Unit 1 Study GuideSystems of governmentUnitaryConfederalFederalismForms of govtAutocracyDemocracyOligarchyRepublicDirect democracy vs Representative democracyPresidential democracy vs Parliamentary democracy John LockeThomas HobbesRousseauMontesquieuDeclaration of Independence Purpose? Who did it break the colonies away from?Who wrote it?Who influenced it ?Articles of ConfederationWhat was it?Major weakness?Shay’s Rebellion- ConstitutionVirginia Plan vs New Jersey PlanGreat Compromise3/5 CompromiseWho was the Father of the Constitution Fundamental principles of the United States Constitution, including limited government, the rule of law, federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, and popular sovereignty.Federalists vs Anti Federalists?What were the views of each group?3 famous Federalists- Jaye, Hamilton, Madison7 Articles of the ConstitutionKnow what each one refers tooExample- Article 1: Legislative Branch- Purpose: make lawsWhat are amendments? ................

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