* = Direct line + + copy of original document in file

Hezekiah and Jacob Rogers

Davis's History of Bucks County Pennsylvania states in volume l on page 386, "Jacob and Hezekiah Rogers, Scotch immigrants settled in Plumstead sometime in the last century, but we do not have the date, taking up 640 acres covering a side of Benner's corner. Fifty acres still being in the family."

The book Place Names in Bucks County Pennsylvania, page 308, describes the area of Plumstead Township as follows: "...There are four parishes by this name (Plumstead) in England...this may be one of the many names derived from English sources. First settlers of Plumstead included the ...Rogers...families."

Ora (Rogers) Singleton, in her material in the Kentucky State Historical Library, Frankfort, Kentucky, states, "Two brothers Jacob and Hezekiah Rogers from Scotland settled in Bucks County, Pennsylvania before 1729. On January 17, 1729 they received a deed for 250 acres of land in Plumstead Township near Plumsteadville. On April 21, 1733 Jacob Rogers deeded part of this land to Hezekiah Rogers. On March 11, 1780 Hezekiah deeded this same tract of land to his son, George Rogers. Another record says that ‘Hezekiah Rogers, an old man, died July 2, 1780.’ This was in Plumstead Township in Bucks County, Pa."

+Barbara Jean Evans: In early Bucks County, Pennsylvania records I find:

George and Francis Rogers granted 1000 acres warrant dated 15 Sept 1684 D #2404 - land apparently part of a 2500 acre parcel purchased by George Rogers, plus other acreage warranted to Francis and George. See #1028678 Original purchases of land - Pennsylvania - in file. Also Francis purchased 2500 acres and warranted parcels out to Francis and George.

In film #1028678 Old Rights Bucks County, I find #33 Rogers, Ezekiah 159 acres “return” and #34 Edward Rogers 106 acres “return” hand-bracketed together in 1730.

From John Dyers Diary - “25 Feb 1773: George Brown, John Rogers and Alexander Browns children anocalated for the Small pox”.

1779: single men - John Rogers. (Only year I found him under any listing. BJE)

Jacob Rogers

17 Jan 1729: received 250 acres in Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

These court cases are from the Bucks County Historical Society files, Doylestown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

4 June 1731: "Bucks: Jacob Rogers late of Newtown in the County of Bucks, Blacksmith, Otherwise called Jacob Rogers of Makefield in the County of Bucks and Province of Pennsylvania, Blacksmith, was summoned to answer Jonathan Palmer of a plea that he Render unto him five pounds twelve shillings which to him he was Unjustly Detained" - Debt - Suit #1267.

Dec 1731: Elizabeth Hall vs Jacob Rogers - ended.

7 June 1732: Jacob Rogers late of Bucks County, Blacksmith was attached to answer James Nelson of a plea of Trespass - Suit #1183.

June 1732: Jonathan Palmer vs Jacob Rogers - file #1183 - Judgement for want of a plea ye 15th 7ber [sic] 1732.

Dec 1732: Samson Cary vs Jacob Rogers - file #1114 - Debt of 55 pounds 2 shillings - continuence #14 in custody, Judgement for want of a plea ye 1st of Feb 1732.

Dec 1734: James Nelson vs Jacob Rogers - Sheriff returns the Defendant is not to be found within his Bailywick.

21 Apr 1733: deeded part of his 250 acres to Hezekiah who deeded them to his son George in 1780.

*Hezekiah Rogers

no date: born Scotland.???(Not in LDS Scotland material - some in England)

+no date: married Elizabeth Sebring (____-by 2nd Dec 1793 Bucks County, Pennsylvania) daughter of John Sebring of Solebury Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. See document dated 22 July 1794 in George Rogers file. An Elizabeth Sebring daughter of Johannes was baptized 28 May 1732 in Raritan (Somerville), Somerset County, New Jersey. E. L. Kinney: “The Sebrings were associated with the Rogers—for example, there is an Elizabeth Sebring will, 1810, Hampshire County, West Virginia, which mentions our Rogers—but this connection is not obvious. The Elizabeth Sebring of Bucks County who had a son named George Rogers was much too young to be the mother of the George Rogers who was the son of Hezekiah. More likely Elizabeth Sebring Rogers was a daughter-in-law of Hezekiah Rogers. Also, I have just stumbled upon another son of Hezekiah, Hiram, who reportedly went to Minnesota.”

1720: had land in Bucks County, Pennsylvania listed as: #33 Rogers, Ezekiah: Kind of paper: Return; 159 Acres; Survey Records: Book D Volume 67 Page 113. #34: Rogers, Edward: 106 Acres (these two entries are bracketed together); Date of Survey: 1720. Obviously these two entries are treated as one and who is Edward Rogers? Bucks County, Pennsylvania Old Rights Book p29. Latter-day Saints film #1028678.

no date: daughter ? Rachel born (see Hezekiah Rogers estate papers).

no date: daughter Olive born.

11 June 1728: Office of State at Trenton, New Jersey, p. 41: “This marriage 11 June 1728 Hezekiah Rogers of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, yeoman, and Elizabeth Clews of same, spinster.” Elizabeth was the daughter of Joseph Clews and Elizabeth Pownall and granddaughter of John and Margery Clews, Quakers of The Falls Meeting in Bucks County.

17 Jan 1729: deed from Walter Watts to Hezekiah and Jacob Rogers 250 acres xxxxxxxxx

*20 Oct 1729: son Ezekiel born.

7 Jan 1731: taxed in Plumstead Township 10p (pounds) 1s 3d.

1731 or 1732: taxed in Plumstead Township for 100A of land, 2 corn (presumed to be 2A of corn, it was not clarified), no servants, 2 cattle, 2 horses and no sheep.

Sept 1732: John Hough vs Hezekiah Rogers - file #1187 - Judgement nisi [nisi, unless. A conditional court order which is not to be enforced unless the defendant in a case does not appear to show why the case should not be started.] Bucks County Historical Society court files, Doylestown, Pennsylvania.

21 Apr 1733: deed from Jacob Rogers to Hezekiah Rogers xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 May 1733: received a patent for 250A in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Archives 3rd Series V24-26,1897.

1737: son George born.

15 Sept 1737: “William Frame late of Bucks County Yeoman was attached to answer Hezekiah Rogers of a plea wherefore the aforesaid William the fifteenth day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty seven with force & arms the Close of the aforesaid. Hezekiah at Plumstead in the County aforesaid he broke and entered and five hundred rails of the fence of the aforesaid Hezekiah to the Value of five pounds in the Close aforesaid. Then and there being erected did throw down take and carry away and to his own use converted And other harms to him then & there did against the peace of our now Lord the King and to the Damage of the paid Hezekiah Fifty pounds and thereof he bring suit.”

+16 Sept 1737: Hezekiah Rogers vs William Frame - Suit #2399 - "George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith - To the Sheriff of the County of Bucks Greeting. We Command you you take William Frame late of Bucks County, Labourer if he be found in your Bailiwick and him safly keep so that you may have his Body before our Justices at Newtown at our Court of Common Pleas there to be held the fifteenth Day of December next to answer Hezekiah Rogers of a plea wherefore with force and Arms against the peace of our now Lord the King the Close [farm yard, land] of Ground of the said Hezekiah Rogers did enter and five hundred Fence Rails did take and carry away and then and there growing his Grass did tread down a pasture against the peace of our said Lord the King and to the Damage of the said Hezekiah Rogers fifty Pounds as it is said and have you there then this writ. Witness William Biles Esqr. at Newtown the Sixteenth Day of September in the Eleventh Year of Our Reign".

15 Apr 1742: Hezekiah Rogers of Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, to John Kinsey, Jean ____ Robeson, Joseph Kinkbride, Caleb Compland, John Wright 125 A for thirty-one pounds land in Plumstead Township: “All that his Plantation & Tract of Land situate in Plumsted Township and Beginning at a Black Oak at a Corner of Land of John Gadd’s Thence by the P. Gaddis’s Land South West One hundred seventy six Perches and a half to a Maple. Thence by Land of Samuel Carry North East One hundred & twenty Perches To a Corner Post Then by Land of the Proprietaries North East One hundred Seventy Six Perches & a half to a Black Oak & thence By Land of John Barole South East One hundred and twenty Perches to the Place of Beginning Contg One hundred and twenty five Acres.”

21 May 1748: John White, Miller and seven other residents, each with one-eighth ownership "composed the Cave Bank Fishery Company. They continued to own it and operate a fishery, hotel and ferry on the site for near half a century. The eight proprietors of the Fishing Company were John White, John Hart, Jane Hart, Hezekiah Rogers, Ezekiel Rogers, John Myer, Elias Carey and Rolof Sebring, all landholders nearby. Michael Swartz seems to have acquired the share of Hezekiah Rogers in 1769, and after the death of John White purchased the other seven shares and became sole proprietor of the ferry." Collections of the Bucks County Historical Society vol. 6 p. 98, 1932.

20 July 1748: Mortgage “Between Hezekiah Rogers of Plumstead in the county of Bucks and Thomas Leech, Jno Hobson?, Thomas Chandler, John Wright Trustees of the General Land Office of the Province of Pennsylvania of the other part, Witnesseth that the said Hezekiah Rogers in Consideration of the Value of Thirty Five pounds in Bills of Credit of the said Province to him in Hand paid by the said Trustees (Pursuant to the Direction of an ACT of General Assembly of this Province made in the Nineteenth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King GEORGE the Second over Great Britain etc. Entitled An Act for Re-emitting and continuing the Loan of the Bills of Credit of this Province) The Receipt whereof the said Hezekiah Rogers do hereby acknowledge Hath granted bargained and sold and by these Presents Doth Grant, Bargain and Sell unto the said Trustees of the General Loan Office of the Province of Pennsylvania their Successors and Assigns, All that his Messuage Plantation and Tract of Land situated in Plumstead aforesaid Beginning at a Black Oak at a Corner of Land of John Gaddis; Thence by the said Gaddis’ Land South West One hundred and Seventy Six Perches and a half to a maple; Thence by Land of Samuel Cary North East One hundred and Twenty Perches to a Corner Post; Thence by the Proprietors Land North East One hundred and Seventy six Perches and half to a Black Oak and Thence by Land of John B_____ South East One hundred and Twenty Perches to the place of beginning Containing One hundred and Twenty Five Acres.” Then followed a schedule of payments 15 Oct 1749 to be paid annually until 15 Oct 1762. There was an notation that the debt was satisfied on the 24 Mar 1762 when he made a final payment of 11 pounds 17 shillings and six pence.

