
Scoring Guides:?From Kathy Schrock: Help with Rubrics?Collaborative Learning Project Rubrics??????????????????????????????? Exceptional???????? ??????????????? ??????????????? Good?????????????????????????????????????????????? Fair???????????????????????????????????????????????????? Unacceptable????? OrganizationExtremely well organized; logical format that was easy to follow; flowed smoothly from one idea to another and cleverly conveyed; the organization enhanced the effectiveness of the projectPresented in a thoughtful manner; there were signs of organization and most transitions were easy to follow, but at times ideas were unclearSomewhat organized; ideas were not presented coherently and transitions were not always smooth, which at times distracted the audienceChoppy and confusing; format was difficult to follow; transitions of ideas were abrupt and seriously distracted the audienceContent AccuracyCompletely accurate; all facts were precise and explicitMostly accurate; a few inconsistencies or errors in informationSomewhat accurate; more than a few inconsistencies or errors in informationCompletely inaccurate; the facts in this project were misleading to the audienceResearchWent above and beyond to research information; solicited material in addition to what was provided; brought in personal ideas and information to enhance project; and utilized more than eight types of resources to make project effectiveDid a very good job of researching; utilized materials provided to their full potential; solicited more than six types of research to enhance project; at times took the initiative to find information outside of schoolUsed the material provided in an acceptable manner, but did not consult any additional resourcesDid not utilize resources effectively; did little or no fact gathering on the topicCreativityWas extremely clever and presented with originality; a unique approach that truly enhanced the projectWas clever at times; thoughtfully and uniquely presentedAdded a few original touches to enhance the project but did not incorporate it throughoutLittle creative energy used during this project; was bland, predictable, and lacked "zip"Presentation MechanicsWas engaging, provocative, and captured the interest of the audience and maintained this throughout the entire presentation; great variety of visual aids and multimedia; visual aids were colorful and clearWas well done and interesting to the audience; was presented in a unique manner and was very well organized; some use of visual aidsWas at times interesting and was presented clearly and precisely; was clever at times and was organized in a logical manner; limited variety of visual aids and visual aids were not colorful or clearWas not organized effectively; was not easy to follow and did not keep the audience interested; no use of visual aidsStage 3: Learning PlanKnowledge and skills students need in order to reach unit goals and complete culminating task successfully?List to KNOW and to DOK 1: Students need to know how exponential and logarithmic functions are applied to model real life problems.K 2: Students need to know how properties of exponential and logarithmic functions are helped out solve most common applications: population growth, exponential decay, earth quake intensity and compound interest.K 3: Students need to know how to select and utilize most effective problem-solving strategy for the specific model.?D 1: Students need to be able to understand principles and concepts of mathematical modeling.D 2: Students need to be able to think logically, using inquiry and technological skills.D 3: Students need to be able to communicate mathematically through writing and modeling and visualizing the exponential and logarithmic functionsD 4: Students need to be able to write, evaluate and graph logarithmic functions, solve exponential and logarithmic equations applying prior knowledge of properties of exponential and logarithmic functions, model exponential growth and decay.?D 5: Students need to be able to become proficient problem-solvers by asking appropriate questions, selecting suitable methods, using a variety of strategies, and exploring alternative approaches.?D 6 Students need to be able to construct presentation in PowerPoint format and present it by using variety of tools of Elluminate live! learning platform.ResourcesTeacher ResourcesStudent ResourcesWeb resources:: Precalculus: A Custom Edition for the University of Alaska Fairbanks, by Robert Blitzer (Pearson Custom Publishing), ISBN 9780536159632Supplement Material:?MyMathLab (access code included in the textbook)?Web resources:: Precalculus: A Custom Edition for the University of Alaska Fairbanks, by Robert Blitzer (Pearson Custom Publishing), ISBN 9780536159632Supplement Material:?MyMathLab (access code included in the textbook)?Sequence of Teaching and Learning ExperiencesTimelineEssential Unit Question, Focus, & StrategiesWHERETOKnow & DoAssess-mentsWeek 1??????Instructor will present a concept of solving real-life problems based on exponential growth and decay phenomena.?Instructor will initiate discussion on topics of world’s population growth, renewable world’s energy resources, pros and cons of expanding a nuclear power plants in the context of using exponential/logarithmic functions as a mathematical models.H,W?K1,K2,K3D1,D2,D3???Students will be actively engaged into discussion by using information gathered from assigned research on topic of discussion.?Instructor will introduce Essential questions, Essential unit questions, outline the proposed activities for the project and assign collaborative groups.Instructor will present Culminating Task Exemplar.Students will collaborate in the small groups to create a list of real-life applications of exponential/logarithmic models and select a problem to work on during the project.W,E1,?O,TK1,K2D2,D3,D4???Students will make a first entry to the Forum question and receive the instructor’s feedback.Students will complete the Diagnostic quiz to allow instructor evaluate their prior knowledge and readiness for the unit.W,R,E2K1,K2?D3,D4,D5F1,S1?Week 