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Each student is assigned a different one of the time periods. They need to use their textbook to read up and answer the questions for that period.Then, they teach their group. Students complete the 4 squares during this time.Then, the students analyze the Geologic time scale.Then, quick notes/review of the times-Hit major stuff for kids to copy-those slides are a different color than the restPrecambrian Time Jigsaw Section (pg. 142-143)What length of time does the Precambrian cover?List TWO ways the earth was different during the Precambrian time compared to today.How do scientists think life got started?What gas was missing in the early atmosphere that the first organisms did not need?Why was the evolution of cyanobacteria important?Why was the formation of the ozone layer important?Eukaryotes evolve about one billion years ago. How were they different from prokaryotes?__________________________________________________________________________________Paleozoic Era Jigsaw Section (pg. 144)What length of time does the Paleozoic Era cover?What are rocks of this era rich with?What does “Paleozoic” mean?What were the first vertebrate animals to evolve?Which major plant group did NOT evolve during this era?What were the first animals on land?When did reptiles evolve during this era?What happened at the end of the era?____Mesozoic Era Jigsaw Section (pg. 145)What length of time does the Mesozoic Era cover?What does “Mesozoic” mean?What was the Mesozoic Era commonly known as? How long did dinosaurs dominate the Earth?What group of organisms around today likely evolved from a group of dinosaurs?When did flowing plants evolve during the Mesozoic Era?Describe the hypothesis that explains how the dinosaurs went extinct.Who survived the mass extinction at the end of the Mesozoic Era?__________________________________________________________________________________Cenozoic Era Jigsaw Section (pg. 146-147)What length of time does the Cenozoic Era cover?What does “Cenozoic” mean?Provide THREE examples of groups of organisms that appeared in the Cenozoic Era.What is the Cenozoic Era commonly known as?How did mammals change during the Cenozoic Era?List THREE types of mammals that existed during the Cenozoic Era but no longer exist.How did the climate change during the Cenozoic Era?737516013203800Eras of Geologic Time: -5715022860Precambrian time: dates ?_______________________ (Please note: Precambrian time is not technically an “era”)Meaning: _____________________________Facts (at least 5): 00Precambrian time: dates ?_______________________ (Please note: Precambrian time is not technically an “era”)Meaning: _____________________________Facts (at least 5): 459105022860Paleozoic Era: dates ?___________________________ Meaning: _____________________________Facts (at least 5): 00Paleozoic Era: dates ?___________________________ Meaning: _____________________________Facts (at least 5): 45910502223135Cenozoic Era: dates ?___________________________ Meaning: _____________________________Facts (at least 5): 00Cenozoic Era: dates ?___________________________ Meaning: _____________________________Facts (at least 5): -571502222500Mesozoic Era: dates ?___________________________ Meaning: _____________________________ Facts (at least 5): 00Mesozoic Era: dates ?___________________________ Meaning: _____________________________ Facts (at least 5): 5511692930207aka CarboniferousThis whole section is referred to as:00aka CarboniferousThis whole section is referred to as:-44450171450Geologic Timeline Analysis Directions: Begin by filling in the blanks of the time scale diagram on the right using page 138. Then, answer the following, referring to your timeline and textbook. 1) Look at the three major eras shaded on your timeline that you labeled. What larger time interval do all three of these eras fit into? 2) Place the following terms in order from smallest to largest: period; epoch; eon; era 3) During what three periods did the dinosaurs exist? 4) The first three eons (from the beginning of the earth’s formation) are all lumped into one general category called ______________________________. 5) How much time has gone by since the extinction of the dinosaurs? 6) If the first dinosaurs existed around 230 million years ago, for about how many years in total did dinosaurs rule the earth? 7) The dinosaurs were around for ___________ times the number of years as hominids (prehistoric humans) have been. (*HINT: Divide the dinosaurs’ existence by that of hominids) 8) The Earth has been around for _______ times the number of years as hominids (prehistoric humans). 9) How much time passed before the first life appeared on earth? 10) For what percentage of the earth’s existence have hominids (prehistoric humans) existed? (*HINT: Divide the two numbers and then multiply by 100)020000Geologic Timeline Analysis Directions: Begin by filling in the blanks of the time scale diagram on the right using page 138. Then, answer the following, referring to your timeline and textbook. 1) Look at the three major eras shaded on your timeline that you labeled. What larger time interval do all three of these eras fit into? 2) Place the following terms in order from smallest to largest: period; epoch; eon; era 3) During what three periods did the dinosaurs exist? 4) The first three eons (from the beginning of the earth’s formation) are all lumped into one general category called ______________________________. 5) How much time has gone by since the extinction of the dinosaurs? 6) If the first dinosaurs existed around 230 million years ago, for about how many years in total did dinosaurs rule the earth? 7) The dinosaurs were around for ___________ times the number of years as hominids (prehistoric humans) have been. (*HINT: Divide the dinosaurs’ existence by that of hominids) 8) The Earth has been around for _______ times the number of years as hominids (prehistoric humans). 9) How much time passed before the first life appeared on earth? 10) For what percentage of the earth’s existence have hominids (prehistoric humans) existed? (*HINT: Divide the two numbers and then multiply by 100)5158105000Name: ____________________________________ Date: ________ Period: ____ ................

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