class using |materias, ropa, |possessive pronouns | | |

|7.1.B.1 etc. |Construction paper|Colors, numbers, clothes, |personal flash cards to |pasatiempos, deportes, | | |Interpersonal- |

| | |foods, sports, leisure |assist comprehension |colores, lugares, |(No) Me gusta(n) | |Oral: You and your friend are at a display of|

|7.1.C.1 etc. |Internet clip art |activities, places, subjects,| |animales, vacaciones, | | |student art work. Select one of the collages|

| | |people, animals, nature |Spatial-Individually create a|naturaleza |¿Qué (cuál) te | |on display and describe it to your friend so |

| |Basic Vocabulary |(teacher will use these as a |collage identifying what your| |(le)gusta más? ¿menos? | |that he can identify it. |

| |Builder |source for necessary |favorite things are to be | | | |Visual: Respond to an e-mail from a pen pal |

| | |vocabulary) |displayed in the class museum| |Quiero, quieres, Ud. | |about your favorite things in any three |

| |Sound clips from | | | |Quiere | |categories of those discussed or seen in |

| |Spanish language |In groups of four students |Draw a one -three frame | | | |class. |

| |commercials |will create a pictorial list |cartoon expressing a great | |Prefiero, prefieres, | | |

| | |of all items seen on the |obsession you have with | |Ud. prefiere | |Presentational- |

| |Student collages |collages in their group and |something | | | |Oral: You are a guide at a student exhibit in|

| | |then categorize the items. | | |Juego, juegas, Ud. | |the Spanish department on “back to school |

| | | |Mathematical/logical-graph | |Juega | |night. ” Select one of the collages and |

| | |Using the pictorial list, |the number of people you | | | |present it to an adult visitor. In the |

| | |each student in the group |interviewed who like to do a | |Que juega, juegues, Ud.| |presentation you must identify the artist, |

| | |will be assigned one category|particular sport or leisure | |juegue | |his age, number of years studying Spanish, |

| | |to research clip art on the |activity | | | |and his favorite things as depicted in the |

| | |web. He will then meet with | | |Toco, tocas, toca | |collage. |

| | |other students who share the |Compare the results of your | | | |Visual: Write a brief explanation of the |

| | |same category and together |class with those of | |Voy, vas, va, | |collage project for inclusion in the “Back to|

| | |they will create a two page |another class; | |ir a + inf. | |school night” brochure. |

| | |spread for a picture | | | | | |

| | |dictionary using the clip |Interpersonal- | |Que vaya, vayas, Ud. | | |

| | |art. No written words should|Work with a partner to create| |Vaya | | |

| | |appear anywhere on the page. |a questionnaire and interview| | | | |

| | | |class mates to find out what | |Tengo, tienes, tiene ( | | |

| | | |their favorites are in a | |que + inf.) | | |

| | |Compose a stanza for the song|given category (school | | | | |

| | |Mis Cosas Favoritas about the|subjects, types of music, | |Necesito, necesitas, | | |

| | |items in your category |styles of clothes, types of | |necesita | | |

| | | |food, pastimes, places to go | | | | |

| | |Combine the stanzas and sing |for a date, places to travel,| |Adverbs -(-mente) | | |

| | |the song chorally using |sports, etc.) | |Adverbial expressions | | |

| | |personal flashcards through | | |(después de, antes de) | | |

| | |TPR to assist comprehension |Compare your questions and | | | | |

| | | |answers with those of another| |Prepositions of place | | |

| | |Once the items in the |pair who focused on the same | | | | |

| | |collages have all been |topic | |Para + destination, | | |

| | |identified in Spanish, the | | |purpose | | |

| | |groups will work together to |Synthesize your data and | | | | |

| | |assemble their pages to |produce a graph indicating | |Por – by, through, for | | |

| | |create a picture dictionary |the results of your combined | |(in place of) | | |

| | |book to be reproduced and |surveys | | | | |

| | |used by all the students in | | | | | |

| | |the class. Two to four pages|Share your opinions about a | | | | |

| | |should be left blank after |commercial with a classmate | | | | |

| | |each category so that |and the class | | | | |

| | |students can write creatively| | | | | |

| | |about each section. |Intrapersonal- in your | | | | |

| | | |journal write a brief account| | | | |

| | |Using the new picture |of your daily routine and | | | | |

| | |dictionary as a reference, in|what you like to do in your | | | | |

| | |pairs the students will |free time | | | | |

| | |compare and contrast their | | | | | |

| | |collages with those of a |Kinesthetic- locate and | | | | |

| | |classmate |download clip art images for | | | | |

| | | |the favorite items of the | | | | |

| | |Make personal flashcards for |category assigned | | | | |

| | |each of the items in each | | | | | |

| | |category of the picture |Assemble a picture dictionary| | | | |

| | |dictionary | | | | | |

| | | |Make personal flashcards for | | | | |

| | |Interview a classmate using |each of the items in the | | | | |

| | |questionnaire designed by |picture dictionary | | | | |

| | |classmates to find people’s| | | | | |

| | |preferences in each category |Verbal/linguistic- | | | | |

| | | |Compile and edit the lyrics | | | | |

| | |Graph the results of the |to the Spanish version of MY| | | | |

| | |interview |FAVORITE THINGS | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | |List your favorite items in |Make a journal entry | | | | |

| | |your journal | | | | | |

| | | |Write a description of your | | | | |

| | |With a partner prior to |collage | | | | |

| | |reporting to the class, | | | | | |

| | |discuss why you like one of | | | | | |

| | |the commercials you have | | | | | |

| | |seen in class | | | | | |


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