Counseling Psychology and Special Education 503

Counseling Psychology and Special Education 490

Course Description and Expectations

Course & Title: CPSE 490: Educating Individuals with Disabilities

Credit: 1.0 credit hour

Room and Time: 359 MCKB

4:30-6:20 pm Every other Monday starting September 10, 2007

Texts: Student Teacher/Intern Handbook, Brigham Young University

Department of Counseling, Psychology and Special Education

Instructor: Carol Solomon, M.Ed. Email:

Office: 350-D MCKB Office Hours: Mondays and Tuesdays by appointment

Phone: 422-2772 Wednesdays: any time until 7:00 pm

Open Door Policy (if the door is open,

come in and see me)

Course/Description: A seminar class that coincides with student teaching and internship experiences.

Prerequisites: Completion of special education program and participating in student teaching or internship.

Course Objectives:

CPSE 490 is a companion course to your student teaching and intern experience. The Student Teaching/Intern Handbook outlines the goals and objectives for the student teaching/intern courses (CPSE 487R or 496R).

Additional objectives for this course:

1. Participation in class discussion and Group presentations

2. Blackboard bi-weekly reflection journals

3. Practical classroom essentials

4. Scheduling and organizing

5. Instructional materials

6. Effective IEP development

7. Collaboration with school personnel, parents and community

8. Consider legal issues, share concerns and ideas, and ask questions

9. Arrange and attend a 3-way orientation meeting for student teaching

10. Read articles from District professional training or professional journals relevant to the needs of special educators and students with disabilities

11. Complete PIBS, FED and CPAS

12. Complete Praxis

Course Expectations:

• Adhere to the BYU Honor Code on and off campus.

• Attend all class sessions

• Actively participate in all learning activities and discussions

• Be prepared for each class by completing the assigned readings from texts an handouts

• Be professional in typed written assignments: proof-read prior to submission. Reports should be free of spelling, grammatical, and typographical errors.

• Hand in all assignments on time

Methods/Teaching Strategies: The instructor will use a variety of teaching approaches including discussion, recitation, small group problem solving, group presentation, out of class application and activities in practicum settings.

Absence and Assignment Policy:

Absence and Tardies affect your class participation points---One point is possible if you are actively participating during class, one point for arriving on time, one point for completing all of the assigned readings BEFORE class and one point for staying until the end of class (no partial points will be awarded). Assignments are to be handed in at the beginning of class on the due date designated by the instructor. In the case of absences, the student is to initiate with the instructor how to accomplish the requirements of assignment completion. The grade for the assignment due will be lowered if turned in late. No assignments will be accepted after the last day of class.

Syllabus Elements: Mapping Core Course Outcomes to the Conceptual Framework Aims

and INTASC Evaluation Standards

|Core Course Outcomes|Council for Exceptional Children Standards |Conceptual Framework Aims |INTASC Evaluation |Student Learning Outcomes |

| | | |Principles | |

| | | | |Indirect Measures |

| |CC1K3 Relationship of special education to |CF 1: Embrace and Apply the Moral |P1: Subject Matter |SLO 2 Teaching, Successful |

| |the organization and function of educational |Dimensions of Teaching |P2: Student Learning |completion of 490 |

| |agencies. |Practicing nurturing pedagogy |P3: Diverse Learners |Written IEP that includes; |

| | |Providing access to knowledge |P4:Instructional |PLAAFP, Goal and related |

| |CC6K1 Effects of cultural and linguistic |Enculturating for democracy |Strategies |services. |

| |differences on growth and development |Ensuring responsible stewardship of |P5: Learning |Accessing professional teaching |

| | |the schools |Environments |tools |

| |CC9K3 Continuum of lifelong professional |CF2: Demonstrate Academic Excellence |P6: Communication |SLO 4 Collaboration Successful |

| |development. |CF3: Model Collaboration |P7: Planning |completion of 490 |

| | |CF4: Act with Social Competence |Instruction |schedule showing collaboration |

| |CC5S12 Design and manage daily routines. | |P8: Assessment |with school personnel and |

| | | |P9: Reflection and |community members to meet needs |

| |CC9S10 Access information on exceptionalities| |Professional |of exceptional learners |

| | | |Development |Written report of parent |

| |CC10S6 Collaborate with school personnel and | |P10: Collaboration, |collaboration |

