Year 10





This examination paper consists of FIVE sections (A, B, C, D and E). Students are requested to attempt ALL sections. Marks for each section appear between brackets.

Section A: Choose the correct answer.

1. A tourist is: a) someone who goes and live in a country b) someone that goes to a country to work c) someone who goes on a holiday.

2. The president is: a) someone that leads a country b) someone who has the highest authority in the country c) someone who is in charge of the country's constitution.

3. The constitution is: a) the highest law of the country b) the highest law of the local council c) a document made by a political party.

4. The general election in Malta takes place every: a) 3 years b) 4 years c) 5 years

Social Studies (General) Year 10 2017- 2018

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5. The mayor is the leader of: a) a political party b) a country c) the Local Council.

6. The role of the political party in a democracy is: a) to bring peace among the citizens b) to work towards the common good of the country c) to build green areas.

7. Pressure groups: a. create pressure on members of parliament to change certain laws b. agree with everyone c. check blood pressure of people.

8. The quaternary sector: a. the sector that picks out potatoes b. does research c. employs people.

9. Politics is: a. a method on how resources are shared in the country b. how a country operates c. the study on how a person integrates in society.

10. In a fortress economy, the country gains Money because a. tourists visit fortresses around Malta. b. of tourism. c. it offers its services to the army for defence and war.

(10 marks)

Section B: Read the paragraph and answer ALL of the questions.

Report of the World Council of Travel ranks Malta as the twelfth country in the world that most benefited from tourism. This contributed 15% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product). This is five times more than in European


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The report says that in 2015, Malta had 29,000 people working full-time and part-time in the tourism industry. This is 16.5% of employment in our country. Tourism has grown substantially in the last decade. It is expected that in the next decade will continue to grow by 4%. This means more revenue for the country and more jobs in this sector.

Adapted from .mt of the 15th of September 2016.


1. What's the difference between tourism and immigration?






2. Mention THREE (3) effects that tourism is leaving on the Maltese society. (6) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

3. What is Gross Domestic Product? Why is it important?







4. Because of tourism, new job opportunities have been created. (a) Mention TWO (2) types of jobs that are related to tourism. (2) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

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(b) Mention THREE (3) new skills that people in the tourism sector need in order to do their job properly. (3) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

5. Give FIVE (5) Examples of modern work that we find in Malta today that did not exist before. (5) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Section C: Answer all of the following questions.

(25 marks)

1. Give FOUR (4) ways how young people can contribute to Maltese politics. (4) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

2. "If we look at the economy of different countries, we find that they have one of three different types of Economy". Discuss by giving examples. (6) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

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3. Mention FIVE (5) rights that a citizen benefits from democracy. (5) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

4. Maltese Local Councils led to the decentralization of power. Mention THREE (3) things that the local councils do for their communities. (6) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

5. What are pressure groups? Give TWO examples of pressure groups that are found in Malta. (4) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

(25 marks)

Section D: Write about 130 words on ONE of the following:

1. "In the past, the majority worked in the primary sector while today, more people work in the tertiary sector". What do you think led to this change?

2. Local Councils continue to strengthen the idea of democracy in the country. Comment on this.

3. Democracy and dictatorship as different systems of leadership of a country. Discuss. (15 marks)

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