Secondary Solutions | Mathematics - Pearson Education

Secondary Solutions | Mathematics



Professional Development & Specialized Support Services

New Teaching Strategies Build Desired Student Behaviors in Mathematics

With a balanced focus on the new standards and current state testing

• Adopt new instructional strategies.

• Ensure that students will be college and career ready.

• Intervene with strong support to meet high expectations for all.


Meet Our Experts 6

Implementation Path 8

Success Story 9

digits™ 10

Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 12

Connected Mathematics Project 2™ (CMP2™) 16

Connected Mathematics Project 3 (CMP3) 20

Center for Mathematics Education (CME™ Project) 22

Language Central for Math 23

Pearson Integrated High School Mathematics 24

Prentice Hall Mathematics: Courses 1, 2, and 3 25

Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics 26

Leading for Mathematical Proficiency 28

MathXL® for School 29

Math Navigator™ 30

onRamp to Algebra 32

Ramp-Up Mathematics 34

RtI in Mathematics 35

Additional Mathematics Professional Development 36

Meeting the Demands of Mathematics Instruction in Today’s Classroom

Common Core? Mathematical Practices? Content and instructional shifts? College and career readiness? Has there ever been a more challenging time for mathematics education? You’ve probably caught yourself thinking about ensuring that math students develop desired academic behaviors so they’re ready for college credit-bearing courses or immediate placement in today’s workforce.

Adopt New Instructional Strategies

Educators learn how to:

• Change classroom instruction.

• Effectively implement the Common Core or college and career competencies.

• Implement new rubrics to observe for instructional behaviors.

Ensure that Students will be College and Career Ready

Educators learn how to:

• Teach for conceptual understanding and higher-order thinking.

• Integrate classroom technologies into mathematics instruction.

• Meet the content demands of the new standards.

Intervene with Strong Support

Educators learn how to:

• Differentiate mathematics instruction to meet individual needs.

• Teach to students’ misconceptions in addition to supporting basic skill development.

• Integrate research-proven strategies.

We are not just about the what of the Common Core; we are about the how of effective implementation.

We offer a wide array of services that focus specifically on changing classroom instruction. Addressing misconceptions requires more than just re-teaching and traditional remediation. This shift in classroom practice requires substantial professional development support, such as side-by-side coaching to support implementation.


[pic] English Language Learners

[pic] Response to Intervention

[pic] Common Core State Standards

[pic] Online Services

Meet Our Mathematics Experts

Pearson works with more than 1,000 authors and researchers to bring you practical, evidence-based professional development programs and resources. Our close association with key authors and architects of the Common Core State Standards ensures that the spirit and pedagogical approach of the initiative is embodied in our educational materials, assessments, and professional development.

A few of the experts we work with include:

Dr. Francis “Skip” Fennell

digits Author

• L. Stanley Bowlsbey Professor of Education and Graduate and Professional Studies at McDaniel College in Maryland

• Past president of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)

Dr. Randall Charles

Pearson Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 Author

• Professor Emeritus in the Department of Mathematics at San Jose State University in California

• Served on the writing team for the NCTM Curriculum Focal Points

• Primary research has focused on problem solving and is credited with multiple publications on the subject

Dan Kennedy, Ph.D.

Pearson Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 Author

• Lupton Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at the Baylor School in Chattanooga, TN

• Frequent speaker at professional meetings on the subject of mathematics education reform

• Conducted more than 50 workshops and institutes for high school teachers

Basia Hall

Pearson Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 Author

• Serves as Manager of Instructional Programs for the Houston Independent School District

• Served as a department chair, instructional supervisor, school improvement facilitator, and professional development trainer during 33 years in education

William F. Tate

digits Author

• Edward Mallinckrodt Distinguished University Professor in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, MO

• Past president of the American Educational Research Association

Janie Schielack

digits Author

• Associate Dean for Assessment and PreK–12 Education at Texas A&M University

• Works with teachers and students to enhance mathematics learning in the elementary grades

Eric Milou

digits Author

• Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Rowan University in Glassboro, NJ

• Part of the NCTM advisory team that responded to and met with Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSCO) and National Governors Association (NGA) representatives during the development of various drafts of the Common Core State Standards

“Introducing concepts and skills in problem-solving contexts evokes thinking and reasoning about mathematical ideas.”

—Dr. Randall Charles


Drive teacher effectiveness while measuring the fidelity of your Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 implementation

Get the Results You Want

Pearson’s wide array of Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 professional development services coupled with additional mathematics, Common Core, classroom technology, and assessment professional development support will help you design an ongoing educator professional development plan.

These recommended road maps show how you can implement Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 with fidelity—just pick your focus area.


• Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2: Product Implementation Essentials

• Focusing on the Mathematical Practices of the Common Core


• Thinking and Reasoning in Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2

• Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2: Implementing a Digital Path to Maximize Instruction and Learning


• Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2: Performance-Based Assessment for Mathematics

• Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2: Using Assessment to Monitor Student Progress


• Coaching and Modeling

• Lesson Study

• Consultative Services

Success Story

Middle School Math Scores Improve Across Grade Levels

Kansas City Public Schools

Kansas City, Missouri


Consistently low math scores over a period of years in Grades 6–8 led administrators to look for new ways to engage students in mathematics, more effectively address the standards, and improve student achievement.


Pearson partnered with Kansas City, Missouri to craft a comprehensive CMP2™ implementation plan that involved a variety of professional development and job-embedded services, including Pearson’s highly effective coaching and modeling. As a result, the district’s math achievement scores increased.


Students improved mathematical proficiency and test scores across grade levels.

% Proficient/Advanced Students

| |2006 |2007 |2008 |Rate of growth over 3 years |

|Grade 6 |12.80 |16.70 |24.50 |91.4% |

|Grade 7 |15.00 |14.20 |21.00 |40.0% |

|Grade 8 |14.40 |13.10 |15.80 |9.7% |

|Mean |14.07 |14.67 |20.43 |45.2% |

“The summarize [portion] helped because it helped the students put it into words; they didn’t have to show me how to do it, they were able to tell me how to do it verbally.”

—6th Grade CMP2™ teacher


digits™: Product Implementation Essentials


Discover digits™ components and the interactive lesson structure. Participants who are new to the program build on their instructional skills as they analyze model lessons and learn to implement the personalized instruction embedded in the program. They also collaborate to identify and learn effective strategies for managing a digits™ classroom.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Apply the interACTIVE Learning Cycle component to effectively differentiate instruction in the classroom.

• Demonstrate a deeper understanding of the instructional philosophy, mathematical content, lesson structure, and assessment features in the digits™ program.

• Identify the program requirements for instructional technology and how they impact the management of a digits™ classroom.


Educators, Math Coaches, Specialists, Administrators


ISBN: 115217

This workshop is also available for online learning. Visit for details on our online learning options.

digits™ Product Implementation Essentials: Fused Online Course [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours


Cohort Pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 0133227359

ISBN: Up to 30: 0133227375

ISBN: Up to 50: 0133227383

Foundational Overview of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics [pic]


Discover all Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) components in this workshop. In this workshop, participants explore the framework of learning that these components provide for college and career readiness. They focus on the domains, concept categories, and learning progressions of the K–12 Standards for Mathematical Content. Participants also explore how to integrate the mathematical habits of mind required by the K–12 Standards for Mathematical Practice.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify the domains and concept categories included in the K–12 Standards for Mathematical Content.