| |community members in integrating individuals | |Ethics, & Relationships|SLO 5 Interpersonal Relations |

| |with exceptional learning needs into various | | |Successful completion of 490- |

| |settings. | | |Demonstrate how to effectively |

| | | | |communicate with families of |

| |CC10S10 Communicate effectively with families| | |students with exceptional |

| |of individuals with exceptional learning | | |learning needs and diverse |

| |needs from diverse backgrounds | | |backgrounds. |

| | | | |SLO 6 Professional Practice |

| |GC4K1 Sources of specialized materials, | | |Successful completion of 490 |

| |curricula, and resources for individuals with| | |Design and manage daily routines |

| |disabilities. | | |using a planned schedule |

| | | | |Participation in professional |

| |GC6K1 Impact of language development and | | |development activities provided |

| |listening comprehension on academic and | | |by school |

| |nonacademic learning of individuals with | | |Accessing information to meet the|

| |disabilities | | |needs of students with |

| | | | |disabilities |

| |GC9K2 Organizations and publications relevant| | |Participating in professional |

| |to individuals with disabilities. | | |organizations |

| | | | | |

| |GC7S7 Design and implement curriculum and | | | |

| |instructional strategies for medical | | | |

| |self-management procedures. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |.GC10S2 Select, plan, and coordinate | | | |

| |activities of related services personnel to | | | |

| |maximize direct instruction for individuals | | | |

| |with disabilities. | | | |

|Models, theories, and |CC1K3 |CF1, CF2 |P1, P2, P4, P7 |Class Participation, |

|philosophies that form | | |SLO 6 |Reflection Journals, |

|the basis for special | | | |Questions |

|education practice. | | | | |

|Rights and |CC10S6, CC10S10, GC7S7 GC10S2 |CF1, CF2, CF3, CF4 |P2, P3, P6, P10 |Class Participation, |

|responsibilities of | | |SLO 4, 5 |Reflection Journals, write|

|students, parents, | | | |PLAAFP, Goals and Related |

|teachers, and other | | | |services, Group |

|professionals, and | | | |presentations |

|schools related to | | | | |

|exceptional learning | | | | |

|needs. | | | | |

|National, state or |CC7K3, CC9S10 |CF1, CF4 |P9, P10 |Class Participation, |

|provincial, and local | | |SLO 6 |Reflection Journals, |

|curricula standards. As| | | |professional articles |

|well as organizations | | | |reflections. |

|to support individuals | | | | |

|with special needs. | | | | |

| Prepare and organize |GC4K1 |CF1, CF2 |P2, P4, P7, P9 |Class Participation, |

|materials to implement | | |SLO 2 |Reflection Journals, group|

|daily instruction. | | | |presentation |

|Develop or modify |GC4K1 |CF1, CF2, CF4 |P8 |Class Participation, |

|specialized materials | | |SLO 2 |Reflection Journals, |

|for individuals with | | | |Article Reflections, group|

|disabilities. | | | |presentation, |

|Create a safe, |CC5S1 |CF1, CF4 |P3 |Class Participation, |

|equitable, positive, | | |SLO 5 |Reflection Journals |

|and supportive learning| | | | |

|environment in which | | | | |

|diversities are valued.| | | | |

|Continuum of lifelong |CC9K3, GC9K2, CC9S10 |CF1, CF3, CF4 |P9 |Class Participation, |

|professional | | |SLO 6 |Reflection Journals, |

|development. | | | |Professionalism |

| | | | |Involvement, Personal IEP,|

| | | | |professional article |

| | | | |reflections |


1. Class Participation/ Professionalism: The material and discussions that we have in class will impact your ability to succeed in your student teaching/intern placement. Therefore, participation during CPSE 490 is critical. During each class you will participate in a large or small group discussion. In each bi-weekly class you will rate yourself on your preparation (readings), participation and attendance (including staying for the full duration of class and coming on time) using the rubric supplied in class. If you are absent you will lose the participation points for that class period. (Standards: CEC CC1K3, CF 1,3,4 ,INTASC 6, 9, 10) (Total 35 points).

2. 2 or more Questions from Student Teaching Handbook (3), Reading, Collaboration, and Inclusion Sessions: You will bring these questions or concerns to assist in our classroom discussions on our first class. The question/concern needs to be submitted on BLACKBOARD under COMMUNICATION/DISCUSSION BOARD. Each question is worth 5 points (See scoring rubric at end of syllabus). Standards: CEC CC1K3, CC10S6, CF 1, 3. INTASC 6, 10) (Total 10 points).

