
-1- Running freeBlaring horns shocked me out of my slumbering state. Sitting up in the darkness I heard the sound again followed by a chorus of screams and gunfire. Fear quickly set in as I began frantically packing my belongings into a burlap sack. Running out into the moonlit clearing I watched as dozens of people fled through the woods and vanished into the night. Before I could plan my next action, the eyes were upon me. Lights from the front of our camp cut into the darkness illuminating what few people were still near the campfire. My eyes widened with terror as the man in front of me was hit and he fell thrashing for a moment, before he went still. A shot whipped by me and ripped through my tent snapping me back into reality. I began running chaotically ripping through branches and bushes not caring about the wounds they left on my exposed arms and legs. Running through the dark woods I soon found myself in another clearing. Looking around I felt my heart sink when I heard voices behind me drawing closer."This way! One of them went this way!" A voice shouted in the distance."I can smell blood! After him!" Another closer voice cried."Fuck!" I whispered, as I continued to run.Breathing heavily I tore through the moonlit wilderness desperate to escape the pursuers on my trail. No matter how hard or fast I seemed to run the lights behind me always drew closer and the voices louder. The deeply instilled fear of being caught drove my body to push on and keep moving as fast as it could. My legs were growing weary and I knew I couldn’t run much longer. Throwing a branch aside, I felt my foot snag something and tripped slamming the ground hard. I struggled to get up at first, my head still ringing from impact with the ground. As I scrambled to my feet, the ground around me lit up brightly and I saw several shadows quickly surrounding me. Every conceivable direction I tried to run was occupied by shifting figures that closed in quickly. Wincing past the lights, I saw that each of them carried a rifle with a flashlight attached. I slowly gripped the knife attached to the back of my belt and readied myself for the inevitability of death or capture... Ever since dad was captured, I knew this day would come. I felt a heavy weight in my chest, as I began coming to grips with the situation. With shallow shaking breaths I faced my approaching stalkers head on."At ease gentlemen." A voice said brashly and the guns were lowered allowing me to see my foes a bit better. From the group a single figure stepped toward me. He was dressed differently but somewhat like all the others pursuing me. However like his cohorts he was not human, I was being chased by monsters... He stood over six feet tall and was unusually muscular. He had a wide rounded mane of fiery red hair and a blockish muzzle that had two fangs protruding from under his upper lip. A long thin tail tipped with a tuft of red hair flicked back and forth unpredictably as he moved. He was a lion of some kind... His group of lackeys included an otter, a bear, a rat, some kind of canine, and a few others I couldn't see well enough. The lion took a few steps forward and lit a cigarette carelessly tossing the match aside once the flames had died. "You're a fast one boy!" He replied walking further into the ring of people as he exhaled a long stream of smoke. "Not fast enough apparently..." I muttered and he chuckled getting a bit closer."Now, now... we don’t want any trouble. Just take it easy and you wont be harmed, understand?" He asked bluntly, as I rolled my fingers along the knife handle. "No I don't think I do. You better explain it again." I snapped, gritting my teeth in anger and shuffling about, as I tried to find any route of escape."I don't have to explain anything. That isn't my department." He said with a now aggravated tone. "You have two choices. Come quietly or be dragged away with a split lip. Choice is yours." "I'm not going anywhere with you beasts!" I shouted drawing the large knife and brandishing it with both hands in front of me. The rifles rose in the blink of an eye and the blinding lights focused on me once again. "Hold your fire!" The lion shouted raising a paw and turning to his soldiers.Slowly but surely his allies lowered there weapons until only one was aiming at me. The lion didn't seem to mind this as he simply finished his cigarette with one long drag and flicked the burning remains to the ground. Running his paw through his hair he pushed it back away from his face and then fixed his gaze upon me once more. His fierce yellow eyes and tiny slash shaped pupils burned fear deep into my heart. All at once, I felt tears burn through my eyes and my grip tightened. With a deep breath, I spun the blade and pressed it to my own throat staring into the lions vicious eyes, which widened with surprise. Two of the beast men went to raise there weapons but the big cat leader scowled them into backing down. I swallowed hard, the knife and the fear adding to the tension on my neck."You will not take me alive!" I stammered not sure if I would be able to take my own life. "No." He stated simply raising a finger to point at me. "We will."With a flick of his wrist and a flourish of his fingers he created a tiny spark of light in his palm. Before I could react to it the blade was pulled from my hand by a phantom force. I watched, wide eyed with terror and disbelief, as the blade flew gently, but quickly through the air and met his outstretched hand. The handle landed perfectly in his grip and he grinned wickedly as I fell backward, stunned by what just happened. He rolled the knife through his clawed fingers laughing as I cowered on the ground helplessly. What just happened? I briefly looked at my empty hand as I felt burning tears form in my eyes. The other beasts began to laugh as I shook, petrified, scrambling to escape the circle of bodies.Still laughing, the maned beast turned around and began walking away. "Take him gentleman." He muttered, carelessly looking over his shoulder for a few seconds. My heart stopped dead upon hearing that. I leapt to my feet and tried to rush past the smallest of the armed animal men. This was a mistake, as he immediately struck me across the face, sending me to the ground with a bloodied nose. I dabbed my bleeding face and looked up just in time to see a boot dropping onto my head. My vision blurred and my head rang, as I writhed in agony, clutching my skull. Amazingly, I didn’t pass out from the impact of the huge booted paw. Trying to crawl away, got me another kick to my ribs, which flipped me onto my back. As my vision cleared, I was greeted with the sight of a handgun pointed at my face. The sound it made when it fired was not what I was expecting, but I still shut my eyes and let out a sharp yelp of primal fear. I opened my eyes to find a dart sticking out of my left shoulder and I soon felt the weariness that it brought on. I struggled to move at all, but I still managed to pull it out before I succumbed to the poisons. The last thing I heard was my labored breathing, as I thrashed against the multitude of paws and claws that began restraining me. The last thing I saw were the eyes sparking in the darkness, as each differing paw did its job to bind me.-2- The way things areI awoke in a daze, flailing and clawing at the ground for freedom. As my vision cleared, I began peering around me; taking in my new environment. My vision was foggy and I had a headache, but I fought to keep my eyes trained. The room was empty, save for a single light hanging from the ceiling and a pale blue door on the wall across from me. I tried to stand and walk to the door, but I collapsed to the ground after a short distance. The impact was greatly sobering. I sat up and rubbed my head gently, as I realized I had been stripped down to my underwear! Looking past my boxers, I saw that I was chained to the wall by my ankle. I instantly began to fight with the restraints. Every pull hurt my ankle and soon I gave up and began fighting with the plate, which connected the chain to the wall. Once my energy was spent, I fell into a seated position and panted for a while. My head was still swimming from the drugs. I was partially paralyzed and I felt like I had a hangover. After my third attempt to rip the chain from the wall, I gave up and leaned back with a long grim sigh.A wave of powerful emotions began to sweep over me. I felt tears slowly formulate, then roll down my face. My whole body shook with fear as I awaited my death, hopelessly. I want to go back to before this... back when the humans controlled the cities. I want to see Mom and Dad again. Oh god, I just want to know what happened to them! I guess I will know soon… I will probably face the same fate they did. I began sobbing and fell on my side, clutching my legs. Horrible surges of fear crashed through me, as I cowered, awaiting my demise. No one knows why they hunt and capture humans, but many of my caravan believed us to be... food. I cried harder at the thought of this and kicked the wall in rage, ignoring the pain it brought me.A few seconds later I heard the distant screech of flexing metal followed by the clattering of steel hitting wood. A nearby door was used and, as I began to hear footsteps, I froze with fear. My hands trembled as I attempted to open the chain cuff again, but failed to do anything other than hurt myself. My frantic gasping grew more intense, as I heard the clacking shoes (or claws) drawing closer. I tried to pull the chain free from the wall again but to no avail. As the footsteps approached the door, I began whimpering slightly and tried to figure out what to do. I decided to move to the far corner as much as the chain would allow and sit facing the wall. The door opened a few moments later and I held my breath, as I heard a figure enter the room quietly. It was silent for a few moments. I sat motionless, clutching my own torso in a desperate attempt to feel even remotely safe. I began to hear the shuffling of papers and the scratching sound of writing with a pencil. Curiosity got the better of me and I slowly turned my head to peek at the being in the room with me. She was a canine of some sort with white fur and black markings around her eyes and nose. I believe she was a female from her body shape and facial features. She had bright blue eyes that were behind a pair of thin glasses, which rested delicately on her muzzle. She was wearing some form of lab coat with pointed shoulders and a small insignia on the breast. Her large fluffy tail wagged carelessly creating a small whoosh sound each time. Just then she looked up and caught me in her gaze. I gasped lightly and turned away quickly, attempting to avoid contact. She chuckled softly and I heard her continue writing. "Is your name Iza?" She asked in a creamy voice after a few seconds of silence. I was stunned and had to respond. "That’s my nickname... how do you know that?" I replied with a fearful and confused scowl."Some of your belongings had that written on them. So tell me Iza, are you injured?" She asked bringing the clipboard up to her face.I was silent for a while, but I figured it couldn't hurt to tell her. "No." I whispered meekly."Great! Your head was a little bloody when you arrived. How does your head feel?" She asked after filling in more notes on me."Why am I here?" I asked sternly but not violent or angered."We'll get to that. I have a few more questions. Tell me how your head feels?" She responds tapping her clipboard with the pencil a few times."It's fine." I replied eager for answers."Great!" Her concern was fake, but I appreciated it on some level. "Can you stand up?" She asked with a small smile. "Good job!" She patronized, as I rose to my feet. "Alright, can you recite the human English alphabet?" She asked smiling widely this time, which was scary, seeing all those teeth.I began to recite the alphabet and she continued to jot down notes on me. This was not what I was expecting. Though she is just acting, they are at least being civil about examining me. I could only imagine the first of my kind to be capture during the city raids, were used for horrid experiments and research. My rage for this creatures kind flared up again and I balled my fists in anger. I don’t care how kind any beast is to me, they will never have my trust. She may act innocent but what her people did to mine betrays that image. I stood with my head hung awaiting her next question or command, hoping it would be the last. "Alright last thing. What is your full earth designated name?" She asked with little sign she actually cared what my name was."Issac Eugene Schiffer." I stated still proud of the name... yet now it meant nothing. "Very good." She said quickly scrawling down my name. "Well this should go over well!" She said lifting her clipboard, so I can see the sheet full of questions and filled out information."What the hell is going on here?" I shouted angrily reaching for her with clenching hands. "What’s going to happen to me?" I cried out, feeling fear now instead of anger."Calm down boy and just listen." She said shutting her eyes and holding up one paw. "Earth, your planet, is going to die very soon. When it does your entire race and everything that you have created will die with it. We are here to protect your species and migrate you to our planet." I stared slack jawed at her as she explained away all of the fear and anxiety the last several years had brought.I looked away and took a long moment to think before muttering. "So... you’re... not going... to... eat me?" My hoarse voice cracked with the remaining shards of fear lodged deep in my heart."Heavens no!" She said chuckling and placing a paw on her chest in shock. "I wont lie though, someone on my planet will probably want to eat you." She said once she stopped laughing and I stared at her with a mortified face. "But don’t worry! I'll make sure you’re sold to someone really nice!" Her reassuring voice clashed with the puncturing words she spoke. I gasped and felt myself begin to shake and twitch with fear. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" I shouted at the top of my lungs causing her ears to fold back and a small frown to developed on her muzzle. "You're going to sell me? To who?" I demanded with my angered tone. "Look kid that is just the way things are done. It isn't personal or anything we are just trying to help. But we can't just drop you on our planet and expect you to adapt. You understand... this is the best way." He smooth voice was so serene that I was calmed slightly by it. "But... don't I get a choice?" I asked in a weak, shaky tone. "Sorry human." She said very blandly, like she has said that several dozen times today. "In a few moments you are going to be put into suspended animation." My eyes widened, but she shook her head and continued. "It wont hurt. You will just get cold and fall asleep." She stated as she began to leave the room."Wait! Please just let me go! I don't want to go! I would rather die on Earth! You can't do this to me!" I cried out as she had the door half open. She released a long sigh and turned back to look at me. Her ocean blue eyes connected with my pale amber ones and she smiled slightly. "Don’t worry human. If you are nice you will get a really good owner!" She replied in a hopeful and slightly excited voice. "No! NO! WAIT!" I shouted louder and louder, as the door shut behind her. "Please no! God no..." I held myself and collapsed to the ground.What fucking nightmare is this? Oh god no... I can't even imagine what this will be like. Being enslaved on a distant planet sounds dreadful and inescapable. No where to run... Everywhere I go they could have populated already. I will literally not know how to escape or where to go, to be considered safe. Will air be the same? Is the climate like earth? What are their customs like? What are the cities like? How do I escape? What... when will I get to eat? Will I ever meet another human again? Are my parents actually alive? My head began to ache terribly and I clutched my skull, as tears ran down my face in a torrent. This cannot be what happens! I want to stay. I want to die with my planet. Please... I want... to stay... home....-3- Lowered down the food chainI had several dreams during the time I was out. It was only when I was fully awake... did I understand they were dreams at all. The bitter realization that I was still here, still a prisoner, shattered my sleepy mindset and instilled the now familiar feeling of terror. Scanning the walls I found myself in some form of holding cell. The ceiling had small lights built into it every foot or so and the wall across from me had a camera mounted above a plain door. I watched for a second, as the mechanical eye slowly panned around the room with perfect timing. The wall to my left had a poster of a cartoon human being hugged by a cartoon fox. Along the bottom of the poster it read "Be friendly!" in large block letters. Scoffing, I got up and ripped the poster from the wall before shredding it in rage. I was still restrained, but this time the chain was much longer and I could walk around the room partially. As I approached the door the camera trained on me and zoomed in quickly. A small red light began to blink within the dome shaped lens and as I watched, it began to blink faster. Tilting my head in confusion, I wondered what this meant, but soon got my answer. A loud electronic alarm blared and the chain, that was locked around my ankle, suddenly retracted to the wall, taking me off my feet! Hitting the ground with a cough I groaned and rolled onto my back, rubbing my aching jaw. I cursed softly and leaned up into a sitting position. The shock of being thrown to the ground quickly wore off and I stood up angrily. Examining the wall I found the chain was held and controlled by some kind of mechanical lever system. It didn't seem to be accessible from this side, but I found if I pulled hard enough I could produce a few extra inches of the chain. After several minutes of tinkering with the wall unit, I gave up and sighed. Just then I collapsed against the wall clutching my stomach in pain. Streaks of deep tearing pain cut through my belly, as I struggled with the effects of hunger. I haven't eaten in... god how many days has it been? How much time passed before I arrived here? How will I be treated? How could I let this happen? Taking a deep breath my stomach pain died down slowly until it had passed. I felt moisture welling up behind my eyes and I shut them hard to try and avoid crying. It could not be helped and I began sobbing quietly. My eyes burned from all the tears I have been shedding lately. Each heavy breath caused a small pain in my stomach that didn't seem to go away. I put my head between my knees and held my legs as tight as possible while I bawled. No hope… nothing to live for…A loud electronic buzzing sound suddenly filled the room. "Smile and be friendly!" I jumped with fright as the obviously recorded voice spoke loudly.Before I could react the door across from me opened. A short, thin figure walked in and removed his sunglasses. He was a rodent of some kind, I would say a mouse. Both of the huge rounded ears had several piercings in them and his pink nose held a thick bull ring. He was wearing a wife beater that had a strange colorful symbol on the stomach of it. His fur was a cream color and his sharp two front teeth were pale yellow. He eyed me unimpressed and then scoffed rolling his eyes. I was going to say something, but he immediately began to leave, flicking his hairless tail when he turned around. I sat shaking with wide empty eyes and a tiny pouting mouth. What was that? What the hell just happened? The weighted feeling of being judged suddenly hit me and I realized what happened. He didn't want me... Or I wasn't good enough... That didn't bother me in the slightest, but it made me wonder, what happens if no beast ends up wanting me? So many questions filled my head and soon my fear gave way to my curiosity. A heavy thought crept into my head. What happened to the Earth? I am unsure how long it took for me to be brought here so... is it even still around? I began to panic, concerned with every conceivable thing that Earth still meant to me. Everything… all of my life is gone… So many good memories have been buried beneath an endless ocean of horrible events, which I cannot tide from my mind. Looking down at my hand, I sighed and remembered all the people who I tried to help. All the faces screaming for me to save them, but all I could do was run for my own safety. I felt tears building up again, but I forced them back down as I heard the buzzer go off again."Smile and be friendly!" The automated voice repeated and I grit my teeth in frustration.The door slammed open and a big creature squeezed in. I stared with wide fearful eyes, as a hippopotamus approached me with a huge toothy smile. I shrunk further into the corner with each step she took into the room. I assume it was female since she was wearing a frilly pink dress and a flowery sun hat. She had on light red lipstick and her purse matched in color with the whole outfit. Her skin was a varying tone from light tan to pink and her eyes were deep brown. The hulking figure loomed over me, with beaming eyes and a brilliant smile."Well you are just the cutest little man I have ever seen!" She said clutching her huge flabby hands together against one of her cheeks."What do you want with me? Just... leave me alone!" My words blurted out without my consent."Leave? But I just got here!" She replied giggling a little. "Why don't you tell me your name?" She asked and I shook my head."No." I said desperate for any ounce of freedom. "Please... just go away." I reiterated, slowly lowering my head until I was cowering."What did I do wrong?" She asked in a hurt tone that also sounded frustrated. "If you are scared you don’t have to -." I cut her off without looking at her."I don't want to be here! I don't want to be anyone’s pet! I don't want to go anywhere with you!" Shouting hurt my dry throat and caused a small surge of pain in my stomach."Please, if you just listen I -." I cut her off again still refusing to look up."Go away you fat monster!" The growling in my voice made me sound more intimidating, but I doubt she was threatened."FINE!" She shouted shaking the walls a bit and causing me to look up in fright. "But listen here you little shit! I was nice and I guarantee you that not many others are going to be! I hope for your sake you learn quickly or you won't like were you end up!" She stormed out of the room after filling it with her enraged words.Part of me actually felt bad. She was being really nice to me and I was a jerk to her. As I sat motionless, still paralyzed from the shock of being yelled at, I began thinking of these beast men in a different light. I made the difficult decision to be open minded and talk with the next possible buyer. I practiced smiling a few times, but they faded instantly and I decided it would be better to just not act frightened. What do I do if I am in real danger though? Who will help me and who can I trust? Will I just have to fight alone and be inevitably defeated? Still uneasy from hunger I managed to stand up and only shake a little bit. I entered a fighting stance then threw a few punches and kicks. After getting warmed up I began practice more advanced techniques. Thinking about it, I haven't seen a single beast that was shorter than a typical human. My martial arts would fail miserably… Not to mention the fact that I am so weak from hunger, I would probably injure myself. I sat down and tried to ignore the pain in my belly by doing some deep breathing exercises. The buzzing sound forced my eyes to shoot open and I stood up."Smile and be friendly!" I mouthed the words as the speaker played them hoping it would give me a bit of enthusiasm.As the door opened a figure quickly darted in and shut it swiftly. At first all I saw was a tail wagging along the back of a leather jacket and jeans. But soon the wolf whipped his muzzle around and pierced me with his huge red eyes. I froze with fear, as his tongue lolled out and he began taking long deep breaths, while moving toward me. I began to quiver and shake as he approached. He was not as big as the other wolves I have seen, but he was psychotic looking. His eyes had a sharp almond shape and his ears were curved slightly, which gave them the shape of horns. His scruff was poofy and wild, with sharp strands jutting out in all directions. He was wearing a opened black leather jacket, with a red shirt beneath and a pair of typical jeans. But those eyes... my god his eyes. He peered at me with portals directly to hell and showed his malice by growling with each elongated breath. My own breathing was sharp and rapid, as I pressed against the wall, staring at him wide eyed and tight lipped. He ran his tongue along his huge teeth slowly and made a loud slurping noise as he retracted it. "H-he-hello..." My voice was shrill as I attempted to greet the beast."Hello." He said in a loud breathy growl, as he drooled a bit. "You’re gonna be so good..." The wolf said as his muzzle dripped saliva to the floor and his pupils shrunk slightly."Please... I dont want-." He cut off my stuttering words with a booming laugh."OH GOD, I love hearing you beg. Do it again!" His jagged voice replied as he raised his claws toward me.Cowering against the wall I felt my guts twist and I almost threw up. He was about half way across the room, as I began to scream. I turned away, grabbed the back of my head, and wailed like a bitch. I begged and pleaded the vicious beast for my life, not daring to look up at him. His shadow loomed over me and I cringed, clutching myself harder. A paw gently ran over my head and he laughed again, like nails going through a blender. The utter despair I felt overwhelmed my senses, until I was a writhing incoherent mess of tears. "Don't worry. You will be dead when I decide to feast on you!" His wicked words spawned morbid images in my mind.Suddenly I lashed out. Without thinking I threw a straight punch and felt it land against something soft but solid. Not realizing my fist connected with the wolf's groin, I didn't look at first until I heard his pained cries. His guttural shouting gave way to whimpering yelps, as he collapsed to the ground and writhed violently. His muzzle snapped open and closed as he spat curse after curse in my direction. With eyes wider than the walls, I watched him begin to crawl toward me, whipping his claws through the air violently. Just as he was about to reach me, the door opened and two animals rushed in. They ran over and grabbed the wolf by the shoulders, lifting him to his feet. "Let me go! I'll fucking kill him!" The wolf thrashed savagely throwing his head toward me and snapping his huge jaws shut."Stop resisting sir." One of the guards said calmly, as they lifted him and pulled the thrashing canine toward the door. "I want him dead! Let me go! I want his blood!" The wolfs eyes were pools of lava, burning holes through my cowering form."You threatened the human. If you continue to resist we will use force!" The large guard said as the wolf hung from his arms kicking wildly."If you go now we wont revoke your ownership privileges." The smaller guard said poking the wolf in the chest. At first the wolf didn't seem to care, but after a few seconds he took a deep breath and seemed to calm down. After letting the wolf go, the larger guard opened the door and showed him out. The smaller guard, a rabbit, wrote some information down on a handheld device that beeped softly when he pressed its keys. Soon after that, the larger guard, a goat, returned to the room."You should have revoked his ownership man..." The goat said in a disappointed tone as he stood next to his shorter cohort."Got him outta here didn't I?" Rabbit man said looking up at his horned partner. "We don’t have to do any paperwork either!" He continued lifting the handheld device as if to reference it."Yeah but if he gets his paws on a human..." Goat man replied with a concerned tone of voice. "Just the thought of it makes me uneasy." His words were so somber and they shocked me greatly."Ya saved this one." Rabbit man muttered as he put away his handheld machine. "That counts.""You alright pal?" Goat said taking a knee in front of me. "Bet you got him good eh?" He asked smiling at me.Nodding slowly, I couldn’t blink, I was petrified. Still I couldn’t help, but smile as he stared at me though his thick curly bangs, his eyes barely visible. He was really muscular and his feet were hooves, not a normal trait amongst the beasts from what I’ve seen. He had gray wooly hair on his head and short shaggy steel blue wool on the rest of his body. Like the rabbit he wore a sleek black uniform with a white badge on the left breast, and a red stripe on the right shoulder. The rabbit's fur was brown, white and sort of shaggy. His ears were tied like a ponytail behind his head and the hair atop his head was styled into a flare of spikes. They each had a differing shade of green eyes and the rabbits nose was pink where the goats was black. As I stared examining them, I saw the rabbit man lift his handheld device again, which sort of resembled a cellphone but fatter. As he did this the goat sighed and looked away, as if something was about to upset him."Hey man, give the kid a break." The goat said in a gruff voice as he turned back to his rabbit commander."Rules are rules. Plus we kicked the wolf out so I have to be fair." Replied the rabbit, as he beeped through his device holding it up to view it better."But... look at him? He’s so young! Poor guy shouldn't be here!" The goat, whom I was starting to like, practically shouted but the rabbit didn't look up."That’s why I am setting it down a few notches. Now go wait in the hall if your such a wuss." Replied the rabbit, as he seemed to finish on his little device, because he aimed it at me."No wait!" I cried out just before a flash of bright white light caused me to flinch.It hurt so much… I cant explain it properly without resorting the cliché of being on fire. My skin burned and my head began to ache, as I flailed about on the floor. Opening my eyes I caught a glimpse of the two of them staring down at me while I suffered through this punishment. A faint scream arose from me, but it soon developed into a full cry of anguish. Breathing heavily I felt the pain subsiding and then vanish, as if it was just a thought. Still panting frantically I managed to clutch myself and roll over to face the wall. The sound of the door opening made me cringe with fear, but I soon remembered that they would be leaving. As I lay in the now silent room, I still twitched lightly from the phantom pains I was just subjected to. I had defended myself against one of these monsters barehanded, but all I had to remember it by was a brief moment of agony. Without anymore thoughts, I began to cry and slowly rocked myself to sleep. This would be the moment I gave up hope of ever being happy again. Each tear, an ocean of my discarded hopes and dreams, crashing into nothing on the floor.-4- Expectations and experiencesIt has been about three days since I arrived here and already I have met at least two dozen beast men. They fed me as well, some kind of rice cake with no flavor, but it was filling. From the way they treat me, I have gathered that they use humans like pets... Though this is not a far stretch from my original theory of slavery, it does have better odds of leading to a... decent life. The freedom I knew and loved will soon be gone forever. Not that I am currently free to do anything, but sit here and wait. It has been maddening just pacing in this one tiny room awaiting the irritatingly upbeat message from the loudspeaker. But without stomach pain it has been much easier to sleep at night when the lights shut off. That is the only way I know it is night, or at least I assume it is night time. The guards come in every now and again to ask if I am alright or if I want a, food brick, as they call it. I have seen about four other guards aside from the two that saved me and then tortured me. Sitting here thinking makes me want a food brick..."Smile and be friendly!" The speaker blared once more and I groaned back for it to shut up.Watching the door open I saw a face peek in. He had wide chubby cheeks and a short rounded muzzle that was groomed into a goatee along the bottom. His ears were small circles that twitched a little as we made eye contact. His thick round nose lifted a bit, as he smiled my way and closed his yellow eyes happily. The bear entered and I quickly began to cower. He was the biggest beast I have ever seen, since I first witnessed the attacks in L.A. The bear brushed the ceiling, which makes him, at the very least, eight feet tall. My fear quickly dissolved as the rotund beast stepped into the room and took a seat in the middle with a loud thud. He shifted a bit to get comfortable, which looked silly, but then smiled at me showing only his two longest fangs. Examining him, I noticed he was more fat than muscle and that made his size a little bit less intimidating."Hello there lil fellah." He said in a deep rumbling tone. "You’re awfully young aren't ya?" He asked tilting his head to the side, as he examined me from above."Im twenty years old." I replied quickly, not sure what to make of the seemingly gentle giant. "Well that is still pretty young for a human." He chuckled, bouncing slightly from how fat he was. "My names Urving. I’m glad to meet you Iza." He continued after his short laugh was over."Hi." I said unable to keep myself from civility, as the huge animal stared at me warmly.Urving was black in color but his muzzle, paws, and the lower half of his belly were mud brown. I could see his stomach due to his open shirt, which sort of resembled those Hawaiian shirts people wore on earth. His lower half was covered by an enormous pair of cargo shorts complete with multiple pockets. He wore a pair of tiny glasses and the top of his head was adorned with a ball cap, which hung off his right ear. The hat had some kind of logo on it, but I couldn't make it out that well. Urving seemed interested in me as well, for he looked me over during the time it took me to take in his attire. "You're a male right?" He asked very forward causing me to scoff."Of course! You're a bear right?" I responded sarcastically, but he didn't seem to mind my biting tone."Yup!" He retorted happily. "But if your a male why is your hair so long? And your so thin man, you-." He continued before I cut him off by simply speaking over him."While on the run cutting my hair wasn't a priority and being fat, like you, is hard when you don't have any food for days at a time." I snapped back, carelessly insulting a beast that could crush me without a second thought. "Well when you come live with me, we both can be fat!" He replied with a growing smile until he began laughing."You... mean that?" I asked shocked at his generosity and somewhat alleviated by the prospect he offered."Of course! Any pet of mine is gonna be well fed, well looked after, healthy, and happy!" His billowing voice got louder as he reached the end of his sentence and had a small cheer. "But I get the feeling you don't like me that much." He said frowning a bit, as his laughter faded and he looked back into my eyes sadly."I... well... you... if-." I struggled to find the words I wanted but he cut me off and gave them to me. "Your not comfortable. Is that it?" His wide grin shrunk to a tiny pouting circle and his eyes slanted with curiosity."Yes. I suppose that defines how I feel pretty well." I replied with a shaky smile that brought a big goofy grin to his face."Wanna sit in my lap?" Urving asked spreading his arms and shortening his smile to a tiny smirk. "It's really comfortable!" He declared patting his fluffy knees and leaning toward me, widening his grin to reveal his huge teeth.Though the mere sight of his fangs made me shudder, I managed to choke out an uncomfortable laugh and rubbed the back of my head. Looking up at him, I made an unsure expression and the emotion on his face turned to disappointment. Urving quickly seemed happy again as he leaned toward me and reached his paw out. When I recoiled frightfully, it seemed to bother him greatly and he sighed. Looking at the floor away from me, I could see a little regret brewing in his eyes. As his brow lowered, he moved his mouth to one side, forming a dispirited face, which spawned a little guilt in me. Again an animal has been nice to me and I have shown nothing toward them in return. As Urving began to stand up I was suddenly overwhelmed by the horrible thought of never leaving this room. Images of my dead body being discarded like trash, caused tears to form and my breathing to sharpen. It was difficult, not understanding the systems in work around me, but being so desperate to escape them. Everything felt like it was spinning, as I sat there, unable to comprehend what I was experiencing emotionally. My feelings of trepidation were valid considering the way I was treated, but my only chance of escape would be out there... in his world.Urving was standing now and he looked down at me after fixing his hat. "I understand bud. I'm just too scary." His voice was softer, but still grinding and deep even when saddened."No you're not!" I blurted out, faking a friendly laugh. "I'm just... not sure what to do, ya know?" I tried to explain how I felt, my voice brittle with the confusion and strife.Turning back his eyebrows raised and his muzzle lifted slightly as our eyes met. "You sure kid? I mean, like... GRRR!" He imitated an actual bear as he raised his paws and released a loud growl at me.Honestly I was not happy he did that, but when he laughed afterward I couldn't help, but chuckle along. "No see, that wasn't absolutely terrifying at all!" Though actually disturbed I managed to keep a nonchalant voice, which caused him to laugh heartily."I like you Iza!" He practically shouted as his laugh began to fall. "I really hope I get to bring you home with me human!" Urving said almost dancing a little, as he bounced in place on his huge paws."What do you want with me?" I could not help sounding fearful when I asked him this."To be buddies! I have lots of friends already, but no one... home with me." His last few words were accompanied by a softer tone and a bow of the head. "I get lonely pretty easily." He mumbled as if ashamed of that character trait.Staring at Urving I couldn't help but feel a little bad for the huge beast. Being a bear he was vicious looking but he had the demeanor of a teenager and that cut through the illusion. He looked up at me and produced a smile, his hopeful eyes beaming into mine, as his ears lifted with excitement. Not knowing how else to proceed, I got up off the ground and stood facing Urving a few feet taller. Still peering down at me his face turned to curiosity, as I put my hand out and awaited a handshake. Looking down at my hand he looked puzzled, but then perked up suddenly, as if he remembered what to do."Hello Iza, nice to meet ya!" Urving growled happily, as he shook my arm rampantly."I'm glad to meet you as well, Urving." I replied softly while ignoring the aches in my shoulder."Can I greet you now? Like my people do?" He asked emphasizing the words "you" and "my" and for some reason that made me nod.Regret filled my mind as he scooped me up off the floor and lifted me into his huge arms. Kicking and thrashing, I soon felt his arms lock around me and he gave me a powerful hug. I squished against his huge gut and sunk in several inches as he crushed me against him in a loving way. He let out a low growl as he cuddled me before lifting me away and setting me down. I felt sort of violated, but at the same time that wasn't so bad... just sudden. I did technically say he could, so I just smiled back at him and chuckled a bit. Urving seemed alerted to something and he removed a cellphone like device from his pocket. He popped it open with the press of a button and read a few lines, which caused him to seem more alerted. "Aww man... I hate to cut this short but I have to get to work." Urving said with a glum face and depressed voice. "Can I come back tomorrow?" He asked the normal excitement returning to his amber eyes."Yeah if you want." I replied nodding my head and smiling as best I could."Great! I'll see you then! I promise, I will come back! I won't leave you here buddy!" His voice raced, as he said all of this in one excited breath then headed for the door. "Bye now Issac!" Urving said just before he was leaving the room and I waved in response.The silence afterward was heavy and ominous. I felt strange almost... excited, no... What I was feeling was a combination of anticipation and residual fragments of fear. The feeling of being alone now was harsh and I wanted someone to talk to. It feels strange knowing lives are going on out there somewhere. Lives like the ones all humans used to lead, before earth was invaded. What was it like out there? How many humans have achieved happiness and how many have perished as food or slaves? A chill rushed up my spine as I looked around the empty room and felt so helpless. Holding myself, I began to shiver and I fell on my side. What if Urving is tricking me? He is big enough to swallow me whole and no one would ask any questions or even come looking for me! Would they? Do they have laws in place out there that protect humans? My head hurt, as I awaited the next beast to be let into my little cage, strangely no more came that day.-5- Q and AKicking the blankets off I rolled out of bed eagerly and shut off my alarm. It was early, but I was excited to see Issac so I couldn't go back to bed. Grabbing my beeper I flipped it open and the light cells slowly illuminated forming the screen between them. Growling, I slapped it closed and tossed it on the counter, I had to work today. I was really hoping that I would have all day to get to know my new friend, but I have tomorrow free at least. If all goes according to plan I will be bringing my little buddy home tomorrow! Just thinking about this had me prancing around the house in joy, as I got ready to go see him. After a quick shower, I got dressed in a pair of sweats and a tank top that was a bit to small for me. Honestly I didn't really like clothes but the pamphlet said that humans wore them so I should, at least at first. Thinking about it poor lil Iza doesn't have anything to wear... it must get cold at night. Putting my keys, pager, and wallet into my pocket, I headed out of the house and to my car. The small green sedan was barely able to fit my fat ass and so driving it was sort of a challenge. Squishing myself into the drivers seat, I managed to pry the door closed and take off. Groaning with discomfort I rolled down the window and put my arm out to relieve some of the pressure.I have never been ashamed about my weight. It doesn't really bother me unless someone is mocking me over it, or simply inconvenienced by my size. It just scared me thinking what I may accidently do to Iza if I am not careful. He's so small and his body is so frail, that I could easily break a bone or bruise an organ without thinking. Pulling up to a stop light I looked at my huge paws, each claw tapering to a sharp point and shuddered. As I turned onto the freeway I wondered how Issac would like my friends. I know that he is really skittish around our kind but he seems like a good guy and I just hope he gives me a chance. Today I was going to ask Iza to sign his ownership card. I was going to ask him to give his freedom away… Imagining Iza tearing up my contract almost brought tears to my eyes and I turned the radio on to avoid this."We cannot keep bringing humans to our planet! We simply cannot!" Grump, a candidate for Hierophancy declared loudly. "They cannot find jobs and our people simply will not-." I switched stations to shut him up, never been one for politics.A song I liked by the Fire tails came on and I started to jam. I was so excited to show Iza all of my favorite movies, games, and songs! Even if he didn't like them as I did, it would be fun to see him form his own opinions and tastes. Speaking of tastes he must be starving! Remembering in the pamphlet it said that humans are only fed twice a week, at random. What if he doesn't get fed till the end of the week? Pulling off the freeway I went down the ramp and slowed my car to a stop before making my turn. Going through the drive up, I waited behind another car that appeared to be full of rabbits. The massive meal they ordered was still on the screen as I pulled up, but soon the King cow logo appeared and a voice began speaking over the static. "Hello may I take your order today?" A muffled female voice said through the speaker static."Let me get two number fours, large. Thanks." I called leaning out of my car slightly."Yeah. Second window please." Her voice sounded disgusted as she replied quickly.After a short wait, I retrieved two bags of food and I hurried along to the human migration agency. It’s bizarre how quickly these popped up all over the place… Though it must be hard on them, being taken from their world, all I can do is make him comfortable and try to create a friend. Pulling into the crowded parking lot I searched a bit before finding a space, parking, and getting out with little difficulty. Going to the back I rifled through my gym bag until I got a grasp on my sweater. Throwing it over my shoulder I bumped the door closed with my side and pressed the lock key. As I approached the crowd parted slightly for my girth. The door to this place was a bit small and I had to duck a little as I walked inside the building. Once inside there was plenty of room to move around. The towering open lobby with several elevators running along its height was imposing even for someone of my size. Two huge sets of stairs led toward the mass storage, where Issac was being kept. In the center of the huge round room were several desks each manned by a suit wearing animal and each labeled for a different purpose. Approaching one of the empty counters I smiled at the young hyena behind the desk, who had been checking her makeup. "Hello sir! Visiting or taking home?" She asked, as I set the bags on the counter. "Visiting! Only my second day seeing him!" I excitedly replied putting my paw on the scanner, which barely managed to contain my claws.A green light ran along the underside of my palm from left to right several times. I clicked my claws impatiently as the light turned red and began scanning up and down. After a few more minutes, time that only made our food cold, the DNA reader shut off and a small plastic ticket was printed. As I pulled it free she pointed to a record sheet and asked me to sign. Grabbing the largest of the pens, I scratched my name on the line as small as I could manage. The jagged letters still looked awful compared to others, but I could care less."Thank you very much sir!" She cheerily said smiling, as I returned the thick pen to the slot. "Just so you know, he only has four more days with us before being repurposed. If you want to purchase this particular human the time is limited." Her voice became rehearsed and low but she put upward inflection on the words "particular human"."Can you get me his papers please? I plan on bringing him home with me." I replied hiding my urgency with a friendly voice, that she responded to by breaking her practiced script."Oh that's awesome!" She said tilting her head to the side with a grin. "Let me get this for you..." She trailed off pushing her purple trimmed bangs aside as she began typing.Part of me was appalled. When the HMA first starting abducting humans they would stay here for months as they were auctioned off. That number quickly dropped to a few weeks when they started being taken in droves. Now these poor creatures only have a few days to reform the way they act and think. All the humans I visited before Iza were terrified of me, not that Issac wasn't scared, but he seemed to warm up to me. Watching the paper replicator I saw his file begin to form and when it was complete it fell into the collect tray for me to grab. The hyena gal continued to type for a few seconds, which I can only assume was to shut off the paper maker."Alright so just, like, read through his file and then you both have to sign the contract at the end. Then he will be tagged and given a few shots so he is all good to go tomorrow!" The female said very casually, as I began skimming his file."How much will he cost with all the work?" I replied leaning on the counter and closing his file with one hand, just to look sly."Uhh..." Her muzzle hung open, as she scanned her computer with a blank stare. "Oh! 450C." She replied and my eyes widened causing her to giggle slightly."That won't be a problem." I replied causing her to laugh again once she knew I was joking. "Thank you ma'am. Have a wonderful day." Politely ending our conversation, I collected our food and his file before smiling and winking at the young spotted hyena."You too!" She called as I began to turn waving one of her manicured paws.Heading up the stairs I decided I was going to take the elevator down, I had earned it. There were a few other animals in here with me, but none my size, so I pressed into the corner to make room. Once we were down two floors only I and a thin cat remained. The small feline adult fiddled with his tie as he groomed the fur around his face to appear styled. He was gray and white in splotches and his tail was shorter than most cats. I couldn't help myself but chuckle softly when I saw he had flowers and a tiny stuffed animal in his arms. He looked my way, but I pretended to be looking through my pager. He was gonna give his human a little plush lion, that looked adorable, but still sort of angry. Touching the food gently, I could feel a bit of heat, which made me smile. He stopped on floor U5 and rushed out eagerly his little tail twitching around as he ran.Now alone, I laughed a bit, then hit the underground seven button. God it must be cold down here, but Iza will get to be warm for his last night! Hopefully his last night… I pulled the sweater off my shoulder and folded it under his file, as I continued to read through it. He was labeled as a level three threat! I was thrown by that for a few moments looking around the empty elevator in disbelief. He can't possibly be that dangerous... could he? The human I met yesterday was such a skittish and frail boy. I shut his file as the elevator stopped and the doors slid open to a dull stone hallway with doors lining both sides. Like last time I went to door #773 and inserted the plastic slip that was essentially a one time key. The door unlocked and I opened it eagerly peeking inside only to find Iza asleep, curled up in the corner. I entered and slowly shut the door as not to wake him. Setting the stuff down I approached as gently as my massive paws could muster. Once near him, I got down on one knee and he began to stir. Calling his name softly I placed a paw across his torso and gave him a nudge. Smiling down at him with all my heart the tiny fellow rolled over and looked up at me with his eyes barely open. His eyes shot open though and he let out a shrill cry of pure terror. He began kicking back but only to collide with the wall, as he screamed and swung at me with all his strength. His tiny fists bounced off my belly and his feet scraped along the floor while he fought to escape my presence. Staring into his eyes I saw the tiny pupils quivering, as he scanned my face and began panting with lessened fear. I fell back into a seated position and put my paws to my face for a moment before I apologized. He didn't seem to register my words at first, but as he examined my face he seemed to calm a bit."I'm... really sorry Issac." I repeated my apology with a more personal touch as he seemed to recognize me."Ur-Urving?" Issac practically shouted my name as he examined me for a moment, panting deeply."Heya bud!" Though I frowned while saying this I managed to keep a friendly tone. "I didn't mean to... startle you." I continued in an almost whisper, choosing what I said carefully.Iza covered his face with both hands and whimpered lightly, a very meek and almost inaudible sound. Gulping hard, I tried to keep my now stinging eyes from producing tears. What the hell is wrong with me? I am definitely the last thing he should see when he first wakes up. I could've given the poor little guy a heart attack and... no, I don't want to think about that. He uncovered his face and stared straight ahead at the other corner with a look that I could only describe as broken. His eyes looked empty as he stared at the wall and his thin arms held one of his knees. Though he seemed limp I could see him shaking and clutching his own skin as he sat recovering. With a slow turn of his head our eyes met and he forced a small smile, though I knew he was really upset. Rubbing his head he groaned then yawned and stretched his arms out, before finally groaning a few times. I took this as an opportunity to make amends."You hungry buddy?" I asked unable to keep myself from using a pet voice."Yes! I'm starving!" His response was instant and his face brightened in a second.Reaching behind me I grabbed the food, which was probably cold by now, and handed him a bag. He opened it frantically and gasped with delight as he began devouring the French fries. I couldn't keep a smile from my face as he ate them by the handful, making some of the cutest noises I have ever heard a creature produce. Scarfing the fries quickly, he practically put his head in the bag as he looked for more food but pulled out the drink instead. His puzzled face was priceless, as he scanned the package and turned it about before trying to use the nozzle atop it. Issac tugged on it a few times before twisting it and cracking the cap off with only minor effort. Holding it delicately he took a few sniffs of it then took a drink. His face sparked with joy for a second before vanishing behind the bottle, as he began chugging the punch."Hey, save some for your food!" I chuckled as he downed the drink with loud gulps, then dropped his arms to the side and sighed with pleasure.The relief on his face was so comical, as he licked his lips, then sighed again before taking another drink. "I haven't... had anything to drink... so long." His words were breathy and elongated."Here, you can have mine!" I exclaimed happily pulling it from the bag and handing it toward him."You... don't mind?" He muttered looking at me but then looking away, his topaz colored eyes dulling with a hint of shame."Not at all! You have a lot of food there for someone your size." I laughed rather loudly reassuring him that it was alright to take it."Th-thank you." Iza replied as he took the stout bottle of red liquid from my paw. "For everything..." He muttered looking at the ground, as I was about to bite into my burger."Not a problem! Your file said you were a carnivore so I hope you like it!" I replied warmly lifting the food for reference before taking a large bite.He seemed amazed as he unwrapped the cheeseburger and held it in his hands. Marveling at the size, he examined it closely before looking at me enjoying mine. As he took the first bite, I watched him melt into bliss. He probably hasn't had a good meal in so long... No wonder he is devouring cheap fast food with glee. Iza tore through that thing faster than I did! His tiny mouth took at least three bites for every one of my own. Issac seemed to really enjoy the food even though it was cold and poorly prepared. As he drank the second bottle of juice, he stopped for a second and handed it toward me with a raise of his eyebrow. Taking the bottle I smiled and thanked him before pouring the liquid into my mouth from a short distance. He seemed to appreciate this, as a small smile grew when I set the bottle down in front of him, untainted with bear breath. Finishing his food, he rubbed his stomach and groaned lightly with a pleased smile."Thank you again!" Issac said brightly in a voice I haven’t heard from him."No problem at all! The agency workers may not want to feed you, but I do!" I responded munching on my remaining fries."Agency?" He shuddered staring at me with widening eyes, which showed he was uneasy."The Human Migration Agency. Nothing to be afraid of kid." I explained simply and that seemed to put him at ease. "There goal is to make sure that no Anthronian gets a human for the soul purpose of harming them." My voice is different around Issac... higher... no, mellow?"Your people... what do they do with us? Am I your... slave?" Iza, though seemingly relieved, asked me in a faint raspy tone that showed discomfort."No, no, oh jeez man… no! Your... my..." I didn't really know what to say. I really wanted to hug him again. "I want you to be happy. My friends are eager as hell to meet you, not for anything bad, just because they know I like you! Ya understand?" My mellow voice paired with my delicately chosen words seemed to impact Iza in just the right way.He smiled at me and I held out my paw like he did the other day. A handshake, as humans call it. I leaned in a bit and grabbed his puny hand awaiting any sign of forced movement. Surprisingly the little fellah was able to! Maybe if he gets a bit heavier I can wrestle with him and not fear crushing the poor little guy! After we finished making a handshake, I opened my arms and raised my eyebrows in a sort of silent question. Remembering how he reacted to my sudden hug yesterday I decided to ask this time, even if I didn't use words. Issac looked at me sort of confused but then walked into my arms and tried to grab around my gut. I kneeled slightly and cuddled my human with both paws, wanting to pick him up but respecting his freedom."So your "friends" what are they like?" He emphasized "friends" in a somewhat distressed tone as he stepped away from me."I can't wait for them to meet you! I can't wait for you to meet them!" My voice sparked up a few octaves, as I spoke and my excitement grew."So they're nice? Are they like you?" His face was a little pouty, but the way he spoke showed that he was curious and not just frightened."Do you mean bears? No! I have all sorts of friends like-." Issac shook his head chuckling softly and I stopped from confusion, but he just proceeded to a new question."What can you tell me about... outside?" His bewildered eyes made me wish I could take him right now!"Our planet is a lot like earth, but of course the plants and... animals are different." My response forced me to laugh at the word "animals". "Al Ur En is much larger than earth however and we have, as you can tell, both sentient and primal animals. Humans do not exist here naturally but that's a no brainer." I chuckled again, but Iza seemed to be lost in thought and complex emotion.His little face twisted and gnarled into confusion, sorrow, anger, and frustration as he pondered my words. I felt obligated to help the poor fellow since something I said made him so upset. He looked up at me, as I tried to find the words to soothe him and with tears beading to life on his eyelashes, he smiled halfheartedly. Gasping softly I leaned toward him and put a paw on his shoulder, it was more like his entire torso though. The sight of him smiling, with no real emotion, hurt me so badly I almost cried myself."I-I am really s-scared." He said softly hanging his head in shame, as if this was a fault of character and not just an emotion."Don't worry buddy! Please don't cry. Are you afraid to leave?" I asked him worried that he would fail to meet adoption requirements."I... you..." Issac said as he reached up and gently grabbed one of my huge digits. "I can trust you... right?" Iza's voice was choppy and I could hear a light quivering within each word."Of course! I promise you will always be able to count on me." My words came from my heart and as I removed my paw from his shoulder he stared at me with those light yellow-brown eyes, like fireflies or neon in the distance."Can... will you… protect me? I can't fight creatures your size and... if I did... they would..." His straining voice broke and he began to sob, reaching up to gently cup his eyes."You will never have to fight again! If anyone wants to hurt you or even bother you they have to somehow get by my fat ass." My joke made him smile, but only for a second then he continued his breathy crying unabated. "Listen, Issac. I do not like violence, but just the thought of you being harmed boils my blood. With every ounce of my being, I promise I will protect you." His tear stained face was gloom stricken as I spoke, but he continued to look at me till I was finished.Staring at the opposite wall for a minute or two he turned back and sniffled before asking me a difficult question. "Will other animals... try to eat me?" His entire body shook with fright, as he asked me this and I felt so horrible for the miniscule being.Honestly, what I had to tell him was not good and I feared his reaction. This was currently a major questioning point for the Hierophancy candidates. Most rational Anthronians express that it is wrong, but there are those who declare humans are property and there for free game. His elongated stare became mortified as I looked down at him and nodded shortly with a small sigh. He began to pant and squeeze his chest in panic before attempting to remove his chain with sharp rakes of his pitiful claws. It was so damn sad watching him try to open the cuff, his frantic breathing soon turning into short yelps of fear. Brushing the empty food bags aside I leaned toward him and put a paw out, which caused him to jump and shout from shock then examine me apologetically. What the hell did they do to this poor kid? His life on the run, with no one to explain anything to him, must have been a living hell. The rumors that humans must have spread about being caught would obviously scare a fully grown man, let alone a young one. I wanted to find that frightened young boy when he was not this petrified and show him that we can make things better. Right then and there, I made it my goal to bring back the Issac who lived on earth. To show this little furless animal that we are not different and that he has a chance to be happy again."I will never let that happen to you! I promise! I would die before I let anyone touch you, fang or finger." All I could do now was beg him to feel safety with me and hope he will sign the contract. "Once you leave this room... if I am the one you leave with... you're like my cub. I want to take care of you" It was hard to push out words of such emotional magnitude but I managed.His grief stricken expression stared deeply and his mouth hung open for a few seconds before tightening into a small pouting frown. The gravity of what I said hit him rather hard and he just stared at me for quite some time, scanning my face. His frail naked skin with only a light dusting of hair around certain areas looked so fragile, as he sat there holding himself for warmth. Reaching behind me I grabbed the sweat shirt I brought for Iza and got on my knees in front of him. Though he did look scared I could see a shard of trust as I kneeled there holding the thick garment open for him to put his arms through. Sliding it over his rail thin figure I watched him relish the warmth the tick sweatshirt brought. Clutching his body with it on, he groaned and scooted his legs in so they also were covered. He stopped suddenly and his nose crinkled with disgust. Issac sniffed the jacket a few times and seem to be bothered by my BO."Sorry buddy that was sort of a last minute thought. Should have washed it for ya." I chuckled rubbing the back of my head hoping he doesn't think less of me."No don't worry. You were nice enough to bring it for me." His reply made my heart soar and I smiled as big as I could without showing a lot of teeth. "You are kind..." He said softly and without conviction, like an after thought. "Thank you." Iza finished bashfully looking away as his face turned a little red under the eyes."Oh don't you even mention it!" Chuckling back I waved one paw and shook my head slightly. "Can I ask you something bud?" My friendly voice took a slight down shift toward serious and he picked up on that."Yes?" His response was sort of drawn out in an awaiting tone.I took a deep breath to prepare for what I was about to ask. "Do you want to go with me?" My question came out and a serious expression grew across my mug. "If you're... afraid of me... or if... you don't like me... I don't want you to say yes." I couldn't look at him anymore so I looked at the wall to hide unwanted emotions, which still flooded to the surface. "Urving..." Issac muttered softly looking down at the sweater that now covered everything but his head. "You have been really nice to me..." His voice trailed off as he looked around the room, searching for the words he wanted. "I would be an idiot to not go with you." Iza stated frankly and then laughed a little nervously.Damn it felt amazing to hear that! It was just good to see him laugh! Though it was a short lived process the endearment that resonated within me would be eternal. A huge smile spread across my face and I leaned in to pat him on the shoulder. Issac didn't flinch either! He let me touch him and had no negative response! In fact he smiled up at me as I did it! Beaming down at him, I decided I would use this time to get to know him better and not just get him to sign his contract. If I was going to be a good owner I had better know as much as I could about my specific human! My Issac!"So Iza, if you don't mind me asking, what sorta stuff you like?" Leaning back on one paw I tried to sound as if I was talking to a close friend of mine."Well..." He began with a small smile that quickly faded into a cold empty stare. "The last year or so... I haven't had any interests really... just training and surviving..." The faint almost whispering voice replied to my question in a gloomy tone. "Besides... nothing from earth is here so..." Issac managed to force those last few words out before he continued to cry and bowed his head.Damn it why does everything I do end up making him cry? "Hey buddy, relax! Even though this isn’t earth, doesn't mean you can't be happy!" My reply caused him to look up at me sniffling with tears still running down his face. "A lot of things you think are lost forever can actually be found on my world too!" This made him perk up slightly, as he wiped his cheeks and nose on my sweaters sleeve."You think so?" Iza asked. His pale, hopeful voice was still a bit shaky."Of course!" I replied full of optimism. "Now please stop crying... I can't stand to see you sad." The deepness of my voice was not rough during this sentence.After a few more sniffles he suddenly gave a big grin showing all his teeth, like any Anthronian would have done to greet him. I laughed, lifting my head back as I did and when I returned my eyes, he was finishing a laugh as well. Alright, he is really sensitive so I have to be careful, but I want to know something about him... Lets just try the basics!"What's your favorite color?" I asked Issac leaning toward him slightly so I assuredly heard his answer."Black..." Iza responded quickly then put a finger to his mouth. "...and green." He finished dropping his hand and nodding."What kinds of music did you like? Some of our genres are similar to earth music." My question perked his interest and I could see a small spark light in his eyes as he smiled."Mostly rock but I like some rap and pop stuff too." He was opening up by the second and informing him I like earthling rock music, quickened that further."Do you like movies?" My next question made me feel a little stupid. Doesn't everyone like movies?"Wow... I haven't seen a movie in a long time!" Issac exclaimed lifting up slightly in excitement."What about games? Do you like to play games?" This was a big one, I love digi-tech!"Yeah! There was one game when I was... younger..." He trailed off and looked away distraught. "Do you guys have video games?" Issac seemed to repress feeling upset and simply asked his question."Video...?" I responded with the one word I didn't know then just thought I would ask my pager."Like... games that are played on a... device of some kind? Like electronic games or..." Iza tried to explain, but I tilted my head confused as I pulled my pager from my pocket."Wait... like this?" Holding out one paw for a second, I began clicking through my beeper looking for a fairly simple game.Taking the beeper Issac adjusted his eyes to the light, transfixed by the pager itself. "Yeah! Holy crap what is this thing?" Iza questioned turning it over to examine it, before he put his finger through the screen and wiggled it about in astonishment. "It's just light!" He exclaimed removing and tapping his fingers together as he stared closely at the images being displayed in the game."It's called a link pager. They are relatively new, but mine is still an older model." My response came out as a laugh at first, seeing his intrigued face growing more and more astonished."It's incredible! How... do you play?" He asked as I heard the game begin playing the title screen music.Realizing it was entirely in Anthronian I chuckled a little and reached for it. "Let me show you!"Rocking myself forward I managed to get up first try. I moved over to Iza's wall and took a seat next to him, leaning so he could see. "These two move the turret and these two fire. If they overheat you have to wait." As I explained the simple score based game he eagerly showed he understood by reaching for it.Watching him play it took him a while to get it down. He kept apologizing each time he would lose, but I tried to assure him it didn't matter. How was he supposed to know the Anthronian alphaglyphs anyway? These keys and controls must look like a freaking jigsaw puzzle. Not to mention his utter fascination with the pager itself! After a while he was laughing with glee as the enemies began to grow greater and greater in numbers only to become unmanageable, resulting in game over. Hearing his laughter was so precious, uplifting, and funny in a surreal sort of way. After he played for a while I saw the time and cringed. Holy balls I was going to be late! But he was just starting to have fun… Issac needs to sign his contract! Crap, what do I say? How do I ask?"Hey Issac I have to go to work very soon. Can I ask you to do something?" I asked somewhat urgent causing him to look up and allow the game to end on purpose."Wh-what?" Issac muttered staring up at me wide eyed, a few droplets of worry gathering in his expression."I have a piece of paper I need you to sign. But if you do... you are allowing me to purchase you. I will own you technically and you would have to do what I say." This was hard to say to him, I don't know how to ask someone to give up being free."Do I get a choice?" He asked stunned with his mouth hanging open and his eyes spreading with hope."Well yes-." He cut me off with a small excited noise accompanied by him balling up one fist. "But if you don't sign a contract then they..." My words crushed his hope and that struck my heart with guilt, which cut my sentence short."What?" His response was dire as he glared at me. "What do they do?" He almost commanded me to respond with his derailed voice."It's called repurposing... they put this thing in your head and then..." Issac's mouth dropped open and he pushed backward away from me."No!" He slammed his fist down his eyes lighting like angry torches."Iza I don't want that either!" My voice dwarfed his and he winced as I shouted. "They only do that if you refuse to be adopted... Iza I promise you don’t have to be scared. If you sign this then I can keep my promises..." The sound of my gruff voice crackled slightly from how tense I could feel Issac was."So if I don't go with you, there going to fuck with my brain?" Issac shouted clenching his hands in rage, as he sharpened his eyes."No! You don't have to go with me... I had just really hoped that you liked me..." The back of my eyes felt hot and the tears were hard to avoid, but Iza staring at me with a tiny quivering frown made me turn away, which helped."Urving..." Issac spoke my name with an asking whimper causing me to look into his eyes. "Do you have a pen?" Issac still sounded a bit upset, but his smile was genuine and I eager pulled the document out."Thank you Iza! All you gotta do is put your hand on the gray square." My bubbly voice was obviously pleased with him, as I pointed at the little mark on his contract.Issac looked down taking the sheet of paper from me, his eyes darting around as he tried to understand our text. He gulped and set the page down before placing his hand on the square and pressing slightly. He watched amazed as all of the gray flooded toward his hand and created a perfect replica of his palm print. Looking back up at me, I smiled leaning in and patting his shoulder. His lopsided smile and arched eyebrows silently told me, I had been a bit rough so I apologized, but he shook his head. Though I expected a bit more joy all I got was a worried glance as he scanned the floor deep in thought. It makes sense, the poor fellah is terrified… Gods I wish I had a little more time..."I hate that I have to go but I am so excited Issac!" Pushing off the wall I rose to my feet and spun around in place."When can I leave here?" Iza asked looking up at me, his face shifting toward confusion."Tomorrow! I have the whole day off and we are gonna have a party!" I replied unable to contain my excitement."Alright." Issac said after a few moments of silent thought, he wasn't as happy as I would have expected."I gotta go... I'm so sorry." I stated silently asking for a hug again. "I can't wait to see you tomorrow!" My pet voice came out again, as he made the choice to hug me."Goodbye for now Urving." Issac replied waving once we broke our hug. "See ya tomorrow kid!" The word kid came out though I wanted to call him by his nickname.Once out in the hall I began hurrying for the elevator snapping my pager open and calling my boss. He is going to be furious! Damn it, why today? I wanted this day for my human. But I suppose if I get tomorrow off today should feel easy. I dropped his ownership contract off at the front desk and dashed out as quick as I could. Just thinking about Issac had me dancing across the parking lot. Others looked on in confusion and judgment, but I could care less. My human actually wants to go with me! That had been a huge fear of mine since I first met him, but now that I have talked with him, if only a little, I know he is just scared of the situation. Driving down the block I took the first left and headed for the freeway. I gotta get to work, as soon as I can!-6- Through the systemIt was impossible to sleep that night. The thought kept running through my head like a nonstop freight train. The inescapable idea of signing away my own freedom to one of those beasts made me more than distraught. Every ounce of my being wanted to take back what I had done. Though a logical sliver in my brain kept telling me this was alright and it had to happen, I wanted out of the contract. Something just kept burning up inside of me making more fear, confusion, and anxiety. Though Urving seemed to be a loving bear I don't really know him at all and that made me very uneasy! What if this is all a hoax? What if he doesn't care about me? What if I am re-purposed? What if I am eaten? For every one good reason I came up with, about going with Urving, I was hit with an endless supply of bad thoughts. The fact that I was being purchased by a huge meat loving predator probably had something to do with my current thoughts and feelings. Why couldn't I have met a deer or a squirrel with Urving's personality? Hell I would settle for a dog or a cat... Pounding my head against the wall lightly I tried once more to go to sleep but failed within a few seconds.This time I was overwhelmed by the thought of Urving's friends and the "party" they had planned. Something about that made me nauseous and it just felt wrong. When you get a pet do you have a big party to introduce them to your friends? I suppose being an intelligent creature he is doing this for me or to make things more comfortable between us. I was just desperate to leave this room! I feel like I am going crazy and if I do not escape this horrid place my mind will certainly crack open. Fuck though... I'm so scared... What the hell should I expect? How do I just change everything about myself? Urving seemed really attached to me and that gave me a fairly large amount of hope. If he trusts me than I can betray that trust and easily escape! I just do not know how I would or what I would do, if I did escape. Deep inside of me, I was ready to do whatever it took to escape. To be free from... this... I will even kill Urving if I have to... Damn that actually hurt to think about. He treats me so well and I am absolutely willing to hurt him... to kill him. What does that make me? Am I the bad guy now because I want to escape? Or is it what I am willing to do to escape? Fuck this is all so confusing and conflicting! Every part of me is locked in a state of perpetual fear that I cannot escape unless I am physically freed. My mind races back and forth between here and the home I will be brought to against my will. Not entirely true... I did agree to go with him. But I didn't have a choice! Or did I? A groan escaped my mouth as the lights came on and I knew sleeping would be impossible now.What is it like out there? What is a humans roll in this world? Though it seemed to shock and bother Urving, I still think I am his slave. What other practical purpose could they have for us? A chill danced around my spine as I remembered the fact I may end up food. Urving could do away with me without even feeling full and I am supposed to trust him with my life? Hell no! The second I have a chance I am going to run, fight, hide, and do whatever it takes to get away. He had better not try to stop me either or I...Just then a horrible wave of guilt hit me as I pictured Urving calling me his cub. Did he really mean that? The way he said it was so moving, but it was hard to believe the huge monster. That’s not right... Urving isn't a monster, that wolf and the lion who captured me, are monsters. His bright yellow colored eyes held so much emotion that it was hard to imagine the beast within who surely existed. Fear of meeting that beast held me in check and kept my desires shifted toward escape instead of friendship. He can try all he wants but I am adamant about my hatred of his kind, nothing can change that. The door to my cell suddenly opened and two guards entered causing me to shrink toward the corner. One, a tall muscular elk, held a leash and collar bundled up in his paw. The other, a young red tigress, approached me and began speaking in a vibrant and excited tone."Good morning!" She pretty much shouted at me with a big fanged smile."Morning." I mumbled not looking up at her for very long. "Today is a very special day!" She continued, her voice becoming somewhat scripted, though her enthusiasm was real. "You get to go home!" She cheered raising both arms, which revealed her stomach of vermillion fur."It's not my home..." I muttered sullenly staring at the musky jacket with a grimace."We need to give you some medicine and fit you with a tracker before you are released. Please put this on." The male deer asked in a plain dull tone as he handed the collar my way.My entire body tensed upon hearing the word "tracker". No! Damn it I was afraid of this... They have a type of failsafe to try and prevent a humans escape. They will be able to find me and bring me back! What the hell do I do? This isn't fair, but I have to get out of here or I will be... re-purposed. God just thinking about that word turned my heart and brain into a glacier of stagnant fear. Shaking with anger I snatched the collar from him and locked it around my neck as I scoffed in frustration. With a gentle tug I was pulled to the center of the room where they instructed me to wait. The tigress walked around me, so she could disconnect my ankle from the wall. It felt so good to have both my legs free that I actually thanked her, though I hardly meant it. She replied by lightly running a claw through my hair, giggling quietly. Another tug on the collar brought me toward the elk but before I could recoil properly the tigress locked my hands in shackles. Staring angrily she just smiled and pat me on the head again, saying “gotcha” in teasing way.Now that I was helplessly bound they opened the door and led me out of the room I had grown used to in a sickening way. It was actually far more exciting than I would have expected! Though fear still gripped me with an iron hand, I was eager to see an alien planet! Infinite wonder filled my brain when I began trying to picture what the world looks like beyond this building. Once in the hall, I was stricken with sorrow as they led me past dozens and dozens of doors, each labeled with a number... each a prison cell. The hollow feeling of being this close to my kind, yet so out of reach hurt like a spiritual wound on my heart. I could only imagine the fear each of my brethren were feeling at this very moment... Next to each door a small screen displayed the face of a different animal. I could only assume that these were images of beasts who wanted to purchase the humans trapped within each room. Some of the screens were void of faces and it just displayed a series of unreadable text, there language was nonsense to me. Passing an endless number of imprisoned people we soon reached a set of double doors at the end of the hall. These doors parted with a swoosh and I was led into what I quickly discovered to be an elevator. It was sterile white and the ceiling was entirely made of lights. Watching as they hit a button the feeling of motion took over my body and I soon realized we were going upward! Had I been underground this whole time? Or are we heading to the top floor of this structure? Fiddling with my restraints, I read the buttons on the wall unit I began to comprehend some of the symbols as numbers! If this is an elevator of some kind than these have to be floor numbers! Upon further examination I learned that the number one for them was a simple diagonal line. The number two for these beasts was a pair of small circles next to each other. As I examined the third symbol, which sort of looked like a tree, the door opened to a long brightly colored hall with no doors, save the one at the very end of the hall. The walls of this hallway were lined with pictures of beast men, each one posing with a human who appeared very happy. Every race and every species were paired in these portraits, each happier than the last. It was somewhat comforting to see humans not fleeing in fear from the alien animals and instead sharing peaceful relationships with them. Could I possibly achieve that with Urving? Do I really want that? It is hard to view them as people, but the more I am around them, the more I realize they are essentially "human" in overall sentience. Just the fact that they have these procedures and structured ways of treating us shows the beast men follows some form of order. Not to mention the technology… Upon opening the door my vision was filled with a blur of black and tan fur."ISSAC!" Urving cried as the door opened and I was brought in with a yank of the leash. "I missed you!" He growled happily after lifting me into a strong hug, which winded me a bit."Hello Urving." I replied unable to hide that I was, sort of, happy to see him as well."Until he is off of H.M.A property you cannot remove his chains and the collar must stay on, understood?" The elk man instructed Urving with a very serious tone."Yes sir!" Urving replied eagerly reaching for the leash, which he was given after a few more seconds."You excited bud?" Urving bent over at the waist so we were pretty much touching noses. "I am so freaking happy to see you out of that cell!" His golden eyes lit up like sunlight passing through a jar of honey."Thanks... I won't lie, I am a little nervous." Responding uncomfortably, I rubbed the back of my head, but managed to force a smile."Don't be Iza! Nothing bad is gonna happen!" He nudged me gently with the back of his huge paw and I couldn't help but stagger. "In a minute, we're gonna go into a waiting room and you can see some other humans! Sound good?" As he said this my eyes widened with both joy and worry. I have not seen another human being in so long! Only Anthronians… as I think they are called. This will be great! Urving literally could not stop smiling. Even when he was addressed and forced to sign several papers, he was humming and bobbing his head the whole time. After he signed all that was required of him, the fiery feline pulled out what I could only assume was another kind of link pager. It was larger however and it had a strange looking attachment that Urving's did not. After holding one of those things in my hands the other day... I understand why they easily defeated us. The technology that his simple communication device displayed was astounding! It could created solid looking screens with nothing more than a projector like series of lights. She held the machine out toward Urving and he began fishing through the pockets on his oversized basketball shorts."450C, sir!" The tigress guard demanded pleasantly as Urving produced a glinting gold strip of metal, emblazoned with an alien symbol."Here you are!" He said politely holding it toward her device, which shot a thin white light over this golden chip.After three or four seconds the light spread outward and made a light chime, that sounded similar to coins clinking together. This sound was paired with a small flash of light, which caused my vision to blur ever so slightly. When my eyes cleared his gleaming gold token was now a shimmering silver color. Staring in amazement I saw that even the symbol on the front had changed to an entirely new emblem. Urving slipped this back into his pocket seemingly displeased by the fact it changed color. Instantly a huge grin shot back across his face as he looked down at me and opened his paw awaiting my response. With an internal sigh I placed my hands in his paw, like a child would with an adult. Being chained up did make it feel strange and rather uncomfortable, however. Urving was overjoyed that I did this as he began playfully marching toward the only other door in this large room, which was similar to my holding cell in design. We walked through another long hall full of cheery pictures... I will admit it was much nicer having Urving hold my hands then it was to be pulled by a leash. The rough pad of his paw was like low grade sandpaper, but pliable and fatty. This mixed with the soft tufts of fur between his fingers made it feel like I was wearing some kind of glove. Above the door ahead a large sign read "Keep quiet, humans!" and it depicted two humans not talking to each other. Keeping us from communicating only shows me they do not want us to be organized and this is an attempt to keep us enslaved... Upon reaching the other door Urving pushed it open casually and we entered causing many sets of eyes to rise or turn our way. Three humans and four Anthronians glanced at us but didn't linger, save a curious koala and a young girl. The koala returned to his magazine shortly but the girl stared at me for a while before looking away. Urving pat the seat next to him and as I climbed up there, I noticed something peculiar. Two of the other humans were on the floor, probably not by choice. One of them, a middle aged white guy, was on his knees with his head hung low. The other was the young black girl who had stared at me, but she simply sat on the floor lifelessly. The third human in the room sat across from me with his owner, pleasantly cuddled in her lap, enjoying the affection. The older latino man was apparently very happy with his foxy new owner. She was a blonde colored fox with a soft, enchanting voice and bewitching silver eyes. Her lap was a bit small for her new pet, but she didn't seem to mind as the vixen gently clawed through his hair and cooed a loving lullaby. The koala apparently owned the young woman, for he rubbed her shoulder when she eyed the display of affection. Her pulling away told me that this was not a very happy relationship and her future would surely be a bad one. The man on his knees was held there by a scowling, muscular rhinoceros. He used one of the humans shoulders as a foot rest, which looked incredibly uncomfortable and humiliating. Urving put his arm around me just then breaking my focus. As I was snuggled close by his closing arm... I couldn't avoid feeling grateful. Out of all the Anthronians I have encountered there are very few I would rather over Urving. But that doesn't mean I trust him! He will always be, in some way, a threat and an enemy."Ma'am! We are ready for you." A tall thin opossum appeared at the doorway fixing his dark glasses."Come along little one!" The tall well manicured vixen stood, placing her human on the ground."Thank you! Thank you so much!" The raspy voice sounded desperate to thank them…What the hell had him so happy? Even though he had an innocent and seemingly kind hearted owner, he was still going to be a slave! What could he have possibly been so excited about? Perhaps being such an old man he was just happy to finally get to rest. Perhaps the idea of settling down was enough to make him happy... A strange emotion hit me then, like a soft wind blowing against my face. If I could think like that old timer... maybe things wont be so bad... Urving is not only friendly, but he can protect me and he wants to do so! If I am a good friend to my gentle giant, then this life could be worth living again! Deep in thought, I didn't notice the pager being brought into my field of vision until it was mostly there. Urving had loaded... that game from yesterday... and stared down at me invitingly. Chuckling to myself uneasily, I declined and continued pondering this forced next step in my life. There is no way he is really this good natured... Nothing can be that friendly without having some ulterior motive. Even that fox probably wanted him to... I don't know... something awful…The door opened again and the possum slid into the room comically. The fox and her human trotted out, happily holding hands. They thanked the doctor many times and the old man even shook his paw voluntarily. As they passed I couldn't help but notice the old man seemed more energetic and able bodied. What did they do to him? What had they done for him? How will they proceed with me? God I hate asking myself questions... I know there will never be answers..."I can help you now, sir." The white opossum with the blending lab coat waved the rhino over.Kicking his foot off the human, he sent the poor guy to the ground. As the beast rose above him the adult man was thrown to the ground again, when he tried to stand. Walking without any compassion for his crawling pet, the rhinoceros dragged the human along behind him. My blood began to boil, but seeing the guards and the doctors reaction, simmered me down. The guard, a panther, glared viciously in the rhino's direction. The doctor looked uncomfortable with the whole situation and avoided eye contact. With a small sigh the opossum fixed his glasses, then stooped down and gently put his arm around the middle aged man. Whispering softly he helped the human to his feet and began walking with him toward the operating room... At least that’s what I assumed was back there. Sobbing softly the human clutched his face and followed the rat tailed figure through the doors."Don't you worry..." Was all I could make out from what the opossum said to him.The panther, who had been in the corner the entire time, looked pissed off. His mug dropped into a scowl and the round square muzzle tightened to a slight triangular shape. His wicked green eyes seemed to darken for a moment as he stared at the callous beast, who carelessly tapped through his pager. The guards eyes sliced to me and I gasped softly, as we now stared at each other. Lifting his brow, I watched his eyes widen as a smile developed across his muzzle, revealing his two longest fangs. A reluctant smirk was created against my will and this made the big cat happy. Looking up I saw Urving was also on his link pager, but a new level of innocence grew around him. Seeing the way that horrible horned beast had kicked his human... I am glad Urving had wanted not to do such