• Identify ways to promote classroom discourse that help students develop mathematical proficiency.

• Identify aspects of the mathematical practices that bring teaching closer to assessment.

• Connect current practice and articulate the changes needed to implement CCSSM.


6–8 Educators


ISBN: digits: 115218

digits™: Technology Integration for the digits™ Classroom


Teachers and district facilitators who are new to technology integration concepts explore this foundational development program. Participants follow a distinct path based on their available technology resources and level of comfort with the digits™ technology.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Gain an understanding of 21st century classroom components and how they can best be used in tandem with the digits™ program.

• Learn practical steps for creating and managing technology-rich lessons using interACTIVE instruction.

• Identify key opportunities to differentiate instruction with technology that capitalizes on the digits™ program.

• Connect technology skills utilized in the digits™ program to skills that develop college- and career-readiness success.

Target Audience:

Educators, Instructional Coaches, Administrators, Paraprofessionals


ISBN: 117107

digits™: Interactive Whiteboards in the digits™ Classroom


Learn about integrating interactive whiteboards into the digits™ classroom. In this workshop, participants focus on methods and strategies to teach a digits™ lesson using the interactive whiteboard in a manner that engages learners and enhances instruction. Participants explore the various whiteboard tools, including digits™ Math Tools, and then review, analyze, and respond to lessons using these tools. They also learn how to use the tools to model mathematical concepts in lessons and teach their students how to use them as learning tools. Participants review common technical issues and learn techniques for setting up the whiteboard so it is accessible and utilized as a daily classroom teaching tool.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Teach a student-centered digits™ lesson using an interactive whiteboard.

• Evaluate digits™ lessons and strategize how to incorporate the use of the whiteboard to enhance instruction.

• Identify whiteboard tools, including digits™ Math Tools, and apply them within digits™ lessons.

• Implement the whiteboard into daily classroom instruction with available technology.


Educators, Math Coaches, Specialists, Administrators


ISBN: 115228

digits™: Job-Embedded Services

Pearson’s three levels of job-embedded services offer the most effective way for schools and districts to build capacity. To learn more about Pearson’s job-embedded services, visit .

Coaching and Modeling: ISBN: 115207

Lesson Study: ISBN: 117096

Consultative Services: ISBN: 117077

Build capacity! Pair any digits™ workshop with a day of consultative services.

Results Snapshot: DIGITS™

digits™ is based on over two years of collaboration with teachers, administrators, and experts, as well as intensive research that culminated in a field test with over 200 students.

In May 2009, digits™’ Grade 7 materials were field tested under actual classroom conditions. Two math teachers worked together as both instructors and observers for four days. A diagnostic assessment was administered and graded prior to instruction, then used to inform the differentiated instruction that occurred on Day One. The remaining three days of field testing consisted of whole-group on-level instruction.

digits™ Research Timeline


|Phase 0 Foundation Research |Literature Review |

|Phase 1 Conceptualizing |Advisory Board |

| |Site Visits |

| |Concept Testing |

|Phase 2 Solution Testing |Fidelity/Implementation Test |

| |Market Readiness Test |

|Phase 3 Detailed Product Testing |Multi-Focus |

| |Longitudinal Efficacy Study |

View free digits™ tutorials on !

Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2

Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2: Product Implementation Essentials [pic]


Explore the program components and interactive lesson structure in Pearson High School Mathematics Common Core. Participants build on their instructional skills as they analyze sample lessons and learn to implement the personalized instruction embedded in the program. They also collaborate to identify and learn effective strategies for managing a Pearson High School Mathematics Common Core classroom.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify the program’s organization, content, and supporting resources.

• Demonstrate a deeper understanding of the instructional philosophy, mathematical content, lesson structure, and assessment features in the Pearson High School Mathematics Common Core program.

• Utilize the instructional technology embedded in the program to reach all types of learners.

Target Audience:

Educators, Instructional Coaches, Administrators, Paraprofessionals


ISBN:Pearson Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Common Core edition: 117108

Foundational Overview of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics [pic]


Discover all Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) components in this workshop. In this workshop, participants explore the framework of learning that these components provide for college and career readiness. They focus on the domains, concept categories, and learning progressions of the K–12 Standards for Mathematical Content. Participants also explore how to integrate the mathematical habits of mind required by the K–12 Standards for Mathematical Practice.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify the domains and concept categories included in the K–12 Standards for Mathematical Content.

• Identify ways to promote classroom discourse that help students develop mathematical proficiency.

• Identify aspects of the mathematical practices that bring teaching closer to assessment.

• Connect current practice and articulate the changes needed to implement CCSSM.


9–12 Educators


ISBN:Pearson Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Common Core edition: 115216

ISBN: Prentice Hall Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 ©2011: 115205

Using the Common Core in a Standards-Based Mathematics Classroom [pic]


Investigate how to help students master the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM). During this workshop, participants examine how to teach through problem solving in a standards-based classroom to help students make sense of mathematics. Participants experience the benefits of an instructional model that considers what students know and the mathematically engaging aspect of problems and tasks while it builds a community of learners that values justification for answers and methods.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Articulate a structure for teaching through problem solving that incorporates the Standards for Mathematical Content and the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

• Identify scaffolded tasks as a means for differentiated instruction and an entry point for all students.

• Connect common misconceptions to the potential opportunities for student learning.

• Identify ways to promote purposeful student struggle and make mathematical relationships explicit.


9–12 Educators


ISBN:Pearson Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Common Core edition: 115555

Focusing on the Mathematical Practices of the Common Core [pic]


Examine the impact that mathematical practices have on students by connecting them to processes, proficiencies, and problem solving. The first day focuses on the eight mathematical practices as well as how participants can use existing resources to promote and routinely assess the mathematical practices. The second day examines specific considerations for differentiation and support for all students as participants unpack content standards while continuing to consider the routine integration of the Standards for Mathematical Practice.


By the end of the two-day workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify a structure for collaboration and use of the eight practices.

• Articulate ways to routinely promote and assess the math practices.

• Describe how specific mathematical practices are embedded in the Standards for Mathematical Content.

• Identify the attributes of a rich, instructional, problem-based approach and how it can support access to the Standards for Mathematical Practice.


9–12 Educators


ISBN:Pearson Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Common Core edition: 115553

ISBN:Prentice Hall Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 ©2011: 115571

Developing Mathematical Discourse in the Secondary Classroom [pic]

Number of days: 1

Explore how to make students effective practitioners of mathematics and teach them how to explain their mathematical understandings, engage in mathematical discussions with their peers, deliver sound mathematical arguments and critiques, and communicate using academic mathematics language. Participants develop strategies for engaging students in rich mathematical discourse in alignment with Standards for Mathematical Practice. They also learn how to develop students’ mathematical communication skills during their instruction.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Define rich mathematical discourse.

• Identify opportunities during instruction that allow for rich mathematical discourse.