3. Arrange & Attend 3-way Orientation Meeting. Submit a type written document in class that lists the date, Time and persons who attended (you, your BYU supervisor, your cooperating teacher) (Standards: CEC CC1K3, CF 1, 3, 4 ,INTASC 5, 9, 10) (Total 10 points)

4. Bi-Weekly Reflection Journal: At the conclusion of each teaching week I want to know how you are doing. This will be accomplished through a weekly message to BLACKBOARD under COMMUNICATION/DISCUSSION BOARD. It is to be conducted as a reflection journal on what you have learned, questions you may have, comments on the readings, methods you want to implement and so forth. This is not a journal about your personal life. You are required to submit your journals to me on the Monday we do not have class by 12:00 PM. Each of the 7 reflections is worth 20 points, and they should be a half page to one page. Two of the reflections will address specific issues:

1. Describe how you developed related service needs in one of your IEPs where you Select, plan, and coordinate activities of related services personnel to maximize direct instruction for individuals with disabilities, include a copy of the related services page from the IEP.

2. Describe an experience where you communicated effectively with families of individuals with exceptional learning needs from diverse backgrounds

Your journal will be scored on the 4 criteria listed in the rubric (See end of the syllabus). (Standards: CEC GC10S2, CC10S10, CC1K3 CF 1, 2, 3, 4, INTASC 1-10) (Total: 140 pts)

5. Schedule of IEP meetings for the year: You will bring to class a copy of you IEP schedule for the year that contains student initials, IEP date and whether it is a new IEP, an annual IEP or a 3yr evaluation and IEP. (Standards: CEC CC5S12, CF 1, 3, INTASC 5, 7, 10) (25 points)

6. Weekly teaching Schedule: You will bring to class your weekly teaching schedule for you and your Para (if you have one) that includes, collaboration with regular education teachers, student contact (groups and individual) IEP and assessment times. (Standards: CEC CC5S12, CF 1, 3, INTASC 5, 7, 10) (70 points)

7. Reflections of Article Reading: You will type a reflection of 2 journal articles, one page each based on one or both of the following criteria:

1. Reflection on articles presented at district meeting(s) you attended or

2. Professional articles based on a specific situation you need to research to increase

success in your learning environment

These reflections will be handed at the beginning of class along with the article you read. The article is to be highlighted and annotated. These are to be reflections versus summaries. In your write-up consider how you will apply the content of the article to your teaching situation. Each reflection is worth 20 points (see rubric at end of syllabus). (Standards: CEC CC1K3, CC9S10, CF 1, 2, INTASC 1, 2, 7, 9) (Total 40 points).

8. Professionalism Involvement: You will need to join a professional organization (CEC, DDD, UEA, SCEC, etc.) of your choosing and write a 1/2 page paper on your experience with this organization. This paper will be due October 22nd at the beginning of class. (Standards: CEC CC9K3, CC9S10. GC9K2, CF 1, 2, 4, INTASC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9) (20 points)

9. LiveText surveys: CDS, FED, PIBS (Standards: CEC CC1K3, CF 1, 3, INTASC 5, 9, 10) (Total 10 points).

10. Group Presentation: You will participate in one of six groups and briefly present information your group has gathered on one of six topics. (Standards: CEC CC6K1, GC7S7, GC4K1, CC1K3, CC10S6, GC6K1, CF 1-4, INTASC 1-10) (Total 50 points)

1. Effects of cultural and linguistic differences on growth and development

2. Design and implement curriculum and instructional strategies for medical self-management procedures (must have all student participation in developing an end product)

3. Sources of specialized materials, curricula, and resources for individuals with disabilities

4. Relationship of special education to the organization and function of educational agencies.

5. Collaborate with school personnel and community members in integrating individuals with exceptional learning needs into various settings. (must have all student participation in developing an end product)

6. Impact of language development and listening comprehension on academic and nonacademic learning of individuals with disabilities

11. Personal IEP: (this is an optional assignment) You will write an IEP on yourself in the areas of academic, physical, and spiritual. The goals must be met within the semester for you to receive full credit. A data sheet with your collection data will be turned in at the end of the semester. 5 points will be allotted for each successful week (up to 12 wks) of data collection (optional and extra credit). (Standards: CEC CC1K3, CF 1, 4, INTASC 9) (Total of up to 60 points at 5 pts per week.)

