
Quality of Life References

April 16, 2013


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Healthcare’s ‘third place’ – patient-centered healthcare – is life sciences’ future business focus, says E&Y. Pharmaceutical – pages 17 and 32. May/June 2012.

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Book Chapters

Baumeister RF. Meanings of Life. New York: Guilford, 1991.

Berzon RA, Simeon G, Mauskopf J. Choosing a Health Profile and/or a Patient Preference Measure for a Clinical Trial. In: Spilker B, ed., Quality of Life and Pharmacoeconimics in Clinical Trials (2nd Ed). New York: Lippincott-Raven Publishers; 1996.

Berzon RA. Quality of Life Determinations in Chronic Conditions: Perspectives of the Pharmaceutical Industry. In: Trimble MR and Dodson WE, eds., Epilepsy and Quality of Life. New York: Raven Press; 1994.

Berzon RA. Understanding and Using Health-Related Quality of Life Instruments within Clinical Trial Research. Quality of Life Assesment in Clinical Trials: Methods and Practices. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1998:1–15.

Brady MJ, Cella D. Assessing quality of life in palliative care. In Von Gunten C. (Ed.): Palliative Care and Rehabilitation of Cancer Patients Boston: Dluwer Academic Press, 1999:203-216.

Bullinger M, Anderson R, Cella D, Aaronson N. Developing and evaluating cross-cultural instruments: From minimum requirements ot optimal models. In Shumaker SA & Berzon R. (Eds.): the International Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life: Theory, Translation, Measurement and Analysis Oxford: Rapid Communications, 1995:83-92.

Cain J, Wenzel LB, Monk BJ, Cella D. Palliative Care and Quality of Life considerations in the Management of Ovarian Cancer. In Gershenson DM and McGuire WP (Eds.): Ovarian Cancer Controversies in Management New York: Churhill Livingstone, 1998:281-307.

Cella D. Metodos de evaluacion de la calidad de vida en psico-oncologia. In Maria Die Trill (eds): Psico-Oncolgia Aula de Estudios Sanitarios (ADES ediciones, SL) 2003:779-786.

Cella D. Psychological Issues in Patients with Cancer. In Ettinger DS. (Section Ed.): Oncology in Bone R and Fitzgerald F. (eds.): Current Practice of Medicine, (2nd ed.) Philadelphia: Current Science, Inc. 1997.

Cella D. Quality of Life. In Holland J. (Ed.): Pshycho-Oncology New York: Oxford University Press, 1998:1135-1146.

Cella D. Quality of life in lung cancer: The balidity and cross-culture applicability of the functional assessment of Cancer Therapy-Lung (FACT-L) Scale Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America

Cella D. Quality-of-Life Measurement in Oncology. In Baum A, Anderson BL (Ed): Psychosocial interventions for Cancer Washington: American Psychological Association 2001:57-76.

Cella D, Calhoun B, Roland P. quality of life among women with gynecologic malignancies. In Hoskins WJ, Perez CA & Young RC: Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology (3rd ed.) Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000:571-585.

Cella D, Chang C-H, Heinemann AW. Item Response Theory (IRT): Applications in quality of life measurement, analysis and interpretation. In Mesbah M, Cole B, & Lee M-LT. (Eds.): Statistical Methods for Quality of Life Studies: Design, Measurement and Analysis 2002:169-186.

Cella D, Lai J-S, David K, Dineen K, Hudgens S, Gershon R. Developing a questionnaire using item response theory: a case study of fatigue. In Fayers P, hays R (Eds.): Assessing Quality of Life in Clinical Trials Oxford University Press, 2005:113-130.

Cella D, Peterman A. Evaluation of quality of life. In Rose BD (ed): UpToDate Wellesley, MA 2002.

Cella DF. Evaluating methods to measure quality of life. In Zittoun R. (Ed.): Quality of Life of Cancer Patients: A Review Paris: Laboratoire roger Bellon, 1992:65-72.

Cella DF. Health promotion in oncology: A Cancer Wellness Doctine. In Burton LA & Handzo G, (Eds.): Health Care Chaplaincy in Oncology Binghampton, NY: The Haworth Press, 1992:87-101.