• Develop strategies for promoting mathematical discourse in a variety of classroom situations.

• Describe the importance of developing students’ mathematical language skills.

• Demonstrate how to use effective questioning techniques to engage students in rich mathematical discourse.



Number of participants: 30

ISBN:Pearson Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Common Core edition: 119574

Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2: Performance-Based Assessment for Mathematics [pic]


Explore performance-based assessments in relation to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) with a focus on the eight mathematical practices. Participants discuss the implications of performance-based assessments on classroom instruction and assessment. They review sample performance tasks, develop a template to create similar assessments, and learn strategies for implementation.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Apply strategies to create and evaluate performance-based assessments.

• Use the sample performance tasks as a model for creating performance-based assessments.

• Use student samples as a model to evaluate student work.


9–12 Educators


ISBN:Pearson Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Common Core edition: 115567

Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2: Preparing Students for College and Career Readiness in Mathematics [pic]

Number of days: 1

Learn how to transition from a traditional classroom to a more student-focused classroom. Participants learn strategies that create rigorous classroom lessons as they implement the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Participants also explore opportunities within the Pearson Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 Common Core program to develop their students’ mathematical proficiency as they engage in student-centered learning experiences. They learn how to use program resources to build a deeper conceptual understanding of mathematics and to prepare their students for college and career readiness.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Explain the skills needed for college- and career-level mathematics.

• Identify how mathematical discourse, reasoning, and strategic use of appropriate tools assist students in solving complex problems.

• Implement strategies that encourage students to justify solutions and critique the reasoning of others as they solve diverse problems using multiple representations.

• Learn techniques for facilitating a student-centered learning environment.

Target audience:


Number of participants: 30

ISBN:Pearson Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Common Core edition: 119573

This workshop is also available for online learning. Visit for details on our online learning options.

Pearson Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2: Preparing Students for College and Career Readiness in Mathematics: Self-Paced Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Per Seat Pricing

ISBN:Pearson Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Common Core edition: 119651

Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2: Implementing a Digital Path to Maximize Instruction and Learning


Discover how and provide instruction, practice, and assessment for students. Participants learn how to support the implementation of the digital path in the classroom, and they explore how to make instructional decisions about independent activities for individuals and groups of students to maximize instruction.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify and explore online resources to support student learning in the classroom.

• Develop lesson plans for students using a fully digital path approach and a blended approach.

• Focus on methods of using technology to enhance and differentiate instruction in the classroom.


Educators, Math Coaches, District Math Supervisors


ISBN:Pearson Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Common Core edition: 116810 [pic]

ISBN: Prentice Hall Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 ©2011: 112933

Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2: Thinking and Reasoning in Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2


Enhance learning and transferability by bringing thinking and reasoning to the forefront of instruction. Participants discover how to implement these strategies using the Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 program.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify examples of embedded thinking and reasoning in the program and apply them in the classroom.

• Implement strategies to enhance thinking and reasoning in the classroom.


Educators, Math Coaches, District Math Supervisors


ISBN: Prentice Hall Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 ©2011: 112864

Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2: Enhancing Visual Learning Aspects with Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2


Examine the Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 program’s visual learning at an in-depth level, and apply that information to lesson planning and differentiating instruction for students.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify visual learning aspects found in Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 and list ways to apply them in the classroom.

• Align appropriate visual learning aspects to specific student needs.

• Implement specific visual learning aspects in lesson planning for Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2.


Educators, Math Coaches, District Math Supervisors

Number of participants: 30

ISBN: Prentice Hall Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 ©2011: 112863

Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2: Job-Embedded Services

Pearson’s three levels of job-embedded services offer the most effective way for schools and districts to build capacity. To learn more about Pearson’s job-embedded services, visit .

Coaching and Modeling: ISBN: 112932

Lesson Study: ISBN: 117087

Consultative Services: ISBN: 117097

Build capacity! Pair any Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 workshop with a day of consultative services.

Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2: Using Assessments to Monitor Student Progress


Explore assessment components and investigate how students are assessed formally and informally throughout a chapter in Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2. In this workshop, participants work with the various types of assessments involved in the program, including an in-depth study of online assessment options (Success Tracker). They also examine student work and assessment data as it relates to students’ understanding of mathematical concepts. Participants walk away with strategies that allow them to use their students’ assessment data to make decisions in their classrooms and differentiate instruction for their students.


For districts that plan to implement the Common Core State Standards, those assessment strategies will be addressed.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Describe how the mathematical concepts are developed and assessed from one lesson to the next.

• Examine the assessment tools available within the Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 program and describe how they are used.

• Determine how to use data reports from Success Tracker to inform and differentiate instruction.

• Explore performance assessments in Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 and learn how these apply to Common Core State Standards test preparation.


Educators, Math Coaches, Specialists, Administrators


ISBN: Prentice Hall Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 ©2011: 115226

View free Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 tutorials on !

Connected Mathematics Project 2™ (CMP2™)

CMP2™: Product Implementation Essentials


Discover CMP2™ components and the lesson structure of the program. Participants who are new to the program explore various strategies for problem-based instruction within the middle school classroom.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Have a deeper understanding of the instructional philosophy, mathematical content, lesson structure, and assessment features of the CMP2™ program.

• Identify the organization of the program and supporting resources.

• Describe effective strategies for successfully implementing CMP2™ in the classroom.

• Examine technology resources available to support a successful implementation of CMP2™.


Educators, Instructional Coaches, Curriculum Developers, Administrators

Number of participants: 30

ISBN: 112645

Foundational Overview of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics [pic]


Discover all Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) components in this workshop. In this workshop, participants explore the framework of learning that these components provide for college and career readiness. They focus on the domains, concept categories, and learning progressions of the K–12 Standards for Mathematical Content. Participants also explore how to integrate the mathematical habits of mind required by the K–12 Standards for Mathematical Practice.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify the domains and concept categories included in the K–12 Standards for Mathematical Content.

• Identify ways to promote classroom discourse that help students develop mathematical proficiency.

• Identify aspects of the mathematical practices that bring teaching closer to assessment.

• Connect current practice and articulate the changes needed to implement CCSSM.


K–12 Educators

Number of participants: 30

ISBN: Prentice Hall Connected Mathematics Project 2: 115300

Focusing on the Mathematical Practices of the Common Core [pic]


Examine the impact that mathematical practices have on students by connecting them to processes, proficiencies, and problem solving. The first day focuses on the eight mathematical practices as well as how participants can use existing resources to promote and routinely assess the mathematical practices. The second day examines specific considerations for differentiation and support for all students as participants unpack content standards while continuing to consider the routine integration of the Standards for Mathematical Practice.


By the end of the two-day workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify a structure for collaboration and use of the eight practices.

• Articulate ways to routinely promote and assess the math practices.

• Describe how specific mathematical practices are embedded in the Standards for Mathematical Content.

• Identify the attributes of a rich, instructional, problem-based approach and how it can support access to the Standards for Mathematical Practice.