12. Sub Kit: (this is an optional assignment) You will develop a sub kit for your classroom (see rubric at the end of syllabus) Standards: CEC GC7S7, CC10S6, CC5S12, CF 1, 3, INTASC 4, 6, 10) Total 50 points)

13. Alternative Assignments: (This is an optional assignment) You will choose an assignment that aligns with one or more of the CEC standards listed at the beginning of this syllabus and is approved by the instructor. (Total points 50)

14. Final: Pick four of the CEC standards used for this class and write a reflection on each. (see rubric at the end of the syllabus). Submit it in the Discussion section of Blackboard (Total Points 40 – 10 per standard)

|Assignments |Date due |Point Value |

| | | |

|1. At least 2 Questions or concerns about Student Teaching |Sept 10 (class discussion) |10 |

|Handbook and Student teaching | | |

| | | |

|2. Schedule for all IEPs during year |Sept 24 |25 |

| | | |

|3. Weekly schedule of assistants, students, subjects and your time|Sept 24 |70 |

|for each day of the week | | |

| | | |

|4. Class Participation |Bi-weekly for 7 weeks |35 |

| | |(5 pts per wk) |

| | | |

|5. Reflection Journals on Blackboard |Bi-weekly for 7 weeks on opposite week |140 |

| |of class due Monday by 11:00 pm |(20 pts. per week) |

|For items below see Assignments and Grading pg 5 item 4 |Oct 15 | |

|Parent Panel discussion Journal Reflection |No. 26 | |

|Related Services Reflections | | |

| | | |

|6. Documentation of 3 way Orientation meeting for student teaching|Oct 22 |10 |

| | | |

|7. One page reflection on two articles presented at district |Oct. 22 |40 |

|meeting(s) you attended or two research based or peer reviewed |Nov. 19 |(20 pts. per reflection) |

|articles you have read | | |

| | | |

|8. Group Presentations |11/19 & 12/3 |50 |

| | | |

|9. Professional Involvement – Verification of membership in a |Nov 15 |10 |

|special education or educational organization and short reflection| | |

|about the organization (paragraph) | | |

| | | |

|10. Completion of PIBS, CDS and FED (required) |December 3 |10 |

| | | |

|11. Final- Write a reflection on four of the CEC standards listed |December 17 |40 |

|for this course. | | |

|Total Points for required work |440 |

| | | |

|11. Substitute Kit (optional) |Nov. 19 |50 |

| | | |

|12. Personal IEP (optional) |December 3 |up to 60 points |

| | | |

|13. Other alternative assignment meeting assigned standards and |December 3 |up to 50 points |

|agreed upon by the teacher. (optional) | | |


Grading Criteria: Required number of points for this course to earn an “A” is 418

|Percentage|Ltr Gd |Points |Percentage |Ltr Gd |

|Week1 |Overview of class |Please have read through your student teacher | At least 2 questions or concerns |9/10 Due beginning of class |

|9/10 |Review Assignments |handbook and be prepared to participate in |about Handbook and or student | |

| |Set groups for presentations |questions & answers session |teaching |9/17 by 11:55 PM on |

| |Setting up a classroom | |Journal Reflection (1) |Blackboard |

| |Student teaching Handbook discussion| | | |

|Week 2 |Paperwork, schedules & IEPs |Please talk to your Cooperating teacher and |Weekly schedule |9/24 Due before class |

|9/24 |Setting up Records; Where do all the|other building and district folks regarding | |9/24 Due Before class |

| |papers go? |scheduling You will find a list of questions |Schedule of IEPs for 1 yr. |10/1by 11:55 PM on |

| |Scheduling; Who What, When, Where? |in Blackboard. Be prepared to participate in | |Blackboard |

| |IEP’s , ESY, Transition |a group discussion. I have included samples |Journal Reflection (2) | |

| | |of schedules for you to use for your | | |

| | |assignments in Blackboard. | | |

|Week 3 |What do Parents really want? |Be prepared with questions for the Parental |Reflection Journal parent involvement|10/15 Due by 11:55 PM on |

|10/8 |Parents as partners |Perspectives Panel. |(3) |blackboard |

| |Collaboration | | | |

|Week 4 |Using the Core Curriculum and |Please go to |Documentation of 3 way Orientation |10/22 Due Before class |

