First ThingsFirst Things

[Pages:5]First Things

We're Everybody's Church. What does that really mean?

As Everybody's Church, we strive to be a faithful, open and inclusive community. We welcome the participation of all people of any ability, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or any other life circumstance.

Statement of Discipleship

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we live and grow in God's Word as peacemakers, faithful stewards, and compassionate neighbors.

Today's Events

Youth and CrossWalks All Abilities Inclusion Ministry

Childcare available: Infants-Walkers ............................................ Room 109/111 2-year-olds ....................................................... Room 102

Worship Wonder (3 & 4-year-olds) ............. Room 217-218 K-1st Grade .................................................Temple School 2nd-3rd Grade........................................ New Song Studio 4th-5th Grade............................................ Martha's Table 6th-8th Grade................................................Youth Room AAIM Young Adult ........................................... Room 231

8:30 10:00 10:00 11:15 11:15 5:00pm 5:45

Worship Worship Soul Perch Early Church Fathers Youth Choir Rejoicing Spirits Service/Dinner High School Youth Group

Chapel Sanctuary Youth Room Fireside Room Choir Room Knox Auditorium Youth Room


Deacons Pantry Benefits Baldwin Center in April

The Baldwin Center's mission is to feed, clothe, educate and empower the men, women and children of the Pontiac community. You can find more information about the center at . Please bring your nonperishable food donations to the Donation Center by the welcome center. Please check expiration dates and make sure original seals are in place before you donate. Thanks!


Bingo Night Friday, April 27, 7-8:30pm in Calvin Hall

Prizes, food friends and fun! Children, youth and adults are all invited to come and play! Please sign up online under Events--Bingo.

Rejoicing Spirits Our next services are today and April 22 at 5pm with dinner following the service. Come for lively worship, meet

new friends, and experience community. Rejoicing Spirits will meet once a month May-August at 5pm beginning on May 20.

Whom Do You Know?

God knows us by name but we all need help in knowing each other. You can help others by wearing a nametag. The nametag boards are in Calvin Hall and those using the Maple Road entrance to the church can store their tags in the basket near the chapel entrance. To request a new or replacement tags leave a note on the clipboard on the table in the main hallway or by contacting Barbara at 248.333.1985 or


Andrew and Friends Concert Sunday, April 15, 5pm, Sanctuary, Free-will Offering

Back by popular demand, our own music director, Andrew Herbruck presents an organ concert featuring our magnificent Nichols and Simpson pipe organ. Come and hear a program of works written for organ and other instruments. Included this year is everyone's favorite piece, "Piano Song!"

Senior Adventures Visit Temple Beth El Wednesday, April 18, bus trip 10:15am-1pm

Temple Beth El is home to Michigan's oldest Jewish congregation. They have a sanctuary plus museum, school and more. No cost for the tour, lunch at The Rusty Bucket. Sign up at the table outside Calvin Hall. Questions, contact Diana Sharer at 248.765.3032.

FPC Softball Team Looking for a Team Leader

The FPC Softball Team is looking for a leader plus a team to play on Sundays from late April through the end of July. Games are held at noon or 1:15pm each non-holiday Sunday. Playoff Sunday is the first Sunday in August. Primary field is Poppleton Park in Birmingham and the secondary location is Beverly Park in Beverly Hills. Let's keep the FPC team going! We've been in the league for over 50 years! Please contact Kim McGlynn if you are interested in either leading and/or playing softball at

248.644.2040 x138 or kimmcglynn@. Register for Vacation Bible Camp

VBC will be June 25-28, 2018, a week later than usual. The theme this year is Abundance Orchard, where faith grows and hungry people are fed. Registration is available online on the website now.

Concerts at First Presents Missa Gaia Sunday, May 6, 5:00 pm, Sanctuary, Free-will offering

The Chancel Choir of FPC presents Paul Winter's Missa Gaia (Earth Mass). The choir will be joined by vocal soloists, and the calls of wolves, whales, and many other animals that are woven into the pieces, sometimes used as the melody. Since it was first written, the mass is performed annually at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC at The Feast of St. Francis which is the blessing of the animals. Renowned gospel soloist Theresa Thomason, who appears yearly at the NYC Winter Solstice concert, will be joining us as one of our guest soloists.