Cella DF. Psychological issues in patients with cancer. Section XII: Oncology (Ettinger DS, Ed.), in Bone RC: Burrent Practice of Medicine (Vol. 3) Current Medicine, Inc., Philadelphia, PA (distributed by Churchill Livingstone, Inc., NY, NY): XII: 1996:19.119.7.

Cella DF. Psychological sequelae in the cured cancer patient. In Higby DJ, (Ed.) Issues in Supportive Care of Cancer Patients Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, 1986:149-171.

Cella DF. Psychological treatment as an adjunct to cancer surgery. In Economou SG, Witt TR, Deziel DJ, Saclarides TJ, Staren ED, Bines SD (Eds.): Adjuncts to Cancer Therapy Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1991:657-660.

Cella DF. Quality of life as an outcome of cancer treatment. In Groenwald SL, Frogge MH, Goodman ML & Yarbro CH (Eds.): Cancer Nursing: Principles and Practice (3rd ed. Boston: Jones & Bartlett, 1993:197-207.

Cella DF. Quality of life as an outcome of cancer treatment. In Groenwald SL, Frogge MH, Goodman ML & Yarbro CH (Eds.): Cancer Nursing: Principles and Practice (4th ed.) Boston: Jones & Bartlett, 1997:203-213.

Cella DF. Using quality of life and cost-utility assessments in cancer treatment decisions. In Skeel RT & Lachant NA (Eds.): Handbook of Cancer Chemotherapy, 4th ed. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1995:80-94.

Cella DF, Bonomi AE. The Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT) and Functional Assessment of HIV Infection (FAHI) quality of life measurement system. Quality of Life and Pharmacoeconomics in Clinical Trials. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott-Raven Publishers; 1996:203-214.

Cella DF, Bonomi AE. Measuring quality of life. In Pazdur R, Coia LR, Hoskins WJ, Wagman LD. (Eds.): Cancer Managerment: A Multidisciplinary Approach (2nd ed) Huntington, NY: PRR, Inc., 1998: 807-814.

Cella DF, Bonomi AE. Measuring quality of life. In Pazdur R, Coia LR, Hoskins WJ, Wagman LD. (Eds.): Cancer Managerment: A Multidisciplinary Approach (1st Edition) Huntington, NY: PRR, Inc., 1996: 773-787.

Cella DF, Holland JC. Methodological considerations in studying the stress-illness connection in women with breast cancer. In Cooper CL, (Ed.): Stress and Breast Cancer Chichester, England: Wiley Press, 1988:197-214.

Cella DF, Jacobson PB, Lesko LM. Research methods in psycho-oncology. In Holland JC, Rowland JH. (Ed.): Handbook of Psycho-Oncology: Psychological Care of the Patient With Cancer New York: Oxford University Press, 1989:737-749.

Cella DF, Lesko LM, Evans S, Raduns C. Deanthanxiety and exposure to one’s mortality. In Klagsbrun S, Goldberg I, Rawnsley M, Kutscher A, Marcus E, Siegel M. (Eds.): Psychiatric Aspects of Terminal Illness Philadelphia, The Charles Press, 1988:76-80.

Cella DF, Lloyd SR, Wright BD. Cross-cultural instrument equating: Current research and future directions. In Spilker B (Ed.): Quality of Life and Pharmacoeconomics in Clinical Trials New York: Raven Press, 1996:707-715.

Cella DF, Perry SW. Depression and physical illness. In Mann JJ, (Ed.): Depression and Depressive Illness: Desctiptive Aspects and Models New York: Human Science Press, 1988:221-239.

Cella DF, Wiklund I, Shumaker SA, Aaronson NK. Integrating health-related quality of life into cross-national clinical trials. In Shumaker SA & Berzon R. (Eds.): The International Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life: Theory, Translation, measurement and Analysis Oxford: Rapid Communications 1995:75-82.

Cella DF, Yellen SB. Quality of life assessment methods specific to oncology. In Ziottun R, (Ed.): Qualify of Life of Cancer Patients: A Review Paris: laboratoire Roger Bellon, 1992:87-94.