things... Was he just merciful or was I really a friend to him? At any rate he had not harmed me for any reason and I was incredibly grateful. When the doctor returned I was overwhelmed by what I saw. The person who he had led away... was no longer with him. The humans mouth hung open and his body was lifeless, though he was actively moving around. His eyes were... empty... emptied of all that he once was... He stared blankly forward with no life in his body or face, except a small dopey grin, which seemed unnatural... forced… His arms were limp and he barely even seemed to stand properly when the rhino approached and took his leash. Blinking incredibly slowly, his head flopped from side to side, as he looked around the room, seemingly unaware of everything happening around him. Smiling up at his owner, the human attempted to hug his rhinoceros, but got put in a headlock instead. The way he reacted to the trapping gesture was not human at all. Though the rhino crushed his head under his huge muscular arm the human simply chuckled as if these were friendly antics. It was as if they took a small piece of him away... They cut out or blocked off whatever made him aware... whatever in our brains makes us... human."Thanks doc!" The huge beast replied as he snatched the leash and happily pulled his slave along by the head."You’re... welcome..." The doctor muttered halfheartedly, bowing his head and sighing.My brain was on fire inside! Why the hell did they do that to him? Does he have emotions anymore or did they take all of that away? Who is he now? What's going on in his brain? What did he do to deserve such a punishment? Why am I any different... am I? Oh god, that is going to happen to me! Looking up at Urving I was panting frantically now, unable to control the way I acted. Slowly both my hands rose to grip the collar around my neck. Once I had my hands on it, a reckless thrashing began without my consent. Urving gently put his hands on mine and lowered them to my lap, though I continued to fight worthlessly. Shooting my gaze upward, I saw his defensive eyes staring down longingly. My darting eyes searched desperately for an answer… but he just shook his head softly and looked at the floor. Watching uneasily, I saw doctor opossum wave the koala over, but his captured female fought to remain in place. As the now sinister set of double door slid closed behind her, I felt my body shake with seizure of terror. Urving put his arm over me and as I began to cry, he pulled me in close, my body squishing into his fat side. "Please stay calm Issac! Don't cry buddy." The guttural voice lovingly muttered as he rocked me gently. "Is that... i-i-is that..." It was impossible to say anything properly as my entire body shook with fear. "W-was he... re-purposed?" I finally managed to ask after I took a few seconds to focus my voice and calm my breathing.My words hung in the empty waiting room, but he soon broke the silence. "Yes..." Was all he muttered, as he scanned the opposite wall gravely. "But you have to believe me... I will never do that to you!" His face got very serious as he threw his paw outward, pointing toward the now long gone human."You can say that, but how I am supposed to trust you?" Shouting now, my tears flowed freely and I shoved his arm away with all my might. "Why am I here then?" I demanded him to answer with a fierce tone, but my crying eyes betrayed the image I was trying to present."Issac, please!" Urving exclaimed desperately when I moved his arm with my pitiful strength. "Please just listen to me... " The breaking of his voice told me he was truly upset with the way I was acting. "Nothing bad will happen to you. I... love you..." Urving struggled to find and release these words, but that only made them feel stronger when he finally did. "Please... give me a chance, Issac..." These final few words stung my heart as he hung his head in defeat.My fear quickly dissipated as I saw his increasingly hurt face. His eyes faded from there normal happy glow and small pockets of tears developed, but were quickly wiped away. A heavy weight fell on my heart as I saw him wipe the tears from his eyes. This cannot be an act... Urving is really sad, crushed would be a better word. As the koala emerged I saw him stare at Urving before thanking the doctor and taking his woman with him. The smaller bear (marsupial) had a laugh at Urving's expense, as he passed with the now calmer female. She was absolutely not re-purposed, but she seemed overall happier and content with her owner. After I watched her pass I looked over to find the doctor approaching. Urving stood and his sheer size forced me to as well. Getting a small glance of Urving's face I could see he had managed to hide his tears and sorrow well."Hello! How are you today?" The opossum addressed Urving with a small nod of the head, his voice rather nasally."Great! Thanks for seeing my boy!" Urving cheerily greeted the doctor... wait ... his boy? "It's my job! Come on man! Lets get you looked at!" The opossum opened the door and waved me through, his azure eyes widening with eagerness as he examined me."Come on Iza." Urving said this in an asking tone and I gulped slightly following behind the leash, which he would not pull.Beyond these horrid doors I found it was just another basic hall... This time however, it had windows overlooking a small garden below. The lovely view made me gasp and attempt to walk toward it, but I stopped as the leash lost slack. Urving allowed me to moved further with a small chuckle and a wave of his paw. Outside... it’s the... world... I couldn't see much aside from another building and this small garden of stones, stairs, and flower patches. But the effect it had on me was like being reanimated. The sunlight! I couldn't see the sun but... the light! A part of me wanted to cry out, wanted to throw myself through the window and be free of this. Yet... I simply turned away and returned to Urving's side. If my fate is a terrible one then so be it, I will escape. If Urving is as he appears... please god let me live! Please! I have come so far and I want nothing more than to live! We reached the other end of the hall and I saw several documents mounted on the wall, which I could only describe as... medical degrees! Wow! None of the text made sense, but the image of the opossum doctor, somewhat younger, with a large emblem below, told me he had some form of license. I was, of course, assuming it was medical..."Sir, my office is rather small... Would you please wait in the hall?" Doctor opossum asked Urving and he nodded with a dopey confusion about him.It dawned on me why they had these huge halls between all rooms, for larger animals! My leash was handed off and I followed the opossum into his "office". Looking back at Urving he released a small groan of dissatisfaction upon seeing me go. He's a teddy bear, not a grizzly bear... Inside it was much different than any other room I had entered. The walls had thin windows that were tinted dark purple and the floor was covered in dense carpeting, which was green in color. The entry way was lined with mounted bookshelves and the ceiling had a mural of many ancient looking animals. Once the door shut, my attention turned to the opossum who had moved to his desk. With his back to me, the hairless pink tail shifting in small twitches, he seemed to be looking for something. Spinning back around to face me the critter made his fingers into pistols and took on a funny face, he had also styled his hair very Elvis like. "Hey!" His blues voice made me chuckle, but as he pointed the "guns" at me, my chains opened!Rubbing my wrists I laughed harder now as he returned to his normal demeanor. "Thank you!" I replied happily as the collar also fell free. "Your welcome!" The nerdy sounding doctor asked sitting on his desk, his tail swiped around to the side. "How are you feeling?" The doctors voice sounded genuine when he asked this, which felt really good."I wont lie... I am terrified." The more I spoke the lower my head drooped until I was staring at the plush carpet."Please don't be!" He responded quickly waving his hand like paws."You aren't going to... re-purpose me?" Still unable to look up at him, I shivered when this question escaped my lips."Oh my gods no! No!" He nearly lost his glasses reacting to my question. "I hate doing that..." His pained voice thinned, as he also looked to the floor for comfort."Then why do you?" The rage I felt was filtered out by my voice, though a bit burned through."Not all humans are as cooperative as you... Some are really violent." The opossum seemed shocked that I asked this and answering made him uneasy. "Even you are pretty dangerous according to the Agency... It was up to your owner to request a re-purposing." His meek voice seemed quite confident as he finished this statement."S-so U-Urving..." Stuttering uncontrollably I felt a smile of relief creep up my face. "He wasn't lying?" I asked this, but it felt more like I confirming it with myself."Well I don't know what he told you!" The opossum laughed after giving a confused shrug. "But believe me I am not going to do anything like that!" His laugh sharpened slightly, as he raised his hands defensively."Why am I here then?" My voice tightened with frustration, but he was just too friendly to be short with."Well, let me explain!" The opossum stated his response as a sort of offer, which I took with a smile. "If you were to go outside right now you would die in a few minutes..." He explained, his tone shifting toward sadness, as his ears and whiskers fell. "You need to take this pill, so you can breath our air and our bacteria won't hurt you as much!" Cheery again, the opossum produced a translucent green capsule from behind the papers on his desk. "Also I want to put one of these in your ear, so if you get lost... or stolen..." His voice trailed off as he began looking through some files. "Urving! Can come find you!" As he read Urving's name he opened his palm and showed me a tiny computer chip within. "Then you can go! Nothing to worry about." Doctor opossum finished by setting the chip down next to the pill and folding his arms.Inside my head I was angry that he played off the tracking device so innocently. But... no, it makes sense. I need to be tagged so I'm safe... right? With a small sigh I approached the desk and the doctor stood quickly, backing away a little. He was alerted to my approach, almost... afraid... He quickly smiled again however, and handed the pill to me, which I took with a raised eyebrow. Scanning the strange colored capsule I gulped once, as if to prepare, but then swallowed it for real. Nothing seemed to happen and that made me chuckle slightly, as I looked up at the quirky marsupial. Doctor opossum was so normal that it was hard to see the animal he was and not the personality he was presenting. That didn't really matter as he didn't own me... Watching the doctor ready a small clamp like device I couldn't help but think of Urving, waiting anxiously in the hall. It was hard to avoid how mean I had been to him, but at the same time he had to understand! My attention focused as the doctor bent over toward me. Staring up at him, he eyed me with a slight level of worry, yet he just smiled and continued. I wonder how many humans have attacked him... I understand his fear..."This will sting a little, alright?" The doctor warned me innocently, so I nodded trying to look tough.God I wish I had prepared better. With a loud cybernetic buzz and a small fleshy crunch, I felt something being forced into the back of my earlobe. A small yelp of pain escaped my lips and I clutched the spot where it felt like my skin had been ripped asunder. Glaring up at the doctor, he shrunk a little with shame brewing in his eyes. He apologized, but I did as well, since the pain vanished rather quickly. Doctor opossum set the strange clothes pin unit down and grabbed a bowl off his desk. It appeared to be full of candy... Shaking it a few times he looked up at me excitedly, but my puzzled response changed that."Want a different emotion? I have some joys and a few mellows left!" His peculiar offer was paired by another shake of the bowl. "Excitement, love, bravery,... I also got a few confidence left, want one?" Though I understood the concept I was blown away by what he was offering.Emotions... in a pill, huh? Well, now that I think about it, we have that on earth too! Just... the pills are horribly addictive or mentally crippling, for the most part. It all sort of made sense now though! The other humans who left happier, yet unaffected, must have taken one of these! This thought when paired with how friendly the doctor was, made me understand! Another wave of relief crashed over me and I wanted nothing more than to get out of here! All of my fear had, not vanished, but began changing... I was excited! Not in a million years did I think I would get to see a planet other than my own! Now I get to experience a culture and a world far different than anything I could have ever envisioned. Suddenly I remembered that the doctor had asked me a question and I declined his offer, which made him frown comically. Setting the bowl down the doctor reached into his breast pocket and removed... a pen? He delicately unfolded this thin metal tube and pointed it my way as he studied it intently. From the tip of the device a thin field of white light scanned over me once or twice, before flashing and turning green. This pleased him greatly and he beamed down at me as the pen shaped device was slipped back into his pocket."Alright! Good to go Issac!" Doctor opossum said happily pushing his glasses back up his muzzle."Really? Just like that? I'm... free?" These words, though not entirely correct, made me feel higher than I have in years!"Absolutely!" The opossum laughed, closing his eyes and patting my shoulder with a big grin."Thank you!" I replied softly and emotionally, before rushing from the room and back into the hall."How'd it go?" Urving asked with a small inquisitive smile as I appeared. "Everything good doc?" Urving stood up as he asked this and reached for me with one paw."Absolutely! Issac here is a healthy young man!" The doctor replied, as I put my hand in Urving's paw, much to his delight. "He will need to visit a regular doctor in a few weeks for a check up. Oh, and make sure he eats something soon!" The doctor finished his response and Urving listened intently, nodding the whole time."Of course!" Urving laughed in response as they both eyed me. "Was worried he was sick, since he's so skinny..." Urving trailed off, speaking to the doctor as if I wasn't there."Nope, he's perfectly healthy!" The doctor replied to Urving as if I wasn't here, which was getting irritating. "Take good care of him!" As the doctor said this he shook paws with Urving and winked down at me."I will!" Urving shouted gleefully shaking paws with the opossum. "You ready Iza?" He asked looking down at me, but I was unable to formulate the words I wanted, so I simply nodded.My hand still clutched in his huge paw we began heading out. Once we were back in the waiting room four humans stared my way with a mix of anticipation, fear, anxiety, and worry. Each face I met I gave a gentle and sympathetic smile. With my eyes I tried to tell each person that it would be alright, though I know for some... it would not. As I passed the panther guard he chuckled lightly and offer his paw for a low five. Laughing myself, I slapped my hand into his paw and let it slide free, enjoying the soft but bristly feel of his fur. Urving laughed and told the panther to "take it easy". Heading toward the elevator Urving growled playfully and lifted me up onto his shoulder. Startled, I flailed lightly, but then simply rested and held onto his ear for balance. It was kind of fun! His huge lumbering steps shook me down to my bones and the view of the plump body covering so much distance made me thankful I didn't have to walk. Wow... his ear is really soft! Running my hand around the plush black fur I gently squeezed the sinewy flesh and caused him to react with a slight twitch. He shrugged his shoulders shortly after this, and I laughed as I was bounced toward the ceiling of the moving lift. Ducking as we exited the elevator, I gasped and had to force myself to continue breathing.We stepped out into an enormous room filled with others like Urving. Dozens and dozens of all conceivable species scuffled about or waited in lines patiently. Urving lumbered out from beneath a tall triangular arch, which was made out of two tall glass elevators, each full of differing Anthronians. Ahead of us were multiple sets of stairs and at the bottom, two sets of scattered desks were alive with paper work or phone calls. The lines spread to differing desks and all conversations seemed related to humans in some way, though I couldn't make out anything specific. This place was some kind of terrible cross between a pound and the DMV. The thought made me shiver, but I was quickly fascinated by something else. One wall on the western side was a giant screen. It displayed images of random humans and... prices. That made me shake with anger. But as a type of news program began playing, my eyes widened with curiosity. Nothing I saw was even remotely comprehendible, but the friendly looking dog on screen was cheerfully telling me a story.... Passing over a group of young beasts, they all pointed and made amazed noises at the sight of me. Some mentioned my "mane" and others commented that I must have had funny looking "fangs". One of them asked why my "hide" was such a funny color... this is priceless! Urving grunted in an entertained way and I giggled shooting a glance back at the group of pups, cubs, and kids. There were other humans around the room... but I guess none as strange looking as I. Perhaps it was my long shaggy hair or the strange color of my eyes. Urving's paws hit the bottom floor and I gasped again, upon seeing the light to the door outside. This is it! Oh god... I have wanted this for so long! Semi-freedom!-7- Home comingLight bathed my face in warmth and forced my eyes to wince near shut. Refusing to close them however, I fought to peer at the world from atop Urving's shoulder. The ground was lined with planters, which displayed beautiful flowers unlike any I have ever seen! The evenly paved stone path led to an open area with a variety of strange... vehicles? They looked so bizarre... like, land rockets or... damn that one is huge! When we get to Urving's I will try to describe it! Each tree seemed more foreign than the last and as I looked up I found one that had fruit! Strange yellow lumps... they kind of looked like an hourglass or bowtie, in shape. The buildings across the way were made of a bright green glass, that seemed to turn dark blue as we moved nearer. One of those... car things sped by, emitting a really weird high pitched noise and leaving a thin trail of wispy light behind. The sky was... there sky is purple! Gasping in disbelief I could also barely make out that... they have two moons! Oh my god this is so incredible! As my noises of amazement reached Urving's ears he laughed in a satisfactory way and lifted me from his shoulder. Spinning me gently in his huge paws, we were brought face to face and he gave a me a huge kiss! It was disgusting honestly, the slobber leaking down my cheeks, as I cringed and was forced to endure the taste of... bear. But as he looked at me, his fang filled smile beaming, I couldn't help but laugh and smile back. This big oaf probably couldn't hurt a fly! He has been nothing but loving and patient with me... Did I get lucky? A curious thought entered my mind then, how old is Urving? Are there years... the same as earth years? He acts awfully young, but I have no way of actually telling, other than asking. Is he immature or is he acting his age? Do they all age the same? Or is each species still subject to a differing growth rate?"I'm so sorry about all of that Iza!" Urving said setting me down. "I wish I could have brought you home the day I met you!" His words were so emotional, like back in the waiting room."Please, Urving..." I muttered, chuckling to myself. "I don't blame you, I just couldn't handle it... ya know?" I emphasized the word "you" so he understood better."Thank you!" He fell to his knees and clutched me against his chest. "Oh man, thank you!" Urving's voice was so soft as he hugged me tightly. "I was afraid you hated me! I..." He was crying, what the hell?"Urving, hey..." I began softly, rubbing a portion of his back with one hand and patting his huge arm with the other. "I don't hate you. I barely know you big guy!" Saying this was actually easier than I would have expected, I felt bad for him.He sniffled a minute on my shoulder before leaning back and examining me. "Thank you, Iza!" Urving said restored to his former smiles. "May I say, you look awesome in my jacket!" He covered his sadness with a compliment and I laughed to encourage him to feel better. "Thanks! I bet it stinks like me now!" My joke made him laugh and nudge me with the back of his paw, as he has done before. "Lets get going buddy!" Urving said as he stood back up to his enormous stature.Urving just turned and began to walk away. Holy crap... no leash, no restraints... I could just run! Why the hell aren't I? I should be long gone! Alerted to my paralyzed body, I grunted slightly then took a deep breath. As Urving turned around I had managed to get about half way toward him. I played it off as a fault of size difference, which made him chuckle. Offering to carry me again, he stooped to one knee and held his arm down like a ramp. A small smile developed across my face as I climbed aboard, my feet relieved from the scorching heat of the smooth asphalt. Urving beamed at me from behind his tiny shades as I traversed his arm and got comfortable on his shoulder again. That would have been real freedom. But it would also be a harsh and unforgiving life..."Onward!" He shouted in an explorer esque tone.Urving ran across the parking lot quickly, each foot step a jarring thrill ride for me. I felt bad holding his ear for support, but he didn't complain. I couldn't help but laugh, it was a lot of fun! Not only was it sort of like an amusement park ride, it was funny watching his bulging body jiggle around when he ran. Though I would never tell him to his face, for fear of retribution, Urving was really fat. Not that it bothers me in the slightest, I just wonder if that is normal amongst his culture? Urving slowed to a brisk walk then stopped with a small slide, his claws making a thin scratching sound. Plucking me from his shoulder, he gripped my torso and set me on the ground gently. Reaching into his pockets he removed a small cylindrical metal coil, or something of that nature. He turned his attention to an odd green cube with two long triangular tails coming off the back. It had a strange tube, roughly three feet in diameter, protruding from the back between these two tails. All of these vehicles have them so I assume it is an exhaust vent or something involving propulsion. The front of this vehicle had a sloping set of four headlights and a half glass, half metal dome roof. Instead of tires they had a type bulb... or orb, which appeared to be elastic and full of liquid. It was truly a strange looking machine, but Urving effortlessly opened it and stuffed himself inside. The other door opened upward as Urving got in and I saw that the seats were egg shaped and they had little holes for tails to fit through! It felt incredibly weird getting into, not only a strangers car, but an aliens car... or whatever the hell you would call this… Hopping up into the contraption my body was contorted by the amount of Urving I was forced up against. Urving placed the coil into the center of what we would call the steering column. Instead of a wheel however, two large prongs popped out of the side and Urving piloted this craft like a motorcycle! Again my noises of wonderment seemed to greatly amuse Urving. He opened a window and scooted over to put his arm out, giving me much needed room."Sorry about how cramped thigs are..." Urving said in a strained voice. "Barkley said he's gonna sell his Vault soon. Hopefully I can buy it!" Urving's excitement led me not to ask questions, context was enough here.Though uncomfortable every second of the drive, I was consumed by the sheer amount of things I was seeing! Buildings taller than I could have perceived loomed in the distance, flashing colorfully in the midday. Beyond that a great mountain coated with snow loomed in monolithic proportion to the city we cruised through. Each building seemed more interesting than the last, as I scanned the various signs and lights, which were totally inconceivable to me. Some cars flew by swiftly and some cruised at a simple pace. The vehicles seem to be propelled by a type of energy that burned out of the tail pipe, which all of these crafts have. It was fun as they were a variety of colors! We stopped at an oblong traffic light and I saw some beasts at a small cafe, with humans! Gasping eagerly I pressed myself against the thin window in amazement. The owner of the young man, a poodle, was dressed in an ornate outfit and her human matched in every aspect. They wore matching silver and white stripes with black chains hanging from various parts of the curious clothing. As we drove away something the human said made his owner laugh out loud and paw at him playfully. Looking ahead I saw a... police car? It wasn't anything like on earth, but the official looking seals and the fact they were busting some dog, gave it away easy! Passing swiftly, I watched out the back slit windows in awe and fascination. Urving laughed in an amped up way as he saw me lost in his habitat. Every little thing I saw was new yet alike... Store fronts filled with illogical symbols and products. Car dealerships offered dozens of "Urving's car" and others I have seen driving around. We passed a fancy restaurant with dozens of eager Anthronians awaiting entry. To my left was some form of official building, with a large scroll carved from stone, adorning the doorway. To the right was a park full of varying species. Some walking or jogging, some playing games, and some enjoying various musicians, artists, or entertainers. One main thing I have noticed about being out here... most beast men do not wear clothes! Since we left the Agency I have been seeing less and less pants... As this disturbing thought cleared my head, Urving drove up an on ramp and we were on a freeway! There was no center divide and the lines in the road were jumbled so I was scared at first. Urving pressed the center of the "captains wheel" and it seemed to lock in place! No way! It could drive itself! That was barely available on earth when I was young, yet with a tap of a button this strange space car was merging, signaling, avoiding traffic, and even tailgating assholes on its own!"Do you smoke Issac?" Urving asked as a small panel slid open with just a tap of his claw."What like... cigarettes? Hell yeah!" My response had an unnecessary direness, which made me slightly ashamed."Here! We call em' stokes!" Urving declared sliding a cigar sized, white sleeve of paper toward me.Taking it from the bright green package, I smiled at him and rolled it in my fingers to my mouth. "Thank you!" Either my manners or the trick made him laugh, but he did."Mind if I put on the radio? I've been really excited to listen to music with you!" Urving asked eagerly, once he had lit his smoke, as well as mine."You don't have to ask me!" I replied smirking, what a pleasant thing to want to do with me!"Cool!" Urving said happily, placing the huge smoke in his teeth.It looked really funny to me... Urving, my giant bear owner, smoking a cigarette and driving his tiny car... As Urving flipped one of the dashboard switches, the car was filled with talk, none of which I understood. Changing the channel, he began scanning the multitude of sounds and speeches that were being aired, via a sliding bar. Puffing the oversized cigarette I found it a lot less satisfying than I had hoped. Earth grown tobacco is definitely stronger! Urving found a specific station with an interesting voice attached. After he released a long stream of growls and grunts, a song came on. It was... interesting, somewhat like earth music, but I would imagine different instruments. Urving really liked it and even though the words were complete gibberish I tried to enjoy the beat and tempo. All and all I would have to compare the driving drums and snide way of "singing" to earth punk music, circa 80’s maybe 90’s. Though honestly it was nonsense... I enjoyed hearing "music" again!"Sorry you can't understand it. My radio doesn't have a translator..." He muttered with a defeated look, but my smile returned a grin to his mug."Don't worry! I like it!" My response brought a small smile to his face, but his eyes glinted with absolute bliss.We pulled off the freeway and the sudden lurching caused the car to tilt. Panic hit me, but Urving simply leaned and the entire machine fell back into place. After a few more streets of loosely gathered buildings I began to see homes! Pups played in the yards, chasing one another and wrestling in literal dog piles. A tigress trimmed her hedges with a certain level of satisfaction, while her husband lounged on a nearby lawn chair, reading. Some homes seemed empty, but the large building, with the odd cylindrical roof, would certainly have residents again soon. My god... they are just like us... We may have our differences, but the similarities are uncanny! After several more blocks we pulled onto a small gravel path that had a curly tree growing over it. Looking out the window with anticipation filling my heart, I saw Urving's... my home, for the first time. It was a simple gray amongst the variety of colors, but it was constructed the exact same. Urving smiled proudly as the car was parked and put his arm around me. A strange feeling stabbed into me as I stared at this building. This place could be my home or my tomb... Nothing I have felt before compares to the crushing anxiety and unending terror that this moment brought. Getting out of the car, I again contemplated running for my life. It was far to late now... Though I could easily remove the tracker, I know that I wouldn’t escape in a suburban area. Following him up the driveway my heart began pounding faster and faster, louder than Urving's stomping steps. Passing under a small archway Urving began searching his pockets until he produced a key. Ahead was a metal double door with a leminscate shaped window in the middle. With but a tap of Urving's key, which looked like a stylus, the door snapped open and he humbly bowed, waving me in. Alright Iza, stay calm... you can do this. "WELCOME HOME ISSAC!" Dozens of voices cried out once I had entered. The eyes set upon me as I froze in terror, glaring into the group of beasts petrified. Suddenly I was back in the forest, I was running for my life, trying to hold onto my freedom... I screamed bloody murder as I scrambled to run on the slick stone floor. Bouncing off Urving, I hit the ground and saw him lean down toward me, concern filling his ugly mug. I let out another scream against my will and violently clawed myself up to run away. There was a hall to the right of the entrance so I ran down it to find myself in... a bedroom. The giant round cushion that coated most of the floor was covered in musky blankets and a misaligned sheet. Turing back, I saw Urving heading toward me, a small group of beasts following him! I dove under the bed and crawled to the far end, barely able to fit beneath the sagging structure. It was dark and the tint on the window helped make it harder to see me. Cowering I saw a multitude of paws enter the room one by one. A small beeping sound occurred shortly after and the tint on the windows audibly changed, making it brighter!"Issac... Iza, buddy?" Urving called for me, his grinding voice trembling ever so lightly."Maybe you got a broken one, go exchange him!" A snarky male voice happily laughed at my demise."Dude, that's not right..." A droopy voice mumbled in response."You in here little guy? Please come out." A soft lilting female called to me, but I was not swayed."He's under your bed." A muzzle appeared for a split second, but I barely saw it. "Want me to nab him for ya?" That smart ass chuckled, as I saw his paws moved around the bed, much to my dismay."Leave him alone. He is very frightened and you will only exacerbate things." This male voice was monotone, but embers of sadness could be detected."What did I do wrong? What can I do now?" Urving asked his voice breaking toward the end of his sentences."Allow me to speak with him. Perhaps I can calm him down." The monotone voice replied with almost no inflections, yet his voice carried some anyway."Oh yeah! Just use your mind, make him come out!" The jerk male voice replied, his words striking chords of fear in my heart."This isn't a joke, dude!" Urving growled in response."Please leave now. All of you." The monotone male commanded, his voice reaching a greater volume as he did. "Give me time to speak with him." He finished in a softer more friendly tone.Watching silently, I saw all the paws scuffle off and leave the room, one by one. Then only a single pair remained, which turned toward me. With two long and overdrawn steps he moved to the side of the bed. Dropping into a crouched position, the paws owners revealed himself. They belonged to a brown-red fox in a pinstripe black suit. His head fur was combed in even rows and the fur on his face was pushed back instead of outward, like other vulpine I've seen. Each eye was a differing color, but each was trimmed with a thin black line, which reached down toward his lower jaw. One eye was forest green and the other ocean blue, together they were quite dazzling. His muzzle had a white band near the end of it causing his whiskers to be white or clear. As he sat on the wooden floor of this room, he crossed his black foot paws and folded his matching "gloved" hand paws. The enormous tail swirled and curled about as he examined me, a tiny smile growing on the tip of his muzzle. His fluffy tail was all the same red-brown clay color, but the end had a black ring and a white tuft on the tip. His smile developed further and he scooted closer to me ducking his head to view me better. I glared back angrily, trying to show I was a threat, but he just closed his eyes and smiled even wider."What the hell are you smiling at?" I used the strongest voice I could find within myself."You." He replied gently, his voice was so... pale. "Urving told me you were young, but I had no idea." Staring longingly his voice drew into sympathy, which I disregarded."Leave me alone!" I shouted attempting to convey a sense of danger with my voice."Why? Do I frighten you?" Though he appeared inquisitive his voice did not seem to change that much."Well... Yeah, all of you do!" Retorting sharply I admitted my guilt, my weakness, and my defeat all at the same time."This is unfortunate and unnecessary. You need not fear me young one, or any of my kind." This eloquently stated sentence was paired with one of his paws reaching forward delicately."No, now go away. Please just leave!" My anger clashing with my fear caused a strange voice, as I begged for solitude."Wait just one moment Issac." Fox man said curling his fingers back toward himself, before standing quickly.What the hell is this guys problem? Doesn't he understand I want to be left alone? Why do I have to go to this stupid party anyway? Why do I have to be here? His paws moved from view toward the door, but the door did not open. Suddenly a strange sound hit the room and I heard a fluttering airy noise. This sound was followed by a small scratching that got louder and louder. After a few seconds of this the sound changed to an uneven clicking, as something moved about the room again! Four paws appeared at the edge of the bed and standing before me was... a fox! Not the fox I was just speaking with... a normal quadruped fox! Upon further examination, I realized that it was not normal, as he was much large than any vulpine should ever grow! The mismatched eyes showed me it was the same fox, along with the color scheme. His tail was enormous now and as he took a seat it curled around his body, obscuring his thin legs from view. My amazement and shock drew a tiny smile to his muzzle, causing his eyes to shut into thin slits."Am I still frightening?" He asked opening his eyes and cocking his head to the side slightly.I was silent... I didn't know what to say. This is really cool, honestly! I never thought I would see a normal animal again! But what practicality does this power hold? He was stronger as a beast man, not just a beast. His vibrant coat shined in the portioned sunlight as he awaited my answer, like a rusty panel on his back. A twitch of his ears made him nod slightly, but I simply stared in confusion unable to answer his question. He was still scary but not as much as before... It was more interesting than anything and as he thumped his heavy tail sporadically, I couldn't help but smile. He took this as a yes and moved himself a bit closer, a little under the bed now."May I join you under there?" He asked lowering to his belly, the enormous fluffy tail swinging behind him and around to the other side."I... why... you..." Stammering I couldn't not think of what to say, the piercing eyes awaited an answer however."In this form I am far easier to injure. You could effortlessly kill me, if that makes you more comfortable." His voice darkened then and the way each word came out was sharpened by caution."No! I don't want to hurt you! I'm afraid you want to hurt me!" I blurted out these words, my eyes wide and my mouth hanging open a little."Please... I bring no harm." He began taking a few steps to get his ducked head clear of the mattress frame. "Relax, I cannot do anything to you like this." His lie was well covered by his smooth voice and his familiar form, as he crept ever so closer."So your teeth are gone right? You cant claw me now?" My sarcastic questions were paired with a scowl to ward his advances."I never wanted to do either of those things." He said quicker than normal, his eyes unblinking as he approached. "Just talk to me. I can answer any question you ask." This perked my interest and I reluctantly lowered my defenses.He approached until we were at a reasonable distance and then he took a seat. His head was still ducked due to the sagging of Urving's mattress. After a few seconds he stooped low and shuffled his tiny paws outward until he was flat on the ground, like a normal animal. It felt strange, I almost wanted to start petting him. However, that long thin muzzle full of dagger like fangs kept me from even moving near him. He suddenly showed teeth, but it was the same smile most of there kind use, with your cheeks spread wide. Once the tiny lines opened back up and revealed his eyes, I saw he was very excited to see me, or be near me. His tail thumped the bed and floor in a rhythmic pattern as his uneven eyes glowed with a restrained intrigue."My name is Ferris. Pleasure to meet you Issac." He said nodding his head and curling his tail around his side to stop the wagging."Hi." My voice was weak but not from fear, more just hoarse. "Why are you an animal?" My shaky voice began to strengthen as I finished asking my question."Do you mean to ask, why did I change into an animal? Or are you asking why our species is animalian?" Ferris replied almost computer like, his head tilting ever so slightly as it rested between his paws."Why did you change?" I asked with some inner security returning alongside scraps of courage."I could not speak with you face to face. You are also more acclimated to this form." His response made sense and I admired his trust of me since it was, sort of a fair fight now... if it came to that."How do I understand you anyway? How do you speak English?" This question was one of the first questions I think I ever had after being captured..."I have a translator implanted in my neck, Urving does as well. It transmits a sound wave that causes your hearing to shift when we speak. They are programmed with almost every human dialect." This fascinated me and I wanted to know more, but the fear of my situation snapped me back into a proper line of questioning."Why are all those beasts here?" My voice was still forestalled by fear, but not enough to hinder my words. "Why is Urving having a party?" Cutting him off before he spoke, I switched questions."It has become customary when a human is brought into a new life... a new home... they are celebrated." Ferris began speaking in his usual empty tone, but it peaked a bit causing a few seconds of excitement to shine through."Why does Urving want me so much?" This question felt stupid, but I could not think of anything better to ask at the time."You and he are a lot alike, Issac. Urving appreciates your company greatly. Urving has developed a soft spot for humans. You needed an owner. You needed a home. They needed to make sure you would be alright without cages protecting you... Urving loves you." Ferris stated this list accurately and without any falter, his voice now reduced to a rumbling boil of dull words."Do I have... rights? Like, do I have freedoms?" My question was hard to formulate and Ferris was confused at first, but seemed to understand."A system is in place that allows you to gain more independence over time. A small series of tests will allow you, within a few years, to have almost all the freedom you once had." Ferris the fox returned to his drab and dull tone as he said this."Will I ever be able to live on my own? Without Urving or..." My voice was lost in a sea of confusion and waves of doubt."No." Was all he could say his ears falling forward as his eyes darkened with sadness. "But you need not worry about that. Urving will take good care of you!" Ferris's tone grew much sweeter, but he held a sympathetic appearance."NO! I don't want to be taken care of!" Raging now I slid away from him further and clenched of my hands against the floor, scratching it with my nails. "I want to be free! I want a chance... to... to rebuild my life!" Though I was strong at first my voice weakened into nothing more than breathy whimpers."Issac you are a smart young man. Do you really think you can rebuild your life without help?" He spoke as a voice of reason, slowly persuading my intense desire of escape to settle down. "Urving would be heart broken if you ran away..." Ferris stated this staring deep into my eyes for a moment until I looked away, unable to take his powerful gaze any longer."So I just... give up? Play pet for him or whoevers around?" I waved my hand toward the door, as dams broke behind my eyes and tears flooded my face silently."Urving does not want you as a pet. So no... you should play friend for him..." Ferris smiled and his inflection changed on the word friend. "Or whoever is around..." He added this crawling a few steps closer to me.A small laugh escaped my lips and Ferris smiled in that way foxes do. Though still eyeing me cautiously as he approached, without any hesitation he climbed onto me and curled up in my lap. Lifting his muzzle toward me I flinched, but then laughed as he licked at my tears. I was shocked at first but his relaxed sigh gave me a clear indicator that this is what he wanted. He was... really big and really fluffy! Imagine a fox that was the size of a large breed dog, but even thicker fur. Damn he was soft too! With a small gulp I ran my hand along his back and he released a small doggish noise, a happy one! Continuing to rub his back his thick tail randomly thrashed about and often times, bumped me only to curl away. Touching Ferris's head gently I saw his eyes dart open and he gasped sharply. He probably thought I had just tried to kill him or something... "My hair is going to be very messy." He replied simply, returning his head to my leg where it rested."Oh I'm sorry! Here let me..." My voice faded as I ran my fingers through his fur, combing it as best I could. "Issac, I want to tell you something..." Ferris began, effortlessly wiggling himself around in my lap so he faced me. "You do not need to be afraid. Your life is not over my friend. You can still get a job, own a home, and even start a family if you wanted!" Ferris's voice rose from the plain vanilla to a spark of enthusiasm, which I have yet to see so powerfully."How does that work? Starting a family?" Asking this filled my heart with grief, as a concept I thought long gone was resurrected."When you find love and want to become permanent partners then one of your owners is tasked with caring for you both." His description somewhat ruined my image of having a wife.I was quiet for a moment. His eyes scanned my face like two separate portals to different dimensions. Even if I some how found a woman in this god forsaken world Urving probably would not want to deal with that. I wouldn't want to change owners unless I knew them really well. Maybe... If I find a woman who wants to escape as well, we can run away together! The plan will be easier to execute with two people and I would not have to be alone! Ferris pawed my face just then and I shook my head snapping me back into reality."Do not run away!" He commanded sternly his eyes narrowing."What?" I blurted out. "What makes you..." I trailed off as his eyebrows shifted and he smirked in a disbelieving way. "Do not run away. Urving will be sad, they will find you, and you will possibly be hurt." His words were very sympathetic yet strong enough to still be a warning. "Nobody wants that Issac." Ferris finished with a breathy sigh."How... did you... know?" I muttered leaning away from the mysterious fox who stared up at me."I am telepathic, Issac." He pawed up at my nose as my jaw dropped open in amazement. "If I desire, I can hear someone’s thoughts." He continued, as I suddenly felt a threat from the creature resting in my lap."You... you've been... reading my thoughts?" This question came out in small segments as I trembled, unable to fully comprehend his motives."Only off and on. I needed to assure myself you were not a threat." His voice was more empty then it had been for a while, but he laughed softly revealing he was not upset. "I am so very sorry if this betrays what little trust you have developed toward me." Ferris, though vocally empty, had a bright expression in his eyes. "May I show you something?" His face spiked with excitement as his ears and tail twitched eagerly."What...?" My voice trailed off leaning back from the animal, who was unrestrained by my worried eyes."Just relax..." Ferris said with a deeper voice than normal, his unblinking eyes a canvas of sky blue and earth green. "I am not going to hurt you." He stated this very directly, still unblinking... I found I could not blink either!"What... what are... you doing?" I asked unable to look away... unable to understand..."Relax Issac." Ferris repeated using my name, which brought a higher level of endearment.Gently his tail snaked upward, moving around my head. As it reached the back of my skull he pressed the tip against the base of my cranium. Suddenly everything went white... Before I could realize what had happened I was... lying in a bed? A thick white sheet covered me completely and I saw sunlight beating through this blanket. Attempting to move I felt my body completely unresponsive, which frightened me into a weakened frenzy. Crying out, my voice was shrill and sharp... no words just yelping... I felt smothered and suffocated and I simply wanted to be free! Why can't I move? What is this? No matter how many times I open my eyes it seems like I just see emptiness... I can barely see at all now... Oh god is this death? Have I been re-purposed? My body was suddenly wrenched with internal pain and I screamed rolling around, gasping for air. Just then I saw something move above the sheets, a small shift of shadows. Crying out in fear this time, I was rescued, as the suffocating quilt was thrown free. Above me, beyond my perception a figure loomed and slowly reached for me. The gentle paws lifted me up and as the sunlight cut past her face... I saw an angel... Her eyes glowed with an unearthly aura and the loving smile this canine gave me, as I panted for air, was the will to live. What is this? What am I feeling and experiencing? Her sea water eyes flashed and sparkled in the ominous light with each delicate blink. Her tall pointed ears appeared to hold the halo of light, which burst from all around her, but originated behind her head. The soft touch of her paws was salvation itself, for she cuddled me close and gently caressed the back of my head... The words she spoke were like a gospel...."I know you’re scared right now..." She began softly, delivering a nudge to the top of my head with her nose. "But nothing bad is going to happen." Her supernaturally smooth voice radiating joy with each breath. "No one is going to hurt you. You are completely safe." The angelic figure hugged me close to her breast and shushed my crying with gentle kisses. How long I have waited to hear someone say that... How long I have awaited this feeling, this safety... Suddenly I was back under Urving's bed. The musty smell hit me hard and I shot my gaze down to find the fox sitting in front of me with a sly grin. Kicking away, I scrambled from under the bed and flailed partially across the room, before stopping and glaring at him slack jawed. He moved forward so he was half way out from under the bed, then took a seat with an airy thud. Unable to react properly I turned away and clenched my eyes shut. Was that real? What the fuck did he just do to me? I can't... I cannot... the image is stuck in my mind! Her image, that moment, everything about it.... The memory is so powerful, as if my own, that it gives me a feeling of sanctuary. Just thinking about her now gives me an unreasonable bravery and a feeling of false love. Looking back at Ferris he had abandoned his cute fox face and was now staring with a certain level of concern. However a few seconds later he took up that same smirk, closing his eyes and tilting his head."What the fuck was that?" I shouted waving a hand angrily toward him."A... memory..." His voice peeped out with a shred of disappointment lining it. "Didn't you enjoy it?" His confused voice felt undeveloped, as if he doesn't have to use it often."I... yo-you should have warned me!" Stuttering at first I blurted out my response angrily."Apologies, but I believed asking you, to allow me to forcefully induce a small coma, in which you experienced powerful emotions via my implanted memory, would have garnered negative results." With inhuman, telepathic, precision he executed this sentence without falter."Who is she?" I asked after several seconds of processing his words and trying to understand what had just happened."My wife, Fiona. Unfortunately she could not make it to your party today. She sends her regards, however." Ferris spoke with a slightly peppy tone and his eyes lovingly lowered upon saying her name."What... was happening? Why couldn't I... breath or move?" As I asked this his eyes sharpened and his muzzle shot back to me."You ask good questions... I was hoping I wouldn't have to explain that right away..." He muttered his eyes softening again this time with sadness. "If I tell you what happened... do you promise to join the party?" He rose an eyebrow at this, his muzzle tilting up and away smugly."I... Yeah, I love to party!" Replying confidently, I had no real intention of following through even if he told me."Alright then..." Ferris stated in a strange tone, as he rose to all four paws. "This ability... to shape shift, is incredibly rare." His tone has changed overall now, somewhat calmer and less monotone. "I was poisoned Issac, because I work with humans... because I try to help them." His hollow voice cracked just a bit as I looked up at him. "I was supposed to suffocate after devolving... but Fiona, something about seeing her..." Ferris averted his eyes as emotion bled through his voice, most likely against his will. "Sharing that memory with you, was a way of showing my trust and asking for friendship… Would you like to see the memory I got from you?" He asked leaning toward me a coy smirk growing across his muzzle."No! That sounds really weird!" Replying shocked, I shook my head disapprovingly. What could it be, though?"Well then, shall we join the party?" He asked moving toward the door a few steps, his smile dissolving instantly."No... Sorry, I hate lying, but I really can't go out there..." My trailing voice was paired by a simple frankness, which I hope he would emulate."Oh..." Ferris sighed softly. "How very disappointing, Issac. I feel completely obligated to inform you that my next course of action would be telepathic manipulation." This was said in a straight forward demanding tone, as if politely threatening me."Wait... what? You would... control my mind?" Rising to my feet, I towered over the animal, who lifted his muzzle to watch me intently."For my friend Urving, yes I would." Ferris took a more serious warning tone this time. "I will not hurt you Issac, as you fear, but I can easily force you to do as I wish." Ferris saying this was paired with a flash of his eyes, which illuminated for just a moment."I'm... afraid." Admitting this to the tiny creature, whom I expected to cower, felt diminishing. "I don't really like meeting new people and they all expect me to be excited..." Searching for any excuse to continue bartering for time, I let myself trail off on accident!"After your display in the hallway, I do not think anyone will expect "excitement"." Ferris rose to two paws and air quoted himself, which was adorable! "If you would rather..." He continued a sarcastic tone taking hold. "I can trick your mind into thinking you’re a bear cub. Urving would simply adore that!" His fox smile appeared again, but I cringed backing away from the cuteness."No, no... that's alright..." With a sigh I felt my head drop and a grim weight fell upon my shoulders."Excellent! Now go and greet your guests, remember to smile!" Ferris pointed his slender muzzle toward the door again and I slowly walked toward it.Delaying as long as I possibly could, I took tiny steps and didn't actually reach for the door handle, until I was right there in front of it. Hearing murmuring on the other end of the door I looked back at Ferris pleadingly but he simply nodded with his now trademark smile covering his face. My trembling hands slowly gripped the handle and twisted it causing the door to spring open automatically. Staring in were half a dozen beast men all peeking around Urving who filled most of the door way. A strained smile grew across his face and he spread his arms to the side, as we eyed each other."Welcome home, Issac." His usually deep booming voice was now a meek brooding mutter."Hi, everyone..." I muttered in return, waving one hand as friendly as I could muster.A small chorus of greetings rained down upon me, as Urving took a knee and reached a paw out. Though his thick claws were threatening, I was disarmed by the loving expression in his eyes and his patience with me. Even though I regret nothing, I have really made this hard on him... He just wanted a pet... or a friend, whatever, but I just bitched and fought. Hopefully with time I will be able to calm down. Taking his paw I stepped forward and hugged him, clenching a small fist full of fur the whole time. The crowd released several "aww" sounds and a few snapped pictures, or at least that what I think happened. Urving let out a loud growl of joy, as he cuddled me in a huge hug lifting me off the ground ever so slightly. Setting me down, he held me by the shoulders and looked down at me with a alerted gaze, his tiny glasses sliding down his stubby muzzle."If ya want we can cancel this! We don't have to have a party..." Urving trailed off, his understanding and empathy turning to disappointment."Yeah! We'll just take your presents and just go!" That dick male voice was attached to a thin white dog, who caused a few people to laugh."Free food!" Someone called out from the back, causing more laughs, but Urving stared intently at me. "Free booze!" Another added."No, no! Please stay... I just got a little freaked out is all..." Pulled that response out of my ass, but I feel like it was genuine enough."A little?" That annoying dog scoffed sarcastically. "Not would I would say, Spaz!"Hearing people laugh at me was unnerving and I sighed a little. "Silence Barkley. Leave Issac alone." Ferris commanded in a firm tone."Yeah shut up Barkley!" Urving replied with a small growl, as he rose to his feet."Oh look at how cute he is!" The dog, Barkley... go figure, cried out moving toward Ferris, who was still a four legged fox."Back away, or you will not enjoy this party." Ferris warned simply taking a seat in the doorway."Alright, hey relax!" Barkley backed away both paws raised."For Issac's sake, I would like to put my suit back on in privacy. Please shut the door." Ferris requested simply, not looking my way, even when he said my name.Barkley closed the door and chuckled a little, fiddling with his backwards baseball cap. Quickly, he spun in place and stared ahead at Urving before seeming to notice me. A bright expression came across this mutts muzzle, as he approached me and began a long examination, complete with light sniffing. He was mostly white, but speckled with brown here and there. His droopy muzzle was pointed by the shape of his pierced nose, but it still had an overall rounded shape. Below the tip of his chin was a longer tuft of fur, which sort of looked like a beard or goatee. His large white ears were trimmed with fire like streaks of brown colored fur and were contained beneath a wide hat. Each had a fine layer of feathered fur, which caused them to poof out from beneath his baseball cap. The dog wore a wife beater and he had a few chains around his neck, his lower body was covered by tattered jeans. Alongside his ears, his tail, his hand paws, his right eye, and one foot paw were also brown. As I stared at this blue eyed dog, I noticed that each of his thick ears held a multitude of piercings! Everything from normal rings, to metal rods, to thick rings holding gaps of his ear open! This cluster of metal rings and rods were crowned with two huge conic spikes jammed through the base of his thick ears."Heya Spaz!" He said suddenly snapping me out of my daze. "My names Barkley!" He held out a paw to shake, which looked funny to me."My name is Issac, not Spaz." I replied sharply, already not liking this guy."Relax bucko, I know!" Barkley's peppy response was a bit annoying, but he was a funny looking dog and it was hard not to laugh. "Got something for ya!" He replied holding up a closed paw."You didn't have to. We don't know each other at all..." Shrugging I glanced at the cold stone floor uneasily."Jeez Urving, you got a total downer!" Barkley cried back, as he dropped the tiny package to the ground."Dude come on! He just met you!" Urving replied, as Barkley crossed his arms frustrated with me.As they argued mildly, I examined the little gold sleeve he had brought for me. Reaching down to pick up the package, I found it cold to the touch! It was... ice cream, of some kind. Picking it up I began trying to read the god awful symbols... It was illegible to the last letter, but the image told me the whole story. Well, enough to know it was an ice cream bar. Opening the package I found it broke, all the chocolate was scattered around the mocha colored blob. Still a smile came over my face upon tasting chocolate! Quickly I picked out the pieces and licked them from my fingers. You have no idea how good it tastes after so many years... The ice cream tasted like caramel, sweet and just a tad salty! I wish I had tried them together! Letting out a noise of enjoyment, I looked up to find Urving and Barkley staring down at me, one with a grin and the other a scowl."Thank you Barkley." I replied enjoying the treat, which I got from a dog..."You're welcome!" He replied sarcastically bending over at the waist."I got lots of food Iza! I made sure to get human foods too!" Urving's overjoyed voice cried loudly as he dropped to his knees again. "I have so many people I want you to meet! There are so many things I want to show you! Everyone got you presents! When everyone is gone, I really want to play this one game with you, where-." Urving ranted, growing more and more exuberant as he spoke, but was cut off by another voice."Issac? Feeling better hun?" A raspy yet melodic female voice asked.Turning around I was a little startled, though I don't know why, to see another bear! She was about two feet shorter than Urving and she was a gold color with tan colored feet and legs. Her hair was long dirty blonde pushed back away from her face in a styled up fashion. As she approached, I saw her peach dress had little sparkles on it and her matching shoes held tiny flower shaped bows. Where Urving has a fat rounded muzzle, she has a thinner face that was a soft sand color, fading to her normal gold. As she approached she bent over at the waist, both hands on her knees, then kissed me. Not like Urving, either... A gentle, loving, peck on the forehead followed by a small nudge of her muzzle. Mesmerized by her autumn red eyes, I didn't respond to her right away and instead just stared innocently in awe of her grace. Her stare turned to expectation and I realized I should answer."Ye-yea-yes ma'am." Recovering from my stutter, I figured manners could save me here."Oh honey, stop that! My names Urma, I'm Urving's sister!" She replied, much to my surprise, though I could see minor resemblances, such as the two tone color scheme."Issac, pleasure to meet you." I held out my hand to shake, which made her chuckle warmly."Oh a little gentleman!" She replied taking my hand and placing her other paw over her muzzle."Yeah, Issac's a really nice guy! Y'all just scared him I bet..." Urving replied as his sister looked up at him, seemingly amazed by my simple gesture."Sorry sugar, we didn't mean ya any harm." Her voice was very soft yet it had a slight edge as certain words filtered through it."Thanks, but please don't apologize. Just not... used to all this yet..." Choking on these words I felt myself wavering, but I managed to get through.She laughed suddenly, standing up to her impressive height. "You're right Urving! He does sort of look like a little lion!" Urma stated joyously."A lion?" I looked up at Urving comically curious, hiding my pain."Yeah, it's your hair!" He pet me lightly, my frizzy brown hair had great natural volume. "You have a little mane!""Yeah!" Barkley exclaimed after him petting me as well, which I was less alright with. "You gonna get him clipped and cleaned, Urv?" His attention turned away from me as he asked this."Of course, but only if Issac is comfortable with getting his fur cut." Urving replied to Barkley before looking down at me."No! He looks so adorable with all this!" Urma replied petting my poorly maintained hair repeatedly."Oh! Hey Issac, want a beer?" Urving asked as he slipped passed his sister and stood in the hall where his house opened up."Beer...?" My mind wandered back to memories of mischief as I repeated the word.I have never been legally allowed to drink any alcohol... technically I still cannot by earth standards. But there were several times before the invasion where that rule was broken. Parties, friends, and at one time family, have all been the catalyst for my law breaking. Now that I am here, in this moment, fuck it. With all the terrible things that have happened and all the pain I have had to endure, I think I deserve a beer. What the hell else can I do to calm down..."Please! That sounds great!" My face lit up and so did his."Do you have any wine Urving?" Ferris appeared above me, placing a paw on my shoulder."Sure do! Be right back!" Urving called behind him from around the corner."So how do you like my brother lil man?" Urma asked setting her purse down as she bent over again."Uhh... well, Urving is really nice, I'm just still afraid of... you know…" I whispered this, feeling uncomfortable under Ferris's paw."I can only imagine! Your file said you were a runner. You must have been so scared and confused... poor fellow..." She was extremely sincere and her loving expressions melted my icy defense against my will."Yeah, I was..." My head fell as I realized... this was a lot better... I was better off as a pet... "It was a nightmare..." These words almost resulted in tears, but I avoided that by averting my gaze."I'm sorry... let's not talk about it." Urma replied sweetly lifting my chin so I saw her endearment and she saw my sorrow."Here ya go! Take what’s yours!" Urving replied with an arm full of drinks.Ferris removed his hand to take the glass of wine, delicately gripped between Urving's claws. Looking up I was given a large black colored bottle. Clutching it with both hands I found it to be heavy, which made me grin. It was a very strange shape, like a pyramid or something... Urving popped the cap off with his middle claw and watched with anticipation. Upending the bottle I took several large gulps of the contents without hesitation. It wasn't very good to be honest, but then again, that's not the point. My scrunched face of displeasure caused everyone to laugh, even I. Examining the bottle closer, it became apparent that I was already feeling the effects. Staring at the drunk dog on the label, I smiled and took another long drink of the booze. Urving and the others seemed to enjoy watching me do... anything. It was like when you first bring a new pet home, everything they do is astronomically more interesting. Honestly I hate this feeling, but a few more swigs would wash that away. I never understood as a child how people could end up being alcoholics, but with the life I am about to face... it isn't so hard to imagine. Urving was a good bear and probably a great friend, but I just do not want to be owned! Nothing personal, I just wish... oh forget it... Another drink hit my lips allowing a moment of joy to melt over this searing thought."Come on Issac, I bet your starving!" Urving said after finishing his bottle, mine was still mostly full.Following Urving eagerly, I was suddenly stricken with the realization of what was around that corner. Once I stepped out there, I would be completely defenseless! Urving would literally be the only thing protecting me... Emerging around the dreaded corner, I found no one noticed me. Urving and Barkley got some attention... but not me. I was safely protected by a posse of much larger animals, fronted by Urving the giant. A few people glanced my way and... they were all friendly, the most I got was a wave! Sipping more on my beer I tried to calm down as we moved through the loose crowd toward a large table, filled... absolutely crammed with food! Urving turned back to me, his huge toothy smile beaming in the light, as he presented this feast with a wave of his paws. Unable to close my salivating mouth, I approached the table of both foreign and familiar foods. This is incredible! He wasn't kidding when he said he got a lot of food... I could barely see the tablecloth! He really did have earth food too! Tacos, pizza, fried chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, soups and salads, noodles, rice, mashed potatos with gravy, dinner rolls, turkey legs, a roasted pig, recognizable fruits, and that was just the human half of the table! At the far end I saw many strange and otherworldly animals, roasted and prepared in a variety of ways. I was hesitant to try almost everything I saw on the alien end of the table. Strange yellow slop filled one bowl, while another plate held little purple cubes of slime. One of the cooked animals was torn open and all of its innards were on another platter, disgusting! Tiny cups surrounded one tray of meat, each filled with powerfully scented sauces. Little squid like tendrils rested on crackers, arranged delicately in tight rows. Looking back to the good food, I was presented a plate by Urving who awaited me with a big smile, which I was becoming accustomed to."Eat up, buddy! You need to gain some weight!" He boomed, laughing broadly as I took the platter sized dinner plate."Th-thank you!" I replied unable to do anything but laugh. "You weren't kidding!" Referencing the food caused a hearty laugh.I went berserk! Anything nearby I grabbed! Everything (from earth) was appetizing, even things not normally prepared to my preference. As I used the shovel headed tongs to scoop myself some rice, my heart couldn't help but soar. He was telling the truth! Urving just wanted a friend and I was chosen out of possibly millions! Even if he is scary, I am glad to have this burly beast on my side. Urving eagerly awaited my variety of choices and seemed to take all the same things I did, but in larger quantities. Where I grabbed two slices of pizza, he took half of a pie! When I grabbed a turkey leg, he took four! Once I couldn't hold anymore I felt a little awkward, where do I go? Holding my beer was a challenge, but it was nothing a little finger work couldn't take care of. Urving finished as well, throwing several alien foods onto his platter. Turning to me, he nodded in an attention getting way before speaking over the murmur of voices."Do you want to sit with Urma?" Urving asked, pointing to a circle of Anthronians chatting with his sister. "We could go somewhere without other people, would you like that?" Urving's damned pet voice was growing on me, just seeing him try so hard was kind of endearing."Yeah if that's alright..." Fading off, he nudged me and waved for me to follow.Leaving what I could only assume was the living and dining room behind, we crossed through a crowd of Anthronians to end up in another hallway. I received a few head rubs and a pat on the back, as I moved through the parted crowd. The hall ahead had three or four closed doors, but one was open and Urving waved me inside with a bounce in each step. Walking in, I found it to be a very small room, with nothing special to be mentioned. A bookshelf filled with strange blocks and very few books lined the right hand wall. The far wall was pretty much one big window and the left wall had a foggy glass oval inlaid in it, stretching most of the rooms distance, width wise.In the middle was a little table of glass and steel construction, with decorative twisted metal feet. Urving plopped down on a poofy cylinder and set his food on the table. This couch like piece of furniture had plenty of room for me to sit down on the other end of the canister shaped cushion, so I did. Urving popped open another beer and began eating noisily. Flicking his paw gently he slid another beer next to my now half empty one. Food was the only thing on my mind and as I began eating, my heart overflowed with the euphoria only a good meal can bring. Everything was so amazing, well prepared, and fresh! How do they know about earth food? How do they prepare it so well? Oh my god I never thought I would get to taste anything like this again! I swear if I wasn't so hungry, I would have cried with joy. Looking up I found Urving was also greatly enjoying the earthling cuisine. He downed a few gulps of beer and made a loud enjoying sound, before belching. A chuckle escaped me just then at seeing him act so human. Looking down at me his face opened into a wide smile and his eyes flashed, as if that offhand laugh made his entire day."You feeling better Issac?" Urving asked swallowing hard. "Like, you know we aren't gonna hurt you right?" His demeanor shifted from levity toward shame and defeat."Yeah, of course!" I said through a mouth full of biscuit and chicken. "Urving, I gotta thank you..." My voice became frank and I laughed lightly. "You didn't...lie. I can trust you..." Softened by emotion and alcohol, these words came out meekly."Of course you can Issac!" Urving exclaimed, his rounded muzzle hanging in a smile after he did. "I just want you to be happy! Like any of my friends out there, I got your back!" He playfully nudged me with his huge paw and I laughed softly, looking at the floor passed my near empty plate. "Imma get seconds, want more Iza?" Urving rose with his plate in one paw."Yes please!" Replying felt weird, like I had given up and was going to accept this now...As Urving left, I up ended the bottle drinking a few huge gulps and trying to avoid that thought. During the time I was alone in this room, I finished my beer and began fighting to open the other one. The foil covered cap was hard to pry free with my bony fingers. Urving returned shortly with our plates and a few more beers. Without a word, he popped the cap free for me and smiled, as my tray was slid into place. Examining my platter, I grimaced lightly seeing he had given me a bit of alien meat and some of the yellow mush. A small moan of disgust escaped my mouth, but Urving gave a growl of encouragement in response."Just try it buddy! I promise you'll like it!" Urving nodded with an interested gaze.Drinking more of the beer, I gulped hard as I picked my utensil back up. Though I frowned, his watching eyes brought me to lift the fork of yellow lumps to my mouth and taste it. To my overall shock, it was incredibly tangy! The closest thing I would compare it to is curry, but it was lumpy and a bit grainy... Making a small sound of enjoyment, I took another drink of beer and looked up at Urving with a friendly smile, as if to thank him. He chuckled a little bit and pat me on the back, as I began spreading it on a roll with some beef, which was heavenly! Tasting the meat from there planet I found it to be sour, but that was just the glaze put over it. This meat itself was salty and a bit tough, but I enjoyed it still. Once I finished my second plate, not eating all the alien food, I relaxed enjoying my beers. The slight pain of being full is so much nicer than the immense agony of being hungry. Rubbing my stomach, I watched as Urving finished his hefty portions with a shovel of a spoon. Wiping his muzzle clean he stood and made a loud enjoying growl, before looking my way."What is that stuff anyway?" I asked pointing to the yellow paste, which I had enjoyed."Gabbach! It's a vegetable that we smash up and bake! My sister makes the best gabbach!" Urving happily replied, as he obviously saw I enjoyed it."What about this, why was it so sour?" Poking the strange flesh with my fork, I lifted it slightly for reference."Puhgo beast. It's saltier than hell, so you usually coat it in strong flavors, like citrus, wine, or something sugary!" His response was partnered with him offering a piece of his, but I declined."Interesting... how do you know about earth food? Like your people as a whole?" This question had kind of been burning me up."We have known about you guys for almost, oh.... fifty years or so..." He sounded like he wasn't really sure. "Since our worlds share a lot of animals, it was easy to enjoy many of your worlds delicacies." He laughed upon saying animals, so did I."Wait, back up. You guys have known about us for fifty years?" Asking this had a blatant rising tone."Maybe a lil longer. Ask Ferris." He replied after a few seconds of thought. "He would know better than anyone. I'm pretty clueless on the topic!" Urving laughed, pawing himself in the head."I will, thanks." This idea baffled me, but my current state made it hard to focus intently on anything."Ya' still hungry bud?" Urving asked as he rose and shouldered food from his muzzle."No, thanksh." My reply was slurred a bit, which made us both laugh.Once he had left, my swimming head thought about what awaited me out there... presents! What could an alien animal person possibly give me as a gift? Wait... I was just thinking about something really important, wasn't I? What was it? Damn, oh well! Something about all this didn't seem real... Having lived on the run for years, praying that I avoided his kind, it was hard to accept the fact that I am here... at a barbeque with them... Sipping my beer peacefully made this entire moment surreal, when compared to my last few days in the human pound. Urving returned and dropped a small stack of cookies onto the clean part of my plate. His big grin as I looked up was enough to tell me he didn't need thanking. It may just be the beer talking, which it's getting pretty loud, but I am starting to like Urving. He is a bit crude, clumsy, and sort of stupid... but he is such a loving creature it is hard to build any resentment toward him. Again, this may all be the booze talking... After enjoying the variety of cookies he brought me, I saw Urving had now stopped eating as well. Patting his huge gut, Urving withdrew his cigarettes from his pocket and offered one my way. Gladly accepting it, I figured it would be a good way to calm my nerves before meeting my future faux family. I knew fully well I would have to make good on my promise to Urving, but I really wish that it didn't have to happen. What do I say? “Hi, I'm your friends new pet? Please be nice to me and don't eat me?” I'm just being negative... remember the presents! Puffing the over sized smoke, I felt it's soothing effects slowly build, the alcohol in my blood helping that process quicken. Urving's ears twitched as a someone knocked at the door. My entire body tensed with fear, but I realized this was just a natural reaction... Taking deep drags on the cigarette, I mellowed out again with a few swigs of beer."Yo?" Urving called to the door, which opened quickly."Told you he was back here." Barkley muttered through the door just before it opened."Sup my man!" A thin figure exclaimed, shooting into the room with Barkley close behind."Phelix! Good to see you man!" Urving roared rising from his seat. "Glad you could make it!" He lifted the thin weasel into a hug, like he had done to me, but this guy seemed to enjoy it. "Wouldn't miss seein ya fat boy!" Phelix threw several mock punches into Urving's gut once he was set down. "Also heard you had a human around here?" He muttered with fake confusion, pretending he couldn't see me as he looked around.Urving scrambled over to me as I stood up. "Phelix, this is my buddy Issac!" His huge arm pulled me close to his side, snuggly. "Issac, I want you to meet Phelix, one of my oldest friends!""Greetings earthling!" Phelix's alien voice combined with his twin peace signs made me laugh."Hi, thanks for coming!" I replied, unable to think of anything funny to say."Glad to mee ya kid!" He exclaimed in a funny voice, gritty and with a slight rasp.Kneeling down the thin weasel grinned, his half opened eyes disarming me as he pat my shoulder. The point on his muzzle was wedge shaped, similar to doctor opossum, only broader. His nose was a little bulb on the tip, which quivered curiously as he looked me over. The two grayish eyes lazily scanned me before closing as he smiled. He was two toned in fur color, but they separated perfectly. His back, the top of his arms, and head were all a bright orange color. His stomach, legs, and face were all an off white. Like Barkley he had piercings in his ears but not nearly as many. Two pitchfork shaped spikes twisted through his thin veiny ears and two gauges held holes open near the base of his head. He wore an opened blue baggy dress shirt, which his thin stubby arms barley managed to hold properly. His orange and brown tail was the only thing that held his slacks up, as it lazily waved about. The short bowed legs he stood on seemed to be mostly fur and little muscle. His nose was pierced with a little steel snake, which appeared to coil through his nostrils. Around his neck were a pair of cone shaped plastic cups... headphones! They were headphones for pointed ears, I could tell by the band holding them together! Finishing my smoke I put it out and awaited him to stop examining me, which took a moment. He gave me a low five once he was done then nudged me as he began speaking."Heard about your little episode..." Phelix stated causing my face to gnarl with shame. "Hey, hey, hey... relax!" His reassuring tone was nice to hear, but his hands on my shoulders I didn't need. "If your nervous just let Urving carry you! No one can hurt ya with papa bear around!" Phelix's funny words were paired with him turning so we both could see Urving."Yeah Issac! Imma look after ya!" Urving said with a small hiccup and a foggy gaze, he must be getting tipsy."Come on Spaz, er, Iza. Everyone is still really excited to meet you." Even Barkley sounded encouraging, looking up from his pager.This is supposed to be a party and I am hiding in the guest room, or whatever this is. No more running and no more hiding! It is time I faced my fears, conquered this challenge, blazed a new trail! Nodding with a whimper, I hopped into Urving's arms and he caught me effortlessly. Instead of putting me on his shoulder like I had imagined, he cradled me in one arm like it was a hammock. Though I felt a bit stupid being held like an infant, it was very comfortable. His body heat and his plush fur made it so pleasant to just stretch out. I had plenty of room too, my legs barely even made it passed his elbow. Phelix handed me my beer and I laughed slightly taking it from him. Urving looked down at me smiling warmly. I looked up at him with a lop sided grin, kicking around to get comfortable. Barkley left first and I heard him shout to the others about being quiet, which was unnecessary. Phelix left before us, giving me a quick wink as he passed by. As Urving began walking out of this room I took a few deep breaths, then drank a large portion of my beer. Stepping out, it was casual. Everyone was just sort of talking like before, except many more looked my way because of Urving. Taking in my surroundings I found that to my right was a kitchen area, the walls lined with strange utensils and devices. Looking left passed the food table I saw a pile of boxes, bags, and packages... he wasn't kidding, everyone seemed to have gotten me something! Straight ahead I saw almost all of the guests had gathered in what I would call his living room. It had a few offhand decorations and a large curtained window behind another couch like piece of furniture. Two or three wind chimes hung overhead and a small table top of carefully arranged knickknacks, rested in the far corner. A few potted plants and some framed pictures all gave this room a home feel. Not to mention the “Welcome home Issac” banner, which I think was a little too much."Listen up everyone!" Urving called to the crowd who all settled there eyes on me.Urving held me toward them and my whole body tense with stage fright. "Uh... Hi." I muttered waving softly.The room erupted into apologies, loving words, and returned greetings! Shrinking away, I was approached by pretty much everyone in the room, save the few friends I had already met. It was hard to avoid feeling good when everyone around was so happy to see you, but again alcohol may being playing a big part in this. A lot of them wanted to apologize for scaring me, but I assured each of them it was nothing. Many cheery Anthronians offered me treats and Urving words of praise about his new human. It was hard to believe that I was afraid of this, when all they have done is pamper me! This is sort of fun actually... Absolutely better than what I could have ever expected!"Issac, these are some of my friends from work." A small cluster of burly beasts were brought into my vision as Urving said this.Each had a differing greeting, as I was shown to them. Ranging in size and species, this variety of heavily built males consisted of an elephant, a bull, two felines, a gorrila, and a kangaroo. Smiling and shaking paws with each individual, they all seemed happy that I had calmed down. The stocky kangaroo, who was the most interested, chuckled at the fact I had a beer. We clinked bottles as I laughed along side him and took another drink. After sharing a few words with them, Urving turned away. My vision shifted around the room to another pair of figures. Urma stood with another bear, about as tall as Urving, but all white in color. At there waists a young bear cub stood on his pager, with head phones covering his rounded little ears."This is Urma's husband, Dael." Urving announced as the polar bear leaned over me.He was all white with an almost yellowish hue to his facial and belly fur. His body was more defined and muscular than Urving's rounded stomach, but they both had similarly built tree trunk legs. The shape of his muzzle was elongated and pointy, where Urma and Urving have a more rounded appearance. He wore a black dress shirt with tan colored slack. A loose tie hung from neck, garnished with a small silver emblem at the top. Dael peered at me for a long time, his face tightened with confusion. As if a switch was thrown, his face popped into a tiny smile and he lifted a huge paw, awaiting a handshake."Hello there, feeling better?" He asked in a bold, deep voice."Yes, thank you." I replied with an ashamed smile. "Sorry if I made you feel unwelcomed..." Saying this I looked between Urma and Dael, who both smiled."No... honey your fine." Urma replied scratching my stomach like I was a dog."Everything is alright human." Dael added patting my belly after Urma was finished with it."Issac, this is Urnest." Urma kneeled down and put both paws on her cub.Urnest did not seem very happy to see me, which was disappointing because he was adorable! His punkish attitude when paired with his little leather jacket made him simply precious. Looking up at me, he gave me a fake smile before returning to his muffled, noisy game. I said hello, but he just returned my greeting without looking away from his pager. His dusty brown coat was splotched with segments of white, on his paws, eyes, and under his neck. His muzzle was more like Dael's, squared and a bit longer, yet he had his mothers eyes. Overall, he seemed upset about being here and doing this, but his mother swatted his rear causing him to pipe up."Hello uncle Urving. Hello uncle Urving's human..." He said drably, his tiny voice still holding a bit of bear growl within."Issac!" Urma snapped, giving him a cross look from behind."Hello Issac." The little bastard said my name wrong on purpose, but I could care less... I can drink!"Forgive him, he's just shy!" Urma insisted as she allowed him to walk out from under her grasp."Yeah, he'll grow on ya Iza!" Urving said winking down at me once I looked up at him."Bye Urnest, thanks for coming!" I blurted this out, waving to him as he walked away.Urma chuckled entertained by my antics, but Urnest turned back and scowled. "Pleasure to meet you Issac. Good seeing you again Urving!" Dael said quickly as he pursued his son across the house."Have fun lil fellah!" Urma false commanded with a smile."Thanks again for all your help sis!" Urving leaned in and hugged his sister with his free arm.Urma just waved a hand dismissively as she also followed her son. Finishing the second beer just after that I declined a third, wanting to keep some of my senses. Urving was quick to offer juices both foreign and common, but I simply asked for water. Within a few moments I was enjoying a cold drink on Urving's counter. Though it was just water, the fact I could have as much as I like made me elated. Watching with immense excitement, Urving showed me how to use the "faucet". It was a strange type of fountain built into the counter top with a lip shaped to pour water evenly. Just setting the cup against this stone spigot caused a small pool of water to form and pour forth. Chuckling in awe of this strange fountain, Urving smiled and pushed me closer, allowing me to splash the crystal clear water. After filling my second glass, Urving spun around and my vision was met with another random group of Anthronians. They were simply, "friends of Urving's" so I assumed they weren't as close as the others I have met. Still, I greeted them with the same vivacious smile and accepted the somewhat degrading praise they had to give me. Mingling through the crowd, Urving lifted me and planted a long kiss on the top of my head."You're doing great buddy!" He whispered loudly, so I could hear. "Thank you.""Hey Issac!" Phelix approached waving over the crowd. "I want you to meet my girlfriend, Genevide!" He presented the dark gray feline with both hands and a smile."He was a runner? Scrawny little thing isn't he..." Her witty smile showed she was teasing me. "Hi." She said bluntly waving a paw in my face.Genevide was an incredibly thin feline with storm cloud gray fur and a cream colored stripe running down the center of her face. This stripe breaks at her nose and forms thin strips where her whiskers grew. The rest of her fur is the same deep gray color, save a few random darker spots. She was wearing a black tank top that had a zombified dog on it, a very detailed and gory depiction. Her pointed triangular ears had been slashed open at one point, only to hold a set of piercings, which resembled metal stitches. The rest of her ears were lined with a series of small metal rings and the right ear had a chain linking a few of them together. Her skin tight black jeans were tattered around the knee and were trimmed with similar wear. Each one of her violet eyes matched the logo on her beanie, which looked sort of like a pentagram, but not quite right. The straight column of moving fur, which was her tail, swayed evenly back and forth as she awaited me to speak."Hi." I replied feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Nice to meet ya!" The "kill them with kindness" strategy is all I have at this point."Like wise." She replied in a snippy tone, a crooked smile growing on her face. "Glad we met." Her tone didn't change and her nose crinkled at me.As she turned away Urving and Phelix laughed uneasily, but she pulled Phelix with her. "What the hell was that?" He angrily whispered to her once they had began moving."All that waiting, for him?" She snapped back as he tried to grab her arm. "Why the hell did I ev-." She faded off amongst the crowds voices as they distanced.Though hurt a little by the way I was just treated, my buzz made it easy to ignore. "She didn't seem to like me very much..." My voice wasn't sad, but Urving made a consoling sound in response."Don't let it bother ya buddy! They had a long drive, she's probably just pissy." Urving replied pressing his grip a bit tighter, as if to hug me one armed. "Also, between you and me... Gene is kind of a bitch." He whispered lifting me up to his face.Laughing with him I was given a soft pat on the head. "Good to know! Same goes for Barkley right?" Asking this made Urving laugh even harder. "Hey, uh, Urving? Can I talk with him for a lil bit?" A voice I recognized from the bedroom asked."Course ya' can!" Urving replied, seeming upset that he had asked.Standing before us was a large dopey looking skunk. Though I didn't say anything out of respect, he was awful to be around. My throat tightened and my stomach turned upon smelling his foulness. His disgusting stink was overpowering and unavoidable. Gagging as quietly as possible, I tried to hide my queasiness by drinking some more water. Removing his ear holed hat, he took on an incredibly excited face as we examined each other. Despite his powerfully pungent odor, he was dressed and kempt nicely. A black and red suit, adorned with a matching checkered tie covered his bulky body. He was larger, but not nearly as fat as Urving. He wore a solid red undershirt and matching black pants with red stitching and trim. The classic black and white pattern started on his forehead, where the fur was slicked back and styled, then trailed the length of his back to the tip of his enormous tail. He bent over me, as his acid green eyes lit up with joy and he laughed excitedly. Raising a single paw, he happily awaited me to shake with him before smiling in a heart warming way."Hello Issac! My name is Kolm!" The pudgy skunk said once we finished shaking paws."Hiya!" I coughed out my reply waving to him."Sorry!" Kolm quickly said with a coy grin, his gleaming white teeth contrasting with his charcoal fur. "I know I stink so I'll keep some distance, but..." He held his voice as he backed away. "You would probably like to meet my friend!" Stepping aside he revealed he had a human!"Hello!" The nasally voiced man said with a big smile."Oh my god..." I muttered to myself, but Urving caught it and chuckled. "Hi!" Shouting this back, Urving lowered me to the ground.This guy was dressed sort of odd, but I don’t doubt it was against his will. The dirty blonde middle aged man stood about a foot taller than me, but was thin as can be. If I knocked him down he probably would break something... He wore normal sweatpants, but his top was covered by a bright orange and blue striped hoodie. The hood had fake little antlers on it, which bobbed about as he moved. To my great relief he looked... happy. Though skinny and pasty, he didn't seem to be malnourished or abused. As he pulled his hood off, he smiled at me again and I saw that he had a pale face with wide ears and a rounded nose. His brown eyes were tall and vibrant, as he awaited my awe to fade. His thin triangular face was brightened by my presence, but the wrinkled details revealed his age. If I had to guess I would say this guy was late thirties to mid forties."You guys want us to leave you alone?" Kolm asked with a pleased smile on his short pointed muzzle."We'll be right back!" Urving declared, gently pushing Kolm away with him."Howdy, my names Riot!" The man announced throwing a hand forward."Riot?" I repeated his name in a mocking question."Well, my name was Melvin, but I always hated it." His scratchy, nasally voice when paired with what he said made me laugh."Ok..." I shook his hand and laughed a bit more. "Hello Riot.""Issac right? Bet your glad to be talking to me, huh kid?" Mel responded after nodding and letting out a short, snorting laugh."Yeah! Wow..." I began still a little shocked. "Do you know why we are enslaved? What do I do..., like, what does Urving want? How do you stand that smell?" These questions felt dire, so I livened the mood with my last one."I'm going to answer in reverse! My nose had this special little part removed... and I think they did something to the back of my throat..." Mel explained, tapping his nose then rubbing his neck. "But after that I just wasn't bothered anymore! Apparently my sense of smell is heightened, but I don't notice a difference..." He trailed off making a scrunched up thinking face, but that quickly returned to a gleeful smile. "As for Urving... all he wants is to have someone here with him." Mel was very plain about this, like it was old news. "Issac, we aren't enslaved we're being rescued!" Was his final statement his wrinkled eyes opening widely as he exclaimed this."How ya figure?" I replied, unable or unwilling to see his validity."Well you know how earth was going kaput? Isn't it nice we didn't have to burn to death, or starve?" Mel had a frank tone of voice as he stared at me with a smug grin. "Since these creatures existed, we are alive! Urving is the reason you aren't cowering in a forest somewhere or stuck in that cage!" His words were upsetting me, but his friendly tone and reasoning had me swayed. "Besides, now you don't ever have to worry about working, or paying bills, or having enough food. Urving is going to be there for you!" Mel concluded patting my shoulder, his cheek and eye wrinkles flexing with his bright grin.He was right. I had come to this conclusion a while ago, but I am better off here. Urving is going to be the person, and I use that word knowing the irony, which I rely on. This human had adapted to there desires and he seems better for it! Some would say he has been broken, but a better word would be assimilated. Melvin was happy, so why can't I be? Urving is a great owner and I am going to need to learn to accept my position as his pet human. Mel was eager to explain how we can take a test and earn a pin, which will let us walk around alone! That sounds awesome and close to what Ferris described to me earlier. Urving and Kolm approached after a little while longer. Urving had a wedge of pizza, which he offered toward me, but I declined. The whole two slices vanished with a snap of his jaws."Issac, it was good to meet you! I hope we get to hang out soon!" Kolm said bending over toward me as Mel went to his side."Yeah! Urving can he come over and play Dread bringer III when you’re at work?" Mel asked eagerly looking up a Urving afterward."Of course! As long as Kolm is alright with it!" Urving chuckled reaching a paw out for me, as he observed Mel's willingness to be with his owner."You know me pal, I love humans!" Kolm responded to him, filling my heart with a few inches of hope. "Well Issac, I'll see you later man. Sorry again about... me!" Kolm laughed as he pretty much insulted himself. "Bye Issac! Hope you enjoy the rest of the party!" Mel followed quickly."Don't appologize, please!" I chuckled waving my hands. "Thank you both for coming! It was nice meeting you." My response made Kolm smile in a tickled way, Mel simply waved and followed his owner toward the food table.Urving offered to carry me again, which I gladly accepted. It wasn't fun being at waist or knee height to these beasts. Urving took me around introducing him to many other people, none as intensely excited to meet me or see Urving. As we reached the other end of the room Urving began making thinking noises, as many of the faces now had names. Barkley parted the crowd, a beer in hand and a female in tow. This woman was very plump and I was suddenly alerted to the fact she was pregnant!"Heya Spaz..." Barkley stopped and dropped his muzzle laughing. "Heya Issac!" He repeated, using that as an apology. "This is my wife, Delia!" Barkley eagerly stepped backward as the rounded woman came toward me."You're sure he isn't dangerous?" She questioned, her eyes scanning me, as she gently rubbed her stomach.I gasped at this. She was afraid of me? "Ma'am I assure you that I am not a threat." Using my calmest speaking voice I saw that my confidence won her over. "What you saw, I apologize for. My reaction was from fear, not hate." Though I slurred a tiny bit, my words were direct."Smooth Spaz!" Barkley sounded impressed offering me his paw, which I bumped my knuckles against."You're so small..." Delia stated approaching and standing over me with a growing smile. "You can't be that dangerous..." She stated sweetly with a twitch of her nose.Delia was a collie, a very fluffy collie. Her voice was like Ferris's, very empty and dull. But unlike Ferris the only emotion I got from her voice was kindness. I can only imagine, even before she got pregnant, her fur gave her a rather portly look. Her huge poofy scruff looked like something from an 80's hair band. She wore an all blue dress that was wide and flowing. She was a wheat color, but as you looked further back the fur darkened to a deep brown at her rear. Her silky tail began to wag steadily, as I stared at her with a smile and held my hand out to shake. The black color of her nose and the vivid orange eyes marked where her face was. It was hard to really make out any detail amongst the furry mass that was her body."You're so big..." I repeated trying to be coy with her. "But I don't think you could be dangerous either." Playfully pointing at her bulging belly I got a few laughs."They are incredible beings!" She exclaimed softly to Barkley and he lovingly nodded back, obviously smitten with her. "Can you say my name little one? Can you say Delia?" Her patronizing was innocent and sweet, so I played along."Of course, Delia! Dearest Delia the dog!" A poet type voice shined through as I said this last part."Oh my, how cute!" Delia put a paw to her muzzle and giggled. "You have an extraordinary little fellow Urving." She finished looking up to him."Thank you!" Urving and I replied in unison, causing all of us to laugh."I hit the jackpot!" Urving lifted me up and snuggled me under his chin as he said this. "I love you Issac!" Urving joyously cried, as he tried to pin my head and give me a kiss.Though I fought at first, soon my relenting allowed him to freely act. With a loud slurping noise, Urving planted his tongue against my cheek and dragged it the length of my face. All three of them laughed at the disgust and discomfort I wore, but joining them made it feel better. Earlier me would have thought Urving was just tasting his kill, but now I know... now I understand him better. My bear... my owner, is a good beast... Urving has been and will continue to be my only hope for a good life here. Pressing myself against his scruffy under chin, I released a small happy noise and shut my eyes. Delia and Barkley made "aww" sounds as he lifted his other paw and put in gently across my back."Aint' that cute?" Barkley asked in a sort of southerner accent... weird...Delia just looked on with a longing in her eyes. Something told me she was very excited to be a mother. Urving rocked me gently humming a strange tune before he lifted me away and held me by the armpits. As I dangled there he beamed a broad smile at me, then delivered another, human like kiss to my forehead. Either Delia or Barkley pet me just then as Urving held me in front of him, but I didn't care. His huge gold discs stared into me mystified, as I reacted to his affection by blushing lightly. Though inside I was still not comfortable being touched and handled this way, his love was hard to ignore. It would feel wrong to disappoint him now…"Ya wanna open some presents buddy?" Urving asked suddenly bringing me a bit closer to his pudgy face."Sure!" I responded, as he lit up and plopped me on his shoulder."Listen up yall! Issac is gonna open his presents now!" Urving called, as he moved toward the table, which was partially cleared of food.Once over there, by all the gifts, Urving set me on the table and everyone crowded around. Dael lifted Urnest to his shoulders, but he hardly looked at all. Mel appeared above the crowd, his little antlers bobbling as he wavered from atop Kolm's back. Each set of eyes eagerly awaited my every move. When someone brings a new pet home... I suppose all there friends are equally interested. I regret the way I acted earlier, but everyone seems to have forgiven me now. Funny, but I really like some of Urving's friends... They seem to like me as well. I know Urving likes me, that’s for sure. He did just say, he loves me after all...