6–8 Educators


ISBN: Prentice Hall Connected Mathematics Project 2: 115552

CMP2™: Performance-Based Assessment for Mathematics [pic]


Explore performance-based assessments in relation to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) with a focus on the eight mathematical practices. Participants discuss the implications of performance-based assessments on classroom instruction and assessment. They review sample performance tasks, develop a template to create similar assessments, and learn strategies for implementation.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Apply strategies to create and evaluate performance-based assessments.

• Use the sample performance tasks as a model for creating performance-based assessments.

• Use student samples as a model to evaluate student work.


6–8 Educators


ISBN: 115566

CMP2™: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners


Learn strategies to help target the individual needs of each student in the classroom. Participants analyze lessons and develop a plan to help students connect prior knowledge to current information. They also solve problems, discuss mathematical concepts, and work together to reflect upon effective strategies for assessing student understanding, monitoring progress, and modifying instruction to reflect the needs of every student in their classrooms.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Discuss strategies to help students stretch their limits, use creativity, and tackle realistic challenges using CMP2™.

• Analyze lessons and develop a plan for encouraging students to connect what they know and make meaning with what they learned.

• Examine embedded supports for students with special needs and develop a plan for modifying instruction using CMP2™ resources.


Educators, Instructional Coaches, Curriculum Developers, Administrators

Number of participants: 30

ISBN: 112559

CMP2™: District Institute


Learn strategies for increasing the effectiveness of instruction and student learning. This three-day institute includes Questioning Strategies, Interactive Strategies, and Using Student Assessment to Drive Instruction. Participants build upon their knowledge of the CMP2™ program and experience strategies that increase the effectiveness of the program. They experience ways to enhance student learning through effective questioning strategies embedded in the program. This institute also allows participants to see how students are being assessed both formally and informally, and it offers a chance to examine student work and strategize ways to enhance student understanding of mathematical concepts. Participants experience model lessons from the CMP2™ program, and they focus and reflect on strategies to ensure student engagement in daily lessons.


By the end of the institute, participants will be able to:

• Become familiar with the mathematics of a CMP2™ unit.

• Describe how the mathematical concepts are developed from one lesson to the next.

• Examine the assessment tools available within the CMP2™ program and describe how they are used in the classroom.

• Experience various assessment opportunities and work in teams to examine and respond to student work samples.


Educators, Instructional Coaches, Curriculum Developers, Administrators

Number of participants: 30

ISBN: 112173

CMP2™: Interactive Strategies


Explore and strategize ways to enhance student learning through effective CMP2™ learning structures and strategies. Participants experience model lessons from the program. They also focus and reflect on strategies to ensure student engagement and to create an atmosphere in which student engagement and discourse are promoted. At the end of this workshop, participants will be comfortable with the strategies necessary to maintain students’ focus and engage them in the mathematical content within the program.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify ways interactive learning structures and strategies can enhance student learning and maintain student focus.

• Experience the CMP2™ program utilizing best practices of interactive learning structures and strategies.

• Reach a level of comfort creating and maintaining an atmosphere in which mathematical discourse and engagement flourish.

• Collaborate with other teachers to identify the mathematical concepts developed from one lesson to the next.


Educators, Instructional Coaches, Curriculum Developers, Administrators

Number of participants: 30

ISBN: 112169

CMP2™: Questioning Strategies


Target the individual needs of each student in the CMP2™ classroom. In this training, participants analyze lessons and develop a plan to help students connect prior knowledge to current information. Participants solve problems, discuss mathematical concepts, and work together to reflect upon effective strategies for assessing student understanding, monitoring progress, and modifying instruction to reflect the needs of every student in their classrooms.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify ways effective questioning enhances student learning and maintains student focus.

• Experience the CMP2™ program, utilizing best practice questioning structures and strategies.

• Demonstrate strategies for creating and maintaining an atmosphere in which mathematical discourse flourishes.

• Collaborate with other teachers to identify the mathematical concepts developed from one lesson to the next.


Educators, Instructional Coaches, Curriculum Developers, Administrators


It is recommended that this workshop take place after participants have experienced a CMP2™ product orientation and are ready to dig deeper into the program.

Number of participants: 30

ISBN: 112168

CMP2™: Grade Unit Training


Examine the Launch, Explore, Summarize instructional model used in the CMP2™ program. Participants experience model lessons using one unit from the CMP2™ program and strategize ways to engage students in all three parts of the instructional model. This workshop allows participants to focus on the mathematical content and experience various strategies for problem solving within the unit. Participants solve problems, discuss mathematical concepts, and work together to reflect on effective strategies for implementing CMP2™ into their classrooms. At the end of this workshop, participants will be prepared to successfully implement the unit in their classrooms.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify the organization and concepts found in one unit from the CMP2™ program and supporting resources.

• Experience CMP2™ instructional design.

• Reach a level of comfort with one unit from the program.

• Collaborate with other teachers to dig deeply into the mathematical content and its development within the chosen unit.


Educators, Instructional Coaches, Curriculum Developers, Administrators

Number of participants: 30

ISBN: Grade 6: 112165

ISBN: Grade 7: 112166

ISBN: Grade 8: 112167

CMP2™: Organizing the Classroom


Identify and experience the components of an effective CMP2™ classroom. During the workshop, participants read, reflect, and dialogue about the foundations of student-centered teaching. They explore topics such as effective classroom management, organizing a classroom, organizing student notebooks, intentionally grouping students, and managing manipulatives. Participants leave this workshop with many strategies that allow them to implement CMP2™ in a classroom environment.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify the components in an effective CMP2™ classroom environment.

• Describe different methods of scaffolding and forming cooperative groups.

• Examine the author’s recommendations for a CMP2™ student notebook, and work in groups to discuss classroom-level standards for accountability, grading, and management of the CMP2™ student notebook.

• Describe aspects of classroom management that ensure student participation, accountability, and engagement in a problem-centered environment.


Educators, Instructional Coaches, Curriculum Developers, Administrators

Number of participants: 30

ISBN: 112558

CMP2™: Using Student Assessment to Drive Instruction


Experience and reflect upon the assessment components within CMP2™. During the workshop, participants take a closer look at how the program develops mathematical concepts and how students are assessed formally and informally throughout a unit. Participants work with the various types of assessments involved in the CMP2™ program, including partner quizzes, unit tests, projects, and students’ daily work. They also examine student work and respond to work samples as they relate to students’ understanding of mathematical concepts. Participants walk away with strategies that allow them to use their students’ assessment data to make strategic decisions in their classrooms.


For districts that plan to implement the Common Core State Standards, those assessment strategies will be addressed.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Describe how the mathematical concepts are developed and assessed from one lesson to the next.

• Examine the assessment tools available within the CMP2™ program and describe how they are used in the classroom.

• Experience various assessment opportunities and work in teams to examine and respond to student work samples.


Educators, Instructional Coaches, Curriculum Developers, Administrators

Number of participants: 30

ISBN: 112170

CMP2™: Job-Embedded Services

Pearson’s three levels of job-embedded services offer the most effective way for schools and districts to build capacity. To learn more about Pearson’s job-embedded services, visit .

Coaching and Modeling: ISBN: 112174

Lesson Study: ISBN: 116795

Consultative Services: ISBN: 117078

Build capacity! Pair any CMP2™ workshop with a day of consultative services.