Dec 1759: taxed in Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania 10p 2s 6d.

17 Apr 1761: taxed in Plumstead Township 10p 1s 6d.

13 Feb 1762: taxed in Plumstead Township 7p 1s 2d.

25 May 1763: taxed in Plumstead Township 9p 3s 2d.

21 Apr 1764: taxed in Plumstead Township 7p 1s 9d.

Other Rogers men taxed in Plumstead Township: Arthur and Hamilton. (I can find no connection with these Rogers men as yet. BJE)

1769: transferred ( share of Cave Bank Fishing Company to Michael Swartz.

17 May 1770: John Dyer's Diary mentioned that on this date "Thomas Russell moved to Virginia, Rogers' son-in-law. LDS film #192633

+11 March 1780: This Indenture made the eleventh Day of March in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty 1780 Between Hezekiah Rogers of Plumstead in the County of Bucks in the Province State or Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Yeoman of the one Part and George Rogers, his Son of the same Township, County and State, Mill-Wright, of the other part, as follows - Whereas William Penn Esqr Proprietor of the Province of Pennsylvania in & by his Patent bearing Date the 24th Day of September in the Year 1681 for the Consideration therein mentioned did grant & release unto Enoch Flower the Sum or Quantity of 3000 Acres of Land in the Province of Pennsylvania; And the said Enoch Flower of his Deed of Indenture bearing Date the eighteenth Day of November in the same Year 1681, did, for the Consideration therein mentioned, sell, grant and convey a certain Part of the said 3000 Acres of Land unto a certain Walter Watts, containing Two hundred and fifty Acres of Land, more or less, to hold unto him, the said Walter Watts his Heirs and Assigns forever: And the said Walter Watt in and by his Deed of Indenture bearing Date the seventeenth Day of January in the Year of our Lord 1729 for the Consideration therein mentioned did sell grant, convey and confirm All that the aforesaid Tract Two hundred and fifty Acres of Land Hereditements & Premisses with Appurtenances unto the said Hezekiah Rogers and Jacob Rogers his Brother in Fee [an owner in fee has absolute power of disposition], to hold the same Tract of Land unto them the said Hezekiah Rogers and Jacob Rogers, their Heirs and Assigns forever: And the said Jacob Rogers, in and by his Release bearing Date the twenty first Day of April of Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and thirty three, 1733, for the capital consideration therin mentioned did give, grant, release convey and confirm unto the said Hezekiah Rogers his Heirs Assigns forever All that moity or half Part of the said Two hundred and fifty Acres of Land, which had been conveyed unto him the said Jacob by Walter Watt above mentioned; to have and to hold all that his Right and Title of in or to the Moity of the said small two hundred and fifty Acres of Land Hereditements and Premisses with the Appurtenances, unto him the said Hezekiah Rogers his Heirs and Assigns forever, As in and by the said several Deeds of Indenture Reference being unto them respectively had may more at large appear: NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that the said Hezekiah Rogers for and in Consideration of the natural Love and Affection which he beareth unto his said Son, George Rogers, and for divers good Causes and Considerations him thereunto moving, and also in consideration of the Sum of One Hundred Pounds of lawful Money of Pennsylvania and a Bond given for his maintenance during his Life to him the said Hezekiah Rogers in Hand well and truly paid by the said George Rogers, at or before the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents, the Receipt whereof the said Hezekiah Rogers doth hereby acknowledge, & thereof & thereupon doth acquit, uban, remirate and discharge the said George Rogers his Heirs and Assigns forever by these Presents, hath granted, bargained and sold, assigned, insised, released, conveyed and confirmed, and by these Presents, doth grant, bargain and sell, alien, enfeof, release, convey and confirm unto the said George Rogers his Heirs and Assigns forever by these Presents, All that Plantation, Messuage, Tract or Parcel of Land (being a part of the two hundred & fifty Acres of Land, last above mentioned) situate lying and being in the Township of Plumstead in the County of Bucks in the Provice or State of Pennsylvania, abovementioned, beginning at a Stone in the line of Robert Skelton's land, and thence extending by the same North East to a Creek 140 Perches; Thence along the said Creek according to the several Courses thereof, & partly South East 100 Perches to the line of said Hezekiah Rogers other land; Thence along the said line by John Boyls land South East 60 Perches to a Black Oak; Thence by Gaddes's and Michael Black's Land South West One hundred and seventy six Perches and a Half Perch to a Post; Thence by Dyer's Land North West One hundred and twenty Rods or Perches to the Place of Beginning Containing about One hundred and twenty Acres of Land more or less according to the Courses abovementioned Together also with all and singular the Buildings, Improvements, Ways, Woods, Waters Water-Courses, Rights, Liberties, Privileges, Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining; and the Reversions and Remainders, Rents, Issues and Profits thereof, And also all the Estate, Rights, Title, Property, Interest, Usage and Demand whatsoever, either in Law or in Equity of him the said Hezakiah Rogers or his Heirs, Executors, Administrators, or any of them, of, into or out of the said Land and Premises or any Part of Parcel thereof And also all Deeds Evidences and Writings touching or concerning the said Land and Premises or any Part thereof; To have and to hold All the said described Tract or Parcel of Land Containing about One hundred and twenty Acres of Land, more or less, Hereditements & Premises hereby granted and sold or which is meant and intended to be hereby granted & sold, conveyed and confirmed, with all the Appurtenances unto him the said George Rogers his Heirs and Assigns, To the only proper use Benefit and Behoof of him the said George Rogers his Heirs and Assigns forever; under and subject to the Payment of all the proportionable Part of the yearly chief Lord or Lords of the Fee thereof; And the said Hezekiah Rogers for himself and his Heirs, Executors & Administrator doth hereby covenant, grant and agree to, and with the said George Rogers his Heirs and Assigns by these Presents, that he the said Hezekiah Rogers and his Heirs to the said granted and released Tract or Parcel of One hundred & twenty Acres of Land, Hereditements and Premises with all the Appurtenances hereby released, conveyed and confirmed unto the said George Rogers his Heirs and Assigns, and against him the said Hezekiah Rogers and his Heirs be and against all and every other Person and Persons whatsoever lawfully claiming, for that shall or may lawfully claim by, from or under him, them or any of them shall and will Warrant and forever Defend by these Presents. And further, that he the said Hezekiah Rogers and Heirs and all and every Person and Persons and his and their Heirs having or lawfully claiming any Estate, Rights, Titles or Interest of, in or to the said Land and Premises, above in and by the Presents released, conveyed and confirmed or to any Part or Parcel thereof by, from or under him, them or any of them, shall and will from time to time, and at all times hereafter within the Term or Space of Seven Years next morning upon the reasonable Request, and at the proper Cost and Charges in the Law of the said George Rogers his Heirs or Assigns make, do, seal & execute or cause or procure to be made, done rated and executed all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable Act and Acts, Thing and Things, Device and Devices, Conveyance and Conveyances, Assurance & Assurances in the Law whatsoever, for the further, better and more effectual granting, conveying confirming and Assuring of all and singular the Land and Premises above described with the Hereditements Premises and Appurtenances, and every Part and Parcel thereof unto the said George Rogers his Heirs and Assigns, to the only proper Use, Benefit and Behoof of the said George Rogers his Heirs and Assigns forever, as is aforesaid, as by the said George Rogers his Heirs or Assigns, or his or their Counsel Carried in the Law shall be reasonably advised, devised and required. In Witness whereof the said Hezekiah Rogers has unto set his Hand and Seal, Dated the Day and Year first above written. Hezekiah Rogers Seal Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of NB Words (proportionable part of the) being first interlined in the 27th line; and also the Word (and a Bond given for his Maintenance during his life) being also first inserted in the thirteenth line - John Gaddis, Edward Murphey. Received on the Day of Date of the above written Indenture from the above named George Rogers the just and full Sum of One Hundred Pounds (& a Bond given for the Maintenance) of lawful Money of Pennsylvania it being the full Consideration--Money that was to be paid unto me for the Land & Premises above sold & conveyed I say secured? the said of Money in full for said Land by me Hezekiah Rogers

Witnesses present at Signing John Gaddis Edward Murphey

Bucks to wit Be it remembered that on the eighth Day of Aprile 1780 Before Me Wm McHenry one of the Justices in and for the County of Bucks personally appeared John Gaddis and made Oath that he see the above named Hezekiah Rogers sign seal and deliver the above written Indenture for the Use within mentioned and desired the same might be recorded as such. Wm McHenry Seal Recorded Septemb 10 1783. Bucks Co Pennsylvania Deed Book 2 p242. Latter-day Saints film #172882.

+12 Mar 1780 (sic): "Estate of Hezekiah Rogers #688 Petition for Auditor - The petition of Ezekiel Rogers and William Doyle, humbly sheweth that your petitioners became administrators of the estate of Hezekiah Rogers dec'd and as they have their accounts ready for inspection they pray Your Worships would appoint suitable persons to examine and settle the same, make a report of their proceedings to the next Orphans Court and your petitioners be Ezekiel Rogers and William Doyle." Estate #688. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Orphans Court Book B p96. Latter-day Saints film #172917.

2 July 1780: The diary of John Dyer, a resident of Plumstead Twp. says "Hezekiah Rogers died this morning, an old man". John Dyer's Diary: 1763-1805 Dyerstown, Pennsylvania. Latter-day Saints film #172927.