-8- GiftedAfter a few moments everyone seemed to settle down and I was put in the spotlight once more. Urving had a seat on the floor next to me and began sorting through the pile of boxes, bags, and packages. He quickly removed three similarly wrapped gifts and handed them my way. I am unsure of how to describe this feeling... it was a mix of happiness, excitement, and a little guilt. I felt bad about how I acted earlier, but now I am opening presents like it was nothing. Just a strange emotional combo to deal with right now... As three blue and white wrapped boxes were stacked in my lap Urving also placed a small card atop them. Not like an earth card, mind you, it was similar to a reserved sign for a table. This placard said "From Urma and Dael. Welcome home!""Thank you very much!" I looked there way as I picked up the card.Opening the package I found... three shirts! Collared shirts in pastel blue, yellow, and olive! Within the second box I found a pair of black, tan, and gray slacks. As I thanked them again, I began scratching at the third box. Tearing free the paper, I opened it to find a pair of shoes! Something inside of me felt funny being excited over shoes, but... I have felt so strange not having any on! I thanked them both again individually, as I examined the dress shoes further. My head had a hard time believing that these were not brought from earth or at least created to look that way! Urving moved the well crafted clothes to the table and presented me with two white boxes. The tag attached was jet black with silver writing. This one said "From Ferris and Fiona." Looking to find Ferris, he gave a short wave and my eyes shot to him."Thank you and please thank Fiona!" Her image popped in my head and I smiled to him."She wishes she could be here. She really does." Ferris replied with a small chuckle, that got a laugh from the crowd.Oh I get it... a psychic joke! Was he reading her mind? Or does he just know? I'm over thinking this... It was more difficult to unwrap these gifts as they were tightly sealed in a type of cellophane. Once I tore open the packaging, I began trying to rip open the box. What kind of cardboard box doesn't open? It felt more like wet cardboard, flexing and bending, instead of tearing. Fighting to rip it, I found once I tore it a little the whole thing seemed to break open and fall apart. Within was a perfectly pressed and tailored slate gray suit. My eyes widened at the overall sharpness and the flare on the curved lapel. Something was attached to the back, which I recognized as a hat! Laughing out loud, I plopped the all black trilby atop my head then thanked Ferris again. This is incredible! We matter this much to them? Are we like a status symbol? They go to the extent of even getting us clothes and nice clothing too! Ferris bought me a freaking three piece suit for Christ sake! What would normally cost hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars on earth, was purchased for a close friends pet! Why couldn't they just have told me? Or let me see how I would be treated? No... They couldn't have known... There is no way they could have known I would be so lucky! My eyes widened with gratitude, as I held the pristine clothing in my semi-clean hands."Fiona picked that out for you! She wanted to see you wear it with mine." Ferris said over the din of the rooms celebration."Damn you'll look sharp together!" Barkley shouted over my first attempt to thank Ferris again."I cannot wait to see you wearing this stuff Issac!" Urving shouted, which hurt my ears, but excitement made me ignore being interrupted a second time."Thank you Ferris! Please thank Fiona!" My voice held friendly desperation and he nodded smiling."Open the other one!" His voice carried a lot of excitement as he waved a paw my way.Once I stripped the clear plasticy film off, the box slipped open easily and within I found a very strange looking object. It was sort of like a magnifying glass, but it was missing half of the glass lens and instead there was a kind of black gem fitted into the slot. I was confused and assumed it was decorative or symbolic, but Urving was ecstatic! He gasped and shouted at Ferris in a gibberish sort of excited way. As I picked it up, I found the handle of this delicate crystal lens was flexible and as I bent it, the whole thing broke apart! Literally the second I put any force upon the solid rod it separated into a segmented chain! A small button at the top retracted it back to a handle form... what the hell is this thing? Thanking Ferris anyway, I looked at him through it and the crowd cheered in a very jovial way!"He's so close!" Barkley howled, laughing with his wife, who was much more modest."Show him something! He'll get it!" Phelix assured nodding to Urving who was still laughing."Do not thank me until you know what it is!" Ferris chuckled quietly below most of the other obviously entertained Anthronians."Damn he got one way before me!" Mel shouted and Urving pointed at him, amused by his statement."What is it?" I asked unable to keep a smile from my face and laughter from my words.Urving leaned toward me and said. "It's a visual translation monocle! Understand?" He pointed two claws to his eyes and then moved them to the monocle..."THANK YOU!" I cried to Ferris who's foxish smile had returned.This is insane! I separated the chain and placed the monocle on my eye with glee. I must have looked so silly just then! Urving's giant sweater covering my body, the strange half monocle on my face, and an exquisitely crafted hat adorning my head. Momentarily taking off the monocle, I thanked Ferris once more as I realized in depth the gift I was given. I can read anything now! No more nonsense symbols! Next time Urving and I go for a drive I can read all the signs and... Listen to me, "go for a drive"? Not two days ago I wanted to escape and would have done anything required to taste freedom! Now I am accepting gifts and being complacent enough to want to "go for a drive"? As disturbing as the thought felt, it was impossible to ignore how happy they were! They all began trying to find something that I could read and Urving soon showed me his drivers license, or whatever they would call it. Everyone watched in anticipation as I examined it closely. The illogical symbols seemed to lift upward as I stared through the monocle. In a split second the black portion filled the lens completely and I blinked from surprise. When I opened my eyes... English! Sweet, beautiful, alphabet how I’ve missed you! I began reading as quickly as I could! Urving's full name was, Urving Solamun Garm. Apparently his species was something called a Borl bear, whatever that means. He was thirty-seven years old, which made me feel a little better about him owning me. Damn, he is nine feet tall and he weighs over two thousand pounds! They all made interested noises or laughed encouragingly, as I read the card with great detail. I cannot explain the gratitude I felt as I read each and every letter perfectly! Removing the monocle I saw the English characters sort of spark out... like a television turning off. Looking up at Ferris, I was astonished and thanked him yet again. Ferris simply nodded and gave me his trade mark smile. What an incredible gift, the ability to read again!"Open ours next!" One of Urving's work friends called out, causing a small uproar from that group."Alright, alright, calm down!" Urving replied as he lifted a large, flat, square object in view."Thank you all!" This came naturally upon seeing the size of the gift.This card simply read "From the guys. Welcome to our planet!". Tearing away at the plain green wrapping paper I found a hard plastic case rested beneath. At first I was confused as to what it was, but the latches and handle gave it away. They had bought me a guitar! My face lit up as I clicked the case open and revealed the sparkling silver instrument. Though nicked and chipped in a few places, I was incredibly happy with this gift. Within the silver colored paint were millions of tiny specks that, when caught in the light, gave off radiant flashes of color. The shape was basic, rounded on bottom with two horns at the top, flanking the neck of the guitar. Looking up at them, a stunned smile hit my face and I was too thrilled to speak for a few seconds. Urving shook me by the shoulders gently as he cheered and I was unable to remain silent."Thank you! Thank you so much!" I replied flipping it up into play position."Your file said you know how to play the guitar!" The elephant's worry vanished as he saw me enjoying the gift."We all pitched in and got you the best one we could find!" The kangaroo's accent and happiness led me to thank them again."Sorry it's used buddy." This apology came from the gorilla who had been quiet most of the party."Can you play something for us?" Delia asked, clapping her paws a few times."Yeah shred it Spaz!" Barkley chimed in after her with an air guitar solo."It's been a while... But I can try!" I muttered sliding the pick free from the strings.Well this is certainly one of the last things I would have expected to be doing... Taking a bit of time to check the tune on the guitar, I finely adjusted each knob for the sound I wanted. Strumming a few chords everything got quiet and I was put under an even more intense spotlight. My fingers felt rusted and it was hard to move them in the intricate patterns required to produce music. Still I managed to provide them with a simple melody and a few more complex chords. It felt so good doing something human, or at least something within my comfort zone. As I prepared to play again, a loud sound filled the household.A type of echoed chime sound that ended with a small buzz. My initial thought was that I had broke a string, but this sound rang through the household several times. Urving popped up and parted the crowd as he moved toward the front door. It was the doorbell! All the other beasts seemed barely phased by the sound and Urving's going to the door just made it all make sense. Left alone, (in a room full of beast men) I strummed a favored tune for myself, as the crowd began to murmur. This is awesome! Like a little piece of home! Returning my guitar to its case, I gently closed it and then awaited Urving's return. Though it sounds funny... I was really excited to open more presents!"Skia, Isolde! I didn't think you were coming!" Urving shouted out, as I heard some female voices greet him."No way!" Phelix muttered looking over at Barkley who seemed equally steeped in disbelief. "Isolde, like from school?""You know us, fashionably late! We had to fly... ugh!" A spunky female voice cried out."It's really good to see you Urving! How are ya man?" A whispering woman’s voice greeted shortly after."Great! You guys look great too!" Urving replied as the door shut with a space age sound."Whew, it is hot down here in the south!" The brighter of the two voices said laughing alongside Urving."So where's your little scamp?" The softer voice asked, as they moved into the living room."Isolde? Isolde Willomeer?" Phelix asked one of them as she appeared. "Oh man! It's me Phelix from institute!" He explained and she took on a bright face of happy disbelief."No way, Phelix Farraday?" She hugged him and he hugged her laughing. "I haven't seen you since we graduated!" The whispery female was a wolf, who seemed stunned by Phelix's presence."Hey Isolde how ya been?" Barkley called and she waved back bouncing in place."Oh my gosh, Barkley!" Her voice rose a bit as she spotted him. "I've been awesome! How's my favorite mutt?" Her soft almost listless voice was so friendly as she spoke to them."Perfect! There’s gonna be little mutts pretty soon!" Barkley laughed pawing his wife’s belly."No way!" She walked toward them both, with widening eyes. "Oh wow hi!" Isolde shook hands with Delia. "Great to meet you! I'm Isolde!""Delia, it's nice to meet you too!" She replied blushing under the eyes... wait dogs can blush?"Oh wow... look at you!" The peppy voice, who I assumed was Skia, gasped upon seeing me. "Never seen a human with yeller eyes before!" The stout rabbit examined me closely."He looks so cute in your sweatshirt Urving! Was that your idea Urma?" Isolde asked as she set her crystal blue eyes upon me."No! They were trying to freeze the poor lil guy to death at the agency!" Urving practically shouted. "It was cold down there during the day sometimes, so I gave him my sweatshirt." His voice was somberly plain as he finished.Though "lil guy" is demeaning, I was appreciative of his desire to help. Something transfixed me with Isolde though... Skia had her own interesting points, but we will get to that, for it is more obvious. Isolde was sleekly groomed and her muzzle was long and thin. I was certain she was a wolf as her thicker ears, strong legs, and upper body revealed. Her caramel brown hide was shaggy, yet she had it feathered and combed in all the right places to where she looked perfect. The wolfs head hair was eloquently styled upward and backward in a wild plume of fur. She wore a thin white blouse with blue decorations on the trim and breast. The sleeves were frilly and only had tension around her wrist. Her vibrant blue eyes reminded me of the earth sky on a really bright day! She had a matching skirt on, which showed her frail frame when compared to Delia's rounded physique. It was pleasant to look at her and though a little shame comes with saying it, she was very attractive. What was strangest of all, was that she acted. Sort of... out of it. She was really friendly and incredibly out going, but she seemed ditsy or just distant. I'm not exactly sure how to describe the lack of force in her voice or body language... All the wolves I've met have been brash, bold, and usually terrifying! Yet Isolde is soft spoken and almost scared..."Those bastards!" Skia playfully punched a fist into her paw. "Well you're home now gent! How ya feelin?" The gray rabbit asked causing me to smile at the stark contrast of her appearance."Great! Thanks for coming ladies!" My happy response was paired with her hugging me tightly.I knew she was female, but she looked more like one of the guys. She would have been a better mate for Barkley, in terms of looks. Her huge ears were tied in a ponytail behind her head, yet I could see and hear the piercings. The hair atop her head was slicked back and spiked straight out from between her bound ears. Ash gray fur held white whiskers and a few black splotches on her upper "lip", which quivered and twitched a lot. The stubby muzzle barely extended from her face, just enough to hold her huge teeth. Overall her fur was gray, save a few white parts I could see on her ears. She had a deep green eye color, like pine tree needles or mulched grass. Her pear shaped body was darker the further south you looked and the two buck teeth were yellowed up north. She wore a red shirt, which exposed her stomach and a green jacket over it, but the sleeves were rolled up. A pair of outdoorsman style khakis covered her legs, but could not contain her long feet. The number one thing that made me smile upon seeing her was her height! She was shorter than me! Even Phelix, who was close to being overtaken, was still taller than I. Skia wasn't at all! She was at least three inches shorter, maybe more! This assumingly lesbian rabbit was the first adult Anthronian I was taller than! Not that I have a problem with that... the lesbian thing I mean... or the being short! More power to her on both fronts!"Oh, you're opening presents! Please open ours!" Isolde declared, her excited whisper would have been mocking had she not been truly eager."Yeah you'll love it! Here ya go sir!" Skia handed a small grayish box my way."Thank you both!" I replied as Skia went over to Isolde and put an arm around her.Urving quickly returned to my side as I began opening the box, which was actually made of a high quality wood. The front had a brass plate, which opened it upon being touched. Once unlocked a light emerged from within, cut into a thin bar by the still partially closed lid. Opened full, I saw inside was full of gears, mechanisms, and lights. These lights all hit a variety of mirrors, crystals, and reflective metals to project a hologram upward out of the box. The ghost of my home planet floated before me... A perfect globe hovered roughly three inches from the box. The ominous glow it produced plucked at my heart strings until they snapped. It was as if the souls of a million human beings had condensed to form this heavenly little orb of light. Staring deeply into the illusion, I felt my mouth fall open and my body became weak. The room was quiet, a few photos were snapped, but I was lost... Reaching for my home, I felt a warmth as my fingers passed through the light and a hum could be heard from the disrupted image. Shutting the box I felt tears beginning to form so I took action. Standing up, I walked over to Skia and Isolde, then hugged them. It wasn't hard considering Isolde was so skinny and Skia was short. The room made loving noises and sweet words rained down from everyone."Thank you so much!" I almost lost it and cried upon saying this, but I held it together."Don't you mention it, just enjoy it! Sorry we didn't bring ya more." Skia patted my head gently, her funny buck toothed smile made me laugh."Aww I hope you like it! We found that at this little gizmo shop and I thought any human would want one!" Isolde said bending over to hug me back, her tail flailing like crazy."Can I see it Issac?" Urving asked eagerly and I nodded."Of course!" I was legitimately excited to show him, which felt good...Rushing over to Urving many of the other Anthronians in the room seemed to be enjoying the displays of affection. It seems they are incredibly social creatures and the more I interacted with Urving the more constant the crowds affectionate cheers became. Seeing the earth again, I laughed a little knowing it was a novelty object. I got so worked up over something they probably mass produced in the recent years. Urving was fascinated however... The bottom of his muzzle hung open revealing the two bottom fangs and a small smile formed. His eyes widened as light from the hologram illuminated his glasses and turned them into tiny reflections of the earth. He let out a small sound of wonder before he closed the box and looked down at me. His soft gleaming gaze was saddened, but his smile was unstoppable as I looked back at him awaiting a response."I'm so glad you made it..." Urving said in a soft almost whimper.His touching words caught me off guard and I gasped softly, unable to think of a response. I heard Urma make a particularly loud loving sound at this. Her brother being so meek and emotional must have been enthralling for her especially. It was hard to focus on the crowd though, as Urving hugged me tight. Buried and surrounded by his plush fat fur, I could no longer see most of what's around me. I pondered his words deeply though and my face grew into a strained smile. He is glad I made it... This bear, who I assume has seen earth before, can only comment on my safe passage to his world. All he cares about is my safety! My lip quivered, as I felt a rush of appreciation hit me like a baseball bat. I began enjoying the hug more as he lightly smashed me into his warm belly. Lifting me to put me back on the table, I whispered something to him, hoping no one else would catch it."I'm glad we met..." This was sincere and I felt my heart open a bit upon saying it.Urving's eyes widened as I was plopped into place. The tiny glasses slid forward to the tip of his nose, as his muzzle took on a squirming smile. I swear he had tears in his eyes, but he turned away to quickly to confirm. Urving isn't my owner. Urving is my bear, and I his human! We are equal in a way, but yet we aren't... I need him... Urving turned back around and put a smile on my face with two brightly colored bags. Each had a differing card to match the opposite bags color. The yellow bag had an orange card, which said "From Delia, with love!" As I looked up and thanked her, Isolde patted her back in a delicate way. The orange bag had a yellow card that said "From Barkley, with expensive stuff!" This made me chuckle and he did as well when he saw my response."We couldn't agree on what to get you!" Barkley said, still laughing a bit."So we each got you something different." Delia replied excitedly, raising her paws to her chin.Opening Delia's first, I removed the paper. Inside the bag there was a large sheet of glass, like a picture frame. As I pulled it free I found it to be a mirror! Taking it simply for this, like a fool, I thanked Delia and went to set it aside. Urving shook his head and pushed it back toward me, his face had become very serious. Examining this mirror further, I saw it was incredibly well crafted! Matte bronze metal was twisted and coiled in a circle to form the mirrors frame. These strips of bronze had been shaped to resemble thorns and vines. Atop the mirror was a small flower with a violet gem in the center. Something caught my eye and in the mirror and I saw figures begin to shift away from my image. The longer I stared the quieter the room got until it was silent. As if warped by a funhouse my image bent apart crudely until... three people stood there. My mother and father stood beside me and this mirror had become like a painted picture! Tears formed and dripped from my eyes as I peered at there radiant faces. Distant memories of my family clawed to the surface of my mind and I fought to repress the sorrow they spawned. Words could not be put in proper order to explain my amazement and lamentation. It has been so long... Almost five years since I have seen them... My mom and dad were taken so long ago that I wouldn't doubt them dead simply from old age... Urving put a paw on my shoulder, as I stared into the eyes of my creators. Touching the picture softly, I felt another batch of tears welling up, but I managed to disperse them, only allowing a few to the surface. How does it know? How can it possibly formulate my parents faces so perfectly? Something caught my eye again and I realized this was a memory! I was younger in this photographically still image, than I was during the invasion! My tears became harder to wrangle as I stared deeply into the photo of my past. Inside I wanted to ask them about this wondrous magic mirror, but as I tried to speak the tears surged heavily. How can it create something even I forgot? What makes this mystical glass so special?"Thank you Delia! Thank you so much!" My shaking voice was hard to control, as I fought to stop crying."I'm sorry Issac..." Her response was soft as she moved over to me. "I didn't mean to make you sad!" Delia also sounded like she was near tears as she put a paw on me."No! This is incredible!" My tears began again, but I avoided any change in my voice. "It's just overwhelming! I never thought… I would see them again..." I explained touching her dainty paw as tears rolled down my cheeks."Now you can anytime! Please don't cry Issac." It was hard to stop though, seeing the faces happily smiling back at me in the mental reflection.Placing the mirror back in the bag, I clutched myself around Delia's neck and enjoyed the warmth of her coat. At first she tense up and was motionless, but then she lifted both paws to my back and squeezed gently. Her bushy tail went crazy, as she did this and I could feel her affection. Everyone really enjoyed this moment and I saw several more bright flashes, which I assumed were pictures being taken. Crying for a few moment beneath her loving paws, I was soon able to lean back and face them all with no tears. The tender moment got to Urving also, as he pulled me against his side once Delia and I were finished. His huge paw rubbed my shoulder, as he rocked gently with me. Pummeling me with love, his arm patted my whole body several times. Urving peered down with a curious stare, as if to ask what I was feeling. Smiling up at him, he bounced with excitement and the tiny shades slid down his muzzle again. Urving seems to be the most emotional out of everyone here... Every one of my words, actions, and emotions are being hung on by a two thousand pound bear! "Open mine buddy, it might put a smile on your face!" Barkley said as he helped his wife stand up.Nodding I lifted the second bag and set the card aside. Once I had dug through the tissue papers, I was greeted with a satin black box. It had a strange crest carved into the top of it, but it was mostly just fancy lines and shapes. The tiny latch opened with hardly any touch and once the little box creaked open, I stared at a collar... The symbolism struck me heavily, as he was basically saying "enjoy being owned"! Looking at his gift with a certain disdain, I stilled chuckled at the humor of it all. A dog giving a human a collar as a gift has to be funny in someone’s book. Urving stared at Barkley and everyone with intent widened eyes. Everyone began murmuring with rising anticipation, as if something important had, or was going to happen. Shock filled Urving's face as he and I examined the collar once more, its strange crystal tag glinting in the light as it moved. His gaze twitched to me and he blinked several times in disbelief. Looking back at Barkley, my face shifted to insulted and he took on a frustrated sneer upon seeing it."Barkley you shouldn't have!" Urving said in an overly serious tone for how minor his insult was. "Really man. It's so expensive and you have pups on the way man!" Urving had an incredibly grateful tone... what makes this so expensive?"Urving, stop it! I wanted to out do Delia!" Barkley replied putting a paw up to silence Urving and block himself from his wife’s wrath."Put it on lil fellah!" Urma's patronizingly happy voice added more insult to the fact that a symbol of obedience had been given as a gift."Glad we made it in time for this!" Skia said to Isolde loudly, but she just stared with anticipation."Come on Issac, put on your collar." Dael said bluntly, as if he was tired of waiting on me, but screw him!"Yeah put it on human!" Urnest piped in after his father smugly.Heat stabbed into my brain, as I felt insulted, humiliated, and degraded. Urving cares, but it seems like his friends consider me a joke... Or at least Barkley does... Giving someone a collar as a present is just wrong. Even a pet doesn't have to show gratitude for the bonds that keep them. In my own head, I wanted to attack Barkley. Not violently, but just to show him I should be respected. Someone else commanded me to put on the collar, which led many others to ask, persuade, and cajole without relent. This all just felt wrong. Like a joke that went to far, but that I still am not a part of... The crowd seemed assured this was a special gift and not just a fancy form of handcuffs. Well, I have been wrong thus far..."Honey, I told you dogs have to wear collars on earth..." Delia said to her husband, putting emphasis on "have to". "He probably thinks your insulting him..." She gently swatted Barkley across the muzzle causing his scowl to break apart."Oh! Shit, no man... that isn't what it means! Just put it on please!" Barkley insisted waving both paws with a friendly smile."No!" Urving snapped, but backed down quickly. "It might scare him!" Urving's defensive voice was nice to hear."What is it?" Asking this made everyone laugh, not at me, in a sort of anxious and amped up way.Urving looked back and forth, as if asking someone else to explain. "What a surprise to ruin!" He joked and the room erupted with laughter, but I really wanted to know. "Just try it if you want buddy!" Urving nodded acceptingly, but I could tell he was just as eager as the rest."Please just put it on Issac! Just a little while!" Phelix pleaded eagerly, whispering a few things to Barkley."Yeah bucko, I promise you wont get hurt! Trust me!" Barkley was just as encouraging, but his conniving smile made me uneasy."Just do it Issac! Don't be afraid!" Mel shouted using his hands as a megaphone, but he is already accustomed to these devices... he doesn't understand...Who to look to? Ferris? "Be calm my friend. This is just one of many inventions geared toward humans! You are in no danger and you should not feel insulted." Ferris simply placed two claws against his temple... and I heard his voice in my mind... far out...After taking a brief moment to comprehend what had just happened, I shook my head and cleared my thoughts. Many others pleaded, assured, and insisted for me to put the collar on, so I took a chance... Gulping heavily, I unbuckled the strap and looked down to find it's reverse side had dozens of tiny, metal filled indentations... The all black leather collar had holes all around it, regardless of only a small portion being needed to buckle it. What could the metal bits in between be for? Hanging from the tag loop was a three point, jagged teal crystal. The flashy gem glinted in the sun, as I rose the collar to my neck. Placing the band against my skin, I felt it latch into place on its own! I began gasping for air as a sense of panic set in and I struggled to breath properly! Clutching the collar and trying to pry it free, I felt multiple cold stings hit my neck from the inside! This feeling dulled my movements and soon I felt my arms slump to the side motionlessly. Oh god what have I done... The crystal began emitting a low hum that was only getting louder! Everyone is smiling in such an awaiting way and I have no idea what I just did! A tiny pain shot through my back as I felt something form on the outside of the collar. Spikes? Did the collar just grow spikes? Surges of heat wracked my body as I began panting terribly and writhing for a moment on the table. Seconds later though, nothing... I felt a little dizzy, but not much else... The room instantly erupted into a cacophony of loving gibberish and blurs of motion. Every beast in the room wanted to pet or play with me... What just happened? Urving was in tears as he stood, joyously lifting me above the crowd. Hands playfully fiddled with my feet and pinched my hind quarters, which was disturbing to say the least. What the hell just happened? He hugged me tightly and I felt the collar loosen on its own. Most of the friends I already met seemed to be reintroducing themselves in a much more affectionate way. What the fuck just happened? Urving spun around a few times, staring down my nose at him sort of made my head hurt... Cradled in Urving's arms again, I peered at all of the creatures who wanted nothing more than to hold, play with, or even just see me... What in gods name just happened? The affection toward me has spiked, but why? What happened to make me look more appealing to them?"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?" My shout was loud and very sharp on each individual word."OI! PIPE DOWN PUP!" Barkley... barked back in a snapping tone, similar to the way I just spoke."Issac... look..." Urving pointed into a mirror on the wall as he lifted me toward it.A long throat hurting gasp filled me with air and allowed me to scream for several seconds. I was not human! I was one of them! Wearing this device had made me change shape! This collar... it was creating a type of field, which changed my appearance! As Urving drew closer to the mirror with me in his arms, I saw how emotional this was making him. Tears wet his fur as they traveled in steady streams down his face. A huge quivering smile was constantly squiggling around his muzzle. Holding me closer I saw that I am, or was being disguised as, a coyote! My bright yellow eyes went well with the tan, red, and black coat. Instinct told me that I was a coyote, my gut feeling, but I could of easily been any canine. Visually I compared my appearance to Ferris the fox, but my ears and tail were similar to Isolde the wolf. Waving a paw I saw that this hologram cloak, blurred slightly if I moved too fast. This technology is amazing, no wonder Urving said it was so expensive! The most bizarre part, beyond seeing myself, was touching my muzzle, yet feeling a tickle on my actual nose! In my mind I was still a bit apprehensive to accept what I was seeing, but as Urving pat my head and my tail began to wag uncontrollably it was hard to resist. He was so overjoyed, he couldn't keep the tears or the smile from his face as he cuddled me close. This felt so strange, I could feel my tail, but yet I didn't feel anything on my body! Rampant wagging blurred the tails image just a bit, yet I remained undisturbed, so long as I was still! The teal gem was shining brightly and I realized this is what was projecting the false image! This thing is amazing, it even captures my emotions! My curiosity became like theirs, with an open muzzle revealing fangs. My doggish nose wiggled at the tip of my face, as I examined myself further. This caused both tall ears to twitch downward with excitement, then upward with intent focus. Taking up many false faces of emotion, I watched my ears wiggle, shift, and bend as my muzzle made a variety of funny expressions. This thing is really of cool! If I ever felt out of place, then this collar could help remedy that!"This is what you would look like if you were born with our DNA!" Urving said sniffling and joyously pointing at my mirror image. "Oh my... god..." Was all I could muster, as I gently touched the mirror with my paw."Welcome to the canine brotherhood!" Barkley shouted with excitement, appearing in the mirror behind me. "Phelix! You owe me twenty zuuleks!""Dude you look awesome!" Phelix said oval eyed as Genevide looked on somewhat impressed."Yeah, he is cute..." She seemed to admit to herself... damn right I am bitch!"Them yellow eyes make sense now! Ya look great chief, top drawer, five stars!" Skia cried bouncing on her huge feet to get a view over the crowd."These ears, A'wwww!" Isolde softly gushed as she grabbed a hold of my ears and rubbed them.Melting under her touch, it felt like I was getting a head message... how does this collar do it? "He's still puny! He's the runt!" Urnest's biting little remarks broke my enjoyment."Oughta wrestle him Urnest, prove it!" Dael laughed heartily as Urnest sneered my way. "He is just precious! Look at this tiny tail!" Urma shouted in a fake freak out kind of way."See nothing bad happened!" Kolm stated smiling, with Mel eager staring at me from above. "Damn you're adorable!" He finished frankly."Pops, can we go get my collar from the car?" Mel eagerly asked, bouncing on his shoulders."Of course! Let him finish his gifts though, alright?" Kolm replied and he nodd-... wait, did he just call him pops?"Issac... I'm sorry for getting emotional..." Urving said wiping his fur on his food stained shoulder. "You're just... you... I'm..." He stuttered hard, but I was still transfixed with my image. "I met so many humans and none of them made me smile like you do..."This made me turn back and I was greeted with a pouty nuzzle. "Urving, you make me smile too... see?" I grinned, my cheeks as wide as they would go, so all of my teeth were shown, as is customary for these creatures.Urving laughed hilariously rocking me back and forth in his arms. He gave me several kisses and spun around with me happily. Someone stopped us and told Urving to hold still. Finally getting to see a camera, I stared at it during the flash, which sucked... They are solid rods of metal that open at the top in a sliding motion. A flash, usually green, is generated from the tip. How or where it actually processes, saves, and holds photographs is beyond me. Urving looked down at me lovingly once more and then brought me back over to the table! Everyone had there moment and several people had to pay Barkley for me being a canine. What a fun thing to bet on! Urving's coworker, the kangaroo, called me a dingo, but I don't think he's correct. Urma also picked me up and gave me a long loving, but clean kiss, and a big hug. I was like a baby now or something... I went from pet to infant in a second! Seeing me as one of there own must have triggered a type of greater acceptance. They were already unendingly kind, but now I was feeling genuine love from a lot more beasts, instead of just Urving. The big bear trumped them all though, because once I was set down he had to go for round two! Soaking me in slobber, he kissed me a few times and then crushed me in a huge hug, which didn't hurt so much when I let myself enjoy it. Suddenly I heard a strange beeping. Looking passed the fur poking out from beneath the collar I saw the crystal flashing. It flashed several times and the beeping increased in speed. As the crystal faded so did the humming and my disguise vanished with the light. Seeing my normal skin and hand was so cool after all that! Like something out of a sci-fi movie! Looking back to Urving, my face lit up and he cried out endearingly as he repeated his displays of affection."You are just as handsome like this Issac!" Urving said grandly lifting me above him, toward the ceiling."Thank you, but what happened?" I asked as I cleaned my face of his slobber."Ran outta juice! They don't come charged up!" Mel said sharply and quickly, as if to beat everyone else."Just put it in the box Spaz!" Barkley laughed as he saw this name bothered me less now. "Oh and make sure the box is in the sun!""Thank you Barkley! Thank you very much!" My gratitude was laced with bits of annoyance, but his tail wagged as I said this.Unfastening the collar I placed it back in the box and placed that on the table behind me. This is so much fun! This day has been exciting, emotional, magical, and a little scary all at once! Urving began searching through the remaining stack of boxes that was starting to show a difference in its size. Urving pulled two objects from the pile and handed them my way. I smiled as I took the two oddly shaped packages with glee. One was a card with another card attached to it, both blue in color. The other was a long tall brown box with a gold ribbon around it. Reading it aloud, the party atmosphere effected my voice. "From Riot, welcome to Al Ur En!" The heavy plastic card had a few Anthronian words on it, but as I went to get my monocle Mel interjected."Sorry it isn't much, but when you start playing DB3, you will get to start at level ten!" Mel sounded excited and understanding video games made me smile at this."Thank you! I'm excited to try it!" Responding happily, I tapped the little cards together a few times."OH MY GOSH ME TOO!" Urving blew up a moment before calming down and chuckling. "Dude, I cannot wait to show you!" Urving gently shook me in place as he growled this out.I could only laugh and pat his huge forearm. The level of happiness I can create in him was astounding! Something as simple as a laugh can go miles for Urving. Considering the way I had treated him a few days ago, it is understandable how seeing me happy here would effect him. Not to mention I had a mini mental break down upon seeing his friends and family, but now I am accepting love and gifts. Hopefully he understands, I am trying... Picking up the second box I smiled and read it aloud as well."From Kolm. This wont stink, I promise!" Chuckling with him, many of the crowd joined in. At least Kolm’s understanding about it! Opening the gift with just a ribbon pull, I found a bottle of wine in my hands! Urving cheered laughably, as I held up the boxed single bottle and thanked him. Urving took it and began examining it, but I was more astounded by the level of maturity in the gift. Kolm was very happy that I enjoyed it, but I don't think he understands why I enjoy it. He is saying I am responsible in a way... Telling the others that I am an adult human to be respected... or something."Dude, a two year bottle!" Urving declared happily."It's my favorite vintage! I hope you enjoy it as well Issac!" Kolm replied sweetly, his obvious liking for me reminded me of that cartoon skunk...Urving popped the bottle and began filling glasses for anyone who asked. Watching as the liquid was soon completely out, I was upset I had received none... Miraculously, once the cork was reinserted, the bottle was shaken and it refilled instantly! Though this was an act of biblical proportions, I do not believe in miracles. Science had to be filling that bottle somehow... Urving handed me a glass and I sipped some, enjoying the taste of berries, oak, apple, and a hint of honey. Not a bad taste to be honest! A two year infinite bottle... What an incredible invention! Thanking Kolm again, we clinked glasses as he passed by. Mel leaned down from Kolm's back and gave me a high five or a low five for him."Thank you both again!" Finishing a few glasses of wine made me tipsy again."Here ya go Issac!" Urving handed me another present, damn so much stuff!"Thank you..." I read the simple paper card just then. "Phelix and Gene!" My spark of eagerness caught both of there attentions."Your welcome! Hope you like it pup!" Phelix had become attached to the idea of me being a dog..."Enjoy lil guy." Genevide was sweeter this time, seeing me as an animal must have gotten to her.Unwrapping the crudely covered squishy package, I found they have given me a... bag of pot! The small green buds produced a powerful smell, which I knew and loved! Many of the reactions, including Urving's, told me of the illicitness this gift held. Still my mind wandered to the joy I would feel upon inhaling this sweet sticky herb! When I was younger, before the invasion, I smoked a lot! My friends and I used to almost everyday we had off. This was back when my only worries involved getting sick or getting in trouble... Good times... I dropped the bag in Urving's lap and walked over to hug them tightly. They laughed and pat my head, as I clutched Phelix in my arms, his body odor was rather strong as his fur covered my face."Thank you, but why didn't you give me it earlier?" This comment caused an uproar from the crowd and Urving was heard over them all. Phelix palmed his forehead. "Dude you're right!" This was paired with a dumbstruck smile."You may not like me, but I like you!" My hugging of Genevide was sudden and she simply curled her tail around my back.Gene grumbled a bit, then scratched the top of my head in a dismissive way. Her smirk was unavoidable though. Urving cheered for a bit longer, as I returned to his side and he showed me the true amount. More than half the bag (a sandwich baggy) was full of pale green herb with little orange hairs. Damn, what a nice gift! Ferris, Dael, and Urma didn't seem to be happy about it however, which led me to believe it was illegal here as well, or perhaps simply shunned. Out of all the things I never thought I would do again, smoking marijuana was high on the list. Granted, smoking pot with a giant bear and his buddies wasn't ever on the list... That sounds more like an acid trip... Urving made an excited noise and that snapped my attention back to the party."Issac.." He began waving his hand over the boxes. "These are all from me, to you!""Th-thank you Urving!" I stuttered as there were six gifts of varying sizes, all wrapped in shiny copper paper.Opening the smallest one first I found another pair of shoes! These were more like sneakers and I was happy that I now had two pairs! How did they know my size? Oh, wait! They mentioned my file... they probably got to learn about me before hand. Once I tore open the second box I found another ensemble of shirts! A brown, a black, a red, a blue, and a green t-shirt were neatly stacked inside. Pants followed in the next package, but they were simple jeans of varying blue shades. Still I thanked him from the bottom of my heart, which caused a light "aww" from the crowd. Urving chuckled excitedly, as I lifted the next one.Opening it I found a box similar to what Ferris bought me. Fighting with the rough material, I realized it was exactly like the suit box! Pulling apart the cardboard shrapnel, I held the cleverly designed clothing with a growing grin. Within this box was another suit and hat! The hat was all black with a thin brown band around it. Unfolding the suit on the mock hanger made me laugh a bit! It was tailored in a pattern to look like Urving! The pants were as close a brown as material can be to his leg fur and the blazer was black on top, but brown on bottom. Where this color separation happened, the jacket had been stitched in the shape of Urving's belly fur. That little zig-zag shape was also expertly applied to the under shirt, but in lighter detail. Holding it in front of myself, Urving threw both thumbs up as he moved next to me and showed the rest of the crowd. Even though it is clothing, something about it screamed “I care”. I mean he wants us to match for gods sake…"Thank you so much! I cannot wait to put this on!" My response made him pat my head again with a fang filled grin."You really like it? I thought it might have been to much..." Urving trailed off, but I simply swatted him playfully, as I folded it over my arm."No man! I think it looks great! Plus... just having clothes..." This made my voice strain and I felt emotions clashing in my head."Shh, shh, shh!" He gently put a paw on my shoulder. "We'll make sure to go get you more, alright? Open your last two gifts!" Urving's excited little dance made me giggle for a moment.Approaching the huge box (about my size) I took the large one from beside it (size of a small board game) first. With a good tear I found loads of Anthronian characters beneath, but that did not deter me anymore. Tearing off all of the packaging I saw it was... a link pager! A lot of the room informed me at once that this was the newest model! Thanking Urving with a hug, I heard a scoff amongst the joy. Little Urnest was jealous! He gazed at the device with a certain level of aggravation on his tiny mug. Perhaps mine was simply newer, better, faster, more advanced... oh dear god listen to me..."Thank you Urving!" Holding the box with both hands I examined the pictures on the back of Anthronians enjoying the device."I'll show you how to use it and all tonight, k?" Urving declared his proposition, but I nodded before he even finished."Alright! Thank you again." Repeating this made Urving growl bashfully."Issac, I am glad this is the last one." Urving placed a paw on the large box. "This is sort of a special one to me. It is sort of symbolic..." He pushed the gift toward me across the stone floor, causing a dull rasp.Tearing at it, I saw Anthronian writing at first, but that wasn't all. The next patch I tore free revealed an image and I smiled warmly... A small cartoon human was hopping up on his bed, but the bed was a giant curled up fox. Tearing away a bit more I found other adorable images and Anthronian text, which I didn't want to translate right now. The images really got to me, as I now began to understand what Urving meant... One of the images was a cat cradling her human, who was miniscule in size compared to the feline. Another picture was a wolf and a human asleep together, his head on the animals belly.It was a bed... I smiled seeing the image of the round puffy pad on the box and I looked up at Urving appreciative. His face quivered and I saw tears formulate again, as he stared down at me. The rest of the paper fell away and I was left to stare at both the cartoon bear and the real life animal. The cartoon bear was cuddled up as much as it possibly could be, but his human was still sprawled out across his massive stomach comfortably. The real life animal fell to one knee, tears in his eyes, and spread his arms awaiting. Looking from the box to Urving a few times, I simply walked into his arms and put my head on his shoulder. Urving hugged me heavily, his short growls almost like whimpers as he loosened his grasp. All I could do to prevent tears was thank him and try to hug more of his hulking mass. Tears stung the back of my eyes and I was forced to relinquish them without choice."Welcome to our home Issac!" Urving whispered, as I was snuggled against his fluffy fat. "You will always be safe here..." His dull chainsaw voice was still pleasant in a way."Th-thank you!" Tears flowed forth in stinging streams. "Thank you so much!" It felt so good to hear him say that..."WELCOME HOME ISSAC!" Everyone shouted again and this time I simply returned a large smile, as I wiped my tears.Everyone pet me, hugged me, and gave me a moment of love. Unable to maintain my cool demeanor any longer, I opened up and began returning affection to anyone who engaged me. This felt incredible! Not perfect, but I couldn't be happier right now! Even if these creatures affection is momentary, I get a genuine feeling from Urving and a few others. I'm not going to die! Urving wants to protect me and I am safe here! That feeling (safety) was completely lost to me, but I could feel shards of it forming in my heart. Memories of my home on earth only fueled this process and I began understanding how happy I could become here! Seeing Urving cry made this whole exchange much harder to ignore. He really cares... This giant animal really isn't aggressive at all! Today, I dishonor my vow to never trust their kind. I trust Urving and I will take each Anthronian, as I would each human. Some are jerks, some are dangerous, but Urving is one I can trust. He hasn't done anything to betray me or deceive me, so I owe it to him to at least try and be a good friend. Many of the animals had now began a second course of food, but mostly desserts! The few later arrivers got a good meal however, and the leftovers were cut to a minimum. Urving had a huge wedge of pie type substance, but before he ate it, he offered it my way. Unable to ignore his inviting tiny smile, I took a large bite and watched him gobble up the rest. It was really good! It was tart with a creamy texture, but the top was sweetened with icing, and the bottom had crispy breading. Urving gave me another piece and I gladly accepted. It had a sort of cinnamon flavor but the squishy texture made me think of cheesecake. I enjoyed this a lot, whatever it was called! Soon after I finished my pie, some of Urving's friends said they had to leave. Giving them each an appropriate goodbye, I was praised with a few final hugs, pats, and handshakes. It felt surreal, saying goodbye and watching them return to there lives, when I am just beginning mine all over again. My heart yearned to see this world, but fear tempered that desire into a fine blade of caution. Peering around the fairly normal suburb street, made it feel like this was an alternate universe and not another planet altogether. Urving lightly pat my shoulder and I turned to face him bright eyed."Wanna go play?" He asked legitimately and innocently.A friendly scoff escaped me. "No!" I replied with a bit of a mock in my tone.“Oh…” He was a little sad, but I just laughed and he joined quickly."Hey Issac!" Mel shouted rushing up the driveway, Kolm strolling behind him. "Check this out!" He fashioned his collar into place and flicked the crystal.As it hummed to life, I saw his was red in color, where mine was teal. His image faded like he was a ghost, but then a type of energy field could be seen. As the aura formed, it distorted his shape and once this pulsations retreated, he was no longer human! Mel had turned into a raccoon! His little bandit mask eye markings emphasized his blue eyes and the tiny cupped ears were veiny and semi-transparent in the sunlight. He had hairless, hand like paws and his ringed fluffy tail whipped around carelessly. Standing next to jet black Kolm made Mel's blonde and gray stand out. The only white on Mel were the two eyebrow stripes, which led to a small patch atop his muzzle. He put on the antler hood and gave a big smile, which caused Urving to react positively. With a simple tug of the crystal, Mel clicked off his animal form like a lightbulb. It dissipated like a ripple of water spreading through thin air."Haven't seen you like that in a while Riot!" Urving chuckled flicking one of his hoods horns."I can't go a day without seeing him like that!" Kolm exclaimed putting both hands to his cheek."They call them true nature collars." Mel explained. "It's sort of fun blending in sometimes." He admitted with a small smirk."Yeah, I imagine!" Laughing frankly, I got a small pat from Kolm."Would you want one of those jackets Issac?" Urving asked referencing Mel's faux antlers. "They make em in all sorts of different critters!""You don't have to buy me anything, Urving! You've done so much already!" Sincerity funneled through my friendly voice, as to not bring the mood down."A'ww, party pooper! You should get your favorite animal!" Mel insisted."Or perhaps a bear... just for Urving." Kolm remarked looking up from his pager."No pressure buddy! Just don't be afraid to ask for anything!" Urvings face was dead serious, but his voice sounded sweet."Can we go... ya know..." I made a smoking motion with my fingers."Of course! Thought you'd never ask!" Urving's face lit up and he did a little dance."Can I join them pa?" Mel asked turning to Kolm."If you want. I didn't know you smoke Riot..." Kolm faded off as he stared at Mel shocked."No, no! I just wanna hang out with everyone!" Mel replied waving his hands and Kolm nodded."Alright, well I have to make a few calls, have fun boys." Kolm replied, as Mel rushed to follow Urving.Upon returning to the party we found Phelix downing as much wine as he could. Once the bottle was finished, he would hit the counter rhythmically while Barkley quickly refilled it. Skia, Barkley, Dael, and some of the others all cheered him on as he downed bottle, after bottle of wine. Urving got a kick out of this as he watched Phelix get his moneys worth from that magic two year bottle. As Barkley announced bottle five, Phelix staggered back and Urving caught him. Phelix sprung forward, swiped for the bottle, missed, and then hit the floor. Genevide lightly put her face in her palm and shook it with a small sigh. The whole idea of this "break in the bottle" type game was hilarious! If I get bored enough one day, I may try that!"Heya babe!" Phelix cried as Gene began trying to lift him."Shut up you dope." She replied trying to throw him into her arms."Don't worry Gene,I got him!" Urving said loudly as he lifted Phelix with one paw."Oh hi! Where'd you come from fat boy?" Phelix slurred joyously, as Urving carried him to the back room."Hello Issac, how are you doing?" Ferris appeared next to me."Great! I hope you're having a good time as well." He smiled at my politeness."I have had a wonderful time and appreciated meeting you." He replied, his voice still empty and dry. "Unfortunately I must depart, please try to enjoy our world." This encouragement lit a small fuse in me, a spark that would grow into my friendship with Ferris."A'ww ya gotta go?" Urving had come back out and approached. "It was awesome getting to hang out with ya!""Excellent seeing you as well Urving. You purchased a very unique young man." Ferris replied, complimenting me at the same time."I know! He's a cool little dude, aint he?" Urving instantly replied to Ferris with a big grin."Thank you both!" I couldn't keep myself from laughing as they discussed me a bit further."See ya, Ferris! Have a safe drive buddy!" Urving called to him as he exited the house."Thank you for everything Ferris!" He turned and waved to us both, as I shouted this."Smokers will want to join Iza and I on the back patio!" Urving announced pleasantly, as we rejoined the party.Several other party goers announced there departure, but none of much importance. Not saying that because they didn't get me presents, but because they showed less interest in me. Urving's friends from work left soon however and I wanted to say goodbye and thank you, to each. The gifts they gave me made this place feel like home... Having clothes, a bed, entertainment, like my guitar, will help me adjust to this major shift in my reality. Not to mention all the peculiar and amazing things this world has around, seemingly, every corner. As a small party of us went into the backyard, I felt an acceptance growing inside of me. I didn't like this one bit, but I was not miserable. My preconceived notion was that this world would be suffering... Urving would not allow that. He cares far to strongly and he knows I need his help... It is hard to admit it, but I do need help. This is not a challenge that can be tackled alone... A hurdle to tall for someone of my size, but just right for the big bear. What would have happened if I had said no to Urving? Would I still be in that cell? Do you think another beast would have got me? Just the thought makes me uneasy. I am feeling used to Urving, but it will take a while to get used to... all of this.-9- The after partyStepping out into the backyard, I was assailed with sweet scents and the sight of beautiful flowers. The grass was even and green, regardless of it being alien in origin. The flowers I spoke of, had long thin frays coming from the center and each petal was a differing color! Some were a yellow and red patterned, but some faded from blue to white. A few were rainbow hued and each pelt was a totally different color from the others! Urving had a half grass and half stone back patio. A few potted plants and some lawn furniture adorned the stone side, while the grass was empty. The back fence was made with heavy, dark green wood and each board had four shiny nails holding it in place. The smoking party consisted of Urving, Barkley, Genevide, Mel, Skia, and myself. I assumed that Phelix would have joined us as well, but his intoxication prevented it. Barkley started grinding up the pot while Urving went through the familiar procedures of splitting, emptying, and preparing a cigar wrap. Just then, as they all began a casual conversation, I heard a familiar sound. A dog barking! On the other side of the fence a dog began voicing his or her opinion of our presence. Though quickly irritating, this sound served to lift my spirits. The similar articles of this world were enough to give lesser comfort, yet the alien nature kept me alert enough to feel fear."Shut up Brutus!" Urving growled softly and the barking was soon quiet. "My neighbor has a dog." He smiled my way as he said this."They're like... earth dogs, right?" I asked Mel and everyone laughed, especially Barkley."Yeah pretty much, most animals are like on earth, just bigger!" He replied and that seemed to be the general consensus. "They have some really cool native creatures too!" He added."I can only imagine..." My voice trailed off, as wonder filled my head."Yeah buddy, we'll go to the zoo sometime!" Urving announced handing the prepped paper to Gene."Uhh... great!" Though a cheery voice came out, I was greatly apprehensive.Sure I trust Urving, but what about all the other random beasts roaming around? They could snatch me up and I would be no more within seconds! Wait a moment... I'm just scaring myself. Mel has survived this long, so it can't be that dangerous, right? Urving is a intimidating beast and if he is truthful about his affection, then I'm safe with him. The thought of going out into public still scared me senseless though! Not saying I'm uninterested, but it may take a while before I will leave this house. Plus, I feel childish for being excited about going to the zoo... However, simply the idea of an alien zoo made my mind explode with curiosity. The familiar procedures of grinding pot, splitting papers, and rolling blunts had me happy within a few minutes. Smiling now, I watched Genevide expertly rolling up the paper with her eyes sharpened to near closed. Her claws shifted with sniper precision, as she shaped the paper back into a tube. The silence made me a bit uncomfortable, but I knew what awaited and that made me eager."Riot, think you can go wake Phelix up?" Urving asked as he finished splitting and cleaning the final wrap."Or at least jack his pipe." Gene muttered as Mel stood up."Got it!" He replied eagerly rushing into the house."Wanna spark it buddy?" Urving asked as he examined the first two already rolled."Sure!" A big smile came with saying this.Placing the cherry flavored paper between my lips, I was slid a zippo style lighter. Unlike an earth flip lighter, this one opened via button and had two sections, which slid outward to open. A small flame shot forth and with it, I took that sweet first puff of pure bliss. Oh man... what an amazing feeling! Such an incredible sensation of peace filled me, as I took several drags and sunk into my seat. All is good in the world... Fear, anxiety, sadness, and anger all melt away, as smoke drifted from my mouth. Phelix came out in a daze and collapsed in Mel's chair, but he didn't seem to mind. I offered and Mel easily shared my seat. Human size difference can be handy sometimes! As the blunt got passed back to me, it had shrunk dramatically. Taking another series of long drags, I struggled and fought to keep it in as long as I could. A loud groaning exhale accompanied the torrent of smoke I wheezed out. Coughing a bit, I felt Mel scoot away before patting my back. Urving laughed in a satisfied bellow, as I hacked for a few seconds and he was given the blunt. It was one of those really good hits, where your eyes water and your nose gets runny, but you didn't hurt your lungs that bad.My body was feeling lighter and my head was starting to swim like a drunk fish. Urving shot a smile across the table as he passed the roach to Gene and saw my lifted state. We finished the first one and I was pretty stoned. There tabacco isn't as potent as earth, but the marijuana here is excellent! This second one was tightly rolled and harder to smoke, but I couldn't complain. Gene played some music on her pager, which Barkley and Phelix seemed to really enjoy. The sounds I heard were powerful, explosive, and rhythmically unstable. The singing (though grunts and growls) was rich and soulful, but was shifted quickly to enraged howls. I guess I would compare this to earth death metal, but they seemed to have a certain degree of softness. I like it sort of, in the way someone likes a song in another language. The fact that I don't understand it, gave the song a certain mystique. At one point the vocals silenced and they went into a small solo, which was beautifully done. Something about it spoke to me and I closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying the alien sounds."You like this Spaz?" Barkley asked snapping me out of my groove."Dude, come on! You ruined it!" Urving exclaimed. "He looked so happy!""Sorry man! Forget it." Barkley shot his gaze between us, smiling defensively."Yeah that was pretty good! Might be better with words though..." I trailed off smiling and got a small laugh out of Mel and Urving."The words aren't pretty!" Phelix chimed in with a heavy slur, even when he laughed."We could sing em for ya!" Skia nudged Mel into me and we both chuckled."I'd rather not." Gene stated plainly as she prepared to light the third blunt."No that's alright!" My chuckle kept things lively, as Skia laughed with me.After the blunts had all been smoked and everyone (except Mel) was high, Urving packed bowls at a slower pace. Phelix had a bright yellow pipe with thin green speckles and a spider web design on the front. The heavy glass felt uneven in my hand and the taste of tar was potent. Regardless of the strong resin flavor, it was a smooth pipe to smoke from. This went on for a little bit until more guests announced their departure. Again, it felt really bizarre saying goodbye, as if this was my home and I had invited them... It was a good feeling to have somewhere to "call" home, but I was not comfortable here yet. Will I ever be? How long will it take before these halls are familiar? When will I be able to feel truly happy here?As Urving and I returned to the backyard, I was suddenly aware of how tired I was! This has been a really eventful day and I was exhausted. Once a few more bowls were smoked it became hard to keep my eyes open. Urving seemed to notice this, but he just smiled and waved whenever my gaze was upon him. I am a little ashamed of myself, but each time I woke up, a gripping fear shot through me. Seeing all these beasts when I awoke was unnerving, considering they were my enemies just a day ago. The pot is making me paranoid... They wouldn't hurt me... I hope... Unfortunately though, that is my life now. I am helpless to these beasts and their way of life. All I can really do is hope that my fears dissipate and never resurface."You ok Spaz?" Barkley asked and my eyes snapped to a meager half open. "Want something to perk ya up?" He finished with another question.I was far to dazed to answer. "You wanna take a nap buddy?" Urving asked as he passed the pipe to Skia."Yeah, if that's alright with everyone..." I felt bad about leaving since the party was for me."No problem!" Phelix pretended to sleep himself for a few seconds."You've probably had a rough week. You need some rest." Skia chuckled, her voice a bit lower from smoking."Everyone already got to meet ya, so don't worry about it!' Barkley said and Phelix nodded along."I remember when I first got here, I slept for like a week straight!" Mel exclaimed and a few of them laughed."Where should I go?" This was a difficult question to formulate, but I got my point across."Well I can set up your bed real quick, or you can sleep in my bed if you wanted." Urving offered as he got up and moved around the table. "If you're scared..." He stopped and looked at the others, then whispered. "If you feel nervous about being alone... you can sleep on my arm.""I... you..." I tried to find something wrong with that, but failed to. "Is that... alright?" My voice was weak to avoid anyone else hearing me."OF COURSE!" Urving roared, but quickly clutched his mouth shut. "Of course Issac!" He repeated in a loud excited whisper.Probably just the pot or the booze talking, but I was happy he offered. The thought of being asleep near him made me more comfortable. It wasn't easy to admit to myself that I felt better with him... safer... If I had went to sleep somewhere in his house, I would be so vulnerable. Even though I doubt anything bad would happen, the possibilities are limitless and brutal. Without another word, Urving scooped me up and returned to his chair. Though the conversation didn't stop, it was easy to ignore. The warmth of his fluffy body and the thundering boom of his heart beat was much more distracting than the mild chit-chat. They played softer music after that and the coughing was restrained. This was unnecessary though, as I was out like a light in just a few moments. Curling up in the natural fur, my mind was collapsed under immense fatigue. Urving's mountainous form now felt like a benefit and didn't instill terror, as it once did. Safety is something I used to take for granted... I shall never be that naive again. Sleep felt good and even though fear snapped me awake a few times, I managed to get a decent amount of rest."Issac? Heya buddy, you awake?" Urving's voice was distant, yet I could still feel his fur under my hands."Where am I? Let me go! Let me go now! I swear I'll..." My panicked voice silenced itself, as I realized nothing was wrong and there was no danger."Calm down Iza! You're alright!" Urving replied calmly, as he lifted me toward his muzzle. "Relax, it's me! Everything's fine bud." He spoke into my eyes as his moist nose nudged my cheek."A'www poor lil fellah. We shouldn't have woke him up!" Urma declared, as my awareness fully cleared and I found we were in the house."What a coward!" Urnest mocked me, but I saw Dael scowl him into silence."Hey now, that isn't nice!" Urving's voice became frustrated with his nephew. "He's been through a lot and-." I cut Urving off with an apology."I'm so sorry about that..." I bowed my head, shaken by the ignominy. "Please try to understand that I-." Urving cut me off with a big hug."No worries Iza! It usually takes humans a few weeks to adjust." His patience reminded me of who I was dealing with. "You're did great your first day!""I guess you could say that..." Urnest muttered, but no one seemed to pay him any mind."He's a fiesty one isn't he?" Dael tried to get a laugh from Urma, but her concern was powerful."It breaks my heart to think you fear me..." Urma's voice was pained and in her eyes, I could see great heartache. "Please don't be afraid of us honey!" She practically begged."No, be afraid!" Urnest cried up from the floor. "Be very afraid!" He let out a roar after this, but it was more cute than frightening."Shut it!" Dael snapped turning away for a second. "We have to go, but it was fantastic meeting you Issac!" Urma's voice was like sugar and her eyes like rainbows. "I look forward to seeing you again!" A big smile grew across her rounded muzzle."Thank you for coming! It was wonderful meeting Urving's family!" My reply seemed to make her happy as her smile spread wider."That's more like it lil fellah!" She reached out and rubbed my chin as she said this."Try to enjoy our planet human. Make the most of what you got." Dael said this so frankly, it almost felt fake."I will... thanks." My tone was effected by his previous demeanor. "Goodbye everyone." Much more sincerity was used to say this."Goodbye! Hope to see y'all again soon!" Urving followed them to the door as Urnest rushed outside."Thank you Urving, this was delightful." Urma said as Dael went ahead to their tank of a vehicle."No, thank you for all your help! Have a good night!" Urving replied giving her a light hug with his free arm."Bye bye Issac." Urma used a pet voice as she pawed me lovingly. "Hope to see you again soon sweetie." A small kiss was given and I couldn't avoid blushing.Urving called a few more friendly words her way and Urma turned to wave back at us before joining her family. Watching them enter the gigantic vehicle, I wondered what kind of life Urma and Dael had. As I said before the similarities are astounding, but I am now trying to find where the line blurs... How do they live? Is there a difference in culture based on species? What is Urma's house like? What are they going to go do when they get home? What are we going to do now that the party is over? What is my life going to be like in the future? A surge of pain ran through my still weary head and I tried to clear my thoughts. Urving went back in and set me on the floor without me even having to ask. Though still glassy from earlier, his eyes beamed down at me with an intense joy. It was dark out now, or atleast it wasn't full daylight. Urving informed me that Skia and Isolde had already left to check in at their hotel. Shortly after that, Kolm and Mel went home as well. Apparently, Isolde was very enamored with me, as I slept. Urving informed me that I was winning enough to make her want a human too! This made me laugh, but it was cut short by a yawn. Urving led me into the living room where I was greeted with a small cluster of cheers."There he is! How ya feeling Iza?" Phelix seemed to have sobered, but that didn't stop his uplifting attitude."Smoking knocked you out cold Spaz!" Barkley joked waving to me."Hi everyone, I was really tired..." My response was paired with a rub of my head."It was cute watching you sleep!" Delia seemed to take note of the words she used, but it didn't bother me. "Hope that isn't strange..." "Not at all. Sorry I went to sleep during my party!" I laughed this out, like a joke, but everyone assured me it was fine."It is incredible how quickly you are adjusting Issac." Phelix interjected, spitting a bit of his drink as he spoke."Well a tail load of presents probably helped!" Barkley replied bringing the others to laughter."I'm not gonna confirm or deny that!" I muttered with a half hearted laugh of my own."In my opinion, I think it's you, Urving." Gene said plainly looking our way."Yeah! Totally!" Phelix put an arm around her."If there is anyone who can make a stray human feel welcome, it would be you!" Delia added with a smile that made Urving gush."Thank you guys!" Urving's response was light voiced and bubbly."It's getting late we better go babe." Barkley said to his wife, who nodded."Can I have a hug Issac?" Delia asked excitedly as she was helped up."You still staying with us, while you're in town?" Barkley asked Phelix as I went toward them."If that's fine with you guys!" Phelix replied, but he was simply nodded to."It was super special getting to meet you lil fellah!" Delia's voice was so adoring as I hugged her."Thank you Delia! I can't wait to meet your pups!" This made her tail wag faster than any other canine I've seen to date."A'ww, you are just too much!" Her nuzzling was welcomed, as I actually liked Delia a lot."It will be interesting to see how well you have adjusted when Delia's pups arrive." Gene's intrigued comment was sort of odd given how she has treated me."Yeah, I really can't wait! One a’ you better be a boy!" Barkley mock yelled into her swollen stomach.Delia's face was priceless as he barked at her belly. "Don't worry man you'll get your muttling! How many puppies did the doctor say D?" Phelix asked quickly."Five. Maybe six, but they are unsure." Delia replied with an heir of pride."See, one of them is bound to be a Barkley Jr!" Phelix's remark made Barkley smile and put his arm around Delia."They're gonna be a handful!" Urving's voice was more serious than comedic."We got it, no prob! With Spaz here to puppy sit, things will be easy!" My eyes widened as Barkley said this, but then I just smirked."Sounds like fun. The collar will come in handy!" My reply made the room laugh."Holy hell that'll be so funny to watch!" Barkley laughed heavily, with a mixture of excitement and fulfillment."You do not have to do anything you aren't comfortable with, ok Issac?" Delia informed me with a slow nod of her muzzle to make me understand."Don't be silly! Playing with a bunch of giant puppies sounds like a blast!" Barkley patted my back, as I said this and Delia opened her arms for another hug."You are just the sweetest human I've ever had the pleasure of meeting!" Delia being a dog made her affection easier to accept."Good answer Spaz, my man!" Barkley pulled me from her grasp to hug me, but I felt more comfortable with her."It was awesome seein ya fat boy!" Phelix gave Urving a hug, shifting my attention to their conversation."Same here twigs!" Urving crushed his huge arms around Phelix. "You gonna come by tomorrow?""Course!" He replied, but I saw Gene roll her eyes."Yo, my son from another sun!" Phelix addressed me now, rather cleverly too. "Hope things are great for you here!" "Something tells me it will only get better." My words made the room cheer lightly, Urving was especially pleased. "Thank you for coming all the way here just to see me..." This was to get at Genevide, but it barely worked."Nah, It's fine bro! Urving is a really close friend!" Patting my back, Phelix wore a goofy smirk."Yeah, it was cool smoking with a human too." Gene added smiling at me a little."We all should hang out again, before everyone heads home." Urving declared as the crowd moved toward the door."Sounds dope!" Phelix rose an arm to Urving's shoulder."Totally." Barkley added as he helped Delia down the front steps. "With Phelix in town, you're in for a fun week Issac!" He added looking back to us."Looking forward to it!" Though actually apprehensive, I needed to keep up appearances."Really gotta thank you guys... for being so cool toward Iza..." Urving's voice had a vein of emotion flowing through it."What? You kiddin me?" Phelix interjected before he could continue or I could speak. "No joke, you picked a winner buddy!""Yeah Urving, Spaz may be shy, but he seems friendly underneath it all!" Hearing Barkley speak highly of me felt really good."How could we not?" Delia asked bringing her paws to her cheeks. "Issac's a fine young man." My stomach filled with butterflies and I felt myself blush."Were you worried they wouldn't like me?" My voice was both sarcastic and a little emotional."No, no, no kid! Urving blurted back during Delia's praise. "I was just worried everyone had got a bad impression of you..." He admitted rubbing his head.Everyone quickly assured the big bear that I was, in their words, perfect for him. My heart melted a little, as I listened to the kind words and friendly invocations. Urving, who had seemed worried, quickly returned to his cheery over the top self. He hugged his friends, roughly for the guys and delicately for the ladies. It was my turn after, as Urving lifted me up then folded his arms around me. After a few seconds, I was turned around and presented to the small crowd of awaiting faces."See ya tomorrow Spaz!" Barkley was nudged by his wife and he repeated himself using my real name."Have fun buddy! Urving take good care of him." Phelix showed real concern for me just then, but he laughed it off."See ya kid." Genevide added after him."Goodbye sweetheart!" Delia took both my hands into her paws. "Stay positive, alright?" She gave me a small lick on my cheek."Thank you all so very much." My voice was frank, but it carried an endless supply of gratitude. "Not just for the presents, but for making me feel welcome..." It was hard to keep a steady voice as I said this."You're welcome!" Phelix simply stated giving me a high five."Don't get all mushy on us!" Gene taunted, but Urving hugged me again."Yeah bro don't get all emotional!" Barkley declared. "Urving likes you so that's enough for me bro!""Me too!" Delia followed. "Have a good night you two!" She hugged us both."Thanks again for coming guys!" Urving called into the night, as they all spread to various vehicles."It was a treat meeting you all!" My final words echoed around the street, but reached them all.Various words were called to us and a few horns honked to signal a final goodbye. It was eerie quiet in the house upon our return. Not having all those animals filling out the space, made it feel bigger. Hearing and feeling the silence, gave me a moment of pleasing solace. It had never occurred to me that this place would be completely different once everyone left! Now it felt so calm and safe, like an empty castle. A personal bastion, guarded not by a dragon, but by a giant bear! Urving set me down in the living room and got on his knees. Staring deep into my eyes, he got very serious, then hugged me tightly. I understand that we are essentially pets, but does he really feel this strongly about me? If so, why? What is so special about me? Wouldn't any human fit his standards? Am I somehow different than other humans? Regardless of why he has been so nice, I have enjoyed the companionship! For so long, I have lived without this feeling of acceptance... The happiness that a friend brings is not something I ever thought would matter again. What a strange set of circumstances... Not that I am complaining! Given what I had thought on earth... this place can be heaven!"You thirsty or hungry bud?" Urving asked as he stood back up."No, thank you." I shook my head and watched him begin cleaning. "Need some help?""I'm just tidying up a little. Kick back and relax Iza." He began grabbing an armful of cans and bottles. "Wanna smoke some more, when I'm done? Maybe play some Gamecast?" Urving offered as he deposited the trash into a peculiar, circular wall port."Sure! Both sound fun!" His casual attitude was greatly appreciated, even if he was unaware."Great! I'll be done in just a sec!" Urving started hurrying after he said this.As I just said, it felt really nice, how normal he is acting. I expected to be treated like a pet... but I feel like I'm at a friends house! Is Urving really going to treat me like a person? The irony of using the word "person" was not lost on me... I am just to deep in thought to examine the humor closer. Urving, and most of his friends, have treated me very well! Why was I so afraid? That's a stupid question and the answer is plain as day! Who wouldn't be scared during an alien invasion? What level of courage would it take to stay strong during your abduction? How many people could honestly say this would not frighten them? My body tensed fiercely as murky memories flooded the foreground of my thoughts. The images of innocent people being captured or killed as they tried to resist was permanently branded on my brain. Each time I closed my eyes, countless screaming faces begged for me to save them... But I wasn't even able to protect myself...Something deep in my heart kept calling me a coward, but my brain quashed this illogical nonsense with sound reasoning. If we had just been informed than things would have gone differently! Not that I would have surrendered, but so much heartache would have been avoided... Within myself, I was torn between how I once felt and the way I am feeling now. To accept this, is to embrace slavery, but to try and escape would leave me where I started... Urving said he didn't want a slave, he wanted a friend..."You ok buddy? Something wrong?" Urving asked throwing me back into reality."No, nothing at all! Just, still a little tired!" Though still a bit distraught, my voice didn't convey this.Urving seemed content with this answer and he simply continued cleaning. Taking a seat on the long, log of a sofa, I was astounded to find it reacted to my presence! As I took a seat, a back portion shot up and supported me in just the right places! After a bit of astonishment, I relaxed back into the foam like pad with a small groan. Not only was it comfortable, it bent to my shape and allowed to lean freely, as if it was a lounge chair! What an interesting invention! It is such a unique take on the traditional couch. The chair portion was just an enormous plush cylinder, but somehow a mechanism within fed you a backrest. Sort of like a personally shaped pillow, just for you! Urving tossed a bag of trash toward the wall port, which expanded to accompany the larger object! Once the bag had vanished into the darkness the opening shrunk in an aperture style. What does that hole in the wall do? It was labeled with several Anthronian characters, but other than that it was just a large opening with a brass plate to cover it. I'll translate the label! Hopping off the sofa caused it to withdraw the cushion like a vacuum cleaner. Walking over I fished through the gifts and pulled out the monocle box with great care. Urving seemed to take notice as he smiled my way and continued collecting bottles. Fixing the monocle on my eye, its black portion expanded in a snap. Even though my intention was to not blink, a natural instinct seemed to force it. After that I was able to read perfectly! Blinking somehow triggers this device to activate... strange. This window sized hole in the wall had a few words written on the brass plate, which covered it. It said "Incandescent Fusion Generator. Critical Harm Warning! No Living Material! Disposable Waste Only!" Without my consent I made a small noise of discovery and Urving picked up on this. "It sort of a