Parent University

Parent University

Registration Form

2203 Abercorn Street Savannah GA 31401 (912) 507-8566 or 201-2155

The session will be held October 22, 2011 from 9:00 AM ? 1:30 PM at

Savannah High School 400 Pennsylvania Avenue

Savannah Ga. 31404

Please complete the form and mail to Parent University -or- Fax to 912 201-2155 Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________ State: ______________ Zip: ____________ Home Phone #: ___________________________ Cell Phone #: ________________________ Email address: ________________________________________________________________ Gender: Female _____ Male _____ Ethnicity: __________________________ T-shirt size _______ AGE: 17 & under:___ 18 to 30:___ 31 to 59:___ 60 and above:___

Breakfast snacks and beverages will be available to those who arrive early enough

Please list school(s) your children attend _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ If childcare is needed, please list the name(s) and age(s) of your child or children: Name: ______________________________________________________ Age: _____________ Name: ______________________________________________________ Age: _____________ Name: ______________________________________________________ Age: _____________

Character and virtues classes for children 7 to 11 yrs old if they want to attend... Learn School Discipline and Custodial LAW and get important TAX TIPS

Special Training for our SCCPSS Teachers

Get fit with ZUMBA classes

New Mentors and Coaches for our youth activities Horseback Riding with Melvin of the Carolina Cowboy

Come be part of our Health Screening by South University

And more stuff

Lunch at no cost at Parent University... All activities are free.

Bring a new parent and register to win more valuable stuff including a... Win a Free NooK Book and Home Computer or Laptop

Para Professionals and Teachers can now earn "Professional learning Credits" For more information call 912 507 8566 or 912 395-1096


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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