Red elbow.

END-OF-YEAR CELEBRATION IDEAS: EASY FUN GAMESEND OF YEAR COOL ACTIVITIES0127000Beach Ball Catch and Do: Use a Sharpie to write a bunch of different actions in sections on the ball. Have the kids sit in a large circle and pass the beach ball around. Whichever activity their right thumb lands on is the one they do! Sample actions to write on the ball: jump, spin, chicken dance, bark like a dog, pose like a model, run in place, hop on one foot, tell a joke, give a classmate a compliment, give the teacher a compliment, make a lap around the circle, shake your body. Once someone has had a turn, they sit down. Beach Ball keepsake: Give every child a beach ball that says “I had a ball in XX grade” and let them all sign each other’s beach balls! (Note: This can get expensive unless you find a great deal on the balls)Yearbook signings: Leave time for the kids to sign each other’s yearbooks, especially in the older grades.OUTDOOR GAMES570674521526500Since the weather’s usually nice this time of year, take the kids outside! Just make sure you check with the front office first to make sure space is available. Water balloon toss: The new Bunch O Balloons product makes it possible to fill 100 water balloons in a minute. Bring a bunch to school, take the kids outside and do a toss! Plan popsicles as a snack. To clean up the pieces of balloon, ask the kids to bring you a handful of balloon pieces to get a popsicle! Relay races: Kids love classic relay races: crabwalk, dress up in beach gear and more. Try having them race with a beach ball between their knees or have two team members race down the field holding a beach ball without using their hands, arms or feet (so midsections only). They can also pass the beach ball down the line going over their heads and through their legs 0-127000Parachute games: Ask the PE teacher if you can borrow the school’s parachute, bring the kids outside and play. There are more than a dozen different games you can play! A bunch of games are here: Groups game! This is an easy game to start playing anytime you have an extra few minutes and a bunch of crazy kids on your hands. You call out a number (3), and the students have 10 seconds to get themselves into groups of that size. Don’t forget to call out a group of 1 and a group of however many students are in the entire class at some point in the game.OTHER GAMES/ACTIVITIESCandy/saran wrap ball: Take one piece of candy, wrap a few pieces of heavy duty plastic wrap around it. Continue to put 2-3 pieces of candy and or inexpensive trinkets in each layer of plastic. Sit the students in a circle. The first student starts unwrapping the ball as fast as he or she can. Anything he or she unwraps, he gets to keep! At the same time, the student to his or her right rolls the dice again and again until they get doubles. As soon as the person with the dice gets doubles, the ball immediately passes to them to unwrap and the dice pass to the next person to roll. Red elbow. You call out a color and a body part. Students must find an object in the room that is that color and then touch the selected body part to that object. For example, if you call out pink thumb, then students need to find an object that is pink and touch it with their thumb. Students who are too slow in completing the instruction can be asked to sit down. You continues calling colors and body parts. The last student remaining is the winner.Balloon bop. Stand in a circle. Toss a balloon in the air and call someone’s name. That person must catch the balloon before it catches the ground. Then he or she tosses the balloon up and says the next name. And so forth. Once all the students have gone, the kids have to call out a name and a body part (Ben, toe) that person has to use to keep the balloon up in the air until he or she calls another person’s name and body part. Dance games: Bring in a speaker, turn on some tunes and play some classic dancing games: freeze dance, the Limbo, musical bumps (sit down when the music stops), musical statutes, have the kids dance like different animals (lion, kangaroo, rabbit), etc. A few really fun ones here: Minute to Win It Games: These are fun, and if you pick the right ones, kids can do them right at their desks! Google these favorites: Face The Cookie, Noodling Around, Nose Dive. Some of them are here: Beach ball hot potato: Play hot potato, but with a beach ball. Kids always love it! Heads Up, Seven Up: Classic classroom game, and the kids stay at their desks! To start the game, seven players go to the front and you say, “Heads down, thumbs up!” Everyone still at their desk puts their head down, extends an arm and stucks their thumb up. The seven kids that were at the front go around and each press one person’s thumb down. Then they all go back to the front of the room and the teacher says, “Heads up, seven up!” The players at the desks raise their heads and the seven whose thumbs were pressed down stand up. Each in turn names the person they think pressed down their thumb. If they are correct, they change places with the presser. Then the game can start againFour Corners. One student comes to the front of the room and turns their back on the class and closes their eyes. You have already as a class decided which corner is what number (1-4) Then you say go and all the students run to a corner. Then the student at the front picks a number. Anyone at that corner is out and sits back at their desk. Play repeats until there are only 4 players left. Then the rule is they each must pick a different corner. The last one standing wins and can be the caller next game. ................

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