trashcan, that powers my house!" He replied then put a claw to his lip. "Our house!" He added tossing in the trash bag."How does it work?" My thoughts faded off as I studied the lock on the cover."No idea! I know it incinerates the trash somewhere nearby and that makes power somehow!" His response, though lacking, was enough to give me the bigger picture."I see. Very interesting!" I replied, looking over the warning one more time."They have these little tours they run at the power plants! We can go on one if you wanted." Urving offered as several plates of half eaten food were thrown away."Sounds... sort of boring actually." I laughed and so did Urving, but he was so much brighter."It's good to hear you laugh buddy!" Urving stated tossing a few smaller bags of trash out, then shutting the disposal unit. "Imma get a snack, why don't you pack up a bowl?" He offered moving to the stone sink and dipping his paws in the water. "Oh... uh..." I looked around, then spotted it. "Sure thing!" Phelix had left his pipe for us!My original plan was to pull Urving's coffee table to the couch, but no way I would be able to do that! This heavy marble slab was immovable all together! It seemed to have a permanent resting place just a few feet from the couch. Kneeling in front of this stone cube, I smashed up some of the pot on the card Ferris gave me. The dark color of the paper contrasted with the green of the herbs, which made it easy to gather. It was not easy to simply crush it up finely though, using only my fingers. Urving came into the living room, as I was filling the large pipe with growing anticipation. Sharing with everyone earlier seriously cut down on how effective the pot could be. Getting to smoke all to my self, (while Urving ate) was going to be fun! With minimal effort Urving pulled the table closer to us with one paw. Sheer astonishment left me motionless for a moment, but I quickly recovered and started smoking. Urving had made some form of bun or dumpling, which smelled deliciously savory. However considering his size, you need to understand this thing was the as big as my skull!"Here, brought you one just in case." Urving slid a tall red can to me."Thank you." I feel like I have been saying that a lot lately...Urving took a bite of the breaded lump and I found the inside was full of all the things people would have on a sandwich! His eyes drifted down to me and he offered it my way, earnestly. Shaking my head, he nodded and watched for a second as I hit Phelix's pipe. I hate to be a bad influence, but smoking is an incredible experience that I think everyone should try, at least once in their lives. If I had not gotten to smoke, then today would not have gone quite so smoothly, in my opinion. Urving has yet to lose interest in my every action... As I began coughing he smiled in a very amused way and squirmed with delight in his seat. Thinking hard on the subject, I realize this must be a huge deal for him as well. I mean... he's accepting me into his life and his home. Even if I am fearful and apprehensive, Urving deserves gratitude. Taking another drag, I gagged on the smoke and began coughing terribly. Retching and trying to avoid throwing up, I felt Urving gently pat my back a few times. Picking up the can I found it was cold to the touch and the top portion... twisted off? What kind of can... well look at that! The aluminum type metal was thin and flexible, yet its top cracked open, expelling air like a bottle cap! Once removed there was a smooth lip beneath to drink from. My intrigue alone was enough to calm the coughing storm. I wanted to examine the text on the can with my monocle, but tasting it seemed like a higher priority. Sipping the ice cold liquid, I found it to be cola! This planets concept of cola was much more bitter and it had only a hint of sweetness. Still it wasn't terrible and the flavor overall reminded me of cheap diet soda from earth. I thanked Urving again, but he shook his head and pointed toward the kitchen."Feel free to get yourself anything Issac!" Urving was insistent yet not pushy. "I know this... must feel weird, but it’s your house too!""Oh... uh... yeah! Of course!" My chipper response brought a gleam to his eyes."Great, glad to hear it!" He replied popping the rest of the sandwich in his maw.Taking a long drag, I felt the bowl was out and went out back to blow the pipe out. A brief moment of independence was my way of showing Urving I was comfortable here. I also figured the backyard was the best place to dispose of the ashes. Upon my return Urving greeted me at the door with a quirky smile. There was a bit of confusion at first, but he smiled as I referenced the pipe. Smoking with Urving in the house was a lot more comfortable. Something about being indoors made me feel safe. Also I was starting to feel high again, so I was calming down. My heart felt kind of warmed as the situation was calm and very relaxing. We soon ran out of prepped pot however and Urving choked a bit as he set the pipe down."That's totally out!" Urving coughed out the words individually."Should I break up some more?" I asked looking up at him with squinty eyes."If ya wanted to!" His voice was gravelly from smoking. "Oh hey, I got an idea!" Urving suddenly exclaimed. "Want a tour of the house?""Sure!" Hopping up, I was excited to learn about this place."Alright, let's start over here." Urving headed for the door. "The entry hall can get really slippery, so if it rains or you play in the sprinklers, be careful!" He spoke with legitimate concern and that made me smile through the immaturity. "This is the first bathroom! You could say it's my bathroom, since my room is right there.""Figured as much with the bed and all." I tried to laugh, but inside I couldn't get behind it… so much shame gravitated from there."Yup yup, lemme show you somethin!" Urving's rotund rump jiggled about as he waddled past me into his room.Standing in the doorway, I got a good view of what the animals must have seen when I was hiding. I am still not proud of my primal cowering reaction, but Urving seems to understand. He was sitting on his bed and gathering a few large packets of papers. Urving waved me over as he grabbed one of them and opened it. I could see the Anthronian text from here and that made me want to fetch my monocle. Urving could probably translate for me though."These are the files I got on the humans they paired me with..." He began flipping through the pages. "You were my favorite by far!" Though somewhat demeaning, it came from a place of love."They pair you... us?" I asked approaching and scaling his bed with a bit of difficulty."It's more like a suggestion, ya know?" He asked and I nodded with a slight "oh"."What does it say about me?" I inquired as I sat next to the other files."Only the whole scoop about you being awesome!" A hug followed this, but I really wanted to know. "It's mostly a bunch of technical stuff and documents I had to sign." He scanned through the pages absently, but then perked up. "I loved these though!" Urving presented me with a picture of myself.Two mug shot style pictures were lined next to each other. He turned the page and revealed two more pictures. One was me running out a store, back on earth, and the other was me in a small camp, standing guard. The choreography of my capture was far more orchestrated than I had imagined. Just seeing these photos tells me they carefully planned my abduction. Whenever someone was taken, I always assumed it was just bad timing or luck. Seeing this changes things... They stalked us, watched us, and learned about us. Each individual human person cannot possibly have their own file... could they? The fact that I escaped L.A. and was not captured in a mass group, probably have something to do with it. The years spent on the run must have built up this file... The other files were not nearly as thick as mine was, but ownership documents were filling it out, allegedly. Urving showed me a few more pictures, but he seemed to notice I was in deep thought."Come on, let's keep going buddy!" He offered slapping my file closed and tossing it on the bed.Urving standing up caused the whole bed to lurch forward a bit. Using the now compressed mattress like a slide, I took this opportunity to easily reach the floor. Following Urving closely, I tried to ignore the emotional stitches, which were currently at risk of unweaving. Just seeing myself before capture was enough to send me over the edge. It took a lot to avoid weeping, but being high helped a lot. The life I led in those photographs has tempered my resolve and galvanized my spirit... If anything I was stronger now because of it! Now was not the time for such thoughts. I do want to read my file someday soon, however!"You probably figured it out already, but this is the living room! Oh, if you wanted to watch tv just do this." Urving waved a paw at the glass oval in the wall.Instantly the panel illuminated with a high pitched whine. The rich detail and crisp colors of the picture had me entranced. It was a commercial of some kind, but I was still entertained by the fact I could watch television! Urving showed me that changing channels was a snap. Literally snapping your fingers would change the channel! Urving demonstrated how pointing your fingers up or down would initiate differing directions, when the channel changed. Trying it myself made me giggle with delight! How does it pick up my fingers? Where does it sense my hand? Is it really powerful enough to pick up my tiny snaps?"When you get familiar with the channels, you can just tell it what you want to watch." Urving added, as I snapped through rhythmically. "One nine five." Urving stated and the screen went gray for a moment."That is so cool!" I exclaimed as it displayed a sort of music program... I couldn't understand anything..."If you want also, just push right here... and you can play videogames!" He replied pointing to a tiny blue square at the base of the screen."Alright, but how will I understand them?" I asked tilting my head."You can put on subtitles in a few different human languages! My tv only has subtitles in Anthronian though..." He seemed defeated, but that didn't slow him down for long. "I'll get you a vocal translator as soon as I can, promise!" The cheery response was too much when paired with what he was saying."Relax Urving! I can read subtitles." I replied coyly, but he just smiled and waved me to follow."Just know it is available and I wanna buy it for ya!" He nodded his head in an over the top way. "Come on over here, I already showed you the sink, but if you push right here, you can get at the icebox!" Urving simply pressed on a panel and it opened outward.It was the same wood type as the cupboards and it even had matching marble trim, which went along with the gray counter tops. If he hadn't shown me, I honestly wouldn't have known it existed! Staring into the fridge, I actually was getting sort of hungry. Urving repeated how I could have anything I ever wanted from here. He insisted I also tell him if there is anything I like, in particular. Feeling the chill given off by the frosty interior felt great and reminded me of earths air conditioned summers. Reaching in I removed a left over dinner roll and placed it in my mouth. Urving made a very pleased noise when he saw this. Watching me munch the bread, Urving pranced a little with a certain relief on his face. He went on to show me what was in each cabinet and where the cleaning supplies were. After that we headed toward the room we ate lunch in earlier, but stopped short at the first room. This hall is left of the kitchen as you are exiting."This room is for storage. Got a lot fun stuff in here I been trying to find for ya!" Urving laughed as he swept his hand over the stacks of boxes."Like what?" I asked looking up at him as he scanned the mess."Photo albums, old video games, a few comics, some old toys from when I was a cub..." He rattled off this list as he poked through a nearby box. "This is just all the stuff I can't find a place for!" He laughed kicking the box aside."Let's look through it together sometime!" The excitement in my voice made me pause, but I recovered by laughing."Sounds great Iza!" He nudged me and then left the room, turning the light off over the sea of cardboard. "This is the second bathroom, but let's call it your bathroom!" Urving added as we moved to the next door in the hall."Why is it mine?" I asked, but I'm unclear why I questioned him at all."Well..." He entered and opened the glass octagon on the far wall. "I got a little shower head, so the water pressure doesn't hurt ya." He wiggled the earth like spigot from within the now obvious shower. "There’s a lowering mechanism on the sink, see!" With a push of a floor tile the sink raised and lowered. "The toilet is... well, it's your size!" Was all he said, referencing the odd cauldron in the corner. "Also it's right next to your room silly!" Urving added causing me to gasp lightly."What? No way!" I replied as if he was just teasing me."No joke my man! Come on!" Urving opened the door to the room we ate in earlier. "This used to be the smoking room." Urving snickered as I slowly walked in. "Now it's all yours Issac!" The face he made was a mixture of gleaming pride and total accomplishment.Slowly looking around in astonishment, I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Even after quickly accepting this was my room, I still don't think it sank in at first. This huge room, the size of which some apartments would envy, is mine. I can be here for peace, quiet, and... human stuff. Taking a deep breath, I stared at the tv inlaid to the wall and the door leading out back. So much freedom! This has to be a dream... or a hallucination..."Urving..." I muttered turning to find him gone."Yeah buddy?" Rushing back in, he carried my boxed bed under one arm. "You say somethin?""You're really just... alright with this?" Waving my arms around referenced the room itself."Of course!" He exclaimed. "Where else would you stay and sleep?" Urving sounded shocked. "Let me put your bed together real quick, k?" He asked, but I just nodded and turned away.Peering out the back window, I couldn't keep myself still and I fidgeted with a convivial aura. My eyes welled up with tears as I was struck with a lightning bolt of cosmic joy! Seeing the twin moons, one a vivid purple and the other a pale ghostly white, made me so excited for the adventure my life has become. Fear will come and go, but Urving seems to be a constant factor. Hopefully, with time, I will become accustomed to this planet. Having a place to call my own, to be alone and secure in... Damn, I cannot explain how good that feels. Better than pot, booze, or any other substance in the world! I have a chance again and I am going to take it! Turning back I wiped my eyes and saw Urving had the bed frame put together, for the most part. Plopping the mattress into place a second later, he shoved the bed against the wall. With a heavy pat, he stared invitingly as I approached."Good to go!" He pretended to dust his hands. "Imma throw this out, be right back!" Picking up the box he left the room.Something inside made me sad just then. The thought of those adorable pictures being burned and... repurposed... into energy was tragic. It was like when someone discards a child’s gift or destroys a stuffed animal. Not a true tragedy, but your heart breaks a little bit. Glum stricken, I sat on the bed and avoided thinking about it. Urving returned and sat on the floor by the side of my bed."Comfy?" He asked and I nodded. "Great! Listen, I'm pretty beat. Mind if we play tomorrow?" Urving asked, his eyes melting into a vulnerable dullness."Of course!" I playfully swatted his shoulder, since it was the same height right now. "I'm pretty tired myself." A perfectly timed yawn came after this."Oh wait a minute!" He popped up with surprising dexterity for such a big animal. "Here ya go buddy! Sorry there aren't more..." He faded off as I was handed a blanket and two pillows."Don't be sorry! Do you know how long it has been since I have had a pillow?" Saying this made him gasp in a dire sort of way, then pat my head with a loving grin."Sleep tight Issac. Hope you don't have any bad dreams." Though simply put, the love in his statement made me feel warm inside. "If you get cold or frightened you can come hop in my bed. I promise I won't squish ya!" Urving mentioned this, with a laugh, as he was leaving."This should be fine, but thank you!" I replied and he popped back in for just a second."Good night buddy. Welcome home." His words were heart warming and the wide grin he wore was unavoidably sweet. "I love ya Iza." These last words were uttered from the hall as he walked away.Though I wanted to shout something back, I didn't. Appreciation seems to fuel Urving, but I haven't given him much at all... This is incredible though! The bed was soft and supportive, but oddly enough it was rounded in shape. I guess this is just how they make mattresses! As I lay there, reveling in the lovely feeling of the plush cushion, I began laughing softly. What a freaky turn of events! Nothing would have made me believe this! That this is what I was fighting to avoid… I wanted to run away from a free loving home? Wait... I need to remember how lucky I got... If I had escaped for one more day, or got caught earlier, then I may not have ever met Urving. It is astounding to me how much my opinion of Urving has changed in one day alone! With my head in the clouds I decided to take a shower! Though I remember being clean when I awoke on this planet, I haven't cleaned myself since. Entering the bathroom, I shut and locked the door. Locks are something I have missed dearly without even noticing. Struggling at first to turn the water on, I was soon drawn to a small button panel on the door. One of them was a water drop, finally a recognizable symbol! Upon pressing the water drop key, a cacophony of internal machine noises was heard. As the guttural sound neared the peak of volume, it stopped and a normal shower stream began. Though I could easily go on for hours about how good it felt to shower... I do not wish to explain my hygienic procedures in detail...After washing my hair with what I hope was shampoo, I got out and rung my locks dry. The thick fluffy towels were way to big for me, but that just made them more effective! I felt great, both physically and mentally! I wanted to go and thank Urving a thousand times! Using a towel like a robe (it was more than enough) I went and got some of my new clothes from the present pile. Though I have no sleep wear, I simply needed something to put on when I woke up. No one got me socks or underwear... Living on the run, I got used to not having these things, but it is just odd. Choosing to put on a t-shirt while sleeping, I stacked the rest of the clothes in my room. It felt weird saying, "my room" when this place is not my home. This is Urving's smoking room and I am just a guest... No, he said this is my house too... So this is my room. Urving is a great friend and I am so fortunate to have been chosen by him. Though it may take me a while to say it aloud, I love Urving... He and I, are friends…-10- Little manThe image of Issac's smiling face, when I told him about his room, will forever be a pleasant memory. Seeing his natural exhilaration develop, was the greatest thing in the world to me! My own grin lengthened when I heard his shower engage. He was getting accustomed to the house! Hopefully sometime soon he will feel comfortable enough to open up and really live with me! Though I was incredibly tired, it was hard to stop replaying today in my mind. Issac willingly slept in my arms earlier! He may not know it, but during that nap he nuzzled against me many times. I can't speak for Iza's sleep habits, but he seemed happy! Feeling him cling to my fur made me tear up and I am not ashamed to admit that! Iza is so... helpless, both emotionally and physically! He's so small and frail, yet so vivacious at the same time! Though his file would say otherwise, Issac is not a threat and he can be trusted!There aren't many humans I have met who can rival my size, but Issac makes up for height with personality. Really hope he gets bigger though... I'm worried about hurting him accidentally... Damn I can't wait to see him in his collar again! A'ww... I'm gonna ask him to play his guitar, with the collar on! That'll be really awesome to see, like he's in the FireTails! Kicking both paws toward the ceiling, I was suddenly hit with a tornado of excitement and eager foresight. Nothing will ever be the same, but in a good way! I will always have someone to talk to and share with! All the places that were basic to me, would become interesting again, because I get to show Iza! My little furless friend, though very nervous, shows signs of great potential! His limitless curiosity is a great place to start, but I was still afraid he would try to run away or worse... If I do good by him, then he wont ever have a reason to run away! We will be friends...Nothing prepared me for how mature the lil fellah really is! Back in the agency, he was so stern and reserved, but I thought this was just to hide his fear. Now that Iza's home, I can tell he is just a serious human and this whole experience has weighed heavily on him. I just can't help but treat him like my pet though! Iza's short stature made him look like a child, but I need to remember he is a man. My very own pint sized, pup of a human! Seeing his smile stirred something in my soul, leaving me eager for another. His bright eyes, which illuminated when focus struck them, were the only thing I wanted to see tomorrow morning! I just want to snuggle him and make... sure he's alright... My heart ached suddenly at the thought of Issac being harmed. I have to... I want to take care of him! I will protect him! He doesn't have a home anymore... It was used up completely and pretty soon, nothing will exist at all... This is all the more reason to make him happy! When you think about it, the fact we have humans here is incredible! Issac traveled millions of light-years to arrive and... get locked in a cage... Damn, no wonder he is so afraid of me!The pamphlet said that humans are naturally going to be frightened and distant at first, but Issac actively hides his emotions from me. How do I know if he is really happy? How do I know if he is mad at me? Will he ever get to a point where he tells me? Regardless of his little breakdown, I am amazed by the tenacity and courage he showed today! His willingness to mesh with my life is honorable, but I was willing to change as well! My friends all pointed out the ups and downs of having Iza, but he changed doubtful minds quickly! With a little booze and a bit of charm, everyone was won over by my human.That's another thing, Issac is so smart! Being here he must not feel that way, but his intuition alone is impressive! The way he speaks and the words Iza chooses to say, also show me he had great parents. Oh man... seeing his folks... That was heavy for the both of us. I sort of want to see them again... Ooh we can decorate his room tomorrow! We have to play DE3! I gotta help him set his pager up too! Again I couldn't help myself and I kicked about, imagining the fun we are going to have! Once he opens up a little, he is going to be such a blast to be around, I just know it! Issac's life will be about fun from here on out! Never again will I see that terrified little boy... Just thinking about how he reacted brings tears to my eyes. This file would call him dangerous, but he is simply afraid of us! I want to make him understand my kind... Or at least the small handful I think are pretty great!-11- Playing aroundWaking slowly, my eyes shot open with alarm. Leaping from the bed, I landed in a combat stance... then remembered where I was. With a short yawn I fell back in bed and sighed with comfort. A smell caught my attention and when I listened, pots and pans could be heard clinking randomly. The scent of food was filling the household and if I sharpened my hearing, faint whistling could be heard. Hopping out of bed I stretched and took a few minutes to enjoy the serenity. Putting on a pair of jeans felt a bit awkward in the groin, but I could not complain. They were clean, new, and I was grateful to have them! Opening my door caused the sounds and scents to get stronger. Urving was standing with his back to the hall, bouncing back and forth to a song he made himself. It smelled heavenly out here, but I was unsure what he was making. He was pouring batter so possibly pancakes or waffles?"Good morning." I said and he spun in place instantly."Morning bud! How'd ya sleep?" Urving replied, his face igniting with a thrilled expression."Pretty good! Been a long time since I've had a bed..." My response made him frown, but he was unstoppable this morning."Ya got a nice big one now! Two, if ya count mine." Urving bent over at the waist as he said this. "Now, bet you're hungry, aint ya Issac?" My nodding made him smile. "Alright! Have a seat!" Urving waved me to a nearby stool."What're you making?" I asked, climbing up the chair like a small ladder. "It smells delicious!""Pork links, hotcakes, and eggs. If there's something else you wanted, I can make it too!" Urving offered, pointing at the pans that crackled and sizzled."That sounds great! Thanks!" As I got comfortable on the stool, I was offered a carafe of juice."Would you rather coffee?" Urving asked pushing some sausages around and turning back with a pot of black liquid."Coffee, please!" A smile covered my face as he filled a large mug."How do you like your eggs Issac?" Urving looked over his shoulder as he asked this."No preference! Whatever you're making." Though tired, I tried my best to be enthusiastic."Alrighty!" Urving replied as he pulled a plate from the counter.Taking a few short sips of the steaming liquid, my throat opened and I felt a bit more awake. Honestly this was way to much coffee, but I am simply not the correct size demographic for the mug. Still it was nice to have a cup of joe in the morning. Urving continued whistling, as he plated a hefty portion of scrambled eggs, sausage links, and five pancakes. Damn he eats a lot! My face instantly spread with shock, as he set it down for me! Refilling my coffee, he peeked at my face and had a small laugh. I cannot possibly eat all of this and I was really hungry! But I didn't want to insult him..."Eat what ya can buddy! I'll take the leftovers!" Urving explained as he returned to the stove.Upon tasting the sweet fluffy pancakes, I melted. They were terrific... everything was! Eating breakfast drew my attention to the strange stove Urving was using. The object was just a metal counter portion, but it produced solid jets of flame. These little blue fires were powerful enough to gently lift each pan! Levitating ever so slightly gave all of the cookware a ghostly freewill. This showed itself randomly as they would turn and slide without any input from Urving. They never seemed to leave the fire though... Perhaps some form of counter force is keeping it from moving too far? Everything here, on this planet, is peculiar. Even though that is basically a stove top, it has a hint of alien flare. Urving was soon finished cooking though and he clicked off the stove with a tap of his claw. Each pot and pan softly clinked back down to a lifeless rest. Urving filled a plate with an immense amount of food, which dwarfed my amount by a landslide."Wanna watch some tv?" He asked as he picked up his plate and mug."Sure... I'll get my monocle!" Even if I have to read it all, I was still interested in alien television."Lemme just... put on the subtitles..." Urving's voice seemed a bit confused as he set his food down.Removing the monocle from its box, I looped the chain around my ear and set it in place. Though uncomfortable, I was able to keep the eye piece in place and move my head freely. Urving was hitting colored squares causing many menus of varying options appeared. Some said normal things like volume, picture, and color. Others were a bit stranger like kinetic tracking, link codes, psionic interaction, and visual transference. Soon enough though the screen canceled all imagery, then clicked back on with a line of text running along the bottom! With a big smile my way, he returned to the couch and pulled his coffee table up to us. Urving snapped through a few channels, but then seemed to choose something. Each passing image was paired with out of context sentences, which I still read rapidly."Channel one three three." He spoke out suddenly. "This something you wanna watch buddy?" Urving referenced the news cast that he had put on."I... wow..." Reading the text took my mind away and I was unable to speak for a moment. "Yeah, if that's alright...""Eleven hours ago, six people were shot and killed in the upper south side of Drannon Ur." The female panda said in her native tongue. "It is still unsure who perpetrated such a horrible crime, but authorities have begun targeting known gang affiliates for information." She finished as the camera panned away."Thank you Gratia, our hearts go out to all the victims and their families." A hefty male jaguar began speaking as he was put on camera. "The race for Hierophancy is heating up as the candidates prepare for the second round of voting to begin. The front runner is predicted to be Ronald Grumps, who had a commanding lead over Millaney Swinton and Don Hall during the last registry." As the anchor spoke, pictures were paired with the faces.Ronald Grumps, is a hefty blonde rat who was speaking sternly in his photo. Millaney Swinton, stood proudly with her arms crossed, she is a type of tree monkey. Don Hall, who is an aging boar, was waving to a crowd of people in the picture. The news anchor went on to say that several other candidates have dropped out due to Grumps dominating lead. This is incredible! Though Urving seemed bored, I was enthralled by the fact that this worlds politics unfurled before my eyes! On earth, I was far too young to appreciate this kind of thing, but now it felt incredibly important and interesting. One of these three Anthronians was going to be the next President, or whatever, of Al Ur En! How does that work? Does this position mean they run the world? How many continents does this planet have? Are they all under one unified government? What preceeds the creation of laws? How and when do Anthronians vote? Will I get to vote? Probably not... It became apparent that this line of thought could flow freely all day. Better change it for now and talk with Urv... Ferris later."What do you usually watch?" I asked him after a few more seconds of reading the news. "This is getting kinda boring.""You sure bud? You looked like you were enjoying it..." Urving's voice was soft, but his eyes implored me to be honest."Yeah go ahead!" Speaking nonchalant, I continued devouring my breakfast."Let's see what's on... two six nine." Urving stated firmly and the screen reacted.We both let out a laugh as we saw that it was a commercial. Even though Urving didn't pay it any mind, I was still drawn into reading. Apparently it was for some kind of cleaning chemical. The canine on the advertisement was incredibly amped about it, but I could tell it was nothing special. Probably just this worlds equivalent to bleach and water! Soon after the advertisement an animated program came on and I was taken aback. Urving watches cartoons? You have got to be kidding me..."Gather all the power you want Azelot, you still cannot protect the planet!" A deep voiced wolf shouted down from the sky, where he hovered. "I will..." He created a large orb of red light. "DESTROY YOU!" The sphere was thrown downward and what followed looked like a bomb test video.Once all the mayhem had settled and a giant crater remained, the wolf laughed heartily. Slowly lowering to the ground with a spacey whoosh sound, he landed on the edge of the devastated landscape. Turning away, the evil wolf set his sight on a nearby city and clenched a paw closed. From behind him, a tall column of blue energy tore upward into the sky and the wolf spun around in disbelief. Floating in a sphere of raging blue electricity, was a floppy eared dog with crazy hair. Letting out a frustrated growl, the wolf dove toward him, bursting into flames, as he took to the sky. They fought for a while and I was drawn in by the sheer badassery of it all. When I said this was a cartoon, I was mistaken... So much violence and blood made this feel more like an action film! Each punch showed fangs and fur being ripped free, as the two canines dueled to the death. At one point the dog kicked the wolf in the gut and sent him tumbling, end over end through the air. Retaliating instantly, he launched a salvo of energy projectiles, the second he regained balance. Swatting several away, the dog flew backward as he avoided the light bullets. The dog kicked the final bolt away, then spun in the air and unleashed a massive, screen filling, explosion of energy. As the light overtook the images, bold black letters appeared. To be continued, is what it read on the subtitles. Soon after more commercials came on and the station promised they would be right back with more, Death orb X. I have to say that was pretty awesome and I pretty much finished my... most of my breakfast during its run time."You want some more coffee bud? Water, juice, soda?" Urving's rapid fire offers were paired with him heading to the kitchen."Do you have any milk?" I asked feeling a bit childish."Of course! Goat, Horse, Cow, Gor'bak, Buffalo, or Reindeer?" Urving's response made me laugh, but he awaited an answer..."Cow..." I replied a bit unsure if he was teasing me or not... what does reindeer milk taste like? What the hell is a Gor'bak?"Here ya go Issac. Was everything tasty?" Urving asked as he set the tall glass of white liquid down. "Ya full buddy?" His face flashed with concern, but a smile covered it up."It was great! I'm stuffed, thank you!" My heart went out to him as I saw his caring eyes return."Excellent!" He exclaimed patting my shoulder and picking up my plate. "Barkley and Phelix aren't coming over till four. So we can do whatever you want till then!" Urving explained, snapping up the remaining two pancakes."Sounds great!" I replied confidently, but I was actually unsure of what to do...Urving went to the kitchen and I heard him place the dishes into water. He returned within seconds and lumbered over to the sofa. Taking a seat, he pulled me into a quick hug, then relaxed. Urving's at home attitude made me feel comfortable. Like I had freedom again, but it would simply be monitored, no... guarded. All this colossal bear wants from me is love and he seems willing to do anything to get it. Watching him snap through the channels was comical, as he would intently check my reaction to each program. He eventually put on a game show, where contestants had to get through various obstacle courses for money. Watching that got dull after half an hour. You can only watch people fall in the mud so much... Urving seemed to pick up on this, or got bored himself, and changed the channel."Wanna play DB3 Iza?" Urving eyes burst with extra life as he asked this. "I have other games also. Racing, ralg, boxing..." He added as I was preparing my response."Sure, should I get that card." Jabbing a thumb over my shoulder only caused his face to shift slightly. "The thing Riot gave me?" Saying this made him recognize what I meant."Oh yeah! Grab that and you wont need the translator." Urving nodded quickly as he suddenly understood what I meant.This is exciting! Television is one thing, but video games are an entire new world all together! That show was pretty awesome though... A lot of hype has been put around this game, Dread bringer, so I can only imagine how cool it will be. It took a little while, but I quickly found Mel's card amongst the other presents. Upon my return, Urving was bouncing with excitement. Presenting the card to him made him laugh and shake his head. Urving simply pat the sofa and as I hopped up, the game began. A scroll unrolled across the screen and on it was an incredibly detailed picture of a great war. Countless Anthronians all charged toward a floating castle, which appeared to be blocking out the sun! It panned further along the scroll as a narrator began speaking."In the times of magic and myth, a great tyranny seized the land. The disciples of darkness had found a way to seal off the light and all hope was lost." As this was said, the scroll began depicting mass death to all the soldiers."That was Dread bringer one." Urving chimed in."Few heroes stood against the darkness, but they managed to bring light to the land once again." The scroll showed a small band of people standing in front of the crumbled castle. "Many rejoiced and the world began to heal. Little did they know... Dark times had just begun..." The scroll began burning where the future would have been written in."Part two ended there." Urving added as a montage began.It showed a lot of gameplay and from what I saw, it was incredibly fast paced! Characters of all species cast a variety of spells and used unique attacks against various monsters. It showed expansive landscapes being traversed and more combat moments in various locations. This was all paired with an triumphant orchestration, full of epic drums and dramatic vocals. More landscapes were shown ranging from forests, to mountains, to deserts. As the music lowered it showed a series of more normal tasks. Cutting wood, cooking food, hunting, gathering, various crafts, and other activities were all depicted, as the music slowly built up again. Once it reached a climax, the camera zoomed way out, until we saw the planet from outer space. Slowly the sun was engulfed and then wrenched from the sky by a grim reaper esque figure. Only the stars remained, but they faded quickly into nothing. White text slowly formed and the Anthronian letters read, Dread bringer three: Lords of light. Two soft white sparkles fell across the screen and became two sentences in a small flash. One said "start new game" and the other said "continue adventure"."Alright Issac, hold your paws... hands, like this." Urving put both paws up, with his palms toward his body.Before my eyes two flashes of pale orange light projected from the row of colored buttons, below the television. It scanned his massive paws for a while, then stopped and made a cybernetic sound, like loading on a computer. After a few more seconds, it made a type of conformational noise and Urving's paws were encased in translucent gloves. These gauntlets were thicker around the wrist and they extended to the knuckle, where lines of energy traced the remainder of each clawed finger. These gauntlets gave off an ambient corona of pulsating orange and though they appeared solid, Urving blurred them slightly as he leaned back and got comfortable again. Watching my amazement, Urving pointed at the screen and I saw it reacted! It's a controller! Somehow these gloves of colored light could control the game. With a flick of his finger he went to continue adventure and then to another option appeared, which read "Restart campaign"."If you joined my game, you would die constantly, but you will level up faster." Urving stated, as I stared at the restart option. "So if we restart everything will be set up for your level." This was said sort of like a question."I wouldn't want to ruin your progress..." My voice was both excited and guilty."Nonsense! I have played this game lotsa times!" He hit the restart option and I read its warning.The screen filled with a large red square. This vibrant plaque had sparkling gold text that said, "Warning! If you restart the game all faction status, environments, quests, infamy, and fame scores will reset. You will maintain all equipment, skills, stats, and levels. Proceed?" Urving hit yes and the screen filled with white light as it made a type of soaring noise. The next thing I saw were two figures on each half of the screen. One was fully armored and looked like a true hero, where the other was puny and simple... Urving's character sort of looked like him. He was a bear and he was huge, but instead of a round belly this avatar was ripped. Both shoulders were covered by spiked pauldrons and he wore a type of plated vest that extended down over his waist. Tall metal boots, with dragon insignias on the shins, covered his lower legs and a bundled up mass of chain mail was wrapped around the remainder of his waist. My character, presumably, was a tiny plain looking feline, but I guess that is the starter model. The graphics were incredible though! Where in most games I remember, cutscenes and mini-movies were the only point you saw detailed animation, that was not the case here. In the background dozens of random Anthronians walked around the tavern our characters stood in. Everyone reacted to one another, whether it was positive or negative they were like real people. Urving was fiddling with some options, but I was too transfixed by the detail of every character and each face! I’m subjective enough to admit it is still just a video game, but it has to be one of the most visually incredible games I have ever seen! That could be because I haven't seen or played anything like this in years..."Pretty awesome, right?" Urving nudged me as he saw I was impressed. "This is my guy. He's a berserker level eighty seven! Overall level three hundred and nine!" Urving sounded proud, as my jaw fell open. "I've had this character since the first Dread bringer. It would be shameful if he wasn't strong by now!" Urving laughed and I couldn't help joining in."So I just do... this." My voice faded off while I watched the light reacted to my miniscule hands. "Wow..." The glow focused down to a few thin beams as I was scanned.Seconds later, I had a pair of weightless, green energy gauntlets, which I waved around eagerly. "Great! Now let's put in your card code." Urving slid the card off the table and began fiddling with the back. "Go ahead and start making your dude, gotta scratch... this... off..." His voice faded, as he focused his eyes and claws on the back of the card.This felt incredibly strange... My every finger twitch seemed to cause a reaction in the game! It was similar to using a computer mouse, but with each finger independently controlled. When my thumbs moved, the little cat rotated and change poses. It took several minutes, but I figured it out pretty well. Index fingers select and the pinkies would go back. Each hand effected that side of the character, which was a little strange at first. Shuffling through the options, I found a menu that let me change what race I was! Everything from aardvark to zebra and back again was available in this game! Each species brought a new character model, a handful of odd symbols and lists of random numbers. It was comical passing bear, and still being pint sized by comparison. On my second skimming of the character races, I saw it, coyote! Quickly I worked the base model, who was a vibrant red color, into what I saw yesterday. Though not perfect, I got him to look as close to my animalistic form as could be."Oh my gosh!" Urving hugged me against him. "I know this is a serious game, but that is so cute!" His hug became tighter, as I looked up at him from beneath his mounds of fur."Thank you." My muffled words were only a little annoyed because he hadn't released me yet."Go ahead and finish. We'll put in the code at the end." Urving released me from the fat and fur prison upon saying this.There were a few more menus beyond the race and appearance tab. Scrolling over I saw the next one read "Combat classes" and my eyes lit up. In games of this nature your "class" is essentially how important you are. I will have to choose carefully! Moving down, I read through them all and was amazed at the variety. Air mage, assassin, barbarian, bard, cavalier, earth mage, fighter, fire mage, magician, mechanic, monk, priest, ranger, shaman, soldier, tamer, thief, and water mage were all playable character types. Each choice changed the outfit my avatar was wearing as well as the symbols overhead. This was a hard decision as each class also had a small description that made them all sound appealing! What is the difference between magician and... all the other "mage" classes? Soldiers seem very plain in description, but they have an excellent survival rating. What do all these symbols mean? I'm wasting time and I just want to play!"Any questions, just ask bud." Urving said softly like he didn't want to break my focus.Though a kind offer, I had made my decision. Upon reading the flavor text for the monk class, I was sold. Being a student of the martial arts myself, this spoke to me! Plus you get to start with a gi and red belt, which looked funny in contrast with Urving's armor. My second choice would have been bard, but it is low on the survival rater, where monk is ranked good. Urving laughed in a satisfactory type of way once he saw my choice."Is that a good class?" My question felt a little desperate, as I wasn't fully confident of my choice."They are all good!" Urving replied in a snap. "Plus once you get to a certain level you reincarnate and choose another class." He added simply."Oh cool!" My peppy attitude made him smile. "Is that how you got to such a high level?" I asked and he nodded."Each time, you keep all the stats and levels you got from the previous class. But you lose all powers, skills, and spells." Urving explained as I examined my kung fu coyote. "So you always get better, but you can still try every class! Then, if you find one you like, you can master it, like my guy!" He added with a big grin."Berserker wasn't on the list..." I noticed after a few seconds of thought."Yup, when you master barbarian you become a berserker." Urving sounded very excited as he saw I was starting to understand the general mechanics. "Mastering a class takes a long time though..." He warned me playfully."I see, so it sort of never ends?" I replied with a heightened enthusiasm."Nope, as long as you keep your character you can keep playing!" Urving's ecstatic voice was fun to hear. "Plus they add new map quadrants and dimensions every month or so!" He added and my eyes went wide for a moment."What are we waiting for!" I flipped to the next menus, which was comprised of numbers and stat names.It was a typical list of traits that make up any living being, human or Anthronian. We all have strength and dexterity, which we work to improve. All sentient creatures gather intelligence and seek further wisdom. Simply being alive gives you charisma of some kind and each of us perceives the world in our own way. Only the weak lack the endurance to survive and keep going... Wow, did I really just go emotional over video game stats?"Monks need a lot of strength and dexterity, but all your skill attacks will be based on wisdom and perception." Urving again spoke softly, as if he didn't want to break my concentration. "High perception gives you better accuracy and good endurance is always a plus." Urving added once I looked up at him."Does that look good?" I distributed them quite evenly, but gave a generous portion to strength and dexterity."Yeah, you'll get some more points once we put this bad boy in!" Urving waved the little plastic card about.The next tab had a list of new symbols, but it told me what they all did. At the very bottom it said I had a small amount of points to improve these skills! Each icon now made a bit more sense! They were labels to represent a skill or power my character knows. Some of them needed upwards of ten points per level! I only had seven currently, so I upgraded a skill called "fist blitz" and another called "crush kick" mainly. Urving suggested I add a few to "vitality", for extra health and "iron hide", which gave me protection. Before moving on I read through all the skills that were not sealed by little locks. I could only assume I will unlock more as I level up. Swapping to the next tab I saw it was personal info. I put in my name (nickname) and I was able to make him a bit taller. The part that stumped me was a selection wheel that held a variety of colorful images. It showed the four elements, but it also seemed to have day and night, as well as a small heart. It said vocational affinity and I quickly understood this must shape my out of combat abilities."If you want to be able to do everything pick the heart, but you will suck at first. Survival stuff is divided into fire, water, earth, and air." Urving explained as I read the blurbs about the elements. "Light is for being good, helps you get more fame and money. Darkness is for being evil, you deal more damage and you will get more infamy." I nodded to him, as I saw Urving's had chose water.The little fire ball said it helped smithing, fire making, hunting, and more. The water droplet apparently boosted fishing, swimming, boating, and others. Wind was depicted as a mini tornado and it governed weaving, fletching, athletics, as well as other various abilities. A cluster of three leaves was used to symbolize earth and it improved your gathering, alchemy, wood cutting, and many others. Dark and light seemed sort of plain, since I could care less what little digital people think of me. The heart said all vocational talents increase, but slower than normal. I decided on earth, since making potions has to be useful, right? Urving nodded and began speaking brightly about my decision."Good choice. We're gonne be an awesome team!" Urving exclaimed putting an arm around me, as I moved to the last tab. "This is just the finalize chart, but you can put in the code right there." Urving pointed to a tiny golden sphere at the bottom of my screen.As I activated the little gold ball it spread across my half of the screen. One side said "gold gift" and the other side said "power plus". Urving said this was a power plus card and so I clicked that option. A long bar appeared and the Anthronian alphabet below that. Each character was translated for me as I moved over it! Though I could easily explain each letter and number in detail, the game felt more important. Urving showed me the card and I slowly matched each symbol, in the correct order. Once it was full the cursor jumped to input and I pressed it. My character flashed an illustrious white color and a type of heavenly chorus rang out. Now the finalization menu displayed an alert, fifteen points unused! Returning to the skills page, I was happy to find a wider variety of skills. Something called "meteor punch" caught my eye and I used ten points to upgrade that. The remaining five went to "vitality" and "iron skin". Once finished I went to the final screen and hit confirm. Suddenly I was behind the character and my motions now controlled his movements and actions."Alright this is tutorial tavern. Everyone here will tell you how to play the game, but I can also do that." He chuckled as the actual game began. "Your thumbies control movement and the camera." Urving stated as he moved his guy around sporadically.Urving ran to the door and vanished into a silhouette, as a loud creaking noise filled the tavern. Like everything on this planet, it was foreign to me at first, but soon it was just like a normal controller. It wasn't exactly easy, but I was able to follow Urving to the door and used my index finger to move through it. Now outside, we were on a dirt road and it was dark out in the game. Urving's character was holding a torch and that provided a decent amount of surrounding light. Each side of the road was flanked by a thick forest that looked like they would be hard to traverse. To the left the road dipped into a valley, where a small village was tucked away. Up the right side of the road was a vast mountain range, but they were in the far distance. Urving began hopping around, his character grunting each time and causing a small boom as he hit the ground."Middle fingers jump and dodge roll. Pointers interact and target." As he said this he paired the first control with the left paw and the second command with his right. "Pinkies still cancel, and the ring fingers bring up items and skills." He added as I began jumping and rolling as well."How do I fight?" I asked and he chuckled softly."When enemies are near by your character will get into a fighting stance. Then these are all attack commands!" He held up his first three fuzzy fingers, looping his pinkey and thumbs together. "Let's go and you can try it out!" Urving said with a huge grin as he began running up the road toward the distant mountains.Like in real life, Urving's avatar ran much faster than I did, but only because of size! My characters actions were actually much faster, but each of his steps were at least three of mine. This was really fun though and all I did was make a person! The enviroments were detailed and almost every plant, tree, and stone had interactive options. Just on our little jog up this path I found two green herbs and a blue flower! I can only assume these are ingredients of some kind, but I will ask later, as Urving didn't react to me obtaining them. Up ahead where the hill levels off, Urving was standing and awaiting my approach."A group of goblins always spawns up the road here. You should be able to take them out easy!" Urving declared as I reached him and could see little figures in the darkness ahead."If you do this, you can sneak up on them." Urving put his palms flat toward the screen and his character dropped to one knee."Alright, cover me!" I cried comically and he laughed, as I shuffled toward them slowly.How do they know what a goblin is? Did they visit earth and absorb some of our culture, or is it a translation coincidence? Regardless, I soon saw that they were not like earth fairytale goblins. They were blue or purple in color and had shark like mouth all the way across there faces. Other than that they were pretty much the same impish humanoids I would have guessed them to be. Pelts and crude cloth covered various parts of the little creatures bodies. One of them screamed out in a hissing gibberish and they all ran toward me. Like Urving described my character instantly took up a fighting stance and I moved my hands back into readied position. As they approached I flicked my fingers about randomly to get a feel for how it worked. My index fingers threw right and left punches, where my two middle fingers caused him to kick. Easily defeating one of them, I watched as a powerful side kick sent it flying away from me. The other two hit me, but it didn't decrease my health that much. I found that if I timed it just right, punching with varying hands could be chained together in rapid succession. This applied with kicks of the same leg, however the combo was shorter. Using my ring fingers seemed to activate special attacks, as my guy lunged forward and unleashed a savage series of strikes. The last goblin was trying to stay behind me so I jumped up and over him, which made Urving laugh in an entertained way. Aerial attacks were different too! Landing knee first knocked the goblin on its ass, but it wasn't dead. The little red meter was near empty, but still a sliver remained, flashing softly. My other ring finger caused the character to shout with rage and perform a powerful axe kick, which flattened the little fiend against the ground."Great work bud!" Urving shook me slightly, by the shoulder. "Notice how one is sparkling a little?" He pointed at the body on his screen, which was behind me. "That means it has treasure on it!" His smile grew wide, but I only found six gold pieces."This is fun! Thank you for letting me play." I responded as I saw my character kneel down to collect the coins."No, no, no! Thanks for playing with me!" Urving replied with commical seriousness. "Thank you for... trying..." He searched for the word, but as his gaze returned I could see this effected his mood."Couldn't get beaten by the first enemy! What would you think of me?" My laughter covered his emotional statement, but it did not go unappreciated."I wouldn't have treated ya any different!" Urving chuckled with his eyes closed, then returned to playing.After a few more minutes of running, I couldn't hold my tongue. "Thank you Urving... for being so understanding..." Looking up at him only got me a repeat smile."No prob, I'm here for ya buddy!" His crushing hug was welcomed this time.That is exactly what I think I needed to hear. Almost to remind myself of how great this big burly bear has been to me. Urving was so excited, as the sun began to rise in the game and I gasped at all the fine detail the enviroment held. Each flower, leaf, and blade of grass fluttered about individually and the breeze accurately effected their directions. Walking through the underbrush of the thick woods, caused the fallen foliage to scatter. This was incredible! Suddenly my character was tackled down and I lost a fair portion of health! It was mountain lion and it had already attacked again! As my character got up, he was scratched twice and knocked back down. Urving dealt one hit to the creature and it was defeated by the massive hammer he swung."Thanks, didn't see that coming!" I nudged him as he resheated his weapon."Certain enemies can ambush attack and you have to rely on your actual sight, to tell if they are around. Using the targeter (right pointer) will help if they are within range." His explanation made sense and I nodded to confirm my understanding."Is there a way to block or guard?" I asked and he nodded, then crossed his arms at the wrist.Urving's character brought up both fists and defended himself. Urving went onto explain that, with good timing, you can force a blocked opponent off balance. I will have to practice this on a few enemies to get it just right... I was having a ball though and I simply wanted to keep playing! I climbed a tree for no real reason, then jumped off and threw various acrobatic strikes as I fell. Urving laughed as he also tried to climb the tree, but was stopped a few inches up by his size. This left him to, hilariously, climb in place, which looked funny for such a large animal. After a few more minutes of mindless movement, Urving decided he wanted to move on."Why don't you lead? I wanna see you discover the game for yourself!" Urving's suggestion was not my first choice, but it felt wrong to dissapoint him."Alright, but is there a map or something?" I only asked this because I wanted to reach the coast."Oh yeah, duh!" Urving palmed himself in the forehead and his character mimicked the action. "One finger opens inventory. Two fingers opens the character sheet. Three fingers will open the skill menu. And four fingers will open the journal, which has a map!" Urving explained quickly showing me each menu as it appeared.Staring at his map I decided to continue heading east as that would reach the ocean. No particular reason why I want to go to the ocean, just figure it would be a good starting point. We strode through the woods, which occasionally caused our characters to move slower. When the forest became to thick, they had to push plants aside and clear a path, which hindered us slightly. My arms were getting tired, but I found you could relax them and no consequences would occur! Relaxing back, I began combat with some bandits! One of them fired a crossbow our way, but missed. Two approached with small swords, spitting petty insults and curses. It was easy to deflect the attack and once I had, he didn't stand a chance. As I was going to kick the guy to the ground, a bolt hit my character in the chest and he cried out. This caused the screen to blur dramatically and my character fell to his knee's for a moment. As I rose the second thug slashed me twice, but I managed to guard the third hit!"I got the shooter, don't ya worry!" Urving assured me and I saw him climbing some stones in the distance.These bandits had set up a sort of make shift camp amongst some fallen trees in a clearing. Urving quickly scaled some rocks, as I finished off one of the bandits. Once up there he hit and obliterated the small rabbit into nothing, but bloody chunks and legs. I scoffed in shock and covered my mouth, but my character simply copied me and took a knife to the gut. My health was critical now, but I simply attacked with everything! Fist blitz near killed him and as he was recovering a crush kick ended the foolish swine. Once I gathered a few things from them, I checked my inventory to find it was near full! Apparently, at first, you can only carry ten objects! I had found a dagger and a few bolts, which Urving gave me. All of the bandits each had a varying amount of gold coins on them as well! It took a few seconds, but my character started to recover health naturally and Urving was alright with waiting. Continuing through the forest, we quickly encountered a few more beastly monsters! One was a mass of tentecles, which was hard to attack without being hit. Urving had to severely wound it, so I could finish it off. The other was a type of sasquatch creature. This foe was powerful and nearly killed me one hit! Again, Urving crippled that sucker and allowed me to get revenge. While I was waiting to recuperate a silver envelope appeared on Urving screen with a soft ping."Riot's logged on!" Urving declared happily as it vanished. "He will probably try to join us in a bit." As Urving added this comment I couldn't help smiling.What a cool game! Not only is it super detailed and fun, but you can play over the internet, or... whatever they call it! That is awesome and I will be excited to see everyone's character. Though a sliver of shame comes along side my low level, that only tempered my desire to become stronger! The gold meter at the bottom of the screen was near full and I would soon gain new abilities. We continued on for about twenty minutes, until another ping marked the arrival of a letter. This envelope was gold in color and it didn't open until Urving targeted it."Player: Diet_Riot, wishes you join your party. Do you accept?" The note read once Urving opened it."What should I tell him?" Urving asked me, but I was still laughing at his name."Of course! The more the merrier!" My grand response got a big grin from him."Gotta warn ya, more people means stronger enemies!" Urving's stated in a "last chance" type of way."No problem! I am interested to see Mel's character." As I responded Urving seemed startled that I used his real name."Hello?" A voice said through the tv once Urving accepted the invite. "Urving? Issac?" Mel's voice stated with only a slight amount of electric distortion."Heya Riot!" Urving cried back into his controlling glove."Hello?" I also tried and heard his response from the television."Heya guys!" Mel's joy was obvious, as he practically shouted. "How ya like the game so far Issac? Better than anything we had on earth, right?" Mel and I laughed over this. "I'ts been hella fun! Thanks for the card, it was nice starting with something extra!" I replied speaking into the back of my wrist as Urving had done."No problem!" Mel's response was bright and cheery. "I'll be right with you guys give me a second..." Mel's voice faded until we heard nothing."Let's wait a sec." Urving stated and I nodded.Waiting gave me a bit of time and allowed me to practice some of the combo attacks. Three punches and then a kick seemed to knock the foe down. Two punches and then two kicks, seems to be followed by a heavy punch. As I was playing around I accidentally performed "meteor punch"! Like the other abilities you had to use your ring fingers, but this skill required me to be in the air. The attack itself was sort of plain, but I had high hopes for the damage. Meteor punch shot the character from the sky to the ground and caused a great impact. His fist striking the earth scattered leaves and left a small crater in the ground beneath. Urving cheered a little as he saw the joy my discovery brought."When you unlock a skill you can watch a little video on how to use it. Sorry, forgot to mention that." Urving said after I had practiced it a few times and my character's stamina was depleted.Choosing to not respond, I simply nudged Urving with my elbow and grinned his way. A small chuckle came from the big bear, as he peeked down at me and pat my shoulder. This felt nice... It was good to not be afraid... to actually open up and try to live. Playing videogames has helped to break me out of my shell and it was hard to ignore how good that felt. This bonding time with Urving has empowered my desire for the future tenfold! Even if it is not ideal, I need to show Urving I appreciate what he has done thus far. Not only do I owe him for... everything, but his excitement to have me has only grown each day! I would have to be a pretty cold person to ignore how hard he is trying...I had gone off track and so I jumped back into the game quickly. Checking my inventory again, I saw it now contained nearly one hundred gold coins! Upon closing the inventory, a figure began forming just feet away. A column of white light, which hummed softly, had appeared from the sky. It thinned away into nothing and left a person behind in its wake. Waving to us both was a thin skunk wearing a navy blue cloak. As Mel's avatar approached I saw that instead of the traditional black color, he was blue and white! He shook hands with my character... and I felt it! The gauntlet produced a force of somekind that immitated Melvin's grip! Shaking back with the phantom hand, I began laughing and looked at Urving who was equally entertained. That is astounding! How in the hell could it possibly formulate the perfect feeling of another persons hand? It immitated the handshake so flawlessly, that I wouldn't have thought twice had I been blind folded."Welcome to the weird world of Dread Bringer!" Mel's avatar said, but I heard him through the tv."Thank you! What level are you?" Still shocked by what just happened, I found myself asking this without thinking."Currently, only 34. Overall level though is four two seven." Mel said back with a slight chuckle."Damn, how long have you been here?" My voice had an heir of humor that got to Urving."Only like... three years." He replied plainly. "Going on four I think...""Wow... have things changed? You know... for us... humans?" Even though I had a firm tone, I managed to convey positivity."Heck yeah! So much stuff wasn't our size before, lemme tell you that!" Mel shouted with a loud laugh following.Urving was laughing like crazy at this. "So... things are good for us?" Again I tried to sound happy, though I was trying to be serious."Issac, look at what you're doing right now..." Mel replied bluntly causing both Urving and I to laugh simultaneously. "You tell me kid. How are things for us humans?" It felt silly and ironic seeing his Anthronian avatar say this."Things will only get better, right?" Urving muttered softly referencing my words from last night.His eyes were longing and beyond that I could see sad emotions welling up. "Yeah, you're right. It will get better everyday." My response brought a endearing growl out of Urving."If you ladies are done with the heart to heart, I would like to kick some ass." Mel said as he had his character sit down."Oh shut it stink face!" Urving playfully snapped at Mel, his voice still a bit frail."Come on, I'm close to leveling up!" Running off in game I didn't wait for them until I found a nearby clearing.They caught up a bit later and we continued on together. If I was ambushed, I may die before one of them could have caught up. Eventually we faced off against another group of bandits and I saw Mel's character class. With a few funny gestures and a swipe of the arm, he sent a solid wave of water crashing into the approaching enemies. While they lay dazed, I was able to damage almost every single one! Mel slapped them down again with another mini tsunami and I was there to finish them off. The same heavenly light and angelic voices emanated from the television as I gained a level! Mel cheered and Urving pat my shoulder. Instead of using the points immediately, I opted to start saving and build up a large pool. I already seem to do... decent damage. Urving seems to annihilate anything he hit and that is what I was aiming for! Eventually we reached the coast and I was greeted by a vast green sea of endless potential. Boating was one of the games skills, so... what's across the water? How big is the map anyway? Urving said there are new dimensions... I cannot even begin to fathom what that is going to look like..."The fog furrow coast!" Mel declared as he stepped forward to the waters edge."Damn, you know a lot about this!" A chuckled came out as I responded."I was sort of a nerd on earth..." Mel admit, though not in a harsh way. "This is just right up my alley!""What's a nerd? Is it dangerous?" Urving asked innocently, but I think it was rhetorical because Mel just laughed."Can't lie this is pretty awesome!" As I turned the camera toward Mel, I saw a city! "Wow..." I faintly whispered.In the distance was a tall walled off town, that extended outward into the ocean! Smoke rose unevenly and if one listened hard enough, the sound of ship bells could be heard in the distance. Heading that way with no indication made them not follow right away. I'm glad they did however... Maybe ten seconds later a huge rumble shook the screen and the ground ruptured throwing my character into the air. Plumes of sand fell from the massive beast as it rose from beneath the beach. It was larger than any creature we have encountered thus far and its roars shook the screen with ferocity. The closest thing it could be compared to, would be a crab. But this thing had eyes closer to a spiders, a tight cluster of flashy black beads. The warped carapace held four claw tipped arms instead of two. The body was covered in rocky outcrop like formations. Lunging forward with a claw open I brought both arms up, but didn't have to guard! Urving's character caught the claw and began fighting to push it back. This translated by him literally pushing both paws outward with a small grunt. Reacting quickly, Mel drew his hand back and then flung a spear made of solid ice forward! This shattered off the creature, but gave Urving the opportunity to push it back and attack! He hit one of the legs and it caused a wicked crack, followed by guttural screeching. As the fiend stumbled it stabbed Urving, but did very little damage! Another hit from Mel and Urving seemed to cripple on of the legs! This caused a small prompt to appear on my screen and when initialized, my character climbed onto the giant crustacean! With a little instruction from Urving, I managed to reach the creatures eyes, avoid being hit, then blind the monstrous being! Wailing with a horrific intensity the staggering and agonized flailing threw my character to the ground. This dealt little damage and he recovered quickly."Get em Issac!" Urving called as the stumbling tower began flinging claws randomly.Seeing that the foe was close to death, I leapt forward and use meteor punch! Unfortunately I came up short and the creature impaled a claw, straight through me. Blood, bone bits, entrails... It was a brutal scene before the screen went gray. Laughter overtook my embarrassment, but Urving simply joined and assured me that it was no problem. While Urving blocked the creature's stray strikes, Mel resuscitated my avatar after applying a type of magic dust. As he performed his revival action, my character... and all his gooey bits came back together! I levitated a moment as Mel's avatar chanted harder and louder. All the light flew away and I (the avatar) was as good as new! Actually, I was half health, but whatever... The thing killed me one shot anyway, what's one half my hit points? Running passed Urving, I dodged a claw attack perfectly and then another! Beneath the creature now, I jumped and meteor punched it's back leg causing it to be ripped free! I made a type of "HA" noise as it collapsed and died, which Urving responded to well. This was equally awesome as I leveled up again from defeating the crustacean."Nice one buddy!" Urving pat my head with a wiggle of his tiny tail."Who's hungry? Gonna have plenty of crab when I'm done!" Mel laughed as his character began deshelling the giant beast.Urving sprung with alarm for a second, but I saw him simply remove his pager from his pocket. "Oh wow! Time really flew by! Hey Riot, Phelix and Barkley are almost here. We're gonna have to go soon." His words were sort of sad, but Mel wasn't bothered."Oh sure just ditch me!" He joked. "All good, pops is gonna be home pretty soon. I better clean up!" Mel sounded like he was admitting it to himself. "See ya Urv! Have fun Iza!""Bye Mel, thanks again for the bonus!" I replied to my only human friend."Save progress. All local players." Urving stated a few seconds later holding his paws toward the screen.After maybe, fifteen seconds the game confirmed the save then removed our controllers from existence. Watching the gloves flood away in sinewy strands of emerald light made me gush with amazement. Urving watched my fascination and enjoyed it almost as much as I enjoyed the game itself! Once the light was gone my gaze moved to Urving, but he seemed concerned or alerted."Did you wanna keep playing? I'm sorry I didn't ask!" Urving exclaimed as he got up."Relax, it's all good! That was awesome!" I mock punched his arms a few time."You can play anytime buddy! Even if I'm not here, feel free!" Urving assured me and pat my back happily."I do need to catch up, don't I?" Laughing this out felt nice, as I was always critical of my performances."Just enjoy the game bud. It isn't going anywhere!" Urving replied as he stood up and headed for the kitchen. "Want something bud? Hungry, thirsty?" Urving asked."I'm a little peckish..." My reply made him laugh."I got ya covered Iza!" Urving replied, but then stopped. "Wait... peckish?" His voice was friendly, yet mocking.I simply shrugged, as he returned with a large box of what I assumed were crackers. Could I have been more wrong? They were sort of like cookies, but not sweet. Miniature biscuits are the best way to describe them, but they were not that fluffy. They were a tasty snack and Urving grabbed a pawful himself. They tasted sort of like gravy, but I guess turkey would be a more accurate description. Urving also brought me a bottle of juice, which had pictures of both recognizable and alien fruits. It was sweet, tangy, and very refreshing. It is funny how easily they blend our worlds in small ways, like food and fashion.The doorbell rang shortly after and I jumped at the strange sound. Urving eagerly offered to carry me and I reluctantly accepted. His excitement made me ignore how awkward this felt. Urving just wanted to carry his pet and that is innocent... It did feel nice getting to answer the door, like this was partially my house as well. It was swell to be noticed right off and not seen secondly. Over these last few days, I have learned to hate people looking down at me."Hey Urving! Sup spaz!" Barkley exclaimed as the door opened."Yo fellahs!" Phelix added offering a finger for me to shake with."Thanks for coming over guys!" Urving greeted them, as I was hoisted into a more comfortable carrying position."Hello you two." My response was a little shaky as Urving shifted me about."You having a good day kid?" Phelix asked as they both entered."Yeah, how are things?" Barkley was also interested in my current mood."Can't complain at all!" I responded leaning toward them both eagerly. "I played Dread bringer today and it's awesome!" The two of them cheered lightly after this."Oh man, that must've been fun!" Phelix stated, but I think he was talking to Urving mostly."Dude, that's awesome! Can't wait to play with ya!" Barkley added, nudging me slightly. "What class did you pick?""He went with monk!" Urving answered for me. "He's a coyote too!" Urving added."No way! Gonna be fun seeing that stoned!" Barkley quickly had a seat at the counter."It's gonna be great to play with ya! I'll send ya some money when I play next!" Phelix assured, but I told him he didn't have to."I'm was gonna do that too!" Urving exclaimed, like he really wanted me to hear."Thank you both! I'm certain I can find my own gold though!" This got a laugh from the group, but Urving was the loudest."Wanna smoke Iza?" Phelix asked after he retrieved something to drink."Yeah less is more, if ya get my meaning!" Barkley waved a paw to reference how few of us were here."Totally, sounds good!" Urving gave me a quick hug when he saw how friendly I was being.Urving and the others gathered around his coffee table. Barkley had a tiny metal cylinder, which I instantly recognized as his grinder. Watching eagerly as he created a pile of ground pot, Phelix had a small laugh. Looking up I realized he and Urving had been watching me the whole time. From the way they stared it was not mocking or judgemental. I can only assume that they were just talking about me..."He's so much different than Riot!" Phelix exclaimed as I stared inquisitively."Of course, all humans are different!" Urving explained with a short laugh. "It said so in the pamphlet!""Yeah, Spaz seems... I don't know, tougher?" Barkley stated shooting a glance to me, then Urving."Oh man, poor little Riot was so terrified when I first met him! Took the lil dude a few days to even talk to me." Phelix used a pitying tone as he mocked Mel playfully."Riot doesn't smoke either!" Barkley added with a chuckle."Or drink for that matter!" Urving compounded with a growing grin. "He's a little badass!" Urving exploded shortly after.I was hugged across the table and it almost picked me up! It was impossible not to smile when you are being called "tough" and “a badass" by creatures two, three, and four times your size! Also receiving attention and affection from Urving was sort of fun. It made me laugh thinking this must be what a teddy bear feels like! Constantly at the mercy of a much larger beings love."You guys give me too much credit!" I said as I fell back into a seated position on the floor. "I did run and hide at first sight of y’all!" A less confident laugh followed this."Well..." Barkley began as Urving searched for something to say. "We did all shout at you, first thing. Probably couldn't have helped!" The three of them laughed and I eventually joined in."I don't even think about that!" Urving scooted around the table a bit, to be closer to me. "All I remember is how much fun you have been!" Another softer hug was paired with this statement.It was hard to figure out what I wanted to say. "Thanks man..." Was all I could mutter, but my smile held much more."Delia really likes you! She's super shy normally, so that has to say something!" Barkley added as he emptied the grinder onto a magazine."Yeah and Gene... well she'll warm up to ya!" Phelix was just trying to be nice, but I understood Genevide didn't like me that much."Urma asked me to apologize for Urnest, but I told her you understand. He's young is all..." My face contorted a little, but I managed to smile as Urving said this."He's fine. He'll warm up to me too!" My confidence made them all give varying degrees of praise."Yeah!" Urving exclaimed hugging me."Let's get clouded!" Barkley stated with a big grin, as he handed the pipe my way.That is an interesting way of saying "get high". I thanked him, then took a powerful, deep hit. Feeling the scorching at the back of my throat, I coughed out hard and instantly gagged on my bone dry throat. Urving pat my back, but it didn't help since I was trying to take a drink. Still I managed to clear my throat and my breathing returned with a semi-wheezing additive. The others commented on how my "smoking voice" was cool. Hearing myself, it sounded like I was sick or trying to do a Batman impression. Do they have superheroes? That isn't a terribly important question, but my curiosity is limitless! Wait... Ferris is psychic and the lion who captured me was telekinetic. They are superheroes in a way! Can I learn or be given these powers? They probably wont trust a human with them..."Oh man, you guys should have seen his face when the controller turned on!" Urving exclaimed as smoke drifted from his maw."That must've been freaking adorable!" Phelix laughed as he messed my hair up a little."You remember Riot? He thought we were putting him in handcuffs!" Barkley laughed uproariously. "Now look at him, higher level than any of us!" The others joined in after hearing this."It's all that free time! Kolm pampers him like crazy!" Phelix interjected as Urving was preparing to speak."Not that Issac wont have the same freedom." Urving pat my shoulder. "If you guys ever get a human, you'll understand.""Figure I'd just borrow yours!" Barkley laughed as he playfully pushed me, then took his hit."Iza makes his own decisions. I wont force him to do anything!" Urving snapped back, but I was so touched by his words."I did promise Delia..." I added nonchalantly as the pipe was passed to me."See, canine at heart!" Barkley replied smiling my way."You’re so awesome buddy!" Urving hugged me again, the fluff of his body obscuring my vision."Thanks! Just being myself!" I replied a little bashful."Well, I love it!" Phelix exclaimed with a quick applause."Me too..." Urving whispered to himself, but I looked up and gave him a smile."You guys are too kind!" My response caused a mix of "a'wws" and laughter.Several bowls later they were still discussing Dread bringer 3. There is a ton of stuff I haven't seen and from what they are telling me, I barely scratched the surface. It has been fun so far, but it sounds like this is something Urving really enjoys! Maybe it can be a bonding point, since it is sort of human. The guys also communicate through it apparently... It is funny calling them the guys, since they are actually a dog, a weasel, and a bear. We were getting low on grinded pot and I was getting hungry! Better still, I didn't have to say anything! Urving somehow picked up on this... Urving seems to greatly enjoy food, or maybe it is seeing me enjoy a meal. The others insisted on going out to get food, but I carefully whispered my concerns to Urving, when they weren't looking. "Well we can't all fit in the car Barkley. Why don't I just go?" Urving suggested, but this just made me feel bad."We're the guests, we'll go! Don't worry!" Barkley waved at Urving, but shot a short wink my way."What'd ya want kid?" Urving asked with a small light sparking in his eyes. "Where ya goin?" Urving turned to Barkley suddenly."Arfies! Get those corkscrew fries!" He replied brightly."I'm not sure..." My answer was paired with a small amount of thinking. "Whatever you wanted, get two!" I snapped my fingers in a discovering way."Get us two large number sixes." Urving stated turning away from me."Got it, we'll be right back!" Phelix announced following Barkley to the door.Watching them leave held some anticipation. In the back of my mind, I was acutely aware of how much food meant now. Not being able to eat freely has made anything from a small snack to a full meal, feel special. Urving was excited to be alone with me again, as he planned to keep smoking. He is much larger than I, so it must take more for him to feel it. Also... I'm thinking clearly, so I obviously need a little more. This is not easy to accept, but damn they are really trying! Not once have I felt pressured or exposed... Sometimes it feels like I have to much attention, but that makes a lot of sense! I’m trying too… I hope they see that…"Hey, I gotta work tomorrow, but I'll be back asap! Ferris is gonna come and visit. To keep you company." Urving announced all of a sudden and I nodded, still in my own head."Sure... What do you do?" I asked, now actually drawn to this question."Like my job? Oh, I work as security." He replied, still as intrigued with me as ever."Makes sense!" I laughed to myself before taking a long drag on the pipe."Why does everyone say that?" Urving sounded serious, but I only laughed a little more."Because you're intimidating! I mean, damn..." I tried to make him laugh, but a tiny smile was all I got for my effort."I hope..." He began, but then looked at the floor. "I hope you aren't intimidated by me..." His glassy eyes, though droopy from smoking, held great amounts of emotional content."No, not at all!" I replied again touching his arm. "I was at first, don't get me wrong... But now..." I faded off trying to find the words I wanted."Thanks bud..." He replied putting an arm around me and closing me into a half hug.Phelix and Barkley returned rather quickly. Apparently a large number six, is a type of club sandwich, loaded with various meats and vegetables! It was served on a bed of curly fries, but they were too salty for my taste. I will have to become familiar with the menus of local restaurants... This isn't exactly the best sandwich I have ever eaten, but I couldn't complain. Feeling full is one of the things I treasure most now, that and safety. It was sort of strange watching television again, with Urving, Phelix, and Barkley, as the three of them knew all the shows. Eventually they put on a sport called ralg, which was similar to soccer. Unlike soccer this sport was played with both hands (paws) and feet (paws?). The goal was by far the strangest difference between the two games. The "goal" in ralg, was a huge stone ring, which could be pushed around by the goalie. Apparently the goal tender cannot physically block the ball, only move the goal away from it. The ball was made of solid wood, making it difficult to pass and intercept. Overall it looked fun, but I would probably be killed playing with Anthronian's Urving's size. Some of these athletes were bigger than Urving, which frightened me deeply…"Run, come on!" Barkley cheered as one of the players mad a mad dash up the field."Go, go, go!" Phelix added raising his paws slowly overhead."Move it, come on! Move it!" Urving waved a paw as the goal tender was caught off guard.I was unsure what to cheer for or about, so I simply watched. This moment brought me through time and I was given glimpses of moments spent with my father. I remembered fragments of many sporting events and games watched on television. A hot, stinging sensation began clawing at the back of my eyes, but I avoided tears easily. It was far to happy right now to just start crying. Still it is tragic how my life, how I used to live, is nothing but memories now. In my heart I was still broken up over having to restart and begin again...The game ended soon with Phelix's team coming out on top. Apparently they are from, wherever, Phelix originates. The two of them, Barkley and Phelix, began breaking down how the game works, while we smoked a little more. Urving would chime in occasionally, his gritty voice reduced to a smolder by the pot. Phelix's bright eyes never ceased to shine when I looked at him and Barkley's patience with me has grown a lot, so I must be greatful. Not only that, but I was feeling more comfortable so this wasn't as freaky as my first day. I sort of knew these pe-... animals and that made all the difference."We should take him to a match one day!" Phelix announced, patting my shoulder as he stared up at Urving."Hell yeah!" Barkley added, patting my shoulder."Of course, but only when you are ready Iza. No pressure!" Urving reassured what I was hoping would be the case."Yeah, sounds great!" I tried to show as much enthusiasm as possible, but I think they saw through it, as the conversation changed quickly."So Issac, you gonna try and mate soon?" Barkley asked, as nonchalant as one would ask for water."I... Uh... You... Well..." Stumbling over my responses, I was probed with three eyes, who awaited an answer. "In a few years maybe... I'm not sure..." My face was on fire with embarrassment."Don't pester him! Humans don't talk about that so openly!" Urving insisted to him, but he just frowned a little."He was talking about my pups earlier..." Barkely seemed confused."No, it's all good! Just sort of a curve ball!" I laughed, but they stared at me blankly. "Like in baseball?" I muttered feeling their eyes weight upon me."I LOVE BASEBALL!" Urving declared raising his muzzle to the ceiling as he shouted."Wait really?" A warmth grew in my heart while I watched his eyes illuminate."Yeah, we've played baseball here for years!" Urving nodded with both eyes shut. "I want to take you so badly now!" He bounced with excitement, pawing at me gently."That is astounding! I would have never guessed!" Laughter came out on its own following this."Humans play a game called... ten hiss, ten this... uh... ten list? Whatever, I like that one!" Phelix laughed at himself, declaring he was too high to remember."Wait, you guys have tennis too?" I was shocked, looking back and forth. "What about football or hockey? Do you guys have golf or... or... wrestling?"All three of them looked at each other, as I listed my last spontaneous sports. A small gleam grew in their eyes, but my head just tilted from confusion. The next thing I knew, I was cheering on someone called the Phantom feline, who was in the middle of choke slamming a fat swine to the mat. It was great because I think they were actually fighting! Unless this was incredibly well choreographed, this fight is going to critically injure one of them! Though violent and sometimes brutal, the male in me was excited to see more. Something about this was awesome, another "just like earth" moment! The match ended, but the announcer, a jackrabbit, quickly declared another battle to be underway soon."So Issac, what's golf?" Urving asked during the commercials."Oh, it's simple sort of... You take a club, like a thin bat, and hit a little ball as far as you can!" Explaining this made them all listen."I like it so far!" Phelix smiled my way."Yeah!" Urving added, his nose lifting as he smiled."You dopes..." Barkley shoved them lightly."You essentially have to get the ball in a hole with as few hits as possible. It is not nearly as easy as that sounds! More of a skill than a sport, we used to say!" This felt righteous, like being a human was important!"We have a similar sport, but we drop fruit from flying craft!" Barkley added after I was finished."Oh wo-... wait, really?" I looked between all the faces, to try and understand this absurd game."No, I'm messing with ya!" He knew I was on to him because no one else played along!"Don't do that man, he just got here!" Urving scoffed, but it was in jest and we all laughed."I would have totally believed you! Honest!" It would have taken a heart of stone not to laugh at his face."See, he trusts me!" Barkley put his arm around me and jarred me in place. "Seriously though, we'll have to go to a ralg match or a brawl, sometime!" Barkley's eyes lit like a firework, causing Phelix to follow suit."Sounds great, just promise not to ditch me!" This was meant to be a joke, but inside, I wanted an answer."No, never!" Urving's face was hurt greatly. "It wouldn't be fun without you!" His dire face made me smile inside."Don't cha worry!" Phelix quickly threw this out."No dog left behind!" Barkley's joke made me laugh and the others joined.The day furthered into what I could only imagine a day at the frat house would be like! Beer, pot, women, wrestling, sports... all mannerisms of man oriented activities. It felt great relating what I could to there world. Urving continually inquired about the earth versions of things or if I was enjoying what we watched. Like anyone in a new friendship he was desperately seeking my acceptance and joy, but Urving pursued in a subtle, almost nervous manner. It is understandable that he fears my fleeing or scorn, but on realistic level, am I not a pet? Do we mean more than pets? This bizarre companionship I was now a part of still needed nurturing, as did I... It has been painful to accept how weak and unprepared I am..."It's getting pretty late, we gotta work tomorrow, so..." Barkley said after a while, but I had noticed the time for a while."Yeah, thanks for dropping by guys!" Urving replied, rising and scooping me up all at once."Hope today was fun kid, sorry we didn't do much." Phelix appeared dispirited for a moment. "Promise, we'll do something fun together before I go!" His smile was unstoppable and I couldn't avoid replying positively."Great, I hope we get to hang out again soon!" My semi-awkward response was well received, as they rubbed my head individually."I live nearby so you aint gettin rid of me so easy!" Barkley scratched my head, a big grin and laugh emerging from this."See you guys later! Thanks again!" Urving waved as they headed toward the towering cube of a vehicle. "Well that was fun, hope you had a good time!" Urving turned inward and spoke to me, once they had gone."Yeah, this has been... surprisingly normal, thanks." My response made him smile, but we both laughed a moment."I guess that's good, right?" Urving tilted his head with a confused grin, but I nodded putting him at ease. "Great! Glad to hear!" He set me down and shut the door behind us. "Ya know if you ever wanted to be alone, you don’t gotta ask. Right?" He suddenly added, just as I was going to walk away."Uh, well... now I know, thanks!" My stumbled laughter still put a smile on his mug."Great! Now I wanted to set up your pager, since I have to work tomorrow." Urving lumbered over to the pile of presents. "We can also move your stuff into your room!" He announced happily, turning over his shoulder a second."Sure, but..." I began a deeper thought. "You don't have to try so hard..." This was paired with an uneasy smile."Well... what if I wanted to?" An innocent smirk crossed his maw, as he pat my head with his enormous mitt. "Now, you have to turn it on and it'll prick ya, so don't be afraid." Urving began tearing apart the packaging of the rectangular box."Wait... does it use my DNA or something?" I asked, but he nodded like this wasn't fascinating what so ever."So no one can steal it!" He happily announced gripping the internal plastic and stripping it from the unit itself. "Here, put your finger right... there." Urving pointed to a pin sized hole on the bottom of the unit.Placing my finger on the hole caused a needle to spring forth and prick me. Jerking my hand back, I began suckling my punctured finger and watching the unit come on. It was sort of funny to watch, a machine using blood to come to life! It was like a bad horror film! Still the unit activated and it began running a type of diagnostic or update program. After it ran this for a several minutes, the screen came on and a few symbols popped up, which I deduced were logos and not letters. Soon it stopped this process and it dropped to a blank blue screen with a ripple background. Several icons lined the bottom, some recognizable and some foreign."This is how you get to your messages and this is how you dial. I'll put my number in though." Urving tapped the keys with his claws, to show me what it did. "Hope you are alright with the rodent size. I was going to get you a canine sized one, but I figured it would be a bit big." Urving chuckled and my face twisted a little upon hearing "rodent"."No problem at all! It's nice to have a freedom like this!" I took it from him when offered, but didn't do anything with it right away."Yeah, it comes with a few games, but if you press this! You can buy new ones!" Urving announced, hitting a strange little icon, which I can only describe as a wonky dollar sign."But I'm gonna be here most of the day, right?" This sort of depressed me as it didn't sound very exciting, but safe at least. "Why do I need more games?" I laughed, but he was seriously trying to find an answer."Bro, I want you to have as much stuff as possible!" Urving seemed to admit, but that just made me gush internally."A'ww stop it! I'm really grateful, I am, but I just need some time." It felt nice getting to release some of these feelings."Alright I'll go buy some time. You want spray on or spreadable?" He asked grabbing his keys and pager."Wait... what?" My mind began exploring the astrological concept of purchasing more time..."I'm just kidding boy!" Urving pawed me in the gut and I was unable to keep my cool."Come on!" I shoved at his paw away playfully. "That isn't cool man!" Laughing at myself was something I haven't openly done in a while."Sorry, I couldn't resist." His eyes were little sparkles of pure joy. "I gotta go call my boss and get my uniform together. I'll be out in a lil bit!" Urving headed for his room as he said this."Alright." I nodded looking around, unsure...Once he vanished around the corner a small panic took hold of me. It was hard to decipher and understand, but it was very real. Not fear, but anxiety took hold and I forced myself to logically think about why I was feeling this way. Part of me simply felt excited for my first alone time in the house and I didn't want to waste it, but another more powerful feeling was beneath that. It was the unavoidable desire to run away... It confused me, as I was unable to understand why I felt this way? Though not ideal, I was content, so this uneasiness must be instinctual now... A shiver went up my spine seeing the irony of what has happened. In running away from this, I have made it harder to integrate with society once again…Stepping into my room I sat on the bed and clicked through the pager, phone... device. Why or how they got the word pager was beyond me, but this is essentially a cellphone. The technological advancements are incredible though... Small hexagonal shaped lenses lined the inside of the screen bracket. With microscopic precision, they each reflect off one another to form a solid screen of pure light. It worked as a handy flashlight and it was crystal clear at any angle. Touching it, or interrupting the light in any way, caused the others to amplify and attempt to fill in that portion. It was overall silver in color but the face, where the buttons are, is black. The "screen" is essentially a pair of metal arms with these light cells on the inside. It projects a foggy white light, yet the images it displayed were perfectly hued and colored.I moved my attention to the television in my room. Like the living room unit, it was controlled via the hands and snapping. Though I didn’t want to watch anything, the act of using it was fun in itself. Heading out the backdoor, I found it pleasant to simply be outside. My heart was opened to enjoying the nature and my mind became lost in the understanding of my location. This planet, however close to earth it is, was far from home… A small smile developed, as I heard the neighbor dog barking at me. Curiosity got the better of me and I peeked through the fence, but was not happy with what I saw… Imagine a bulldog the size of a wild boar… The fangs poking up from this beast maw as it spat bark after bark, could easily rip straight through me…“Normal dog my ass…” I muttered as the blood eyed beast, charged the gate barking.Shivering and rushing inside, I tried to forget the giant gray and brown monster, that is separated by just a wood fence. Upon entering I found Urving at the room down the hall, but he reacted to me shutting the backdoor. His nubby tail wiggled at the very sight of me and he waved me over. Proceeding into the room, I saw Urving sitting at an isolated box, which he was going through. Sitting next to him, on the other side of the box, I began looking at the photographs with him. It was sort of odd, seeing solid photographs when I thought this race exceedingly technological. A picture on this planet was much wider and more oval in shaped, but they were apparently treasured just as heavily, as on earth. Urving had them all kept in a metal box, stored away safely.