
Script:(OZIE): Hello! And welcome to the Ozie Gilbert Show! As always we are the place to go, if you wanna get in the know! In tonight’s program we will be discussing conspiracy theories and paranormal phenomenon. We will be looking at the mysterious Mandela Effect. We will be peering into the secrets of Jay’s Grave, and we will be gaining an exclusive insight into one of the most weird and abstract conspiracy theories with one of Britain’s top experts. Let’s introduce him now! Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Timothy Phillips!(OZIE and TIM stand and shake hands)(OZIE): Hello Timothy! Welcome to the show, it’s a pleasure to have you!(TIM): Hello Ozie, it’s great to be here.(OZIE): Can I call you Tim?(TIM): Of course!(OZIE): Great. So Tim, I hear you are one of Britain’s top experts in the world of conspiracy theories. (TIM): Yes, I’ve been working in the field for several years now, and I am well regarded by the community at large. You could say I am expert, if you want.(OZIE): Great! So tell us Tim, for those viewers at home who do not know, what is a conspiracy theory?(TIM): Well Ozie, a conspiracy theory is the belief of those who are able to see the cracks in an otherwise normal story, that some covert but influential organization or paranormal force is responsible for an unexplained event.(OZIE): Fascinating! Can you give us an example of a theory?(TIM): Well the most famous theory that is out there is the theory that the Moon Landing of 1969 was faked by the government. There are many different pieces of undisputed evidence that backs up this claim, including eye witness reports from people who claimed to have seen Neil Armstrong during the period he was meant to have been on the Moon.(OZIE): That sounds interesting. Now what about yourself? Which theory do you most believe in?(TIM): Well one of my favourite conspiracies is the Mandela Effect. (OZIE): Well isn’t that a coincidence worthy of a theory of its own? We had sent one of our on-field presenters to look into the Mandela Effect earlier this week! Let’s see how they got on!(Insert the Insert)(OZIE): Wow… amazing…(TIM): Mmm, Yeah…(OZIE): As always Joe gives a stunning insight into the things we discuss on the Ozie Gilbert Show. Tim, what did you think of it? (TIM): I thought it was really interesting, Ozie. I mean we all fall into the trap of the Mandela Effect at some point in our lives whether we want to or not. The examples Joe gave are just some of the most common of the ways we all do.(Ozie): I find it interesting that so many people don’t actually notice they’re falling prey to the effect sooner. They could go months, even years, being under the false impressions of the Mandela Effect. (TIM): It’s one of life’s great mysteries. The biggest problem, for us who are effected, to do with this effect is that there is no exact point in time when it started, as there are examples of the effect that date back as early as 1912 with the Ford logo.(OZIE): The Ford logo?(TIM): Yeah. The Ford logo has a loop in the F. It’s been there since 1912. People who are pointed out to it swear it hasn’t been there before.(OZIE): Wow, really? I did not notice that. (TIM): There you go, then. An example of the Mandela Effect right here. Because of things like this, we in the community cannot warn people as to who or what is behind the effect. They have been clever in eluding us. (OZIE): Wow, thats really interesting! I guess we will all have to take care to remember the reality around us.(TIM): Indeed we must, Ozie. (OZIE): Indeed. Anyway, we must move on with the show Ladies and Gentlemen, because we got a tip off from another conspiracy theorist that recommended that we look into the mystery of Kitty Jay’s Grave on Dartmoor. (TIM): Oh, that’s an interesting place indeed. I’ve been meaning to look into Jay’s Grave in greater detail myself one day. (OZIE): Well then, Tim, I guess you can use our next clip as a starting point for your research. Let’s take a look!(Insert the Insert)(OZIE): Wow, what a mysterious place!(TIM): Indeed it is, Ozie. It has baffled theorists for years. (OZIE): Really?(TIM: Yeah. There’s loads of theories that I’ve seen but never had a chance to look into. There’s theories that she was murdered by the government and they tried to cover it up but someone found out and they made it a folklore tale to spread the word, there’s theories that Jay’s ghost wanders the moors and haunts Hound Tor, there’s even a theory she was killed by aliens and they buried a landing beacon in her grave with her!(OZIE): Wow, that all sounds fascinating!(TIM): It really is, Ozie. Did you know that each morning there’s fresh flowers on the grave?(OZIE): Really? Who puts them there?(TIM): That’s the thing. No one knows who puts the flowers there. They’re just there.(OZIE): Wow… (TIM): I know.(OZIE): Well maybe some of our viewers at home can look into the mystery of Jay’s Grave and find the answers themselves!(TIM): Let’s hope so, I’d love to see more theorists in the community.(OZIE): So Tim, How about yourself? What kind of conspiracy theories happen to you a lot? (TIM): You mean besides the ones we have discussed today?(OZIE): Yeah. Has there ever been a point in your life that you’ve been wrapped up in a conspiracy theory yourself?(TIM): (INSERT CONSPIRACY THEORY HERE)(OZIE): How inspiring! Well that’s all we have time for today, folks, because we are out of time! I want to say a big “thank you” to you Timothy Phillips for coming here today and helping us unravel the mysteries of the conspiracies.(TIM): It’s been a pleasure being here, Ozie. Thank you for having me!(OZIE): You’re welcome, Tim, It’s been a pleasure having you! As ever, Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be back next week with a brand new theme, brand new guests, and a brand new way for you to get in the know, because this is the place to go! Take care, bye bye for now! ................

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