+27 July 1780: Ezekiel Rogers and William Doyle administrators of the Estate of Hezekiah Rogers, yeoman, dec'd. signed a bond in the sum of nine thousand pounds. Their account of the estate to be made by the 27th of July 1781.

+1780: note at bottom of page: "Estate of Hezekiah Rogers #688 Auditor's report in Hezekiah Rogers' Probate held under advisement until next term". Bucks County, Pennsylvania Orphans Court Book B p101. Latter-day Saints film #172917.

1780: Administration Hezekiah Rogers estate (of Plumstead Township) File #1627 - Bucks County, Pennsylvani Index of estates A47. LDS Film #172897.

12 Aug 1780: Inventory estate of Hezekiah Rogers: (money in pounds, shillings, pence) 1 bed and bedding 130, 1 large pewter dish and 9 (?) plates 69, 1 large iron pot and potrack 45, 1 bake iron 30, 1 chest 6, 2 bedsteads 7-10, 1 churn 4-10, 1 pair _allings 30, 1 mathook [a variation of a mattock which is a combination of a heavy hoe and a pick used to break up hard ground, dig out trees and shrubs] and weeding hoe 15, 1 fire shovel 3, 1 small adze pair of pinchen 7-10, 2 pitchforks 9, 2 sets of frizen [frizzen - the part of a flintlock gun against which the flint strikes] 15, 1 shear and collar 6-10, 1 old ax 1-10, 2 old tubs 9, 1 old hammer 3, 1 cow 330, 2 cows 600, To beef 134-10. To 7 sheets 210, To old horse 150, To 1 Hogs 180, To 40 pounds of good Feathers 300, To 1 bedstead 45, To 1 suit of lining Curtains 189 -120 pounds, To 30 pounds Feathers 228, to 9 harrow teeth 24, To 1 cow 300, To a side saddle 270, To 30 pounds Feathers 225, To suit of Curtain Calico 130, To a cow and calf 300, To 30 pounds of hen feathers with a tick 200, To suit of lining Curtains 120. Signed William Hart, David Niolett." They declare on oath that the above appraisemtne is just and ture. Sworn before me this twelfth Day of Aug 1780. Thomas Dyer. Bucks County, Pennsylvania #1627 Registers Office, estate of Hezekiah Rogers.

+11 Mar 1781: "Mathew Grier, Andrew Ellicot and David Evans who were appointed at March Term 1781 (and since continued) to audit and settle the account of Ezekiel Rogers, William Doyle Administrators of the Estate of Hezekiah Rogers decd - now report as follows: The admrs charge themselves with the amt of ye Inventory in Emission of Congress before Mch 20 - 1780

[in pounds, shillings, pence] 4374-0-0.

By advance on Sale Bill 839-2-6.

Deficiency in Personalty to pay debts -21514-10-0.

They a_ our allowance for the following paymts and desbuismt as per particulard filed among the Orphans' Court papers: Amount 26727-12-6.

Submitted to the Court - Matthew Grier, Andrew Ellicott, David Evans.

Which Report on sonsideration the Court as allow and confirm. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Orphans Court Book B p119.

+12 Mar 1781: "The petition of Ezekiel Rogers and William Doyle Humbly Sheweth that your petitioners became administrators to the Estate of Hezekiah Rogers Dec'd - as they have their accounts ready for inspection. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Orphans Court Book B p96. Latter-day Saints film #172917.

+11 June 1781: in and for the County of Bucks the Eleventh day of June 1781 the subscribers have Examined and Stated the accounts of Ezekiel Rogers...By Amount of Inventory in Emission of Congress before the 20th of March A.D. 1788 374 pounds. By Amount of Advance for Sale bil 859 pounds 2 shillings 6 pence. By Amount of Deficiency in the personal Estate to pay the debt 21514 pounds 10 shillings. Hezekiah Rogers estate #6886 Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

+1781: Petition for sale: "The Petition of William Doyle and Ezekiel Rogers admrs of the Estate of Hezekiah Rogers late of Plumstead Township decd. Humbly Sheweth that your Petitioners have administered the Estate of Hezekiah Rogers as far as in their powers but the Personal Estate is exceedingly insufficient to satisfy the debts which appear against it. They have it not in their power to compete the same without making sale of the real estate. Your Petitioners thereof pray the Court to grant them an order to make sale of the lands and Tenements late belonging ____________ in order to enable them to discharge the personal debts against said Estate for which favors etc. William Doyle Ezekiel Rogers. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Orphans Court Book B p129. Latter-day Saints film #172917.

+11 Mar 1782: Repeat of 11 Mar 1781 with the exception of: "They crave allowance for the following paymts and Disbursemts ____ particulars filed among the Orphams' Court papers amot to [in pounds - shillings - pence] 26727-12-6". Bucks County, Pennsylvania Orphans Court Books 1 & 2 1766-1801 p227. Latter-day Saints film #172918.

+Mar 1782: an accounting of the estate: To Amount of the valuation of Sundry goods _____________ Some of the Children by the Intestate in his life time 3853 pounds 10 shillings. To Amount of an account brought by Ezekiel Rogers one of the _____ptants against the Estate in Specie 279-12-6 the present Exchange in Continental 20971-17-6. [Note the difference between Specie and Continental money which was virtually worthless at this period in time. The government had to force people to use it - hence the phrase "not worth a Continental".] To Amount of an account brought against the Estate by Joseph Houghton in Specie 15 at the present Exchange in Continental _______. To paid the register for Letters of administration ________. To paid the appraisers and the Justice for qualifying 56-5-0. To Cost of Sale of the personal Estate 93-15-0. To paid the two bondsmen for going to the Register 37-10-0. To Expenses paid by Ezekiel Rogers in _________ 65-2-6. ___________________. To Cash paid _______________. To Cash paid the Clerk for the order of auditors 15 pounds. To Expenses paid by William Doyle in administering the Estate 52-2-6. To Allowed Ezekiel Rogers for 8 days in attending on the administration of the Estate 150 pounds. To Allowed William Doyl for eight days attending the administration of the Estate ________. To Charge of auditors in Settling the sum 65-12-6. To Cost of the House 15-15-0. Total 26727-12-6. Hezekiah Rogers estate #6886 Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

+11 Mar 1782: to the Justice of the State of Pennsylvania Holding Orphans Court at Newtown in and for the County of Bucks the 11th day of March Anno Dom. 1782. The Petition of William Doyl and Ezekiel Rogers (John Johnson has been crossed out) Adms of the Estate of Hezekiah Rogers late of Plumstead Township Decd - Humbly Sheweth - That your Petitioners has Administered the Estate of the Said Hezekiah Rogers as far as in their Power But as the Personal Estate is exceedingly insufficient to satisfy the Debts which appear against it - They have it not in their Power to Compleat the same Without making Sale of the Real Estate. Your Petitioners therefore Pray the Court to Grant them an Order to make Sale of the Lands and Tenements late belonging to the said Deceased in order to enable them to Discharge the several Debts against the said Estate. For which favours your Petitioners will Pray William Doyl Ezekiel Rogers. Hezekiah Rogers estate # 6886 Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

13 Mar 1782: To the Justices of the Peace for Bucks County holding an Orphans Court at Newtown the Thirteenth Day of March A. D. 1782. The Petition of Rachel Rogers of Loudoun County in the State of Virginia Humbly Sheweth - That your Petitioners having a Right or Claim against the Estate of Hezekiah Rogers Late of the Township of Plumstead in this County therefore your Petitioner Prays your Worships will Please to Appoint an Audit of men to View her Account against the Said Estate that She may be Enable to Settle with William Doyle and Ezekel Rogers Administrators to the Said Estate tht she may Recover the Amount Due to her from Said Estate and your Petitioner will Pray. Estate of Hezekiah Rogers #6886 Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

+10 June 1782: Estate of Hezekiah Rogers #688 Bucks Orphans Court “The Court taking into consideration the prayer of the forgoing Petition - It is ordered that the petitioners to sell the Lands and Tenements of the said Hezekiah Rogers, decd and make report of their proceedings to the next Orphans Court. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Film #130.

9 Sept 1782: Orphans Court issued an order to sell Hezekiah's real estate to pay his debts.

10 Sept 1783: deed from Hezekiah Rogers to George Rogers.Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.Bk21 p242.

+10 Jan 1784: deed from William Doyle of Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania and Ezekiel Rogers of Virginia to Joseph Dyer, 5 acres of land in the estate of Hezekiah Rogers sold 20 Sept 1783 to pay debts. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Deed Book 20 p212.

+13 Sept 1785: William Doyle and Ezekiel Rogers petition the court to sell real estate to pay debt of Hezekiah Rogers. Hezekiah Rogers estate #6886 Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

15 Mar 1785: Hezekiah Rogers estate to Joseph Dyer, Plumstead Township. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Grantor Index, Deed Book 20 p213. LDS Film #172864.

15 Mar 1785: Ezekiel Rogers, Administrator to Joseph Dyer, Plumstead Township. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Grantor Index Deed Book 20 p213. LDS Film #172864.

30 May 1787: Ezekiel Rogers, Administrator to Joseph Hanna, Power of Attorney. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Index Estates Book 1 p70. LDS Film #172864.

30 May 1787: Ezekiel Rogers, Administrator, to William Doyle. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Grantor Index Bk1 p70.

10 Sept 1788: Hezekiah Rogers estate to George Rogers, Plumstead Township. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Deed Book 211 p242. Index LDS Film #172864.

+1 Apr 1790: George and Mary Rogers of Plumstead in Bucks County to Abraham Nash of Tinecum land sold to George by his father Hezekiah 11 Mar 1780. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Deed Bk 26 p622.

1793: Bucks County, Pennsylvania Index of estate Elizabeth A72. LDS Film # 172897.