“This is my mom and dad. They both live on En, so I don’t see em often.” The two bears were much younger, as the cub in their arms was very small.Staring at the three pictures took me through a small portion of his parents lives. His father was tall, strong, and all black fur. His mother was short, petite, and a soft brown in color. Each photo showed them a little bit older. From the first cub (Urving, I assume) where they glowed brightly with new found joy, to the second (Urma) in which the graying had began. The final photo was the two of them, kissing, older and sparkling with the happiness of freed parents. It was somewhat beautiful to see these two animals, both presenting features their children now wore. Life and family is the same here it seems…“Oh! Yeah, I found this for ya!” Urving shot a paw into the box and took hold of a colorful object. “I figured even a boy as sophisticated as you could appreciate this!” It was a stuffed animal of some kind…This lengthy, dragon like serpent was rainbow in color and it had the head of a chameleon. Two long dragons wing spanned a fair length of the toy. Staring at the beady little eyes and the silly fanged grin made me smile. It felt silly, accepting a stuffed animal, but judging by the damage… this was special to him and has survived a long time. This thing was cut, stitched, torn, repaired, and overall held together with love and careful needlework. Urving’s brilliance told me that my accepting this was a precious moment for him.“Thank you, what is it though?” I asked pretending to fly the winged, snake, lizard, dragon thing…“It’s a xoluti!” He reached for it. “They’re a mythical creature that bring good luck! But it is really difficult to catch one.” Flying it around, he pretended that it landed right in my arms. “Hiya Issac!” His cartoony voice made me raise an eyebrow and a half smile.“Thanks Urving.” Was all I could manage to say through my sheepish grin.“No problem, there are some books in here also, if ya get bored.” He added pushing a paw through the box.“Great, I’ll look at them as soon as I can!” This legitimately excited me, as I was intrigued about their literature.“No rush kid! Just wanted you to know!” He rocked himself into standing and headed for the door.It was getting late and Urving declared he would have to go to bed soon. He asked if I would prefer moose or sloth for dinner… This place is freaking weird sometimes… Opting out of trying sloth for the first time, I decided moose would, more than likely be… edible… It is a little bizarre that a race of anthropomorphic animals, would openly consume feral animals… I would really hope they do not cannibalize, but something told me that was a big possibility. Remembering some of the fucked up things humans would eat and the fact some anthronians consume humans made me shiver… Yet this felt even somehow… To take my mind off of this, I played videogames while Urving cooked. Though I offered to help several times, he declined and told me to “just have fun”. Being called things like “buddy”, “kid”, “boy”, and even “spaz” has grown on me… I only mention this because Urving actually said “just have fun buddy boy!”“Dinners ready! You wanna eat in the living room?” Urving asked, leaning over the kitchen counter.“Wherever you wanted! No stress…” I replied, just a bit nervous about the food I was about to ingest.Alright, so it was delicious, but that doesn’t change the fact, this is an odd meat to choose! That is another thing… Urving does not seem to eat vegetables or fruits… Not that I am complaining, as I ate produce far too much while on the run. It just makes me a little worried for his health… Did I really just say that? He’s a two thousand pound animal, he can take care of himself! Still, just the thought did tug at my heartstrings… It was a very peaceful night. We ate, watched some TV, played videogames, and just relaxed. This is what I have wanted since I was taken from earth, serenity. Comfort led to drowsiness and soon, I decided to retire to my bedroom, which was such an awesome choice to get to make!“You want me to tuck ya in?” Urving asked, a tiny frown developing, as I think he knew what my answer would be.“That’s alright…” I muttered, but felt bad instantly. “Good night Urving.” I gave him a hug, which made him growl lovingly.“G’night Issac! Sleep well buddy!” Urving hopped up to return the hug.It felt really weird just walking away from him as he continued to watch television. Not that the fact he is a giant bear hasn’t become stale, I just feelt bad leaving him… Wait, what is with me? Did I really just say that? Hey, what can I say? Urving’s just a swell guy! He has yet to do anything I didn’t want him to, or force me to do anything he wanted of me! What does that say? Ooh man, I think those few glasses of wine I had before bed are making me woozy. That’s probably why I am tired, the booze not the…-12- Forbidden knowledgeAwaking the next morning was the one time recently, I haven’t panicked. Rolling lazily from bed, I heard the knocking again, but the door opened this time. Urving was standing in the doorway, a whole new bear! He had on a uniform, dress shirt and slacks, with polished black shoes. His bow tie was a bit crooked, but the shades in his pocket and the heavy vest made him look quite official. He had shaved or… trimmed… or whatever they do! His hair was combed back, he was wearing cologne of some kind, and his ear was adorned with a secret agent listening piece. The odd thing, which I was instantly confused about, was that he was wearing clothes officially. I thought their kind just didn’t wear clothing. Urving quickly addressed me and gave me my answer.“I’m working club Hyper tonight, so I may not be back till later.” He announced, his face twisting with sadness. “Ferris said he’ll come over as soon as he can to keep ya company! See ya buddy! Breakfast is in the warm drawer!” Urving leaned in and tapped his maw against the top of my head.“Oh, uhh… Bye Urving!” I was still out of it, but hearing breakfast perked me up. “Have a good day!” I waved as he vanished around the corner, his tiny tail even more styled than usual.“See ya Issac! I’ll give you a call on my breaks, k?” He called through the house to me.“Alright, thank you.” I was unsure of what to say back, I’m not a child…Still, it felt awesome knowing I was not only able to go back to sleep, I had the whole house to… my…self… Oh god, I’m scared now. I shut the curtains in my room, leading to the backyard and the curtains behind the couch. Seeing outside was a little frightening! Urving isn't here… What do I do if something goes wrong? Trying to remain calm, I decided the best thing to do would be to go back to sleep. Just try to forget it… Remain calm and sleep…It worked! I awoke about three hours later (not entirely sure) and felt a lot more invigorated. Hopping from bed, I yawned, washed my face, then proceeded to fetch breakfast! He said warm drawer… What the hell is a warming drawer? Wait… Urving pulled a pie or something from a drawer during the party… That very same drawer, the inside of which was like a toaster, now held a hearty breakfast! A mug of coffee and a plate of food awaited me in a temperature controlled drawer! A warming drawer, awesome! He had made omelets and bacon! Lots of bacon, even inside my light, fluffy omelet!Munching down breakfast and watching Tv, I soon realized they have a strange eye for entertainment. On this planet the things we shunned seem to be rampantly apparent. Sexually explicit material, overt violence, gore beyond measure, nudity of all species, unsuitable language, and real life carnage were all mainstays of this place. Not saying they didn't have romantic dramas, kids shows, and comedies, just the other stuff seemed to have higher budget and better quality. This grew dull, as reading subtitles really sucks the life out of watching a show, but not knowing what they are saying is even worse. After another hour or so, I was done and had a sudden idea. Peeking around the corner a heir of uncertainty struck me… What if he finds out I was in his room? The door is open already, he is also incredibly inviting… What’s the worst that could happen? Stepping in, I imagined my first experience in this room… Terror, confusion, and rage filled my thoughts, but I turned my attention elsewhere. My file… I want to read my file! Searching around, snooping would be a better word, I eventually found a cabinet, which was filled with loose papers. None involved my adoption. In his closet though, jackpot! I slapped the others onto the bed, but carried mine out into the living room, where I cracked the shades and got my monocle. This is really exciting! They have a lot of information here and even if it is more about Urving that will still be interesting…First off, a page that was used a type of table of contents. It had my name at the top, nickname in place of middle name. A type of barcode or line pattern was displayed at the four corners of this page. It had my eye color, hair color, skin color and tone, height, weight, and something called a threat level, which was three. Two of the pictures Urving showed me, were posted here as well. Below all of that, it was broken into a list of intrigue. Discovery, life, pursuit, crimes, capture, records, and adoption were listed with tab colors. Let’s read about my life shall we? Holy crap… They know everything! I am reading things I had even forgotten! First girl friends, first physical confrontation, first time mating, human laws broken, times served in militant forces, level of social status, social importance, useful talents, marketable talents, religious standing, supernatural tendencies, possible psionic or psychic abilities, possible mutagen, poorest ever, richest ever, time of family members deaths, and the list goes on! It covers everything you would need to read, in order to get to know me on a deeper personal level! This is freaking incredible… and creepy! They even know my parents names! Next to their names, Margret and Mason, was a small green line of words. It read, LIFE: page eleven. Quickly flipping through the book, I found the page that was labeled “Family”.Choking on a gasp, I dropped the book and clutched my own legs. Never would I believe it anywhere else, but… this book says my parents are dead! I sort of knew it in the back of my mind, yet seeing this and reading they died during capture brings an incredible mix of emotions. I was happy they did not have to suffer the indignity and dread, but I am also mortified they didn’t ever learn the truth! The pictures printed into the pages made me shudder, as I slowly touched their faces, covering them from view. Unlike my precious mirror, these were… autopsy photographs. Tears flowed openly and I struck the table with all my might, instantly recoiling my throbbing hand. The pain was galvanizing, as I sobbed at my long dead parents expense. Should I… do I join them? If I kill myself, will I get to see my parents again? No… there is no such thing as a heaven or a hell. For my life before was heaven and I have been through hell… Tears still lining my cheeks, I picked the file up off the floor and returned to its pages, desperately avoiding those two…Choosing to start again at the beginning, discovery, I found it to be an extensive report by the animal, who found out I was still on earth. How or what device he used to determine this is beyond me, but a detailed report had been made, tracking me from L.A. to the woods of northern California. What scared me was how close of a detail they had on me, since I was on the run for so long! This is scary… It was as if an outside source had been watching me, ever since the first attack in L.A. I wonder how many other peoples file simply says “captured” or “captured on sight”. How many humans didn't get a chance to run… Did I get others captured or were we each individually monitored? This is some sick shit when you think about it…Skipping over the life tab entirely, I decided to read about my pursuit and again a wave of eerie fear shivered up my spine. They tracked me and had lists of others whom I contacted and associated with. The search parties, the caravans, the liberation efforts… All of our plans, from camp positions to battle coordinates, had been thoroughly reviewed. Nothing about my freedom was ever truly free… They have been watching longer than I have been alive… My god… Was I ever not under the watch of this cosmic life form? Even before the invasion, when I thought the government watched me, were aliens really out there? Choking up for a minute, I decided not to read all of the dead and captured, which I had encountered through ought my journey… How the hell do they know? This is impossible! They cannot possibly keep a record this detailed on each of us, can they? Is that a job in this world? To watch and track human beings? This is so hard to believe by just reading it… Shivering from unrest, I skipped ahead, not wanting to understand this secret tyranny. Ignorance will free me from its oppressing grasp…Crimes was labeled plainly and I decided to read further, but was instantly paralyzed by what I saw. The memory… the one thing I have ever tried desperately to repress, was now here staring me in the eyes. A skirl of sorrow escaped me, as I collapsed in on myself and couldn’t fight the memories from flooding my mind… Oh god, I’m so sorry! I can’t believe what I did. Fuck me, I can’t believe Urving knows about this… and he still cares… How is that even possible? How do they know about this anyway? Oh my god… No, this isn’t my fault! I’m so sorry! Please don’t blame me… I-I-…I’m not… a killer…“Halt right there! Easy boy-o!” The young dog popped from behind a tree, his rifle at his hip. “Just stay calm and nothing bad’ll happen to you! I promise!” His words echo in my mind, sweeping a tsunami of guilt over me and crushing me into despair.His name was Dalton Grain, as the file informed me. Not much was said about him, but I gathered he was inexperienced. The young shepherd dog was a cadet fresh out of graduation. He was only four years older than me… God, now that I am staring at his face, the memory is so vivid and clear… Like a murky pool of water had been instantly purged away, revealing the true depths of my sorrow. Bawling with unmatched sadness, I fell over throwing the vile packet of papers against the wall. This didn’t change a thing and as if fate guided it, the file fell open on his face. Each tear felt heavy with pure remorse, guilt, and self-loathing. Each breath shallow with the hopelessness and despair I was steeping in.“I’m gonna take this from ya, stay calm alright?” The dog held his gun one handed, leaning in to take my pistol.It was impossible to erase what I did, the memory… Oh god I can’t escape this, I have to live with this unending, misery bringing, knowledge everyday! No, please let me go back! I will do anything, I would give up willingly, please just… fucking change this! This isn’t right, I did something bad and I want to… I’ll try to… Oh my fucking god… The tears hurt then, they were physically painful. Each little droplet was accompanied by a heaving breath of loud, almost tangible woe. Collapsing off the couch, I kicked outward hoping it would hurt me greatly. Somehow the pain would make up for what I did, if I could feel enough of it… If I could have felt stronger, braver, something… maybe things would be different…I remember snatching his gun the second he got close enough. We fought and he was actually rather strong. The dog was in immense fear though, my heart is heavy with the remembrance of this… I remember throwing him to the ground, but he kicked the rifle from my hands. I drew my pistol, but he tackled me and we toppled over one another. Once able footed, I pulled my knife and swung downward with a vicious cry of rage. We struggled, his eyes wide with absolute terror, as I slowly brought the knife closer… His struggling grunts and growls, quickly shifted to whimpers and whines… I remember… I… I smiled when I started to overpower him. Oh god… I deserve to die... Jesus Christ please forgive me… Staring into the young dogs eyes, across the room, I was forced to relive flashes of when I killed him… I remember the tiny needle points, which were his pupils as he begged me for his life. He… I remember distinctly… he begged me to let him live. He said… that his family needed him… We fought and fought, I remember pressing down with all my might, but all he could do was ask for my mercy. My memory is forcing me to repeat the exact words he used… So peaceful, so endearing…“Wait, just stop… Calm down alright? No one wants to hurt anyone, but you!” The young dog struggled to keep me from stabbing him. “Look at my gun, please! It doesn’t fire bullets like yours!” Back then I thought he was lying, but now... “Please stop this, you don’t want to hurt me! Please… just… stop!” God he was right, I was too weak and afraid to see it though... “Please! We can just talk, m-maybe we c-could be-…” He released a yipe sound, half human shout and half canine scream.That disturbing cry of agony… of surrendered hope… Why? Why was I so eager to cause this? I wanted to live, but knowing… seeing… remembering… He was just as important! This poor animal was harmless and that matters beyond my will to live… Heaven above, his animalistic cries of suffering wont stop echoing within my skull… Oh god, kill me now! My hands slowly clenched around my skin, until I was certain I would tear it straight off my legs! I remember feeling incredibly… relieved, like this was the best outcome and I had “won”. My heart stops each time I review his agonized, final moments. I want to kill myself each time I remember him, desperately mouthing the word, “friends”. He was so confused and estranged to what was happening that his shock was painfully visual… I watched him come to grips with what had happened and what would happen soon. His tiny whimpers were so sad, but even then, he just begged for me to help him… I did nothing however, except observe the creatures writhing to death. The worst part was how personal the experience was… after the knife went in, I didn’t let go. At first, I felt his fluttering heartbeat, reverberate through the handle, slowly fading until I was shaken free by his meek fighting…It was painful to watch him clamber for his breaths, as he struggled to remove the bowie knife from his chest. It was not long until it happened… I watched his hope, his hate, his love, his lament, his pain, his suffering, his heart, his mind, his soul, his perception, his deepest fears, his entirety, boil away into one moment, which was death. This moment… this absolutely dreadful moment, is the one I always tried to lock away. Just the sight of the poor dogs eyes, fading then quickly falling lifeless, was haunting and has become the absolute essence of remorse and grief. Seeing this picture has created a paragon of self hatred… I am nothing… I am less than nothing… Dirt and shit have more meaning than I do… Tears were constant at this point, unavoidable, and I couldn’t stop shaking. Now I understand why Urving hid my files contents behind the ruse of paperwork. My god, he knows what I am… What I have done… How does he... care? Why does he want to take care of me so badly, knowing the things my past holds?This is what threat level three means! I have… I killed one of their kind. Does this make me subject to a greater punishments? This is all that is listed in the crimes section, aside from some thefts and fights I perpetrated as a youth on earth… Just the fact that they know… They are aware of my chaotic, horrible actions… Should I have surrendered? Would it have been easier to simply give up? Dalton would have had a chance… His family would still have had their son, father, husband, and brother… Why did I fight? Why so hard? D-did I… want to kill him? No, I swear I thought I would have died! I wouldn’t have tried to escape if I knew, if I understood… God, please grant me forgiveness, I’m so sorry. Another ocean of tears spewed from my tightly shut eyes, but all I could do was rock myself gently, praying this wouldn’t come back to haunt me. What will Urving say? What does… he think of me? Holy shit I feel so empty…My contemplation shifted toward suicide… It felt appropriate to take my own life, considering what I have done. My world would put me to death or imprison me for many years. This hurts… God my heart feels like it is going to break apart and I will be no more. I need to die… I deserve to die… It is what is fair! It is what I deserve! Fuck me and everything about me! What do I do? How do I do it? I want it to be quick… But I deserve to suffer immeasurably… God forgive me because no one else ever should…I dared not touch another page of the file. Even seeing my own hands would flash images of blood soaked skin, retrieving the knife. Glimpsing my feet would show moments of bloody boots, stomping through the woods. My life means nothing, I… I’m evil… Why wasn’t I killed? There is no reason I should be treated this way, these gifts… the room… I deserve death! I have butchered another being without ramification, but feel endless remorse… Does that say something? Am I evil or was that not… Fuck, it hurts, so god damned much… He was more important than I, that is all it crumbles down to! The room suddenly fell dead quiet, as a rapid thumping was heard nearby. It happened again and I recognized it to be knocking! Taking a deep breath I headed toward the door, but it began to open prematurely! Fear filled me and I though about running, but was unsure why I didn’t move.“Hello Issac, how are you today?” It was Ferris, his soothing monotone led me to slyly remove my tears.“Fine, thanks for dropping by.” I waved, as the door shut behind him.“Urving said you would like some company. Mind if I stay a while?” He set down a briefcase, but I was more drawn to the intense stare, which was felt through his shades.“Of course! Good to see you!” I waved and tried to sound friendly, but it was no use.“Why… why were you crying?” Ferris’s voice suddenly dropped and he removed his sunglasses.“Nah, I wasn’t crying man! Just sort of glum today…” It was a good cover, considering he was probably reading my mind right now.“Issac, I will not touch your thoughts if you do not want to talk. But I am someone you can trust.” A small smile crept up his face, but his eyes remained staring.“Thanks Ferris…” I muttered, then made my decision. “Well come on in! Anything I can get you?” I was going to keep it covered up… as best I could…“Yes, some tea would be lovely.” He responded, following me into the kitchen.“Right, uhh… teapot…” I began looking about, but Ferris chuckled lightly.“Let me show you my friend.” His words hurt emotionally, when thinking on Dalton’s dying words.Moving to a cabinet, he opened it and then reached into a half opened cardboard box. This container was bright blue, with yellow trim, but I could not read the text at all. Ferris proceeded to remove a pill sized capsule from a box in the cabinet. After filling a cup with water, half way, he dropped in this capsule. Much like a cartoon, the glass jumped, shook about, made surging energy noises… then became tea. A glass of steaming hot, freshly made, herbal tea now awaited its proper temperature, in order to be drank. Why did I assume I would have to boil water? This world has taken almost all time consuming tasks out of its day to day life.“Would you like some?” He offered a small cube shaped capsule my way, but I shook my head. “Is something on your mind? You seem... distant…” It was no use, I couldn’t keep myself together…“Nope, I-I’m fine! N-nothing wrong!” I felt my tears surging forward and I turned away to go into the living room.“Issac… it wasn’t your fault.” Ferris said this to my turned back, but its impact sent me to my knees, sobbing.“Oh god damn it, you said you wouldn’t read my mind!” I wept more, unable to keep myself upright any longer.“I didn’t have to Issac. Seeing the file and your tear stained cheeks, I deduced it swiftly.” Ferris responded to my total mental and physical collapse.“I’m so sorry… Please you have to believe me! I’m n-not a k-kill-.” Ferris cut me off with a gentle touch of my back.“I know that Issac, I know…” Ferris ran his paw over my head, but I just sobbed and clutched the carpet. “You are not a killer Issac and I trust you completely. Urving loves you very dearly and he is entirely aware of what happened on earth.” Ferris tried to console me, as I writhed in misery and self disdain.“No… god I knew it…” Was all my voice could manage to wheeze out between heaving breaths. “How can he want me around?”“Urving is caring and understands that you were frightened. Fear is the dividing line between sanity and instinct… It can make someone do things they would never think of.” Ferris replied, pulling gently to invite me to sit up.“I wish… I wish he had left me... I wish I had died.” I whispered, but a paw brought my eyes to his.“You do not mean that, I know.” Ferris lightly sighed, a hint of depression slipping out.“No… I want to die. No one should have to be arou-.” Tears cut me off before Ferris could, but I knew he had a counter argument.“Just listen, please. When Urving visited the other humans suggested for him, they all fell apart with fear… but you did not.” His words were intriguing, they stalled my sobbing for a moment.“Why did that matter? Didn’t he think I would… kil-.” Ferris placed a paw on my shoulder, his face shifting toward disappointment.“You are not violent Issac, I can see this in you. Many beings relish in inflicting pain upon living creatures. Your heart does not hold any of this vile feeling.” Ferris was insistent, as he gripped my shoulder tighter. “You are a good man Issac and what you did does not define you.”“How can I face Urving though… he knows about what I did?” Inside, I was more afraid of not being able to face Urving with the same friendly smile.“Urving was overjoyed once he met you. I remember him telling me, that you were the bravest little man he had ever seen. Of course, I naturally warned my friend about your past and threat level. Do you know what Urving said?” Ferris waited a moment, as I wiped my nose and eyes on my sleeve.“If he wants to kill me, I’ll kill him with kindness! He’ll be a good friend, if I’m good to him, right?” Urving’s voice echoed in my mind as Ferris mouthed the words…It hurt, hearing my owner, my friend, speak so highly of his savage alien human. The ghostly disembodied voice was like God or Satan, speaking a backhanded judgment. I was frightened, but I understood Ferris’s powers, which led me to disregard this feeling. This is not right… Don’t console me, end me! I deserve to die and nothing can change what I have done! Fuck, the pain is so immense it-.“You do not deserve to die. Issac, stop thinking like that please.” Ferris grabbed my other shoulder, rubbing them both gently. “Urving signed a contract when he took you into his home. It says, that this human is getting a new life, a clean slate, as long as he is with you. Do you understand? Urving doesn’t care about your past… He told me he didn’t want to tell anyone about it. All this, what you’re feeling, is just repressed sorrow, nothing more. Now please try to calm yourself…” His paws slid forward clasping me into a hug, as I was overwhelmed once again.His shoulder became a temporary sanctuary to release the ultimate guilt, which was murder. I am a murderer, but it is not something I planned, wanted, or wish to repeat. These beasts, the strangers, will not know, but Urving and the others do… That hurts so greatly… Ferris was gently rubbing my back now, as he rocked me in his arms and encouraged my crying. What do I do? How do I go on? Do I strive to live for both of us, or do I repress myself and live in secrecy as punishment? Everything hurts, physically my eyes, jaw, and lungs… but emotionally is so much worse. Ferris guided me to the couch and had a seat, with me next to him.“Issac, may I ask you something very important?” Ferris’s voice became less supportive and was… cold.“Y-yeah… what is it?” My reply was sniffled and coughed out.“You have thought about harming Urving before, correct? Not recently, but you have held anger in your heart against him… Is this true?” His voice was grave and the severity of what he asked hit me hard.“Y-yes, but it was different! I thought he wanted to eat me!” I quivered with insecurity, which was weighing upon my already fragile emotions. “I would never just attack him for no reason!”“I believe you Issac, you should trust I do.” Ferris cracked a tiny smile, as he tapped his temple. “Do you want to know what Urving was most afraid of? What made him worry the greatest?” Ferris offered, but I was unsure if I wanted to know… he told me regardless. “He was afraid of you running away. He threw a party so you would want to stay and feel invited. His worst fear was not being able to find you, if you fled. Overall, he was afraid you would get hurt out there…” Ferris was dark eyed for a moment, looking at the floor.“I wanted to run… so badly…” I admitted softly, clutching my legs to my chest. “I don’t want to hurt anyone, but I don’t belong here! Can’t Urving understand?” I begged Ferris, but that mattered little, as he is the ultimate logic.“Issac, you are a part of this persons life now. Just because they know something disturbing about you, does not mean you can just run away…” Ferris showed hints of desperation in his folded ears and altered tone. “Urving doesn’t want to judge you, hurt you, or do anything bad. He wants to help you belong and so do I.” Ferris’s smiled warmly, as he could probably sense how touching that statement was to me.“Th-thank you…”A wholehearted smile was all I had to give. “Does… everyone know?” I asked softly, after the silence became to powerful.“No, only Urving, his sister, and myself.” Ferris was assuring, with a paw placed on his heart.“What… wh-what do I do?” I asked feeling tears surfacing again. “How do I go on? How do I… make this right?”“You cannot Issac, the dead are gone and must pass into history. They may only live in our memories.” Ferris bowed his head and his ears folded backward. “But… I can share a memory with you… I can give you my memories of Dalton.” Ferris’s ears perked up suddenly, my heart shattering like a glass bowl.“Y-you really… can? You knew him?” My replied question was soft and meek. “Is it bad or…” I faded as he shook his muzzle.“No, Dalton was in my strategies class about six years ago. I remember him little, but the few memories can become special for us both.” Ferris placed a paw outward, his tail arching up over his shoulder.“I… I don’t know…” I was hesitant, but knew it was my only way to repay Dalton, if only a little… “Last time was just awful… no offense…”“None taken, it is usually not a pleasant experience.” Ferris was understanding, lowering his hand, muzzle, and tail.“I’m afraid. I want to, but I am just scared…” That was just an excuse, like my life…“Fear is an anchor, which holds us in place. It prevents life from moving forward and trying to grow, understand?” Ferris’s simple life lesson felt more important, considering my circumstances.“Y-yeah… I do. Let me see them…” I held my hand out and bowed my head slightly. “I need to keep his spirit alive, I owe him that…” Tears rolled down my face freely, but Ferris simply nodded.“Please relax. You will not see whole memories, only the shards I am left with these years later.” Ferris informed me and I nodded softly, unsure of how to respond.Placing my hand in his paw, I felt his tail land atop my head, like a living hat. My breathing became shallow and my vision blurry, but I remained conscious. Before my eyes an empty light spread over my gaze sealing me in a realm of nothing. Blankness consumed all I saw until I was left in a hollow purgatory. Distant specks seemed to approach from nowhere and formed a new realm around me once they passed. Shifting, whirling colors shot by or drifted into form, but as I stared, another location was given solidity. In a cloud, or moment of passing reality, I was standing in a small courtyard…It was a school of some kind, the very astute looking structure loomed overhead. The trees were swaying and dropping leaves easily. The bitter air was damp with the cold of late autumn. Looking away from the trees, I saw him… Dalton stood before me, backpack in hand and smile on his face. The maple colored canine was smiling innocently, rubbing his arm in shame. The striking light green eyes clashed with the earthy decay, which precedes winter. He was scruffier here than when I met him on earth, but fur is thicker for most animals during cold seasons. He spoke, but the words didn’t escape him right away. Instead, each little syllable slowly slid out in a echoing, slurred, mind transcending fashion.“I’m sorry…” He said, an innocence flowing over his face. “I promise to try harder next time.” After these words were spoken, the fabric of my vision unwove.Looking deep into the young dog as he vanished, I felt immeasurable guilt over having killed him… Again I was surrounded by nothingness, save random ribbons of color or distorted sound. Within seconds another memory was upon me and the cloud of mental matter fell into place like building blocks. I felt my feet hit something solid and I was suddenly on a street corner! A coffee cup in my hands and the smell of garbage on my nose, it was a brisk winters day. Cold, but bearable, wet and somewhat icy as well. Turning around, a voice calls to me, it’s Dalton… Several other animals had to part, as he rushed over to me. His mass of wild hair was only parted by his tall excited ears. His warmth was only matched by the excitement he showed for spotting me.“Hey, Mr. Sepluv! Good to see you!” Dalton ran across the street to greet me. “Hope next semester goes better, ya know?” He panted a moment, doubled over, but then looked up with a bright grin.“I’m glad you are so eager. I look forward to seeing you in class.” Ferris’s response was less than ideal, given my third party situation.They each gave their regards and shared a moment talking, but I was in tears. This memory passed and the empty world took hold once more, yet the feeling had not left entirely. The imprint of seeing Dalton smile cut me to my core, as I was lost in tragedy and self loathing. Watching another moment of Ferris’s past form, I wiped my tears to clear my vision. I have to see this… These memories are perhaps the only way I can even begin to say I am sorry.“Alright, high marks!” Dalton cried, as the memory faded in. “Thanks again Mr. Sepluv!” A little dance broke from him, as he examined his report card.“You earned it Mr. Grain. Your improvements have been quite impressive.” Ferris’s words made Dalton’s eyes illuminate grandly. “Keep up the good work. You’ll go far!”Fuck me, that is the worst possible thing Ferris could have said. He had a chance… Dalton could’ve been more than a statistic, but I… I am nothing and I drug him down as well. Because of my desperate and misplaced ire, this pure hearted and loving creature had to die… Crying didn’t feel good enough, but it was the only payment I had to give. Dalton’s cheery expression was frozen momentarily in time, but then passed on, as a new memory began taking form.“I just don’t get it… I always end up getting these wrong!” Dalton was upset, as the next memory solidified. “Maybe your class is to much for this dumb dog…” Dalton’s depression was like lemon juice to my emotional wounds.We were in the back of a well lit classroom. It was dim with middays sun and the amber light gave little heat. Desks stood in lines, aimed toward the front of the room, where Ferris would normally be teaching. Not many people were there, just Ferris, Dalton, and a few quiet others. I (Ferris), stood over Dalton and examined his work with graceful understanding and patience. If only I been able to maintain my composure back on earth… If only I could have been more like Ferris or Urving…“Now, now… Is that anyway to treat yourself?” Ferris smiled down at him, as I continued to weep. “I know you can do it! You just have to have faith in yourself.” Ferris’s words gave him encouragement.As Ferris headed toward another student, Dalton spoke up. “Thanks! You’re right, Mr. S!” Ferris glanced back at this, showing me the confidence he had inspired within young Dalton.His life was far more valuable! He didn’t deserve what I did… No one does, except me… This memory visualization process repeated itself many times. I was shown everything, from just noticing Dalton, to watching him steal something, to a moment when Ferris found him crying alone. This is too much… Oh god it hurts, my heart feels so dark and heavy! My head is pounding like a jackhammer! I am not worth the breath I take. My existence steals nourishment and affection from other truly important beings… No one should ever have to see me or deal with me. I should be dead… I should have been executed.The memorial movies became shorter and less detailed. Soon they were faster, less coherent, and frenzied blurs of sound and motion. Pieced together memories, that didn’t even make sense, were pumped into my consciousness. Shards of already broken up remembrance played around me like a damaged videotape. It became so fast, I just stared blankly, unable to take in anything specific, save the few moments my brain was able to capture and retain. Tears had been flowing for the entire ten minutes of this, but I just clutched Ferris’s paw harder, to retain a literal grip on reality.“Wait, no, hello, please, yes, bye, never, help, time, love…” Daltons voice spoke out randomly, overlapping itself in a maddening way. “Good morning everybody… no one needs to know… I know I’ll fail… No worries…” Words filled the empty space, as images no longer assaulted my mind. “Not a problem… that’s all there is to know… I need your help…” The voice started fading away, as Urving’s living room began materializing around me. “I don’t think so… I hope we can… you can always try… things aren’t so bad, right?” Dalton’s voice repeated random half sentences, as I regained grip on my body. “Friends should never fail you… if you don’t lose, winning wont be as fun… time to try and be happy… I will always be there… ” Just like that… like the knife fell all over again, he was gone…Falling against Ferris, I was suddenly home, in my body. The mental journey through the chaff of psychic illusions had come to an end. All I could do was bawl. Not controlled or poised crying either, I thrashed, kicked, and wailed like a child. What have I done? He was so innocent and I allowed my fear to destroy that… Oh god, seeing this solidifies my desire to die! Ferris gently ran a paw over my head and down my back. How does he trust me? He remembers Dalton, so peaceful and friendly, but he doesn’t hate me for killing him? Does he understand? Is it possible to understand this, I don’t even think I do… Urving, Ferris, and Urma all treated me with love, yet I am a monster! This just doesn’t make any sense… Why am I alive? Why couldn’t I have been more compassionate? Why does anyone want me around?“It was not your fault, fear commanded you. Release all of your sorrow, Issac. It is alright, you are safe now…” Ferris rubbed my back and held me, as I crumbled to nothing.“I’m so sorry…” A whimper escaped involuntarily. “I’m so very sorry…” I repeated willingly this time.“Life moves forward, so must you young one. The past shall never govern your future, unless you allow it to.” Ferris placed his muzzle atop my head and curled his tail over my back, like an extra hug.“U-Urving knows… he secretly hates me…” Clutching myself for security, I was overwhelmed with the fear of being alone.“You are wrong my friend. Urving cares so deeply about you. So much, that he was willing to look past what happened.” Ferris explained, leaning back and wiping my tears. “He loves you Issac, I know you feel it…”It was difficult to avoid anything other than crying. I felt so weak, so helpless to my emotions, while I bled myself dry of tears. Ferris was a constant source of supportive words and was the master of banishing bad thoughts. It was hard to keep negative feelings when Ferris could read my thoughts and keep me on track. This wasn’t right though, no one should care for me that greatly when I am a murderer. Is it different? Do they view killing as less deplorable on this planet? Or am… am I an animal to them? Do they view me as a beast or a wild being? Even if they hold me at lower standards, I hold myself to the responsibility of earth law. I should be imprisoned at the very least…“Issac, do you want to visit Dalton’s grave? We can go together, or we can tell Urving and-.” I cut him off with a grim eyed, silently screaming stare.“Please no… I don’t think I can…” I muttered with a hoarse whisper. “Urving is so happy… I hate the thought of that…” My heart felt completely dead, but endless pain still flowed forth.“I will take you Issac, if you wanted. We can keep it a secret.” Ferris was also misty eyed and his fur was damp below his eyes.“R-really? Thank you Ferris…” I looked up at him, the warming smile bringing a smile of my own. “Can I ask you something?” The question came suddenly. “Am I… Is there a punishment I face?” My voice crackled under fear.“No Issac, we do not have jails or executions.” Ferris calmed me a hair, but kept talking. “Dalton read and signed the contract. He knew perfectly well that humanoids were hostile to invaders and that death would be a constant threat. The choice to join the migration effort was his and his alone.” Ferris’s statement put a conflicting sense of fairness in me.“We thought… it was a war. We prepared to be captured and… tortured, eaten, or just killed…” I bowed my head, staring at the floor.“I assume the few humans still on earth must believe something similar.” Ferris sighed softly, placing a hand outward for me to take. “You do not think this now, correct?” His question garnered only a nod. “Then the problem has been removed. You should never feel the need to fight again unless threatened. Do you agree?” He must be a negotiator or something…“I hate myself for what I did.” A long sigh escaped me, as I gently wiped my face on my shirt. “I would rather be killed than even defend myself…”“Please look at me Issac…” He awaited my full stare, but it felt awkward. “You are going to be alright. Urving loves you and you are a good man. You are smart, funny, friendly, and unique.” I nearly cried again, but my empty eyes just stung with invisible tears.“Thank you…” I muttered, but his soft smile was response enough. “I am unsure of what to say now…” I shook my head, staring at the ground.“Try to relax. Let’s just talk, alright?” Ferris swished his tail around to his other side.There was a long silence, which seemed to flow endlessly, as I pondered his words. Though not the same, they were similar to Dalton’s dying words. My heart was distraught, rupturing with the remaining sadness it could hurriedly produce. I am unsure if he was aware of this or if he sensed it through me, but Ferris reacted. A small sigh became a strong sideways hug. He leaned on me and we had a moment of further silence together. It felt nice to just have someone there. Urving would have been ideal, but Ferris felt appropriate somehow. Ferris the fox is much more level headed and calm, than Urving the bear. I couldn’t stand the thought of Urving crying right now, so I quickly shifted my thought process. I am stronger in a way… Not deserving of the strength, but Dalton deserves more than my suicide. If I ever can, I will find and pay his family… with my life if they desire. Oh man, I hope Ferris didn’t hear that thought… He has to be constantly reading my mind. He has to be afraid that I am going to hurt him, even though I never would. Ferris has been so understanding, both at the party and now as I speak on my darkest memory. This has gone to long without understanding, I have to ask him… If only to clear my head or change the conversation.“How do you… ya know, use your powers?” I asked him after awhile in thought.“Do you mean telepathy or shape shifting?” He responded inquisitively, leaning me onto him further.“Reading minds, though I am interested in both.” My response was simple, but not from a human stand point.“When I focus, I can hear whispers. If I listen hard enough these whispers are what a person is thinking and feeling.” Ferris smiled, a pride lighting in his eyes. “Projecting my thoughts or words into another persons conscious, takes a greater deal of focus however.” He added, placing his paw to his forehead for a moment.“That’s… incredible! You can control people by just thinking about it?” Thinking back on comic books from earth, I was amazed this fox man had such powers.“No, that’s entirely different and much more complicated ordeal. To control someone against their will, I have to create a mental illusion, which the victim would believe. If successful, this scenario must also cause them to perform desired actions. For example, if I need someone to open a door for me, I would use the illusion that they just got home from work. It will be easy to mask the door and they would be more than eager to open it, understand?” Ferris chuckled softly, a very pleasing and simple laugh.“Yeah, that’s trippy… D-did it take a while to learn or discover?” I asked him wide eyed and slack jawed.“Well no, my father and grandmother were both telepaths, so it was not a surprise I had similar abilities. During my childhood I was able to sharpen my skills, as I was a bit too aggressive for my size and-.” I cut him off with a short laugh.“Same here bro! I was always in and out of… fights…” This didn't feel or sound as funny as I thought, but Ferris smiled regardless.“Using it then was simply to avoid pain and humiliation, but during my time as a therapist, it has been an essential tool.” He responded, a level of understanding radiating within his voice.“You’re a therapist? That’s right, you work with humans…” Knowing what was attached to this made my voice shift.“Yes, it is something I am incredibly proud of! Most humans who arrive here, have suffered mental breakdowns and need a lot of help.” Ferris’s voice was sharp (for Ferris) with pained emotions. “I try my best to recover who they were or at least help them build someone new…”“Th-thank you… for caring so much.” His face illuminated with warmth and pride.“You need not thank me. I care deeply for all forms of life and human beings are in a dire situation.” His response filled my heart with freshly brewed sorrow.“M-may I ask you something?” The question had been on my mind since I first met Ferris. “Why did the poison turn you into an animal? A quadruped I mean…” The irony of my question struck me firm.“It was to send a message. The poison used normally devolves Anthronians into plain animals. They meant to say I was a wild beast for trying to help human kind.” A small spark of rage lit in me, alongside frigid sympathy for Ferris. “Given I am psychic, I was able to keep a firm grasp on myself, at the cost of my emotions. But when you consider the shape shifting, I would say things broke fairly even.” Ferris’s words added the last few pieces I needed to finish the puzzle.“Th-that’s why you talk like that, right?” I asked, my eyes alert to even the slightest twitch of his muzzle.“Why yes, I am unable to properly convey or feel emotions. They come and go, but I have learned to trigger certain ones, like joy and love.” He didn’t seem bothered telling me this, but I suppose he can’t really get upset, can he?“Is that… difficult? Not being able to feel?” I asked him, a cosmic fascination congealing in my head.“As I said, I can trigger certain emotions. See?” Ferris opened his maw and gave me a big grin, showing his joy and all of his fangs. “Being around others inspires me to feel the way they do, which keeps me sociable.” He added, showing that he held onto one important emotion, empathy.“Can I as-.” He cut me off with a slight nod. “Why do you all smile like that? Is it for us humans or cultural…” I faded off unsure why this was important to know.“It is not something that will make you smile my friend...” Ferris informed me, but I insisted, curiosity fueling the desire. “In our history, many species followed the natural order of prey and predator. Weaker beings would be hunted and killed, then consumed by the strong.” This made me gasp, as I have never pondered their historical violence or evolution as a society.“You mean, you all lived… feral? Like, in tribes or wild…” These words flopped out, uncoordinated and unprepared.“Yes Issac, in our distant past we lived similar to animals on earth, but with humanoid level intellect. With time, communities formed with all mannerism of beings living together. However, trust was hard to come by and many species felt threatened or demonized. This odd smile, was a way of showing you do not have blood on your teeth. It is a sign that you are not dangerous.” Ferris repeated the incognito greeting, now that I was aware.“Wow, would have never guessed…” This didn’t feel like enough of a response. “Is raci-… species-ism a problem?” I was unsure if he understood.“Certain places, yes. Certain species, yes. We live in an fairly pleasant society however. We are social creatures and this has opened even the most stubborn eyes over time.” Ferris is so well spoken, because emotion is not an obstacle. “Do not hesitate to ask me anything, I want to help.” He saw I was in thought and gave encouragement.“What can you tell me about your society? How is this planet different from earth? Who or what is hierophancy? When can I go out by myself? Does Urving have to hibernate? Are you telekinetic also? Can I learn super powers or… abilities like yours? Do you have different religions, based on species? Do you all age and develop differently? Can you make new species by mating? Is it true you have known about us for, like, fifty years? Is the gravity different here? I think it feels different... Do you have jetpacks or flying cars? Did you guys build the pyramids?” I am unsure why, but I couldn’t stop myself from emptying all questions from my mind, I literally couldn't shut my mouth.Ferris stared wide eyed, as I bombarded him with questions. “One at a time my friend, slow down.” He flashed his tiny smile, then began thinking. “Socially, we are much more outgoing than humans. Animalistic tendencies come through in a variety of ways and this is not shunned in the slightest. Aside from the steady crime, which is completely unavoidable in a large civilization, we have a peaceful way of living. You are safe Issac, you need not worry.” I am unsure if he is able to avoid feeling my emotions, as yes… I am constantly afraid of the outside world.It is a strange emotional wound, not being familiar with the world you inhabit… Everything I knew has been twisted into a bizarre, more efficient, unrecognizable ghost of itself. The aspects mesh at such a fine level that I feel comfortable, but… No, I am not acclimated yet. Even now, this odd couch is just not as comfortable, as a normal sofa…“Our planets differ on micro-quantum levels, but a main point of notation would be Al Ur En only has three continents. They encircle the globe, like rings, never fully breaking, except once, on the lower continent of En. It is a national landmark, it is called the Grand chasm.” Ferris’s words made me laugh and he chuckled as well, only much more restrained.“That’s sort of funny… Wait, really? Three long strip shaped continents… You’re serious? That’s so weird…” I pondered what a globe may look like, but Ferris was prepared!“Look here Issac, let me show you.” He produced his pager, much like mine. The image he displayed was, incredible… Just like he said, three continents! They had a live feed via satellite or space station or maybe this is some kind of… Holy crap… The rings… rotate… like they are a drift amongst each others gravity. How cool… I’m on this right now, somewhere… I think I’m in the middle… This is home now. A semi content smile formed, after my fascinated grin had faded. I thanked Ferris and he simply pat my shoulder. While he prepared another cup of tea, I decided to have some water and splash some over my still burning face.“Now let me think, what did you ask next?” Ferris sipped his tea softly, his claws gripping the cup delicately. “Ah yes, Hierophancy… Essentially it is what you would call the president, but of the whole continent. We technically have three ruling officials at a time. Unfortunate for our political unity, each individual continent does not collaborate to elect like minded leaders.” Ferris seemed… angry… his anger is strange, almost feral or...“I get it! So that’s why they kept talking about a few different groups of people… Can I ask… The planet is named Al Ur En, those are the continents right?” I felt stupid, that is probably common knowledge.“Indeed, you are correct. We are on Ur and as you would expect, to the north is Al and the south is En.” Ferris smiled revealing his longest two fangs. “Do not be shy, ask me freely Issac.” He stopped a moment, then chuckled. “Though I suppose you already have.”“Th-thank you Ferris…” My eyes welled with dignified tears this time, but I banished them. “I don’t think I can ever repay you…”“Like Urving, we are friends and I love you. I know that is not something you are comfortable with hearing yet, but regardless you are subject to my affection. You do not owe me a thing Issac, we are connected, remember?” He tapped his forehead and flashes of Fiona entered my mind’s eye.“Yeah… I remember…” I bowed my head, unable to avoid smiling at her image. “Wh-what memory did you get from me? I sort of want to know now… If that is alright…” His ears stood straight up and he grinned like a child.“It was the day you became nine years of age and your parents-.” I couldn’t help but finish for him.“Got me a puppy…” I gasped softly.They look Ferris gave me was so uplifting. If he has my memories of Teacup, or at least when I got her, he has to know who I really am. Not only that, but he had to experience the joy and appreciation I felt toward my parents. I loved that dog… She marked the first point in my childhood when I felt deep concern for another life, save my parents. If what Ferris went through was anything like the pain to paradise that meeting Fiona was, then he should understand, I was an entirely different person before the invasion. Before all of this happened I was normal… Just another person, nothing special… I would have never killed anyone or anything if this hadn’t happened and my memories should reveal that. A foresighted acceptance filled my head with positive emotional energy, but I was still hindered by recently remembered horrors.Ferris touched my knee and I looked up to find him smiling. “It is a beautiful memory, I am certain you took great care of her.”“Yeah, she meant so much to me…” I looked back to the carpet, to escape his heavy gaze, but smiled.“Perhaps you and Urving could purchase a dog? No harm in asking him.” Ferris forced me to look at him with his words.“I… I don’t… I’m not…” I was unsure of what to say to that honestly.He pat my knee again. “Let’s move on for now.”“Yeah… When can I go out on my own? It isn’t terribly important actually. Do you remember what else I asked?” A short laugh escaped me and Ferris smirked, his eyes still beaming down on me.“Human independence is something that takes a minimum of one year. This is usually extended based on the threat level, but worry not Issac. The time will come.” His sudden return to answering brought me down a little.“I understand… I think that is appropriate. Until then, do I just have to be with Urving?” Basic curiosity fueled this question.“You have to wear a gravity leash. It essentially keeps you from moving too far away from Urving.” Hearing the word leash made me frown, but the science behind it must be astounding!“Oh… I understand.” Who was I to argue anyway? “What about me being on his shoulder? I can’t lie… walking around outside sounds sort of scary.” Admitting fear was something I had to do regularly in my new life… so it didn't hurt as greatly.“Illogical, you have little to fear with Urving. He can carry you, yes, that is a bylaw of human ownership. A similar stipulation is, Urving may designates a few of us who can take you outside as well. Do not fear Issac, this place is not as dangerous as you believe.” Ferris’s tone was so soothing, like a silken waterfall.“My first day here, a wolf threatened to eat me…” I sighed softly, lowering my head onto my knee for a moment.“I am so sorry Issac, would you like me to remove that memory?” Though tempting, I do not think Ferris’s offer is worth it.“No, I want to remember… Not all of you are so great.” I said patting Ferris’s shoulder for a change, which caused his tail to wag a single time.“That is brave… you are a strong young man. You are one of the most promising young humans I have ever met.” Ferris responded, a fragment of pride showing, for a second.“Th-thank you Ferris. But that cannot be true…” I took a moment to revel in my compliment regardless of it being diminished.“Stop that Issac. You need to lighten up a little, ok?” Ferris spoke jovially, nudging me with his tiny fist. “Urving is so excited to have you in his life. Try to reciprocate the feeling.”“Yeah, you’re right…” I smirked, nudging him back with my elbow. “Thank you Ferris, I really appreciate this.” I referenced our conversation.“You deserve it Issac. Too long did you go without answers and explanations.” Ferris’s words made me smile wholeheartedly.Ferris held something now, a strange presence. He was almost human like, or perhaps I was just comfortable with this Anthronian. His soft voice and willingness to understand my side of this entire ordeal… It meant more than the world to me. I cannot express how much emptiness this filled, how open I felt I could be… Ferris had began answering more of my questions, but I was temporarily deaf. My mind was adrift on a sea of emotional plagues. Desperately avoiding the tainted waters, I tuned back in as Ferris began a summing up portion of his speech.“So in short, no, Urivng does not need to hibernate to survive winter. No, I am not telekinetic, but my sister is. And no, you cannot be given or taught abilities like mine. That is something our scientists have worked on for many years.” His quick summary made me stare with disappointment, but I simply shrugged it off.“You have a sister?” I inquired, now curious about her powers.“Yes, her name is Flora. She is an odd girl most say, a bit younger than myself.” Ferris explained her away swiftly, but I didn’t see any resentment or hatred on his face. “She is going to Institute currently and I haven’t seen her in a while.” Ferris took a moment, his eyes closing to envision her.“Do you think she-…” A noise cut me off then, quiet at first, then a bit louder.Ferris’s ears shot up and pivoted along his head, to face the odd sound. The electronic buzzing ended with a echoing ping, which rung through the house. I stood as it grew louder and I realized it was coming from my room… Entering, I saw and heard instantly that my pager was… receiving a message or something. Holding it up, I opened it and a small beep of confirmation showed Urving on the other line. I pressed the little box with his image and he reacted brightly to me, as if seeing me made his day.“Hey buddy! You look tired, you been smoking?” Urving asked with a big laugh, a few of his co-workers appearing behind for a moment. “How’s your day been?” He asked before I could answer, infinite joy in his big golden eyes.“Pretty good, thanks for breakfast.” I replied to the phone, his image blurring a bit as I moved to the bed.“Oh no problem!” He waved a paw to brush this away. “Ferris there? I hope you haven’t been lonely.” Urving was a bit quieter, but he was still taunted by his work friends.“Yeah he’s been here a few hours. You having a good day?” I asked a little awkward, but he smiled and I heard someone in the background “aww” at my comment.“Great, thanks for asking Iza! You tell Ferris thanks and he can order dinner on me. I can’t be gone long, so I’ll call you again when I leave Issac. Have a good night pal!” Urving waved at the phone, the harmless, toothy smile bringing a grin to my face.“Bye Urving. Have a good night.” I also waved seeing the other security guards hustling behind him.Closing my pager I set it on the bed and released a deep sigh. That is exactly what I needed, to hear and see. Not that I feel better about myself, but things do not feel nearly as dire as before. It was like a stress valve in my brain had been opened, but only slightly… Just enough to allow this resurrected guilt and pain to fade, but not enough to forget. Urving, Urma, and Ferris have treated me like an honored guest, but yet they know… This speaks volumes toward Urving’s character and shows me Urma is truly as loving as she has been acting. All I am and all I hope to be, is still as important to them, as earth was to me. My life matters more than what was lost, simply because Urving wants to take care of me. I owe him my life for that… I owe Dalton my life…“Everything alright Issac? How was Urving doing?” Ferris asked, as I appeared at the mouth of the hallway.“Good, he was really happy to see me…” I was soft voiced and a little broken up.“Were you excited to see him?” Ferris asked, with a tiny smirk.“Well… yeah, I was.” I could help smiling myself. “He also said that we can order dinner, his treat!” My flash of enthusiasm got Ferris to smile.“Would it bother you if I cooked? I detest fast food.” Ferris seemed concerned for my decision.“No, home cooking sounds great! What do you think you’ll make?” Asking this felt odd, as most of the foods here were bizarre anyway.“Well Urving has some lovely sloth steaks in the freezer. Would that be alright?” Ferris noticed my disgust and laughed softly.“Sure, I’m open to try sloth!” I said after a wince of apprehension.“Terrific, shall I get started now? Are you hungry Issac?” Ferris nodded and moved toward the freezer, but stopped at the handle.“Whenever you wanted. I’m fine right now. How long does sloth take to cook?” I asked with a slight laugh myself.“My recipe takes a few hours, so perhaps we can continue our conversation as I prepare dinner?” Ferris offered as he came toward me.“Sounds good, thank you for cooking.” I had a seat at the counter.“My pleasure Issac, now what else did you ask? Where were we?” Ferris began washing his paws, rolling up his sleeves delicately. “Ah yes, religion is something that is quite personal to us. Unlike earth we have developed a unified religion, in which all gods are accepted and revered. We also have a common ground reached with those who believe solely in science. This polytheistic dominated way has removed the need for churches, religious conflicts, and many other problems that plagued early earth. Hopefully that answers your question.” Ferris turned over his shoulder once he finished this question and his thorough washing.“Wow…” Was all I managed at first. “Does each species have a god? Or has that vanished?” Asking this felt like a good recovery from my previous comment.“Though it is not widely talked about, yes. Many species believe that “god” takes the form of their species.” Ferris quoted himself and seemed displeased with this statement.“Do you think god is a fox Ferris?” I asked with a mocking smirk.“No… I do not believe in god. I believe in a higher force, like a celestial or spiritual tide. But I refuse to believe in a sentient being, who cares about the personal inner workings of you and I.” This explanation made me gasp softly, as he was very direct.“That’s… really deep…” I muttered, sort of feeling the same.“In our culture, personal religious preference is incredibly private. Many do not openly discuss such things.” Ferris added, his tone bordering aggravated.“Good to know. I’ll keep that in mind.” I had lost faith long ago… nothing to talk about…“Moving on, development amongst differing species is incredibly different, but only for the first few years. After, say three years, we all begin maturing at a similar rate. From the smallest mouse to the largest elephant. We are actually the same in many ways.” Ferris had prepared a few pans, which were now heating, but his words were so poignant I hadn’t noticed his actions.“So you have to takes care of your newborns specific to your species? That’s fascinating.” I replied, but then threw out a random question. “What do fox kits require? Is there anything specific you do for them?” I was proud I knew the proper term for a newborn fox.A few seconds of love swept over him, as he turned to me. “Like many other species, you should keep them as warm and cozy as possible. Mother foxes cradle newborns in there tails.”“That does sound cozy.” I laughed and so did Ferris.“Unfortunate for our future pup, Fiona is not vulpine and she does not have a very plush tail.” He smirked for a moment, as I laughed imagining what the offspring would look like. “That brings me to your next question. No, we cannot create new species. Two creatures with similar DNA can mate, but the animal made is not considered a new species. Does that make sense Issac?” He asked, peeking over his shoulder while he sliced vegetables.“Perfect sense, like you and Fiona! So what happens if two totally different species try to have a child?” I asked just out of curiosity.“Most times the female fails to become pregnant or the infant suffers greatly. Our culture has been working on a way to change this for a very long time, but to no avail.” Ferris sounded a little distraught, but it was the same, switch on sadness I have seen before.“I see, that would be an incredible feat! I hope I live to see the day…” A softness took hold of my voice, as I pondered how long my life will be here.“I cannot absolutely say for sure, but I hope so as well my friend.” Ferris’s voice became fragile, allowing specks of true sadness to show themselves.“Thank you Ferris… I cannot wait to meet Fiona either!” I was getting misty eyed so I added this to defuse my turmoil.“I share in your excitement. She is very eager to meet you as well!” Upon hearing his wife’s name, Ferris’s tail wagged steadily. “She is incredibly loving so you need not fear her. I understand you are-.” I cut him off laughing, waving both my hands.“You don’t get it! That memory made her out to be… an angel or something…” I sort of sighed as I laughed, but it was a happy sound.“I wouldn’t use any other word to describe her…” His fondness was by far the strongest emotion Ferris was able to produce.It is strange that a creature who has lost almost all ability to feel, bagged a girl worthy of being called an angel. She saved him, so maybe that developed some kind of relationship instantly… Fiona must be a very interesting person to accept Ferris and love him. It would be painfully difficult to live with someone who doesn’t feel emotions and copies others when he can! Just saying… I’m no better to live with. A uncooperative, unappreciative, chaotic, and dangerous monster… Ferris shot me a sharp glare and I could tell he either read my mind or was sensing my emotions. Ferris had been speaking and I think I distracted him mentally… Smiling innocently, he simply raised an eyebrow my way, then continued cooking.“As I was saying, the gravity here is different, but the difference cannot be perceived by a someone from earth. It is extremely similar.” Ferris was sautéing vegetables in one pan, while he was lightly searing the meat on another. “Yes we have flying cars, but it is not what you would imagine. Our cars can turn into planes, copters, and airships. Propulsion and gravity packs are high ordinance military hardware. The public will probably get there paws on them at some point in time.” Ferris was optimistic, though his words made it seem as though it was hopeless.“Your cars… turn into airplanes?” My head fell sideways with disbelief.“Some models can, yes, but they are more like jets or rockets. It is a safety feature for the most part and not for recreation.” My jaw fell open this time… a safety feature?“That’s sounds awesome though! Can we go flying sometime? I’ve never flown before, not once!” I was really excited that this was a common activity on this planet.“Of course Issac, but why is that so special?” Ferris asked lifting a pan from the stove top.“It was an expensive, time consuming, and allegedly aggravating procedure on earth. Again, I’ve never done it so that may be where this excitement is coming from.” Explaining this made Ferris nod in an understanding way.“We will have to make a day of it. Thank you for asking Issac.” He was quite pleased with this plan.Ferris moved the pan to the oven, which was in itself a strange unit. It was a long narrow chasm reaching into the wall. At the very back of it, a blaze of fire was raging and the metal was red hot. Ferris placed it on the very front and the pan sizzled evenly once more. Slapping his hands clean over the sink, he moved back to the vegetables, before turning down the flame beneath them. The pungent smell of roasting garlic and the light sting of cooking peppers was now all I could smell, but I wont lie… the sloth didn’t look that bad… Olive oil and onions were added to the mix, causing a whole new joyous blend of scents to fill the house. Even if sloth doesn’t taste good, these vegetables will be awesome I bet! Why does a fox know how to cook vegetables? Shouldn’t Ferris be raiding a hen house? My joke is sort of messed up considering how intelligent he is. Leaning against the counter, Ferris addressed my attentiveness.He thought for a moment, before speaking. “Humans were discovered fifty two years ago. We have monitored your progress as a species ever since.” My mouth dropped open and my eyes spread painfully full.“Wh- why… how did you? H-how and why did you discover earth?” I asked him, barely able to form words at first.“Eighty years ago, our people were trying to create satellites that could survive the conditions of a wormhole. This project made it through six phases I believe, but was soon canceled and deemed a failure. However the fifth model, Enterprise, had actually survived!” Ferris’s story allowed minor enthusiasm to spill forth from him. “Our astronautics program didn’t actually check on the satellites for nearly twenty years! When we finally did, our people discovered an infinite amount of planets and solar systems. Amongst them all, the greatest discovery by far, was the planet of humanity, earth!” Ferris held true passion about the topic now, but it quickly dissolved to his vanilla voice.“Th-that’s… incredible Ferris…” I gasped, then sighed with curiosity. “Wait… so you mean your kind discovered my species, my planet… entirely by accident?” If it wasn’t Ferris, I would’ve thought this was a joke.“Precisely Issac. Many discoveries from both of our worlds, have been mistakes with pleasant results. This is simply the highest form of that serendipity.” He casually waved a paw between us to reference our connection.“W-wow… no kidding…” I managed to force out these fractured words. “Are there other aliens out there? You know… besides us…” Nudging his paw was enough to make us both smile.“None of greater intelligence or sentient understanding. Most of the creatures we have found are under evolved or monstrous. Human beings are the most developed and culturally advanced species discovered thus far, but we haven't stopped looking.” Ferris put all of science fiction to a realized and logical death.“That’s crazy! That’s freaking insanity!” I clutched my head, practically falling from my seat. “What do they look like? They must be dangerous, right? Can we see them somehow? I really hope I can one day!” Another shorter storm of questions passed.“Urving said he wanted to take you to the zoo. You will get to then, I wouldn't want to spoil it.” Ferris wagged a claw my way, with a small smirk.“That sounds fun, but… I can’t see myself going right away.” This moment of admittance made Ferris sigh.“Forget it for now Issac, dinner is done.” Ferris’s faux excitement met my apprehension easily. “Tell me Issac, do you know what the great pyramids are for?” Ferris glanced at me, as he put finishing touches on the main course.“Wa-wait why? Do you?” I exclaimed, leaping up from my seat only to fall short of seeing over the counter.“No, just curious…” Ferris leaned up and stuck his tongue out at me coyly.Let it never be said that Ferris doesn’t have a sense of humor left… It made him laugh, but it was inviting and openly positive. Honestly, I feel the most at home with Ferris… Though I assume it took training and understanding, he is able to act relatively human. The scent in the home was heavenly, like the fine restaurants we used to see downtown. Clicking off the oven, Ferris remove the pans lid to wave away steam and tap away moisture. Freeing the contents from the sizzling pan filled the home with a heavenly scent. Like restaurants of my past each room was bathed in a pleasant aroma of cooked meat. Hints of chives, bell peppers, and potatoes could be detected, but were mixed with other scents. Alien vegetables had also been mixed into the baking pot, but were now being served amongst normal ones I recognized. The sloth cutlets looked delicious and I forestalled my apprehension until I tasted it… It was similar to what a pot roast smelled like, but some kind of spice was in the air, which made it much more pungent.“Please tell me what you think Issac.” Ferris placed a small ring of vegetables with two pieces of sloth in the middle, then doused it with a drip of gravy.Pulling some of the velvety meat apart, I lifted a forkful to my mouth and found sloth to be appetizing. Not exactly great, but not terrible… I like what Ferris did more than I liked the actual meat itself. He seemed pleased with my enjoyment and his tail swooshed about randomly. Once Ferris added some bread and poured wine, it felt like a fancy restaurant and not Urving’s pad. Regardless of the strange cuisine, I found this to be enjoyable. Peaceful, civilized, and friendly… Ferris simply ate. His manners were impeccable as I would have imagined.What made me uncomfortable, was that Ferris didn’t speak much during the entire meal. I’m unsure if this is cultural or if he was simply sick of talking with me, but it made eating dinner kind of awkward. Still I made small talk and Ferris responded evenly. All and all, I enjoyed sloth roast with vegetables… or whatever Ferris would call this. I nearly cleaned my plate, but some of the star shaped veggies and bits of sloth remain.“Was that good Issac?” Ferris asked collecting my plate.“Yes, thank you! I must admit it was a lot better than I would’ve thought.” A small amount of guilt followed this.“I imagine it must be an uncommon type of food, but it is a popular amongst our people.” Ferris placed the dishes in the sink, soft clinking still heard over his voice.“Your cooking really brought it together, honest!” This made him smile at me, as I placed a hand on my heart.“Why thank you. My mother passed down her recipes to me when she died.” Ferris was pleased with his results. “Urving should be home soon, would you like to play a game or watch television?” Ferris offer dropping a tiny bit of cyan green liquid into the sink.In an instant foam and suds were surging upward, building and collapsing in an unnatural motion. It was as if the liquid somehow had the motion and force of a washing machine. Like literal effort had been condensed and made into dish soap, that washes by itself… Transfixed by this rumbling and churning water, I shook my head and looked at Ferris with confusion. He laughed softly and gently touched my shoulder. Walking away, his huge tail flourished, showing me that I had amused him, though his smile was only momentary.We watched a show Ferris enjoys (I think…) about two families dealing with rivalry. There were love triangles and sub plots out the ass, but it was decent for acting and a few of the sets were gorgeous locations! It was hammy and sort of lame, but in my heart it was special spending time with Ferris. Like a friend of the family everyone really likes, but you do not see often. It was hilarious seeing a literal cat fight in the show, when two felines loved the same lion. Eventually Urving called again to tell me he was leaving work and that he was really excited to see me. I was also excited to see him… make this place whole again. It was interesting seeing Ferris watch the news, as he was far more interested than Urving. Still, something about knowing he had little to no emotions, made me uneasy… Than again he should be uneasy around a murderer…“It was pleasant spending time with you Issac, even the emotional parts.” Ferris leaned toward me and said this softly.“Thank you for coming over! All day by myself would’ve sucked!” I laughed, but his stare was delving. “I’m glad you came over.” Trying to sound as sincere as possible, he smirked.“Remember you can always talk to me, alright?” Ferris reached into his pocket. “Put my number in your pager and do not be afraid to contact me.” Ferris’s business card was solid white and had a watermark of a company seal.“Th-thank you… I’ll call you to talk politics, since that isn’t Urving’s thing.” Nudging Ferris I broke the tension and he reacted positively to this.“Of course Issac. I look forward to that and many other moments we share.” Ferris stood up and so did one of my eyebrow with confusion.“Where’re you go…” My words made the front door sprung open.“WHERE’S MY BUDDY?” Urving shouted into the house upon entering.“Heya Urving…” I faded quickly, as he rushed to lift me into a hug.“Oh MAN I missed you Issac!” Urving spun me into a tight hug and I was unable to decline hugging him as well.“Me too Urving. How was work? Did anyone start a fight?” Being held in his huge paws felt silly, but his beaming eyes were full of joy and energy.“Nope, all quiet on that front! Lot’s of drunk people though!” Urving chuckled, his big belly heaving outward through his unbuttoned dress shirt. “How bout you? Have a good night?” His big grin made me smile, as he glanced to Ferris.“Good, just sort of hung out. Learned a lot today from Ferris!” A small laugh escaped me and Ferris joined.“Oh yeah? You picking Ferris’s brain?” Urving chuckled again, slipping me to one arm. “Thank you so much man! I hope it was no trouble staying over.” Urving allowed me to choose how I sat, so I faced Ferris and the conversation.“Not at all. Issac and I had a terrific time together.” Ferris gave me a small smile, but accepted Urving’s pat first.“Thank you Ferris, you answered questions I have had for so long today. You really helped me…” I gave him a wink, but he raised an eyebrow, then simply nodded to me.“It was my pleasure Issac. You deserve answers and an equal chance.” Ferris shook hands with me, his soft silk like fur tickling my hand. “I will be off, Fiona is surely eager for my arrival.” As he added this, he picked up his briefcase and nodded to us.“See ya man! Thanks again!” Urving waved to Ferris as he headed toward the street.“Thank you again. Have a good night Ferris.” I added after, throwing a small wave his way.“Goodbye and thank you for your hospitality Issac.” Ferris waved a paw softly, his voice barely heard over the din of nightlife.“You eat buddy? What’d Ferris end up getting?” Urving had a small charm about him, thought I could see he was tired.“He cooked, sloth… Pretty good!” I chuckled, wincing from the overwhelming bodily odor he had accumulated through ought the workday.“A’ww! Was gonna make you sloth burgers this weekend! Ah well, at least you’re full!” Urving poked my growing belly with a clipped claw.Urving brought me to the living room and let me hop off onto the couch. Plopping onto the firm, but forgiving cushion, Urving made a gleeful noise at the sight of me. Repeating that he missed me, a small kiss was given, then a few loving pats. Although weary and obviously drained from his day, Urving was able to summon amazing amounts of enthusiasm. So much love… for me… My eyes watered slightly as praising words rained upon me and Urving told me about the bragging he did at work today. His absolute devotion is thrown over me like a blanket, but I feel so unworthy it dissolves instantly… Desperately grasping at this feeling, being accepted and loved, I told him all about (not the bad stuff) my day with Ferris. All that I learned made him gush, like I had broken a world record. It was fairly basic stuff, but he was all the more excited, with each word I spoke.“Damn, you’re gonna be smarter than me soon! Hell, you already are!” Urving chuckled, patting me with his huge paw.“Oh please! I never even went to college! You graduated from institute, that’s like college right?” I asked, hoping he would be as insightful as Ferris.“Yup, but it is sort of tailored to you. No struggling or competition, ya feel me?” Urving was using the wall as a back scratcher, sort of funny to watch while he talked to me.“That sounds great… can I go? Like, can a human go to college institute?” It wasn’t my highest hope, but receiving an education on another planet would be… far out…“When you’re comfortable enough, of course!” Urving was sort of shocked by my request, but a smile never left him.“Awesome, thanks Urving!” I replied eagerly, his excitement skyrocketing.“No problem bud! Everyone should have a chance at learning what they want!” Urving was so excited for me, though I could see he was tired. “Lemme get changed, sit tight.”It didn’t feel right not telling him about what Ferris and I had dealt with… After a long day at work, no one wants to come home and talk about there pet being a murderer. I was well aware of how supportive Urving would be, but I just don't think I could talk about it again… That day will come, hopefully later down the road. Urving returned wearing some more normal clothes along with his glasses. He whipped up a quick meal and offered me a snack, but I declined. It was funny the shift, from news and soap operas, to wrestling and action dramas. Still, having my closest Anthronian friend by my side felt nice. A lot of what Urving watched I could parallel to something from earth. Whether it was a canine James Bond or feline Superman, there was an animal version of everything! Not just that, but humans even made random appearances! Mostly as pets, servants, or lowly criminals, but occasionally as main characters! It was funny seeing concepts I have long since understood being retold through a new species. Zombies, time travel, medieval times, terrorists, and machine uprisings were just a few things we watched together.“Wanna play bud? If not, it’s all good!” Urving asked as another episode of Game of Bones started.“Of course! Can we go to another dimension?” I asked as the tv changed image.A short mocking laugh was the answer I got. “That’s for really high level characters. I can’t survive in some of the outer worlds.” Urving seemed to admit this, but he was grinning the whole time.“Oh I see. Makes sense.” A little disheartened, my own smile faded slightly.“Don’t worry bud! The day’ll come!” Urving waved a paw over my head, pretending to “level me up”.A small laugh escaped me, as he mimicked the noise from the game. Once started, I was lost in the enjoyment this common (yet new) activity brings. Playing videogames is so normal, but using these odd control gloves is strange. Still, I am learning the ways of the digi monk. The avatar was pretty damn good, even though his moves were not real. The mechanic level of striking was so perfect it looked fake. Still, kicking a bandits head clean off, priceless… I mastered several basic combos as well as how to incorporate meteor punch fluidly. We didn’t play long, as both of us were tired and I was going to head to bed.“Hey… uh, you know… I’m gonna stay up a bit, you can sleep on the couch if ya wanted?” Urving wore an innocent and inviting grin. “I’ll put ya in bed, just like… if ya wanted…” He fiddled his paws, seemingly embarrassed, which made me feel odd…That is an awfully personal request, but I am his belonging in a way… “Mind if I pass this time? I’m just gonna be out like a light.” I laughed a little and he nodded defensively.“No problem man! Sleep well, hope you had a good day with Ferris.” He waved awkwardly, visually upset by my decision.“Thanks, I did. Had a better night playing with you!” I gave a small nod to assure him I meant this.Even though that was a lie, it felt good having my thoughts to myself. Plus this little white lie made Urving smile and his face cleared of shame. Waving myself, I headed into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Anthronians use, what can only be described as a miniature car buffers to clean their teeth. It was effective, but a little hard to use, considering my mouth shape. Regardless, I was soon plopping onto my cushy bed, sighing with pleasure at the scent of the fabric softener. I feel strange assuming these things are called by there earthly names here. It feels weird thinking of earth in the past… As if that entire ordeal, the act of living as a earthling, meant nothing… It was like a tutorial of how to live, but the actual game of life is much more intense. Thinking on the subject, going through life alone would probably kill me… I shouted good night to Urving an extra time after thinking this.