|10/22 |Working with Para Educators |Review the State Core curriculum for subjects |meeting for student teaching | |

| |Understanding the State Core/writing|addressed at the grade levels you are |One page reflection on an article |10/22 before class |

| |PLAAFPs and Goals & related services|teaching. How are you incorporating the CORE | | |

| |Collaboration with Para |curriculum with the students you are teaching.|Journal Reflection: (4) | |

| |Professionals |Also, visit the site and | |10/29 by 11:55 PM on |

| | |browse through it. | |Blackboard |

|Week 5 | |Bring computers and materials needed to work | | |

|11/5 |Prep for Group Presentations |on preparation for presentations |Reflection Journal (5) |11/12 by 11:55 PM on |

| | | | |Blackboard |

|Week 6 |Group presentation; |We may be meeting at the school of one of the |Sub Kits |11/19 Due before class |

|11/19 |1.Effects of cultural and linguistic|presenters. | |11/19 Due before class |

| |differences on growth and |Be prepared to add to the discussion about |One page reflection on an article | |

| |development |what is being taught in your special ed | |11/26 by 11:55 PM on |

| |2. Design and implement curriculum |departments. |Reflection Journal Related Services |Blackboard |

| |and instructional strategies for |Bring enough to share; examples of data |(6) | |

| |medical self-management procedures |collection tools you are using or that you see| | |

| |(must have all student participation|being used in your district. | | |

| |in developing an end product) | | | |

| |3. Sources of specialized materials,| | | |

| |curricula, and resources for | | | |

| |individuals with disabilities | | | |

|Week 7 |Group Presentations: |We may be meeting at the school of one of the | | |

|12/3 |4. Relationship of special education|presenters. |Professional Organization |12/3 Due in class |

| |to the organization and function of |Be prepared to add to the discussion about |participation | |

| |educational agencies. |materials being used in your districts; why | | |

| |5. Collaborate with school personnel|and how they were chosen.. |Reflection Journal (7) |12/10 by 11:55 PM on |

| |and community members in integrating| | |Blackboard |

| |individuals with exceptional | |Sign up for potluck | |

| |learning needs into various | | | |

| |settings. (must have all student | | | |

| |participation in developing an end | | | |

| |product) | | | |

| |6. Impact of language development | | | |

| |and listening comprehension on | | | |

| |academic and nonacademic learning of| | | |

| |individuals with disabilities | | | |

|Week 8 |Celebration |Potluck | | |

|12/17 | | |1. Final |12/17 Due on Blackboard by |

| | | | |11:55 PM |

Grading rubrics

Rubric for CPSE 490 Reflection Journals (due on alternate weeks from class on blackboard)

|Task |Points Earned |Points Possible |

|A reflection on the class topic for that week or assigned topic | |8 |

|A reflection on your teaching | |8 |

|At least one other personal insight dealing with the course and/or student teaching | |2 |

|Reflection is well written with no errors/strong insight is evident | |2 |

|TOTAL | |20 |

Rubric for CPSE 490 Schedule of IEP meetings for the School Year (due 9/24 in class)

|Task |Points Earned |Points Possible |

|Set up by month | |5 |

|States whether it is an annual IEP or a 3 yr evaluation and IEP | |5 |

|IEPs are spread out through year in a manageable way | |5 |

|Dates for data collection and final determination of ESY included | |5 |

|Uses Initials instead of student names | |5 |

|TOTAL | |25 |

Rubric for CPSE 490 Weekly Schedule (due 9/24 in class)

|Task |Points Earned |Points Possible |

|Includes daily groups: students (initials), Subject, Time of day, length of time, | |10 |

|Includes schedule of para(s); groups, building duties, breaks and lunch, support time for you, | |10 |

|training time | | |

|Includes time for meeting with teachers (TATs, individual mtg times, faculty mtgs, etc) | |10 |

|Includes planning time for completing paperwork, developing instruction, working with paras, | |10 |

|scheduled lunch and break times for you and para(s) | | |

|Includes training time for para(s) | |10 |

|Includes meeting times for IEPs, district, etc | |10 |

|Typed, error free, reviewed by at least 3 peers for clarity of use | |10 |

|TOTAL | |70 |

| |

|Rubric for CPSE 490 Article Reflections (due 10/22 and 11/19 in class) |

|Task |Points Earned |Points Possible |

|Copy of the article that is highlighted and annotated | |5 |

|Article and/or training is provided through district professional development or from a | |5 |