+2 Dec 1793: George Rogers, son of Elizabeth Rogers late of Solebury Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania deceased, John Forbes and Samuel Forbes both of said county sign a bond in the amount of three hundred pounds. Their account of the estate to be made by the 2nd of December 1794.

1793: Administration Elizabeth Rogers estate (of Solebury Township) Bucks County, Pennsylvania File #2448.

22 July 1794: deed from Elizabeth Rogers’ estate by Administrator, son George Rogers, to Smith Price, Assignment of Power of Attorney. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Grantor Index Estates Book 1 p259. LDS Film #172864.

+22 July 1794: Document proving Elizabeth Rogers daughter of John Sebring: Know all Men by these Present that I George Rogers a Son and Heir and Administrator duly appointed and authorized by the Registor of Bucks County on the second day of December last of all and singular the Goods and Chattels Rights and Credits of Elizabeth Rogers decd. who was a Daughter and Legatee named in the last Will and Testament of John Sebring late of Solebury Township in the Court of Bucks decd for and in Consideration of the Sum of one Hundred and thirty nine Pounds five Shillings lawful money of Pennsylvania to me as Administrator aforesaid Son and in Hand paid by Smith Price of Plumstead Township in the said County, Shopkeeper at and before the Sealing and Delivery hereof the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge (It being the amount of the one Hundred Pounds Legacy mentioned in and bequeathed by the said John Sebrings Will to the said Elizabeth with the Interest thereon decreed time it became due and Payable)...said Smith Price by true and lawful Attorney... Bucks County, Pennsylvania. LDS Film #927215

Rachel Rogers (daughter ? of Hezekiah Rogers)

13 Mar 1782: lived Loudoun County, Virginia. See estate papers of Hezekiah Rogers.

??? Rachel Rogers married Jonathan Beans 9 June 1778 Bucks County, Pennsylvania. igi

Olive Rogers (daughter of Hezekiah Rogers)

no date: married John Hough.

ca 1775: m/2 as a widow, William Doyle (ca1720 Bucks County, Pennsylvania-____) son of Edward Doyle. "In 1745 he petitioned the court for recommendation to keep a 'house of entertainment' in New Britain Township...on the present site of Doylestown...until 1775 when he sold it and removed to Plumstead Township...there is no further record of him in Bucks county after about 1785... he married first Martha Hellings". History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, W. W. H. Davis, Pipersville, Pennsylvania: A. E. Lear Co., 1905, reprint Lewis Publishing Compnay, 1975, 3 volumes, Volume 3 p454. William Doyle, along with Ezekiel Rogers, was one of the administrators of the estate of Hezekiah Rogers.

George Rogers (son of Hezekiah and Elizabeth Sebring) Rogers)

1737: born.

Dec 1759: married Mary ______.

Dec 1759: on single men's tax list of Bucks County, Pennsylvania - "George Rogers at his fathers."

17 April 1761: on the Bucks County, Pennsylvania tax list. Each single man was taxed 9s and George was listed with his father.

13 Feb 1762: still single, taxed 9s.

25 May 1763: still single, taxed 9s.

21 Apr 1764: George listed with his father, still single, taxed 9s.

1775: taxed for 2 horses, 4 cattle, 10 sheep - rate 3p 3s 4d. Also 75A at rate of 4p 2s 8d, Total tax at rate of 5p was 7s 6d.

no date: son Hezekiah born.

no date: daughter Mary born.

no date: daughter Elizabeth born.

no date: daughter Ann born.

1778: taxed as a married man - 3p.

1779: tax list of Bucks County, Plumstead Township - 75A, 4 horses, 5 cattle. Latter-dFay Saints film #982146.

6 June 1780: a return of the names of the persons with their classes in Capt. Robert Gibsons Company in Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Militia, George Rogers 2nd class. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 5 Volume 5.

19 May 1781: a return of all persons under the militia law in Plumstead Township [Bucks County] this day - George Rogers 2nd class. Pennsylvania Archives, Series 5 Volume 5.

1781: tax list of Bucks County - 120A, 3 horses, 6 cattle.

1782: tax list of Bucks County - 74A, 3 horses, 5 cattle.

1783: tax list of Bucks County - amount of tax 2p 5s 10d.

10 Sept 1783: deed from Hezekiah Rogers to George Rogers, Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Bk21 p242.

1784: tax list of Bucks County - 1 dwelling house, 1 out house, 7 white inhabitants.

1785: tax list of Bucks County - George Rogers, wheelwright, 120A, 3 horses, 5 cattle.

1786: tax list of Bucks County - amount of tax: 16s.

1787: tax list of Bucks County - amount of tax: 13s 3d.

12 Mar 1789: Grant from Beverley Randolph, Esquire Governor of Commonwealth of Virginia to George Rogers for One Pound Sterling, 193A and 165A in Hampshire County on the waters of Little of John Rogers mentioned. Virginia Land Grants Book T p309. Latter-day Saints film #29520.

1790: census - Bucks County, Pennsylvania - 2 white males 16 up, including heads of families, 1 free white male under 16, 4 free white females.

+1 Apr 1790: deed from George and Mary Rogers of Plumstead, Bucks County, Pennsylvania to Abraham Nash of Tinicium, Bucks County, Pennsylvania - "whereas Hezekiah Rogers, his father of same did by his indenture dated 11 Mar 1780 granted to his son George, millwright, a tract in Plumstead about 120 Acres...64¼A Acres...". Bucks County, Pennsylvania Deed Book 26 p652. Latter-day Saints film #172884.

18 Mar 1793: George Rogers et al to Abraham Nash, Plumstead Township. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Deed Book 26 p652. Index LDS Film #172864.

2 Dec 1793: George Rogers, son of Elizabeth Rogers late of Solebury Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania deceased, John Forbes and Samuel Forbes both of said county sign a bond in the amount of three hundred pounds. Their account of the estate to be made by the 2nd of December 1794.

+22 July 1794: Know all Men by these Presents that I George Rodgers a Son and Heir and Administrator duly appointed & authorized by the Register of Bucks County on the second day of December last of all and singular the Goods and Chattels Rights and Credits of Elizabeth Rodgers decd who was a Daughter and Legatee named in the last Will and Testament of John Sebring late of Solebury Township in the County of Bucks decd for and in Consideration of the Sum of one Hundred and thirty-nine pounds five shillings lawful Money of Pennsylvania to me as Administrator aforesaid son & in Hand paid by Smith Price of Plumstead Township in the said County shopkeeper & before the Sealing and Delivery hereof the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge it being the amount of the one Hundred Pounds Legacy mentioned in and bequeathed by the same John Sebring's will to the said Elizabeth with the Interest thereon accrued since it became due & payable have granted bargained sold assigned and made sure and by these Presents I the said George Rodgers do grant bargain sell assign and make sure unto him the same Smith Price his Executors Administators and Assigns all and the whole of the said specified Legacy of one Hundred pounds with the Interest the sum accrued due and to become due Together with my whole Power Strength and Authority in demanding and legally accruing taking and securing and on the Receipt proper and Sufficient Acquittance and discharge to Sign Seal and Execute for the Same in my name or otherwise has effectually and in the same manner as I could do myself were I personally present And for the better enabling in the Premeus? I do hereby authorize and fully impower him the said Smith Price my true and lawful Attorney irrevokably in my name but for his own the to act do and perform all and whatsoever may be needful & necessary therein hereby Satisfying & confirming all and whatsoever he the same Smith Price shall do or cause to be done in and about the Premises in my Name or otherwise in Witness hereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this twenty second day of July One thousand Seven Hundred Ninety four George Rodgers Seal sealed and delivered in the presence of James Hanna J. Hicks

Bucks County, Seal This Twenty second Day of July 1794 Before me the Subscriber one of the Justices of the Peace of Bucks County personally appeared the above and within named George Rodgers and acknowledged the foregoing Instrument and Letter of Attorney to be his Act and Deed and defend the same to be recorded as Such In Testimony of which I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal J. Hicks Recorded July 23, 1794.

23 July 1794: George Rogers and Administrator to Smith Price, Assignment of Power of Attorney. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Estate Book 1 p259. Index LDS Film #172864.

1800: census - p 268 Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania: 1 male 16-26 (1774-1784); 1 male 26-45 (1755-1774); 1 female 16-26 (1774-1784); 1 female 26-45 (1755-1774).

1810: census - Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania: 1 male 10-16 (1794-1800); 1 male 16-26 (1784-1794); 1 male 26-45 (1765-1784); 1 male 45 up (before 1765); 3 females under 10 (1800-1810); 1 female 26-45 (1765-1784); 1 female 45 up (before 1765).

12 Nov 1815: will written - named wife Mary, children: Hezekiah Rogers, Mary Kirkbride, Elizabeth Walton and Ann Gary, son-in-law Robert Kirkbride and wife Mary to be Executors.Bucks County, Pennsylvania Administration B51 Book 9 p96.

26 Feb 1816 (The Bucks County Intelligencer, issue of 5 Mar 1816): died Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania - wife Mary - children mentioned in will: Hezekiah, Mary wife of Robert Kirkbride, Elizabeth Walton and Ann wife of Thomas Gary. W. T. Rogers mentioned in estate settlement.

