? Concerns with right and wrong in human

behavior mostly based on one¡¯s conscience and

guided by values rather than legalities or custom.

? A thought ,word or deed is considered morally

good if it agrees with the general perception of

what is right and what is wrong.

? It is looked upon as something basic and

perceptive in nature.

? eg:lying for selfish ends is looked upon as

immoral and is considered a flaw in character

Moral Absolutism

? It is the belief that the criteria fo determining

what is morally right or wrong are universal.

? According to this belief ,moral rules for given

situation can be applied to everyone across

borders and cultures.

? It also takes the view that certain acts are

immoral regardless of their consequences or

the circumstances that prompted them in the

first place.

Arguments against moral absolutism

? Circumstances that prompt an act not considered

Eg:a poor child stealing bread out of hunger will be

considered immoral

? Consequences of an act not taken into account.

Eg: lying to save an innocent life will be viewed as


? Cultural diversity and tradition not taken into


Eg:some acts are good in certain culture and bad in

certain others

Moral Relativism

? It is the idea of allowing for different set of

moral rules applied for different cultures and

demographic groups.

? What is considered good among some people

may not be acceptable to other groups.

? What was considered morally right a couple

of centuries ago may be unacceptable now


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