Support Group Re-Affiliation Application FormIt is brilliant news that you are now applying to be re-affiliated with PANDAS Foundation and we’d like to say thank you for all your hard work agreeing to continue as a support group with PANDAS.You will be making a big difference in helping to support individuals and their families living with perinatal mental illnesses. When your re-affiliation is completed, you will be able to continue running as a PANDAS Support Group.To re-affiliate with PANDAS, it is essential that you and your deputies complete the below, have a current DBS check and have completed the online safeguarding training.Before completing this application form, please ensure you have read the updated affiliation guidelines below. The re-affiliation forms must be returned to the PANDAS team (, no later than Monday 31st of December 2018, along with a completed risk assessment document for your venue (see attached details). We will start processing your application as soon as we receive it.Guidelines for AffiliationAffiliation is granted by PANDAS Foundation for 12 months at the time. This affiliation runs for 12 months from your reaffiliation date (for example from 1st of January to 31st of December but could be any date within the calendar year). Affiliation is renewable on an annual basis. There is currently no fee for affiliation but we ask for donations to cover the costs that occur from DBS checks and training provided. To remain affiliated, your group is required to complete and submit an annual re-affiliation by the date specified by PANDAS Foundation. The aim of your group is to provide peer support for individuals living with perinatal mental illnesses, their carers and family members. You must ensure that your group’s activities are in line with this aim.Your group must keep accurate accounts and maintain good practice in the administration of funds. We strongly recommend that all raised or donated funds are held in the group’s name. A copy of the group’s latest accounts should be sent to PANDAS foundation with your reaffiliation form and on request within the affiliation year. Your group should only generate sufficient funds to allow for the group’s operation, administration and development. Surplus funds can be donated to PANDAS foundation for national causes.Your group needs to nominate a primary contact between the group and PANDAS foundation. The group will inform PANDAS Foundation if the name/address/telephone number of the primary contact changes at the earliest opportunity. The primary contact will discuss any changes in running of the group with PANDAS Foundation at the earliest opportunity. PANDAS Foundation will maintain a national register of information for people who want to locate their nearest PANDAS Support Group. We will give the group contact details to parents/carers/family members seeking a support group in your area. We will also publish the group contact details, together with the venue name and postcode on our website to enable online searches. Failure to communicate with the PANDAS Foundation can lead to immediate termination of affiliation. To remain affiliated with PANDAS Foundation, the primary contact and deputy (along with anyone who is left in sole responsibility of a group session) must have a current DBS check which will be updated after 24 months, must have completed safeguarding training and any other training as is deemed necessary. Any changes in your DBS status must be communicated with us. We understand that many of our support group leaders have experienced perinatal mental illness themselves and that sometimes it can be challenging supporting others who are experiencing difficult times. Your wellbeing is very important to us. If you feel at any time you are becoming unwell, we would expect you to let us know as soon as possible and we will do all we can to help and support you through this.Your group’s activities should be as low risk as possible. You must comply with the risk assessment guidance to remain in line with PANDAS insurance policy.As a benefit of affiliation, PANDAS Foundation provides public liability insurance for PANDAS Support Groups.Your group is required to maintain an up-to-date register of members. This will confirm the group’s membership in the event of an insurance claim involving a group member. These should be kept in a safe/locked away, in order to comply with PANDAS data protection and confidentiality policies. Information should be kept at a minimum – you should not gather details from members that are not needed at that specific time. We would advise you to keep their name and contact number/email address. Further details are not required in order to fulfil your role.Monthly supervision is undertaken in the form of an online survey or phone call on request, so the PANDAS Foundation can ensure that groups are running smoothly and address any concerns, whilst taking on board your needs as a group leader. Failure to complete supervision for 3 consecutive months, without explanation, can lead to immediate termination of affiliation.We also ask for you to attend a networking and training session four times a year, this usually takes place as an online Zoom-session. If you need support with the system, please contact us. If you are unable to attend, please contact us for alternative arrangements.PANDAS policies and procedures must be adhered to at all times, policies are available on request and provided upon affiliation and whenever updates are made.You must follow PANDAS guidelines for fundraising on a local level – you are able to apply for grants/community funding, but as a PANDAS support group, you are not permitted to apply