Practice the Passive Voice:

Practice the Passive Voice:

Use Present or Past as suitable

About 3000 people in Austria are bitten by dogs every year.

After the storm most of the homes were ruined.

He was not asked for his point of view in yesterday´s meeting.

Most Christmas presents are bought on Saturdays in big shopping centers.

Only a few small sandwiches were left after the party.

Only a single shoe was forgotten in the locker room after the gym lesson.

The bus that caused the accident was driven by a 38 year old man from Birmingham.

The construction of the bridge was begun after the First World War.

Then the cake is cut into thin slices.

Thousands of children are beaten regularly by their parents.

Tobacco is grown on large plantations in the Caribbean.

Match suitable parts of the sentences using the Passive Voice:

Two people were hurt in the accident.

Hundreds of people are stung by jellyfish every year.

They were lead to a fresh water hole.

The problem was solved within half an hour.

The first Olympics were held in 1896.

The palace was restored by Austrian archaeologists.

Several statues were found in the sea.

This cave painting was drawn with charcoal.

Gaelic is spoken in Scotland.

I was sent a mysterious letter the other day.


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