|professional journal and is peer reviewed | | |

|Reflection is well written with obvious reflection and application to your setting | |10 |

|Reflection is typed, at least one page in length, and is free of grammatical errors | |5 |

|TOTAL | |25 |

| |

|Rubric for CPSE 490 Professionalism Involvement (due 11/15 in class) |

|Task |

|Points Earned |

|Points Possible |

| |

|Evidence of membership with a professional organization is provided (i.e.: id #, copy of membership card, etc) |

| |

|5 |

| |

|Reflection of participation is typed, at least one page in length, and is free of grammatical errors |

| |

|5 |

| |

|Examples if participation with this organization are shared with strong application to personal professional development |

| |

|10 |

| |


| |

|20 |

| |

| |

|Rubric for CPSE 490 Group Presentations (due 11/19, 12/3 in class) |

|Task |Points Earned |Points Possible |

|Collaboration/ contributions equally distributed among group | |5 |

|Presentation is professional | |15 |

|Presentation adds to the knowledge and skills base of peers | |15 |

|All participants present equally | |5 |

|Presentation uses scientifically researched materials | |10 |

|TOTAL | |50 |

| |

|Rubric for CPSE 490 Class Participation (each week in class) |

|Task |Points Earned |Points Possible |

|Personal Integrity/dress and grooming | |.5 |

|Respect for authority | |.5 |

|Learning community (collaboration, participation) | |.5 |

|Responsibility | |.5 |

|Attendance/punctuality | |.10 |

|Flexibility | |.5 |

|Initiative | |.5 |

|Loyalty/commitment | |.5 |

|Dress and grooming | |.5 |

|TOTAL | | 5 |

| |

| Rubric for CPSE 490 Substitute Kit (optional, due10/29 in class) |

|Task |Points Earned |Points Possible |

|Includes a folder for each group, yours and your para(s), with information about students that | |15 |

|will help the substitute provide appropriate instruction (you may bring one class period as a | | |

|sample for grading purposes with a statement that all periods are complete.) | | |

|Includes lesson plan for each group with accommodations for individual students as needed | |10 |

|Includes materials for lessons | |10 |

|Lesson are based on students’ IEP goals | |10 |

|Includes current weekly schedule, classroom rules and emergency procedures, school rules and | |5 |

|other information as needed. | | |

|TOTAL | |50 |

| Rubric for CPSE 490 Personal IEP ( Optional due 12/3 in class ) |

|Task |Points Earned |Points Possible |

|Develop a PLAAFP that includes information about your present levels in these three areas: (1) | |10 |

|Academic, (2) Physical, (3) Spiritual and write one goal for each area. | | |

|Develop a weekly data collection system for your goals | |5 |

|Determine and write in any accommodations, modifications or related services you will need to | |10 |

|meet your goals | | |

|Name the duration, frequency, place and who will provide the special services listed above. | |5 |

|Keep weekly data on your goals | |2.5 Per wk up to 12 wks. |

|TOTAL | |up to 60 points |

| Rubric for CPSE 490 Alternative Assignment ( Optional due 12/3 in class ) |

|Task |Points Earned |Points Possible |

|Student has talked with the instructor and an agreement about the assignment has been made and | |10 |

|topic meets a CEC standard. | | |

|Assignment meets agreed upon standard | |10 to 40 |

|TOTAL | |up to 50 points |

Rubric for CPSE 490 Final (due on December 17th by 11:55 PM on blackboard)

|Task |Points Earned |Points Possible |

|Choose 4 CEC standards from pg. 3 of this Syllabus to use for this reflection | |4 |

|Give your rationale for choosing each standard | |12 |

|Clearly define how you will use this standard in your teaching | |12 |

|Reflection is well written with no errors/strong insight is evident. | |12 |

|TOTAL | |40 |

Words of advice from Dr. Burrell:

You must understand that . . .

1) Nothing in your life has prepared you for this!

2) You’re going to have quick failures!

3) Failure is only feedback!

4) You will have to re-define success!

5) See these phases as adjustment periods that are temporary!

Phases to teaching:

1: Honeymoon 3: Humor

2: Hostility 4: Home

“Choose carefully to do fewer things.”

---President Samuelson


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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