First Things

Youth Programs

Our weekly meetings are held on Sunday. We reflect on a Biblical text and discuss how the message fits into our lives. Each lesson is designed to make the youth think independently, gain essential spiritual skills, and build character. We also have time to be social, play games, and relax. Middle school (10am-11am) students join us in the youth room when the younger church is called forward in worship for snacks and a Bible lesson. High school (5:45-7:30pm) Lessons about current topics and burning theological questions raised by the students. We share a meal, a lesson, and social hour each week. Inclusion Nights - Inclusion is always part of our gatherings. Once a month we specifically plan a meeting that is welcoming and educational to youth of all abilities. Join us for these special evenings; Apr 15, May 20, June 10.

First Presbyterian Hand-in-Hand Early Learning Center

The First Presbyterian Hand-in-Hand Early Learning Center offers age-defined developmental early learning programs for children age four months through young three-yearolds. In addition, we offer three and four-year-old preschool classes, three and four-year-old enrichment classes, a five-year-old pre-kindergarten program with a variety of extended day choices. Registration for the 201819 school year, which begins Monday, September 10, is now open. Please contact the Director, Heidi Wilkinson, for more information about classes, to arrange a tour or how to register at 248.644.2040 x-124 or by email at HandinHand@.

Ongoing Community Groups

All are welcome to join these groups.

? Learn from the Early Church Fathers (Sundays)

11:15am-12:15pm, Fireside Room. Join Dr. Judson as

he leads a video-based class on the Writing of the

Apostolic Fathers. These were the church leaders who

wrote soon after the original Apostles had died. Their

views and beliefs helped shape the church's teachings

for generations to come.

? Youth Choir (Sundays) 11:15-12:15pm, New Song

Studio led by Andrew Herbruck. Questions? Contact

Andrew at andrewherbruck@.

? Learn about Major World Religions (Mondays) 10-

11am, Room 141-142. Dr. Judson leads a video-based

series through which people can learn about the

essential beliefs of all the major world religions.

? Knitting Ministry (Mondays), 10am, Fireside Room.

Contact Judy Gillow, 248.758.9569. Come join others

who knit and crochet shawls, baby blankets and other


? Adult Fitness Class with Pam Smith (Monday &

Friday) 9:30-10:30am, Room 212-213. Call Pam with

questions at 248.632.2355.

? Tuesday Morning Bible Study Weekly 8:45am in

Fireside Room, Studying the book "The History of

Christianity: From the Disciples to the Dawn of the

Reformation" by Prof. Luke Timothy Johnson.


? Tuesday Morning Book Club (3rd Tuesday) 10am April 17: Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders

? Tuesday Evening Book Club (2nd Tuesday) 7pm, Fireside Room. April 10: Fresh Complaint: Stories by

Jeffrey Eugenides

? FPC Ringers Hand Bell Choir (Tuesdays), 7:00-

8:30pm, Choir Room. Contact Andrew Herbruck for more information.

? Senior Adventures Monthly outings in the

community and beyond. Contact Dana Layman or Diana Sharer for more information, 248.877.0083.

? Women's Bible Study (Third Wednesdays) April 18 9:30am, Rm 141-2. Join Dr. Judson as he leads a

study of the book of Hebrews.

? Children's Choirs (Wednesdays) 4:45-5:30pm, New

Song Studio. Andrew Herbruck and Margaret ReesBaker lead the Carol and Chapel Choirs for K-5th.

? Chancel Choir (Wednesdays) 7-9pm. Chancel Choir

sings at the Sunday services and special services/ concerts throughout the year. Contact Andrew Herbruck for more info at andrewherbruck@.

? FPC Trombone Choir (Thursdays) 7:30-9:00pm.

Contact Ben Kohns for more info at FPCTbones@ or 810.348.8268.

? Lunch and Learn (3rd Thursdays) April 19, 11:30-

1pm, Calvin Hall. Rochelle Roake presents on Learning about Birds the Audubon way. Details about sandhill cranes in particular will be presented. Bring a lunch, dessert and beverages provided. Bring a lunch, dessert and beverages provided.

? Adult Faith Formation Program: Dessert and Discovery (4th Thursdays) April 26, 7-8pm, Calvin

Hall, Dessert and beverages will be provided. Information on topics of interest to all coming soon.

? Men's Bible & Brew (Third Thursdays) April 19, 5:45pm, Stan Evans' home, 671 Brockmoor Lane,

Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304, $5 for dinner. RSVP lsevans@ or 248.333.1985. Email Stan Evans for more information about the group as well.

? Discovering Calvin (Saturdays at 8am) Room 141-142

Join Dr. John Judson in examining the writings of John Calvin found in the four volume work, The Institutes of the Christian Religion.

