Dear Dr - Harvard University

Peer-to-Peer Outline Feedback


In this activity, you and your classmates will provide one another with feedback on your report outlines.


30 minutes for giving feedback on one outline, then 30 minutes for giving feedback on the other outline.


A student or team provides feedback on one outline following the procedure below. The student or team then switches roles with the other student(s) to provide feedback on the other outline.

1. Student(s) giving feedback comment on the strengths of the outline from their perspective. (2 minutes)

Questions for student(s) giving feedback to consider: What is interesting or compelling about the arguments laid out in the outline? How does the outline accomplish the goals set out in the assignment rubric?

2. Student(s) giving feedback ask clarifying questions, and students receiving feedback respond to these questions. (2 minutes)

Clarifying Questions are simple questions of fact. They clarify the situation. They have brief, factual answers, and do not usually generate new “food for thought.”

Examples of clarifying questions: What is your research question? Will you write the discussion and recommendation section together? How many findings will you present in your results section? Are the recommendations you provide for teachers, administrators, or both?

3. Student(s) giving feedback ask probing questions, and student(s) receiving feedback respond to probing questions. (8 minutes)

Probing Questions help the author think more deeply about the issues addressed in the outline. Probing questions demand thought. Good probing questions are open-ended, encourage the author to take different perspectives, and inspire the author to reflect on new ideas.

Examples of probing questions: Why do you think this is the case? What is another way you might…? How was…different from…? What criteria did you use to…? What was your intention when…? What do you see as the connection between…and…?

4. Student(s) receiving feedback ask for advice on anything that they would like to discuss. Students(s) giving feedback respond to this. (8 minutes)

5. Students discuss next steps for writing the report based on the outline. (10 minutes)

6. Students switch roles and repeat steps 1 – 5 to provide feedback on the other outline.


H156: Research Schools


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