2 Mar 1816: Inventory of the estate of George Rogers: "wearing apparel $27.50, a Amount on Bood and money $68.66, 1 cow $23, 1 ditto $20, 1 colt $5, 4 sheep $5, 1 set of gears $7, 1 dung drag [apparently a device for spreading manure] and 2 forks 75 cents, 2 pigs $7, 3 pickling tubs $1.25, Meat $11, Flax $3.60, Lumber in spring house left $3, 1 Grind stone $1.50, 1 maul [a heavy mallet with a handle at least two feet long] and wedges $1.25, 2 tubs, 1 churn $2, 1 brass kettle $2.50, 1 dough trough, teakettle, half bushel and 4 hatchel [a hackle - a device used to comb flax or hemp prior to spinning] $3.50, 1 bake iron and iron pot $2.50, 1 tin plate stove, $12, wooden horse and work bench $1, tools and lumber in shop left $13, 1 Cutting box and Grubing hoe $3.50, Potatoes $1.50, 1 bed bedstead and beding ---, 1 ditto $2.40. 1 lot of rye ____, 6 bushels of buckwheat ____, 1 chest and chairs and 3 bushels of oats $4, 1 bag of corn $2.70, 1 keg 30 cents, 9 chairs $7, 1 bed bedstead and curtains with beding $55, 22 dozen flax yarn $9.50, 1 case of drawers $10, 1 looking glass 50 cents, 1 pair shovel and tongs $2.50, 1 pair andirons $2.50, 2 tables $6.50, tablecloths $4.67, 4 sheets $12.65, 2 sheets and towels $3, 1 half dozen pewter plates $2.25, Crockery ware $7.90, baskets $1, 1 iron teakettle $1, 1 frying pan pots and ladle $2.50, grain in the ground $28. $558.28."

21 Mar 1816: will proved.

1818: George Rogers estate Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, File #4296.

11 Oct 1823: George Rogers estate to Thomas Geary, Agreement. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Estate Book 4 p381. Index LDS Film #172864.

22 June 1825: Thomas Kirkbride Executor estate of George Rogers to Thomas Geary. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Deed Bk 51 p347.

12 Nov 1825: George Rogers estate to Thomas Geary, Plumstead Township. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Deed Book 51 p347. Index LDS Film #172864.

26 Mar 1827: deed from Robert and Mary Kirkbride of Falls Township, Bucks County executors of the estate of George Rogers of Plumstead Tornship, Bucks County to Thomas Geary land deeded to George by Hezekiah Rogers. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Deed Book 52 p608.

5 Jan 1828: George Rogers estate Plumstead Township. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Deed Book 52 p608. Index LDS Film #172864.

31 Mar 1829: Elizabeth Walton Assignment of Legacy. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Deed Book 50 p471 and 472. Index LDS Film #172864.

27 Apr 1831: Thomas Geary (Docket 2) estate of George Rogers. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Deed Book 54 p561. Index LDS Film #172864.

Hezekiah Rogers (son of George and Mary (_______) Rogers)

Sept court 1826: wants his share of father's estate.

Mary Rogers (daughter of George and Mary (_______) Rogers)

no date: married Robert Kirkbride.

26 Mar 1827: deed between Robert Kirkbride and Mary his wife of Falls Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Executors of the last Will and testament of George Rogers late of Plumstead Township, deceased, to Thomas Geary of Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Mentions deed of 11 March 1781 from Hezekiah Rogers to George Rogers. 109 Acres and 42 perches. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Deed Book 52 p608. Latter-day Saints film #859867.

Elizabeth Rogers (daughter of George and Mary (_______) Rogers)

no date: married _______ Walton.

21 Mar 1829: Assignment of legacy in father's estate. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Deed Book 50 p471 and 172. Index LDS Film #172864.

Ann Rogers (daughter of George and Mary (_______) Rogers)

ca 1794: married Thomas Gary/Geary, son of George Gary/Geary who lived in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania in 1794. The Histoy of Bucks County..., W. H. H. Davis, Doylestown: Democrat Book and Job Office, 1876, Volume 1 p386.

*Ezekiel Rogers (son of Hezekiah and Elizabeth Sebring) Rogers)

20 Oct 1729: born Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

no date: married: Mary _______.

1751/2: on tax list in Bucks County, Pennsylvania: 100A; 2 corn; no servants; 2 cattle; 2 horses; no sheep.

25 July 1755: a Nathaniel Rogers was born; died 22 Dec 1804; came to Bourbon County, Kentucky, the first member of the Rogers family there. Could he have been a son of Ezekiel Rogers?

*8 Sept 1757: son John born.

Dec 1759: taxed in Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania 8p 2s 2d.

17 Apr 1761 taxed in Plumstead Township 8p 2s.

13 Feb 1762: taxed in Plumstead Township 6p 1s 6d.

+11 Mar 1762: signed a petition for a "road laid out from Joseph Prior's mill as near the path ______ can be Conveniently had by Thomas Smith's house to the end of John Cary's lane and along said lane between Thomas Lewis and Nicholas Hill to Andrew McBride's N. W. Corner thence along the line betwixt Jno. Geddis and James McMullen and down the line to the used fording place thence upon Lane of Jno. Boyles till opisite Ezekiel Rodgers' house thence along said Rogers line to Robert Skelton's line and along said line and as straight as the ground will allow to James Faris' line and Nathaniel Patterson's line into the Road from Durham Road to Londooons Ferry opisite Alexander Wilson's house and as said Road is much wanted...". Bucks County, Pennsylvania Petitions for Roads. Latter-day Saints film #189711.

6 Sept 1762: son George born.

11 Mar 1762: petition for a road from Joseph Prior's mill...into the Road from Durham Road to London's Ferry.

25 May 1763: taxed in Plumstead Township 7p 1s 9d.

24 Apr 1764: taxed in Plumstead Township 7p 1s 9d.

Feb 1767: son Thomas born.

Mar 1770: appointed with Jonathan Shaw Supervisor for the highways for the ensuing year. John Dyer Diary p21.

+June 1770: signed a petition for a road to correct an error of a road established in 1738. Bucks County, Pennsylvania Petitions for Roads, as did John Sebring, Roelef Sebring, Henry Sebring and George Rogers. Latter-day Saints film #189711.

28 Sept 1771: daughter Elinor born.

1775: taxed in Plumstead Township for 2 horses, 2 cattle - 2p. For a saw mill 50A, rent 4 - 2p 8s. Rate 4p, tax 6s.

21 Aug 1775: on roll of Captain William McCalla's Associated Company of Militia in Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania - Ezekiel Rogers. Pennsylvania Archives Series 5 Volume 5.

1777: in the pension application for funds due him for military service during the Revolutonary war a Nathaniel Foster went to Bucks County, Pennsylvania just across the Delaware from where he lived in New Jersey and "enlisted as a substitute for Ezekiel Rogers, drafted militiaman." One of Nathaniel Foster's children Samuel Foster married Nellie Rogers.

2 Aug 1777: signed the oath of alligience in Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Latter-day Saints film #982146.

1778: taxed in Plumstead Township 1p 10s.

1779: tax list of Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania: 50A, 2 horses, 3 cattle. Latter-day Saints film #982146.

6 June 1780: a return of the names of the persons with their classes in Capt. Robert Gibsons Company in Plumstead Township [Bucks County] Militia - Ezekiel Rogers 3rd class. Pennsylvania Archives Series 5 Volume 5.

1782: Mary on tax list of Hampshire County, West, Virginia.

+10 Jan 1784: This Indenture made the tenth day of January in the Year of Our Lord one thousand Seven hundred & Eighty four. between William Doyle of Plumstead township in the County of Bucks & State of Pennsylvania Ezekiel Rogers late of the same place but now of __________ (sic) County in the State of Virginia Administrators of the Estate of Hezekiah Rogers late of Plumstead afsd Yeoman deceas'd of the one part and Joseph Dyer of the same place Yeoman of the other part Whereas the said Hezekiah Rogers departed this life intestate Seized in his demeasne as of fee of & in Certain Messuage or Tenement and Lot or Piece of about five acres of Land were the same more or less with the appurtenances Situate in the Township of Plumstead afsd. whereupon Administration of his Estate was in due form of Law committed to them thersd William Doyle & Ezekiel Rogers who preferred their petition to the Judges of the Orphans Court held at Newtown for the County of Bucks afsd the Ninth Day of September AD 1782 Setting forth that the Personal Estate of the sd decedent was not Sufficient to Satisfy his just Debts Praying that the said Court would grant them an Order to make Sale of said deceasds Real Estate for that Purpose whereupon the sd Court ordered the said Administrator to sell the Land & Tenement of the sd Deceased at public Venue to the highest Bidder & make Report of their proceeding to the next Orphans Court as in & by the Record & proceeding of the said Court appears By force & Virtue of the said Recited Orders of Orphans Court they the said William Doyle & Ezekeil Rogers Administrators afsd did give due & timely notice of the Sale of the said Messuage or Tenement & Lot or Piece of about five Acres of Land were the same more or less & Premisses with the Appurtenances according to Law & at a Public Auction or Venue thereof on the twentieth day of September last has Sold the same to sd Joseph Dyer for the Sum of Ninety Six Pounds ten Shillings hard money he being the best & highest Bidder for the same Now this Indenture witnesseth that they the sd William Doyle and Ezekiel Rogers Administrators afsd for & in Consideration of the afsd Sum of Ninety Six Pounds ten Shillings unto them in hand well & truly paid by the sd Joseph Dyer at & Immediately before the Sealing & delivery here of the Receipt whereof is hereby Acknoledged have Granted Bargained Sold Released & Confirmed & by these Presents in Conformity & Submission to the said Recited Order of Orphans Court & by force & Virtue thereof do grant bargain Sell Release & Confirm unto the said Joseph Dyer & to his hers & Assigns the aforesaid Messuage or Tenement & Lot or Piece of about Five Acres of Land situate in the Township of Plumstead aforesd., Beginning at a Button wood Tree Marked for a Corner standing nearly in a Branch of Tohiceon Creek & in Robert Sheltons line thence extendinb by the said Sheltons Land North East thirty Six Perches & an half more or less to a stone set for a corner in the line of John Boyles land thence by the same South East Sixty Perches more or lessto a heap of Stones in the said Branch of Tohiceon Creek for a Corner thence up the sd branch by George Roger's Land on the Several Courses thereof about one hundred & twenty Perches to the place of Beginning Containing about five acres of land as afsd be the same more or less Together also with all & Singular other the Buildings & Improvements, Ways Woods Waters, Water Courses Rights Members Liberties Privileges Advantages Hereditaments & Appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appurtaining & the Reversions Remainders Amts Issues & Proffits thereof and also all the Estate Right Title Interest use trust Property Posession Claim & Domain whatsoever of him the sd Hezekiah Rogers at & Immediately before the time of his decease as well as of them the said William Doyle & Ezekiel Rogers Administorators afsd of in to & out of the sure and every part and parcel thereof To have and to hold the said Messuage or Tenement & above described Lot or Piece of about five acres of Land be the same more or less & all & Singular other the Hereditaments & Premisses hereby Granted Bargained & Sold or mentioned & Intended is to be with the appurtenances unto the said Joseph Dyers his Heirs & assigns to & for the only proper use & Behoof of him the said Joseph Dyer his Heirs & assigns for Ever under the Yearly Quit Rent hereafter accruing & to become due & Payable for the same to the Chief Lord or Lords of the fee thereof and they the sd Wm Doyle & Ezekiel Rogers Administrators afsd for themselves their Heirs Executors & Administrators do jointly & severally covenant Promise & Grant to & with the sd Joseph Dyer his Heirs & Assigns by these Presents That they nor either of them hath done or committed or suffered to be done or Commited any Act matter cause or thing whatsoever whereby or by reason or means whereof the Estate & Premisses hereby granted bargained & Sold or mentioned or intended so to be with the appurtenances is are may can or shall be in any wise implicated charged or incumbred in Title Charge Estate or otherwise howsoever In witness whereof the sd William Doyle & Ezekiel Rogers Administrators afsd have hereunto Set their Hands & Seals dated the Day & Year first above written....