Community-Wide Event

Interfaith "We Will Remember Event" Friday, April 20, 6pm, Muslim Unity Center, 1830 Square Lake Rd, Bloomfield Hills

Interfaith Prayers and Symbolic Walkout Vigil, Panel discussion with area school superintendents and local legislative representatives to address safety in our schools and prompt response to safety concerns. Come ask questions and join with the interfaith community.

Additional Information

Ask an Usher (accessibility assistance):

See an usher for hearing aid devices, large-print bulletins, cushions and hymnals. There are rocking chairs in the lobby for restless infants, and child care is offered at each service. There is also a lounge in the hallway outside the sanctuary with a closed circuit TV so you can watch the service. There are rocking chairs, chairs and a sofa.

Hearing Aid Connectivity with Loop

Please sit in the middle of the pew if you have a hearing aid for the best sound experience in our sanctuary.

Staying Connected

We are happy to mail copies of bulletins to anyone who needs a copy. Give names and addresses to Jan Peters.


From time to time we may be taking video or photography in the Sanctuary, Chapel and other parts of the church (interior and exterior). By your presence, you grant First Presbyterian Church, Birmingham unrestricted rights to use and publish, transmit or telecast images or a likeness that may be taken of you for use in communication related to the church. If you do not wish to have your image included in any of our communications, please contact Dr. Judson.

Missionaries We Support Through First Foundation

Rev. Cathy Chang and Juan Lopez are mission co-workers based in Manila, Philippines. They are area coordinators for the PCUSA Southeast Asia interdenominational effort to address issues of migration and human trafficking. You can follow them at ministries/missionconnections/cathy-chang-and-juan-lopez/ Faith Kasoni is an evangelist and educational advocate of the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA), who works with the pastoralist Samburu people.

Weekly Schedule

Monday, April 9 9:15am Hand-In-Hand 9:30 Adult Exercise 10:00 World Religions 10:00 Knitting Ministry 7:00pm AAIM Meeting 7:00 Staff Relations 7:00 Outreach Ministries 7:00 Property Care 8:30 AA/Al-anon

101-118 212/213 Calvin Hall Fireside Rm 141/142 144 Calvin Hall Fireside Rm 216-220

Tuesday, April 10

8:45am Tues AM Bible Study Fireside Rm

9:15 Hand-In-Hand


4:30pm Stephen Ministry 141-144

6:30 First Foundation 220

7:00 Diversity & Inclusion Calvin Hall

7:00 Tues Eve Book Grp Fireside Rm

7:00 Handbell Choir

Choir Rm

Wednesday, April 11 9:15am Hand-In-Hand 10:00 Women's 12 Steps 4:45pm Children's Choir 4:45 Music Makers 7:00 Chancel Choir

101-118 220 New Song Youth Rm Sanctuary

Thursday, April 12

9:15am Hand-In-Hand


9:30 Covenant

Fireside Rm

10:00 AA Women's Group 141-144

7:00pm Trombone Choir Sanctuary

Friday, April 13 9:15am Hand-In-Hand 9:30 Adult Exercise

101-118 212/213

Saturday, April 14 8:00am Discovering Calvin 9:30 APNC

141/142 Fireside Rm

Sunday, April 15

8:30am Worship


10:00 Worship


10:00 Soul Perch

Youth Rm

11:00 Marketing Video Lounge

11:00 Youth Rehearsal New Song

11:15 Early Church Fathers Fireside Rm

11:15 Mexico Mission Mtg Youth Rm

11:15 Youth Choir

Choir Rm

5:00pm Concert


5:00 SQUAD

Youth Room

5:45 HS Inclusion Night Youth Rm


As Presbyterians, we are indebted to John Calvin (1509-1564) as the theological founder of our Reformed tradition. His major work (he was a prolific writer who wrote Biblical commentaries, books and pamphlets) was The Institutes of the Christian Religion, first published in 1536; a four-volume work that examines God, Jesus, the Spirit and the Church. While some of his beliefs are no longer held by most Presbyterians, wrestling with his writings can help us clarify what we do believe; and in so doing clarify how we are to live as followers of Jesus Christ. All of these articles can be found at . My hope is that these articles prove beneficial to your faith journey. Pastor John

John Calvin for Everyone

The Institutes of the Christian Religion: Book 2 ? Chapter 6 "FALLEN MAN OUGHT TO SEEK REDEMPTION IN CHRIST"

In this chapter Calvin turns his attention to the need for Jesus Christ as the promised redeemer of humanity. Summary:

Calvin begins by once again reiterating his belief that "The whole human race perished in the person of Adam." (pg. 340) What he means by this is that sin (meaning for Calvin the corruption of human beings making them incapable of knowing and doing what is right) once unleashed on the world in and through Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden continued to infect all of humanity, throughout all of time. He further argues that this fall meant that we were so corrupted that not even God could recognize us as God's own handiwork. This reality ought then to "overwhelm our souls with despair." (pg. 341) Even so, Calvin asserts that renewal and salvation is possible through Christ though this reality is not always helpful because for many people it "appears foolish." (pg. 341) Nonetheless, "...although the preaching of the cross does not agree with our human inclination, if we desire to return to God our Author and Maker, from whom we have been estranged, in order that he may again be our Father, we ought nevertheless to embrace it humbly." (pg. 341)

Calvin bolsters this thought, that even though the good news of Jesus as redeemer/mediator appears to be foolishness, it ought not to because all of scripture points to Jesus as redeemer. In order to prove this, Calvin links Christ to every part of the Old Testament. He begins with the sacrificial system in the Torah. "Accordingly, apart from the Mediator, God never showed favor toward the ancient people, nor ever gave hope of grace to them. I pass over the sacrifices of the law, which plainly and openly taught believers to seek salvation nowhere else than in the atonement that Christ alone carries out." (pg. 342-3) He continues by stating that even Abraham (through whom, the Bible says, all of the nations will be blessed) could not bless the people until his descendant Jesus, the Mediator did so.

Next he turns to the prophets as witnesses to the need for the messiah. This leads him to state that "God willed that the Jews should be so instructed by those prophecies that they might turn their eyes directly to Christ in order to seek deliverance... (because)...God would be through the hand of Christ the deliverer..." (pg. 346) Calvin's demonstration that this knowledge was present within Judaism includes a series of messianic quotations from the Old Testament followed by a recounting of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, where the people acknowledged Jesus as messiah.

The bottom line then is this. "Hence what we have recently said becomes clear, that apart from Christ the saving knowledge of God does not stand. From the beginning of the world he had consequently been set before all the elect that they should look unto him and put their trust in him." (pg. 347) Reflection:

In this chapter, Calvin, follows a particular Christian tradition of Biblical interpretation, which is that the Old Testament is no more than a prelude for the coming of Jesus. By so doing however, he fails to see the ongoing grace and mercy of God which is shown to God's people. This grace and mercy can be seen in God's clothing of Adam and Eve, to the Exodus event, to God's bringing God's people home from exile in Babylon. In addition, God's everlasting love and mercy are major themes in the Old Testament. While Jesus is the fulfillment of both the Mosaic Law and the Abrahamic promises we gain a deeper insight into God's love when we do not look for Jesus in every Bible verse.

Questions: 1. Why do you think that people are hesitant to believe in Jesus as messiah?

2. What does it mean for you that Jesus is the one who renews us?

3. What roles does Jesus play in your life?



Ministers......................................................................................................... The Congregation Pastor .................................................................................................. Rev. John Judson, D.Min Associate Pastor/Inclusion & Pastoral Care............................................ Rev. Joanne Blair, M.Div Parish Associates** ............................................................................. Rev. Julie Madden, M.Div

Rev. Ted Thode, M.Div Rev. Kathryn Thoresen, D.Min Director of Christian Education and All Abilities Inclusion Ministries ............ Cindy Merten, M.Ed Educational Administrative Assistant* ................................................................... Nancy Quigley Director of Music Ministries ................................................................Andrew Herbruck, M.Mus Director of Children's Choirs* ..................................................................... Margaret Rees-Baker Trombone Choir Director*..........................................................................................Ben Kohns Music Makers Choir Director* ......................................................................... Samantha Samuels Director of Youth Ministries* .............................................................. Bethany Peerbolte, M.Div Inclusion Assistant* ............................................................................................ Rebecca Stickley Coordinator for Young Adults with Disabilities* ...................................................... Mara Myers Director of FP Hand-In-Hand Early Learning Center* ......................................... Heidi Wilkinson Office Administrator ....................................................................................................Jan Peters Director of Communications* ........................................................................... Dawn Swarthout Membership Director* ...........................................................................................Kim McGlynn Business Managers** ..................................................................................Carl Fischer, Jim Goss Financial Administrator* ........................................................................................ Martha Smith Building Supervisor ............................................................................................... Larry Malover *Part time Staff **Non Stipend Staff

Need to Contact Us? First Presbyterian Church 1669 W. Maple Road, Birmingham, MI, 48009

248.644.2040 Email: contact@ Website: Email reservations for church events: reservations@

Office Hours Monday-Thursday 9:00am-5:00pm

Friday 9:00am-1:00pm

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YouTube Channel: everybodyschurch1

TEXT your contribution to 248.600.4919.



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