Health & Wellness Centre

Health & Wellness Centre: Wellness Peer Programs

Volunteer Application Form

Please highlight the program you are applying for: (one only)

○ Mental Wellness Peer Program – mental health awareness

○Nutritional Health Peer Program – healthy eating awareness

○ Party In The Right Spirit Peer Program – drug and alcohol awareness

○ Sexual Health Peer Program – healthy relationships, birth control and sexually transmitted infection awareness

○ Health & Wellness Centre Ambassadors Peer Program - outreach for the Health & Wellness Centre, promotion on health issues and relationship building with various groups on campus

|Name: |

|Student Number: |

|Address and Postal Code: |

|Phone Number: |

|*Email: |

|Year at UTSC as of September 2019: |

|* Please note: Must be a registered student for entire 2019/20 academic year. Students in Co-op or only attending 1 semester will |

|not considered as primary candidates. |

|Relevant Work Experience: |

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|Relevant Volunteer Experience off campus: |

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|Past involvement/volunteer experience on campus (includes clubs, teams, etc.): |

|What other student organizations/roles/volunteer positions have you applied for next year on campus? |

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|What are your reasons for volunteering with the Wellness Peer Programs: |

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|Signature (you will be asked to sign at interview to verify all information provided is true and accurate): |

|Date: |

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*Successful applicants will be contacted by email for an interview

*Please save this document in your files, and submit your completed application by email as indicated on webpage:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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