WELCH FOUNDATION - University of Texas at Austin


Norman Hackerman 2009

Advanced Research Program

The following is a condensed version of the guidelines, with added UT requirements and an FAQ section. Please visit the following link for the full guidelines:



FUNDING PERIOD: July/August 2010-July 31, 2012


• All proposals must originate from the pre-proposals that were selected by reviewers for continuation.

• Proposals must be submitted to the same research area as their preceding pre-proposals.

• Only investigators named on the pre-proposal may be included in the proposals.

• Total project budgets may not be greater than the budget estimates presented in the related pre-proposals.

Submission Method:

All proposals must be submitted electronically. The online proposal submittal procedure and forms are on the website at under the investigators’ individual account.

When the proposal is complete, the investigator will click the “Send to OSP” button on the Proposal Preparation page. This will change the proposal status to “Sent to OSP”. All collaborators and co-investigator sections must have a status of “Sent to Lead” before the proposal may be submitted. The proposal is not submitted until the “Send to OSP” button is clicked and the proposal status changes to “Sent to OSP”.

After review and approval, OSP will click the “Submit to THECB” button on the NHARP electronic site. The proposal status will change to “Received”. Electronic transfer through the Office of Sponsored Projects at the PI’s institution represents a signed submission of the proposal.

Proposal Format highlights:

1. Cover page – this will automatically generate when the “Finalize Proposal” button is clicked.

2. Description of Research Format – 8 page maximum, including tables and figures. Text must be double-spaced. Margins must be one inch on all four sides; type size must be at least 11-point. Please refer to the guidelines for more information.

3. Resumes – Each participating investigator must upload his/her own resume. Two-page max for each investigator. Include only publications dated after January 1, 2004.

4. Proposal Budget – the total project will be for two years only and may not be greater than the budget estimate presented in the related pre-proposal.

• The Capital Equipment amount may not be changed on the Proposal Budget Form. To change this amount you must first edit the Capital Equipment List.

• No Overhead may be charged

• No scholarships, tuition or stipends may be charged

• PIs, Co-Investigators and Collaborating Investigators may not be paid from award funds, with one exception:

a. A total of $3,000 is available for summer salaries (this total includes any salaries for PIs, Co-Is and Collaborators). If salaries are not charged for the PI/Co-PI, a cost share form must be provided for each PI/Co-PI to track their contributed time.

• Capital equipment will be defined by the grantee but must be specifically listed and justified.

• Foreign travel is an allowable charge only if it is an integral part of the research and appears on the approved project budget.

• Consortium Proposals – must include a separate budget for each participating institution. Collaborating investigators must prepare separate institutional budgets and submit them electronically to the lead PI. The lead PI is responsible for obtaining budgets from collaborating institutions and preparing the budget for the lead institution. A summary proposal budget for the total project will be generated by the electronic system.

NOTE: The Office of Sponsored Projects requires a statement of work, budget, budget justification and an approval letter signed by an institutional authority for ALL subcontracts. These documents will be due by the internal deadline of January 5, 2009.

5. Project summary – The summary should be in terms that the general public could understand and suitable for public release. The project summary should be no longer than 3,500 characters in length. Min font size of 11-point and should be single spaced. The limit includes spaces, punctuation, html and special characters.

6. Additional materials are limited to 8 pages. Reviewers have the option of not considering this material.


Tuition Considerations

1) Can I pay tuition separately, since this award does not provide such funds?

Yes. If you or your department will pay for a student’s tuition, OSP requires a Cost-Share Recap form:

2) What do I do if I cannot pay tuition for students appointed to this award?

Nothing is required if tuition is not provided to the student.

PI Salary

$3,000 is allowed for summer salary. Does that mean $3,000 for each PI, Co-Investigator, and Collaborator?

No. $3,000 is the maximum allowed in the salary category to support all PIs, Co-Is and Collaborators.

If I am not charging salary to the grant, do I need to submit a cost share recap for the PI effort devoted to the project?

Yes. OSP will require a Cost-Share Recap form:

If my Co-Investigator is at UT-Austin and (s)he is not charging salary either, does (s)he need a Cost-Share Recap form?

Yes. See link above for form.

Who submits the application?

The Office of Sponsored Projects will submit the applications directly to THECB

The instructions for the “Project Summary” indicate a limit of 3,500 characters. Is that with or without spaces?

The limit includes spaces, punctuation, html and special characters.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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