Results Snapshot: CMP2™

|Fidelity of Curriculum Implementation |

|95% |I am more comfortable implementing CMP2 in my classroom after working with my consultant. |

|93% |I feel the time spent working with consultants from Pearson has given me new ideas to improve my teaching. |

|95% |The coaching model was relevant to my professional development. |

|95% |The coach was well prepared, organized, and on time. |

|93% |The coach was effective in meeting my particular needs as a teacher and a learner. |

|91% |Having someone to collaborate with was beneficial, and I saw growth in my teaching effectiveness. |

|94% |The coaching model gave me the opportunity to reflect on quality mathematics and teaching practices. |

|95% |The primary focus of the coaching sessions was the effective implementation of CMP2 to maximize student learning. |

|2009 survey results |

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Connected Mathematics Project 3™ (CMP3™)

CMP3™: Product Implementation Essentials

Number of days: 1

Learn the organization and curriculum content in the CMP3™ program. This one-day workshop is intended for teachers who are new to teaching with CMP3™. It focuses on lesson structure, program components, and effective strategies for problem-based instruction within today’s middle school mathematics classroom.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify organization and content of the curriculum and supporting resources.

• Demonstrate a deeper understanding of the instructional philosophy, mathematical content, lesson structure, and assessment features in CMP3, and their alignment to new standards.

• Understand how to implement and engage students in the CMP3 problem-based curriculum.

Target audience:


Number of participants: 30

ISBN: 119546

This workshop is also available for online learning. Visit for details on our online learning options.

CMP3™: Product Implementation Essentials: Fused Online Course [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours


Cohort Pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 119590

ISBN: Up to 30: 119580

ISBN: Up to 50: 119562

CMP3™: Enhancing Instruction with Technology

Number of days: 1

Explore technology integration with CMP3™. During this workshop, participants review instruction for using technology tools to raise student achievement and effectively manage the CMP3™ classroom. Participants have the opportunity to use the CMP3™ technology and practice new knowledge and skills so they leave the workshop ready to use these powerful tools in their CMP3™ classrooms.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Implement technology in the CMP3™ classroom.

• Utilize digital content to present mathematical concepts in class that enhance learning.

• Learn how to maximize the use of Dash mobile tools to help with classroom management and the capture of student work.

• Plan for effective group work by teaching students how to use the interactive digital student pages for instantaneous sharing.

Target audience:


Number of participants: 30

ISBN: 119549

CMP3™: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners

Number of days: 1

Discover strategies to help educators target the individual needs of each student in the classroom, including English language learners and struggling learners. Participants analyze lessons, examine accommodations, and identify embedded structures that help all students be successful in mathematics. They solve problems, discuss mathematical concepts, and reflect upon effective strategies for assessing students’ understanding and personalizing instruction.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify barriers to learning and strategies to employ to aide special needs students in the CMP3™ classroom.

• Improve awareness and options in identifying and addressing specialized learning needs.

• Examine embedded supports for English language learners and struggling learners.

• Develop a plan for personalizing instruction using CMP3™ resources.

Target audience:


Number of participants: 30

ISBN: 119572

CMP3™: Job-Embedded Services

Pearson’s three levels of job-embedded services offer the most effective way for schools and districts to build capacity. To learn more about Pearson’s job-embedded services, visit .

Coaching and Modeling: ISBN: 119559

Lesson Study: ISBN: 119484

Consultative Services: ISBN: 119571

Build capacity! Pair any CMP3™ workshop with a day of consultative services

Center for Mathematics Education (CME™ Project)

CME™ Project: Using Technology to Enhance Instruction


Explore TeacherEXPRESS, StudentEXPRESS™, ExamView® Assessment Suite, and discover support for teaching with TI-Nspire™+ and related Texas Instruments technology. During this workshop, participants gain exposure to the CME™ technology components. They also review all technology components and have an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills in a virtual environment. Participants leave this workshop ready to use these powerful tools in their classrooms.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Use the TeacherSTATION software to explore CME™ resources in a digital environment.

• Describe how to use CME™ lesson planning and test generating software.

• Demonstrate methods of using technology to enhance and differentiate instruction in a CME™ classroom.

• Identify and explore online resources to support student learning in a CME™ classroom.


Educators, Math Coaches, District Math Supervisors

Number of participants: 30

ISBN: 112325

CME™ Project: Algebraic Habits of Mind


Examine problem-based, student-centered approaches to developing algebraic thinking. Participants familiarize themselves with the layout of the teacher’s guide and experience methods of effectively integrating instructional components and strategies designed to build sound habits of mind. They experience how CME™ supports reasoning with numbers and measurement, algebraic symbols, and functions, and they learn how to teach algebra with a holistic view of the program and best practices.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify organization and content of the CME™ Algebra text and supporting resources.

• Implement methods of teaching and learning algebraic concepts that focus on mathematical reasoning and problem solving.

• Reach a level of comfort with the design and delivery of CME™ Algebra lessons and concepts.

• Collaborate with other participants to dig deeply into the mathematical content and its development within CME™ Algebra.


Educators, Math Coaches, District Math Supervisors

Number of participants: 30

ISBN: 112326

CME™ Project: Geometric Habits of Mind


Learn the layout of the CME™ teacher’s guide and experience methods of effectively integrating instructional components and strategies designed to build sound habits of mind. Participants experience how CME™ supports conjecturing about geometric objects, construction and evaluation of geometric arguments, multiple geometric approaches, and geometric connections. They learn how to teach geometry with a holistic view of the program and best practices.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify organization and content of the CME™ Geometry text and supporting resources.

• Implement methods of teaching and learning geometric concepts that focus on mathematical reasoning.

• Reach a level of comfort with the design and delivery of CME™ Geometry lessons and concepts.

• Collaborate with other participants to dig deeply into the mathematical content and its development within CME™ Geometry.


Educators, Math Coaches, District Math Supervisors

Number of participants: 30

ISBN: 112327

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Language Central for Math

Language Central for Math: Building Academic Vocabulary [pic]


Explore how Language Central for Math uses a research-supported teaching framework developed in collaboration with Jim Cummins to help English language learners and struggling students develop the academic vocabulary necessary to master math. They examine situations when the math vocabulary, not the mathematical concepts, hinder student mastery. Participants learn strategies that directly address this issue and reinforce the instruction given in the math classroom.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify techniques for explicitly linking new math content to students’ background experiences and past learning.

• Analyze ways that questioning can be used to help build background for all students.

• Determine vocabulary-building exercises and techniques for emphasizing academic and mathematics vocabulary with students.


Educators, Math Coaches, Specialists, Administrators


ISBN: 115249

Results Snapshot: CME™ PROJECT

Independent studies confirm that CME™ Project generates significant gains in student learning when implemented with high fidelity.

