Be Mines 2005 Symposium - China–

Be Mines 2,005 Symposium

Registration (in-process)

Version: August 30th, 2,005

Registration is free. Participation is open to the public. In order to encourage maximum development in the shortest reasonable and most responsible time frame, it will be necessary to enable those with known small-to-medium deposits to attend. Further, it will be critically important to enable people to ask questions and to receive informed, frank, truthful answers. All attendees, speakers, etc., will have to pay all their own expenses and make all their own arrangements for places to stay, etc.

The goals of the “Be Mines 2,005 Symposium” are to:

(Produce beryllium for the manufacture of body armor for U.S. and Allied servicemen “In Harm’s Way” in Afghanistan and Iraq. The present shortage of body armor is costing the lives of many servicemen and -women.

(Make jobs and prosperity for Park County and the surrounding region. Beryllium is selling at an all-time high price at present, a situation that is expected to continue. Far more demand exists than there is supply.

The Be Mines 2,005 Symposium was held at the Fairplay Hotel, in Fairplay, CO on August 25th-26th. It was followed by a field trip on August 27th to the area (around Badger Flats) identified during the 1950s-1970s by USGS geologist Dr. Wallace “Wally” Griffitts (and others, i.e., Charles “Chuck” Hawley) as being anomalously mineralized. These addresses, etc., are provided to enable those interested to keep in touch with each other and, hopefully, to jump-start a traditional industry in Park County.

Fairplay Hotel

P.O. Box 639

500 Main Street

Fairplay, CO 80440-0639

Tel: 719-836-2565

Fax: 719-836-2735


E-Mail: BandB@

Since it is desirable to work amicably and closely with local elected and appointed officials in a project that has long-term development and jobs potential, formal guidance is being sought from Jim Gardner (County Commissioner), Leni Walker (County Commissioner), John Tighe (County Commissioner) and Nancy Comer (Alma Court Clerk & Treasurer). In like manner, since federal lands are being described, evaluated for resources, etc., it necessary to follow applicable laws and regulations and is very desirable to keep them actively informed: hence we include Sara Mayben (District Ranger, U.S. Forest Service), Charlie Fair (Geologist, BLM Field Office, Canon City) and, from the USGS, Karen Duttweiler Kelley and Pete Modreski. Ditto for State of Colorado people, like Harry H. Posey, Bruce Humphries, Jim Cappa, John W. Keller and Tim Kelly. Local respected leaders (e.g., Ken Chlouber, Republican and Carl Miller, Democrat) with statewide recognition are similarly critical for the success of this effort.

To be added to this list, please send an E-Mail to: lvmaness@, providing all the details you wish to be included.

David M. Abbott, Jr., CPG

2266 Forest Street

Denver, CO 80207-3831

Tel: 303-394-0321


Consulting Geologist. Very experienced in economic evaluations of mineral properties.

James “Jim” Cappa, Chief, Mineral and Mineral Fuels Section

Colorado Geological Survey

1313 Sherman Street, Room 715

Denver, CO 80203-2239

WTel: 303-866-3293 WFax: 303-866-4445


Geologist, Colorado Geological Survey

Nancy Comer

P.O. Box 621

Fairplay, CO 80440-….

WTel: 719-836-2712


Alma Court Clerk & Treasurer

(Nancy wishes to be kept informed, but will not be able to be directly involved, for reasons of time.)

Charlie Fair, Geologist

2853 Melvina …

Canon City, CO 81812-….

HTel: 719-275-0759 WTel: 719-269-8500 x 8533


Geologist, Canon City BLM Field Office

Warren I. Finch


DMC Member. Retired USGS: very knowledgeable about beryllium mineralization.

James “Jim” Gardner

P.O. Box 1373

Fairplay, CO 80440-1373

WTel: 719-836-4211 or personal jambgard@

County Commissioner, Park County

(Has small Beryllium property. Probably not large enough to interest a major mining company, but capable of producing at a modest profit, under the right circumstances.)

Wallace Griffitts, Ph.D.

810 14th Street

Boulder, CO 80302-7620

Tel: 303-442-3014


Geologist. Retired, USGS. Foremost authority on beryllium.

Charles “Chuck” Hawley, Ph.D.

941 East Dowling Road

Anchorage, AK 99518-…

WTel: 907-522-9200


Geologist & CEO, Hawley Resources Groups, Inc. 1963 CU-Boulder Ph.D. dissertation on beryllium mineralization in South Park. Mentored at USGS by Dr. Wally Griffitts.

Frederick B. “Fred” Henderson, III, pHD, Chairman

Hendco Services

P.O. Box 84

Nathrop, CO 81236-….

WTel: 719-295-0440 Fax: 719-395-0440


Fred is a pHD geologist with much experience in remote sensing, a discipline in which he is very well known. He is active in Chaffee County water and ranching issues and interested in beryllium minerals, both as gemstones and as ore that can be used to ease the shortage of body armor, etc.

Keven Huffstutler, Lead Contact Representative

Bureau of Land Management, Colorado State Office

Information Access Center – Public Room

2850 Youngfield Street

Lakewood, CO 80215-7093

WTel: 303-239-3600 WFax: 303-239-3933


(Provides advice to general public about how to file mining claims and related matters. Will send BLM materials to requestors.)

Bruce Humphries

Division of Minerals and Geology

Denver, CO 802..-….


Active Mines Program Director. Will arrange for someone from his division to participate in the symposium. A formal presentation about state requirements is likely.

