1. Listen and tick ([pic]). (7 x 2 = 14 points)

|Lisa loves animals. She has many pets and helps in the animal zoo. |ליסה אוהבת בעלי חיים. יש לה חיות מחמד רבות והיא עוזרת בגן החיות. |

|Look at |הסתכלו על התמונות וקיראו את השאלות שבעמוד 2. כעת, האזינו וסמנו ב-( |

|the pictures and read the questions on page 2. Now listen and tick |את התשובות הנכונות. |

|the correct answers. |تحبّ ليزا الحيوانات. إنها تملك حيوانات أليفة كثيرة وتقدم المساعدة |

| |لحديقة الحيوانات. أنظروا إلى الصور واقرأوا الأسئلة الواردة في صفحة |

| |2. الآن، استمعوا وضعوا ( بجانب الإجابات الصحيحة. |

1. Lisa has ... .

[pic] [pic] [pic]

2. Lisa also has ... .

[pic] [pic] [pic]

3. At the zoo there are ... .

[pic] [pic] [pic]

4. Lisa goes to see the ... .

[pic] [pic] [pic]

5. At the pet zoo Lisa ... .

a. plays with the goats

b. gives the animals food and water

c. meets her friends

6. Lisa stays at the pet zoo ... .

a. for an hour

b. and eats supper

c. for two hours

7. Lisa’s friend wants ... .

a. a puppy

b. to work at the pet zoo

c. a kitten

2. Match. (10 x ½ = 5 points)

התאימו את המילים לתרגומים שלהם.

لائموا الكلمات مع ترجماتها.

1. pet a. يسبح / לשחות

2. fun b. حيوان أليف / חיית מחמד

3. same c. مكان / מקום

4. climb d. مجمّع تجاري / קניון

5. swim e. مرح، متعة / הנאה, כיף

6. place f. مساء / ערב

7. mall g. نفس الشيء / אותו הדבר

8. collect h. يجمع / לאסוף

9. evening i. دافئ / חמים

10. warm j. يتسلق / לטפס

3. Circle. (6 x 1 = 6 points)

הקיפו את המילה שאינה שייכת בכל שורה.

أحيطوا بدائرة الكلمة الشاذة في كل سطر.

1. over • catch • through • around 4. park • zoo • clinic • gate

2. lake • forest • cave • plant 5. teeth • neck • vet • face

3. sticker • tail • wing • horn 6. family • ugly • wild • beautiful

4. Complete. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

השלימו את המשפטים.

أكملوا الجمل.

paws • whales • look for • work • spider

newspaper • frog • fly • night • feed

1. We don’t go to school at …………………… .

2. I can’t find my pen. Can you help me …………………… it?

3. A …………………… is small and green or brown.

4. …………………… live in the sea.

5. Some birds can’t …………………… .

6. My father reads the …………………… every day.

7. Mothers …………………… their babies.

8. A dog has four …………………… .

9. Do you …………………… at the mall?

10. A …………………… has eight legs.

5. Match. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

התאימו A לB- כדי ליצור צירופי מילים.

لائموا A مع B لتأليف تراكيب الكلمات.


1. Don’t a. what?

2. Guess b. turn.

3. Meet c. friends.

4. That’s d. worry!

5. Your e. right!

6. Write. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

כיתבו a, an או some לפני כל בעל חיים.

أكتبوا a، an أو some قبل كل حيوان.

1. …………………… iguana 6. …………………… gorillas

2. …………………… tigers 7. …………………… mouse

3. …………………… elephant 8. …………………… lynx

4. …………………… spider 9. …………………… penguins

5. …………………… snakes 10. …………………… alligator

7. Circle. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

הקיפו את המילים הנכונות.

أحيطوا بدائرة الكلمات المناسبة.

1. Tali work / works at a clinic.

2. Ido and Dan eat / eats breakfast at 7 o’clock.

3. Amir play / plays football every afternoon.

4. I read / reads a book every night.

5. The boys watch / watches TV every day.

6. My grandparents live / lives in Haifa.

7. Shira walk / walks to school.

8. Abed and Fatima ride / rides their bikes in the park.

9. I swim / swims in the sea.

10. My puppy sleep / sleeps on my bed.

8. Circle and write. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

ענו על השאלות.

أجيبوا عن الأسئلة.

|Yes, |it |do. |

|No, |they |does. |

| | |don’t. |

| | |doesn’t. |

|1.[pic] |Does a gorilla eat vegetables and fruit? |

| |………………………………………… |

|2.[pic] |Does a tiger live in a house? |

| |………………………………………… |

|3.[pic] |Do birds fly? |

| |………………………………………… |

|4.[pic] |Do polar bears read books? |

| |………………………………………… |

|5.[pic] |Does a spider have a tail? |

| |………………………………………… |

9. a. Read and complete. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

קיראו על הפנדה והשלימו את כרטיס המידע.

إقرأوا عن الباندا وأكملوا بطاقة المعلومات.

|Panda Bears |

|Panda bears are beautiful animals. There are only about 1,000 pandas in the world and they are in danger.|

|They live in forests in China. |

|Pandas are black and white and they have black ears. They have short tails. Pandas weigh 160 kilos and |

|are 1-1.5 meters tall. |

|Pandas eat bamboo and drink water. They can eat for 16 hours a day! Pandas can stand on two legs. The can|

|climb trees and they can swim. Pandas live for 20-35 years. |

|We need to save panda bears. |


|Animal: |panda bear |

|Lives in: | |

|Lives for: | |

|Eats: | |

|Color: | |

|More facts: | |

|(עובדות / حقائق) | |

b. Answer. (2 x 2 = 4 points)

ענו על השאלות.

أجيبوا عن الأسئلة.

1. What can pandas do?

2. What do they drink?

10. a. Complete. (6 x 2 = 12 points)

השלימו את המשפטים עם מידע מהכרטיס.

أكملوا الجمل بمعلومات من البطاقة.


|Animal: |giraffe |

|Lives in: |Africa |

|Lives for: |20-25 years |

|Eats: |leaves |

|Color: |yellow with brown spots |

|More facts: |has a very long neck and horns, has a very long black tongue, can kill a lion, sleeps|

|(עובדות / حقائق) |standing up, sleeps for 5-30 minutes a day, eats about 30 kilos a day, can run very |

| |fast |

A giraffe lives in 1.…………………… and lives for 2.……………………………… years. It has a very long 3.…………………… and 4.…………………… . A giraffe sleeps 5.……………………………… and for only 5-30 6.…………………… a day.

b. Write. (2 x 2 = 4 points)

כיתבו שני משפטים נוספים על הג'ירפה. השתמשו בכרטיס המידע.

أكتبوا جملتين إضافيتين عن الزرافة، إستعملوا بطاقة المعلومات.




1. Match. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

התאימו את המילים לתרגומים שלהם.

لائموا الكلمات مع ترجماتها.

1. tame a. קומיקס / كوميكس

2. honey b. לאמץ / يتبنى

3. comics c. מאולף / مروّض

4. save d. דבש / عسل

5. adopt d. להציל / ينقذ

2. Complete. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

השלימו את המשפטים.

أكملوا الجمل.

honey • in danger • take off • tame • belong to

1. Who does this book …………………… ?

2. There are many animals …………………… .

3. Please …………………… your shoes before you come in.

4. My cat isn’t wild. It’s …………………… .

5. Bees make …………………… .
















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