CME™ Project Student Percentile Gains

|Course |Pre- / Post- Mean |Percentile Gain |

| |Difference | |

|Algebra 1 |1.9 |20 |

|Geometry |3.5 |27 |

|Algebra 1 |1.9 |21 |

|8th Grade | | |

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Pearson Integrated High School Mathematics

Pearson Integrated High School Mathematics ©2014 Product Implementation Essentials

Number of days: 1

Discover the instructional design used in the Pearson Integrated High School Mathematics program. Participants experience model lessons with extra emphasis on Common Core instruction, interactive learning, and personalized instruction embedded in the program. They examine how the program integrates opportunities for students to engage in the Standards for Mathematical Practice in each lesson. Participants work together to learn effective strategies for managing a Pearson Integrated High School Mathematics classroom that encourages students to build mathematical proficiency.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify organization and content of the curriculum and supporting resources.

• Demonstrate a deeper understanding of the instructional philosophy, mathematical content, lesson structure, and assessment features in the Pearson Integrated High School Mathematics program.

• Understand the instructional technology embedded in the program.

• Understand how the lessons are built around the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and support the development of the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

Target audience:


Number of participants: 30

ISBN: 119575

Prentice Hall Mathematics: Courses 1, 2, and 3

Prentice Hall Mathematics: Courses 1, 2, and 3 Common Core ©2012 Product Implementation Essentials

Number of days: 1

Focus on the instructional design used in the Prentice Hall Mathematics: Courses 1, 2, and 3 Common Core ©2012 program. Participants experience model lessons with extra emphasis on Common Core instruction and high-stakes test preparation embedded in the program. Participants work together to learn effective strategies for managing a Prentice Hall Mathematics: Courses 1, 2, and 3 Common Core classroom.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify organization and content of the curriculum and supporting resources.

• Demonstrate a deeper understanding of the instructional philosophy, mathematical content, lesson structure, and assessment features in the Prentice Hall Mathematics: Courses 1, 2, and 3 Common Core program.

• Understand the instructional technology used in the program.

• Understand how the lessons are built around the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and support the development of the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

Target audience:


Number of participants: 30

ISBN: 119592

Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics

Making Sense of Mathematics: An Introduction to the Van de Walle Professional Mathematics Series


Examine how teaching through problem solving helps students make sense of mathematics. Participants explore three critical features and an explicit structure to better understand how student learning becomes a natural outcome of the problem-solving process.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Support simultaneous development of conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills.

• Identify instructional skills and strategies that make mathematical relationships between ideas, facts, and procedures in an intentional and public way.

• Support purposeful student struggle and identify common misconceptions as opportunities for student learning.

• Support mathematics learning for diverse student populations, including English language learners.


K–8 Educators, Math Coaches, Specialists


ISBN: 116331

Critical Foundations of Algebra


Discover how to use student-centered teaching practices to build students’ foundational skills in number sense and proficiency as well as improve students’ foundational understanding of rational number concepts. Based on the best-selling Van de Walle Professional Mathematics Series, this algebra readiness program focuses on the following:

Grades 4–8: Rational Number Sense and Proportional Reasoning

Ratio as a comparison by division

Proportional relationships and linearity


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Merge instruction in algebra with the instruction of concepts of numbers and operations, understanding how learning in one domain supports learning in the other.

• Support simultaneous development of conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills with the intentional use of purposeful student struggle, flexible grouping, and ongoing assessments.

• Make mathematical tasks worthwhile and engaging for all students.

• Identify common misconceptions as opportunities for learning.


K–8 Math Educators, Math Directors, Coordinators, Math Coaches


ISBN: Grades 4–8: 113022

Strategies for Differentiating Mathematics Instruction [pic] [pic]


Explore how to teach Grades K–8 math equitably by adapting mathematics instruction based on student needs, supporting learning for culturally and linguistically diverse populations, and making mathematics instruction engaging for all students, including English learners.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Make mathematical tasks worthwhile and engaging for all students.

• Develop a rich understanding of differentiated instruction to adapt mathematics instruction to meet student needs.

• Implement the use of flexible grouping and ongoing assessments in a mathematics lesson.

• Support purposeful struggle and identify common misconceptions in mathematics as opportunities for learning.


K–8 Math Educators, Math Directors, Coordinators, Math Coaches, Intervention Specialists


ISBN: 114138

This workshop is also available for online learning. Visit for details on our online learning options.

Strategies for Differentiating Mathematics Instruction: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 12 hours

Number of Participants: Up to 50

Cohort Pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 116901

ISBN: Up to 30: 116911

ISBN: Up to 50: 116932

Rethinking Algebra: Focus on the Content and the Mathematical Practices of the Common Core [pic]


Examine key algebraic concepts from a mathematical point of view. Participants address the content demand necessary to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate the eight Mathematical Practices of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) in algebra. With a focus on differentiated and active engagement strategies, participants learn how they can successfully pave the way for increased student achievement in algebra by translating the following pedagogical content knowledge into classroom practice:

Essential Understandings of Algebra

Algebra and the Standards for Mathematical Practice


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify ways to support simultaneous development of the mathematical skills and expectations by focusing on the five strands of student proficiency:

• Adaptive Reasoning

• Procedural Fluency

• Productive Disposition

• Strategic Competence

• Conceptual Understanding

• Connect instructional strategies for teaching algebra to the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

• Identify instructional skills and strategies that facilitate understanding of a student’s capacity for using variables, doing and undoing, building rules to represent functions, and abstracting from computation.

• Outline teaching strategies that make mathematical relationships explicit in an intentional and public way.


6–12 Educators


ISBN: 115508

This workshop is also available for online learning. Visit for details on our online learning options.

Rethinking Algebra: Focus on the Content and the Mathematical Practices of the Common Core: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 12 hours


Cohort Pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 116910

ISBN: Up to 30: 116931

ISBN: Up to 50: 116921

Student-Centered Mathematics: Job-Embedded Services

Pearson’s three levels of job-embedded services offer the most effective way for schools and districts to build capacity. To learn more about Pearson’s job-embedded services, visit .

Consultative Services: ISBN: 117220

Build capacity! Pair any Student-Centered Mathematics workshop with a day of consultative services

Featured Experts

Karen Karp Author of Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally, 7th edition

• Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of Louisville (Kentucky)

• She is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and a former president of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE)

Jennifer Bay-Williams Author of Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally, 7th edition

• Associate Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of Louisville (Kentucky)

• She serves as the President of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) and chair of the NCTM Emerging Issues Committee.

Leading for Mathematical Proficiency

Leading for Mathematical Proficiency: Strategies for Becoming an Effective Mathematics Coach

Number of Days: 2

Learn strategies for educators who support other teachers in the teaching of mathematics. That support includes activities ranging from coaching and planning professional development to organizing professional learning communities and working with a range of teachers. In the context of this workshop, the term coaching means the specific act of engaging with teachers in informal settings or more formally in a coaching cycle (planning, data gathering, and reflecting).


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Articulate the skills that are essential to coaching.

• Recognize and describe a conceptual framework for connecting students’ learning to classroom practice.

• Explore and practice the coaching cycle for various teaching skills.

• Identify strategies (beyond coaching) for effective professional development.