Sealed & delivered in the presence of us Wm Doyle Seal

John Thornton - Peter Strickler Seal

Received the Day of the Date of the above written Indre of the above named Joseph Dyre the sum of Ninety Six Pounds ten Shillings hard Money in full of the Considerations above mentioned We say Received by us....Wm Doyle

Testis Timothy Taylor

The Fifteenth Day of March AoDi 1784 before one Timothy Tayler Esq one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas in & for the County of Bucks came the above named William Doyle and Ezekiel Rogers & acknowledged the above written Indre to be their Act & Deed and as such desired it might be Recorded according to Law. Witness my hand and Seal the Day & Year afsd...Timothy Taylor Seal

Recorded 15 March 1784

Brief of Title to the within granted Land -

1681 Septemr 23rd & 24th Lease & Release Wm Penn Esqr granting 2000 acs in Pennsa to Enoch Flower in fee

1681 Novr 17 & 18 Lease & Release Enoch Flower granting 250 acspart thereof to Walter Watts in fee -

1729 Jany 16 & 17 Lease & Release Walter Watt nephew & heir at law of sd Walter Watt who died intestate & without Issue for sd 250 as Land appurtements thereto unto Hezekiah Rogers within named & his brother Jacob Rogers in Moities as Tennants in Common in fee -

1733 April 20th & 21st Lease & Release between sd Hezekiah & Jacob Rogers whereby sd Jacob Released the North East Moity of sd 250 a unto the said Hezekiah in fee - the Aw? in Granted Land being the Run - N3 the sd 250 a and all a was Survd in the Year 1730 & Returned May 3, 1733 into ye Secritaries Office -

Recorded as above

Bucks County, Pennsylvania Deed Book 20 p213.

1784: The book Early Records of Hampshire County, Virginia (now in West Virginia) shows Ezekiel in Simon Taylor's district, taxed for 7 whites, 1 dwelling and 4 other buildings.

+10 April 1786: Know all Men by these Presents that I Ezekial Rodgers in the County of Hampshire in the State of Virginia Yeoman and Administrator of the Estate of Hezekiah Rodgers deceased for divers good causes and hereunto moving, have made, ordained, constituted and appointed and by these presents, ordain, constitute, authorize and appoint my Friends James Hanna Esquire of Newtown in the County of Bucks State of Pennsylvania and William Doyle of the Township of Plumstead County of Bucks & State of Pennsylvania aforesaid Yeoman my true and lawful Attorneys for me and in my Name and to my Use to ask, demand, sue for, and recover and receive of and from all and every Person or Persons whom it doth come in all such Rents & Arrangers of Rents, Debts, Dues and Demands of what kind and nature soever which are any ways due owing or belonging unto me in my own right, or which are any ways due owing or belonging to me as Administrator of the Estate of Hezekiah Rodgers deceased in the United States of America or any part thereof and in default of Payment therefor any part thereof for me and in my Name and Hand to have use & make all Lawful ways and means for the recovery thereof or any 1 part thereof acquitances or other sufficient discharges for the same, for me and in my Name to make, sign, seal, execute, and deliver, and also for me and in my Name and to my use to set, let, lease confirm, sell or dispose of all such Holdings, Lands and Premises, Goods, Chattels & Effects of what kind and nature soever which are now belonging to me in the State of Pennsylvania as well as in my own right absolute as in my right as Admr to Estate of my Father aforesaid, and also for me and in my name to act transact perform and do all and every such further and other lawful Acts, Matters and Things whatsoever requisite and necessary and concerning the Premises as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as I myself might or could do if personally present In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal at Bucks County aforesaid this tenth day of April In the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty six Ezekiel Rogers Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us Richd Stillwell, Andrew McMinn Bucks afsd Personally appeared before me Francis Murray Esqr one of the Justices for the County aforesaid Ezekiel Rodgers of the County of Hampshire in the State of Virginia, and acknowledged the within Power of Attorney to be his Act and Deed and desired the same might be recorded as such-Witness my Hand & Seal this 10th of April AD 1786 Francis Murray Recorded May 30th 1787. Bucks Co Pennsylvania Deed Book 1 p70

1787: on tax list - Ezeckiel Rogers, himself charged with tax, 1 white male over 16 and under 21, 4 horses, mares, colts and mules, 11 cattle. Hampshire County, West Virginia tax list A. The 1787 Census of Virginia, Netti Schreiner-Yantis, Springfield, Virginia: Genealogical Books in Print, 1987, Volume 1 p393.

30 May 1787: Know all Men by these presents That I Ezekiel Rodgers above named do hereby take back revoke disannul and make void all the Powers and Authorities by me granted or given to William Doyle within mentioned and do utterly unown him as my Attorney And further I do hereby give and grant unto my friend John Hanna Esquire all the Powers and authorities which by the within Instrument of Writing or as appointed to him and the said William Jointly or separately In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this 30th day of May in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven Dom 1787. Ezekiel Rodgers Seal Witness Present Martha Hunter Sarah Harris Bucks County Personally appeared before me Joseph Hart Esquire one of the Justices of Seal the Court of Common Pleas for the County aforesaid Ezekiel Rogers of the County of Hampshire in the State of Virginia and acknowledged the aforesaid Revocation of the Affs Letter of Attorney as to the Powers granted and thereby to William Doyle and the vesting them in James Hanna Esquire to be his Act and Deed and desired the same might be recorded as such. Witness my Hand and Seal the 30th day of May in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty seven Joseph Hart Recorded May 30th 1787. Bucks County Pennsylvania Deed Book 1 p70.

12 June 1788: Ezekiel and John Rogers land mentioned in a deed from Joseph and Rebecca Moore to James Slack all of Hampshire County, West Virginia. Hampshire County, West Virginia Deed Bk 7 p255.

+8 Oct 1788: Grant from Edmund Randolph, Esquire Governor of Commonwealth of Virginia by a warrant for Two Pounds Sterling paid by Ezekiel Rogers 400 of David Corbin, Robert Parker mentioned. Virginia Land Grants Book T p143. Latter-day Saints film #29520.

+8 Oct 1788: land grant of 240A on Two Lick run adjoining a survey made for George Emmill. Virginia Land Grants Bk T p173.

9 Oct 1788: 404A beginning near a run called two Lick run, corner to David Corbin, Jr. Virginia Land Grants Bk T p142.

17 Oct 1788: Grant from Edmund Randolph, Esquire Governor of Commonwealth of Virginia by virtue of a warrant and one pound five shillings paid by Ezekiel Rogers assignee of Isaac Newman 240 Acres in Hampshire County...neighbor George Emmett. Virginia Land Grants Book T p173. Latter-day Saints film #29520.

+12 Mar 1789: Grant from Beverley Randolph, Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia to Ezekiel Rogers who paid Ten Shillings Sterling for a survey of 91 Acres in Hampshire County on Stuarts Run and drain of Little of John Pancake mentioned. Virginia Land Grants Book T p312. Latter-day Saints film #29520.

1789: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1791: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

+15 June 1791: deed from Ezekiel Rogers of Hampshire County, Virginia to the Presbyterian and Baptist churches of the county. For the sum of 2s 6d he deeded 2 and one-half acres in Hampshire County, Virginia part of a tract of land on which he now lives which he obtained by a land entry from the Lord Proprietors' office of the Northern Neck for the proper use of Presbyterian and Baptist churches to worship God. Hampshire County, West Virginia. Deed Book 8 p269.

+11 Dec 1793: deed from Ezekiel and Mary Rogers to Stephen Feather all of Hampshire County, West Virginia 15A on Little Cacapeon.

11 Dec 1793: deed from Ezekiel and Mary Rogers to Richard Rounsover all of Hampshire County, West Virginia 10A on Little Cacapeon.

1794: on Hampshire County Virginia tax list.

+9 June 1794: deed from Ezekiel Rogers and wife Mary of Hampshire County, Virginia to James Slack of the same place for the sum of two pounds, ten shillings current money of Virginia a parcel of land in Hampshire County, Virginia lying on a branch of Little Capeon, it being a branch of Stewarts run in the aforesaid county ...10 Acres. Hampshire County, West Virginia Deed Book 9 p434.

+11 June 1794: deed from Ezekiel Rogers and wife Mary to Elizabeth Allen, all of Hampshire County, Virginia for the sum of 200 pounds, 250 acres in Hampshire County, Virginia on the drains of Little Capeon, a tract for which Ezekiel Rogers obtained a deed from the land office at Richmond 8 Oct 1788. Hampshire County, West Virginia Deed Book 9 p438.

