Africa Independence and Aftermath

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A. Pan Africanism

Pan-Africanism is a philosophy and movement which seeks to unify those of African ancestry into a "global African community." It calls for a politically united Africa.

“There are values, traditions and a heritage that we share because we have a common origin … We must come together as a family. We must do all that we can do to uplift our people.

-Dr. Marimba Ani, Pan- Africanist

How would Pan- Africanism make Africa stronger?

There are nearly 100 tribes in Africa, is a united Africa possible?

B. Rwanda

Rwanda gained independence from Belgium in 1962. Ethnic tensions existed between the two cultures – Hutus and Tutsis. From April to July 1994, the Hutus (ethnic majority) murdered 800,000 people, mostly of the Tutsi minority. Ordinary citizens were encouraged by the Hutu government to take up arms against their neighbors. The Tutsi eventually gained control of the country through the military. The United Nations did little to help end the genocide. Former U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali said: “The failure of Rwanda is 10 times greater than the failure of Yugoslavia. Because in Yugoslavia the international community was interested, was involved. In Rwanda, nobody was interested.” In October 1994, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda was established but it was hard to prosecute people since so many fled the country.

List three facts about the Rwanda Genocide.

Video – From the POV of a Tutsi, how would you feel in modern times, now that you have control of the country but many were not punished?

C. Darfur

(Darfur is the western region of Sudan, Africa. Darfur is not a country.) Sudan gained independence from England in 1956. In February 2003, the non-Arab groups in Darfur launched an uprising against the government. The government responded with genocide, enlisting the help of Arab militia in Darfur called the Janjaweed.  The dispute is racial, not religious: Muslim Arab Sudanese are killing Muslim black Sudanese. Up to 400,000 people died due to attacks, malnutrition and disease. In July 2011, South Sudan gained independence and became its own nation, but the genocide continues with violence now spilling over into Chad.  

List three facts about the Darfur Genocide.

Speed Dating: What do you think the United Nations can do to solve this problem? Be specific!

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COPY FROM POWERPOINT Actions taken by the United Nations include:

D. Ghana And Kenya


In 1957, Ghana won its independence from Britain. Britain had called this colony the Gold Coast because of its rich mineral resources. Under independence leader Kwame Nkrumah, it took the name Ghana after the ancient West African kingdom. He supported socialism and government ownership of major industries. He backed the building of a dam, but it drained Ghana’s finances. Nkrumah was overthrown but the military in 1966. Ghana still has a democracy to this day.


White settlers built large plantations on land once occupied by the Kikuyu (Kenya’s largest ethnic group). Nationalist leader Jomo Kenyatta started speaking up against the white Kenyans and the laws passed to suppress blank Kenyans. In the 1950s, black Kenyans started killing white Kenyans. The British called them Mau Mau and claimed Kenyatta was the secret leader and arrested him. By 1963, thousands were killed, and the British gave Kenya its independence. Kenyatta and his successor dominated the country for decades. They limited freedom of expression and resisted free elections. Since the 1990s, Kenya has held elections but corruption is still widespread.

What challenges did new African nations face?

Why did Ghana gain independence peacefully while Kenya faced violence?


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