Target Audience:

K–12 Mathematics Coaches and Teacher Leaders

Number of Participants: 30

ISBN: 119650

MathXL® for School

MathXL® for School: The Optimal Program Experience


Explore strategies to seamlessly integrate MathXL® for School into classroom instruction. Participants discover powerful tools that enhance teaching and learning, differentiate instruction, and accurately assess student understanding of mathematical concepts. They learn how to create standards-aligned courses and customize homework and assessments. These course options include an introduction to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and focus on making the transition from state standards to the CCSS. Participants examine the role of administrators in Coordinator courses and explore the process for accessing, measuring, and analyzing school- or district-wide data. Participants learn how they can best implement the program to meet their own needs as educators as well as the needs of all their students.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Personalize and differentiate instruction using the program tools.

• Access individual or collective student data to analyze student performance and drive instructional decisions.

• Create standards-aligned homework and assessments within their course content.

• Apply ideas for how MathXL® for School can help teach standards-based mathematics.


Educators, Math Coaches, Specialists, Administrators


ISBN: 115270

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Math Navigator™ Professional Development Solutions

Are you and your students prepared to address the rigor of the Common Core? Jobs in the 21st century require students to think critically, work independently, and apply an array of higher-level skills.

Pearson offers high-quality professional development and job-embedded services to help schools and districts implement Math Navigator™ with fidelity. These on-site services are grounded in relevant research and explicitly connected to best instructional practices.

What is Math Navigator™?

Math Navigator™ is a proven, research-based intervention program that deepens students’ knowledge of critical concepts, closes the gaps in their understanding, repairs their misconceptions, and develops essential mathematical practices. A flexible, modular program, Math Navigator™ can be implemented during school hours or in after-school, weekend, or summer programs.

Math Navigator™ consists of twenty-six modules, each one focused on a critical math topic. Students are assigned to a module based on their needs rather than their grade level, enabling teachers to deliver differentiated instruction.

Math Navigator™ professional development services include:

• Product Implementation Essentials workshops for the program’s instruction model

• Connections to the Common Core State Standards

• Job-embedded services

Math Navigator™

Math Navigator™: Product Implementation Essentials [pic]

Number of days: 1

Review the main components of Math Navigator™. In this workshop, participants learn about the lesson structure and identify ways to implement effective strategies into daily instruction, including routines and multiple representations.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Explain the lesson structure.

• Implement effective mathematics strategies.

• Identify the base skills students needed for college and career readiness and how to use Math Navigator™ to maximize student potential.

• Develop strategies to help students meet the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.

Target Audience:

Educators, Instructional Coaches, Administrators, Paraprofessionals

Number of ParticipantS: 30

ISBN: ©2012 Common Core edition: 117181

This workshop is also available for online learning. Visit for details on our online learning options.

Math Navigator™ Product Implementation Essentials: Live Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 3 hours


Cohort Pricing

ISBN: Math Navigator ©2012 Common Core edition: Up to 15: 119532

ISBN: Math Navigator ©2012 Common Core edition: Up to 30: 119522

ISBN: Math Navigator ©2012 Common Core edition: Up to 50: 119550

Math Navigator™: Job-Embedded Services

Pearson’s three levels of job-embedded services offer the most effective way for schools and districts to build capacity. To learn more about Pearson’s job-embedded services, Visit .

Coaching and Modeling: ISBN: 115696

Lesson Study: ISBN: 117084

Consultative Services: ISBN: 117094

Build capacity! Pair any Math Navigator™ workshop with a day of consultative services.

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onRamp to Algebra

onRamp to Algebra: Product Implementation Essentials (One Day)


Explore the main components of onRamp to Algebra. Participants examine the lesson structure and identify ways to implement effective strategies into daily instruction to prepare students for future success in Algebra 1.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Explain the lesson structure.

• Implement effective mathematics strategies.

• Identify the important concepts and skills students need for future success in Algebra 1 and how to use onRamp to Algebra to maximize student potential.

• Apply the workshop model of instruction in the classroom.

Target Audience:

Educators, Math Coaches, Specialists, Administrators

Number of Participants: 30

ISBN: 117075

This workshop is also available for online learning. Visit for details on our online learning options.

onRamp to Algebra: Product Implementation Essentials: Live Online Course [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 3 hours


Cohort Pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 0133227359

ISBN: Up to 30: 0133227375

ISBN: Up to 50: 0133227383

onRamp to Algebra: Product Implementation Essentials (Two Days)


Integrate Product Implementation Essentials with Going Deeper for Student Success for a comprehensive training on implementing onRamp to Algebra in diverse student populations. Participants examine the program structure and lesson components in depth for successful implementation and instructional delivery. They focus on using the program’s Launch, Work Time, and Closing model of instruction to prepare English learners (ELs) and students with special learning needs to succeed in algebra.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Implement effective mathematics instructional strategies for ELs and students with special learning needs.

• Differentiate instruction using the program’s workshop model and support features.

• Identify misconceptions and content deficiencies that are barriers to students’ mathematical progress.

• Practice unpacking key standards as examples of how to differentiate instruction for special populations.

Target Audience:

Educators, Math Coaches, Specialists, Administrators

Number of Participants: 30

ISBN: 117105

onRamp to Algebra: Going Deeper for Success with Diverse Student Populations


Learn how onRamp to Algebra accommodates students with special learning needs and discover how to utilize the program’s built-in differentiation features. Participants explore specific program components developed for teaching English learners (ELs). The workshop addresses learning deficiencies and barriers that have prevented ELs and special needs students from mastering grade-level standards and attaining mathematical proficiency. Participants walk away with the program knowledge, an understanding of the instructional workshop model, and tools to prepare all students for algebra success.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Differentiate instruction using the program’s support features.

• Identify misconceptions and content deficiencies that are barriers to students’ mathematical progress.

• Practice unpacking key standards as examples of how to differentiate instruction for special populations.

• Make connections between effective differentiated and EL instruction and the successful implementation of the program’s workshop model.

Target Audience:

Educators, Math Coaches, Specialists, Administrators


Product Implementation Essentials (One Day)

Number of Participants: 30

ISBN: 117085

onRamp to Algebra: Job-Embedded Services

Pearson’s three levels of job-embedded services offer the most effective way for schools and districts to build capacity. To learn more about Pearson’s job-embedded services, visit .

Coaching and Modeling: ISBN: 117170

Lesson Study: ISBN: 117154

Consultative Services: ISBN: 117161

Build capacity! Pair any onRamp to Algebra workshop with a day of consultative services.

View free onRamp to Algebra tutorials on !

Ramp-Up Mathematics

Ramp-Up Mathematics®: Training for Teachers and Coaches [pic]

Number of Days: 6

Explore how to effectively implement Ramp-Up Mathematics, a comprehensive math-intervention instructional system. This training provides coaches and teachers with a solid understanding of the Ramp-Up Mathematics curriculum, as well as the content and skills needed to implement it. The six days of professional development are spread out over the course of the academic year, which provides teachers with measured amounts of job-embedded support for implementing Ramp-Up Mathematics.


By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

• Establish routines and rituals of the extended mathematics workshop in their classrooms.

• Use effective questions to probe for understanding.

• Promote students’ use of academic language and integrate reading, writing, and talking about mathematics into instruction.

• Use assessment and student work to inform instruction.


