Community Development Block Grant Program


The City of Pell City is proposing to submit a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

Program Application to the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs

(ADECA) This RFP is issued to select a qualified consultant to prepare the Grant Application

and to serve as project administer should the grant be awarded by ADECA. This RFP, the

proposals received, and City Council selection will be in effect through September 30, 2019.

Project Description

The project proposed is the rehabilitation of the water system serving a portion of Avondale Mill

Village including the installation of new lines and connections to the existing system.

Scope of Services Required

The consultant will be required to prepare and submit the Grant Application to ADECA on or

before August 31, 2017. The consultant will be responsible for developing a competitive Grant

Application that includes all documentation required for submission.

Should the grant be awarded to the City of Pell City, the consultant will serve as project

administrator. The project will require coordination and implementation according to the rules

and regulations governing the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) through the

Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA). The following services

will be required of an administrative consultant:






Attend meetings held by ADECA on behalf of the City of Pell City.

Establish and maintain project files at the City Hall.

Complete all items for submission to ADECA contained in the Letter of Conditional

Commitment including the environmental review requirements. Review and revise

(as necessary) all written plans and procedures to be followed in the implementation

of the CDBG Program, including but not limited to, Citizen Participation Plan,

Personnel Policies, Procurement Policies, Fair Housing, and the 504 Transition Plan.

Assist, if applicable, with land acquisition following procedures of the Uniform

Acquisition and Relocation Act.

Supervise securing all necessary temporary easement and right-of-entry documents

from property owners.

City of Pell City

RFP 每 Administrative Services for CDBG Grant

Avondale Mills Water System Rehabilitation

June 26, 2017

Page 1 of 3










Review all contracts and status of contractors.

Coordinate all engineering review requirements as established by ADECA.

Assist the City in the implementation of all Labor Standard requirements including

the review of all payrolls connected with the construction of the project.

Maintain and review all in-kind labor and equipment documentation.

Assist in maintaining proper accounting and financial management systems.

Assist Pell City in the implementation of all Civil Rights Compliance including equal

opportunity employment, 504 Handicapped Requirement, and Fair Housing


Monitor general contract performance.

Prepare grant closeout documentation excepting the audit.

Prepare all required reports and coordinate with ADECA.

Criteria for Selection

Proposals will be reviewed and rated based on the following selection criteria with a maximum

of 110 points to be awarded in the review process:

1. Overall experience of the firm as relates to grant application development and preparation

0 每 20

2. Past experience of the firm in successfully administering CDBG Programs

0 - 20

3. CDBG administrative experience of the project manager to be assigned to the City

0 每 20

4. Evidence that the firm has an understanding of the grant application and administrative

requirements of the project

0 每 20

5. Evidence that the firm can provide prepare/submit the grant application and

administrative services in a timely manner and within grant guidelines

0 - 20

6. Cost of services. Cost is not the determining factor in selection but must be addressed in

the proposal.

0- 10

Total Points To Be Assigned

0 - 110

Anticipated Start and Completion Date

Grant application services need to start immediately upon selection of the firm by the City

Council of the City of Pell City. Should the grant be awarded by ADECA, the consultant will be

responsible for adherence to schedule requirements set forth in ADECA policies, procedures,

and guidance.

City of Pell City

RFP 每 Administrative Services for CDBG Grant

Avondale Mills Water System Rehabilitation

June 26, 2017

Page 2 of 3

Type of Contract

The contract will not be awarded until the issuance of the ADECA Letter of Conditional

Commitment. The contract between the Consultant and the City of Pell City will be a flat fixed

fee contract. The contract amount for services required by this project must fall within ADECA

guidelines as detailed in Alabama CDBG Intergovernmental Policy Letter Number 12(a)

Revision 2, which is available on the ADECA website adeca..

Selection Process

Pell City is following competitive proposal procedures to procure grant application and grant

administrative services. The City is seeking proposals from qualified firms which will provide

the City with qualifications and experience addressing the selection criteria from which to select

the most qualified firm to provide grant application and administrative services for this program.

The proposals will be rated by a review committee comprised of staff and/or elected officials.

The City Manager will then negotiate a flat fee fixed contract. The City Council of Pell City

will make final selection of the most qualified consultant. Should the grant be selected and a

Letter of Conditional Commitment be issued by ADECA, the City Council will award the

contract based on the agreed upon contract amount.

Firms are asked to provide a written proposal that addresses the selection criteria set forth in this

RFP. Only one copy of the Proposal is required. Electronic submissions will not be accepted.

Proposals should be submitted no later than 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 18, 2017 to the following


Ms. Penny Isbell

City Clerk

City of Pell City

1905 First Avenue North

Pell City, AL 35125

Final selection is expected to be made by the City Council of Pell City at the regularly scheduled

meeting of July 24, 2017. Attendance is not required. Electronic submission of proposals will

not be accepted.

Any questions regarding this Request for Proposal should be directed to Ms. Penny Isbell, City

Clerk, at 205-338-2244 x104.


City of Pell City

RFP 每 Administrative Services for CDBG Grant

Avondale Mills Water System Rehabilitation

June 26, 2017

Page 3 of 3


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