-13- Less than humanWrenching agony filled me, as I faced the gallows… Taking small steps, I tried to find something about myself worthy of saving. Infinite eyes, endless judgment, and torturous words had no end… Watching the noose being tied, a minor moment of sadness rose, but wavered. This is right… this is what should happen. The world should not have me in it. I do not belong here. Willingly I walk forward and the scratchy rope was slipped around my neck. Taking a life while, being nothing in life… I deserve to die… Closing my eyes, I tried to remember a moment where I achieved anything worthy. All my words were empty and meaningless, for I am a fool… My strength means nothing considering the way I used it. All that I am, amounts to the death and injury of others… The verdict and judgment was spoken, but it sounded distorted, far away. Cries of justice, vile comments, and storming blended screams surrounded me, all wanting my death.Without any warning, I fell. The floor had been dropped from beneath me. It was not as I anticipated and I simply continued falling. The rope tightened, no sudden tension to break my neck. Searing rope continued to shrink my throat shut as I seemed to fall straight through the ground toward hell itself. Cheers were all I heard aside from the skirling panic in my own mind. I felt my eyes bulging now and I was unable to close my mouth, due to sheer constriction. Please... let me die. Let this end, let me be no more…“No!” I sprung up in the dark, it was early sunrise. “Oh… oh god…” I touched my neck, still able to feel the sting of each rope strand.That was incredibly real… My throat hurts and I feel empty inside, emptier… Oh my god, I want to die... Clutching my legs, I fell on my side and kicked myself under the blanket. A fervent wave of tears fell from my eyes as I relived the pain of my greatest mistake. It felt like I had been strangled… My air was completely gone, only enough existed to breath softly and cry steadily. Killing myself would devastate the being that is trying to help me… But it is simply the only thing I can conceivably do to end this pain and repay the crime I have committed. What in gods name can I really do? This is my new world, the new inhabitants I live with… and I killed one of them… That fact wont change, it will never go away! Creeping from bed, the freezing stone floor was enough to make me gasp. It felt weird, but I went to Urving… No, I didn’t wake him or climb into his bed, but I made sure he was there… Something inside me needed to know he was there and that I could see him when I needed.It was impossible to sleep however and so I made myself some tea (thank you Ferris) to try and soothe the whirlwind of remorse. It was impossible to remove both the replay of my terrible actions and the new haunting nightmare of being hung to death. Stinging against my strained neck, each touch of my shirt sent signals of pain through my body. No markings had appeared, but the wounds were present, mentally, spiritually, or something… After a while, I realized I had fallen asleep and waking sort of scared me. I wasn’t in my room and waking up on the couch threw my sense of security. Scurrying for my room, I stopped half way and almost cried again. It just hurts… I can’t explain the feeling properly. Like a part of me no longer exists and I do not matter. Really, I don’t think I matter… I know where cleaning chemicals are, should I just poison myself? It would be for the best in the long run, I just know it… The door opened spontaneously and the thudding of Urving’s paws was heard.“Hey buddy, you awake?” Urving gently rolled me over. “I gotta go, but I should be back sooner tonight! I made ya breakfast, but it isn’t anything fancy. I’m sorry.” Once my attention was honed, he informed me of his schedule.“Thanks… Have a good one.” I said as happy as I could, which was a null effort.“Sorry to wake ya man.” Urving pulled the blanket over me. “Have a kick ass day!” His unending happiness forced a real smile to appear on my face.“Thanks again Urving… See ya.” Waving softly, I fell back into bed and sighed.Something inside of me wanted to run after him… Wanted to fall to my knees, beg forgiveness, and plead him to understand. Yet, I remained in place, awaiting sleep to take me again. He knows everything, yet never have I been pressed to explain. Doesn’t he want to know? Does he think he understands or… does he secretly fear me? That is a stupid notion… Regardless of how he feels about my past murder, Urving could kill me instantly. Dalton and I were relatively even, but fighting Urving inspires unrelenting dread. I cannot hurt him and I can’t… Why am I thinking this way? I do not want to hurt Urving, but for some reason it is important to know I could. Like a man in prison fighting to show his dominance, desperate to avoid abuse. Tears strewn down my face, as I imagined the way he could have treated me. Urving could snap me in half or consume me with a single gulp. This is not right, I deserve the punishments I have listed, but Urving does nothing except show love. I am so grateful, but I simply do not understand the logic…Opening the warm drawer, I found a plate with two pastries on it and a smaller cup of coffee. A small smile crept over me as I lifted the human sized mug and read my name in large, dark, green letters. A sigh fell from my lips, as I set the mug down and took a moment to absorb the gift. He is so eager to make me feel at home, but he isn’t at all concerned about my crimes? About what I did to Dalton, to his kind… On earth we feared these creatures so greatly, some of the people in my group committed suicide. The absolute terror of being taken away, to god knows where, pushed them to the breaking point. Not to mention, all the men and women I watched go insane from loss or sheer shock. The memories of what they did to us are just as painful, but on a personal level, my actions are unforgiveable.The pastries were similar to toaster tarts, or whatever their fucking called. The main difference was that these were filled with meat and gravy, instead of fake fruit paste. The second one was more like a desert and I knew this from the glazed coating. It was filled with crème cheese or something of the likeness, along with bits of peaches and apples. It was much more appetizing than the other one, but the meat pocket filled me up more. The main point of stating all of this, is that even though Urving was in a hurry this morning, he put these in the… toaster? Microwave? They felt baked, but… Regardless, Urving took the time! To care, to make sure I would be fed and I had something when I woke up. Even though I could easily feed myself, it is just nice to have food immediately.“Few heroes stood against the darkness, but they managed to bring light to the land once again." As the game loaded I sighed and wished Urving was here.Alone, the game is ridiculously hard… Not a single fight was easily accomplished and not one enemy went down without severely wounding me. I have died several times already and my half full experience point meter is now empty. Honestly I wasn’t giving a great effort, just sort of trying to forget myself… Still, with perseverance and focus I managed to kill the first three bandits in a small temple like structure… At this point I simply decided to collect the available loot and turn the game off. I am just too depressed to do this… Sleep, that sounds good… Closer to death than waking reality.The dreams and nightmares ensnared me with a reaping grip, taking from me the peace I hoped to achieve in sleep. When I did wake up, my thoughts were flooded by scraps of nightmares and endless amounts of sadness. As if to add to my melancholy, it was raining the second time I got up. The past is something that will haunt me for a very long time, as I deserve. This misery is my punishment… Never will I escape this feeling and I don't deserve the peace that would bring.A distant sound awoke me, but soon after I froze with fear. A voice, someone spoke in the household! Locking my body up, I tried to breath as softly as possible… After a little movement, the voice spoke again and I recognized it this time. Swiftly and silently, I closed my door and began dressing myself properly. Though all I needed were pants, I would hate to be caught covering myself with my t-shirt… Before long, someone knocked gently and called to me.“Issac, you home sweetheart?” Urma awaited my response out in the hall.Opening the door, her light auburn eyes sparked with happiness. “Hello Urma, sorry I was still asleep.” Rubbing my head, I tried to ignore my desires to die.“Oh go on and nap sugar. I just wanted to know where ya were.” She nodded assuredly, waving a paw toward me.“I think I oughta get up…” I stretched and began following her as she headed back to the living room.“Well then, here ya go!” Urma whipped a little package out of her purse and pushed it into my hands.It was… candy… My heart sank, cracked a little, then fell to pieces. Regardless of how terrible I felt inside, my smile and appreciative eyes lifted to her vibrant face. This lollipop type treat was shaped like a jar of honey, which would have made me smile at other times. Urma couldn’t have been happier with the hug I gave in exchange for the gift, but the affection she showed was more than I deserved. The soft rasp of her voice and plush feel of her fur, made this unavoidably comforting… Once the hug ended she began toward the living, but stopped half way up the hall.“Your room looks great kiddo!” Urma put her arm back to both reference my abode and await my arrival at her side.“Thank you, Urving helped me set everything up.” My response made her smile broadly.“Has it been good here so far? I know you were apprehensive at first…” Her response was somewhat sad. “Has Urving been a good fit?” She glanced down at me.“Yeah, I just don’t know if I am a good fit for him…” I was secretly referencing my past, but she didn’t get that.“Oh nonsense little guy, you are a great match for my brother! The both of you just need some time together.” Urma was relentless about her belief, which was uplifting in a way. “A few precious memories, a road trip or two, maybe a few more parties… guarantee you and Urv will be best buds!” Urma searched for a tea capsule, but was upset to only find an empty box.“It feels nice to hear you say that. I really appreciate you trying to make me… feel welcome…” It was hard to speak proper, but she didn’t point out my sorrowed falters.“That’s what I’m here for! Hopefully you aren’t so afraid of me now.” She bent over at the waist, her eyes becoming much more detailed.“Of course not… I never was honestly!” Fake laughing disarmed the emotion in my head, heart, and voice.“Oh that's good to hear!” She faked a ton of relief, then knelt for a hug. “Can I ask a favor Iza?”“Uhh sure?” I leaned out of her hug, the silky fur brushing against my face.“Can you play your guitar for me?” The fur on her cheeks spread outward from how big her smile was.“Oh… of course!” I pat her fluffed paw and smiled as best I could.“Ooh, can you play with your collar on? That would be so cute, er… tough!” She tried to change the meaning of that sentence, but I just smirked at her.“Yeah, one canine concert coming up.” It felt good to try and… be happy.It was shocking Urma knew about me and what I have done. How is that all she wants? It sort of throws my entire view of her off skew. Her affection is so light and tender, so perhaps she was a little afraid of me… I doubt this, as her first image of me was my cowering in the entryway. It is not fair to her, to have to hide something so terrible about me… Nobody should even have to speak to me or see me… Perhaps I will wear this collar all the time, be someone entirely new… That just feels like hiding from my past, not facing the reality. Rationalizing this leads nowhere and nothing I can do will make any difference in the world… Urma was awaiting me in the living room, so I quickly clicked the collar around my neck and collected my guitar. Seeing myself as a creature of this world, an Anthronian, was strange to say the least… Playing my guitar with paws may be a bit more difficult than I imagined… But they are my hands and I am still the same person… Same forever…“Oh my gosh, you look so adorable!” Urma threw her paws open for a hug, so I walked over to oblige.“Thank you…” It felt wrong to accept affection and feel loved. “I’m nothing special though, it’s the guitar, really.” I posed with it, but she didn't take her eyes off my face.“Don’t you sell yourself short! You’re a cutie and I bet you’ll nab a beautiful wife!” Urma cuddled her paws together, as if I was still in them.“Th-thank you Urma…” This is too much… “What did you want to hear?” I asked a rather stupid question. I don't know any songs from this planet.“Ooh, can you play country? I have always liked earthling country music!” Urma exclaimed, particularly happy that I asked.“Uh sure, but I have to admit that isn’t my forte… Forgive me if this sucks.” She scoffed and folded her arms, shooting a friendly glare my way.“Give yourself credit! You know how to play an instrument, that’s something special!” Urma applauded a little, as I began to pluck the twanging sounds she requested.With a little work, I got her clapping rhythmically with the song I remembered from earth. Though I do not think she recognized this song, Urma was overjoyed that I fulfilled her request. Not sure what came next, I stopped mid strum and just sort of laughed, but Urma practically begged for more. It was apparent that I had a similar effect on Urma, as on her brother. My errors and moments of lacking effort didn’t phase her, as she seemed eager to see me smile or even make eye contact. Honestly, I really dislike country… Not trying to mock anyone who does enjoy it, it just never was my favorite. Urma however, loved and even named a few of the tunes I managed to strum out. Inside it was hard to find the light, that good feeling that conjures from creating music. Still I provided uplifting entertainment, complete with tail dancing, and paw stomping.“Thank you bunches Issac! This really made my day!” Urma offered another hug, but I just bowed.“Could I… play something different? Is that alright?” I asked sheepishly, unsure if I should be though…“Of course sweetheart! Can you play in my lap? Is there enough room?” Urma seemed a little embarrassed, but her pleasant demeanor was inviting.A simple nod made her overjoyed and she lifted me into her lap, then handed me my guitar. Now, I have played laying on my back before, but you cannot understand how distracting the situation was… Trying to remember and play songs was ten times harder with a giant bear petting, pampering, and praising you… I imagine this is what it will be like if Urving ever requests this, but I was relieved that Urma showed some restraint. Still she rubbed my ears like good luck charms, scratched my stomach through my shirt, and pat my head with glee. This was a much happier moment for her, than it was for me however… I couldn't validate her kindness or enjoy the pleasant feelings my fake ears caused me.In my mind I was void of any and all happy feelings. Urma showed endless cheer over my simple performance, but I was playing some truly sad songs. Though not as well as the original artists, the desired effect was achieved as I silently sang in my head. It hurt deeply, though a fake passion never left my face… muzzle… Opening my eyes and seeing a snout extending from my face made things feel unreal, like a dream I was having. This feeling never lasted, as the hum of the collar could steadily be heard over the reverberations of my guitar. This illusory coyote covering is not who I am, though I wish I could hide behind the mask forever…“Oh honey, you are really good!” Urma declared as the song came to an end. “That was beautiful!”“Thank you…” The dulcet, yet inspired melody still ran through my head. “I really like that song, I can’t quite remember the name…” This reply made her lean down and snuggle me, her touching my muzzle tickled my actual nose.“I have to call Urnest and see if he got home safely. I will be right back, eat your treat hun!” Urma stood, with me in her arms, then set me on the couch.“Say hi for me.” I muttered as she began to leave, but a brilliant smile was given in return.Once alone I fell back into deepest depression. Looking down and seeing paws was a constant reminder of Dalton… Though entirely different in shape and color, it was the only thing on my mind… What sort of music did he enjoy? What was Dalton like? What would he be doing now? Could we have really been… friends? Tears formed and I saw them rolling down my muzzle, though I felt them staining my cheeks. This is a very odd feeling, the way this illusory form mimics actual sensations.It was no use, I walked to my room and wept as quietly as I could. Sadness has formed a new meaning, a heightened clarity... No amount of love will make this right or change how I feel about myself. I am marching toward the grave, plain and simple. All I am, amounts to the death of others, that’s what the dream was trying to tell me. Then again, I always thought people who found meaning in dreams to be foolish. I don’t know what to think anymore really… Removing the collar, I saw my hands appear from beneath the distorted pulses. For a second… I swear, they were bloody…It felt ridiculous, but I didn’t want to offend Urma. Unwrapping the sticky, translucent yellow blob, I sighed twirling it in my fingers. This feels so wrong… Both degrading and insulting to the memory of Dalton Grain. No… she is trying to be kind. Urma wants me to feel welcome and enjoy my life with her brother. It cannot be that simple for me though… Nothing will make up for that, no matter how you rationalize it. Everything just feels so wrong…Like yesterday, though at a slightly earlier time… my pager phone chimed out an alert. Upon being opened, the phone flashed an image of Urving’s number and picture, then showed me his end of the line. It is sort of a funny way to call, as the recipient can just see you waiting for them to answer… Urving checked his watch once or twice and swiped a paw over his hair, then looked a little disappointed. As he lowered the device, I quickly answered, not wanting to let him down.“OH HEY! Thought you were busy with Urma or something!” Urving exclaimed vibrantly, pulling the phone close to his face.“Heya Urving. How you?” It was difficult to speak with the candy glued to my mouth.“Great! Today has been real boring, so I been missing ya pal!” He shook the phone a little. “Can’t wait to see ya!” The smile he paired with these words, cut deep into my heart.“Me too man.” I said with as much devotion as I could conjure. “Can’t wait till you get home!” His eyes lit up like fireworks upon hearing this.“Thank you, that made my day…” He growled softly, a frank grin lining his face. “I should get back earlier than yesterday!” Announcing this made him bounce with excitement.“Awesome! Maybe you can help me in Dread bringer, I’m sort of stuck…” Anything, any words that will keep this false happiness going.“Sounds great! Looking forward to it!” Urving was having a cigarette, which made him look kinda cool in his security garb. “How’s your day going bud?” Peering deeply into his phone, Urving studied my face.“Great, I slept in pretty late and when Urma got here I played guitar for her. All good so far!” It made me happy sort of, making him smile…“A’ww, I better get to hear some guitar soon!” Urving fake complained, taking a finishing drag on his cigarette. “I gotta go bud, but thanks for chatting with me a while!”“Thanks for calling me. It’s cool getting to talk to ya like this!” Though it was fake, the smile I gave came from desired emotions.“No problem! See ya soon buddy! Have a great night!” Urving waved to me, the phone jarring a little.“Bye Urving, be safe tonight…” I am unsure what made me say this, but I did and he shot me a funny face.“Thanks bro, I will!” His vibrant attitude lit a tiny fire in my heart.Shutting the phone, I watched each little light flicker off, until it was devoid of all electronic life. This loneliness, the longing to have someone here… was immeasurable. Inside I was hopelessly depressed and my only saving grace was to discuss things with Urving and Urma. What if they are not as supportive as Ferris? I deserve that interrogation, but I hope that friendship will outshine fear, anger, or disdain. Though I expected the upmost understanding from Urving, I do not think I deserved it. It felt wrong to have them ignore my unforgiveable crimes… I can’t think straight right now, like my mind is circling the drain and nothing can save it. I wish I was never born… So many lives would be better off. Some of the others claim I am going to be the best thing that happened to Urving, but I really cannot believe that…As I stood up, something caught my eye. Colors of all kind caught the light and sparkled off in a vibrant pattern. The stuffed animal Urving gave me stared blankly across the room. Unable to avoid smiling when I saw this little critter, my hands took it from the inlaid shelves against my will. Something about this little friendly monster was endearing and made me feel moments of hope. Holding it up a little, I pretended it was brand new, trying to ignore the shreds and frays. My thoughts distanced from me further and further, until I was consumed by day dreams. In my thoughts cub Urving and pup Dalton played together, wanting another playmate… Tears slid down my cheeks yet again, as I imagined myself joining the fun. In this mental projection we were all… friends…“That was Urving’s favorite toy as a cub! It is precious seeing you holding it!” Urma exclaimed making her presence in the doorway known.“Oh, thanks… Didn’t see ya there…” Urma could see my emotion, but I think she wanted to avoid addressing it. “Do you have one Urma?” Asking this offhand got me more back story than I would’ve expected.“When we were young, there was this carnival and a games reward was this xoluti. Urving and I thought, because it was the only one, that it would really be lucky, like the stories.” Urma sat on my bed, the cushion just barely fitting her body. “We both tried really hard to get it and Urving won with our last token!” She picked me up, some strain in her voice, then plopped me on her lap.“That’s a fun story. He must’ve been happy!” This was not hard to fake, as her tender demeanor was greatly appreciated.“Oh you bet! He taunted me for a week straight, but then said we could share it whenever I needed extra luck.” Urma chuckled when she saw my tiny smile.“Sorry if I sound stupid or insulting, but are you or Urving older?” My question was to distract my mind, keep me smiling.“I am, silly! Urving was, is, and always will be my brother cub!” She tickled my belly, after using this affectionate title for Urving.“Oh, well, he is just so big… I kind of assumed.” I chuckled to myself, but she just joined in.“Nope, we get it all the time! When I was dating in my youth, I used to say he was my older brother to scare guys into behaving!” Urma was bright as she pretended to punch me, complete with a little “pow” sound. “Urv’s harmless though, he couldn’t hurt a fly, even if he caught one!” She laughed, with me tailing, a bit less enthused.I wanted to ask her about my file so badly, ask her to tell me what she really thought… It felt like the right atmosphere and she has been so friendly thus far. It just felt wrong to ruin a good thing, when Urma is obviously having a nice time. That time would come, I would be able to ask her what she truly thought of me and face the consequences of critical judgment. Maybe I shouldn’t ask, it would completely alter our still growing relationship. A meek smile was still worn, as I looked up out of my own thoughts, to Urma’s awaiting face…“I’m sorry, I was sort of lost in thought…” I sighed, trying to convey how upset I was with myself.“No problem sugar, I just asked if you were hungry.” Urma was staring at me alert eyes and attentive ears. “Also told you my whole life story, but that’s cool!” She added sarcastically, waving a paw like it wasn’t a big deal.“Guess I really am tired if I missed all that!” Adding to other peoples jokes is the only way I really know how to be funny…“Well feel free to nap Issac!” Urma offered placing me into sleeping position.“It was a joke! I’m fine. Thank you though.” Hopping up, I marched in place, showing my energy.“If you wanted to smoke or play games you can do that too!” The tone she used was inviting, but a bit disappointed.“I wouldn’t be a very gracious host if I just left you alone, would I?” She half gushed, patting my head in response to this.“Oh honey, we’re family now! That may sound weird, but I want you to feel comfortable around me all the time!” Urma pulled me into a side hug, which was less comfortable than Urving’s.“Th-thank you Urma…” I said softly, lowering my head to hide my brewing tears. “I really appreciate how you have treated me. I want to repay you somehow…” It took all I was to face her and not cry, but smile instead.“Just be happy. Nothing would be better for me!” She rubbed my cheek, tilting her head as the vibrant crimson eyes shut lovingly. “Also quit smoking and try to gain some weight too, k bud?” Urma’s face and voice matched a concerned mother, trying to be both real yet fun.All I could do was force laughter. It was the only thing that would keep me from showing the deep inner turmoil, which I wrestled with. Not a second has passed that I felt any better about myself, only more gratitude toward those around me. The way I am treated by these creatures is astounding, considering how horrible I truly am… If she knows about my past and treats me with so much kindness, then she simply has to be a loving and accepting person. Like her brother, Urma chooses to look past what I did and examine me in a different light. Instead of a violent, dangerous human… she see’s the fear and anxiety that I cannot escape. This made me want to meet their parents and thank them for producing such loving people. In my mind… I became desperate to thank Urving. It felt like if I didn’t do it soon, he would stop trusting me or his demeanor would change. This fear was suddenly so potent, that I had to fight to ignore it and reassure myself Urving would be the same bear when he gets home.After a short while, Urma and I retired to the living room. We had coffee and a mild chit-chat, but nothing major. This led to her showing me photos of Urnest, Urving, and herself as cubs. It sounds funny to say, considering their size (future Urnest included), but they were all tiny as cubs! Urving was a pudgy little fluff ball back then, big enough for me to have held. Surprisingly, Urma was also a bit chunkier as a youth. I am unsure if she simply grew into her own body or if work and dedication played a roll in it, but she was slender now (for a giant bear).“I wish I had photo’s of when you were a littl’un! That would be precious!” Urma pat my head when she saw me in thought and not looking at the photo of her parents. “Something on your mind sweetheart?” She asked as my words failed to come forth.“No, just wish I had some pictures too…” It was hard to say this without sounding sad. “I don’t have anything from earth, ya know? None of my stuff…” It was a made up reason, yet an incredibly painful truth.“Oh honey… I’m so sorry…” Urma’s apology was unneeded, but I appreciated it none the less. “I know! Let’s take some pictures now!” Urma quickly began rifling through her purse.“Sure!” My heart was a little warmer as Urma produced her pager and snuggled me close.“Smile big, Issac!” Urma commanded lovingly, as she held up her pager.Smiling just then, it felt conflicted… I wanted to be happy, feel good, and have a nice time, but I just couldn’t accept this joy. Still, I watched the flash repeat a few times, as Urma posed behind me or told me what to do for the photo. Watching her browse the pictures and delete the out of focus or simply unwanted ones, I couldn’t avoid feeling real shards of happiness. Though minor, like a single thread being tugged to reveal its true burden, I felt a tiny spark of happiness igniting my soul slowly. Urma began clawing through my hair, stating she wanted to style it for another photo. When I just took it in, the affection and the joviality of the situation, I was lost… Leaning back into Urma’s less squishy body, I felt her free paw gently grip me and a faint happy sound growled from her. This picture made her gush when she looked at it, me specifically.“Oh my gosh you are so handsome!” Urma showed me the photo of my windswept hairdo and her huge grin. “I’m sending this to Urving, he’s gonna be so jealous!” She began clicking away on her pager.Jealous… of being around me? My stomach filled with butterflies, but I just clenched it to kill them quickly. It doesn’t feel right! Fuck, I hate myself so much, but I am being bombarded with love. Urma hummed lightly, skimming through her photos of me slowly, enjoying each one again. I’m certain she is trying to be nice, extra special for me… I appreciate that, unendingly, but I do not deserve it. What can I do to return this ultimate favor? How do I show gratitude for the greatest second chance in the universe? It’s funny how quickly my vocabulary has changed from “world” to “universe”, now that I know what is out here…“Ya hungry buddy? I bet you could do with a sandwich or something.” Urma stood up, stretching a little.“Sure, I can make us both something if you would prefer to relax. What would you like?” I got up quickly, jogging to make it in front of her.“You are just to much bud.” Urma nudged me, placing a paw to her heart. “Come on, we’ll do it together!” With a wave of her paw, she pat me on the shoulder and gently pushed me into the kitchen.Standing at the counter, I sighed internally and tried to reach the surface, but could barely touch it. Grumbling about my height, I was lifted and placed atop a small, cubic stool. Urma glanced down at me, a tiny smirk appearing for a few seconds. Her relentlessly loving attitude and unstoppably endearing disposition, disarmed the time bomb burning away in my worthless mind. It was easy to get lost with someone who acts like your mother… What would my folks have thought? I imagine dad wouldn’t have had much to say, but mom… My mother would’ve surely been heartbroken, just like I am now. Ferris is right, I am not evil… just scared… Fear is dangerous when left unchecked.This fear was forestalled momentarily, as Urma and I made sandwiches. I cannot imagine anything so simple making me feel this good. Honestly, Urma is what made this so fun, every little option and choice accompanied with friendly words or advice. Urving has yet to let me in the kitchen, as he seems to enjoy cooking for me, but Urma was introducing me to all the utensils, devices, and other assorted goods. She showed me what packages or boxes held instant snacks and what were ingredients for larger meals. She tried to teach me letters and words and though I didn’t learn, I thanked her from the bottom of my heart. That meant the world to me for some reason… “Would you like to watch a movie Issac? It’s one of my favorites!” Urma offered once our meals were prepared.“Of course, sounds great!” The idea would certainly keep my mind off the dark thoughts still raging around my skull.She clicked through the television, unknown words and letters being punched into the machine. Soon, the television made a confirmation noise and the screen went black for a moment. The films introduction was somber, filmed mostly in a bluish hue, and set around a prison yard. It heavily emphasized how high and unforgiving the walls are. Many moments of physical violence were shown in the background, but it would fade, just before it became incredibly graphic. This is one of Urma’s favorite movies? Really? Just watching the first twenty minutes, I am convinced we are going to see someone get stabbed and possibly raped. Someone began narrating, talking about his life and the things he thought weren’t right. A part of me was aware of the contrasts this film may hold, so I wonder… Did Urma purposely choose this movie? She had to of… Is she trying to ask or tell me something?“You take away all the good from someone and all that is left will be evil. Even if it wasn’t there before, something has to fill that void.” This was the first line that stood out to me. “One thing I have learned in prison… You cannot take someone’s evil and expect to find good… They had to have it in the first place. What is better? To have been born with a good heart or to have to fight to change who you are?” The narrator was finally revealed to be a thin, pale yellow leopard, with a crop of dreadlocks atop his head.Watching this movie I gathered it was essentially the life of a convict, who killed an intruder in his families home when he was younger. Though he does not claim innocence, he is very poignant in his thoughts about said actions. This man, er, feline… believes good can turn into evil, but something evil cannot ever be good, or pure. However, he desperately struggles with what he did and wonders if it is right… During the course of the film, his family visited, separately. Each one had a differing opinion of his actions, as well as the message that they are moving on and will no longer see him. The convict, Sam, was visited by his sister first. She was heading off to college and this is why she couldn’t visit regularly anymore. In her eyes Sam is entirely innocent, thinking she would be dead if he hadn’t killed the intruder six years ago.“You really got into Grand bell institute? Sis, I always said you were smart as hell!” Sam showed his first real joy of the movie here.“Yeah, but… you know, Samvell, I wont be able to see you.” She thought a moment, then began to tear up. “I wouldn’t be here if not for you…”“Sarria, stop it. I hate seeing you cry. I don’t want you to worry. You always had a brighter future than me. I did what anyone would… do…” He faded off and bowed his head.The look on his face was disturbed and prolonged. It cut scene to him in the cafeteria, where a minor scuffle occurred, but someone was shanked regardless. For whatever reason, they interrogated Samvell. Though he said nothing, the perpetrator of this attack seemed to blame him with his eyes. After this transgression, he began thinking back on what he had said to his sister. Would anyone really have done what he did? Defend ones family with violence and savagery?The film flashed images of his memories. It was nighttime, a light rain could be heard, but was muted by the murmurs of a television. All of a sudden the mood was shattered by an ear bleeding scream. Three figures, undetailed in the shadows, rushed toward the back of the house. A psychotic looking rat stood over his sister, a jagged knife poised at her throat. Sam’s mother and father began bartering for their kittens life with money, gems, and even their own lives. Brandishing the knife carelessly, the rat ran it around the screeching felines tiny spots. As the fiendish rodent began to speak his demands, a figure shifted behind him. In a flash of crimson the thug was dropped to the floor by a clank of metal. He twitched on the floor, attempting to retrieve his knife, but the camera slowly panned to tiny Samvell, his blood soaked fur and mortified eyes faded to his now somber, older, and damaged stare. Just as our portal to his past faded, you saw the cub lift the fire poker and drive it downward with a disgusting squelch. Samvell pondered this memory deeply. He came to the conclusion, that all species defend there family or flee danger as cowards. He took a moment to imagine what it would’ve been like, had he not killed the intruder that night. All it resulted to was a shudder, before he continued lifting weights. A shiver crept along my spine, as I agree with his actions, but do not condone them… Is that wrong? Would I not have this overwhelming guilt if I killed Dalton to protect my parents?“Hello Sam. It is… It’s good to see you.” Samvell’s mother was the next scene we were shown, an aged tan leopardess with graying spots.“Thank you for visiting Ma.” His eyes, my god, this actor is so talented. “You can’t imagine how special this is for me.” The look on his face is exactly what I would expect my own to be, if I got to see my mother again.“Samvell, you… Do you know why I am visiting?” She was stern, didn't sit down, and bowed her head with shame.“Well, to see me, right?” Sam was broken up, he really just wanted to talk with her. “Is that not… What’s wrong?”“You… You’re father and I…” Sam’s mother, Llora, began, but sniffled to a stop. “Samvell, you need to understand we love you, but… things haven’t been easy…” His mother composed herself a moment, then continued. “I am leaving your father and moving to Zeth Ur. I will… never see you again Samvell.” The man in him collapsed and you saw his vulnerable inner child appear.The tormented eyes sparked with sorrow and his maw fell open. “M-ma… I…” Sam began, but cried a moment. “I want you to be happy. I’m sorry… Sorry you never got to be proud of me…” Standing, he turned away and walked to the guarded door. “Take care of yourself mia’ma.” This made his mother gasp softly and put a paw to her heart.“I love you Sam. Be safe…” She rose, dabbing her eyes, then slipped away.The next scene was Samvell walking back to his cell, two armed guards holding bayonets to his back. In his head (narrated), he talked about understanding his mother leaving his father, but didn’t know why she had to tell him. Back in his cell, he chatted with his cellmate, more like threatened into submission… It was an awful sight, this young man, barely old enough to go out on his own, sealed in a world of threats, danger, and turmoil. We are sort of alike, in more ways than I care to mention… Knowing how deep he is, made these vicious threats feel fake. Like a different character was speaking, not the Samvell we have been watching thus far. The cellmate, a black and gray fox, was taunting him over the lunchroom incident, stating he would die for snitching. Sam tried to ignore him, standing at the cell door, weeping silently, but the shadowy fox was relentless.They ended up fighting. A brutal, frenzied, chaotic, and overall morbid display. Samvell lost a fang, but clawed the lower lip of the foxes muzzle open. The fox slammed his head against the stone floor twice, but on the second time, Sam managed to force him forward into the bunk bed frame. It was a powerful scene, blood leaked profusely and I wanted to look away. It ended with the thinner, older fox begging for his life, cowering in the corner as Sam brandished bloody claws.Stepping closer, the hissing snarls matched his blood crazed eyes. Clutching the throat of his opponent, he raised a dripping claw overhead, but stopped. Droplets of falling blood caught his attention and he released the smaller being. An instant shift in emotion, changed him into a pool of misery. Sobbing relentlessly Samvell fell into a fetal position and began clawing at the floor, to remove the blood. It was as if it frightened him, he was devastated by the fact he had just hurt another being. Good god, this is too much… Modestly and with as little noise as possible, I began crying as well. This is too close to my own reaction and remembrance… During his moment of weakness, the fox took action and began stomping his skull into the concrete floor. Samvell just covered himself, allowing this punishment to take its course. The guards pulled them out and began mercilessly beating the two of them. Samvell just sobbed, pawing the blood away as best he could. With a faint, almost invisible voice, Sam begged for forgiveness. He apologized relentlessly and asked for them to ignore what he had done. Samvell, pleaded and assured the guards that he didn't want this. Even with continued threats of death from the fox, all Sam could do was try to explain himself. Try to make them understand…Urma gently put her arm over me and pulled me close. The gates broke… My willpower shattered… I wept endlessly against her for roughly ten minutes. She simply pat my back and told me “it’s alright”. My god, she did this on purpose! Why? What made her want to do this to me? It isn’t beneficial to her in anyway, but she still chose to put me through this, why? After a few minutes Urma leaned me back and I put my hands to my eyes, unwilling to look at her. With a single claw, she lowered my arms and I was forced to stare into her piercing gaze. Nothing was different, she stared at me with the same acceptance and love as before. Her face was somber, yet loving, like a mother showing understanding to her child. There was a long silence. Though only seconds in reality, it felt like an eternal stare, as if we were set in stone.“You were forgiven a long time ago little one…” Urma said as I felt the fiery tears intensify. “Please stop crying Issac.”“I-I-I’m a monster!” My muffled screeching caused her to tremble.“No, Issac, no…” She gripped my shoulders. “Oh gods, you are such a good person!” Her hug was unavoidable, it crumbled my hopeless defense.“I don-, I don’t deserve to live…” The breathily whispered words invited my dread take deepest root. “I sh-should’ve… I should die!” Another wailing fit of dismay cut through me.“No, Iza… I, I’m so sorry!” She shut off the TV a pleading panic lined her voice.God it burned… I have cried on a mortifying level during the last two days. My eyes stung as if each little droplet was a needle or shard of glass, shredding through the socket. The physical pain was nominal compared to my emotional anguish. My soul burned and it will burn in hell. I don’t believe in hell, but I will go there if it does exist... My suffering should be endless and agonizing, till the very end. No hope of reprisal exists, I am weeping in my own grave, waiting to be buried... I deserve to die, in whatever way would be the most painful and agonizing. Skin me alive, rip my limbs off, devour me piece by bloody piece… I don't care, my life is nothing, it’s over…“Hush little honey paw, don’t you cry. Everything is gonna be alright. Rest your head, close your eyes, know you’re safe here by my side.” Urma used a singsong voice, as she cooed a lullaby into my distorted soul. “I love you and that’s no lie, even when we say goodbye. Now, hush those tears and make a smile, I will always love you child.” It was one half “I’m a little teapot” and one half “Twinkle, twinkle little star”. There were several minutes of silence as I simply stared at her quivering, sniffling, and still partially sobbing. With a small loving sound, she placed her nose to my cheek and nuzzled gently. Tears continued to flow endlessly, but she didn't seem bothered. Urma continued to hum her melody, as the monster in her lap let loose every ounce of sorrow that remained. No words could explain the level of anguish each tear drop held… No voice is loud enough to shout my gratitude properly… Never will I be able to return the goodness in these creatures hearts, for it is limitless.“Shh, shh, shh…” Urma softly pat my back as I began to wane in volume. “You aren’t that person anymore. You don't have to be afraid. Nothing bad ever has to happen again.”I was treated like the most delicate diamond in her enormous paws. Urma’s coddling arms were gigantic silken pillows gently holding me up. Every time I tried to look at Urma, I was forced to surrender more tears. I couldn’t stand facing her, knowing what was out in the open. Like before, she lifted my face into her gaze. She was somber, but not disappointed or scorning. Her eyes held sympathy in tiny fragments, but waves of empathy battered me from within her stare.“I… I’m sorry… please d-don’t…” I’m unsure of what I was trying to say, but she just hugged me once more.“Nothing bad is going to happen Issac. I love you, Urving loves you, everyone thinks you’re just another human.” Her consoling words made me feel better in a shrinking way, but I was unwilling to open my collapsed heart. “No one will ask you to explain yourself and no one will ever punish you for what happened…” Each sentence, each breath used to console me is an utter waste, like myself.Her lullaby was not working, but she was adamant about trying. Her soft voice and loving words were the only positive source I had, so I clung to it desperately. It was apparent now that she wanted to talk about this, why else would she have played that movie? Not wanting to though, I just wept… Each surrendered droplet of fear gave way to endless praise and jovial words. Her comments ranged from how handsome, to how strong, to how brave I am. None of that matters, this is nothing kind words can solve. Then she said something I will never forget…“Nothing will ever change the way I feel about you Issac. Urving chose you… you’re his human cub and that makes me love you. Unconditionally.” Her words washed over me and I was forced to look at her.Human cub… Those words rung in my head like a church bell. It reminded me of that old story, about the kid raised by wolves, who befriends a bear. I cant quite remember what it is called… In my minds eye, I was unable to escape the vibrant smile Urving would surely give me upon seeing me. Refocusing my gaze, I saw Urma giving the same soft hearted smile as usual. Quivering from restrained tears, I put my head against her and wept softer, less pained, and more accepting. What I did, cannot ever change… The circumstances however, have changed dramatically. I was afraid, I was threatened, and my actions depicted that. Never again will I have to steep myself in such darkness. Never again… please god, never again…Grabbing a fistful of Urma’s fur, she sighed pleasantly, rocking me back and forth, continuing her soothing tune. Thought I was still weeping, still stuck in the deepest fathoms of sorrow, I was willing to understand. A part of me now understood this agony… What I did hurt my soul, but doesn't change who I am. That person, back then, that wasn't me. It was as if you took all of my personality and filtered it through pain, rage, confusion, and of course fear. Nothing can change the results of that culmination and that person died the day I was brought “home”. All I can do is move forward… All I can do is try and hope…“I’m so sorry Issac.” Urma apologized and my eyes snapped to hers. “I hate what you had to go through and… no one else will apologize for it. So I will. I am so sorry.” The logic here wasn't exactly sound, but I appreciated it greatly.“I… I can’t ever apologize… to Dalton. I’m so sorry Urma.” I bawled again, repeating how sorry I was over and over.Without a word, she picked me up and brought me to my room. Sitting on my bed, she continued to bombard me with pleasant words. Being coddled in her lap, told how great I am, and shown ultimate understanding… The bible got it wrong, this is heaven. Her endless love and Urving unshakeable cheer will help me breed a new way of being. Hopefully, I can become a better Issac than I ever would’ve been on earth. I cannot kill myself, that wouldn't be fair to Dalton. I have to try and live for the both of us... Life isn’t a fair game of equality and getting what you think is deserved… It is a struggle to understand what is happening around you and find your place in it all. A fight to predict and overcome the problems we all inevitably face, yet remain unchanged by the endeavor. An astronomically large ordeal was thrown in my lap and I had to face it unblinking and unafraid. Once the invasion occurred, I was reduced to an animal. The carnal version of the normal person I once was had to quickly shape himself to survive the new world. There wasn't a guide to follow, I didn't have a rulebook… I had to become a man on my own and while fighting for my life… my freedom. Unfortunately, being forced to grow blackened my heart and left me empty of all remorse. Only now, that I return to the safety of an inviting society, do I realize the horrors of my past actions. That was not me… Who I am now is entirely different…Tears still wet my face, yet I had stopped crying several minutes ago. Urma gently kissed the top of my head and I leaned against her harder. What will the future hold for me? What kind of life am I shaping? Is the path I walk for the best or… What choice do I have? No one out there cares about me like Urving does. I can’t imagine anyone being as accepting and inviting as the posse of friends I recently met. No soul could possibly be as tender as Urma or as understanding as Ferris. A somber, emotional batch of tears welled up and I silently allowed them to roll down my face. I don't deserve this level of endearment, but I appreciate it unendingly. I will strive to be the best human cub imaginable! Urving will never be left wanting from me again. That is the only recourse I have left…“Hello? Anyone here?” As if angels heard my thoughts, Urving’s came home just then.Leaping up, I felt pieces of my heart trying to mend themselves to one another. Urma gave a pale chuckle at my excitement, but that was quickly behind me. Running to the door, he lifted me into a hug before I even realized we bumped into each other. Urving’s rising excitement matched my own ascension into his arms. The pressure from his hug squeezed out my few remaining tears, but I slyly wiped them on his shoulder. Just a few days ago, this would’ve terrified me, but now I wouldn't want to change it for the world. My only desire is to forget, but that isn’t possible, so I beg for something close to peace…“Heya buddy, damn I missed you!” Urving lifted me away from him and when our eyes connected a smile formed without effort.“Me too…” I said softly at first, but upon seeing his reaction I spoke stronger.“You eat yet? Wanna go get something?” Urving asked and I was ready to say yes, regardless of my true desire.“Creator help me…” Urma grumbled as she stepped into the hall. “You need to stop eating that crap!”“Hey sis! Thanks again for looking after Iza!” Urving cheerily responded to her bitter comment.“Th-thank you Urma.” I eyed her, both to predict her next move and beg her to keep quiet.“Stop it you two, it was my pleasure. Now, I’m going to whip something up for you two, but promise me you’ll cut back on the junk food?” Urma implored her younger brother, who nodded excitedly.“Knew if I said that, she’d cook for us!” Urving whispered with a conniving grin.“I heard that…” Being a mother has probably attuned her hearing to whispers and backtalk.Urving absently waved a paw her way, then addressed me. “How’d your day go?” I asked before he could.“Great, what’a’bout you?” He set me down and took a knee, so we were face to face.“Good. Good. A little slow in the morning, but can’t complain.” Carrying this basic conversation is taking every ounce of effort on my part.“Awesome, great to hear! Let me get changed, be right back.” Once Urving shut his door, I sprinted to the kitchen.Urma looked over to me, her radiant red eyes splitting my new found confidence like a twig. However, I stood and faced her without faltering or feeling broken. Without a word, I simply hugged her and she returned the favor. Thanking her as quietly as I could, my tears surfaced, but could not amass enough to spring forth. She assured me she wouldn't tell Urving about our conversation and repeated the relentless praise I refused to accept earlier. Just like that, as if it never happened at all, I returned to my fa?ade of being “just another human”.“So you said you needed help in the game? Wanna play?” Urving asked to no one, as he emerged from his room.“Sure!” It was becoming easier to feel joy, but it was so muddled.We had a seat on the couch and as he turned the TV on, I gasped softly. The movie was still paused, waiting to be finished. The image of the bloodied feline and fox, still at the mercy of abusive guards made me cringe. What a nice feature, it holds your place, but such a horrible image to be greeted with. Peeking up at Urving I saw flashed of discomfort, but when he looked down at me the same unstoppable smile appeared as always.“A’ww, dude! You watched a movie with him, no fair!” Urving whined, but Urma just chuckled to herself. “This is a sad one too, man, you guys should’ve watched Papaya express or something!”“That is such a dumb movie…” Urma shook her head and laughed again.Is Urving entirely oblivious to all of this? Is he unaware of what she was trying to do? Maybe… maybe Urma just wanted me to see this film. Perhaps somehow or somewhere in the movie, I would find a deeper message. Within seconds that didn't matter, Urving had the game on and I was watching the light gauntlets form around my hands. This mystifying display of light and invisible forces briefly sealed my horrid thoughts away.“Whoa, you’re in Bruussniik? This is an ancient wolfish city, one of the harder dungeon types.” Urving informed me, making me feel a little better about dying earlier.We adventured through the decrepit tomb, full of bandits, giant spiders, and the occasional zombie. It was sort of disturbing, seeing zombified animals instead of human beings… It makes for an entirely new form of grotesque undead. A broken tailed jutted from ones back, while one was still partially furred, just decaying. Some had no lower jaw and some were missing all the skin on their skulls completely. It was an awful sight, but that just made me that much more willing to vanquish them. At one point I got bitten and Urving gave me a potion to remove zombie bacteria. Odd he just had that on hand, but his inventory is much larger than mine, so he has the room.“Well boys, I gotta go. Dinner should be done in about half an hour.” Urma announced and the game paused instantly. “Iza, sweetheart, thank you for your company!” Urma knelt and awaited a hug.“Thank you again.” I whispered as softly as I could, right by her ear.She didn't respond verbally, but when I said this, her hug tightened. “Love ya both. Have a good night!” Standing up, she hugged her brother and winked at me.“G’night Urma! Thanks again, drive safe!” Urving and I waved at the door, watching his sister depart.“Hope to see you soon!” I cried, causing her to glance back and smile.“Alright, let’s see what we got here!” Urving headed into the kitchen once the door shut.He stooped over to peek in the oven, his nubby tail dancing with delight at what he found. Though I have no idea what it was, it smelled similar to stew or maybe meatloaf. When I asked, Urving was quick to inform me it was gabbach, the vegetable dish I had at the party. Remembering what it tasted like, I wasn't particularly excited, but I was hungrier than I had been allowing myself to realize. Crying is so tiring as well, I will probably be going to bed early tonight…Urving and I cleared out the crumbling temple and were ready to leave in no time. It’s surprising this game is any fun to him at all, he kills almost all enemies one shot. Is it me? Do I make this fun for him? After this thought, I amplified my effort. Not just in the game either… I nudged him when good things happened and laughed aloud at what I found funny. Even though it was a mask I wore, it felt good to try. Urving deserves me to try for him… He’s done so much for me already and I have no other way to repay him or show appreciation.The stinging sweet scent of spices began filling the household and Urving quickly went to fetch our dinner from the oven. He asked if I wanted to keep playing, but I declined, unsure of how to eat and play with these odd gloves at the same time… I am sure it can be done, just not in the mood for that right now. This was different from what I had at my party. Instead of a spread or a type of paste, this was thicker and more custard like. It made it easier to eat as a meal, but I didn’t like the texture nearly as much. Like this, it was gritty and bits were constantly getting stuck in my gnarly teeth. My teeth suffered the most while I was on the run, but that isn’t something I am willing to elaborate upon, not right now… I just started to feel better.“Ya all full buddy?” Urving stood and reached for his bowl. “Lot’s more if your hungry!” He added once he was in the kitchen.“No thanks, I couldn't eat another bite.” Patting my stomach made him dance a little, as he returned to the couch.“Love hearing that! Awesome!” He ran a paw over my head, roughing up my hair.After another bowl of gabbach, Urving and I continued playing. It was hard to focus, given what happened today and yesterday. Still, I managed to enjoy myself for brief, fleeting moments. We traveled along a river, defeating various monsters, animals, and marauders. It was nice… That feeling you get when you are unwilling to feel better, but the situation is unavoidably uplifting. Each time I did something right, kind words and praise were given without relent. Whenever I leveled up a “congratulations” or a “one step closer” was uttered just for me. Half of me didn't want this affection, but the other half ate it up like rare cuisine. I need this… It sounds weak or pitiful, but I wouldn't be able to function without his endless excitement.“You tired bud? Your face is all droopy.” Snapping my eyes upward, his concerned stare warmed my frozen heart.“Yeah actually…” I laughed off my waning effort, rubbing the back of my neck for comfort.“Well go on bud, whenever you’re ready.” Urving pointed his nose toward my room, his voice was inviting, not demanding. “You don't gotta ask permission ya know?” He laughed a little at this.“Thanks Urving. Sleep well when you do.” I stood up and stretched, the game gloves vanishing in sinewy strands of fading light. “Th-thank you… thanks for everything…” I stopped at the hall and said this, barely looking back.“Not a problem Issac! Hope things are getting better for you… Sorry I’m not here so much…” Urving sounded defeated.“It just makes seeing you more special.” I assured him, feeling guilt over his apology.“Thank you! I cant imagine how hard this all has been on you… Thank you for trying.” He searched for these words, but I already had my next move planned.Instead of speaking, I went over to hug as much of him as I could. His musty and rough fur was a total opposite to Urma’s fluffy form. Still, his friendly growls and returned hug was all I could of asked for in this moment. He nuzzled the top of my head, little sounds of happiness escaping him, but I was still on the verge of tears. Nothing in this new, bizarre world will ever be as inspiring as Urving. No one will ever hold my heart so easily like Urma. Not many will ever show as much understanding as Ferris. These few acquaintances I have made, will be the foundation for my new life. The support system I use to work through all the problems I will surely face. So long as I am treated this way, I should have no problem repairing my damaged soul. With this level of trust, love, and compassion, things should be easy… Each soul I have encountered is a reinforcement my soul can call upon, a fortification for my weakened resolve.“Good night Iza! Sleep well bud!” Urving’s whispers still came out at a normal speaking volume.“Thanks, you too man.” I called back, trying to imitate the happy growls he often produces.A slight “aww” sound accompanied his departure and I smiled knowing he heard me. Peering through the darkness, I stared out the back window and at the stars above. For once, that shrinking, miniscule feeling was pleasant. It felt good to diminish myself and take in the majesty of the new night sky. I feel so insignificant, but right now… that isn’t a terrible feeling. Each star was like a human and no matter how hard I focused, I couldn’t pick “myself” out of the “crowd”. This analogy was just enough to help me feel better. It was like I wasn't alone, both as a human being and a new patron of Al Ur En. Many other humans have done unspeakable crimes, but at least I feel remorse. I’m not evil… I just got lost… I strayed from the path my parents instilled in me as a youth, but never again. No more pain will seep into my heart and no longer will fear rule me. Just before I went to bed, I peeked out to see Urving asleep on the couch. Little mattered beyond this growing friendship, as it was my gateway to a better and new life.“Good night Urving.” I whispered before returning to bed. “Thank you…”-14- Drops in the bucketAwaking earlier than normal, that nightmare haunted my sleep yet again. The horrible sting of the rope was not present however and so shards of hope developed. In the shower, I decided I wanted to greet Urving this morning, instead of waking up as he left. Hunting high and low, I tried to find the pastry pockets that Urving had prepared for me yesterday morning. Figured I’d return the favor. Once found, I was unsure how to prepare them, the nonsensical symbols were giving me a headache. Unsure, but determined, I turned on the stove top, like I had seen Ferris do the other day. It wasn’t what I had in mind, but the near clear flames produced would certainly be enough to prepare a meal on.With a bit of searching, I managed to find a skewer, which I used to hold these breakfast pouches over the fire, like a toasting marshmallow. It was going perfectly, it was turning golden brown and starting to crisp up… However, disaster loomed around the corner. Within a few seconds it burst open, spewing molten crème cheese downward, causing the fire to roar upward. My hands were doused in searing sludge and I cried out, throwing the lanced pastry aside, it hit the sink and splattered like a water balloon. Dousing my still burning hands in water, I was suddenly acutely aware of a smell and a thin… smoke? Thankfully not enough was on the burner to cause an actual fire, but the smoke this burning slime was producing made me panic. It was sparking and crackling, where the filling had leaked onto the burner itself, causing plumes of smoke to scatter upward. Oh god… Please don't think I tried to burn your house down. FUCK!After scaling the counters, using all the strength and finesse early morning me had, I opened the window over the sink. Turning to climb back down, I was greeted with an unfriendly sight. Thought it was Urving, he was not the normal cheery fellow I am used too. His eyes were glassy, beady, and stared relentlessly through me. A frustrated frown turned to a momentary scowl, but softened when our eyes met. Quickly examining the situation, he shook his head and sighed aggrivation. Lifting me from the counter, he set me on the floor, then silently opened a small vent in the ceiling. It began to vacate the smoke, while he turned the burner off. What a great fucking start to the day… His disappointment was momentary, but it ate me up inside regardless. How could I screw up this badly, this quickly? I cant do anything right…“What’re ya doing Issac? You know I’ll make you breakfast, right?” Annoyance was restrained, but one could hear it in his sandpaper voice.“It was… supposed to be… for you…” Sheepishly, I just retreated toward my room. “C-can I at least clean that up?”A tiny frown formed and his nose twitched with repressed emotions. “S-sorry… Suppose it’s my fault for not letting ya in the kitchen.” He laughed, but I just felt relieved he wasn't really mad.“Sorry Urving. I just… ya know.” Again shameful discomfort stampeded through me.“Oh jeez, are you alright?” His concern for my mild burns, blasted away the minor animosity.“Yeah, I’m fine, just need a towel.” He placed a cloth in the sink and ran water over it.“I’ll clean up, don't worry. Then I’ll show you how to make these, sound good?” A distinct amount of remorse could be felt in the way he said this.“Y-yeah… Sorry again.” I repeated, but just got a pat on the head.Though I am untrustworthy, it feels terrible being treated like this. Every activity coddled away to nothing but watching. All my decisions given second, and third childish retries. This was a minor discrepancy, but I really hope this whole “pet” thing blows over quick. I just couldn't handle it for my entire life… God, that thought always causes a solar flare of anxiety. A part of me may never be alright with growing old here, but what choice do I have? I don't even deserve the support I am given...“See right here?” Urving pointed to a small lever on the stove, which I hadn’t given a second thought. “Just flick it up and…” A tiny cage sprung forth, which he fed four breakfast pockets. “Then push it down. It knows how hot the food gets, so it’ll never burn!” Urving explained what was basically a built in toaster.“Thank you and… sorry again…” I looked at the still moist floor and counter, where cleaning chemicals had just been applied.“Oh stop it.” He nudged me lightly. “I know ya didn't mean too. Just glad we’re alright!” He swirled the remaining smoke around with two claws for reference.“I know for next time.” Nodding assuredly, he just smiled. “Oh and… thank you. Really.” Referencing my coffee mug made him gush.“So glad I found one with your name! I had to get it spelled right after all!” Urving added after a few seconds of excited gibberish. Urving flicked on, what I would assume was the coffee pot. It looked like something Dr. Frankenstein would use… This mechanical device produced a long thin, spiral glass tube, that corkscrewed from the machine to his mug. With a lot of rampant vibrations, guttural groans, and steamy hissing, it made coffee. Watching with a raised eyebrow, the entire machine seemed to shake, to just produce an average trickle of coffee… If it didn't taste so good, I would say it was defective or something. Given what some of the other machines can do, I’m surprised coffee doesn't just materialize in the mugs.Though nothing spectacular, my day is already going better than yesterday and before. Eating my quickie breakfast with Urving, while he read me the paper, that’s how it’s supposed to be! I mean, yes, I royally failed this morning, my hands still burn lightly as evidence, but that isn’t the point. He cares… I cared… I hope he knows I’m trying. It isn’t easy…“Hey, listen to this.” Urving began another story. “Looking for guitarist. Must be willing to do anything and everything needed to be famous. Maybe you oughta try out!” Urving was loving this idea, but I just laughed it off.“I don't know man, me, famous? Ugh, that really cramps my style.” Folding my arms behind my head nonchalantly, got a chuckle from him.“I bet you could do it. I totally understand, but I know you could if you wanted to.” He patted the paper a few times, absolute confidence all he projected. “Just don't sell yourself short!” He added before dropping the subject.Never did I pretend my music would escape the realm of “for fun” and reach the level Urving is speaking on. How cool would that be though, famous on another planet! This quickly passed into a daydream, as my band would have to either be close friends or other humans for me to feel comfortable. Still, what an uplifting thing for him to say, especially considering he has never really heard me play extensively. After breakfast we watched a little TV, but soon Urving had to ready himself for another day. It isn’t childish or fear driven, but curiosity has led me to want to go with him. Everyday alone has been worse and worse, though I was thankful for the ardor my visitors brought along with them. It saved my life in a way…“Unfortunately I’m working club Mélange tonight, things can get pretty spicy there, so I will probably have to stay really late.” Urving stepped out into the hall and fumbled his tie on.“Ok, I’ll try to call you today!” I tried to assure him, but he frowned.“Can I ask you not to? My boss is a real jackass and he’ll probably get mad.” Urving’s eyes lowered with disappointment.“No problem!” Reassuring him of my independence, he smiled and slicked his hair once more.“Plus seeing you, but not getting to answer…” Urving clutched his heart, pretending to faint. “That’d just kill me!”“Oh stop, it isn’t a problem, even if you cant call at all!” He had gone to get his jacket, but I heard a scoff.“Nope, that’s just not alright with me!” It was a joke to him, but felt special to me. “This has been cool, I like getting to see you in the morning bud!” Urving tossled my hair, once his was clawed into perfection.“Me too. It sucks waking up alone.” My comment made him “a’ww”, which I didn't expect.“Why do you think I got you buddy? So… neither of us have to be alone.” Urving waved a paw over the vast, gloomy emptiness of the house.“Thanks. I know it’s been rough, but… Thank you…” I got up for a hug, which his overjoyed response dwarfed in content.“Well I gotta get going, Barkley should be by in…” He checked his watch. “A few hours… Sorry bud.” Urving’s disappointment was unneeded.“I can handle a few hours alone, I’m a big boy.” Taunting his concern got him to laugh, but his response was hardly typical.“The pamphlet says most humans like alone time and will want to be alone a lot. Especially the younger ones.” It’s creepy how we are packaged for them…“You’ll have to let me read this pamphlet. Let ya know if they got it all right!” We both laughed at this, as we headed to the door.“Have a good day kiddo. Stay safe and try not to set anything on fire!” Urving jabbed at me, but I just gnarled my face at him. “See ya bud!” He added from his car.“Bye Urving. Have a good day!” Waving to him as he drove away, fear struck me like a spiritual anchor.Once alone, everything was a potential threat again. From the dog barking next door, to the family of rodents across the street, I was petrified. Without Urving, this house feels so unsafe and vulnerable. This place maybe where I call home, but it doesn't inspire the safety or security it should. Being so far from my true home makes it impossible to feel protected, unless I have someone actively defending me. Luckily my owner ended up being a security guard, but that doesn't change his current absence. It sounds stupid, but I got a kitchen knife and kept it next to me while I played videogames. It was curved and had wicked serrations, so that gave me fleeting comfort."In the times of magic and myth, a great tyranny seized the land…” The games intro could be skipped, but I watched it for fun.Not saying I was hunky dory, but it was a little easier to enjoy myself today. It’s like I shed enough suffering to pay for a days worth of adequacy. The games been easier as well! I’m unsure if that’s a result of being stronger since last time, or not being in a dangerous area. It was riveting to explore the lush, expansive, reactive, and dangerous wilderness! I am going to feel so lame though, if I cant ever level up on my own… I was bit by a snake and had to stand around while the poison passed, but it didn't take very long. A bear killed me out of nowhere, despite it saying they are relatively peaceful in a loading screen hint. Soon I was fighting a pair of wild boars, who seemed to be a relatively good match. Why are animals a type of enemy? I mean, of course they would be, but… Without warning the game paused a sec and a little panel slid across my screen.“Player: Diet_Riot wishes to join your party. Do you accept?” I read it aloud from confusion, then accepted.“Hello there Issac!” Mel’s voice was marked by a tiny speaker at the top of the screen.“Heya, how’re you today?” I responded, unsure of the etiquette players should follow.“Pretty good, you? Gimme a sec, I’ll be right over, gotta teleport.” He responded in a rushed sort of way. “Head toward Hay hill, I’ll meet you there.”“Uhhh…” I began trying to find the map, but he just laughed.“Go west, you should see a little village.” This caused me to “oh” with confirmation.Once there, I was sort of lost in how quaint this game can be. A little family of canines strolled the street, each pup into a higher level of mischief than the last. Two lion guards stood at one gate, while two bears stood at the other, all fully clad in metal skins. Elderly animals or youthful knaves shuffled about the sleepy village, getting a variety of tasks needlessly done. Work, play, merriment, and trade all occurred at once in the central streets of Hay hill. Meeting up with Mel in the local tavern, he had gifts a plenty! From a set of knuckle dusters, to some potions, to a stack of coins, Melvin gave me another starter pack!“This will give you protection points, even though you cant wear any armor!” He explained away the faintly glowing amulet he had just given me.“Thanks, but, you know you don’t gotta give me this stuff, if you needed it.” I assured him I would be fine, but again he just laughed.“No offense, but this is nooby gear, it wouldn't even put a dent in my repair costs. So don't ya worry!” Mel’s character waved a paw my way, assumedly he had done the same.I’m unsure why this was comforting… Having someone to talk to was one thing, but the fact Melvin was another human and older than me, brought a heightened sense of security. Not to mention he was much more powerful in game then I or even Urving was. Powerful may not be the right word, since Urving can kill most enemies one hit and it still takes Mel several spells to fell a foe. Skilled would be the right word! He could dodge quicker than lightning strikes and aim shots through the eye of a needle! Regardless of my inferiority, it was a good time, I leveled up two or three times and found enough treasure to fill my inventory.“When we get to the next shop, you can buy a backpack or travel bag to carry more.” Mel informed me, his avatar revealing he had a knapsack under his cape. “If you need, I’ll carry anything you cant.”“Thanks, here.” I gave him some spare weaponry I couldn't use. “You wouldn't think some metal on your knuckles would be this effective!” I couldn't help but mention my dramatically improved damage.“Yeah, I never really liked monk, but having brass knuckles or a punching blade is the way to go! Gotta remember some skills require absolute bare hands though!” His response led me to check my skills.Something call “Mass attack” and “Soul strike” required me to be completely unarmed, but these skills were not unlocked until level fifty and seventy, respectively. Still, the icons alone had me excited to get stronger! I made it a mission today, to increase my level enough for Urving to take notice. My hopeful mindset led me to ignore how unrealistic this goal actually was. With a renewed vigor, we took to the wilds. Seeing the artificial nature unravel before my eyes with each digital step I took, my mind wandered to the real outside. I found myself staring out the back window every few seconds, wondering if anywhere on this planet is actually like this game. Have they industrialized the entire world, like most of earth, or have the revered nature and left its glory in peace.“So Mel, can I ask, what’s it like out there?” My voice carried only hints of the overwhelming fear and curiousity I felt.“Unfathomable! Amazing! Astoundingly awesome!” His voice was an atom bomb of excitement. “I’ve only had my freedom license for a few years now, so forgive my excitement.”“It isn’t… dangerous?” I wanted to convey confidence, but I failed miserably.“As dangerous as any major city on earth!” Melvin’s frankness was appreciated. “You just need some time kid, get a feel for the water before you set sail, ya know?” His words brought slivers of hope to my eyes and a trembling smile to my face.“Yeah, thanks Mel.” I responded simply.“My names Riot, remember!” He snipped back jovially.“Sorry, thanks Riot.” I repeated and he chuckled. “Forgive me, I’m new, but what class is your character?”Asking about his character got me much more information then I could have possibly handled. It was a storm of words, spouting endlessly, occasionally becoming incomprehensible! Required experience, skill increases, level bonuses, equipment shifting, difficulty changes, and many other details were bombarded into my brain. He basically told me everything about this game, I didn't ask for… It was still fun, as I could tell he was just happy to talk about it. Funny, Melvin looks like the definition of an introvert, but he acts really outgoing! Maybe he was also desperate for human interaction? I doubt this though, he and Kolm seem to be best friends. Urving and I will reach that point, someday…“I just remembered, monks have the highest base block percentage out of any class, since they cant use shields. Don’t discount your characters block, it will increase as you get stronger.” Melvin was still going strong, but something else caught my ears.“Hey Mel, gimme a sec, my phones ringing.” Once he stopped, I went to answer Urving.To my surprise, Barkley was on the other line. He was driving, so he only checked the screen every few seconds and didn't look away too long. The tall, captains chair he sat in blocked out most of the window, but I could see he was passing in the shadow of a large building. From the way he sat, his ears balanced on his shoulders, which made him look like a girl! The natural feathering amplified this exponentially! I will certainly tease him about that, once we know each other better. So help me god if he calls me Spaz…“Hello Barkley.” I greeted, but he didn't look at the phone to respond.“Sup Spaz! I’m on my way to your house, called to ask if you wanted me to pick you up something?” His kind offer was weighed down by that aggravating nickname.“No, I mean… Thanks, but I don't really know what to ask for!” I laughed uneasily, but he just smirked.“You sure? Alright, I’ll be there in, like, thirty minutes.” Barkley didn't wait for a goodbye.“Hey Melv- uh, Riot, Barkley’s on his way, so I may have to quit soon.” It was disappointing for the both of us.“Lucky, wish I had some company!” He faux complained. “We’re in a pretty dangerous area, let me get you to a city.” Melvin offered and I obliged.It wasn't long until we arrived at a place called Copper-top ranch, which was a tiny village aside a massive horse stable. Melvin was kind enough to buy me a horse and once I had the deed of ownership, which lets you summon it anywhere, we said our goodbyes. After saving my game, turning off the TV, and cleaning up some snack wrappers, I awaited Barkley’s arrival. An idea struck me and I went to fetch my almost depleted bag of pot. He’ll surely appreciate this! Funny, for a future father Barkley acts like a teenager! “Yo? Spaz, you here?” Barkley’s voice nearly gave me a heart attack from how sudden it was.Out of everything, the one complaint I have is lack of privacy… I mean, I have my own room, but people show up without warning! We need to work on that, people having open access to my house! Wait… Did I really just call this “my” house? Urving probably worked so hard to get this place and I’m a guest… or… What a complicated situation my life has become… Just thinking about this made me want to thank Urving endlessly, for taking me in and giving me a place to call home.“Hey Barkley, wassup?” I stepped out of my room and into the kitchen to greet him.“Not much, not much… I got the day off luckily! You would’ve had to spend it with Gene, ugh!” He pretended to get chills just saying her name.“Thanks! That wouldn't have been fun, unless Felix came too!” I smirked, yet he just shook his head, pretend dread still on his face.“He’s been looking for a better job, not much going around these days.” Barkley sounded sad, a seriousness took hold.“Is the job market tough?” It certainly was on earth...“For Phelix it is, Gene has high standards.” Barkley made a whip cracking noise and we laughed.“What do you do, if you don't mind me asking?’ Even though Barkley is less serious, he deserves my respect.“I’m a construction overseer, believe it or not.” He laughed at himself as he saw my disbelief. “I do have a brain under all this!” With strain, he lifted his ears causing a loud jangling.“Wow, that's pretty cool!” I exclaimed.“Yeah, nothing major, it puts food on the table.” Prideful overtones cut his cool fa?ade to ribbons.“Gonna have a lot more places at the table pretty soon!” I tried to appeal as if he was a close friend already.“Nothing I cant handle!” He laughed a bit, splinters of worry jabbing into his voice. “Speaking of my future fatherly duties, I have to get rid of some of my stuff. I brought you these, case ya ever get bored.” Barkley shook his muzzle a bit, to snap back to the moment.He addressed a brown paper bag, with a certain weight to it. Plopping it on the kitchen table, I approached and fished out the contents. Shame, humiliation, and fractals of disgust filled me to overflowing. These contemptible and dishonorable feelings caused me to scoff in a vexing way. They were… it is… pornography… What made it worse, weirder for me, was the fact they were not human women… Barkley was gifting his canine smut to me and not saving it for his possible sons, why the hell would he do that? What enjoyment should I get from these? Does he expect me to… ugh!What made this even worse, Barkley started openly perusing them! Does the man have no shame, no decency? He’s married or, whatever they call it here, and he has children on the way! Without so much as an awkward laugh, he invited me to inspect them as well! It didn't seem to bother him at all! Like this was perfectly normal and I shouldn’t be uncomfortable what so ever. It was one thing to be staring at near nude bitches (literally) and another to receive these nudey-mags as a gift, but to openly examine them with a near stranger… This may scar me for life! Barkley couldn’t have been more nonchalant about this either, he acted like nothing was going on at all. My overpowering shame must’ve made this awkward somehow, right? Nope, Barkley showed flagrant disregard to my reactions and dissatisfaction. What made it the most uncomfortable, by far, was his desire to show me his favorites! I mean, men on earth did the same thing, but he has to understand, right?“What about her? Damn man!” Barkley was enjoying a husky, posed with a spraying hose.“Y-y-yeah…” I stammered, uncomfortable wasn't even the right word anymore…“I remember liking this one, check her out!” At least they are the same species as him…“Oh… uh… yeah! Sure!” My scuttled pride capsized and I just averted my eyes as best I could.“Just hold on to em till my pups are old enough, cool?” Barkley gently swatted my nose with a rolled up magazine… the irony is palpable.“Of course, let me just put this in the storage room.” Red faced, mortified, and stumbling over my words, I moved the box to the back of that room.“So you wanna game? I got some stuff I been saving for ya.” Barkley leaned in the archway to the kitchen, as I emerged.“Sure, wanna smoke first? There isn’t much left, but-.” His eyes brightened, his nose twitched, and his tail wagged before he spoke.“Awesome, didn't think you’d have any left!” He shoved his hands in his pockets and produced rolling papers, in a little tube. “Would’ve been a waste on Gene anyway!” He laughed at her expense.“Y-yeah!” Recovering from the simmering discomfort, I joined his taunting.Today is just full of surprises isn’t it! What a strange ordeal, he didn't tease me or hone in on my shame either! Ferris said they live in an open and inviting society, so maybe he was just being nice? It doesn't matter, just gonna… put that out of my mind… It’s just odd how immature he can be, or is maturity not as heavily honored by anthronians? As you age on this planet, is it more important to keep your inner child alive? Pup, kid, cub, calf… whatever… Despite those unrelenting, unbearable, and utterly painful few minutes, Barkley didn't seem to want to tease me. Thank god for that… I would have been pink permanently from blushing!“So Spaz, er, Issac, how goes the human life?” He asked midway through rolling our first joint.“Good, I mean, bizarre of course, but… good…” I couldn't help but smirk, what an odd day thus far.“Yeah, bet living with us has been a head trip!” Barkley laughed out loud at me, as I nodded with wide eyes.“You have no idea…” Shaking my head, I mentally hunted for the right words. “I cant explain it… It’s like I’m in the Twilight Zone!” We both laughed, but he seemed confused.After explaining to Barkley what I meant, he compared the show to something called “Bleak Beyond” and declared we would watch it someday. That’s exactly what I meant and I was quick to explain it to him. Something so astronomically uncanny, he shrugged off as mere serendipity. It cannot be that simple, one of us influenced the other or our brains must work on a similar level… Something beyond genetics, like, our biochemistry is similar or… I don't know, I’m getting exceedingly philosophical for current company. This is something I will need to discuss with Ferris or maybe Kolm, since he seems to like humans a lot.It’s hard not to pretend… It has to happen, or I couldn't function properly. I’m still branded emotionally by the last two days, but this pain will always follow me, unto my grave. Barkley would not be my prime choice of company, but damn he beats Genevide by a mile! Watching the process of loose pot being turned into rolled joints, I was aghast with the dexterity and minute detail Barkley was able to achieve. He was stunningly adept! The disarrayed fur halting for small tapered claws, which were able to perform the rolling action with surgical precision. Gene was better at rolling, though being drunk that day could be clouding my memory. Barkley definitely put more herb into the thin sheets of paper than she did.The game was loading as we lit up the first joint. Barkley started giving pretty basic pointers, but overall I appreciated the encouragement. I was a little apprehensive to play with him. Urving strove to be understanding and inviting, but Barkley’s first words to me were insults. I just hope I don't embarrass myself! Though I show little faith, he can surely be mature about something so trivial, right? Maybe pot will mellow that unnecessary competitiveness away. If not, it is up to me to kick ass!Upon first glimpse of Barkley’s character, I knew he was going to tease me. He played a ninja, dressed in sleek black leather armor, which only allowed his azure eyes and bushy white tail to poke through. The hood was pointed for his ears and the claws protruding form his open gloves, had been capped with sharpened metal. One the forehead a flared crest went outward like horns, tracing his slightly bent ears. The torso of his armor snuggly fit around his characters midsection, lower legs, and arms, but the waist cloth hung freely behind his lightly armored legs. On his hip was a bundled up chain that had a long, hooked sickle on the end. Both shoulders were lined with throwing knives and he had a curved sword on the small of his back. Barkley’s avatar even ran differently, crouching low and extending both arms backward when he did. To my shock, he didn't say anything disparaging about my simple kung-fu coyote! Maybe I underestimated Barkley’s maturity…“Wanna fight? Just for fun, no risks.” Spoke too soon… This is surely a double edged offer…“Uhh, sure, but… Go easy on me, k?” Vulnerability lined my voice, but Barkley just gave a super villain laugh.“No mercy!” Barkley howled, running straight at me in game.His character could pretty much teleport! With blurs of rushing motion he could move short distances in an instant! This made it impossible to track him, so I ended up blocking and spinning to where he appeared. Several daggers hit me in a flurry and I staggered from the near fatal damage. In a flash it was over, Barkley appeared in four different locations, but was actually above me! One slash of the sword, I collapsed, and the screen went red.Now I knew that was how it would go down, but it is really demoralizing seeing the word “loser” plastered across your screen. Barkley sniggered, but didn't taunt me directly. Instead he continued to offer more useful information and even let me practice on him. It always resulted in him killing me one shot, but Barkley has amassed thousands of levels, so it didn't bother me. At one point he was just screwing with me, evading every single attack only to kill me instantly. This shit got old, very quick…“Oh right, forgot, I won these in a death match. Kept em for ya!” Barkley opened the trade menu as we sparked the second blunt, the first roach still burning.They were spiked bracelets or wrist cuffs. A small list of effects accompanied the glowing, obviously enchanted objects. Equipping them I found my characters sleeves rolled up and they actually looked more like a glove, with four pyramid shaped spikes lining the wrists. It said they caused damage to enemies I blocked and made attacks against staggered enemies more powerful. It also said it improved spirit and defense stats by five points. Sweet! I thanked Barkley, but all he did was challenge me again… I like exploring damn it! My favorite part of this game has been the interactivity and environments, combat in a game will never feel the same again…Narrowly avoiding the chained hook, I managed to block at the perfect time and deflect the secondary sweeping attack. Once near enough, I unleashed as many combo attacks as I possibly could, each more complicated than the last. There were times I swung at his feet and head simultaneously, while midair! Still, with minimal effort, Barkley slipped by and away from my striking limbs. With a deft flick of the paw, he slid back then launched forward and stabbed my character. I blocked crudely, but not good enough to keep balance and was slain, yet again.“God damn it!” Frustration boiled forth in a tiny, breathy curse.“You can’t just stand there and expect to win! You gotta cut and run, Spaz.” Barkley’s encouragement didn't reach me right away. “Even enemies your level will mess you up pretty badly if you don't avoid them.” I waved off his advice and just tried to win again.Even though I pretended to ignore his words, I took them to heart. Dodging, jumping, and sprinting for my safety, I managed to survive a bit longer. This became the game itself, how long could I survive fighting Barkley’s ninja. His character had some sinister powers… From cloning, to teleporting, to simply becoming invisible at will, he was obviously superior, not just by level! I always choose the wrong class in these games...“Dude, you suck! Come on-…” Barkley began a ranting taunt, but stopped and snatched up his pager. “Hey babe, you alright? Yeah! No, I miss you too!” The lovey voice told me it was Delia. “I’m not very far, you need anything, I can-. You sure? Well alright, I love you. Be home in a few hours.” A subtle disappointment piqued in his voice as his wife said goodbye.Something about this was both tender and annoying. He was just ripping on me over a game, but I would be a jerk to mock him about his relationship and how it changes him. Thinking about it, damn, what a fucked up thing to tease Barkley over! I love Delia, she was so kind to me that day and I actually appreciate Barkley more when he is around her. Just god, why does he feel the need to be… such an asshole?“Whenever you’re done in lala-land, I’ve got some ass kicking for you!” Barkley mocked me, as I snapped back into the moment.“Just wait… one of these days the student will be the master.” Light hearted, but deep in thought, I returned to the game. “You excited to play this with your boys? They’ll probably be a lot better than I am!” It was basically a self insult, but his sunny smile told me it hit close to home for him.“If I do get a son or sons, god forbid, I want to do a whole lot more with them than play digi-games!” We laughed a moment, but it felt different from him.“Well of course!” I added, feeling like a moron. “You’ll be chasing them around in no time!”His face was distant and worried, but his eyes beamed with excitement. Barkley is certainly frightened of becoming a parent, but I do not think he needs to fear… Something tells me between the two of them, they can do this perfectly. Apprehension must be natural for all creatures expecting a child. Creatures… Why is it I cant see them as normal people? It’s something I need to adapt too, but... Will that happen over time or is there something wrong with me? If he knew about me, what I have done, would he even be here right now? Would they have asked me to look after their pups? Delia probably wouldn't have even spoke to me…We had only one joint left and I opted to smoke it without playing, to savor the experience. Barkley was fine with that and simply switched it back to television. Smoking so much recently made it hard to enjoy the substance as strongly, but the effects came through in spurts of heightened happiness and enjoyment. Barkley also seemed to be feeling it, as we both laughed at the way a guy talked on the news, how stoner is that? We bounced between a ralg match and some action movie about stolen diamonds, pretty low key stuff…“Damn, I’m hungry, what’s Urving got around here?” He asked absent of me, as he began poking through the kitchen.“There’s some leftover gabbach in there, in the big bowl.” My offer made him fake wretch.