SSC Meeting Minutes for February 13, 2007

Members Present: Richard DaSylveira, Micki Webb, Lori Vogelgesang, Lisa Starr, Hina Yousufzai, Chris Buckly, Patti Hecht, Terri Haywood, Kent Haywood, Sheri Weitz, Stacey Hayes.

Guests Present: Ron Mito, Tom Cox

Meeting began at 3:40

Committees presented first:


Donor wall – David e-mailed Alison to inform the committee that the sign is ready to be installed. Elizabeth is going to make contact with the GDC – to see if they want to continue a relationship with the school or not. 4th and 5th graders have finished the first book and started a second. 5th graders are reading Bridge to Terabithia and 4th are reading Hoot in Literacy circles All is going well. Gail La Croix is heading the Campbell’s Labels –project. The library has a number of parents helping in the library in many different ways. Most classes have a parent helper and it makes a big difference to the running of the library.

Arts Prototype : The Arts committee has used their budget money to schedule several assemblies for the students. These include Nigerian drums, Storytelling, Lula Washington Dance, Flowers of the Desert Dance.

G.A.T.E: Final High Acheivement and Speific Academic Abilty paperwork has been turned in as of 1/22/07. The committee has recommended approximately 15 students for Intellectual testing. Anne Fleming from the distrct office says that it will be about a 2 month turnaround time to get a psychologist out to the school for testing. The committee has discussed upcoming professional development for the teachers.

The proposed PD's will focus on differentiated learning for the gifted student. In collaboration with the Open Court and Math coaches, the committee is looking to host professional developments which address the needs of our gifted learners in each academic area (i.e Reading, Math, Science, etc.).

The first PD will be held in the computer lab and will focus on how to use technology as a tool to teach our gifted students. The committee has reviewed the surveys received from the parents at the first meeting. We are looking to have our next meeting in March sometime before spring break. The committee is still discussing possible topics for discussion during this next parent meeting.

Technology: LAUSD Microsoft Award meeting was attended by Maureen Larouche. The award will be distributed to Title 1 schools during the first year and if fund remain other schools will receive money as reimbursements for math/science purchases.

Safety Discipline: We discussed Safe-Moves assembly for Wednesday, January 31st. Confirmation of assembly was mailed and followed up by phone confirmation. Raul was notified about necessity of microphone and table for upcoming assembly. Assembly schedule was confirmed, along with assembly times. Assembly schedule was run -off, placed in staff mailboxes and posted at sign-in sheet.

CNC: May Chao, Susie Bachnofer, and Leslie Meadows have been working on the curriculum. CNC was not charged by the district. A new rendering has been developed and will cost additional dollars. Bobby and Jim may need a contractor to do another piece of the job. Bobby is not comfortable about building to different plans. CNC would like to get the work with Bobby settled and then will push the district to complete and fund. Bobby is not comfortable doing part of the design. Bobby does not want to do Green Wall and does not want to put turf stone in because it was damaged. He wants to put asphalt and concrete. Donors Choose Website is a place that you can post your grant and people who have funding can choose to fund your grant. This is available to schools and teachers. Sheri requested time for Ms. Buckly to have five minutes at the next faculty meeting to present the Donors choose Website. Mr. DaSylveira agreed to give Ms. Buckly time at the next meeting to present at the next faculty meeting.

Special Education Meeting:

Last school year administration made a commitment to SSC that Special education would continue to be in compliance and distribute information effectively. This year we are fulfilling this commitment by creating an email list, scheduling meetings covering topics such as goals for the academic year and accommodations and modifications. During this last meeting, Micki Webb and Michele Johnson presented an explanation of accommodations and modifications to the parents. They discussed issues such as implications of such on state testing and provided parents with suggestions on how they could provide accommodations at home. "A Very Special Arts Festival" is an event at the Music Center which is coming up in which our students will be performing. The parents received all this information with such enthusiasm that they have requested another meeting before the last meeting in May. Next meeting topics might include topics such as social skills and the use of manipulatives.

Magnet Proposal : all members have received a copy of the magnet proposal and have had time to look it over and suggest feedback. Thank you to Terri Haywood for her feedback. Administration will draw up a letter of support and submit it to the members for their approval and send the proposal in next week. Additional resources will be available through the district and the district will collaborate with the school to work out the details. More needs to be developed but we have completed the first step which is drafting the proposal. Lori Vogelgesang made a suggestion for community support to include Los Angeles instead of local Magnet application acceptance.

Approval of Minutes- minutes were approved for the January SSC meeting as submitted.

A request was made by one of the guests to receive the minutes prior to the following meeting. It was agreed that Hina would include those guests requesting minutes when she sent them via email.

Vertical Teaming: Teachers were grouped from K-5th and asked to dialog about grade level standards. What do grades mean? Number values for grades 1-4 don’t work well therefore amplify the conditions that meet 1 and narrow the conditions that meet a 2 on report cards. Certain values are required to meet requirements to attend summer school. It was recommended that communication be given to parents explaining what values 1-4 mean.

Action Item: Before 2nd grading period, this is during the middle of March, a parent letter will be sent out communicating an evaluation of number values on report cards which can be attached to appointment letters.

Letter values for grades such as A-F are different than number values 1-4. This should be communicated across the board. What kind of questions could you ask? The SSC could add to letters based on experiences that parents had.

Vertical planning helps teachers at various grade levels to align and view standards as they build from one grade level to another.

Old Business

Art Reflections entries have gone to district and all 15 students who submitted entries were recognized.

Agenda Item for next SSC meeting: direct donation drive update from Booster.

Meeting adjourned at 5:40pm.

Next meeting will take place on March 13, of Form


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