Universalist Congregation River Road Unitarian

River Road Unitarian

Universalist Congregation

6301 River Road, Bethesda, MD 20817


eWeekly Newsletter: March 8 - 17, 2018

Our Vision: to grow and deepen in Fellowship, Spirit, and Service for all ages

Here's What's Happening Sunday, March 11

two services at 9:15 and 11:15am

Cultivating Compassion Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd

Senior Minister The Vietnamese teacher and monk Thich Nhat Hanh once wrote, "Compassion is a Verb." It is a thing you do, and a key aspect of a way of being. How can we cultivate compassion in ourselves? What about cultivating compassion in the world around


Contemporary Issues Forum (CC&C), 10:25am, Fireside France and the Dreyfus Affair

Margery Elfin, Author & History Chair, Hood College When France tried the Jewish army officer Alfred Dreyfus for treason, the media spotlight put the nation on trial and coined the moniker "the Dreyfus Affair." Media coverage and realist writer Emile Zola's fiery

critique of French society played an important role in transforming public discourse in the 20th century, as does the internet in our

times. Elfin believes the French are learning that culture evolves as demographics change. And it seems that it's something we, as

Americans, are struggling with. Who is American? Who do we wish to allow to become Americans? We have a lot to learn from this history.

Social Justice Giving in March

March's Designated Gift Organization is Shepherd's Table Cultivating Compassion by Feeding the Hungry

Cultivating compassion means looking out for others, hearing them, helping them, being there for them. One of the ways we can help those less fortunate than we are is to feed those who are hungry. RRUUC, together

with 29 other congregations, participates in the Shepherd's Table soup kitchen, where we serve and interact with

people who need and very much appreciate our help. You can volunteer to join us there and you can contribute to funding

Shepherd's Table. Our collection during this Sunday's service will go to Shepherd's Table. Or you may click here to give now. Please

give generously. See us in the Fellowship Hall after the service to volunteer.

Daylight Savings Time starts on Sunday, March

11! Change your clocks Saturday night; move one

hour later.

It's also a good time to change your smoke detector batteries!

Activity Groups News

Mindful Knitters Monday, March 12, 7:30pm

Fireside Room

Evening Book Group

Tuesday, March 13, 7:30pm Room 30 The book is Leaving Berlin

by Joseph Kanon

International Dinner March 14

Penang Malaysian Rest 4933 Bethesda Ave. Contact Ursula Scott

before Tuesday March 13. ALL are welcome!

Morning Book Group Friday, March 16, 9:45am

Community Events

Our Rise Against Hunger Serving Together Project this Sunday, March 11!

What a great group of volunteers we have a big thank you to all who have registered. Here are some reminders before Sunday:

RRUUC Youth Group will be offering a light lunch! They will be accepting donations for lunch and anything over the cost of the food will be donated to Rise Against Hunger. How cool is that? Don't worry if standing at a table for a couple of hours is a challenge; you can take breaks and we'll have others that can fill in to help. When we start setting up at 12:30, it will seem a little chaotic, but don't worry! Rise Against Hunger has done hundreds of these events and once we start rolling, it really moves along fast. We'll have tables and stations to work at and the RAH staff person, Joe, will get us all organized. Thank you for registering. Every meal we make together on Sunday matters to the person who receives it and we'll be making over 20,000.

See you Sunday after the second service! Questions? Contact Rev. K?ren.

Congregational Care Notes Have a pastoral care need? Wondering how to connect? Rev. Nancy has moved into leadership in our pastoral care programs, and is grateful to share that work with the Congregational Care Team and our wonderful intern Alexa. Some of you may be wondering how to connect to Rev. Nancy and other pastoral resources when you need them most. Here are a few tips:

4th Annual Voices from the Holy Land 2018 Film Series Sunday, March 11, 2:30pm, St. John's Norwood Episcopal Church, Second films - two shorts Gaza: A Gaping Wound and Bethlehem: Hidden from View

An opportunity to learn about and enter into conversation about justice, human rights and peace in the Holy Land. Sponsored by a coalition of interfaith/interdenominational organizations, including RRUUC. More information here on full schedule of films and locations. All films are free.

Jim Scott in Concert, Saturday, March 17, 7pm The UU Congregation of Columbia, Owen Brown Interfaith Center One World Coffeehouse concert, featuring beloved UU composer and singer-songwriter, Jim Scott. Over a dozen songs in our "Singing the Journey" blue hymnal are attributed to him as well as the celebrated "Missa Gaia - Earth Mass" written in collaboration with the Paul Winter Consort. Proceeds fund UUCC's charitable outreach. More info.

For non-emergencies, you can email care@ That

Get Your Tickets Now for

address is checked frequently and we will get back to you as "Equipping Resistance"!

soon as we can. For more urgent matters, you can call Rev. Nancy's line in the

Register here. 2018 UU Christian Fellowship Revival is March

office, which is forwarded when appropriate for quicker access. 16-17

This number is 301-229-0400x106

Stewardship Campaign for 2018-2019 Pledge Now!

From the Co-Chairs Thank you - as of this week $385,450 has been pledged, putting us 40% of the way to our goal of $970,000! Of course, that means we have 60% to go - but we have made a good start. Our thanks to the 114 congregants/households who have pledged; if you have not yet done so, please remember the campaign is shorter this year, ending on April 1. Only 3? weeks to go

- please pledge now!