Chang C, Cella D, Wright B. Measurement consistency for different language versions of health-related quality of life instruments. In Bezruczko N (Ed.): Rasch Measurement in Health Sciences JAM Press 2005:152-160.

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Cohen S, Williamson G. Perceived Stress in a Probability Sample of the United States. Spacapan S and Oskamp S. (Eds). The Social Psychology of Health. Newbury Park, CA: Sage 1988.

Dineen K, Cella D, Davis K. Quality-of-Life Measurement. In Budman D, Calvert A, Rowinsky E. (Eds.): Handbook of Anticancer Drug Development Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003:425-432.

Eremenco S, Chang C-H, Webster K, Cella D. quality of Life Evaluation in Chronic Illness Across Cultures: The Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (FACIT) Measurement System and Its Use in India. In Chaturvedi SK and Chandra PS (Eds.): Quality of Life in Health and Disease Malalur Printers: Bangalore, India, 2000:69-81.

Eremenco S, Webster K, Cella D. quality of life evaluation in chronic illness across cultures. In Current Perspectives in Palliative Medicine Tokyo: Springer-Verlag 1998:171-175.

Ferrans CE. Definitions and conceptual models of quality of life. Outcomes Assessment in Cancer. Edited by: Joseph Lipscomb, Carolyn C. Gotay, and Claire Snyder. Cambridge Press: 14-30 2004.

Gelber RD, Cole BF, Gelber S, Goldhirsch A. The Q-Twist Method. In: Spilker B (ed.) Quality of life and Pharmacoeconomics in Clinical Trials (2nd ed.). Chapter 46, 4. 1996; Philadelphia, PA:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Hahn E, Cella D. Measuring patient satisfaction and dissatisfaction. In Bezruczko N (Ed.): Rasch Measurement in Health Sciences JAM Press, 2005:132-151.

Hays RD, Anderson RT, Revicki D. Assessing reliability and validity of measurement in clinical trials. In: Assessment in Clinical Trials: Methods and practice. Oxford, England:Oxford University Press. 1998;Chapter 10:169-182.

Holland J, Silberfarb P, Tross S, Cella D. Psychosocial research in cancer: The Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) Experience. In Ventafridda V, Van Dam FSAM, Yancik R & Tamburini M (Eds.). Assessment of Quality of Life and Cancer Treatment Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1986:89-101.

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Kaplan RM, Anderson JP. The general health policy model: An integrated approach. In: Spilker B. (ed.) Quality of Life and pharmacoeconomics in Clinical Trials. (2nd ed). Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 1996.

Karnofsky DA, Burchenal JH. The clinical evaluation of chemotherapeutic agents in cancer. Evaluation of Chemotherapeutic Agents. MacLeod CM (ed). New York: Columbia University 191-205, 1949.

King CR. Overview of Quality of Life and Controversial Issues. In: Quality of life from nursing and patient perspective, theory, research and practice (King CR, Hinds PS eds). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartleet, 1997:29–42.

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Loprinzi CL. The Art of Oncology: Introduction. In: Decades of Progress 1983-2003: Accomplishments in Cancer Control. Pgs. 17-19.

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Payne DK, Massie MJ. Chapter 37. Depression and Anxiety. In: Berger A, et al (ed.) Principles of Practice of Supportive Oncology. Philadelphia, PA:Lippincott-Raven Publishers; 1998.

Peterman A, Cella D. Adherence issues among cancer patients. In Shumaker S, Schron E, Ockene J & McBee W. (Eds.): Handbook of Health Behavior Change (2nd ed.) New York: Springer Publishing Co., 1998:462-482.

Peterman AH, Cella D. Quality of life. In Kazdin AI (ed.): Encyclopedia of Psychology Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 2000:(6),491-495.

Reuters Health Information. Parents Correct on Quality of Life in Young Cancer Patients. Cancer. 2006;106 published by Reuters 2006.

Robbins MA. 2.5 The Economics of Palliative Care. In: The Challenge of Palliative Medicine. pp. 55-65.

Salisbury C. Question 7. Impact on quality of life. Providing a Palliative Care Service. In: Bosanquet N, Salisbury C (ed). Towards an Evidence Base. New York:Oxford University press; pp. 131–162.