for national funding. PANDAS Foundation promotes the use of social media for advertising your local support groups. PANDAS social media guidelines advise against having closed Facebook group associated with your support group. Facebook pages are more appropriate and open for everyone to see, this is to avoid potential safeguarding concerns. Group attendees can be referred to PANDAS Closed Facebook Group or email support if online support is required. These services are run by volunteers with specific training and support for these roles.All social media platforms must be designed using the relevant PANDAS logos and posting will be in line with PANDAS guidelines. Social media platforms associated with your groups will be checked to ensure PANDAS guidelines are being followed.Failure to comply with social media guidelines and lead to suspending your affiliation with PANDAS.Affiliation with PANDAS must be used appropriately. Primarily your role is to run a support group. Local networking is a great way to raise the profile of your group, however this must come secondary to the running of the support group.We greatly value your support and would like to keep you informed about our work to help further our charitable aims. We may contact you by phone, emails or post for this purpose from time to time.Group Name (Please start or end your name with ‘PANDAS Support Group’ e.g. Nottingham PANDAS Support Group or PANDAS Support Group Nottingham)-1269988900Group Primary Contact The primary contact is the main contact with PANDAS Foundation. Their name and telephone number will be given to individuals and their families looking for a support group in your area.NameAddressTownCityPostcodeTelephone EmailWe are looking to ensure that each group has a deputy leader as an additional point of contact. You may not have someone in mind at the moment, but please give this some thought. We are always available to give you some support with this, please just let us know ( EmailGroup Contact DetailsWe advise that you create an alternative email address to use for support group enquiries, to keep your personal contact details protected, e.g. Please state below if you have an alternative email address that you would like us to use to contact you/send enquiries from service users to. You may also like to do the same with a phone number. We will display these on our website with your consent.1320800152400Email if applicable 132080088900Phone if applicable Links/Names of any social media accounts e.g. Facebook page, Twitter, blogs etc.063500Your venue(s) NameAddressPostcode Information about your groupPANDAS support groups provide a range of activities and link up with a number of outside agencies to support individuals and their families. 190528956000635313690e.g – Midwives/ other voluntary services.e.g – Midwives/ other voluntary services.Please can you tell us which outside agencies that you intend to/ have got involved in your group:Support Group FundsDoes your support group have a bank account? YES/NO (please delete as appropriate) If yes, what is your bank account nameAnd details?292105143500Meeting TimesHow often will your group meet? (weekly, fortnightly, monthly) 292106350000Which day and time will your group meet? (if fortnightly/monthly, please state which weeks e.g. 1st Thursday/2nd and 4th Friday of the month)292105016500SafeguardingAs part of the affiliation process in regard to the safeguarding of your group members, it is important that we and you know who to contact if you have any concerns about your group members. Please could you provide below the details of your local safeguarding board or the lead person for safeguarding in your area.As Group Leader it is your responsibility to raise any safeguarding concerns directly with the contact you identify below. The PANDAS Foundation are able to offer support and reassurance in regards to this if needed, but ultimately it is your responsibility to raise concerns in a timely manner. NameAddressTelephoneDBS and Safeguarding TrainingTo re-affiliate with PANDAS Foundation, you must hold a current DBS certificate and have completed the online safeguarding training. Please indicate that you have done this below:LeaderDeputyDBS Certificate NumberDate on DBS if applicableSafeguarding Training StatusPersonal InformationPANDAS Foundation will use the information provided by you for administrative purposes. We will also pass the contact details of your group to individuals and their families looking for a support group in your area. We will never write to the venue address, but it’s important that we know the postcode and venue name so that when people contact us to look for a PANDAS Support Group we can search for their nearest group by postcode.We may want to share information with other organisations that are in partnership with us and who support our aims and objectives. Please tick the box if you’d prefer us not to share your details.35837112935DeclarationOn behalf of the PANDAS Support Group specified below, I confirm that the group will comply with:The PANDAS Support Groups guidelines of affiliation included in this form and any updates communicated by PANDAS Foundation from time to time.The terms of the public liability insurance provided by PANDAS Foundation.The terms of the Code of Conduct in the PANDAS Support Groups.The PANDAS Foundation Social Media Guidelines.The guidelines for monthly supervision.The fact that The PANDAS Foundation reserves the right to amend guidelines and will communicate any changes by email.Signed :Name:Date :For and on behalf of (your group’s name):Your role within the group: ................

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