Grades 6 and 8–9 Teachers and Coaches


Single school: 5

Multiple schools within a district: 30


For Ramp-Up to Algebra Grades 8–9, select the ISBN that corresponds to the course materials you purchased, either Option A (Data and Probability, Geometry and Measure) or Option B (Positive and Negative Numbers, Using Equations to Solve Problems).

ISBN: Ramp-Up to Pre-Algebra (Grade 6), single school: 119280

ISBN: Ramp-Up to Pre-Algebra (Grade 6), multiple schools within a district: 119198

ISBN: Ramp-Up to Algebra (Grades 8–9), Option A, single school: 119310

ISBN: Ramp-Up to Algebra (Grades 8–9), Option A, multiple schools within a district: 119210

ISBN: Ramp-Up to Algebra (Grades 8–9), Option B, single school: 119290

ISBN: Ramp-Up to Algebra (Grades 8–9), Option B, multiple schools within a district: 119292

RtI in Mathematics

Strategies for Differentiating Mathematics Instruction [pic] [pic]


Explore how to teach Grades K–8 math equitably by adapting mathematics instruction based on student needs, supporting learning for culturally and linguistically diverse populations, and making mathematics instruction engaging for all students, including English learners.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Make mathematical tasks worthwhile and engaging for all students.

• Develop a rich understanding of differentiated instruction to adapt mathematics instruction to meet student needs.

• Implement the use of flexible grouping and ongoing assessments in a mathematics lesson.

• Support purposeful struggle and identify common misconceptions in mathematics as opportunities for learning.


K–8 Math Educators, Math Directors, Coordinators, Math Coaches, Intervention Specialists


ISBN: 114138

This workshop is also available for online learning. Visit for details on our online learning options.

Strategies for Differentiating Mathematics Instruction: Fused Online Course [pic] [pic]

Equivalent Seat Time: 12 hours

Number of Participants: Up to 50

Cohort Pricing

ISBN: Up to 15: 116901

ISBN: Up to 30: 116911

ISBN: Up to 50: 116932

Additional Mathematics Professional Development

Differentiated Instruction

Number of days: 1

Learn an overview of strategies for differentiating instruction. During this workshop, participants discover tips for making both minor and complex adjustments to instruction to meet the needs of all learners during both whole-group and small-group instruction. Participants leave with an understanding of how to increase the intensity of instruction, provide direct feedback, and group for instructional efficiency.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Consider and evaluate core beliefs underlying differentiated instruction.

• Use a framework to organize ideas about differentiating instruction.

• Establish criteria for evaluating differentiated instruction strategies.


Educators, Instructional Coaches, Administrators


ISBN: 112728

Differentiated Instruction: From Personalization to Application: District Institute

Number of days: 3

Establish a foundational understanding of differentiated instruction. In this workshop, participants have the opportunity to apply the newly acquired differentiators to lesson plans for literacy and math. They focus on monitoring student progress, evaluating the success of the differentiated instruction, and adjusting the intensity and feedback to support students. Participants both collaborate and reflect to increase their institute experience.


By the end of the institute, participants will be able to:

• Establish criteria for evaluating differentiated instruction strategies.

• Explore and practice strategies for differentiated instruction.

• Apply strategies for differentiated instruction to meet the needs of specific students.

• Collaborate and develop assessment tools for measuring successful implementation of differentiated instruction strategies.


K–12 Core Content-Area Educators, Intervention Specialists, Math Coaches


ISBN: 112733

Differentiated Instruction: From Personalization to Application: Day 1 – Foundations and Strategies*

Number of days: 1

Examine how differentiating instruction during both whole-group and small-group instruction can help teachers meet the needs of all learners. During this workshop, participants learn an overview of strategies for differentiating instruction. They also explore tips for making both minor and complex adjustments to instruction. Participants leave with an understanding of how to differentiate by content, process, and product.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Consider and evaluate core beliefs underlying differentiated instruction.

• Categorize strategies for differentiated instruction using a framework.

• Establish criteria for evaluating differentiated instruction strategies.


K–12 Core Content-Area Educators, Intervention Specialists, Math Coaches


ISBN: 115350

* Day 1 may be offered as a stand-alone session without Days 2 and 3.

Differentiated Instruction: From Personalization to Application: Day 2 – Focus on Special Populations

Number of days: 1

Understand how by considering the needs of specific populations of students, teachers can differentiate instruction in an effective manner. Participants learn strategies for differentiating instruction by varying input, output, and opportunities for participation. They specifically focus on differentiation that meets the needs of special populations of students as well as all students.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Explore and practice strategies for differentiated instruction that focus on input, output, and participation.

• Apply strategies for differentiated instruction to meet the needs of specific students.


K–12 Core Content-Area Educators, Intervention Specialists, Math Coaches


Day 1 – Foundations and Strategies


ISBN: 115331

Differentiated Instruction: From Personalization to Application: Day 3 – Personalization and Application


Discover how using the differentiation strategies of changing activity size and adapting instructional intensity can impact student learning. Participants categorize examples of strategies that differentiate by content, process, and product, and apply strategies for differentiated instruction to instructional materials. They collaborate on a rubric to assess teacher implementation of differentiated instruction strategies and explore how to determine when a strategy is no longer effective.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

• Explore and practice strategies for differentiated instruction that focus on adapting activity size and intensity of instruction.

• Collaborate and develop assessment tools for measuring successful implementation of differentiated instruction strategies.


K–12 Core Content-Area Educators, Intervention Specialists, Math Coaches


Day 1 – Foundations and Strategies

Day 2 – Focus on Special Populations


ISBN: 115360

“We wanted to increase teachers’ content knowledge, and improve their pedagogy and assessment strategies. . . .Everybody is now speaking a common language about mathematics, and teachers are using the ‘Big Ideas’ to connect mathematical understandings. We test kids every six weeks with our district benchmark tests, and the scores are higher than they have ever been.”

—Ken Mathews

Supervisor of Mathematics, New Haven Public Schools

New Haven, CT

The Common Core?

College and Career Readiness?

New Assessments?

A dynamic period in math education

Changing times in mathematics education call for changes in mathematics professional development.

Check all that apply.

• We would love to provide more professional development for our math faculty—but it has to focus on content and pedagogy.

• Our budgets for professional development are shrinking—and who can afford substitutes?

• We have limited time for professional development. We need our professional development in shorter chunks that fit our schedule.

So what if you could get the mathematics professional development you need, when you need it, and have it all be more cost effective?

Check all that apply.

• Professional development that integrates grade-level mathematics content with key pedagogical concerns that are integral to effectively implementing the Common Core

• Professional development that can include optional on-site or virtual coaching where trained coaches work with teachers and/or district coaches

• Professional development that can be delivered flexibly—face-to-face or virtually and in individual 90–120 minute modules or custom sequences that meet your particular needs

Interested? We thought so. Let’s talk.

Call your Pearson Account Executive for details.

Pearson Online Professional Learning Services

Effective. Flexible. Connected.

Complement your face-to-face professional development with high-quality online services delivered in self-paced, live online, and fused online modalities. Perfect for time-crunched teachers. Choose your duration and get the results you want!


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