Personal Passion Project Rubric


Name: ______________________

|Followed appropriate inquiry |No evidence is available showing |Little evidence is available showing|Some evidence is available showing that|Evidence is available showing that I followed the correct inquiry process. This|

|process |that I followed the correct inquiry |that I followed the correct inquiry |I followed most of the correct inquiry |includes a ‘fat question’, note-taking on a graphic organiser, drafting |

| |process |process. |process |information into paragraphs, storyboarding and presenting my information |

| |0 |5 |15 |30 |

|Quality of research (what I |Little information given / is |Some information given |Good information that answers most of |Excellent information that answers the fat question fully and in a logical |

|found out) |difficult to understand | |the fat question |order |

| | | |15 | |

| |5 |10 | |20 |

|Quality of presentation (how |Oral presentation not |Some of oral presentation |Oral presentation mostly articulated |Oral presentation articulated clearly in my own words, with correct posture, |

|well I shared what I found out) |presented clearly |articulated clearly |clearly |clear speaking (not reading) and good volume |

| |Visual work not presented clearly |Some of visual work presented |Visual work mostly presented clearly |Visual presentation gives information in my own words, is neat, legible, |

| | |clearly | |attractive with correct spelling |

| |Multimedia work not presented |Some of multimedia work presented |Multimedia work mostly presented |Multimedia presentation given in my own words, easy to view with clear |

| |clearly |clearly |clearly |information, correct spelling and attractive layout |

| |0 |5 |15 |20 |

|How I used ‘extras’ |Sequence and layout used poorly / |Sequence and layout needs |Sequence and layout mostly used well |Sequence and layout (headings / sub headings / diagrams / props / pictures / |

|to make my presentation richer |hasn’t added to the quality of the |improvement in some areas | |labels / extras) add to the quality of the presentation |

| |presentation | | | |

| |0 |5 |10 |15 |

|Resources I used |No bibliography presented |Bibliography shows few sources used |Bibliography shows some sources have |Bibliography shows that information comes from a variety of sources |

| |0 |1 |been used |5 |

| | | |3 | |

|WOW factor |Nothing extra that could be called | |Just a little bit of a WOW factor |You’ve surprised the teachers by adding something extra that makes us go ‘WOW!’|

| |‘wow’ | |3 |10 |

| |0 | | | |


under 50 |D

50-60 |C

61-70 |B

71-80 |A

81-90 |A+

91-100 |Total: | 100 | |


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