“I am canine! I am carnivore!” Barkley spoke like a caveman- er, dog… as he searched the house further.Ironically, he settled for some ice cream and it was chocolate flavor! What I would have pulled from my dogs muzzle in panic, Barkley was able to eat with no stomach problems or death! Can all dogs here enjoy chocolate? Is it a trait some share or is it genetic, like some horses having hooves instead of feet? Regardless of this, it made me want some as well and soon I was also eating a premade cone of frozen splendor. This was no substitute for a hearty steak or a glazed wrack of ribs, but I’m glad he found something.His schedule is unpredictable, but from what I gathered, Urving usually calls between three and six o’clock. I only bring this up, for I am currently receiving a call and I can only assume it is him. My outer shell may be like ice at times, but it is impossible to keep my cool with so much attention piled my way. You need to understand, I was a loser on earth with few friends… Come to think of it, I’m a loser here too, only worse… Damn, I walked into that one, didn't I?“Hello Urving, how’re things going tonight?” His roughed up suit and tie told me not well…“Oh alright, thanks for answering kid, I am really glad to see you!” Something caught my eye and I gasped softly.“Ur-Urving, your nose! You’re bleeding! Are you alright?” A crimson trickle ran from within his snout down to his lips.The concern filling my voice was very genuine, but for selfish reasons. What will become of me if Urving is gone? Where will I end up, back in a prison cell? Will I outlive Urving and be alone or with a stranger for my twilight years? What a heart wrenching, devastating, soul crushing thought… How have I not pondered and worried about this yet?“I’m fine, I’m fine, calm down buddy!” Urving was reassuring, showing me very little blood appeared. “Someone hit me with a stool earlier, but I’m fine!” His laughter attested to him really being fine.“Wh-wha-why did someone hit you with a stool?” I was astounded with what I was hearing.“They didn't want to leave and of course, that’s my job. He got a little too riled up and hit me when my back was turned.” Urving rumbled, brushing this off like nothing. “I’m fine really! I called to see how you were doing, Barkley there?” He emphasized “you” and pointed toward his pager.“Hey Urving!” Barkley waved over my shoulder, before entering the bathroom.“Yeah… You sure you’re alright?” My voice was soft, but I was really concerned.“Buddy, relax, I’m fine, I’ve been hit loads of times! I’ll be home in a few more hours, ok? No worries!” Urving’s voice was as bright as ever, but I saw blood beading in his nostrils again. “Have a good day bud, cant talk long. Bye Iza!”“See ya… Urving…” He had hung up already, probably alerted to some illicit or dangerous activity.“All good Spaz? Sounded worried…” Does he have no scruples? Who pee’s with the door open?“Yes, fine!” Averting my eyes I passed by and answered simultaneously.The idea of what I just witnessed and contemplated still rung in my head like a gong. My eternal fear, the feeling I have come to accept as normal, had changed meaning in an instance. For this fleeting moment, for a few seconds, I didn't fear this place anymore. The thought of losing my one connection, the only life line I had to something resembling normality, had just been jeopardized. Inside, I desperately wanted to call him back and ask him to be real with me, tell me if he was really hurt or not. I knew this would either get him in trouble, unearth the same answer, or both… Instead I just had a seat on the couch and thought a moment. I used my alone time to reflect how important Urving is for me and how easily he could do without me. I really did get lucky in all of this...My eyes scanned the household and I sighed, knowing what this all cost. Both Urving and I paid a heavy price for this strange civility, but Dalton gave up the most… More than anyone else should ever have to sacrifice for another… Wiping illusory tears I thought were there, I turned to Barkley as he emerged from the hall. Something told me I was caught and would have to explain away my sorrows, but Barkley was oblivious or simply chose not to say anything.“I’m still hungry. Wanna go get something?” His offer was inviting, but I shook my head. “Is it you aren’t hungry or just… never mind… What’d ya want?” Barkley didn't taunt me, I expected to be called a sissy or a wuss.“Uh… Whatever Urving got the last time, no mustard please.” I thought a moment, unsure how I should order. “You don't gotta go though, we have stuff here and-.” He cut me off with a laugh.“I doubt you have triple bacon cheese burgers! Hmm?” His snarky tone made me smile, at least it wasn't directed at me.“Get me that! That sounds awesome right now!” Real hunger and the munchies mixed isn’t a good feeling.“Well alright! Just a heads up though, you’ll have to leave the house at some point.” He couldn't avoid teasing me, he even stuck his tongue out just before he shut the door.“Yeah… I know…” A grim sigh escaped me and I went back to my room.Now that I am alone and coming down, I feel modicums of a normal mindset reaching across my brain. With Melvin’s words still ringing in my head, I stepped out into the backyard. Insects of alien varieties fluttered by into bushes or overhead and out of sight. In motion they appeared to only be shifting blurs or thin strands of zipping motion. The neighbor dog barked at my arrival, but settled down rather quickly. Unabated oxygen surrounded me and filled my lungs with every breath. The scents of the grass, flowers, and soil were literally new to me, but so familiar… Looking up into the soft violet sky, I raised my arms and stretched, opening my mind to how small I really was. Insignificant is more the word, but I do matter to this world as well, in a smaller way. On earth a boy my age dies or is killed and the news would explode with concerned reports. Here, though, would anyone care? Of course Urving would and the others, but… Never mind, that is just too depressing to think about…Running back inside, I heard motion over the fence and a voice speak to the still barking dog. Through the window I saw our neighbor was… an alligator or some kind of lizard. Not that I haven’t seen them, but this is definitely a rarer form of anthronian. I wanted to go over to the fence and say hi, but the human in me quashed this possibly fatal idea. What if he was hungry? The fence couldn't possibly protect me… Without realizing, I had gripped the knife beneath the throw pillow and brandished it against my chest. As soon as I understood what I was doing, I ran for the kitchen and put it away. That would be hard to explain to Barkley and impossible to Urving…Turning the game back on, I was going to continue my goal! I hadn’t leveled up since I played with Melvin, but Barkley had taught me a lot. To my surprise, those heightened skills I had obtained shone through near immediately. Dodging had become insanely easy and blocking was somewhat second nature. Regardless of this, I still took immense damage when I did get hit, but I chalked that up to my character class. Maybe I can upgrade my defenses… Ah, two more levels till I can upgrade “Iron hide”, which is my only noticeable form of protection. Originally, I was going to only upgrade my offensive capabilities, but being a glass cannon means you fire once and… well, you get the picture.Without much effort, I was timing my dodges and blocks perfectly! The commands I input were sharp enough to even deflect arrows! Crossbow bolts seemed to stagger my character, but it didn't do nearly as much damage! Being defeated over and over by Barkley made even the smallest victory a savored experience. Knowing the lack of input both Urving and Barkley’s characters required, an heir of pride formed in the back of my mind. It takes so much effort on my part, I felt like I was actually fighting… with my fingers at least…“Die, you fool!” A warlock in the game cried, but it was subtitled gibberish.“Not gonna happen…” I whispered off hand to myself as I knocked him out with only a few punches.Inside, my heart was heavy at the enjoyment of slaying digital lives. I understand the difference, I’m not a psychopath, just… It feels awful enjoying it so much. I keep telling myself its for the points, not the souls per se. I’m not an idiot either, they don't really have souls! Lately I have been doubting the presence of my own soul… Will I ever be able to put this in the past? I don't deserve to escape this haunting horror, but it cant control my life forever, right? On my tombstone will they mark me as a murderer? Did… did Dalton get a funeral? Of course he did! Of… course…“Man it is hot today!” Barkley declared as the door slid shut. “Here ya go, no mustard like you asked.”“Thanks!” I only glanced at him, so not to die in game. “Gimme a sec, almost done…”Barkley didn't say anything, he just started eating, his tiny glazed over eyes a testament that he was feeling it heavily. He probably doesn't get to smoke as much as he used to, what with his wife pregnant and all. Then again, I don't really know him that well… This game has never been so stressful! Having Barkley here really puts pressure on me, but I think my performance was admirable. Nothing special, but I didn't die! Why does another pair of eyes on the screen make this so taxing?“You bitch, how could you-. When you buy one now, you get-. Today on the Helen De’gen-. We have a fantastic match for you tonight! The tail toting terror, Eviscerine, VS the deadly damsel, Killonia!” Snapping through channels, he settled on wrestling.Barkley is dangerously stereotypical… He is such a standard “guy” I could probably pretend he was human! Not that his canine heritage is a problem, technically I share it in some paralleled concomitancy. Having a problem with him being an anthronian is somehow worse than being racist in my eyes. It would be like them hating humans, regardless of our nationality, ancestry, or personality. I imagine some of his kind, other anthronians will have a problem with me… hate me without knowing why they should.“Oh shit, get her! Beat that pussycat down! GO BITCH!” Barkley called to the television. “Aww, damn that had to hurt!” The feline had clawed one of the she-wolfs ears open, as she choke slammed her to the mat.Violence here is viewed so differently. Never on earth would this be allowed on national television. Wrestling felt more like a death match, where before it was more like a performance. It went from spectacle sport to arena bloodshed with but a change of culture. Seeing blood makes me uncomfortable… It was harder to pretend it didn't, as the poor gal was shedding it profusely. Still, with a crimson coat, this wolf woman was able to lift and throw the feline clean out of the ring. The sound her impact made with the hard stone floor was mortifying, but her cries of agony were far worse. Wailing like she was skinned alive, the lioness clutched her shattered ankle and rolled about in anguished suffering. Watching her try to stand as the clock counted down was so painful, the bones in her leg didn't even look solid anymore... Unable to stand, she submitted to defeat with a hand gesture and the crowd exploded with mixed results. Some praised the winner, some threw things at the loser, but everyone began the uproar only violence can spawn. I… I wont be watching this regularly… Disgust for what I was witnessing made me queasy and led me to not finish my food.“Ya full kid?” Barkley’s concern was unnecessary, I don't need to be pampered…“Yeah, thanks! Do you want me to ask Urving to pay you back? I’m sure he’ll offer, but I-.” Barkley laughed after a stunted stare.“No, just… no. You’re a good kid!” He nudged me and shook his head with shocked laughter.“You call me “kid”, but I’m twenty, almost twenty one years old!” It was a little aggravating, but I managed to not sound bothered.“Oh, wow, twenty one!” He teased me, his paws at his muzzle to show fake shock. “Being that I am literally twenty years older than you, I think I deserve to call you kid.”“Y-you’re forty years old?” I was stunned into near silence.“Well don't act so surprised! Yeah, I met D, maybe, seventeen years ago. She’s really matured me.” He laughed at my shock, holding his side. “I’m forty two actually.” He added jabbing me with his elbow again.“Well… y-you… you totally act your age, it’s hard to tell!” This joke caught him just right and he continued laughing.“What’d ya think I was a pup?” He mocked himself, putting a claw through one of his gauges. “Nope, I’m an adult dog, ready for pups of his own!” At that moment I noticed the graying fur in his caramel colored splotches.“Delia looks good for her age.” I mentioned off hand, after we laughed a moment.“Be sure to tell her that! It’ll net you a lot of points!” How can he be that old, older than Urving, yet act like a frat boy. “Check this out, who's that?” Barkley showed me a photo of himself and… Delia?What I was seeing was not real, this couldn't be… The photo on his pager was of Delia and Barkley, however long ago, when they just woke up. Her face was not warm, inviting, or even happy. The frightened, swollen, motherly mutt I would have described her as just a few days ago was nowhere to be found. Nothing about her was the same… Is Barkley just messing with me? This cant be the sweet, tender, cautious, and concerned animal who was afraid of me just a few days ago…She had just as many, if not more piercings! Her nose, her ears, her muzzle (lips), and even her eyebrows! Her fur was dyed a fiery crimson, which faded into a pinkish color at the back of her jutting Mohawk. A leather jacket with spikes on the shoulders was crudely hanging from her upper body, but beneath that was a shirt that just said “Doggy style” in bold letters, which made me laugh. The pissed off look she held and the fact she was flipping off the camera made me do a triple take, before I realized it really was her! Her tattered jeans weren’t buttoned and the one of the pockets was hanging out. The free paw was clasping at her purse, which was strewn across the ground. A crumpled cigarette hung from her teeth, barely gripped at all.Beyond her appearance, the way she stared, her eyes… Menacing in a way, like restrained violence or pent up negativity. It took me a second to notice, reading emotions on these creatures is difficult. But I know this kind of stare… Holy crap, she’s so sweet and innocent, what the hell did Barkley do to her? Better question what did she do to him? What were the two of them like back in these days? He was probably a walking nightmare of insults and crass carelessness, but I cannot imagine Delia being that way. Then again, I really don't know either of them… I don't even know Urving that well yet! “Wow, she doesn't look like the same person!” I exclaimed, taking his pager from his grasp.“Yeah well, people change! Delia doesn't want to be this anymore…” His voice was longing, wishful, but loving all the same. “God she was a psycho…” He said this with heartache, the man wants this back…“You two must have a lot in common then!” Poking fun yet again, Barkley just smirked.“I was such a pansy compared to Delia, she was… unstoppable.” Admiration was apparent in his already bright voice. “Our pups are gonna be little monsters!” We both laughed, it feels good to laugh…“I promised, if you ever need help-.” Barkley chuckled, interrupting my otherwise serious moment.“Thanks Spaz, you can take em for their walks!” Barkley’s mocking is light hearted when he’s smoked. “No, no, really… It’ll be good for them to meet a human early on in life!” Hearing this brought a grin to my face.“I’ll be the best roll model I can!” Being high right now made this a joke, kind of. “I know martial arts, so I can teach them to defend themselves.” He stopped me with a mocking stare.“That's all I need, them breaking each others arms or kicking teeth out!” Shaking his muzzle, Barkley slid a paw up to his eyes. “Guarantee you some of em’ will already be doing that!”“Well at least they can learn how to do it properly!” Speaking in a professional tone made this funny on some level.Barkley’s eyes went hazy with fondness, scanning the table top. His words became a mish-a-gosh of future plans, fortified excitement, and inclusion phrases, aimed at me. It was like he wanted to talk about his family exclusively, but knew he needed to include the other in the conversation. Knowing how he can regularly be, I just played along. Having what I have had on my mind made this easy.From meager things of the household to complicated financial matters, Barkley took me through his plans. It was interesting, hearing one of them break down finances and fiscal responsibility. Super ironic it ended up being Barkley! Tapering down to simple facts and statements about his plans for the future, I awaited the topic to change. His unborn pups are certainly important, but I am just getting sick of talking about them.The day rolled on, each minute feeling longer than the last. Smoking made me tired and I fell asleep, only to be taunted upon waking by Barkley. Being called a “light weight” is the least of my concerns, as I panicked in my sleep. It was difficult to keep it together, even with such a silly face awaking me. Video games were already on, but I had no drive to play, I was coming down. Ransacking the fridge, I scraped together some leftovers, which made a good enough snack. Barkley picked at it relentlessly, but I wouldn't say anything, not today at least. I’m happy to share, it’s the least I can do…Switching my vision between the game and the clock, I awaited times progression with ceaseless apprehension. There was no reason to do so, but something made it unavoidable. A small part of me was restless, I needed something new to happen. It was nothing personal on Barkley, but I was ready for him to leave. Again, nothing personal, I just want the house back to normal. Checking my pager again I sighed at the lack of messages, then tried my best to type one to Urving. These pagers can send text messages as well, it just isn’t easy for me, considering I have to use a translator. Why couldn't it have come in a slick pair of shades or techy goggles? No, a freaking monocle... After correcting my errors and putting a few final touches, I sent my message to Urving. It was really simple, nothing out of the ordinary or important, so I didn't put much thought into its contents. Hopefully it doesn't feel empty or get him in trouble at work.“Oh did you see that? I wrecked that fool!” Barkley exclaimed, showing he had achieved another victory.“Yeah, he didn't stand a chance!” I added, not really knowing what we spoke about.“Sure you don't wanna jump in? It’s all good if you die.” Barkley offered again, but I just shook my head.“No thanks. It’s fun seeing it from another perspective.” I lied, this holds no interest right now.Not that seeing Urving will be more interesting than a videogame, I just… It will be more like home when he’s here. Calm, more natural, if that makes any sense… This did give me an opportunity to examine Barkley’s character from a more revealed angle. His teleporting had a very long recharge time and cloning only allowed his actual form to move to the left or right, I’ll need to remember that! Those two flaws aside, I had a very hard time finding an exploitable weakness! I’ll have to find a way to cripple his speed, but I don't know of anything that can.Time spent quickly became, time wasted. Literally, I started counting the seconds, every sixty signaling I should peek at the clock. Parts of me began feeling like I did back in school, desperate to escape this boredom, but understanding its necessity. Even though videogames are not important, it has been something I can open up over, it’s something normal… Barkley’s repeated slaughter of his digital opponents led me to notice a pattern. He seems to circle at first, throwing knives, then charge in and duplicate himself to finish his foe off. It was incredibly effective and only a few times did I see someone survive or counter it. Before long (too long for me), the door sprung open and Urving’s voice filled our household.“Yo, wassup guys?” He called excitedly, even before seeing us.“Sup bro? Good day?” Barkley responded, still lounging and playing.“Hey Urving! Good to see you.” I was far more excited than I normally allow myself to be, but it felt good. “How was work? You alright?” I tapped my own nose, but he just scoffed.“Course, told ya I was! Look, see?” He wiped his nose on his white sleeve, leaving nothing behind but sweat. “It’s really nice you care so much though.” Urving pat my shoulder.“What ya guys talking about?” Barkley joined us in the entryway.“Issac saw me bleeding after a tussle at the club, he was worried.” Cringing as I listened, I knew Barkley would tease me. “Well aint you sweet?” Barkley clutched his paws together and spoke like a southerner. “Really though man, you good?” Snapping back to seriousness in an instance, he showed his own concern.“Of course! He was hardly even tall enough to get me in the dome. I’m fine!” Hearing it in person was more convincing.“Awesome, well hey, I’m gonna take off… I hate leaving D all alone.” Barkley’s voice held an heir of vulnerability, but I ignored it.“Course, tell her hi for me! Thanks for keeping Issac company, you need some fuel credits?” Urving asked, removing his suit coat.“Nah, thanks though! You guys have a good night. Thanks for hanging with me Spaz!” Barkley bumped knuckles with me.“Thanks for coming by. Say hello to Delia from me as well.” Returning a goodbye, he waved once more then was gone.“Will do, see ya.” Barkley called back, rushing through the night to his beastly vehicle.It isn’t friendly, but I was happy Barkley didn't linger. My excitement to see Urving had been growing all day, so at this point it is paramount. Hell, even now I am thinking of what to talk about. What going on in my life, would be interesting to him as well? This matters little, as just plain old happiness can set Urving off. Soon he emerged, shirt in hand, revealing his truly gargantuan stomach and hulking frame. Watching cloth slide over fur, straining to contain his mass, I couldn't avoid chuckling. Where does he go to buy clothes? Are they new or did he have them before he planned to get me?“Great to see ya pal! How was your day?” Urving asked after scratching his back against the wall.“Good and you? I… I missed you bro.” Part of me was strung up by what I just said, but he wasn't.“Me too! You don't know how sad it was coming home before you were here!” Giving me a big hug, I felt tiny warmth where my heart once was. “I love seeing you buddy!” A short growl followed this, as he kissed the top of my head.“Me too! Th-thanks…” My words stopped him from entering the kitchen.“What for?” Urving’s tiny confused muzzle looked like a teddy bear.“Thank you for being so patient, for letting me into your home…” Self-conciously scanning the rug, I tried to avoid the fact I was speaking at all.“Oh stop that! We’re friends! I just want to make sure you’re comfortable. This is your house too Iza, remember that!” Urving turned to me and gave this little heart to heart.“Thank you…” Fighting tears, I pat his shoulder and he returned the gesture. “Do you think I could have a cigarette?” It felt odd, I have never had an adult figure who I could openly ask.“Course, they’re in my room on the nightstand.” Urving was reading a boxed meals instructions, squinting without his glasses.“Thanks!” I called back heading into his room.The box has Saturn depicted on the pack and it said something in gibberish, but in cool sharp text. Coaxing a single cylinder out of the box proved harder than I would’ve thought. Without trying, I accidentally tore the package and removed one. This caused several others to scatter to the floor. Shaking my head, I began pinching them up delicately. Sliding each one back into its place, I set the cardboard box back where I found it. Something caught my eye then, as I turned to leave from inside his room. Gulping, I approached the closet and slid it open further. I could see it up there, my file, but that isn’t what grabbed my gaze. Thumbtacked in place, just below a calendar, was a heartwarming sight. The familiar image of a tiny human sprawled across his huge, hugging bear caused a small gasp of joy. Urving had cut out part of the box my bed came in! It looks like he took great care to avoid leaving frays or damaging the edges. Frozen by the compassion displayed and the gratitude felt, I just stared. Both tiny sets of eyes were little happy arches, showing sleep was pleasant for both parties. Does this… Is he… Why would he save this?“What’cha doing bud? Can’t reach em?” Urving called, his shadow lumbering toward the hall.“Nah, just takes me a while to get around this place.” We both laughed at my tiny steps and how many it took to reach the couch.“Hopefully you’ll get taller with age, that’d help.” Urving chuckled, leaning up and over the counter to peer down at me.“Fo sho, but I’m not certain if I’ll ever be big enough for this place.” An uneasy chuckle made him react in a big way.Whisking me off the floor, he pretended to fly me up and set me on his shoulders. At first I panicked, unsure of what was happened, but once settled, I couldn't avoid my smile. Urving made a game of showing me how “tall” I was now! He would go over to the cabinet and ask me to grab a pot or pan, which he could’ve reached, but was at eye level with me. Backing up, Urving asked me to open the ceiling vent and I obliged, blowing my smoke in that direction. Soon though he returned to cooking and I was left to hang on for myself, which wasn't a huge ordeal. What I wondered, but didn't ask, was if my clutching his ear or fur hurt? He never complained and once or twice even invited me to do so, but it has to be uncomfortable! After preparing a kind of stir-fry made with salmon, he offered to prepare me something, then headed toward the couch. He purposely plopped down, so I would be thrown from his shoulder and to the couch, but it was a jovial action, not one meant to banish me.The TV turned on and I was lost in my desired normality and complacent joy. This place, my new home, will never be what I long for, but it is enough to drown away fear. Urving and I enjoyed a movie about crooked cops and cartels, it even had a human or two in it! Really funny seeing human actors, going about their business, as if this was any other Hollywood production. Will I see some celebrities? Was the president captured? If so, does he have a seat in this worlds government? If anyone remains on earth it is probably the highest ranking officials and richest powerhouses. Still, the way humans are treated, even in cinema, is disturbing… It was as if our entire species, was put through a juicer and our drive was extracted. Seeing humans and being pampered myself, it just feels wrong. We are a species of thinkers, builders, explorers, and creators, not pets! They maybe stronger and more advanced, but we shouldn't just accept our place at their feet!Urving burst into laughter at a simple nut shot. The event itself wasn't particularly humorous, but his reaction made me smile uncontrollably. Even though I’m having domestication stuffed down my throat, Urving isn’t to blame! He’s sort of a simpleton, not that I meant that in a bad way! Simplicity sounds like a great life at this point. Finishing his food, he slid the plate across the coffee table and put his paws(feet) up. Snapping through the channels, Urving seemed really tired. His normally alert eyes and unfading smile were dull. The bright amber in his eyes was all but gone, two tiny beads of brown stared and flickered with the TV. His mouth was a stretched downward line across his muzzle, but it would crack apart to smile or show intrigue with the shows he watched. Television holds little interest to me, I absolutely despise subtitles now! This only makes their shows more interesting, as I have no real insight into what’s going on!A sound suddenly seized the room and I shook with fright for a split second. Urving’s maw was wide open, his head back, and he released the loudest snoring you could ever imagine… My body reverberated from how powerful of a sound and force this was. Beyond this, the window behind the couch appeared to wobble with each exhale. Sitting stunned, covering my ears, I realized I was actually moving from the vibrations in the couch! This is ridiculous… Hopping off the couch I went into my room, hoping I can use the TV in there. Before I shut my door, my heart tugged at me and I felt something stir. Creeping, swiftly and silently, I fetched Urving’s blanket from his bed. The enormous mass of fabric and cloth smelled of faded flowery detergent, which I recognized from my towels as well. Carrying this lump was unruly, but my task of throwing it over Urving went better than I thought! Reaching up, with a small hop, I pulled the blanket down a little, off his face. Shutting off the TV, then turning out the light, I said goodnight in a loud whisper. No reason to stay up really, I’ll head to bed myself.-15- Man of the houseIt was eerily quiet when I awoke this morning, a light rasping of tree limbs at my window all I heard. Stepping out of bed, I opened my door softly and peeked out to listen. No snoring, no commotion, no shower… Did I miss Urving? Dressing myself and stepping out into the kitchen I called his name lightly, then just asked the empty house if anyone was present. This yielded nothing and a small aura of sadness crept up me until I saw something on the table. A note, it was written in awful chicken scratch, but I could read it well enough. His letters were huge, misshapen, and unaligned with one another, but the sentiment poured forth, even from such a short note.“Good morning Issac! Have to guard the mall today and I overslept. Sorry I couldn't make you breakfast, please be careful buddy! Skia and Isolde said they’ll stop by as soon as they can, if they can. Sorry if you are alone today Issac. Feel free to message me, just no calls. Have a good day buddy!”My small frown was coaxed into a similar sized smile. Accepting the reality that I may be alone all day, a small cheer entered my mood. Moving to the fridge, I pulled out some breakfast ingredients and cracked my knuckles. Now I know what to do, I can make myself something awesome! Ah, eggs, glad to see even here you are the same little, white, ovals. Though they are a bit more, gold than brown or white, but whatever! Scrambling up some eggs, I popped some bread in the stovetop toaster, then moved to the sausage links and stirred them around. God I hope they’re sausage… Oh, it has a turkey on it! I can deal, whatever! This is sort of fun, now that I know how this works and where almost everything is! Humming to myself, I plated up a delicious meal and poured myself a glass of juice. Television was worth it if I watched the news, it was interesting to learn about the culture I find myself in.“Today in Al Braddox, a small tremor occurred in the northwester region of the city, leveling two large buildings and several smaller ones between. Our hearts and hopes are open to the victims and survivors.” The badger on camera wore thin black glasses and spoke with a somber conviction.“Repeated traffic jams have caused a small strike of the laboring repairs workers. They have been reassigned and the congested routes cleared, with repairs commencing at night.” A zebra spoke with a large voice, his mane in a slicked back hairdo.“Three woman were accused of fifth level fraud today for using stolen credit chips for local purchases.” The stories were so familiar, things I have heard before on earth. “Local institute students are upset with the increasing fuel prices and decreasing wages.” Problems both species have faced, now bottlenecked into one set of matching woes. “Four died in a train unhinging and one home was near destroyed.” Like two different recipes were poured in the same cooking pot, causing them to blend with some effort.Moments like this make me wonder why I am so scared? They are practically human beings as it is, why cant I just accept that? I’ve said it before and I will say it again, this planet, these aliens, this world… It is all so similar to earth. I think that's why I have been able to acclimate, little by little. In a way I think that’s why I am so afraid... Like this is just a dream or a memory. Even though they look and act different, we are now one species on this planet. These strange beings were willing to share there world, the very essence of existing, with another creation of life. That says something… Watching an animal talk and reading words got really boring, so once finished with my breakfast, I went to my room. Seeing the variety of species, all varying in shape and size, did make television fun, but I have grown tired of reading.A lot of my off time has been spent with this instrument. New scuffs, scratches, and wear marks have developed through my use. Though I hate seeing my instrument and gift damaged, these marks bring pride. Playing my guitar acoustically was nice, but I had discovered a tiny switch that was essentially a built in amplifier! It caused ridiculous shaking from the instrument and I wish it was louder, but it was enough to have me jumping around my room. Trying metal licks that would shred lesser players fingers was a great energy outlet and I could care less about my mistakes. It was nice, a great thing to just let myself go and have fun. Flexing fingers to hold chords delicately, sliding the hand to create new sounds, striking each string with surgical precision… It was an awesome feeling. Each strand of sound connected to you, the actions you chose, was like seeing a plan come to fruition each time!After a while my fingers were sore and I was beginning to give myself a headache. Placing my instrument back in its case, I went to get some water. Standing slightly taller as I up ended the glass, I fell to flat feet and released a big sigh of enjoyment. During these few moments of semi-empty standing, I took in minor details of the kitchen. From the flowery design on the stone floor tiles, to the flared trim on the cabinets, every inch of this place is stylized! Each counter top corner held a carved flare of lines, in a triangular pattern and trim matched the flooring in color. Something caught my eye and I set my glass down to go examine it, a gentle clinking giving way to a loud rasping. On the wall where the entryway and the kitchen meet, strange grooves had been cut into the corner evenly. Oblong wedge shapes jutted out evenly, but for only a foot or so on the wall, why is that? I suddenly remembered Urving uses this wall to scratch his back, like bears in the woods with trees! Was it cut specifically for that? A whole architectural pinpoint could not have revolved around Urving’s itching relief. Trying it for myself, I found it more like a massage than a scratcher, the large stone blocks had slanted heads that felt great on the back.Wandering from room to room, I began feeling the overwhelming effects of being alone, empty. At first the shock and awe of it all made being here exhillirating and dangerous, but now… Now, I understand it is just a house and rarely will eventful moments occur. A strange sensation took hold of me then, as I tried to think of something to do… boredom! It has been sometime since I felt bored! Even in the human pound I couldn't feel bored, I was in unyielding terror! Now, sitting here in hall, leaned against the wall, that all felt so distant… Scoffing myself into a small smile, I thought about the week past and how chaotically eventful it was.Still, I faced boredom. Tapping my fingers to little rhythms, I strolled through each room, allowing myself to take in it as a whole. Nothing jumped out at me, even when I checked the storage room for… anything, I came up empty handed. I didn't want to play Dread Bringer, as that has essentially been my entire week and the aspect of playing music had faded with my energy. What do I do? I only have so many options around here… Walking aimlessly around the house, I inevitably ended up sitting in my room, staring off into space. Jesus, how many months do I have to do this? Even with my fear perfectly present, I would still like to go into the outside world and make the most of it! Ferris said it can take a few years to get a freedom license, do I just sit here until then? That sounds awful, I can’t do that…My room is quite nice, despite the seeped in smoke smell and stained carpet. You can tell this room was used for recreation from the markings of heavy foot traffic near the door. The beige carpeting faded to dark brown by the entrance and the backdoor. Once surely pristine white walls were now a dull gray, hinting on yellow. The door itself was a sturdy slab of wood on easily moved hinges, appearing to have a fresher coat of paint then the rest of the room. What I can assume was once a light blue wall paper had faded to an offgray, the color a really sick person turns. My television was smaller than the one in the living room, more squared as well. The coffee table where I shared my first moments of peace here, was now littered with random belongings of mine, such as my phone. Sunlight cut through the curtained windows in steady rods and from the backdoor in a radiant cloud of illumination. Comparing the cold of my shadowed self to the tickle of the suns touch on my legs, I decided to step into the backyard.Cool crunching of collected grass sounded for each step. Sounds of life, both big and small filled my senses, as I turned slowly taking in my surroundings. It was a bright, yet cool day, with thick pockets of cloud coverage. Scents of distant places and things were being carried on the wind, but I couldn't distinctly name anything. The flowers all buzzed with teeming insects, but the scurried away from my incoming hands. Gently brushing one of the flowers, I found it silken and somewhat fuzzy. Turning to our one tree, on the other side of the yard, I found it was guarding a tiny bench, not even big enough for Urving. Staring across the yard at the sky, sliced up by the tall fence, I saw a bird leave flight and land in the neighbors yard. It was bright yellow in color, but little other details could be captured so briefly. This was nice… The soothing cool air, the hum and rumbles of life all around me, and the serenity of knowing things are getting better culminated this moment into something special. After an unknown amount of time, I headed back inside, taking care to lock the backdoor.Checking my phone, I found nothing from Urving so decided to message him. With monocle mounted on my face, my fingers began tapping out a fairly basic greeting. It felt silly, but I could distinctly pick out loneliness from my melting pot of unwanted emotions. Given the way my week has been since arrival, it’s understandable I would be lonely. A sadness swept momentarily over me, like a cloud passing before the sun. Did I so easily forget about what I have done? Have I already moved on? Just asking this brought an immeasurable sadness, which I struggled to ignore… The message waited, as I contemplated the unsolvable problem my life has become.Sitting in the living room, I awaited Dread Bringer to load. In my minds eye, I couldn't see this being very fun. I’m just not feeling it today I guess. Sadly, all I wanted was to talk to Urving. Even though it wouldn't be fun... I want to ask him about it. About Dalton and what I did… The deep green carpet reminded me of the forest in early morning. God I hated the woods, I remember being much happier when I was moved to the station near the mountains. Shaking my head, I banished those thoughts. All thoughts, all things of that life, should die. For a split second the white loading screen of the game matched the pale eggshell walls. The corners were graced by false foliage, which I compared to the in game plants. Shutting down the console, I sighed, this is going to be a long one… As I walked back toward my room, I took a moment to examine Urving’s decorative knick-knacks on the table near the entryway. The right side was graced with a small assortment of books, held by faux tree trunks. He had a beehive shaped music box on display, which plucked a jaunty little tune when opened. A tiny suit of armor held a little shield, but Urving used his sword arm to hold his keys when he was home. At the far end, a small basket held papers, buttons, lighters, and other random loose clutter.Ready to give up and head back to my room, I stopped and felt a smirk creep up my face. Taking slow, time wasting steps, I strode toward Urvings room. On the way, I noticed something odd, but sort of humorous. The entryway to Urving’s home looks like a cave! Never had I noticed it before, but the crudely cut stone walls and ceiling, with the semi-smoothed floor, suddenly breaking for normal carpet and hardwood, that cant be coincidence! Does each species get a chance to choose or are they all this way? The other walls were trimmed and base boarded with precision, but this one part of the house feel, wild.Returning to my needless task, I entered Urving’s room and opened his closet. I felt my hair raise, the uneasiness of trespassing weighed on me momentarily. Peeking into the dimly lit storage space, I saw it. For some reason, the fact that Urving kept this little image is painfully heartwarming. The fact that my file, my crimes are only a few inches away means nothing when I stare at the tiny printed image of a literal bear hug… It is like a symbol, it’s an icon to the testament that he doesn't blame me, or at least understands. Sliding his closet shut, the mirror image of his room sparked my memories like jumper cables. For a few seconds I was cowering in fear again, but I simply ignored this feeling. His bed is ridiculous compared to mine, which is a barstool to him! Trying to climb up failed, but my second attempt was enough to get aboard however. Watching out the front window, I mentally sketched the birds in the trees and the strange squirrels bounding about.These tiny birds were like an earth hummingbird, but had four even smaller wings. The tail was tubby and splayed wide, but its head was graced with a pair of long, delicate strands of plumage. These thin reeds came from the upper eye and ended in tiny puffs, roughly four inches in total length. Two of the squirrels I mentioned rushed by, jumping up a tree to avoid a stalking housecat. Surprisingly the cat was normal, save her size, but the squirrels weren’t! They had twisting horns, similar to a ram or goat, but tiny. Just above the bushy tail, was a small segment of complete hairlessness, giving them an odd profile when paired with there red-orange color. Falling into a laying position, I sighed with boredom, wishing I could see more of the outside from the safety of home. Looking upward, I saw Urving’s room has a ceiling like the entryway, but more treated for it barely formed stalactites. I’m unsure why, but this made me smile. It was hot in the direct light of the window, so I retired to the living room once more.Sitting here, mindlessly changing channels, not really watching or doing anything was beginning to wear my patience thin. Rolling onto my back, I found a sort of music channel and just tried to zone out. This cant be everyday, can it? I haven’t even been “home” a full week and I already want to move on. Maybe this has been instilled in me due to my years on the run, living like a nomad. An intrusive electronic sound clashed with the subtle tones of a piano and I sat up. My phone had just bleated to me for attention, so I went to get it from my room. Flipping it open, my fingers tensing from the cold metal surface, one of the strange symbols was shaking every few seconds. Though it looked like a division symbol or some kind of paired line sequence, it was labeled as messages. Tapping the picture of Urving’s face yielded different results than normal conversation.After a second of load time, a video began playing. “Heya Issac, how’d ya sleep, having fun? Sorry no breakfast this morning, please be careful if you cook anything! Just kidding, I trust you! Lot’s a’ people here today, so I cant talk long. Hope you have a good day bud, bye!” Urving’s eyes were practically stars as he spoke into his pager.This had me smiling practically the whole time, it was just hard to stop. Something about the fact he’s a bear, a godless killing machine, made his enthusiasm that much more appreciable. In the wilds of earth, they were usually among the strongest of the woodland predators, yet he is gentle enough to worry about me, a tiny, insignificant being… Lot’s of other creatures would’ve been just as terrifying, but Urving’s size is another huge contributor to my growing attachment. Few have rivaled him in size, at least that I’ve seen, so I can sort of feel safe around him. With my smile still immovable, I tapped the reply key.My pager asked if I wanted to record or use text. Unsure of how the recorder works, my initial decision was to just type some words. That felt wrong, quickly made me feel lame, like a bad friend. No joking though, that feeling was sort of nice, considering I had a friend and have needed one. What am I saying, I have friends, sort of… All of Urivng’s pal’s can just as easily be mine too! Melvin’s my friend, oh boy… The phone started counting down from five, each little symbol flashing in its normal alien form, before reshaping to normal numbers. Once it hit one, I prepared to speak.“Thanks for the note Urving, I did make-…” I stopped, disliking my words and searched the screen.Three buttons held options. One, a green forward arrow said finish. The other, a red “x” shape was marked, cancel. The middle option was a yellow squiggle, that pointed up and away, toward the top corner of the pager phone. Tapping the middle button reset the countdown and released a tiny notice, “recording rest”. Retrying, I had to think out what I wanted to say, trying to fit it all in quickly.“Hey Urving, I slept great, thanks! I didn't burn the house down either!” I had a short laugh, flashing the camera around the kitchen. “How’s work going? Hope no one hits you with anything today! Been kind of boring… lonely…” I didn't want to say the word. “No problem though, I enjoyed the alone time while it lasted! Message me again when you can. Have a good day!” Clicking confirm paused my video at the end and gave a series of editing options.Most of them were for fun, some were serious, like adjusting the lighting, focus, blur, and other stuff. Simply pressing confirm, it loaded a moment then showed a green check mark. Unsure of what to do, I just stared and eventually the screen returned to my inbox. What now? Guess I’ll go listen to nonsense music some more. Grunts, growls, hisses, screams, and feral shouting… Nothing amounted to words and though the lyrics were displayed on screen, I didn't want to read. All I can do is pass time… pass time and try to avoid thinking. My thoughts inevitably lead to despair and sadness… Nothing I think of will be good with nightmares at the precipice of my thoughts and terrors brimming from a demented reality. It’s taking hold again, that agony… the inner turmoil rises, crashing down upon my shoddily constructed joy, which yields and submits likes so much driftwood in the tide…Something caught my attention and I felt my body stir against my will. Waking to a guitar solo, something beyond the music caught my attention. How long had I been asleep? Shutting off the TV, I heard the sound again and stood up promptly. It was the doorbell! I went over to the door, then stopped and ran around to the kitchen. The ringing persisted with knocking following shortly after. Checking through the window, after scaling the counter top, I saw Skia and Isolde waiting outside. They darted their gazes upward, but I had ducked away and was running to get the door. Again my size was a problem, as the opener for a door is at the middle, just a foot or so down from the top. It was like a pull chain of sorts, so I had to leap up and allow my weight to pull the lever down. Popping the door open, I was greeted with two bright smiles, one buck toothed, the other fanged. Casual clothes, undone hair, and less makeup told me they had been done up at the party.“Heya kiddo!” Skia declared. “Sorry bout that, Barkley didn't give us the key…” She sounded a little peeved.“Good to see you Iza, how’re you today?” Isolde was her usual self, calm and quiet, but heartwarming all the same.“Hello you two, come in, come in!” I replied as soon as I could, receiving a hug from Skia. “I’m fine thanks, how’re you? How’s your day been?” Being friendly and inviting felt good, though I was still a little delirious from waking.“It’s been fabulous, top of the world! Saw eight of my brothers and six of my sisters!” Skia replied excitedly, her face brimming with conversational light.“Whoa! That’s a lot of siblings!” I exclaimed, but they both just laughed.“Not for us!” She playfully jabbed in response.“It was ever so much fun, I wish we could of brought you!” Isolde was exceedingly inviting, despite her lack spare energy.“Oh, that’s alright, I wouldn't want to ruin a family affair!” Laughing off my fear, I was actually willing to go to a party full of rabbits.“Oh you wouldn't have ruined anything! They were so friendly and inviting!” Isolde was adamant, her voice not changing much to match.Chuckling uncomfortably, I quickly made up another excuse. “Well, I wouldn't want to leave Urving’s house unguarded.”“Yeah sure…” Skia elbowed me, winking with an impish obviousness. “Really though kid, would’ve loved to of brought ya along, but we left real early this morning and had to take the bus, just… all bad…” She shook her head and swung a paw, laughing.“No, no, I understand entirely! Thanks for coming over though, after all that! Bet you’re both tired, can I get you something to drink?” Wholehearted was my response, while inside longing to have had a day of interaction, not stagnation.“Oh sugar that would be lovely! Just water for me please.” Isolde was so friendly with words, but her voice lack conviction and force.“If Urving’s got any beer, I’ll take one!” Skia laughed, prompting a scoff from her wife (girlfriend?).“It’s the middle of the day hun! Well… we are on vacation, so I guess it’s alright…” Isolde’s protests quickly became distant worries.“Here you both go! If your hungry we got leftover gabbach and some other snacks…” I went to check, but they stopped me.“Oh such a sweetheart!” Isolde responded brightly, our eyes meeting when I handed her the water.“Nah, we ate at the party. Thanks though bub!” Skia punched my knee lightly, then pat the chair next to them. “So how goes it? Been having a fun time with Urving, getting to know all his crazy friends?” Her words hit closer to home than I of thought, but it was easy to swing my thoughts toward positivity.“It’s been good, getting better! Haven’t seen or done a whole lot, yet somehow it feels like I have. Also, ya know, it’s always weird waking up in a strange place.” I laughed uncomfortably, but they joined making it less so.“Yeah, I’ve been there!” Skia thumped her huge foot in amusement.“A new den is always kind of scary, jut give it a few weeks and this should be like the back of your paw!” Isolde’s consoling words were paired with a slight sweep of her arm, to reference the house.“Of course, of course! No doubt things are gonna get better! I’m just… not sure how this goes, ya know?” Laughter saved my discomfort yet again.“It isn’t really supposed to “go” anyway specifically…” Skia’s joking reply held some deeper insight than she knew.“Are you unhappy? Does Urving scare you?” Isolde showed concern for a non-existing problem.“No! It’s just awkward…” The deeper problem shall not be referenced here.“Try growing up with twenty one siblings…” Skia added rolling her eyes in fake annoyance. “Urving’s a real big softie, I bet he’s been trying real hard, yeah?” Skia stopped mid drink to ask this.“Yeah and… I’ve done my best too.” That was a lie, I haven’t tried as hard as I should…“See that’s progress!” Isolde said in near tandom with her mate, causing her voice to be diminished.“Then all it will take is some time! Just give yourself a break, relax!” Skia interrupted her wolfish mate, though she didn't seem to mind.“R-right… Of course!” This hit closer to home then I would’ve imagined.Is that really the only missing element, time? In a few months will I be looking back on these days with an enlightened satisfaction and understanding? In my head I find it hard to believe that there is ever going to be a point where I have forgiven and forgotten. Never… I do not ever want to forget, he deserves better than that! Now is not the time for that kind of mental debate, I have company to entertain. Thank god for that, I’m unsure how I would’ve made it through today all alone, with nothing but my own mind to keep me company.“So what’d ya feel like doing today? Ooh, did you wanna play outside?” Her innocent inquiry snapped me back into the conversation.“Nah, I bet he wants to play Dread Bringer or his guitar!” Skia could not have been more wrong, but I joined her in a laugh anyway.“You’re the guests, it should be up to you!” Feeling the spotlights heat, I averted the decision to them.“What’s something we can all do?” Isolde thought aloud, but Skia seemed to know something instantly.“You’re it!” She lightly flicked one of her mates ears, then darted for the backyard.Isolde was stunned a moment, a paw still at her chin, her thinking eyes expanding. Laughing the whole time, she began pursuing me around the table trying to lay a paw on me. Slipping around the table, I ran for my room, hearing footsteps close behind, then went outside. Isolde didn't even bother closing the door, her laughter reduced to minor panting as she began chasing us around the yard. Skia bounced on her toes to keep herself ready, but Isolde was mostly chasing me, reacting largely to my own laughter. Not a single part of me was initially willing to accept this as an activity, yet my heart cried out, begged for this precious moment to happen. An infantesimal speck of memory was sparked by this moment and for the most fleeting of seconds, I thought my mother and father were chasing me… In this split moment, I returned to boyhood and frivolous freedom.Something inside of me understood the irony of playing tag, a game of pursuit, with animals I had ran in terror from. Leaving out the fact Isolde is a wolf, seeing her fangs when she smiled was both heartwarming and terrifying during chase. This feeling soon dissipated, as she was fair and chased both of us around and seeing them play was priceless. A wolf chasing down a rabbit is normally a life or death situation, but even when she caught her, they just laughed and toppled over one another. Helping one another up, making jokes about each others tails, using “bitch” in a friendly manner… you can tell they love each other. A bashful grin grew up my face and I felt myself fidgeting, as they kissed one another softly, then returned to playing. Skia used this tender moment to tag Isolde and she growled softly, chasing with renewed vigor.This is so childish and embarrassing, yet I love it! The chance to forget myself and just feel friendly elation had a more potent effect than any drug or therapy could have. Something that would have surely bred discomfiture amongst my friends on earth, was being glorified by my new collegues. This simple game, one you need no talent to play, was suddenly like an amusement park. Flourishing rushes of air, the light sting of sweat, and the amplified heat of direct sunlight became souvenirs of this moment. Even if I feel dumb for enjoying myself, I can appreciate the fact joy is a rare element now, a precious resource… A lot of effort goes into to harvesting and concentrating good feelings now, yet dark emotions flood my mind endlessly. It was like the meeting of two rivers, one much more rampant and dangerous than the other, which submits to its current. The games and merriment didn't last much longer as the heat of midday sapped our energy quickly. Soon we were lazily trudging around the yard, showing only a hint of the enthusiasm we held just a few moments ago.“Man it’s hot!” Isolde declared, failing to catch her girlfriend and having a seat instead. “I cant keep up, you win hun.” Panting with her tongue out, Isolde waved us over to the shade.“Yeah, whew! Maybe not the best day for this…” Skia wiped her forehead, her faux hawk becoming lopsided as a result.“Damn I’m thirsty…” This had no practical purpose, I just wanted to be part of the conversation…Falling flat, I aimed myself so my upper body was in the shade. Isolde was to my left a few feet and Skia filled the gap shortly, hanging an arm over her mate. After a few empty seconds, she tapped her shoulder and muttered “got you”, causing Isolde to push her away. They both laughed and a simple chuckle forced its way through me as well. Even though it was childish, this was a great way to vent some pent up energy! I’m exhausted now and sleep tonight should be effortless! We went in soon, the dissipating heat of late day was still enough to command our retreat. Stepping in, the rush of chilled air against my sweltering skin froze me a second, but brought heightened comfort soon after.Glass after glass of water flowed down my gullet as I desperately tried to rehydrate. Skia fetched another beer after washing her muzzle, the wet fur clumping downward and covering her facial features. Isolde did this as well, but more lady like, in the bathrooms privacy. Once she emerged, she also got something to drink, a fruity looking cocktail. Why Urving has these is beyond me… He seems more like a, I don't know… vodka guy or something. Still he has what I would call wimpy or flowery alcohol as well as beer. Not that I am looking to day drink, it was currently brought to my attention.It’s comical how different the taste in television has been amongst Urvings friends. Also sort of funny how they all ended up watching TV with me… It’s like a universal sign of comfort and civility amongst friends. Not once have I been against it, but today I just couldn't enjoy it. I’m not sure what is wrong, nothing about the shows are disappointing or upsetting, just not what I want to do right now. So maybe family comedies aren’t my forté and I would prefer action flicks or super hero movies, but I was taught to be a gratious host by my mother, god rest her soul. Stings were still reminiscent with the idea of my parents having passed on, but it was nothing compared to that moment of grim realization. Having the mirror has both helped and hindered… I try to ignore how sad the idea makes me feel, of never seeing them again, but being reminded of how great things were, each morning cant be healthy. Maybe I’ll hang it somewhere more remote…The difference between Skia and Isolde, compared to the others, was the level of conversation. Skia and Isolde hardly spoke, just staring and laughing, only exchanging a few words. Urving is usually talkative and Barkley didn't shut up, so this was awkward at first. Lack of vocalized connection made being in couch level proximity feel a tad thorny. However Isolde slipped a paw over my shoulder and scratched my head during commercials. While I hate the feeling of being babied and treated like a pet, given these last few days, I was more than willing to accept. Unlike Urving, who I assume doesn't know his own strength, Isolde’s touch was like a gentle breeze ruffling my hair. Not that it didn't startle me, but it was easily ignored when I found myself enjoying it.We watched game shows, old sci-fi shows, half a movie, and some reality TV, which I liked the least. Something about this was uncanny, yet played out and done to death. Television, regardless of the planet, isn’t new to me, but this feeling of acceptance is. When I was younger we lived in a pretty bad neighborhood. Not often was I invited over to friends houses or viceversa. It was just sort of strange to me, how open I am suddenly forced to become. In a way it’s healthy, like I’m being deshelled in the kindest, most tender way imaginable. Patience and understanding are the only weapons they have used to combat my uneasiness, for which I am eternally grateful. I cant imagine having to go through this with a more demanding or pushy individual.My phone broke the scenes tension and suddenly, I could care less who stole the drugs on TV. Hurrying to retrieve a device which most teenagers would have glued to their hands, I heard soft laughter. The two of them seemed to enjoy how excited I became upon hearing that echoing chime. It was a unique feeling, being excited to talk to someone, who is still a stranger to you… Being excited to just know someone cares… On the run, this wouldn't have ever topped my list of priorities, but it just feels to good to ignore. Maybe it’s because I was so young, or maybe I just don't remember correctly anymore, but this is what a family feels like. At least something close to this mishagosh of emotional strife, riddled with bullet holes of antipathy.Upon opening my phone this time, I saw Urving awaiting my response, his face brimming with excitement only to cut momentarily for unavoidable exhaustion. Something about getting to see him, not a video was uplifting, unstoppably so… Having a connection to this world, one who calls me friend, will make life so much easier. Knowing that Urving has my back will make meeting new people much easier. Let’s see that wolf try to eat me now!“Hey buddy, never get tired a’ seein you!” Urving exclaimed as it connected and the sound switched on.“Hiya Urving! Great to hear from you man! How’s your day?” Each day my enthusiasm grows and I feel more attached.“Oh awesome now!” He exclaimed blatantly referring to me, as if I’m some sort of remedy. “It’s been boring as hell here though! I hate just standing around here! Wish I could’ve had today off!” Beyond Urving’s semi-electronic voice the echoed murmur of a moving crowd could be heard. “Me too Urving, it was painful for a while there!” We both laughed at this, much bigger on his end. “Thanks for the notes, by the way!”“Oh, could you read it? Sorry my human, uhh… English, isn’t very good!” Urving laughed again, but I wondered how he knew the alphabet at all?“Of course! I’ve seen worse, trust me!” This made me smirk, but he couldn't avoid a chuckle.“Well to be honest, none of my hand writing is very clean, big paws...” Urving held up an enormous mit, one big enough for me to almost fit in. “Did the girls get to come by? I really hope you’re not still alone!” Urving seemed to suddenly conceptualize this and it mortified him.“Yeah, they got here a few hours ago. It’s really nice of you to have everyone come over!” His tiny pouting muzzle sprung into a huge grin the second I said this.“Oh buddy, I didn't ask em too! Once I told them all I couldn't get the time off, I had the week booked!” He snickered a little, lifting and drinking a soda through a straw as thick as a toilet paper roll!“R-really?” Was all I said at first, but he just nodded assuringly. “That’s really… awesome…” Though I only smirked, I could feel my soul smile brighter than the stars.“What’cha been doing today?” Urving brought me back to the conversation.“Nothing really. Slept in, played some videogames, explored the house…” This list was disappointing, even for Urving. “When Skia and Isolde got here, we played tag!” I added lighting his face like a roman candle.“Now that’s just not fair!” He exclaimed leaning back from the table, much more of his hulking frame suddenly in camera view. “Why does everyone else get to do fun stuff with you?” He was… he’s really upset, just not at me.“Wh-what’dya mean?” I was at a lost, is he really disappointed he didn't get to play tag?“I don't know… Urma gets some music, Barkley’s your first deathmatch opponent, and now the girls get to play tag with you? It’s just not fair…” He shook his head, slumping down in his chair, causing a few curious passers to stare.“Well, you’ve been at work all week! Hardly had time for anything!” I stated in my defense, but he just sighed, his mouth shrinking to a tiny oval.“Yeah I know… So this weekend will kick ass, promise!” His eyes were so big with excitement, I saw his phones screen in them.“Awesome! Looking forward to it!” Exclaiming this brought giggles from the other room. “Hey, if you get home soon enough we can all play tag!” The others protested lazily, but Urving loved the idea.“You bet, I’ll try to get off early! Doubt I will, but it’s worth a shot!” His laughter shook the phone, blurring my framed view of him. “Bye-bye Issac! Have fun!”“Thanks Urving, be safe and thanks for the call!” Waving back he smiled vibrantly, then hung up.Astounding what simple words can do, when shared with the proper person. Knowing that Urving wanted to call, was willing to take time out of his break, it made for an uplifting article. I would hate to have taken time from his break though! I’m certain he has enough time to call me and smoke a cigarette or get something to eat… From what I’ve heard his boss is a real asshole and has no real reason for being so tough on his employees. Urving is such a nice guy, his boss must be a cold bastard to be so difficult.Thinking on the subject, will I be able to get a job? What’ll my boss be like? Anxiety flourished at the very thought of being amongst the uniformed masses, serving a sea of possibly dangerous patrons. My mind drifted to higher end jobs, office buildings and the likeness… How strange that would be! My commonplaced daydream of a typical desk job, except the regular joe’s are sentient giant animals! It’d be like a cartoon! That wouldn’t be so bad, once I am familiar with the world and its customs I mean. At that point human beings would have to have become entirely integrated, so I may end up with other human coworkers!“How’s the big lug doing?” Skia asked upon my return.“Is Urving having a nice day?” Isolde was much more formal.“All good from what he said, just boring.” Saying this made me take note and change my following phrase. “Sorry things aren’t too lively around here.”This caused reactions which strayed greatly from expectation. “Shoot sugar, I just saw most of my family… I can use some relaxation!” Skia was quick to cheer me up.“Don't be like that! We’re just here to keep you company, it doesn't have to be anything special.” Isolde looked concerned, yet a smile never left her muzzle.Plopping back into place, I was given reign over what we watched. I’m so lame though, I wanted to see what was on the news… Instead of this, I went to a channel I know played sports, which Skia greatly appreciated. I learned then she heavily follows ralg and often attends matches. Isolde almost instantly went on her pager, tapping away and reading to pass time until commercials. It was funny, she seemed genuinely more interested in advertisements than the actual program. What made this even funnier, was Skia would switch channels during commercials to catch the end of a courtroom documentary, much to her mates disappointment. This didn't bother her for long and it was obvious they were happy just being together.We passed the news several times, but it didn't show anything interesting enough to stop the flow. This has been my most enjoyable day with new friends. Ferris and Urma were endlessly supportive, yet this made me feel more at home… Spending time with people who do not know about me has been a plesant reprieve. It fuels my perverbial fire, makes me want to try and recover, instead of give up. Knowing Urving will try to understand and forgive my crimes is the only reason I continue, my only thing to strive for. Trying to forget simply wont work and I can’t ever achieve attonement, so living on and dealing with this suffering is my only choice. I am just so grateful to have someone who understands… Nothing else matters so greatly or means that much…From the way Skia and Isolde act, I wouldn't expect them to be so understanding. I am certain nothing egregious, or aggressive would come from it, but they would certainly change the way they treated me. Nothing will ever be the same if anyone else found out… A constant and looming blight would show itself with each face I met. Unending doubt about others and there emotions toward me would become a constant worry. I cant think like this… It doesn't help anything and a part of me needs to feign happiness, or I will crumble to nothing…Allowing my mind to drift out of the murky clouds of repressed thoughts, I returned my attention to the television and its Olypmics esque game show. Contestants were asked to perform various feats of strength, agility, and endurance in order to make it to the next round. Prize money was awarded to the victors. These activities and challenges ranged from simple feats of strength, like power lifting, to acrobatic obstacle courses. Some of the skills displayed were astounding! It was even more entertaining seeing the animals paired with each challenge! Leopards, cheetahs, and panthers partook in dexterous events and showed the nimble bodies nature gave them. Canines seemed to gravitate toward the wrestling or endurance courses, showing they evolved limitless drive. Bears, apes, and larger cats, like lions, participated in heavy lifting or strength testing trials. By the end of the show no one had been declared a winner and a leaderboard was presented, with faces and names. It was funny seeing another brown bear, for he didn't look a thing like Urving! It’s amazing how quickly I have come to recognize him… No other ursine looks like my friend and most are utterly terrifying by comparison. Whether it’s his glasses, his personality, his weight, or just my own attachment, something about Urving is different.“Oh my gosh, Issac look! Look Iza!” Skia exclaimed as another episode began to play.“Wow, they look so much alike! You guys related?” Isolde nudged me playfully, pointing to the TV.They had brought my attention to a human performing in the agility bracket of the competition. It was astounding, the confidence he held when faced with an insurmountable challenge. Just glimpsing his hopeful and determined stare fluxuated my own drive, gave me more spirit than I deserved. If this guy can do it, by that I mean build a life so grand, than I should be able to do even better. Each passing generation is better off than the last, so I should be able to achieve… something… How many generations will it take before humans forget earth? How many have to be born for us to become a part of this place, permanently? When will this planet be attributed to our flourishing and not our capture? Will the HMA facilities, full of human lives, give way to a type of pet store system? Just the thought made me shudder and forced my straying attention to sharpen toward the show.Contrary to the ladies concensus, I looked nothing like this man. Sure we both have lightly tanned skin and longer hair than most men, but other than that we are complete opposites. I’m rather skinny (though growing), where this guy had muscle to spare. Not to mention how much taller than me he was, considering he was a middle aged man and I was still classified as a “young adult”. Given all that I have been through, what I’ve done, I think I deserve the title of “fully grown”. Watching the human being fail to live up to his animalian counterparts was depressing, we can never match them physically. Regardless of his rather sad and immediate defeat, the animals and other humans on the sidelines were more than supportive, save a select few.An explosion of attention was poured over me like rain from a stormcloud. The two of them were so enthralled by the attention I gave another human being, that it bordered on discomfort. It was just awkward, being patronized like a dog reacting to anothers barking. It sort of felt like a nosy friend was trying to invade my business on the deepest, most personal level. Still, the questions and comments were nothing if not friendly and I got over this quick. This is all just so new… I keep telling myself that I will change, but I fear that may not happen. I don't think I can ever get used to this second class species treatment… “Alright, we have definitely gotta adopt a human when we move!” Skia announced brightly.“Really, oh my gosh, yay!” Isolde’s exuberant face broke for a tender and waiting stare.“Course, seeing you smile is all I ever want! If these furless little fellahs make you happy, we’ll take one in!” These words swelled my heart like a water balloon catching a geyser. ”They need our help as it is and no one will show em’ more love than my woofy!” Skia pawed Isolde into bumping noses with her.“That’s awesome you two…” My voice was fragile, like my mindset. “I’ll bet you give them a great home!”“A’www thank you kiddo! We’ll surely invite you to his or her homecoming party!” Isolde looped a paw over my shoulder and pulled me into a hug.“Sounds great!” I responded, leaning into her affection ever so slightly. “What a surreal day that’ll be!”“It’ll be awesome! He’ll have a buddy from the get go!” Skia added, reaching behind her mate to pat my shoulder.“I’ll try to be a good role model.” Déjà vu, I said something similar to Barkley just yesterday.“You’re such an awesome human!” Isolde put me in a loving head lock.“Make sure you’re fun, that’ll be most important!” Skia smirked me into a sheepish smile of my own.“Me, fun? I don't know if you got the right guy...” We all laughed and Isolde was pretend appalled, demanding I take that back.“Nah kid, you’re great! I really like you and Urving thinks you’re the coolest thing in the universe!” Skia’s kind words were paired with Isolde nodding.“Th-thanks...” I smirked shyly, looking down at the carpet.“Yeah and when we get a human of our own to look after, we need some of that to rub off on them! Ooh I cant wait! We’ll finally be a family hun-buns!” Isolde’s face brightened, but the light died and a fraction of sorrow replaced it for an instance.“It’ll be great! You’ll be the best mother babe! I just know it!” Skia’s comment cracked Isolde and she was misty eyed in seconds, the ore vein that was her emotions now opened.“Th-thank you! I’m really excited!” She sniffled a little, pawing at me lighter, now leaning against my shoulder, so I was closer to her mate. “Sorry... I don't mean to ruin things by getting all emotional!” Isolde’s embarassement was unnecessary, this was a truly touching display.“Relax babe, you’re fine.” Skia consoled, leaning into her larger mate.Though I wanted to add my own verbal bandages to her momentary emotional wound, I found myself silent and in thought. Isolde cares as deep about human kind as Urving... Have we been a big deal for much longer than I perceived? My mind began imagining the constant news feed, keeping all of Al Ur En up to date on humanity and our actions. Did this entire world take sides when our continents waged war? Were scientists here just as distraught as on earh when pandemic’s ran rampant across earth? When our planet began to decay due to our action, was the tragedy felt here? Did our problems, our lives, resonate so far away? I can only pretend to imagine the significance of our discovery to these creatures, it was certainly more celebrated than how we were shown their existence...“You two will give any human an amazing life...” My voice was crackled with emotions strain. “I’m a little jealous of em already!” Though untrue, my words difused mental tension.“A’ww, you’re trying to make me cry, huh?” Isolde hugged me tightly, Skia giving me ann “OK” sign covertly. “You are so sweet Issac, Urving is really lucky to have met you!”“Nah, I’m the lucky one! Urving has been a really great friend.” A cheery smile masked the deep inner warmth, which I attributed to growing fondness.“He’d say the same thing, I’m sure!” Skia’s casual response was shadowed by her mates enthusiasm.“You better believe it! When Urving called me to invite us to your party, he was talking like a tornado!” Isolde actively restrained herself, an unnecessary action in my eyes.“Wow and here I was screaming my head off at the sight of y’all!” I can be funny in my own way.“I’m sure he’s forgotten all about that! Hell ask em’ his sisters middle name, bet he wont know!” Skia didn't look, but swatted a paw my way as she joined the laughter.“Oh that’s silly Ski, Urving isn’t an idiot!” Isolde got her attention, but little more than an eyebrow raise. “Urving understands this must’ve been insanely hard for you! Being a runner and all, you got captured, taken! That must’ve been awful!” Sympathy lined the shy voice, but another thought over shadowed this.Were the humans taken in the initial invasion treated differently than those hunted? So many simply vanished in droves, entire buildings depleted, homes emptied, cities vacant... Was my poor treatment because of my actions on earth? Of course potential buyers had to be random, but being malnurished and chained up for weeks... How do I ask Urving these things? Ah, Ferris! I’ll call him later, at some point.“Ya alright Issac, something on your mind?” Isolde had finished speaking and my vacant attention brought her question.“Fine, just... thinking, ya know...” What the hell should I have said? “It’s hard to believe sometimes... You all have been so kind, but I’m just lost.” Isoldes eyes were probing, I had to open up to her.“No way, you’re right where you oughta be!” Skia exclaimed, referencing the living room.“A’ww pup, you aren’t lost... You just lost so much, so quickly! No one expects you to be a-ok with this right away, but you’re doing great in my opinion!” She roughed up my hair, delighted with my lesser laughter.“Thanks Isolde.” I replied plainly and she brimmed with joy.“Not a problem Iza!” She sat up a bit, her tail whipping back and forth, yet she was trying to refrain, why?“Considering he traveled gillions of light years to get here, then got locked up for two weeks, and then was borderline enslaved by a stranger, I’d say he’s doing pretty great!” Skia again only shot us a short glance, not missing a moment of brutal ralg action!“When you put it that way, yeah, I think I’m doing just fine!” That was too close to my reality to be funny in anyway.“You’re so brave buddy! We must’ve looked like monsters to you at first! Thank you for trusting me!” Isolde had affection to spare, which I didn't hesitate to enjoy, after the last few days, I need it...“Thanks, but stop you guys! This is just too much!” Bashfully waving at them, they both laughed, looking at one another.It was the kind of laughter that was really ugly to look at, but since you are close to the person it doesn't matter. A type of laughter that was pure and unrestrained, jovial as Christmas, but far more personal. Something about seeing them so unabashedly in love with each other was powerful. I imagine they have a funny “odd couple” type relationship! Since they are literally opposites in the animal kingdom, this just has to be true! I’d love to visit them someday and see what it’s like at their house!Speaking of that, wow, they’re talking about getting a human like we would’ve a puppy! It’s disturbing as hell, but yet, I understand. This has to happen, we have to integrate with this new society and that’s the best way on hand. I just wish we had more of a choice... Not that I would’ve chosen anyone else, but, then again... maybe I would’ve. A less threatening animal may have been easier to trust at first. Then again, they wouldn't be nearly as threatening to possible attackers. Not knowing how the recommendation or matching process works, I don't think I’ll ever know my other potential roommates and portals to this new was getting really boring, but I couldnt complain. This was so relaxing, I think I nearly nodded off a few times. Isolde kept smirking when I would awake, as I had usually leaned on her shoulder reluctantly. She never seemed to mind, though, neither did Skia when Isolde drowsily leaned on her. Night time was approaching fast and it was becoming cold, not something I have had a problem with here yet! Another one of those moments, where something completely typical is a “first” again. So many things will have to be redone, for the first time again. Skia and Isolde offered to play games with me, but I didn't really want to play Dread bringer or hide and go seek, which is a funny combination to get to say. Instead we just continued watching tv until our conversaions were more interesting.“Heya everybody, I’m home!” Urving was at the door before I formulated my next thought. “How was your day guys?” He was erupting with joy, his firework eyes shining at us.Urving lumbered in, dropping a heavy looking gym bag, before awaiting his greetings and welcomes. A small line formed and though I am ashamed to admit it, I didn't like being last. I’m certain it’s been nice having all this extra company, Urving having trouble with loneliness and all, but I’m his roommate! Urving more than made up for this with a hug powerful enough to have broken bones, if he weren’t so squishy. Even thought it hurt and I groaned with pain, Urving was on top of the world to see us.“It’s been great, how about you? Was the mall boring? Must’ve sucked...” Trying to be a pal was more than enough, Urving roared with excitement.“Yeah it was boring, but I was guarding diamonds all day, so... It was actually kind of cool at first!” Urving’s reply was super powered for a brief moment, his eyes brimming with unaccessible enthusiasm, due to fatigue.“Wow, sounds like a nice view at least!” Skia added patting his arm.“Ooh, were they special or just a plain old diamond store gig?” Isolde asked and though you’d think Urving wouldn’t wanna talk about work, appreciation for her inquiry was obvious.“Nah, just Shayman company, nothing major.” He laughed at her disappointment, the steady tail wag cesing. “But enough about that, did you guys have fun today with my buddy?” Urving didn't put me down and effortlessly referenced me, with a small lift.“Of course, had a blast!” Skia patted my dangling foot.“It’s a real treat getting to see him! He’s such a friendly little fellah!” Isolde’s compliment had my smile squirming toward emotion.“I know, right? He’s probably the best human they had on earth!” Urving’s compliments have increased with each day, it’s hard to accept at times...“We saw some other humans on tv today, one of em looked just like him!” Isolde seemed to suddenly remember a half hour ago.“No I didn't!” I interjected and Skia agreed, though earlier she wouldn’t of.“Well we’ll have to see! I do think I’d be the best judge for that!” Urving falsified his smug attitude, but the girls just laughed.“What about me?” I added meekly, just to further the laughter.“Well you’re probably tired, so we’ll skedaddle!” Skia announced, sparks of her earlier enthusiasm poking through fatigue.“You guys don't gotta, I mean, you’re welcome to stay!” Urving’s hospitality was overshadowed by exhaustion.“Oh that’s fine Urv, thank you, but we’ve got another big day tomorrow. We have to leave before you even get up for work!” Isolde pat his arm, flashing her glance my way.“Besides, think you could handle woofy here stealing up all your time with Iza?” Skia added referencing Isolde and I.Urving and Isolde stared at one another a while, their smiles suddenly becoming playful growls. They were suddenly feral animals, using threatening sounds instead of words to intimidate one another. It was hilarious seeing Isolde still smiling, yet fighting to look tough while showing her fangs. Urving just growled lowly, pulling me away like a child unwilling to share his toys. Skia pretended to hold her mate back, while Urving tried to shield me with his other paw, blocking out my vision partially. Seeing this silly display finally break for laughter, I couldn't avoid joining wholeheartedly.“Thanks for having us over kiddo! You and Urving have a good night now, ya hear?” Skia barely managed to hang an arm over Isolde’s shoulder.“I had a lot of fun playing with you buddy! I cant wait to see you again!” Isolde has a hard time treating me as my age would dictate. “You got a champion here Urving, I swear! Miss you already sweetheart!” That isn’t always a bad thing though...“Thanks you two. Out of all the days I’ve been here, this has been the best!” This was a friendly lie, since no one day seemed better than the others.“That means the world to me!” Isolde practically ran back to hug me again, but Skia stopped her.“Thank you Issac that’s very sweet of you!” Skia added, fighting to keep Isolde on track. “C’mon, let’s get back to the hotel, I’m sick of wearing pants!” Skia’s annoyed voice peaked over the din of night traffic.Even though that made me laugh for quite a while, it later bothered me. Being animals it must have been customary that one’s coat is all the cover they would ever need, but with humans brought in the mix... Does Urving get tired of wearing clothes, just for me? That’s a rediculous question to flat out ask, so I may never know the answer, yet... Ferris seems to always be dressed well, Urving has to have some nice clothes he likes wearing, right?“So buddy, wanna play tag?” Urving emerged with a bright grin, but scoffed and waved at me. “Just screwin’ with ya!” He added before I could respond. “Ya hungry?” He headed for his room, awaiting my response.“Yeah, I could eat!” I responded as he entered his room.Urving just nodded and gave a smile, before shutting his door. The level of exhaustion worn on his face was apparent to the smallest degree. Every ounce of his normally vibrant vigor had been dulled by lack of energy. I know the feeling... Gathering wood, looting houses, carrying messages, taking supplies, and all before five hours of guard duty... No one should ever have to exert themselves that much, without something to go home to! That’s just tragic, but I lived it for five years... Nothing, no one, no reasons, no hope...“Sup bub?” My sullen eyes lifted to Urving’s beacons of friendship. “Worn out? Ya look a little spacey...” Urving smirked, the bags under his eyes being pulled taught.“Yeah, Skia and Isolde, whew... They were really amped, was hard to keep up!” Where was my head at just now?“Think you got the energy to play me some tunes? While I make dinner, would you play for me?” Urving asked with growing conviction, as if this thought was not originally on his mind.“Uhh... Sure! Of course!” I was taken aback, staggering to move toward my room for a moment.“If you’re tired it’s all good, just thought about it at work... I wanna get my xylatar out of storage, we can jam together!” Though I have no idea what that is, I assume an instrument, I was happy with the idea.“Awesome, gimme just a sec, be back quick.” I jogged lightly to my room, to fetch my instrument.Urving plays an instrument? That’s kind of awesome, how did I never ask him about it? It dawned on me then, that I have not tried to get to know Urving at all... He has pursued my friendship, yet my response has been to show no interest in learning about his personality or aspirations... I cant blame myself, this is just been too hard to adjust to. Another goal to put on the adaptation checklist! Urving has to be an interesting person, being from another planet and all! If I get the chance, I am going to pick his brain apart, learning any detail I can about my forced best friend. Not that I’m complaining about that, just... choice is the essence of living and I had pretty much none.Returning to the kitchen I tuned my instrument for another, entirely different kind of performance. Within seconds Urving had a pan or two going, I had my fingers placed delicately on chords, and we both were exchanging friendly banter. Urving broke down his day for curious me and I informed him of how fun my time was with the girls. Once the sizzling of pans and the clinking off pots was my metronome, I began playing. Unlike Urma, Urving was desperately intrigued by every little sound I produced. Also, Urving preferred different music than Urma. Urving wanted to hear blues and rock n roll, where his sister only seemd to want country music. A few blues chords caused his ears to twitch and pipe up, I even got him to hum along soulfully for a moment! I don't know much in the ways of blues, so I had to move on quickly.Several times Urving would drop what he was doing to hurry over and examine my performance with eager enlightenment. From the way he reacted, I could have been pulling bricks of gold, outta my eyes sockets, not crudely playing Hotel California. Still, every little ounce of effort was blown into staggering proportion! Urving was so entertained by my performance he was even dancing while he cooked dinner! It was so silly seeing this huge creature, shuffle his feet and bounce with the rhythm of what was practically nothing! Still the opening to Pinball Wizard must’ve spoken to him, or at least he enjoyed it the most. Rolling through all the classics I knew, Urving never took a moment to stop enjoying, even when I tried to correct mistakes he hummed on what I’d already played.The meal was almost done so I wanted to try and impress him. Tearing out a few solos I knew, I tried my best to string them together, making one impressive storm of sound. Thought a few gaps and errors were made in my song, these combination of songs was probably just to much for him... Ending on as much of Painkiller as my fingers could take, I just preteneded it was too much and I collapsed against the table like a corpse. Next thing I knew, there was no seat beneath me, my guitar had been disarmed and I was surrounded by Urving’s arms! He had lifted me into a hug and then plopped me back down, once he was finished.“THAT WAS AMAZING!” He roared! “You’re so talented bub!” Urving’s face was brighter than the sun, his excitement just a plentiful as its light. “I cant wait to take you to a show and translate music with you! Oh my gosh, I bet you’ll love the FireTails!”“Bet I’ve heard something by them already!” I joked, unable to recover from a bombardment to the senses so quickly.“Yeah, you have!” Urving laughed, suddenly rushing to turn the heat off. “Maybe I can teach you the songs I know by them sometime!” Urving smiled, grabbing plates from the cupboards.“Awesome, that sounds great!” Laughter followed, genuine and pure, as I hopped out of the chair.“Hurry back, I made us some salmon steaks!” Urving the bear eating pre-caught salmon, priceless...My guitar was warm in my grip, slipping my silver force of musical fury into it’s case. Damn that felt good, it was much shorter thant the other day with Urma, but she didn't show as much interest in my music. Urving however, he was so excited I think he burned some of our dinner! Also he plays an instrument, we’re a decent match to be friends... for life. There isn’t anything wrong with that statement, but... Somehow it makes me sad...“Here ya go bud, sorry if there burned a bit, tried to give ya the best ones.” Urving handed a plate my way as I approached the couch.“Thanks!” Sliding into place, I looked over my quickie meal.Three salmon steaks, some mashed potatos and green beans, as well as a roll! I thanked him several more times throughought the night. Even though I have seen these greenbeans in frozen boxes and the mashed potatos in foil sleeves, he took the time to make more for me! It’s decent, not the best thing he’s cooked, but I am incredibly greatful for it on such a deeper level than hunger. We watched an awesome kung-fu movie, with a tiger using nunchaku and kicking a buncha dudes asses! It was great! Beyond that a momentary flash took me into a serious mindset... They have martial arts films, old ones that are corny and bad quality... Just like ours! How in the hell is that even possible? The technology should exist to make a movie look brand new again! “So ya wanna play kid? Prolly tired from playing all day!” Urving teased, having finished his food must faster than myself.“I’m game, sure! Lemme finish!” Mouthfuls of mashed potatos spilled forth from my bulging mouth.Urving chuckled and showed understanding, like he was impressed with my efforts. Finishing and getting my control gloves on, the adventure began. Nothing special at the start, but we ended up practically leveling an entire town just for the fun of it! Knowing that we could restart at pretty much any time made this easier to justify. One of the scripted characters was a real a-hole, so I beat him down, complete with karate noises. This led to guards, townsfolk, and even a few pedestrians all attacking without warning! Even though this surely wasn't how the game was meant to be played, Urving and I had fun none the less. After about an hour, Urving was tired, his reaction time slowing and the usefulness of my ally waning. It became difficult to play, not because of Urving’s effort, it was his snoring. Like a small explosive built to full volume every four to six seconds, leaving a minor echo in its wake. Christ, this’ll take a lot of getting used too! Even though it is painfull loud, wall rattling, and chaotic... That snoring let’s me know Urving is there. It’s like a home security system, no fool would break in with a sleeping bear around! Turning the game off, I headed for my room and played a little longer in there. It just isn’t as fun alone, as many games are. So I was heading to be before I knew it.