Keith Jones

Jones Gems & Minerals

1219 Harrison Street

Canon City, CO 81212-….


In rock-hounding business with his brothers, Wayne, Levi & Devon.

John W. Keller, Geologist

Colorado Geological Survey

1313 Sherman Street, Room 715

Denver, CO 80203-2239

WTel: 303-866-3458 Cell: 303-358-7711 WFax: 303-866-4445


Geologist, Colorado Geological Survey

Karen Duttweiler Kelley, Ph.D.

P.O. Box 25046, M/S 964, Federal Center

Denver, CO 80225

WTel: 303-236-2467 WFax: 303-236-3200


Geologist, USGS. Will not be able to attend, due to a conflict in schedule. Wants to be kept informed.

Timothy J. Kelly, CPG

Minerals Unit Leasing Manager

Colorado State Board of Land Commissioners

1313 Sherman Street, Room 621

Denver, CO 80203-….

WTel: 303-866-3934 Fax: 303-866-3152

Geologist, Board of Land Commissioners

Wendy Kerner, Teacher (2nd-4th grades)

Edith Teter Elementary School

P.O. Box 189

Fairplay, CO 80440-0189


Wishes to be kept informed.

Lindsey V. Maness, Jr.

12875 West 15th Drive

Golden, CO 80401-3501

Tel: 303-237-6590


Geologist & Miner. Participant and speaker.

Sara Mayben, District Ranger

U.S. Forest Service

P.O. Box 219

Fairplay, CO 80440-0219

WTel: 719-836-2031

District Ranger, U.S. Forest Service. To speak about federal requirements and will have materials to distribute to interested people about federal regulations, etc.

Dean Misantoni

151 Placer Drive

Alma, CO 80420-….

P.O. Box 19

Alma, CO 80420-0019

719-836-2290 or 719-839-9008



Pete Modreski, Ph.D.

P.O. Box 25046, M/S 150, Federal Center

Denver, CO 80225

WTel: 303-202-4766


USGS Geologist.

Douglas C. Peters, P.G.

169 Quaker Street

Golden, CO 80401-5543




James R. “Jim” Piper

11097 West Roxbury Avenue

Littleton, CO 80127-5809

WTel: 303-932-0137



Harry H. Posey

Division of Minerals & Geology

1313 Sherman Street, Room 215

Denver, CO 80203-….

WTel: 303-866-2937 WFax: 303-832-8106

Senior Environmental Protection Specialist. To give paper on state requirements.

John M. Reiber

P.O. Box 297

Fairplay, CO 80440


6665 S. Jay Drive

Littleton, CO 80123

Earth Energy Resources, Llc.

(son of Maury, a miner)

Maury Reiber

P.O. Box 297

Fairplay, CO 80440-0297

Mine Owner

Lee R. Rice, P.E.

10920 West Alameda Avenue

Lakewood, CO 80226-2680

Cell Tel: 303-358-4163 WFax: 303-989-3820


Geologist & Mining Engineer

Phillip “Phil” Sabey

P.O. Box 815

Delta, UT 84624-0815

Direct WTel: 435-864-1233 or 2701.

Also WTel: 435-864-3688 or 800-862-4118



Brush Resources, Inc. (Brush-Wellman) Exec.

Dan Shawe

1805 South Balsam …, No. 323

Lakewood, CO 80232-….

Tel: 303-237-7195


Geologist and Mining Engineer. Has Be mining experience.

Norman J. Singer, Managing Partner

Powder River Land & Exploration, Llc.

885 South Garfield Street

Denver, CO 80209-….

Cell Tel: 303-378-4176


Resources Attorney. Investor.

Mohamed Ali Suleiman

Plot # 22720 Matero East

Great North Road

Lusaka, Zambia

WTel: +2601240536 WFax: +2601240491

Cell: +26097747998 or +26096747998


Mohamed is a Somali by birth, a Tanzanian by passport and a Zambian by residence. Mohamed as a businessman has strong ties with all three countries and, in particular, with the present “Somali Government” recognized by the USA. Mohamed, with an university professor friend and a Zambian Geological Survey geologist, have together spent the past several months evaluating Zambia and Somalia for beryllium-resource potential. A paper about some of the known beryllium resources of Zambia will be presented at the symposium by someone standing-in for him. Mohamed is seeking investors and/or knowledgeable mining partners.

John Tighe

P.O. Box 1373

Fairplay, CO 80440-1373

WTel: 719-836-2771


County Commissioner: Park County

Steven “Steve” Wade Veatch

Florissant, CO 80816-…. (Woodland Park, CO)

HTel: 719-748-5010


Adjunct Professor at Emporia State University. Member, Colorado Springs Mineralogical Society.

Leni Walker

P.O. Box 1373

Fairplay, CO 80440-1373

WTel: 719-836-2771 or 719-836-4209


County Commissioner: Park County

Andy Weinzapfel

315 Crystal Peak Road

Florissant, CO 80816-9423

(Interested in Be minerals, etc.)

James “Jim” Wallace



(Geologist interested in Be mines & mining. Will not attend, but wishes to be kept informed.)

Tom Wiens

WTel: 303-866-4869


Rebecca@ (Rebecca Stine: Exec. Asst.)

State Senator

(District includes Fairplay. Horse Rancher, Banking. Recommended by Ken Chlouber.)

David “Dave” B. Wissel

P.O. Box 636

Fairplay, CO 80440-0636

WTel: 719-836-4331 WFax: 719-836-4193


Park County Assessor

Ben Wright

Mine Owner


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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