
August / August September / Septembrie

October / Octombrie November / Noiembrie December / Decembrie

January / Ianuarie February / Februarie

March / Martie April / Aprilie

May / Mai June / Iunie July / Iulie

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Non-pupils days

(any day that is coloured or shaded)

Zile in care elevii nu sunt la scoala

(orice zi care este colorata sau umbrita)

Autumn term 2021

Trimestrul de Toamna 2021

23rd & 24th August 23 & 24 august

Induction for new staff Training pentru personalul nou

Spring term 2022

Trimestrul de Primavara 2022

3rd January 3 ianuarie

Start of School Prima zi de scoala

Summer term 2022

Trimestrul de Vara 2022

26th April 26 aprilie

Start of School Prima zi de scoala

Weekend & Public holidays during term time

Weekend & Vacante publice in timpul trimestrului

Staff inset days

Zile in care doar personalul scolii este in scoala

25th & 31st August 25 & 31 august 1st September 1 septembrie

Inservice days for staff - School closed Profesorii sunt in scoala pentru training sau activitati administrative - Scoala este inchisa Start of School Prima zi de scoala

24th January 24 ianuarie

National Holiday - School closed Sarbatoare nationala - Scoala este inchisa

14th - 18th

Half Term Holiday - School closed


Vacanta de la jumatatea trimestrului

14 - 18 februarie - Scoala este inchisa

13th June 13 iunie 29th June 29 iunie

School Holiday - School closed Vacanta scolara - Scoala este inchisa Last Day of School Term Ultima zi de scoala

School holidays

Vacante scolare

On red days dismissal is at 12pm

In zilele marcate cu rosu scoala se inchide la ora 12 pm

18th - 22nd October 18 - 22 0ctombrie 25th October & 29th November 25 octombrie si 29 noiembrie

Half Term Holiday - School closed 11th - 25th April School Holiday - School closed Vacanta de la jumatatea trimestrului 11 - 25 aprilie Vacanta - Scoala este inchisa - Scoala este inchisa Inservice day for staff - School closed Profesorii sunt in scoala pentru training sau activitati administrative - Scoala este inchisa

30th November & 1st December 30 noiembrie si 1 Decembrie 15th December 15 decembrie 16th - 31st December 17 - 31 decembrie

National Holiday - School closed Sarbatoare nationala - Scoala este inchisa

Last Day of School Term Ultima zi de scoala School Holiday - School closed Vacanta scolara - Scoala este inchisa

NOTE: 1st June & 13th June - external exams only for skeleton staff

30th November -- St. Andrew / Sf?ntul Andrei 1st December -- Great Union Day/

Ziua Naional a Rom?niei 25th - 26th December -- Christmas / Crciunul 1st January -- New Year / Anul Nou 24th January -- Unification Day /

Ziua Unirii Principatelor Rom?ne 15th April -- Good Friday (UK) 18th April -- Easter Monday (UK)

22nd April -- Good Friday / Vinerea Mare 24th - 25th April -- Orthodox Easter /

Paste Ortodox 1st May -- May Day / Ziua Muncii 1st June -- Children's Day / Ziua Copilului 13th June -- Whitsuntide / Rusalii 15th August -- Assumption of Mary /

Adormirea Maicii Domnului

The School is operated by Crawford House Foundation Registered 3/25.01.2016 Fiscal Code 24879960 Registered Offic e 4E Zagazului Street Entrance B, Ground Floor, Ap. B4, Room 3, District 1, Bucharest, Romania

British School of Bucharest -- Early Years Foundation Stage / Primary / Secondary 42 Erou Iancu Nicolae Street, 077190, Voluntari, Ilfov County, Romania Telephone: +40 21 267 89 19, +40 728 133 432, +40 728 133 433 Fax: +40 21 267 89 69 E-mail:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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