I can create, capture and manipulate sounds, text and ...


Endangered Pandas

Pandas are rare today and are protected by law in China. In 1963, the first panda was exhibited in a zoo outside of China. Today, there are more than a dozen pandas in most zoos. Pandas can be seen in zoos in Washington D.C, Mexico City, London, Tokyo, Madrid, Paris, and Berlin. All pandas in zoos are given double names; this is a Chinese custom, which indicates affection. Scientists study the zoo pandas in hope to learn how to save wild pandas from extinction. There are only about 700 to 1000 pandas alive in the world today.

Imagine you are one of the scientists that are researching pandas and a philanthropist has come to you and offered you a substantial research grant if you can persuade him that your research deserves. He asks you, “What makes a Panda so special that it should be saved?”…. your response is crucial!!!!

In both short and extended texts, I can use appropriate punctuation, vary my sentence structures and divide my work into paragraphs in a way that makes sense to my reader.


LIT 2-22a

Throughout the writing process, I can check that my writing makes sense and meets its purpose.


LIT 2-23a

I am learning to use language and style in a way which engages and / or influences my reader.

Creating Texts

ENG 2-27a

Learning Intention ~ I can use personal research to create a persuasive piece of writing.

Success Criteria – have you… (Tick as you have achieved) ???

← I have used emotive and descriptive language to engage the reader’s emotion

← I have punctuated accurately

← I have used paragraphs effectively to organise my ideas

← I have proof read and self-corrected using a variety of resources

You have completed a research task on Pandas previously (see topic jotter). Use the information gathered to create a persuasive piece of writing detailing why you should receive the research grant money.


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