Key Stage 4 Long Term Planning

Year 10 2019-2020 SYLLABUS: Pearson/Edexcel GCSE Business Studies. Pupils will develop an understanding of how to set up a business.

Curriculum Area: Business Technology (Business)

|Year 10 |Autumn 1 |Autumn 2 |Spring 1 |Spring 2 |Summer 1 |

|Knowledge | | | | | |

| |Pupils will develop knowledge on |Pupils will be able identify gross |Pupils will be able to explain the |Pupils will be revising all the topics|Pupils will be revising all the topics|

| |different production methods, stock |and net profit and suggest weather a|complexity of effective people |from Theme 1. |from Theme 2. |

| |control, ways of managing quality and |business is viable based on these |management. They will be able to | | |

| |how to process sales. |figures. They will also be able to |make suggestions on how to motivate | | |

| | |suggest if an investment is a good |staff, recruit them and train and | | |

| | |business strategy. |develop them based on their needs. | | |

|Homework | | | | | |

| |Knowledge check weekly homework will be|Exam questions homework will be set |Knowledge check weekly homework will|Exam questions weekly homework will be|Knowledge check weekly homework will |

| |set to build and extend learning in |to build and extend learning in this|be set to build and extend learning |set to build and extend learning in |be set to build and extend learning in|

| |this topic. |topic. |in this topic. |this topic. |this topic. |

|Cultural Capital | | | | | |

| |Students will start to understand |Invite the school governor who |External speaker on managing staff. | | |

| |logistics in Business. They will be |manages finance at community |TBC | | |

| |shown videos from businesses such as |gateway. | | | |

| |amazon and will understand the need for| | | | |

| |productivity and efficiency. | | | | |

|Numeracy | | | | | |

| | |Pupils will be required to calculate| | | |

| | |different types of profit using a | | | |

| | |formula. They will also calculate | | | |

| | |ARR using basic Math skills and a | | | |

| | |formula. | | | |

|Literacy |Strategies to support written exam |Strategies to support written exam |Strategies to support written exam |Strategies to support written exam |Strategies to support written exam |

| |answers will be well practiced. Such as|answers will be well practiced. Such|answers will be well practiced. Such|answers will be well practiced. Such |answers will be well practiced. Such |

| |practice, acronyms and writing |as practice, acronyms and writing |as practice, acronyms and writing |as practice, acronyms and writing |as practice, acronyms and writing |

| |frames/model answers. |frames/model answers. |frames/model answers. |frames/model answers. |frames/model answers. |

| |Students will be provided with a |Students will be provided with a |At the start of each lesson students|Students will be provided with a |Students will be provided with a |

| |sperate key word textbook. At the start|sperate key word textbook. At the |will be asked to write the key word |sperate key word textbook. At the |sperate key word textbook. At the |

| |of each lesson students will be asked |start of each lesson students will |and definition from previous lesson.|start of each lesson students will be |start of each lesson students will be |

| |to write the key word and definition |be asked to write the key word and |Spelling and misconception will be |asked to write the key word and |asked to write the key word and |

| |from previous lesson. |definition from previous lesson. |discussed. |definition from previous lesson. |definition from previous lesson. |

| |Spelling and misconception will be |Spelling and misconception will be |Correct vocabulary and |Spelling and misconception will be |Spelling and misconception will be |

| |discussed. |discussed. |pronunciations will be expected |discussed. |discussed. |

| |Correct vocabulary and pronunciations |Correct vocabulary and |throughout the lesson. Match up |Correct vocabulary and pronunciations |Correct vocabulary and pronunciations |

| |will be expected throughout the lesson.|pronunciations will be expected |exercises will be used. |will be expected throughout the |will be expected throughout the |

| |Match up exercises will be used. |throughout the lesson. Match up | |lesson. Match up exercises will be |lesson. Match up exercises will be |

| | |exercises will be used. | |used. |used. Support with exam questions |

| | | | | |using acronyms. |

CIAG |Entrepreneur:

An individual who takes risks to starts up a business on their own.

Marketing manager:

Employees work in the marketing sector to sell a product or service. |Accountant:

Employees are required to calculate business Finance.

Small Business Advisor:

Employees support business startups.


An individual who takes risks to starts up a business on their own.

|HR Manager:

Employees are required to manage staff and deal with concerns or training needs.

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