+11 June 1794: deed from Ezekiel Rogers and wife Mary to John Rogers all of Hampshire County, Virginia for 25 pounds lawful money of Virginia, 91 acres on Stuards run a drain of Little Cacpeon in Hampshire County, Virginia, survey dated 22 Feb 1785. Both signed the deed Ezekiel by writing his name and Mary with her mark. Hampshire County, West Virginia Deed Book 9 p436.

+11 June 1794: deed between Ezekiel Rogers of Hampshire County, Virginia and Samuel Stephenson, 65 pounds, 117½ acres on the drains of Little Capehorn for which Ezekiel obtained a deed from the Land Office at Richmond bearing the date 8 Oct 1788. Hampshire County, West Virginia Deed Book 9 p440.

11 Dec 1799: deed between Ezekiel Rogers and wife Mary of Hampshire County, Virginia and Stephen Feather of the same place for the consideration of 15 pounds, 15 acres of land in Hampshire County on the Two Lick Run, a drain of Little Capehorn. Hampshire County, West Virginia Deed Book 9 0p301.

June 1800: petition for a road from the crossing of Elk Run [in Adams County, Ohio] to intersect the Limestone Road (near Union church, south of Bentonville) Signed by George Rogers, Ezekiel Rogers, John Rogers, Nathaniel Rogers. A History of Adams County, Ohio, Nelson W. Evans, West Union, Ohio: E. B. Stivers, 1900 page 120. The copyright on this book dated 1900 predates the burning of the courthouse in 1910.

17 Sept 1801: died Adams County, Ohio aged 72 years. Buried Parr/Rogers cemetery Sprigg Township, Adams County, Ohio. Lived Springdale, Cabin Creek, Mason County, Kentucky.

+An Ezekiel Rogers witnessed 7 May 1810 in Hampshire County, West Virginia, the will of Elizabeth Sebring of same - to children:

Peter Ollen - land she bought of Ezekiel Rogers

Ann - wife of Herbert Cool

Elizabeth - wife of Jacob Cool

Catherine - wife of Samuel Stephenson

Will entered probate 18 April 1816.

Ora Rogers Carter Singleton notes in Rogers file, Old State House, Frankfort, Kentucky

*John Rogers (son of Ezekiel and Mary _______)

8 Sept 1757: born Plumstead Twp. Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

no date: married ------- Foster? Their oldest son was named Nathan. According to Curtis Jacobs, Nathan Foster Rogers was the son of John Rogers and Eliza Foster. He also said they were married about 1775/76. E. L. Kinney: “I suspect that Nathan Foster Rogers was named for a RW soldier, Nathaniel Foster, by 1760 N.J., and that Nathaniel Foster is probably the brother of Rebecca Foster who married Joseph Moore. In other words, Nathan’s mother may have been a sister of Rebecca Foster. The Foster-Moore and Rogers families traveled together, intermarried a lot, and seem to have been very close. (A Foster Moore witnessed a sale in 1806 from Agnes to John Waugh). NFR referred to Joseph and Forman Moore as his cousins, which they would have been if Rebecca and Eliza were sisters.

25 Feb 1773: "George Brown, John Rogers, Alexander Brown's children anocalated for the Small Pox". John Dyer's Diary 1763-1805, Dyerstown, Pennsylvania. Latter-day Saints film #172927.

21 Aug 1775: on roll of Captain William McCalla's Associated Company of Militia in Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania - John Rogers. Pennsylvania Archives Series 5 Volume 5.

1775: taxed in Plumstead Twp. with the notation "Continental Service" - 1 horse, 1 cattle - 1s 6d.

*1777: son Nathan Foster born.

1779: Pennsylvania Archives tax list John listed as a single man (probably a widower) with no property in Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Latter-day Saints film #982146.

1787: ?daughter? Mary born Pennsylvania. Eve Kinney thought she was a daughter of John Rogers. Mary married _____ Bryan, m/2 1826 Adams County, Ohio, William Leedom. Mary died 1865 Adams County, Ohio. She had a daughter, Telethia (1827-1913) who married John Watson. This branch of the family lived in Bentonville, Ohio, from 1797.

12 June 1788: Ezekiel and John Rogers land mentioned in a deed from Joseph and Rebecca Moore to James Slack all of Hampshire County, West Virginia. Hampshire County, West Virginia Deed Bk 7 p255.

+8 Oct 1788: Grant from Edmund Randolph, Esquire Governor of Commonwealth of Virginia by a warrant and Two Pounds Sterling paid by John Rogers 410A in Hampshire of Robert Parker, George Emmett mentioned. Virginia Land Grants Book T p145. Latter-day Saints film #29250.

1788: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list

+12 June 1788: deed from Joseph and Rebecca Moore to John Rogers all of Hampshire County, Virginia for 30 pounds 55 acres in Hampshire County lying on Stuard's run a branch of Little Capon patented to Joseph Moore 9 Dec 1786. Hampshire County, West Virginia Deed Book 7 p253.

26 June 1789: Grant from Beverley Randolph, Esquire Governor of Commonwealth of Virginia for One Pound Ten Shillings Sterling paid by John Rogers 276 Acres in Hampshire County...adjoining his land on or near Beargarden of Robert Cragon mentioned. Virginia Land Grants Book T p458. Latter-day Saints film #29520.

1789: on Hampshire County Virginia tax list.

+1 Sept 1789: deed between John Rogers and Stephen Gano both of Hampshire County, Virginia for 300 pounds - 90 acres, part of a tract granted to John Rogers 8 Oct 1788 by the Commonwealth of Virginia, survey made for John Rogers 20 Sept 1788. Hampshire County, West Virginia Deed Book 12 p85.

1790: on Hampshire County Virginia tax list.

16 Sept 1790: John Rogers was appointed overseer of the road in the room of Joseph Moore. Hampshire County, Virginia Minute Book 1788-1791 p348.

1791: on Hampshire County Virginia tax list.

17 Feb 1791: "By virtue of a Warrant from the Late Lord proprietor's Office No. 695 Dated March 3rd 1779 I have Surveyed for John Rogers, Assignee of Rees Pritchard, Assignee of Elias Poston who was Assignee of William Duncan a tract of Land in Hampshire County [West Virginia] Adjoining the Lands of Duncan V. Corbin on the Waters of Farmers Run and bounded as followeth. Viz: Beginning at a Locust in the line of Wharton's Land and running thence S.37.W Crossing a Run with S. line 272 P to a B and W Corner to Sd Wharten. Thence with the line of Benjamin Foreman S.53.E.73P to three White Oaks Corner to William Duncan. Thence with the line os Sd Duncan N.39.E.272P to two Maples and a White Oak at a ___ Corner to Sd Duncan. Thence with the line of Ezekiel Rogers N.53.W.3_ P to the Beginning containing Ninety one Acres. John Fenten and Thomas Rogers C.C.S. John Mitchel H.E.S. Hampshire County, West Virginia Survey Book A p362.

1792: on Hampshire County Virginia tax list.

1793: on Hampshire County Virginia tax list.

10 Sept 1793: John Rogers' land used as identification in a deed between Joseph Moore and Thomas Birket. Hampshire County Virginia Deed Book 9 p 214-216.

1794: on Hampshire County Virginia tax list.

+11 June 1794: deed from Ezekiel Rogers and wife Mary to John Rogers, all of Hampshire County, Virginia for 25 pounds lawful money of Virginia 91 acres on Stuard's Run, a drain of Little Cacaphia, survey dated 22 Feb 1785. Hampshire County, West Virginia Deed Book 9 p436.

10 Sept 1794: deed from John Rogers, John Sebring, Nathaniel Foster and wife Elizabeth by his attorney to Michael Rounswell all of Hampshire County, Virginia for 50 pounds, 91 acres in Hampshire County on the waters of Furman's Run as by a survey of Feb 1791. Hampshire County, West Virginia Deed Book 9 p515.

1795: on Hampshire County Virginia tax list.

1796: on Hampshire County Virginia tax list.

18 Apr 1796: Samuel Poston sworn Captain and John Rogers Lieutenant in the militia. Hampshire County, Virginia Minute Book 1795-1798 p188.

1798: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1 Sept 1799: deed from John Rogers to Stephen Ganno both of Hampshire County, Virginia 212 Acres. Early Records, Hampshire County, Virginia, Clara McCormack Sage, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1969.

25 Sept 1799: m/2: Diadamia Curtis (2 Sept 1779 New Jersey-29 Dec 1862 Ohio) probably a daughter of Joseph Curtis who later lived in Sprigg Township, Adams County, Ohio. Nathan Foster Rogers writes about Mother Diame in a letter dated 1854.

14 Oct 1799: deed between John Rogers and Diadamia his wife and Nathan Huddleston all of Hampshire County, Virginia 167A for 140 pounds being part of a certain tract of land granted by patent to Joseph Moore bearing date of 29 Dec 1786 and by said Moore by deed bearing date of 12 June 1788 conveyed it to John Rogers (lying on the waters of Little Capecapon). Hampshire County, West Virginia Deed Book 12 p85.

14 Oct 1799: deed between John Rogers and Diadamia, his wife and Nathan Huddleston all of Hampshire County, Virginia for 179 pounds, 55½ acres of land lying on the waters of Little Capecapon. Hampshire County, West Virginia Deed Book 12 p86.

14 Oct 1799: deed between John Rogers and Diadamia, his wife and Nathan Huddleston all of Hampshire County, Virginia for 140 pounds, 167 acres on Little Capecapon part of patent to John Rogers 12 Dec 1786. Hampshire County, West Virginia Deed Book 12 p88.

no date: son George born.