-16- Growing pain“Issac, kid? Hey bud, sorry to wake you. Just wanted to say I should get off early today and I made you breakfast!” Urving’s face was draped with unsoothed fatigue, as I sat up and was greeted by him. “Hope you have a good day buddy! Phelix and Gene oughta be over later!” Adding this he stood back up, revealing he was in a suit today.“O-ok... Thanks man! Call me on your break if you can...” I was really out of it, I’m unsure why I requested this in my delirium.“Of course!” His voice reached toward roaring, but my alarm quieted him down. “Not a problem kid, have a good day!” Urving fixed my blankets then stomped out, his normal footsteps like cannon fire.It was easy to return to sleep, but I found grasping it continually to be a problem. I woke up maybe twenty or thirty minutes after Urving left. Again I fell back asleep quickly, but awoke in another matter of minutes. This wont work... Laying about absently, I stared at the light of outside as it stretched across my ceiling. In my head, I would mark points on the ceiling, declaring when the light reached it, I would have to get up. The comfort of this warm, sunny Friday morning had me extend that mark a few times. Eventually, I swung my self up out of bed, stood and stretched, then went to have a shower.All my apprehension and justified fear aside, haing a shower again is a god send! You would think it wouldn't bother you, given you are trying to survive and all, but I hate that feeling... The constant building grime and filth, no way to truly rid yourself of it! I was actually a modicum grateful when I awoke in the HMA’s cage, completely cleaned. It’s funny thinking of that, as now I wash myself of the most minor dirt and microscopic debris.Breakfast was nice, scrambled eggs, toast, and some waffles. Urving is getting much better about my portions and how much I can eat, though I will out grow them with time. Being on the run, I feared my proper growth from lack of sustenance, so I am grateful to never have to worry about that again! This is the part I have grown to both love and hate... That intermitten time between my waking and the arrival of my company that day. Assumedly, this cant keep up forever, this was to make sure I didn't run away or worse...I appreciate this time because, well, who doesn't like sometime to themselves? It is nice to not have social obligations and conversations to follow. The serenity of silence was a only broken by the random, muffled chirping of outside birds. Someone started a car nearby and I jumped, then shook myself out and chuckled. During my free time, I relaxed, finished my coffee, read the paper, cleaned up my room and bathroom, then did my dishes. Anything to keep my mind occupied.Being alone can backfire when you have such wicked, sinister things trying to enter your mind. Horrid thoughts can seep through there mental cages when we are alone, with no other voices in our heads... It is unavoidable, the lonely mind brings nothing good. That's why we have TV! Clicking on the television, I plopped on the couch and tried to banish the darkness from my brain. Easier said than done, but I can cope. Some of these shows are interesting enough to take my mind away! Seeing classic, ye olde, tales like robinhood or king Arthur retold through anthronian vision is enjoyably visceral. It didn't last long though and I was soon changing channels.Stretching out, a loud yawn escaped me and I thought about napping here, while the news drones on. Constant similarities have dwindled my interest in the stories, but I keep watching, knowing I’ll absorb some nugget of knowledge from it. Peeking at the time, I noticed something that made me sit up. Scanning the coffee table, I saw something had my name on it! Picking up the folded bundle of thick paper, I peeled off the sticky note, which held crude letters spelling my name. I read the title allowed, smiling at the thought he put in this.“Human beings: An overview of our furless friends!” I read aloud with a small chuckle.It was blue, a pleasing cerulean, and it only had about four pages, but it was crammed with text and pictures. The cover depicted of a row of humans, all shapes and colors, with varying sets of paws on each shoulder. The faces each human displayed ranged from happy to scared, but even frightened was portrayed more like uncomfortable... Inside cover was mostly text, though a cartoony vetruvian man was also present at the top. This is too weird, it’s just so strange seeing my own species subjectively spoken of. Like the entirety of human acheviement is a little more than a footnote to them... From our earliest monuments to our advances in science, we’re a joke! The way we were paraded across the stars, all that we built and preserved left like trash, only to find our freedom must be earned here... This is disgusting in a way, it’s extremely denigrating to anyone who ever breathed the air of earth, walk its ground, lived the struggle... Taking a deep breath, I recentered myself and began to read, trying to keep an open mind. This is what Urving read and he has been a really good friends, maybe it isn’t all that bad!“Human kind, as the species calls themselves, are the natural enhabitants of Te Ra Na, or “Earth” as the humans have named it. The species themselves, as many know, are evolved, industrious, adventurous, and volatile. Even though these furless martians can be dangerous, it is not something inherent to the species! It greatly varies from human to human, but most are friendly and attempt peaceful social interaction! Almost all humans value intelligence and no longer view physical prowess for the means of combat! They are a strange race that have many different individual cultures and lifestyles, making them astoundingly diverse! In these pages you will learn almost all you need to know about adopting a human of your very own! With such a vast variety, you will certainly find one to be your very best friend!”Well... ok, it’s a little creepy, but it’s sort of uplifting! Nothing about enslave the skinned masses and it isn’t a takeout menu, so I’m relieved. Actually reading over this little introduction again, I’m a bit more alieved we aren’t depicted as monstrous to them! I mean, damn, with all the shit in our history... not to mention the ground war certainly still happening on earth... I am glad they chose such an opening way of first exposing the ignorant or unknowing to my kind. Though it makes me uneasy, seeing a third party view of mankind, I had to read on, a curious fire blazing inside me. The next panel was titled, “Physicalities”.“Most fully grown human beings range in size between five to six feet tall, sometimes more, and usually weight between onehundred to twohundred pounds. They live between sixtyfive to eightyfive years old, but doctors are working to extend that. Regardless of standards, you will find humans in literally all shapes, sizes, colors, and stlye! A typical human being is not very strong physically, but they make up for that in tenacity! Many humans display remarkable prowess, regardless of given size, limited strength, and less stamina! Respecting what a human can do is incredibly important! We currently know little about humanities evolution and origin, but when tested, average human DNA usually presents traits from several differing forms of animalia! So wer are more alike than you’d think! Human beings are fragile and you should avoid any rough physical activities with them until you are aware of your humans pain tolerance level. Remember, even when punishing a humans misdeeds, it is completely unlawful to harm a human being purposefully! They are our friends and just need your help to make our home, theirs as well!”Well alright, this section is fairly acceptable, nothing awful... That jab about us being weak was uncalled for, yet it felt necessary to state. If Urving didn't know any better, he could seriously injured me! A lot of this seems fair so far, I’m unsure why I assumed otherwise... Probably because countless movies, tv shows, books, and games prepared me for aliens to invade with little regard for human life. To see us being boosted, put on a pedestal, that was uplifting! Any legitimately interested reader, is meant to attach some responsibility to the task. Though not deeply informative, this is a good start to anyone who needs to quickly adapt to having human culture in their lives! It’s also so relieving to hear there are laws in place to protect us! My eyes moved to the next block of text, which was labled “Personalities”.“All humans are different, not just in appearance, but in how they think, feel, act, and live. Unlike us, they are not governed by species based instinctual mentality and there for, usually share no common way of thinking, save core self preservation and cultural influences. This makes them utterly unique at times! Some are creative, loud, and outgoing! Where others are serious, quiet, and reserved. It is incredibly difficult to find two humans that are the exact same, even if they look it! It is important to remember that all human beings are going to be incredibly skiddish, uncomfortable, and even aggressive at first... If this persists, it is unwise to continue caring for that human without seeking help from the HMA. Remember to give them time alone, do not smother your human, and treat them as equally as you possibly can. Patience will help this awkward phase pass and you will find a lot of humans are just as social as we are! Support your human, help them grow, learn about them, and do not judge mistakes. Confidence, comfort, and confidence are the three most important milestones for your relationship with a human!”Alright now that one changes my view a little. Plus the cartoony conversation of humans and anthronians if much more relatable, than a mock up of a historical symbol. Our dignity may have taken a major hit as a species, but the enduring spirit, the will to survive, that will help us rebuild... anywhere! Anthronians have a fairly accurate view of how many of us will react. I assume the first few years must’ve been difficult, many of us fighting for our escape, with any means necessary. It isn’t a simple fate to accept... It’s even worse to admit it’s our fault, we destroyed our home! At least we have kind neighbors down the metaphorical street with plenty of room. What would’ve happened had we not been under observation? My life would’ve become a hellish struggle for shelter, food, water, other resources, and of course my safety. We would all eventually perish... Every last human being, every last personality, every ounce of effort would’ve been erased from existence, never even being a memory... Wow... I couldn't keep reading right away, I just stared blankly at the words. Fuck... we really owe them a lot. Eventually my mind caught up, the next section was labled “Neccesities”.“It’s very important to properly care for your human and have enough funds to sufficiently sustain the needs of your new friend. Depending on there weight, age, and preference you may be spending between 200C to 600C extra on food per month! That can really add up and your furless friend cant help you right away! Human beings also prefer to wear “clothes”, which you have no doubt seen at some point now. At the very least you should purchase clothing for your human, so they feel comfortable being seen! It is recomended an owner wear clothing for a week before purchasing a human and continue for the first week of ownership. This can also become expensive, ranging from 100C to 400C or more per year! Finally it is important to touch up on medical expenses! Not knowing when your new pal will get sick, injured, or worse is worrysome, but knowing you can take care of them puts ones mind at ease! Set aside a small fund of at least 1000C to 2500C (recommended up to 5000C), just incase you find your furless friend under the weather. If you add all of this up, alongside miscellaneous bills and costs, a human can often be a costly endeavor. Plan wisely!”My heart swelled and I felt a little bad after reading this section... This shows they really do care about our lives here, making it easy for us to adapt. The way we are put on display though still creeps me out, I don't think I can ever get over that, but still... They even talk about god damn medical plans and stuff! It has a little chart based on our age, how much should be kept on hand. Did Urving have to do all these things? Am... am I costing all this money? How can this be so fun for him? I’m a leech! I’m a worthless, money draining, soul staining blemish on Urving’s life! Why did he choose me? Surely there were others who stacked up better? I cant be worth all this extra planning, effort, and concideration! At least I don't think I am... Urving must see it differently... I had to move on, staring at these numbers is killing me right now! Atop the next panel was the heading which read “Ownership”.“When you ask your new best friend to embue their contract, you become liable for anything and everything this human being does on our world. Even though it is frowned upon to strongly embrace, you technically own that human beings life and can govern them however you choose. Human beings prefer freedom, but insuring their safety requires, in essence, the complete opposite of that. Naturally they show great aversion to ownership and all the sacrifices they will have to make. It is your job to provide a safe home, the offer of friendship, absolute understanding, and an opportunity to join our society. Do not be upset if the specific human you fall for, ends up not wanting to be yours. Remember it is ultimately their decision! Owning a human being is a huge responsibility and you will be taking care of them for life, make sure this is something you absolutely want before taking a new life into your home. We here at the HMA are proud to be helping and inferior race, rise to the glories of our achievements and prosperities. We ask that anyone bringing a human being into there home, embody this mentality!”That is brutally blunt at some points. Almost like they are admitting we are pretty much pets or servants, never equals, though they stated it above. It’s almost like this was written to appeal to the cruel, domineering anthronians out there, who just want a slave. It’s an appeal for our safety, to a vicious and uncaring group of the populous. What’s worse, it shows how uncaring they are for the personal desires many of us lost, the aspirations our lives once held. Instead they dress up the fact we are pets with the illusion of friendship and guardianship! I would say this is all lies, but in reality it is just too visceral for me to handle. I’m reading a shitty breakdown of what owning a human life should be like! This is a pretext to my encarceration on this planet and the permanent binding of my life to a complete stranger... In this one text they told me as a human being, I am never going to truly matter here! That cant be true, but they treat us like an item at times, like a mere belonging... There’s only three more sections. I don't want to, but I’m going to finish this... “Kinship” came next.“As stated above, it is incredibly important to want a human. This should not be because you see them for your own personal entertainment or benefit, but because you desire a source of companionship in your life. Human beings bond very fiercely and they will love you with time and effort, but you have to earn it. It is not an easy thing to accomplish, trust and understanding is the foundation you build first. After your human trusts you, try to reach them on a personal level! Get to know them, just like you would any other anthro! You are the friend they didn't know they had and you are helping them out of a crisis they couldn't avoid! Pity isn’t a good word for such an enduring creature, but show sympathy and try to give them a happy life. Even if it isn’t much, most humans will be so astounded to be on our planet, that even humble lives will do fine. Bringing a human into your life is so rewarding, but is a long, arduos path. Love and friendship are keys that will open shortcuts along this route.”Bordering the right hand side of this paragraph were four images, depicting a human adoption. Though the drawn human was much older, this short comic depicted what has happened to me thus far. I can’t begin to tell you how inspiring it felt to see, even a cartoon, find happiness at last. It’s all kinda corny, but considering the article preceeding it, I appreciate the undeviating candor presented. This part probably resonated the heaviest with Urving. Hell, he could’ve written this himself come to think of it! There is a clear purposed parallel between these last two paragraphs. The “Ownership” portion was a warning, stating our dissatisfaction with the situation, but this... It’s what the entire pamphlet needs to be! Every page, paragraph, and word should be inviting, uplifting, and... hopeful... My god that’s so na?ve of me... This would be useless if it was a flowery, watered down excuse for information! Jesus, who would’ve thought this was such an emotional roller coaster! I imagine hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of these were printed, yet it’s wracking me to the core with powerful emotions, both negative and positive.The last two paragraphs would have to wait, for a sound filled the household and I stood from the sudden alertion. It was the doorbell, then light pounding, then the doorbell in rapid succession. They sounded pissed, had I been lost in the pages of that poignant, yet pointless pamphlet? Rushing to see who it was, I found myself heading straight for the door, before uncertainty had me going to the kitchen window. Whoever was waiting didn't like it outside... Each second I spent trying to reach the kitchen counter added more fury to the knocking and ringing. Checking the window, I was face to face with a scowl of demonic proportions! Genevide stood outside, staring into me with portals of pure malice! I nearly fell from the countertop, but managed to land safely and run for the door. Fuck man this is gonna suck, Phelix isn’t even here! She’s just so pissy... I don't wanna deal with this bullshit right now!“Heya Gene, good to see ya!” I was totally out of breath, my words rasping my dry throat.“Gods above finally!” She scoffed, entering without so much as a glance my way. “Fucking Barkley, I’ll kill him... What took you so long?” Gene hissed, immediately entering the bathroom.Well that was about what I expected... I could hear her cussing and sense the aggravation in her voice. It was clear Barkley not giving the housekey to Skia and Isolde, effected Genevide as well. What a fantastic way to start off a day with someone who already obviously hated me! It was taking her awhile, so I just resumed reading my pamphlet awkwardly. It was hard to focus hearing her frustration being vented in a phone call with... whoever... This last labled paragraph was called “Proprietorship”, which is a funny word you don't hear often.“Forging a contract with a human is like taking in a new member of the family. Whether they be elderly or an infant, you are now responsible for them. They will know absolutely nothing about our world and that is not something you can take for granted! Any legal troubles that unfurl will be your job to resolve! Any debt they accrue, is yours to pay! Any offspring they have or give birth too, you have to help raise! Human beings are permiscuous, resourceful, and unpredictable! You cant forsee the problems one of them may cause you, but if you truly want to help, it is a rewarding experience worth some hardship. Remember to read the official ownership manual of sentient lifeforms: sections A1 through D13. You will be tested on these laws in official court of ordination. Failure to pass or comply will result in license denial, possibly indefinitely. Remember, this is a privaledge, not a right. We ask that you respect this fact and take it to heart.”A small flourish of guilt was followed by uncertainty, then pounding shame. Urving went through a lot, a whole lot, just for me. A perturbatious and destructive creature, he barely understands, but is willing to give up so much for! Well... that does show he wants a human, doesn't it? Everything in this pamphlet is either good or bad, it doesn't show a lot of middle ground... The fact that Urving wanted to hold onto this speaks miles for him. This... me being here means a lot... There was a tiny paragraph on the very last page, so I tried to read it quickly, hoping Gene would give me the time.“In conclusion we here at the HMA ask you to think very hard on the subject of human adoption. It is a major step in a very enriching direction, but it leads down a strenuous road. We heavily encourage any interested adopter to meet with the suggested candidates several times before you make an official decision. In the end if it appears like this isn’t for you, that’s alright! You are not a bad anthro for changing your mind or perhaps those humans weren’t good matches! Once you bring one into your home, you will resonate with this human for the rest of his/her life... Whatever happens to you, good or bad, they will be there. It is your job to protect them long enough for them to understand our worlds basic dangers. It will be up to you to help them integrate with our ways of living. The HMA understands the humanoid migration has taken its toll on the entire planet, but that is no reason to give up. Hopefully you share in this mindset and find it in your heart to help. Many furthered texts, seminars, and sites exist to further understand human culture and the laws surrounding adoption. We thank you for your interest citizen!”Now that I am done reading this, I feel demoralized as a human. Of course this isn’t meant for me to read, but still, it makes us out to be pathetic! With all we’ve done, the perils our society has overcame and conquered, how can we be so belittled? Compared to them, are we in the dark ages of existence? Does the fact that wars and violence occur rampantly show we are underdeveloped? I’ve seen there news, no war, absolutely none... They have random crimes, acts of barbarity, but it is nothing compared to the free flowing aggression humanity had to offer. Even though some paragraphs are flowery, this is terribly downtrodden in entirety. They make it out like we cant even care for ourselves and that freeing us on the planet would result in our demise. Well... Fuck... We did rape our planet down to a decaying husk. They imagine we would do that here somehow! It is at least nice to see they want our safety overall... I just cant stand the way they patronize us! Did they not see all we built? Did nothing about our mastery of science or construction impress them? God now I gotta deal with Gene, jesus. Tossing the pamphlet on the table, It unfurled slightly, revealing the happy human portrait, which my eyes gravitated toward.The door opened and a loud sigh emerged before Gene. “Why the hell did I agree to this?” She muttered, barely loud enough to be words.Genevide didn't even look at me as she passed by and entered the kitchen. It was awkward for me, sitting there in silence, well aware this was going to be a long, bleak day. She returned with Urving’s tequila, or what ever it is... It’s a cactus shaped bottle, so I am just assuming. It’s not even one o’ clock! God damn woman... She was just knocking it back too! Shot after shot of the heavily scented gold liquid entered her mouth, but she didn't flinch once. This went on for quite a while, each cluster of drinks only parted with a tiny break. I didn't realize, but I had been staring practically the whole time and her amethyst eyes sliced to me mid drink.“What?” She asked annoyed and angry.“N-nothing... Is, uh, is Phelix coming by?” I asked hoping and praying for a yes.“Yeah in an hour or two, after his interview.” She took her shot and sneered. “It’s not my fault it’s boring as hell here. Don't act like I’m not the highpoint of your day.” This was said in a joking tone, but ouch...“Yeah... hehe...” I got up and went for the bathroom, I’d spend as long as I could in there.Didn't even have to go, just didn't feel welcome... in my so called home. I slumped against the wall, tid bits of the pamphlet poking out from my mind as I messaged Urving. Knowing I’d have to go back out there, I decided it would be best to try making friends with her. She cant be literally evil if Phelix is with her, he’s so nice!“Hey Gene, did you want to play Dread bringer or something? Know any good movies?” Just try to be polite, whatever she says, be nice Issac.“Sure, got nothing better to do...” Gene had stopped for a moment, her reaction to the booze finally surfacing.Turning on the game I was pleased that this was happening. It’ll keep us from having to personally interact and pass time quicker. Unfortunately, all she wanted to do was deathmatch, which is painfully personal. Each time I inevitably lost, though it was a good fight, she had loads of insults to hurl my way. It didn't hurt my feelings, she was sort of drunk and I was willing to let a few mean words slide.“You suck skin sack!” Gene’s character wielded a bow, which made fist fighting her near impossible. “Glad you’re new, I’d feel a little bad if you were trying really hard.” She chuckled as again it displayed “loser” for me.She wasn't as high level or well equipped as the guys, but I doubt she plays this a lot. Her character was in typical leather armor, a large buckle holding it closed around her waist, sporting a hood as well. Whiskers and a muzzle poked out from within this hood. Sleek in form, her avatar resembled her the strongest out of everyone so far.“God this is just sad! I’m a little drunk too!” Gene shoved me, quite forcefully. “My aim is just too good! Look at that, all headshots!” She exclaimed, taking another victory shot, the controller gloves not removing themselves, so her character entered a frenzy of movements.Her powers were rediculous! Assuming this is ranger class, I may try it next. She could fire multiple arrows in a spread pattern, slide swiftly while firing, shoot in the air, as well as fire a mildly tracking arrow, which she saved for the killshot. Add this with pretty decent close combat fighting as well and I found it near impossible to defeat. Her aim was getting sloppy though, I can win one of these!“You got close! Look at that though!” She relished in my characters gagging on blood, throat wide open. “I’m getting bored of winning, ya know what I mean? Suppose ya wouldn't.” My god she’s getting annoying.With my new strategy in mind, I put a plan into action. I immediately jumped her splay of arrows and hit the ground rolling. Her shots sunk into the dirt as I zig-zagged toward her, strafing and sprinting at once. Drawing close, she armed her knife, but I had no intention of just fighting. Leaping straight up, I sent her avatar flying with a meteor punch! Before she even touched down, I launched a flying side kick, tossing her even further. As she recovered I delivered a stomp, one of my most powerful basic attacks.“Suck it pussy cat!” I taunted, finally seeing the gleaming “winner” banner.I didn't get to admire it long, as Genevide shoved me to the floor! It wasn't friendly either, she scoffed, scowled, then her claws lashed out. Where she made contact, three bleeding cuts now existed, a fourth puncture wound also visible on my forearm. Turning over I found her standing over me, one hand spread and bearing claws tipped with my blood. She looked furious, unimaginably angry, as she pierced me with eyes of malice! What the hell? Genevide is a mean spiritied bitch! That was nothing, I hardly said anything!With my eyes wide and my heart pounding, I looked into her vicious eyes, which shrunk into vicious little slashes. Both pupils slowly shrank away until they were near invisible and sheets of raging color stared into me! Gene lifted me by the shirt, I tried to speak, but was cut off by the choking force of being pulled up. Lifting me to a seated position, she leaned down and her furious face was suddenly in front of mine. Whiskers made me squint, but I could not take my eyes from the hell storm stare she wore. Please don't hurt me, god, my arm stings like a bitch! My fear was set ot overdrive once Gene’s claw latched to my throat and her blazing eyes crumbled my defenses! Oh fuck, please don't kill me! What the hell did I do wrong?“What the fuck did you just say?” Her voice projected the scent of alcohol, as she drug me closer to her face.“G-Gene stop! I was only joking! Please, stop!” I squirmed, barely moving at all, as I swatted her paw from my neck.She released a small hiss upon being struck, but as the violet infernos that were her eyes turned back to me, I saw her shift. Her eyes examined the situation tensely, sharp tiny motions taking in my cowering form. Genevide took a moment, standing and inhaling deeply. That's all I saw, next thing I knew I was running for my room. She commented on my fleeing, but I didn't hear her fully, just that I was a “coward” in her eyes. Holy shit what was that! Her drunk ass just attacked me! I... I’m shaking so badly... I want her to leave, just go away, I’ll spend today alone!Blood and thin tears ran along my arm and face respectively. I wasn't afraid, more just shocked and in pain. Ouch, damn she cut me bad! Fuck... I don't... I’m afraid to leave my room. What the hell just happened, why would she react like that? Unlocking the door as quietly as I could, I darted to the bathroom, then locked myself in. Searching through my medicine cabinet, I couldn't find bandages or rubbing alcohol. There wasn't any gauze either, how do I treat my... Wait... what’s this?It was light beige, a bit large for me, but that makes sense. It was definitely anthronian in origin. Sort of looked like a hand vacuum or some kind of clothing iron... A small green leaf and a plus sign graced the rubber handle. Pressing the red button, the other was black, I found it produced a tiny green arc of electricity. This humming, sparking sound was somewhat pleasant. Compelled by my inner child, I touched the electric arc, which hurt, but not nearly as much as I’d expect. Running it over my hand I felt a weird sensation and decided I shouldn't be doing this, until I noticed something! Part of a scar had vanished! My hands are scarred in several places, but one had been partially erased by this skin repair lazer... Wow, this thing is just wicked cool! I rolled up my sleeve and bit down on my shirt, then ran it over my wounds. Holy shit it hurt so much more on open cuts! I let out a little yelp of pain, but it was over before I knew it. My arm no longer had a wound, just the blood shed by its existence.Wiping away some excess blood, I examined the handy regeneration laser and turned it off. No wonder we are lesser beings... Look at this technology! They are able to mend wounds without effort! This thing looks old, too! What are some of the others household marvels I’ve yet to discover here? What kind of stuff is in the works? This planet must be so far ahead of earth that we cant even see them anymore! They’ve lapped us a few times in terms of technology... Holy shit... A small sigh escaped me as I set the flesh repairer on the little pedestal, where it had been. They are superior, in practically all ways... Gene just pushed me around for being too cocky for crying out loud! Man, why did Urving bring me here if he’s never home? I’m suffering from lonliness now! Scratch that, I’d love to be alone right now...“Hey, kid, wait!” Gene was awaiting my exit, she tried to hold the door as I closed it. “Look, forgive me, it’s just my nature! I cant control it sometimes! Plus I’ve been drinking...” This wasn't really an apology from the sounds of it, but intrigue led me to open the door.“Really? Cuz you looked like you wanted to kill me...” I peeked through to find her leaning against the opposite wall.“It’d be a lie if I said I didn't want to hurt you. I’m a Kashiki. I have more instinct than other cats.” She cleaned her claws tenderly, my blood something she appeared eager to consume. “I wont apologize for it, I was born this way and I cant change. Think of it as tough love.” Gene smirked and went to touch my shoulder, but I ducked back, scowling at her. “Yeesh, take it easy kid! Not like I’m lethal all the time, just don't piss me off!” Genevide flicked her tail as she turned, her carelessness growing a fire in my stomach.What a grade A cun-... No, that word is never appropriate. What the fuck was that though? How in the hell can she maintain such a abrasive attitude, when she clearly has mental issues or something! Genevide hasn't been nice from the get go, but I chalked that up to her not wanting to be here... Now I know, like the wolf who tried to eat me, some of them are truly dangerous. With differed aiming, her claws could easily of struck my throat or face... Gene could’ve cared less, she practically relished my blood from her claws, and views me as weak or pitiful... Then again, don't they all? Aren’t all of us meek creatures to them, too inferior to determine our own fates, and so weak existing is a threat to our lives? God, it makes me so angry! If I... If I’d of known, I could’ve defended myself! She wouldn't have... I would’ve beaten the... Let’s not go down that road. She’s not worth the added pain...Sitting in my room, I messaged Urving again. Without directly referencing the fact Gene had clawed me, I asked what a “Kashiki” was to try and open the conversation. Saddly, Urving hadn’t texted me back, no calls, no video messages... Nothing... It may not have seemed like much, what just happened, but I was livid. Shock made it hard to grasp myself properly, but I... I felt like I did when I was a runner, when I was fighting for freedom. My hands trembled without reason, eyes are darting anxiously, my ears open and more alert... Things suddenly became weapons, tools, provisions... My own reflection felt marred, for no mud or paint obscured my image. I don't like this, I don't like this feeling... I’m so fucking angry! I want to... I want revenge! Yet, unlike her, I recognize that to be wrong! I know that I shouldn’t try to hurt anyone, for any reason! Bottling up my rage, slivers of fear grew, for that side of me is dangerous and greatly unwanted...A knock suddenly hit my door causing me to jump out of my own mind. “Hey, kid, can I come in?” Gene’s voice sounded less aggressive.“C-can’t you talk from there?” I questioned her motives, but all I got was a scoff.“I just wanted to tell you Phelix’s on his way. Don't... Don't tell him I lost control, alright?” Her voice said please for her, as normally her tone is biting and rude.“Yeah, alright...” I replied, sullenly accepting not only abuse, but her corrupt and inequal treatment.“Good. Like I said, think of it as tough love! I’ll make ya stronger!” This backhanded addition had me grinding my teeth, blood boiling in my veins.I think the “C” word is appropriate for Genevide, though I’d not be the one to say it! All I can say is thank god Urving doesn't have these “instincts” she speaks of. Even though I am treated like a child, someones pet, a lesser lifeform, abuse has never been attached to these mentally tirmultious titles. Sighing, as my phone yet again stared back at me, blank screened and void of notification icons. Urving must be really busy today, or... whatever...Leaning back in bed, I started going through my phone, hoping to pass time until today was over. I’m not ready to feel better, though when Phelix arrives, I shall have to. If I don't pretend, Gene’s cover will be blown and she could attack again! Hopefully, Phelix could intervein and stop her. I am aware the shock and fear is blowing the situation out of proportion. She basically threw a temper tantrum for losing... I just cant get over how easily she justified wounding me and then how uncaring she was after the fact! It scared me, she acted like it was totally fine, nothing to be alarmed with, oh darn the humans bleeding! Don't tell anyone! Well screw you bitch, I agreed not to say anything to Phelix, but when Urving gets home, I’m telling him everything! Jesus Christ, I’ve been reduced to threats of tattling...“Hey babe! How’s today been?” Phelix’s voice entered the household, shortly after the doorbell rang. “Where’s Issac? Yeah, the interview went good! I think I have a good chance! Where’s Iza?” His stubby legs carried his voice toward my door.“He’s been in there most of the day.” Gene replied. Of course I have you psycho!“Kid, ya awake?” Phelix called softly, but I was ready and I opened the door without so much as a sound.“Hey Phelix, whats up?” I asked with a smile, much to my chagrin.“Why ya hiding back here? Gene scare ya off?” Phelix joked, nudging her and I.Genevide laughed bigger than normal, her eyes piercing into me when our stares met. “Nah, I was just messaging Urving! Heard you had an interview? What for?” I asked waving them to come in, but they meandered at the door.“Trash master! I’ve been really trying to find a syndicate job, so here’s hoping!” Phelix crossed his fuzzy fingers, his claws much less threatening then Gene’s. “I brought some grub, ya hungry?” Phelix waved me out invitingly and Gene had already begun to walk away.“Yeah, thanks. I’m pretty hungry.” Oh and by the way, your girlfriend is a monster! “I just got some cheapo burgers, hope that's cool. Not as loaded as Barkley or Urving!” Phelix was not afraid to laugh at his lifes short comings.“Of course! You should’ve seen some of the stuff I had to eat on earth!” If he can embrace his follies, I can just as easily.You’d be surprised how hard that comment made us laugh. Phelix has a bright, childish energy about him always. He was not above poking fun, but never wanted to hurt your feelings. The kind of guy, more comfortable making fun of himself, so others can laugh. It was easy to feel jovial around him, similar to the way Urving inspires friendship. Phelix, despite being a weasel, which is perceived as devious and tricky, is a very nice person. Cant say the same about Genevide, then again she is the most fickle creature of all, a cat.We joined the living room, three small wrapped packages being pushed into my hands by eager Phelix, whom I thanked. Gene ate silently, her eyes very bland, though I could see hints of... I guess regret would be what I’m seeing. Taking a long stare, her eyes cut to me, but I was already looking away. From what I gathered, she was more upset with herself, not with the fact she wounded me. Like my pain was totally neglectable, it was her loss of poise that upset Gene. In a small way, I deserved that pain, not in such an undignified and pointless manner, but I deserve to... suffer...“Oh man, c’mon! Go go go! Yeah!” Phelix and I cheered for a ralg player, who ran the ball almost the whole length of the field!I only joined in because his volume appeared to be annoying Genevide. I simply wanted to attribute as much aggravation as possible to her thoughts of me. I don't care if she’s a saint who saves kittens (no pun intended), she’ll never be my friend. Trust will never develop, so I could never grow close to her.“Damn dude, he almost ran the full fivehundred!” Phelix tried to rouse Gene, but found my reaction more appealing.I’ve heard Urving and Skia say it before, but I’m unsure what it means exactly, I assume the length of the field. It essentially means when a player runs the entire length of the field, then scores a goal. Again, I don't like asking questions... I never did. As Phelix began hollering again, I heard a smaller sound, which I had been awaiting. My pager, it’s the ringtone, or... whatever! Hurriedly, I ran to answer the call, my heart elated with the prospect of getting to talk with Urving, the epitomy of excitement! Assuming the anthronian work week is the same as humans on earth, and that Urving has a normal job, he should have tomorrow off!“HEY BUDDY! OHMAH GOSH, SO SORRY KID! I FEEL AWFUL, PLEASE DON’T THINK I’MMA TRYIN TO IGNOR-.” Urving’s voice broke and he yielded to my shooshing. “It’s been hell here bud... I’m so sorry!” Urving panted a little, it was as if this time had been rushed to earn.“Urv, bud, man. It’s all good!” It felt good saying this when it wasn't, just to comfort my friend. “Relax, what’s been going on?” I asked.His eyes sparkled with what I would say was tears, but he smiled, at looked deeply into his phone. “A lot of people haven’t been very nice... Not everyone’s as polite as you Iza. All day, I’ve been trying to find a chance to call you, message, you, even just a picture of the crowd so you’d understand...” A loud drawn out sigh followed this, as he bowed his head a moment.“Thanks... I cant lie, I’ve been excited to hear from you!” I chuckled, but before his timebomb of joy could react to that I added. “Gene arrived alone, Barkley didn't show up till only about an hour ago!” Pretending to put a pistol to my head, I got him to laugh with my stage suicide.“Oh my gods, I feel so bad right now! This day couldn't of gone worse...” He chuckled pawing his muzzle so only his eyes emerged to look at me. “Hey you aren’t the one who had to spend the day with her!” My response got him to jar with a single, powerful laugh.“Oh yeah, that reminds me... Kashiki is a species of cat. High instinct, small form, like Gene! I’m a Borl bear, it means I’m of low instinctual drive, but I maintain my full genetic form!” Urving flexed, pulling the phone away, to show off his size. “There all are sorts of sub-species, it’s sort of like your human “races” or uh... uhh... “Ethnicities”!” Urving snapped his fingers in a remembering fashion.“Wow, that’s cool! I’d love to learn about them!” This made us both smile, my intrigue and his excitement to share.“Well I can’t speak for other species, but I can teach you all about my kind when I get home!” Urving was ecstatic over the very idea of this and I was eager to learn.“Sounds great! Are you off work now?” I asked him and he shook his head, yet looked hopeful.“Just gotta wait till the stadium clears, then I’ll be on my way! It’s... about an hour drive... Ugh...” He sighed, lowering his head and looking off to the right. “But I don't gotta work tomorrow! We can stay up all night if you wanted?” Urving offered and after today, I couldn't say no.“Awesome! Hope the stadium empties quick! Who was playing?” I asked, my curiousit making him smile.“Malice mouse, I guess you’d say he’s a... rhythm poet... Does that translate right?” Urving asked with a confused frown.“A rapper?” My replying question gave him pause, weary eyes just staring.“Music... wrappers? Never mind, I’m tired!” We both laughed a moment, but he continued. “It looks like it’s emptying fast, hope I’m home soon bro!” Urving gave a huge grin as he seemed to announce his hanging up.“Great, thanks for calling. Hope you’re drives smooth!” My reply shrunk his grin to a tiny emotional smirk, squiggling across his face.“Thanks kid, you... you rock!” He laughed, but I just smiled along. “See ya soon, love ya buddy!” Urving’s phone disconnected, leaving me with a little crossed out lightningbolt.How have they not developed teleporters? Why are personalized vehicles still the main mode of transport? With such a diverse and bizarre species, you’d think a far more uniform way of getting around would’ve been pursued. Wish I didn't have to go back out there... Sort of have too, but it just feels wrong! Her abuse lit a fire I’d rather have stayed exstinguished. Even at my worst, when I was mentally threatening Urving, he didn't cause this kind of reaction. I literally feel threatened by Gene, not the blunted fear my entire life situation has been entombed by. God I have to forget this... I’ll just make a conscious effort to avoid Genevide and put this all out of my mind. What a bitch though, hopefully karma comes to bite, or claw, her.“How’s Urving, thought I heard y’all talking, right?” Phelix asked, leaning back to see me past the armchair.“Yeah, said he had a real rough night though.” I informed them, receiving mixed reactions.“That sucks man!” Phelix’s sympathy would’ve surely been appreciated.“How could it of been bad? He said he was at a concert all night!” Gene’s words could’ve been nice, if she didn't have the most spiteful voice ever.“Man, you know how those get! Some people just get out of hand!” Phelix answered first, which I was glad of, I really don't want to speak to her.“He said people were just being total assholes!” Though a smile graced my face, I was trying to simply disagree with Gene.“Sounds like Urving!” Phelix teased. “He never really liked conflict, so a show like that must’ve worn on him.”“Yeah the cry baby...” Genevide muttered, her words barely audible at all.“He just doesn't wanna ruin anyone’s good time!” I said this, directly staring into Gene’s snooty scowl.“That’s a good way of looking at it!” Phelix laughed and continued to even when he saw Genevide practically scowling my way.“I need a smoke...” Gene got up quickly, as Phelix began trying to put an arm over her.“Love ya babe!” Phelix is either immune or totally oblvious to her bullshit. “Sorry about leaving you alone with her today...” Perhaps he’s just good at ignoring it?“N-nah, no problem man! She’s just... a serious person.” Had I let on today was actually awful, maybe Genevide did? “I just don't think she likes me that much, no big deal.”“Genevide doesn't like anyone at first...” Phelix tried to laugh, but saw I wasn't and sighed a little. “She also... has a weird idea of what “friends” are supposed to be.” He quoted himself, then shook his head and raised a paw to his head. “Nevermind, let’s drop it! I don't wanna spoil the time I get to spend with Urving’s boy!” Phelix slugged me on the arm, then piqued a sudden interest. “Yo, you wanna game? I heard Barkley thrashed you the other day! I don't ususally friendly-fight, so ya wanna just play?” His suggestion was too excited for me to shoot down, though I really didn't want to.Today would’ve been ten times better spent with Phelix and I base that on the three measly minutes we’ve been alone! I can see why he and Urving are friends, they’re very similar. Outgoing, but clumsy. Friendly, yet shameless. Caring, though crass. It doesn't feel right, knowing such a kindhearted person is infatuated with somebody so vile. It reminded me of earthly highschool drama, where someones new relationship would effect friendship at their very core. At least I didn't know Phelix before, as I surely would’ve had some nasty things to say when he met Genevide. I’m thinking to strongly on this, but Phelix deserves better! He’s been cool to me from the get go, so no one should abuse that kindness!“Have you and Urving been there yet?” Phelix pointed to a tower in the distance, ominous clouds gathered around its tip. “It’s full of demons, really dangerous, but good gear. One of my favorite quests!” He added descending into the valley below.His offhand comment stirred the cauldron that is my thoughts, sinking my negative feelings to the bottom. This was so similar to playing with Urving, at times I found myself looking for his avatar! Unlike many of the others, Phelix’s character carried a gun! He was the soldier class (I assume) and his weapon of choice was an elaborate rifle, complete with a jagged bayonette. What was odd, and seems to be a trend amongst all videogames, was that his rifle wasn't lethal! Bullets did about the same damage as one of Gene’s arrows, what the hell? I guess it’s just to make it fair, games like this would be unfair if there was a one shot kill weapon of anykind!Phelix’s character wore a more tactical looking suit of armor, mostly leather, but with metal plates. He wore a single shoulder pad, which covered up to his palm, in leather and compacted chains. The torso was basically a vest, leaving his other arm exposed, save a thick glove covering that paw. Both feet were covered in plated boots, gaps in the metal provided for easier movement. His head was crested with a helmet, that fit tightly on his head and produced a pair of spikes from below his chin. Out of everyone so far, Phelix’s character looks the closest to his actual form. He even has the perfect fur color separation, gray eyes, and stubby legs.We journeyed across an expansive valley, which we had to descend into from the surrounding mountains. Flakes of snow falling from the sky gave way to miniscule insects buzzing about, above the fields of wild plant life. In the distance, the ominous tower produces a virulent aura of red light, something us humans also attributed with beings of pure evil. Random animals stood in our way grazing, but we didn't take the time to hunt them. The sky was rapidly darkening, bolts of crimson lightning broke the blackness, leaving trails of dispursing radiance. This imposing tower now seemed to touch the sky itself as we moved into it’s midnight shadow. Eerie fright lined this area, as half eviscerated corpses lined the ground with small fires and shot arrows scattered between. Voices moaned out, agonized and begging, but I saw none stir...Gene returned just then, shutting her phone and sighing. She threw herself over the armchair, groaning and rubbing her forehead. Boredom projected from her like the stench from a dumpster. The second she entered my good time screeched to a halt, I just do not like her... No one should be that alright with hurting anyone, ever! It wasn't long before she had formulated something to say, surely an aim to further damage my good time.“You’re gonna get him killed Phelix. This is way to dangerous for a nooby.” Gene turned her gaze to him, but neither of us looked away.“Wanna help? It’ll pass the time till Urving gets here.” Phelix offered to Gene, much to my disappointment.“Nah, that’s fine... Just wanna go home...” She flashed a glance my way, discomforted and a hint worried, but then rolled her eyes with a sigh.“Sorry babe, we’ll be back at Barkley’s in no time!” Phelix was just like Urving, unstoppably positive.“That’s not home...” Her annoyed sigh had me clenching my teeth.“Yeah, but... We can still... Sorry Gene.” Phelix’s struggling to answer was just pitiful, he shouldn't have to apologize to her!The mood was ruined for now. I didn't feel excited to explore the demon infested tower anymore... Why does life do this? Take good people and thumbtack their emotions to someone so unfriendly. Is this what they mean when they say “opposites attract”? That’susually spoke with positive connotations, right? A shocking realization took hold and I almost teared up. I treated Urving almost exactly how Gene does Phelix. Though this has changed, immeasurable guilt was paired with this thought. My head understands that my behavior was circumstancial, but my heart shatters knowing how I acted. At least I am willing to make up for it! At least I’m friendly! Dangerous, but friendly... These scratches only begin to repay the blood I have shed, I deserve the pain...Contrary to Gene’s belief, we made it to the tower with no difficulty at all, though the real challenge waits inside. A long, crumbling stone bridge, just wide enough for a man at a time, rested above a pitch black chasm, which most likely lead to certain (digitized) death. Once across, we stood in front of a make shift camp, with a once glorious, though mangled get beyond it. Several anthronians rose to speak with us, a cutscene drawing the camera to the tigers face. From what I gathered they were trying to banish a powerful demon back to the netherworld, but his powers were too great and the celestial spire is now at risk of collapsing. We offered to help the paladins reclaim the tower and seek revenge for there fallen comrades!Though the game masked it greatly, Phelix and Gene’s ears reacted to the door opening. “Wassup everyone? How are ya?” Urving entered, the game was paused, and I jumped to my feet.“Urving! Welcome back!” I was locked in a hug within seconds.“Heya Issac, thanks! Glad to be back!” He set me down, still patting my shoulders and ruffling my hair.“How was the concert?” Phelix asked, after getting a friendly pawshake.“Oh man, so many fights! I had to throw like, eleven people out!” Urving replied, standing with me on his arm.“That sucks for them! Why buy the tickets then?” Phelix joked with Urving who agreed with this dumb notion.“Some people just cant hold there liquor! Makes em’ all rowdy!” This joke had me glaring at Gene, but she was on her pager.“You’re telling me! Remember back at Institute, when we had that party over-.” Phelix began reminissing with his buddy, but that was too much to ask for...“Can we go please? I’m tired.” Genevide broke the conversation, like a hammer to porcelain.“Yeah, course babe!” Phelix suddenly remembered something. “Ooh, can we finish that later, when I get back to Barkley’s?” Phelix asked me, his face slimming with disappointment.“Of course! Sounds good!” I nodded and received a fist (paw) bump.“What were ya guys up to?” Urving leaned into the living room. “Oh man, the celestial spire! Awesome, this’s a good one!” A paw slapped my leg gently as he finished this.“You don't mind right babe, if Barkley and I play when we-.” Phelix turned to her, but was interrupted.“Huh? Whatever, I don't care...” She had been on her pager and his question interrupted.“Well, we’ll hear from ya later! Thanks for coming by you guys!” Urving showed equal discomfort, laughing broadly to clear the air.“Thanks for letting me hang out with your human fat boy!” Phelix hugged Urving, temporarily joinging me in his arms.“Not a problem twigs, if you’re ever out this way, I’m sure Issac’d be happy to see ya!” Urving replied with a small bounce of his shoulder, to reference me.“Considering I live on another continent, yeah, that’d be pretty cool!” Phelix replied sharply, then his eyes rose on me. “Sorry I wasn't here earlier Iza! Hope you understand?”“Of course! Don’t worry man. It was still fun!” I nudged him, shaking free of Urving’s grasp to do so.“How’d the interview go by the way?” Urving asked offhand as Phelix left.“Between us guys, awful! But no big deal!” Phelix’s discomfort radiated from Gene hearing, but she was still on her pager. “Just gotta keep trying!” He spoke softer than before.I was shocked he lied to me, but it made sense... “Gotta keep up appearences.” Urving’s laugh was half hearted at best. “Thanks again man, good luck!” He waved to Phelix who was nearing Gene and disappearing in the night.“What a fucking waste of my time... I know! Gods, it’s just pointless...” Genevide was on the lawn, her phonecall still able to reach our ears.“Bye guys!” Phelix called once he reached her, but was swatted by his girlfriend.“No, that was Phelix sorry.” Was the last I heard of her today, good riddance.“See ya Phelix!” I called to him, wanting to remember a proper goodbye.“Talk you in an hour or so bud!” Urving added, before kneeling next to me. “I am SO sorry you had to spend the day with that witch...” Urving said softly, his face was capcized with disappointment. “If I’d of known Phelix had an interview-.” Urving was already fading out, so I cut him off.“Urving, chill out. It’s not a big deal!” Brushing off my ire, I felt the weight of todays dissonance falling away. “It wasn't that bad, really. She’s just got a really bad attitude...” I faded off, remembering her vicious eyes.“Yeah, I know... Cant understand why Phelix stays with her...” Urving searched the floor for an answer, but came up empty. “Let’s forget about that! It’s the weekend!” Urving cheered, gathering the bags he had brought home as he stood.“Yeah!” Matching his excitement, I moved into the living room so he could get by. “What’s all this?” I asked as burlap bags were piled onto the coffee table.“Groceries, I picked some stuff up on the way home, so we wont have to go shopping this weekend!” Urving answered, unpacking his purchases on the counter. “I’m surprised someone so small can eat so much! I didn't plan for that!”My face was red in seconds, as I prodded my fattening stomach. “Well... I... We did agree I needed to gain some weight!” I could practically feel each skin cell heating, as I blushed.“No shame buddy! Just want ya to be a-ok!” Urving pat my shoulder as he passed by. “I gotta get changed, feel free to have anything you see!” He called back to me, as his quaking steps moved to his room.Poking through the bags, several semi-familiar products were seen. Boxes of crackers or cookies held mascots I am coming to recognize. Packages of meat were embossed with claims of “guaranteed freshness” and “premium quality”. Urving had picked up another box of tea capsules, some more dishsoap packs, and a few other items I have yet to interact with. In another one of the bag, I began pulling out tall cans with vibrant patterns and colors lining them. Amongst these were typical beers that I recognized, but several of these differed in shape, color, and labeling.The first was an electric yellow, it had a fiery motife, like the can had been moving at immense speeds. Next came a duller, but reflective red, which was paired with a type of wave pattern. Finally two of the same indigo cans emerged, each bordered with a pair of white lightning bolts. I’m unsure how, since I didn't have my monocle on, but I know what these are! These odd cans, with the edgy writing and extreme designs, are energy drinks! Something about the wicked way they are presenting this glorified soda was a dead give away! Of course, like all products, it was far larger than anything earth would’ve had to offer. The smallest serving size on Al Ur En is roughly equivalent to a supersized soda from most fast food chains.“Figured I’d be hella tired after work, so I grabbed an armful of supersodas. You gotta promise me to only drink one, alright? I’ve heard humans get really sick if they drink to much of this stuff.” Urving’s eyes were little beads of pure concern, that magnified as his glasses fell into place.“Of course! We have something similar on earth, so I understand entirely.” Urving and I nodded to one another, as he began putting away groceries. “Need some help?” I offered, following him into the kitchen.“Nah, I’m good! Not much to put away. Thank’s though!” Urving’s enormous arms were enough to carry half the groceries at once. “Was today all bad though? I mean, if Gene wanted to teach ya about her ancestry, you had to do something right!” Finally, a moment to speak.“Yeah... about that... I asked because Genevide... sort of had an episode today...” Urving nearly dropped the cans he pushed onto the shelf, his face flying to me.“Wh-what do you mean?” Urving shuffled a bit, then took a knee to see me better. “Issac, did she hurt you?" His serious voice matched the hurricane of restrained emotions held in his eyes.“Just a scratch, I’m fine. It more just shocked me-.” My voice was dwarfed by Urving’s.“That bitch! I’ll crush her fucking skull!” Urving stood, shaking as his rage boiled forth in a bellowing roar!It was thunderous, beyond any sound I have ever heard a living creature make! I’ve fired guns and this could possibly rival it! All walls shook, each window rattled, I literally felt myself vibrate from the sheer energy her released. The ceiling dropped motes of dust, each room echoed his fury, and the many items in the kitchen all reverberated. After was an instant silence, his heavy panting the only thing my ears could take in beyond the ringing. I was wide eyed, tense, and a part of me wanted to flee in fear. The next thing I knew, Urving’s honey colored eyes were on me, imeasruable concern and regret flowing forth. As he stared into my fright, a line of tears began forming, leaving his still angered face to fade.“Are you ok kid? What happened? Where did she cut you? I’m sorry I yelled, please don't be afraid...” Urving was fighting tears, his breathing still heaving growls.“I-I’m fine, see...” Lifting my shirt I showed were some blood remained, as I had planned. “C-calm down man, it’s all good...” I approached cautiously and pat his paw.“No, it isn’t! I trusted her with... you...” Urving’s eyes fell on me, sparking with tears. “I’m so sorry Issac! I knew she was a Kashiki, but I didn't think... I’m so sorry Iza.” Urving palmed his face hard, tears splashing in tiny droplets.My mouth was silent a moment, as my heart flourished, and my brain scrambled for what I should say. This is so touching... His concern for me, wow, it was enough for a full on roar! Urving wants to protect me! He was pissed Gene hurt me, like anyone should be! Surely Phelix would’ve been just as upset with her, but something about getting to share this with Urving made it easier. It was like getting to swap stories after a really bad day, with a truly caring friend. Listening to him cry for that thirty or so seconds, was absolute tragedy to me though...“Urving, dude, I’m right here. I’m fine! I already patched myself up and everything.” Projecting positivity through my voice, I got Urving to look up at me with sullen eyes. “I wanted to figure out why she did it? Was it instincts like she said? Or is Genevide just a class-A C-word?” Asking this got him to smirk, but only for a second.“Tell me what happened, why did she scratch you?” Urving was trying to be strong, it was sad seeing this effort strain more tears from his eyes.Filling him in, Urving’s face was broken, he looked so upset with both himself and what happened. Tears, though gone now, soaked his fur in uneven lines along his face. The tiny sunrises that were his eyes, had faded to candles in the far distance. The fat around his mouth, which was usually taught with a smile, sagged with his defeated frown. The disappointment I could thouroughly see, was aimed at himself, but was used to hold back limitless anger.“From what you’re telling me, yeah, Genevide had a carnal attack... If she had been bigger or stronger... Gods...” Urving gently put a paw against my head. “I promise, I will never leave you with anyone dangerous again! Promise!” Urving put his paws to his chest when he made this promise, giving it extra validity.“To be honest, after today, I’m alright with not having company for a while!” We both had a laugh, but my effort was heightened to encourage Urving.“Deal!” Urving left streaks of damp material, as he wiped his face on his sleeve. “Y-you’re so brave buddy...” His paw found its way to my shoulder, where I was gently gripped.“Th-thank you...” Even with his very potent bravado, I cannot see myself as brave. “I’m just glad she’s gone!” I tried to make a joke, but it was obvious this heavily effected Urving.“I’ll never let her in again! If I ever see that heartless bitch again, I’ll make her apologize!” Urving smiled aggressively, punching a paw into his opened mit.“Haha, honestly, I’d rather not see her again, period.” We both agreed on that instantly.“I knew something was up when you asked about Genevide’s acestry... Damn, I should’ve known!” Urving was deep in thought, blaming himself, which isn’t what I wanted at all!“I don’t blame you!” I blurted out, suddenly aware that it may help.“R-really... you don’t?” His frown fought to contor, as Urving stared into me with powerless eyes.“Of course! Dude, it feels good just getting to tell someone...” Emotional anchors marred my cheery demeanor. “You cant imagine how good it feels just to know someone cares...” I’ve been alone so long, no one to share problems with...“Oh Issac, I’m so sorry! I promise, with all my heart, no one will hurt you when I’m around!” Urving hugged me tightly, my back popping several times, but then pulled me back and gazed into my dewing eyes.“Th-thanks man...” I smirked, sly wiping my tears away as he pulled me into another hug. “Now, enough of this emotional crap, let’s party!” I grabbed a beer with a small hop and opened it with a grin.“Yeah! Damn you’re awesome!” He replied following suit. “Careful bud, these are a little stronger than DizzyDawg.” Urving warned me and I checked the label to find it was an entirely different brand.The lable was adorned with an white stallion in a field, wearing a funny outfit with baggy pants, pointed shoulders, and suspenders. He held a mug of this stuff and looked very glad to be offering it to the real world. Tasting this, it was more like, whiskey or... something thicker... Bourbon? Did Urving seriously bring home cans of chilled bourbon? It’s good! I mean, I’ve never really drank a wide variety of alcohols, but this is one of the better ones! I really dislike vodka by comparison, the watery texture and acrid taste was just abysmal! Oh man... He wasn't kidding, this is some strong stuff... Urving chuckled as I was bleary eyed a moment after a long swig of this spiced, earthy flavored liquid, with an extremely alcoholic after taste! Blegh! “Like it?” Urving teased at my soured face.“It’s awesome...” My voice was weak, as my mouth tried to gag, but I forced myself to stop.Urving laughed a bit, then took a slightly serious face. “Are you sure you’re alright Issac?” Urving was somber, but still friendly.“Yes. I really am. It just shocked and scared me a little...” I hated admitting this, both due to pride and seeing Urving’s sadness spike. “Mainly I wanted to know about your guys’s instincts and stuff...” Shifting the conversation, I saw Urving’s smile regain stability.“I’ll be happy to share what I know!” Urving looked down at me with sparks of pride in his eyes and a smile of admiration on his face. “You’ll have to tell me what kind of human you are! They must be the toughest of em all!” His compliments made me shake my head bashfully.“Nah, I don't think it’s the same...” I joked, but he seemed legitimately interested, so I told him I’m Latino, Italian, and Caucasian.With a slight hurry, he put away the rest of the groceries and got something out to cook for dinner. Setting the oven he popped in his frozen meal, then gathered a beer (bourbon), some chips, and an energy drink. Following him to the couch, I also grabbed a can of... “supersoda”, I think he called it? Cute name... Taking a seat on the couch Urving thought a moment, then smiled and nudged me with his whole body. Reacting to sheer force, I shoved him back and he laughed, allowing himself to be moved by my inadequate strength.“Alright, where to begin... Right, it’s important to know that even though we are different species, genetic instinct and body size places us all in one of four categories. Each of these four sub-species has a name, but I don't remember a whole lot of them...” Urving chuckled rubbing the back of his head. “So I’ll tell ya what I know about Ursamaxus, or bears, as you call us.” Urving’s voice was different for a moment, when he said that odd word, like his translator had to switch off or something...“Ok, awesome!” I was eager to learn, Ferris didn’t delve this deep.“The first category is usually the smallest overall and they have practically no instincts to speak of. For bears they’re called Brom.” Urving fascinated me enough to hold my questions and not interrupt him. “The second class of anthronina citizen is also somewhat smaller, but are born with high instinctual drive, like Genevide for example.” My voice interrupted without my consent.“So Kashiki is a lower category of cat?” I asked just to make sure I understood correctly.“Yeah, but they can still be dangerous! This category of anthronian has controlled instincts, but like you saw, they can easily lose it...” Urving looked worried a moment, then grunted and seemed to reassure himself. “For us bears, they’re called Burzed. I have a feeling Urnest might be one.” I chuckled, but he just smirked before continuing. “The third category, is where yours truly fits in! We Borl bears have all the weight and muscle of our great ancestors, but barely any instinct controls us!” Thank god I ended up with the right one, it was literally a fifty fifty chance... “The last category is the most dangerous for humans. Class four citizens are not only governed by instinct, but they also have the bodies of our great ancestors. Bryvek bears are usually the biggest, meanest, and angriest people around! I’d know, my pa’s one of em!” Urving still showed shimmers of pride, as if he knew his father wouldn't hurt me.“So the way you classify your citizens is based solely on instinct and physique?” I asked my eyes intractably moved to the pamphlet on the table.“Absolutely! To properly say someones species though, you have to include the continent they were born on. So I’d be a Al Borl Ursamaxus.” Urving’s explination made me want to remeet everyone and ask them about their citizen title. “I think Genevide would be a Ur Kashiki Felidaeus...” Urving saw that I was confused and added. “That means little cat.” Urving put his paws in a close paralell to symbolize small.“Gotcha! That’s good to know, I sort of wanna learn about others!” My excitement got Urving thinking.“Hmmm... Lemme see...” Rubbing his trimmed goatee, I saw his mouth and eyes swim aimlessly in thought. “Oh! I know dogs are called Canidmaxus!” Urving nodded his head assuredly.Nodding and smiling back, I took a swig of beer and allowed myself to melt under it’s soothing delirium. Though not strong yet, I was happy with the way it was making me feel. Not that I am forgetting how important Urving is in the equasion! Beyond the fact that he bought the booze, he was what helped me feel better. He’s been a really dope friend so far and I am glad I can count on him!“Oh, got a text! Phelix and Barkley are getting on, you ready?” Urving asked and I nodded eagerly, it’ll be so much more fun without Genevide.The game clicked on and the familiar loading icon began spinning. Within seconds the opening credits I have come to see many times now, began playing, but was skipped swiftly. It was odd having to load my savestate, yet wait as the game rearranged it to match Urving’s character level. What were once humble cloaked soldiers of divinity, now shone with gleaming amror, each matching the others, save loincloth color. The pauldrons were shaped like a unicorns head, the horn looked like a lethal impromptu weapon... Each torso was covered in armor with matching insignia’s, which resembled a lion, who’s mane was on fire. Varying weapons were clutched or fastened to belts, all sparking with magic energies or radiating mystic light. Helmets with tall winged motiffes and jagged sets of horns adored each head, the leader of this troop had his balanced beneath an arm. In all we were teamed up with a wolf wielding an axe, a tiger with two swords, a deer clutching a spear, a rabbit holding a crossbow, and the leader who was a rodent, with a sword and shield.A chime radiated from seemingly nowhere, as a small gold note appeared between the screen divide. I recognized this as a party invite or request. Soon enough, I saw Barkley and Phelix’s names added to our current players list. Getting to check, I saw Phelix was the commando class! What makes that special is beyond me... I assume they are the only class that can use firearms, maybe ranger as well?“Heya Urv, wassup Spaz?” Barkley’s voice projected from the television, though he was nowhere near us.“Hello again you two!” Phelix chimed in, obviously amused by the shuffling of players and households.“Yo guys, how are ya? How ya been Barkley?” Urving asked casually, crushing his cigarette into a glass cup.“Not bad, nothing new. You?” He responded, the crinkling of snack packages heard on his end of the transmission.“Same old, same old. Worked a concert tonight, that was sorta fun!” Urving’s reply was nonchalant, an twinge of pride lining it.“Oh yeah, Phelix told me. Sounded rough from what I heard!” Barkley replied in a teasing tone.“You know me, I don't like hurting anyone! Some people though... sheesh...” Urving chuckled, pawing at me as he invited my speaking. “While we’re on that subject, Phelix, do you think I could talk to Genevide please?” Seeing I didn't have anything to say, Urving practically forced me into the conversation.“Why would you wan-.” Phelix began, Barkley shortly behind him.“So anyone got some free stuff for a nooby?” I interjected, with a short laugh, which earned several reactions.Barkley scoffed. “What’d ya lose the stuff I gave you two days ago?” The teasing in his voice seemed to break his focus.“No, it’s just... You all have such a headstart! I need all the help I can get to catch up!” Pretending to laugh, I swatted Urving and made a “wtf” face.He smirked down at me connivingly, but still somewhat apologetic. “He is right guys, even Riot had a big headstart!” Urving accepted my aversion to the topic of Genevide.“Well let’s go! I bet there is something awesome in there for you!” Phelix cheered a bit, his avatar raising both arms, as he surely did.It was a little odd none of them pursued Urving’s desire to speak with Gene. I’m glad, don't get me wrong, but that worried me. Even though I spilled my guts to Urving, I never wanted it to get back to and effect Phelix! Hopefully Urving was just tesing me...Inside we found a beautiful marble temple, with statues lining the walls and reaching to the ceiling high above. Each set of arms, locked in eternal worship, were the buttresses that held the roof overhead. The faces of these somber anthronians depicted various species, all cloaked in the same robes. Once aligned pots had been scattered, releasing the blazing embers and changing them to now semi-smoking coals. It was creepy, all game sound cut out and the darkness of the temple made the smoky atmosphere difficult to trust. Motion was seen, smoke shifted, and a figure darted into a deeper portion of the temple. Hurrying in, the paladins were shown running off in a cutscene, before the rest of us were allowed to continue.Moving through the rather uneventful hall, we came to the next room and face to face with the nightmarish monsters that now call this place home. The screens hue took on a thin red, which signified combat, but my mind was taking in the anthronian concept of a “demon”. Unlike humans, red skin, pointed tails, and horns had nothing to do with characterizing a demon...Though I immediately had to defend my digital self, I was able to examine my opponent as I evaded the incoming attacks. The impish enemy had no eyes, blinders had been crudely stitched over it’s still bleeding sockets. The mouth was ripped open, giving it a grisly constant smile, with gory bits of it’s last victim hanging and dripping to the floor. One arm had been horrifically mangled to fit a crude blade in place. Nails, chains, casts, and staples attached flesh and bone to rusted steel. It moved uncoordinately, dragging the blade and sluggishly slashing it about. It’s other hand was somewhat coated in fur, but grotesque, fleshy talons had sprung out of the decaying flesh, forming a bird like claw. The legs looked unaltered, save them being thin and veiny from malnourishment, abuse, or natural defection.Seeing an opening, I slid beneath a high strike and kicked the foes legs out from under it. Hitting the ground, the fiend didn't linger, it rolled away, swinging the weapon wildily. Blocking a downward strike, I slid aside, evading another crude attempt to cut me. Before I could attack, Phelix shot the creature and it flailed through the air a moment, whirling to a stop in its own blood. This didn't even kill it! The fiendish foe stirred, darting it’s deprived senses around the room, as I approached. A solid curb stomp reduced it to nothing, black sludge spilling from where a brain should’ve been...After defeating several more of these tiny horrific entities, we moved on, with two less paladins than before. The deer and the rabbit didn't make it. Their demises were surely scripted, as we won rather handily. Maybe I’ll try this again later when I’m stronger and try to keep them all alive! Considering how challenging this is supposed to be, I may have to wait a long time for that.Moving through the temple, we found limitless corpses and enemies of more and more monstrous form. These demons began taking much more to kill and we had lost all but three paladins, the wolf, the tiger, and the rat. Beyond the mangled minion demons, two other common forms existed. One was similar to a man, stood straight up, most of our features, but instead of a face, the head simply held a giant pair of mandibles! Grotesquely formed on the stomach, was a mouth full of sharp, partially rotted fangs! Heavy wheezing and gagging constantly spilled from this bloated monsters as it shambled about. The other demon, which I came to recognize as the leaders, were cycloptic and had four arms. Each arm usually wielded a weapon, though occasionally they had shields, or just used fists. Along the back, was a row of thin, arching spines, which lined the long scaled tail as well, all the way to the tip. This creature looked more recognizeable as a “demon”, for it also had ogre like teeth, a small set of horns, and bat like wings hanging from the first set of arms.We continued into the inner sanctum, slaughtering more and more demons. Now they were taking on the appearences of grim reapers, but with animal skulls instead of humanoid ones. These types of enemies utilized magic and were incredibly hard to track. This led to my first inevitable death, which surprisingly didn't get me teased! A lightning bolt from an outstretched bony claw, caused my screen to go gray and blood to splatter across my characters portrait.“Oh no, the kids down!” Urving cried into his mich, rushing to defend my bleeding avatar.“Medic, pronto! I’ll cover you!” Barkley, appeared in several locations, throwing a spread of daggers each time.“Don't worry, I got him. Help Barky!” Phelix said with some force, obviously getting into the game.This was so much more fun than one on one... I don't like competition that much, especially if it is something so insignificant as this, yet prevalent enough to be revisited. They play this a lot and me losing twenty or so times to Barkley will forever be an indelible fact. Hopefully I’ll live it down at some point or another! Really hope I’m not telling Barkley’s pups about his limitless victories a few years from now...Exploring this tower with not just a partner, but a whole team, has been awesome! Also... well... I sorta feel like one of the guys, which is great too! Getting to spend quality time with him and his friends, allowed a sense of inclusion to take hold of me. Having the team mentality extended to you, even after you have faltered is a very inspiring thing. Not to mention my closest friend in this crazy new world was right next to me... Urving was unstoppable, both in the game and with his attitude. As I got a bit more drunk, my performance waned, but he didn't judge at all! He even defended me against Barkley’s taunts, claiming we were “partying first, playing second”. The others jeered this idea, but Urving just lagughed and upended the rest of his bottle. Level after level of this tower presented seemingly limitless enemies, loot, and experience. I’ve leveled up at least six times, but if I hadn’t been dying regularly, I’m sure that’d be even more. What was better than skills and lots of new gear? The excitement, intrigue, and encouragement that went along with it! Urving must be trying really hard to make this fun for me, knowing what a horrid day I have had... Come to think of it, he always tries really hard, even when he’s tired... Perhaps the combination of energy drinks and alcohol were making him extra outgoing?Swigging another mouthful of anthronian ale, as I began calling it, I watched from my dead position as they battled a particularly large demon. This fiend had a spiders body as it’s legs, but atop that forming from where the eyes would be, was the body of a praying mantis! Two stag skulls sat where the eyes should have, glowing blue pinpoints inside each socket, as the lopsided horns created a jagged laurel around the cretins head. The whole fiend was a fleshy red color, each spider leg darkening to black. The back of each jagged foreleg was graced with the skull of a large wolf, the eye sockets aglow with raging scarlet light. It was hard to take it seriously though, watching the three of them practically abuse this enemy in tandom. I did my best to land a few hits, but my damage was pitiful compared to the others.“Oh shit, look out Spaz!” Barkley shouted, as I narrowly shoulder rolled under a swiping foreleg.“Good one!” Urving cried, patting my shoulder.“That was close, good job kid!” Phelix added strafing it with gunfire.“Thanks, I’ll try to keep it distracted.” Calling back louder than normal, I was trying to sound as engauged as they did.The tower was soon proving to much for me and I was dying every few seconds. Dozens of more powerful enemies, from giant skeletons, to serpents made of corspes were able to mop the floor with my lifeless body. It didn't really bother me, I was starting to feel drunk. After ascending an spiral staircase for several real life minutes, we reached an enormous door. Rasping stone was heard as the doors swung open at the mere touch of the paladin leader, who now only had us to call comrades. We entered a expansive room with a huge blue crystal radiating power from the ceiling. With only the leader paladin left alive, the goal became defend him while he activated the beacon of hope, as this thing was called.It was a radiant deep azure gem, the size of a billboard! Four large spikes graced the top, but the lower portion was an indecipherable mess of uncut stone. It was suspended from the ceiling by a type of golden saucer, which was ornately carved with runic symbols and ancient looking writing. Four chains held this dish aloft, solid gold in color, but unpolished and left dingy compared to the gem itself. At the very bottom of the saucer a small chain hung, all the way to the floor. The paladin sheathed his sword and pulled this chain, causing a small port to open and reveal a part of the crystal. The light of this arcane gem created a spotlight on the paladin who removed his helmet and looked up with jubilation. Falling to his knees, he began to pray and the crystalline beacon began reacting! A meter stretched across the screen, half white and half green. The bottom was labled “chain strength” and the top said “charged power”. Instnatly I understood what was about to happen!Demons poured in, not targeting us, but trying to scale the walls and reach the chains holding up the crystal! A few approached the paladin, but were decintegrated by holy fire, leaving only echoing screams behind. This became my goal, to throw, kick, and shove demons to there purged doom! Urving stood at the largest gateway, crushing back hoardes of demons with massive cleaving strikes of his warhammer. Barkley threw knives and his sickle around Urving, to catch the weakened stragglers. Phelix was positioned at the third gate, using his rifle to pick off the highest climbers, which would fall and die with a satisfying squish.As the meter reached about half full, my gauntlets produced a vibration seldom seen in this game. It was almost painful, the amount of artificial vibration being put through my bones! Overhead, the entire roof was ripped free, barely leaving enough stone for the chains to cling to! A cutscene turned my camera upward as a gigantic eye filled the chasm, looking into the tower. This horrific, red-orange eye had a goats pupil, oblong and awkward, and hooked fangs surrounding the socket instead of skin. Before we could react it was gone and an enormous, clawed, pitch black hand smashed into the tower, colliding with a surging magic screen around the crystal! Holy shit, the sound was so immense our tv rattled on the wall! My ears popped for crying out loud! Spikes and uneven horns lined this massive, muscled arm and if you watched, you could sometimes see it retract, just long enough for the demon to look in again! Countless skulls of all types of animals were inlaid in this creatures chaotically formed arm!“Holy shit!” I shouted without consent, as I was forced to continue fighting during this cataclysmic event.“Spaz, stick with me! I’ll get the climbers! Go guys, go!” Phelix cried back sharply, throwing a javeling into the ground, which opened into a gun turret!“Alley oop!” Urving said playfull as his character threw Barkley straight upward, with rocket velocity. “Keep it busy! I gotta climb!” Urving added.“Easier said than done!” Barkley exclaimed, as he reached the crystal and began ascending to the demonic hand.Barkley began combating this giant appendage, with throwing knives, his sickle, and all his ninjutsu powers! Urving had been climbing the rubble caused by previous destruction, but wasn't even half way up yet! I took my position next to Phelix, kicking and punching at any target close enough to receive damage! They were weakening! My attacks were dealing more and more damage, they were occasionally losing health, and the chain was taking less damage from the minion demons! We’re winning!“Just a little more guys! Hold on!” Urving called as he dropped onto the metal cup, which held the crystal.“Alright, about time! I’m ready when you are!” Barkley vanished and appeared clinging to a wall, his chain at the ready.“Hands off!” Urving shouted and with one massive swing of his hammer, the demons finger broke near in half!The splintering sound of this demons finger was equal to a tree being felled! An indescribably horrific screeching blasted from all around us, the tvs speakers humming with volume strain, as this sound echoed through every room and over every loose object! This sound was enough to rival Urving’s real life roar! I almost covered my ears with displeasure, but I was having to much fun! This is so awesome! This is the first time I’ve done something like this in the game! While I’d like to be up there fighting that goliath arm, it’s still cool to participate! With another blow to the incoming hand, Urving redirected the unfathomably large demons probing claws! With expert timing, Barkley leapt onto the arm and began stabbing it repeatedlym, aiming to shatter as many skulls as he could!My own efforts had only increased! The chain was now at a dangerous level, I’d say only twenty percent remained on the meter! Split kicks, roundhouses, and haymakers were now all I would use, anything to hit more than one target! Eventually though... it happened...A cutscene showed the camera move to the crytal as it began to shake with power. Slowly, but surely it lifted out of its pedestal and began floating! With a cocophony of angelic surging and radiant building, a single beam of light fired from the top, cutting through the demonic arm and reducing it to mere shadows cast on the walls. The eye above was milky white within seconds, blinded by the divinity! A catastrophic blast of translucent energy radiated from the crystal, erasing all that was evil from this place. Nothing remained untouched as the humming sound of pure power flowed through the temple! It showed the light explode from the opened doors and the screen turned entirely white, as if out tv had been effected as well.In a flash we were back outside, all players falling from a short distance, like we had been carried to the ground by a phantom bird. We were passed out from what it showed, but the camera panned up and the towers was brand new! It slowly moved through the perfect tower of marble, pearl, gold, silver, and diamond until we reached the crystals chamber. Where the crystal glowed firmly, but only the paladins sword remained... He sacrificed himself to save the celestial tower!“Awesome guys, always love that one!” Phelix exploded with joy, his character flailing like a fool.“Wow, that ending was intense!” I replied laughing, my voice slurring ever so slightly.“Yeah, saw you jump when that happened!” Urving laughed a little, but I joined quickly knowing I did.“Damn I’m tired now! Didn't think that’d take so much outta me!” Barkley added with a long yawn and a small groan.“Thanks guys, that was fun. You staying on?” Urving asked them, though I was unsure if I could play much longer myself.“Nah, gonna hit the hay. Thanks though man.” Barkley and Urving’s characters fist bumped. “You kicked ass Spaz! Where was all that when we fought the other day?” I knew he couldn't resist one last jab.“Just you wait, I’ll get you back sometime soon!” We all laughed, as I got my avatar to coax Barkley with a wave of my fingers.“I’ll put money on Iza! From what I saw, he’s learning real quick!” Phelix commented, getting a scoff from Barkley.“Coming from the guy who refuses to go claw to claw...” Barkley teased and Urving added a childish “oooh”.“Whatever! I just don't want it to be to unfair, I do have guns after all!” Phelix chuckled and brushed off Barkley’s comment.“Well, g’night guys! I’ll see ya sometime next week prolly!” Urving said over their growing bickering.“Night Urving, see ya Spaz!” Barkley replied, immediately jumping back into mocking Phelix.“Bye guys! Thanks again Issac, sorry about Gene!” Phelix’s comment swelled my heart, but they disconnected before I could speak again.“Thank you...” I said with a grin, though only Urving could here.“Oh my gosh thanks buddy!” Uring was sort of loopy from the booze, but that only made him cheerier. “You did great, don't worry that ya died! It happens!” His paws were uncoordinated as he pat my shoulder and head.“Thanks, that was awesome! Did you wanna keep playing?” Asking this I felt a little odd, but returning to just two people renewed my interest.“Course! I’ve been having a blast!” Urving took a moment to smile at me, then took a long drink.Hours and hours passed with nothing to complain about, save occasionally the volume. Constant conflict, confusion, of collaboration required to acheve the goals set before us. Expanses of landscapes melded into one massive, tipsy blur. Underground caverns and ancient ruins began looking alike, as my bleary eyes fought to maintain continued focus on minor detail. We played well on into the night, time not a factor for Urving and I, though the supersoda was starting to wear off.Even though it’s not serious enough to warrant immense appreciation, I have to give a big thanks to this game. Urving and I surely would’ve bonded over something else, music, movies, anything! But nothing would have provided such a direct route to this level of teamwork... Nothing I can think of at least... The fact he wanted to share this with me so badly, resonantes within my soul. His inerrant attempts to reach me from day one, may only now be reaching my hearts roots, but I am feeling the growing love all the same. Knowing how Gene would’ve treated me for losing, or winning for that matter, I feel indebt to Urving... I’ll never be able to pay him back for being such a outstanding ally to me. Though I feel trapped and smothered, Urving is the shield which vanguards my security in this world... I owe him my life, just as much as I owe it to Dalton. Urving will receive nothing but friendship and acceptance from me, from now on! I secretly make a promise to make our time together, as good as it possibly can be!Waking some hours later, I was slumped up against Urving, who had an arm hung around me. Panic rode through me like a gang of outlaws, but I was too dizzy to react properly. Instead of leaping up, my body lazily shoved itself away, barely making it to the other end of the couch. Calming quickly, I groaned and clutched my woozy head, unable to clearly remember much of anything... We played Dread Bringer for a while, then... How long had I been asleep? Did I pass out before Urving? I had to of... The tv had gone into sleep mode leaving little light to work with, as I staggered to the bathroom and peed as accurately as I could.Returning to the living room I found several cans, bottles, and wrappers had been scattered to the floor by Urvings paw(foot), which rested on the coffee table. Collecting up the trash, I piled it on the counter, not wanting to touch the trashcan/generator while intoxicated. After mopping up a small spill, I was delirious, drained, and desperate for more sleep. Heading to my room something caught my eye and tugged at my heart... Urving was gently swatting his paw around, a little frown on his mug, as he searched for me in his sleep. With a small sigh, I decided it wouldn't be so bad to sleep on the couch tonight... Urving let out a small groan of relief when I returned, his paw clutching me gently for a moment. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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