Spilker. Quality of Life and Pharmacoeconomics in Clinical Trials. (2nd ed.) Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven. 1996.

Tchekmedyian NS, Cella D, Heber D. Nutritional support and Quality of life. In Heber D. Blackburn GL, Go VL, & Milner J (Eds): Nutritional Oncology(Second Edition) Elsevier, Inc, 2006:713-719.

Tchekmedyian NS, Hickman M, Zahyna D, Cella D. Effects of megestrol acetate on cancer patients: impact on palliative care and quality of life. In: Hartenstein R, Tchekmedyian NS, (Eds.): Hormones in Cancer Cachexia: Megestrol Acetate Munich, Germany: W. Zuckschwerdt Verlag, 1991:59-67.

Tulsky DS, Cella DF. Pilots in gliders: The professional’s role in a cancer wellness group. In Katz AH, et al. (Eds.): Self help: Concepts and Applications Philadelphia: The Charles Press, 1992:250-256.

Ventegodt S. Measuring Quality of Life: From Theory to Practice. Copenhagan, Denmark: Forskningscentrets Forlag, 1996.

Victorson D, Cella D, Wagner L, Kramer L, Smith M. Measuering Quality of Life in Cancer Survivors. In: Handbood of Cancer Survivorship (Ed. Feuerstein), Springer 2006:79-110.

Wagner L, Cella D. Quality of life and psychococial issues. In Bonadonna G, Hortobagyi G, Valagussa P. (eds): Textbood of Breast Cancer: A Clinical Guide to Therapy Taylor and Francis, 2006:345-362.

Wagner LI, Cella D, Doninger. Fatigue. In Voltz R, Bernat J, Borasio G, Maddocks I, Oliver D, Portenoy R. (eds): Palliative Care in Neurology Oxford University Press, 2004:221-240.

Wagner LI, Cella D, Peterman AH. Methodological considerations in the treatment of fatigue. In Portenoy R. (eds): Issues in Palliative Care Research Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2003:173-185.

Wagner-Raphael L, Cella D. Cancer-Related fatigue: clinical screening, assessment and management. In M Marty & S Pecorelli (eds): ESO Scientific updates: Fatigue, Asthenia, Exhaustion and Cancer Oxford, England: Elsevier Science, 2001:(5),201-214.

Waternaux C, WareJ. Unconditional linear models for analysis of longitudinal data. In: Dwyer JH, Feinleib M, Lippert P, Hoffmeister H. (eds.) Statistical Models for Longitudinal Studies of Health. New York: Oxford University Press; 1992:99-114.

Wee CC, Davis RB, Hamel MB. Comparing the SF-12 and SF-36 health status questionnaires in patients with and without obesity. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2008;6:1-7, doi:10.1186/1477-7525-6-11.

Wenzel L, Cella D, Gallup D. Chapter Eight: Investigating Quality of Life. In: DiSaia PJ (ed.) The Gynecologic Oncology Group: Report of 35 Years of Excellence in Clinical Research. 2006.

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Zebrack B, Cella D. Evaluating quality of life in cancer survivors. COMWG Cambridge University Press, 2004:241-263.

Edited Volumes/Books

Cella D. (Ed.) Item response theory modeling at CORE: Center on Outcomes, Research and Education, Evanston IL. 2003.

Cella D. (Ed.) Methodological issues related to QOL measurement. Evaluation & the Health Professions 2005:28(2):entire volume.

Crawford J, Cella D, Sonis S. Managing Chemotherapy-related side effects: Trends in the use of cytokines and othe growth factors. 2006:20(3)Supplement No. 1.

FDA Final PRO Guidance. Guidance for Industry. Patient-Reported Outcome Measures: Use in Medical Product Development to Support Labeling Claims. December 2009. Clinical/Medical.

Tchekmedyian NS, Cella DF. (Eds) Qality of life in current oncology practice and research. Oncology 1990;4,5,entire volume.

Tchedkmedyian NS, Cella DF. (Eds) Quality of life in current oncology practice and research. Williston Park, NY: dominus Publishing. 1991

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