2??Instructor will meet with each collaborative group to discuss the appropriateness of chosen problem, provide recommendations and check on status and progress of current group in the project regarding the process and timeline. Instructor will review the properties of exponential and logarithmic functions applied to the variety of methods of solving equations.W,H,O,TK1,K2,K3D2,D4,D5???Students will practice solving range of assigned problems individually or in small groups, discuss and interpret solutions. Students in assigned groups will start to explore available strategies and technology to solve chosen problem.Students will review the chosen strategy of other (assigned group) and present their input in the form of PowerPoint presentation (2 slides) for the class.W,T,R,E2?K2,K3D2,D4,D5,D6?S4??Under the instructor’s guidance, students will create 5 question quiz for the reviewed group by using E-live Quiz Manager. Students will make second entry to the class Forum and receive the instructor and classmates feedbacks and comments.E2,E1,RK2,K3D3,D5?S2, F2?Week 3?Guest speaker presentation will be made by local scientist (biologist from regional office of U.S. Fish and Wildlife) on topic of Population Growth/Decay of fish spices in Nushagak River. Students will participate in the discussion (ask questions based on the prior research and information gained in the project)W,H,R,T?K1,K2,K3D3,D4???Students will write a short essay to discuss and analyze their up-to-date experience in the project. Students work on GRASP task in collaborative groups to create PowerPoint presentation of their findings in the project.W,E2,?O,RK1,K2,K3D2,D3,D5,D6?S3,F3??Instructor will monitor students’ performance on tasks, provide guidance, feedback, and inputs to each student.W,O,T,R?K3,D5???Students will edit, revise and finalize presentation based on the feedback and comments received from the panel. Students (each group) will present Culminating Task- final version PowerPoint presentation to the class.R,E2,E1,O?K1,K3D2,D3,D5,D6?F2,S4???Instructor and students will discuss the learning experiences of students in the project.W,H,R,E1,O,T?K1-K3D4,D5????????????AccommodationsHow this unit will address the needs of all learners.?Students struggling with concepts in the core curricular areas (reading, writing, math, social studies, science)This level of mathematics is considered as advanced and absolute majority of students has possessed necessary knowledge and skills and met the prerequisites for the Pre-calculus class.?However as a teacher I will create individual learning plans for students based on the principles of Differentiated Instruction by increase the use of visuals, integrate appropriate technology for individual learning and tutorial sessions,.?Students struggling with academic skills (handwriting, writing mechanics, reading decoding, rote memorization, etc.)?I will reinforce activities with intention to practice,use repetition, demonstrations, individual and small group??activities.?Varying learning styles of students ?I will assess and evaluate students to determine their learning stules by using the range of diagnostic procedures, then apply the variety of presentational modes and instructional methods to adjust the learning styles of my students (visual, auditory, logical, kinesthetic, ?ocial, etc)?Students struggling with language (i.e. ESL) or? language skills (i.e. language development delays)?I will pay special attention to students who have? limited language ability (ESL). This students can be overwhelmed by new experiences in math courses. They must learn in a linguistically and culturally unfamiliar environment, construct understanding without the background knowledge that their classmates employ to make assumptions, and process new information.?This group is required a well planned instructional approaches based on recognition of their culture, familiarity with their prior schooling experience and learning styles.?I will work in coordination with their ESL teachers and provide additional instructional materials with printed text lectures, samples of assignments.?Additionally I will schedule individual tutorial sessions and assigned peer tutoring and group work regularly during the course of study.??Students with physical challenges?I will make sure that school complies with all requirements of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).?In if there is a additional needs to accommodate studentswith physical challenges?I will make necessary requests to administration to provide accomadations. ??Students needing more academic challenge ?Since I am implementing a Differentiated Instruction approach I am planning the individual(accelerated) learning path for advanced students.?I am applying the varieties of primary and additional resources (textbook, online resources, collaborative projects, participation in academic competitions, etc.).?On the other hand I provide the opportunities for advanced to students to demonstrate and share their expertise with classmates (class presentations, assigned group leaders, peer tutoring, etc).?Students needing frequent changes in activities?Based on proven educational research I am planning a?mixture of classroom activities to help student to concentrate and stay focused t throughout the session and maximize the effectiveness of learning momentum.?My typical class consists of frequent quizzes, short lectures, practice in small groups or individually, discussions and student presentations and peer to peer informal assessments.Students with varying levels of previous technology experienceTo accommodate the needs of students with different technology background, I am implementing a set of tutorials for user with introductory level and applying the group work on small technology-based projects.?In the groups I am mixing students with different abilities, thus more experienced students are helping their mates to learn ”by doing” in the contexts of the project work.?Other areas of accommodations your unit addresses????? ................

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