As we talk with people about the campaign, it is abundantly clear

First UU Church of Richmond, Virginia The theme is "Equipping Resistance" and we will provide theological and spiritual grounding for people engaged in any way in the Resistance. In addition to incredible speakers, we'll have a hymn-sing, a documentary screening, plus delicious food and time to reflect and connect. We're honored to have the powerful gospel choir Rev. D. Kay Logan & Nu

that pledge decisions are not simple. They are rooted in each person's life situation - financial resources available, involvement with

River Road, commitment to the congregation. We know that to compare any two pledges is to compare apples and oranges: a

pledge of $300 from one person can represent the same commitment to River Road as a pledge of $3,000 from someone

else. We honor and appreciate pledges of any size.

You may recall the bird cutouts from last year's campaign. They were put on the glass of the bridge to represent pledges received; everyone we have spoken with thought they were beautiful, that they caught the light and created a special atmosphere on the bridge.

The birds were used to acknowledge those who pledged, with each bird having the name of an individual donor. Some congregants have told us they thought this was inappropriate. The tension, of course, is that it is important that we acknowledge all donors - those pledging a large amount and those pledging less. This year the birds will go on the glass without individual names, and at the close of the campaign we will recognize all donors by donor category. A reminder: you may

request that your pledge remain anonymous.

Following each service this Sunday, March 11, we will be in Room 32, available to discuss the stewardship campaign with those who

care to join us.

Peter & Mimi

Events at RRUUC

Newcomer Brunch, Sunday, March 18, after each service, Fiatfalva Room New to the congregation? Come to meet ministers, enjoy a light brunch, meet others new to RRUUC, and have your questions answered about our faith and congregation. If you are new to RRUUC, looking for a spiritual community, and are curious to see if you may have found one here, please join us for conversation and brunch. Activities for the kids. Gluten-free, dairy-free, peanut-free options available. Sign up here, contact Sheri, or drop in. We'd love to meet you!

Beginning lifting up up hearts, along with the powerhouse preaching of Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd. Two days that will make your entire year!

West Virginia Service Learning Trip Now is the time to register for the life-changing experience that is the West Virginia Service Learning Trip. This year's trip will be from August 4-10 and is open to entering high school freshmen and older (INCLUDING parents and other adults!) Mandatory workshop is April 29 at 11:15am. We'll also have a basic skills workshop in June, date TBD. This multi-generational trip to War, WV in McDowell County to work with Big Creek People in Action is a week of coming together to make homes safer, dryer, and warmer. It's also an opportunity to get to know the people and learn about the culture of the area. Many youth and adults have gone multiple years! The cost is $450 which covers meals, lodging, transportation, and materials. Scholarship available on request. Please register by April 1.

Meet Our Ministers

RRUUC supports MARCH FOR OUR LIVES The "OUR" here is interesting - teenagers organizing this March on Washington on March 24 to do what adults haven't yet been able to do. The March will begin at Pennsylvania Avenue, between 3rd and 12th street NW at noon. You are invited to join the short-term March For Our Lives Welcoming Group to figure out how RRUUC can support this effort. RRUUC can and should do this! We will meet after services this Sunday, March 11 check the monitor for location - to figure out what needs doing and where we can help. One of the things we can do has already been identified:

Home Hospitality We are excited to be able to offer home hospitality for people coming

Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd

Senior Minister

to participate in the March. Can you host visiting marchers? Please check out this link on our RR website and complete the form. Questions? Send an email. We're also hoping to offer a potluck dinner on Friday night, March 23. Stay tuned!

Dr. Alexa Fraser

Ministerial Intern

Shelter Week this year is Sunday Saturday, March 18-24. It is our turn to feed the homeless! Join us in this terrific social justice activity that is open to all members and friends of River Road. Stop by the table after services starting Sunday, February 18, or sign up via your ACS account. Questions? Send an email.

Art Exhibit through March 25 - Featuring backcountry landscape photography by RRUUC members Leigh Scott and Mark Cohen. All of the photos included in the exhibit are intended to evoke emotions, tell stories, and transport the viewer to national parks, alpine trails, rocky cliffs, historic ruins, and coastal villages.

Passover Seder, Saturday, March 31, 6pm Beth Chai, The Greater Washington Jewish Humanist Congregation who shares our space, welcomes families and friends to attend this potluck event - you may sign up to provide a dish. RSVP. Seder costs are $20 per family or $10 per individual; however Beth Chai welcomes anyone regardless of ability to pay.

Rev. K?ren Rasmussen

Serving Together Minister

Visit Sermon Library

We would hate to see you go, but if you wish

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please click the link below.


The Ordination of the Rev. Sadie Lansdale Save the Date! Sunday, May 13, 4pm Mark your calendars for this important event in the life of RRUUC. One of our own, Sadie grew up in our congregation, sang in the youth choirs and actively participated in our youth group before going on to seminary. If you would like to donate to help defray the costs of Sadie's ordination, please submit a check made out to RRUUC with "Sadie Lansdale's Ordination" in the memo line. If you would like to volunteer to help with the festivities, please send an email. For questions, please contact Petrina Hollingsworth.

Got news? Please send submissions to news@ by Tuesday for

Thursday publication.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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