June 1800: petition for a road from the crossing of Elk Run [in Adams County, Ohio] to intersect the Limestone Road (near Union church, south of Bentonville) Signed by George Rogers, Ezekiel Rogers, John Rogers, Nathaniel Rogers. A History of Adams County, Ohio, Nelson W. Evans, West Union, Ohio: E. B. Stivers, 1900 page 120. The copyright on this book dated 1900 predates the burning of the courthouse in 1910.

26 Jan 1802: son Ezekiel born; died 13 Aug 1816, buried in the Parr/Rogers cemetery Sprigg Township, Adams County, Ohio. The stone says "a young man died suddenly by accident 15 years."

+16 Apr 1803: deed from son Nathan to his father, John, for all his property - consideration $400. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 4 p106.

15 May 1805: son Joseph Curtis born.

1806: on Adams County, Ohio tax list - 550A, rate 3, title: patent, tax $2.20.

+29 May 1806 Agnes Rogers sold to her father-in-law John Rogers, all of Sprigg Township, Adams County, Ohio - her personal possessions for consideration of $270. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 5 p218.

6 Oct 1806: caused a copy of a deposition to be served on son Nathan Rogers' wife. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 9 p9.

6 Oct 1806: John stated he was the father of Nathan Rogers. Gave Nathan 50 acres of land on his back line, a corner on or near Three Mile Creek.

+21 June 1807: was a member of the Presbyterian Church, West Union, Adams County, Ohio.

1807: on Adams County, Ohio tax list - 500A, rate 2, tax $2 and 100A, rate 2, tax 20 cents.

4 Jan 1807: daughter Mary born.1808: on Adams County, Ohio tax list - 550A, rate 3, Sprigg Twp., Original proprietor: Charles Scott, tax $2.75.

3 June 1809: Diadamia, wife of John Rogers was on Examination received into the church [Presbyterian at West Union, Adams County, Ohio] and baptized.

10 Jan 1810: daughter Jane born.

1812: on Adams County, Ohio tax list - same land $3.77 tax.

1813: on Adams County, Ohio tax list - same as above.

1813: John and wife dismissed as member of the West Union Presbyterian Church, Adams County, Ohio.

4 June 1814: son Thomas W. born.

1816: on Adams County, Ohio tax list - same as above.

1817: on Adams County, Ohio tax list - same as above.

8 Aug 1817: daughter Elizabeth Elinor born.

1818: on Adams County, Ohio tax list - same as above.

1819: on Adams County, Ohio tax list - 550A & 20A in Sprigg Twp. tax - $5.85.

1820: census - Sprigg Township, Adams County, Ohio: 1 males under 10 (1810-1820); 1 male 10-16 (1804-1810); 1 male 45 up (before 1775); 1 female under 10 (1810-1820); 2 females 10-16 (1804-1810); 1 female 16-26 (1794-1804); 1 female 26-45 (1775-1794); 1 female 45 up (before 1775).

1820: on Adams County, Ohio tax list - same acreage as above, added description: Ohio River, Sprigg Twp. tax- $9.97 and 5 mills.

25 Feb 1821: daughter Sarah Ann born.

+4 Apr 1821: quit claim deed between John Rogers and James Lawson all of Adams County, Ohio for $13.47 and one-half cents 15 acres in Adams County, surveyed in the name of Edward Stephens. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 11 p216.

17 May 1821: John and son Nathan F. witnessed a re-survey of land on the banks of the Ohio River in Adams County, Ohio for James Lawson of Adams County. Virginia Military Survey Bk 1 p19.

+25 Sept 1825: John and wife listed as a members of the Manchester Presbyterian Church, Adams County, Ohio.

8 Mar 1826: died, buried in the Parr/Rogers cemetery Sprigg Twp. Adams County, Ohio.

1830: census - Adams County, Ohio p76 - Diadamia Rogers is listed by herself 50-60 (1770-1780) years old with the following children - 3 males 15-20 (1810-1815), 1 male 20-30 (1800-1810), 1 female 5-10 (1820-1825) and 1 female 10-15 (1815-1820).

19 Sept 1831: Diadamia m/2 by William Page, John Williams (_____-1854) as Damey Rogers. Adams County, Ohio Marriage Book 3 p163.

+2 Dec 1831: deed from John and Diadamia Williams to William Taylor all of Adams County, Ohio for $400, 100 acres part of a survey in name of Benjamin Gordon. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 15 p253.

15 Apr 1835 - 6 June 1835: guardians' accounts - John Williams guardian of Thomas W. Rogers, Sarah Ann Rogers and Elizabeth Ellen Rogers minor heirs of John Rogers, dec'd in account with his said wards. Adams County, Ohio Volume 6 Administratons and Guardians' accounts.

+22 Jan 1835: Power of Attorney from George Rogers of Franklin County, Missouri to James C. Pendleton of Warren County, Missouri "to sell my interest in the estate of my mother Diadamia Williams now living in Adams County, Ohio - all claim which I may have as one of the heirs of John Rogers deceased, my father. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 17 p116.

11 Nov 1838: John Rogers’ heirs vs Nathan Rogers. John Williams was the guardian of Thomas W. Rogers, Elizabeth Ellen Rogers, and Sarah Rogers.

Feb. 1854: Diadamia's second husband John Williams died and is buried in Parr/Rogers cemetery Adams County, Ohio.

29 Dec 1862: Diadamia died and is buried in the Parr/Rogers cemetery in Sprigg Twp. Adams County, Ohio.

A note from Sue Beall to Jean Evans:

“In a letter from Dr. Kinney she [?Mrs. Penn?] writes: ‘In notes from Mrs. Singleton is the sentence—John Rogers was the father of Nathan Foster Rogers and the Charles and James who signed the will in 1804 may have been brothers of NFR—what 1804 will?’”

*Nathan Foster Rogers (son of John and his first wife)

1777: born in Plumstead Twp. Bucks County, Pennsylvania [the information about his birth place possibly came from the National Archives New Orleans port list].

no date: married Agnes Waugh (29 Mar 1781 Virginia--5 July 1850 Kentucky, buried Maysville, Kentucky) daughter of John and Elizabeth Waugh, marriage date and place unknown. It could have been in Adams County, Ohio - the courthouse burned in the early 1900s. Adams County, Ohio is only a short distance across the Ohio River from Mason County, Kentucky. John Waugh settled where Springdale now is before 1794 and had a ferry across the Ohio at the “Great Crossing.”

15 Nov 1790: daughter Eliza born. Nathan Foster Rogers lived with this daughter in Texas at the time of the 1850 census.

1 June 1798: court attachment issued for ...Nathan Rogers for “contempt of the courts precept issued to the sheriff for summoning a grand jury at the previous term of said court”. A History of Adams County, Ohio, Nelson W. Evans, West Union, Ohio: E. B. Stivers, 1900.

ca 1798: son born.

11 Mar 1799: as Nathan Rogers made an oath that the principals had made an agreement to close an argument. Adams County, Ohio Deed Bk 1 p94.

14/15 October 1800: lived on same farm as father John in Adams County, Ohio. See document dated 6 October 1806, in Nathan Foster Rogers file below.

June 1800: petition for a road from the crossing of Elk Run [in Adams County, Ohio] to intersect the Limestone Road (near Union church, south of Bentonville) Signed by George Rogers, Ezekiel Rogers, John Rogers, Nathaniel Rogers. A History of Adams County, Ohio, Nelson W. Evans, West Union, Ohio: E. B. Stivers, 1900 page 120. The copyright on this book dated 1900 predates the burning of the courthouse in 1910.

16 Apr 1803: deed from Nathan Foster Rogers to his father John Rogers for $400 "all my property that is in my hands at this time". Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 4 p106.

9 June 1803: daughter Lemira Levina born. Nathan Foster Rogers lived with this daughter in Texas.

29 May 1806: Bill of Sale from Agnes Rogers to John Rogers both of Sprigg Township, Adams County, Ohio for the consideration of $270 the following personal property: 1 bay mare and colt, 1 brown cow and calf, 1 red cow and calf, 1 bull 2 years old, 1 yearling heifer, 1 loom, 2 beds and pillows of fine feathers and 2 ticks, cotton ticks, 2 bed of coarse feathers and 2 ticks, 2 cotton counterpanes - cross barred, 2 bedsteads, 1 pine chest, one-half dozen green Windsor chairs, 1 little wheel, 1 churn, 1 buckets and a fat tub, 1 big kettle and 1 stew kettle, 1 tea kettle, 1 stone pots, 5 crocks, 3 delft plates, 5 tumblers, a set of china teacups, 1 tea pot, 2 cannisters, 4 glass bottles, 2 brass candlesticks, 1 pewter dish, 1 pewter basin, 6 pewter plates, 1 axe, 1 hoe, an iron shovel and tongs, 1 pr. of dog irons, 2 tramels, 1 looking glass, 1 table and a pr. of pistols and holsters. Witnessed by Richard Rounsavell and Foster Moore. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 5 p218.

6 October 1806: The Depositions of Joseph Moore and Joseph Darlinton taken with a view to perpetuate the testimony in the cause to which the said Depositions state, taken before David Edie and Needham Parry, Esquire - Associate Judges of the court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Adams at the house of Joseph Darlinton on the 6th day of October in the year of our Lord 1806.

Joseph Darlinton of full age being first duly sworn deposeth and saith that at an election which from the records of Adams county this deponant finds was held on the 14th or 15th days of October in the year 1800 John Rogers came to this deponant and informed him that he wished to make his son Nathan Rogers an elector or words to that effect and requested this deponant to draw a abond from him to the said Nathan Rogers for fifty acres of land to be taken out of the tract of land on which the said John and Nathan then lived and off the back line from the river which this deponant then understood was at or near the head of Elk Run to begin for quantity at the second corner from the beginning corner which beginning corner is also a Corner to Richard Rounsavel - This deponant thinks he subscribed his name as a Witness to the said bond but this deponant does not now recollect the particulars of the said Bond and further saith not. Joseph Darlinton.

Joseph Moore being duly sworn deposeth and saith that an election at the mouth of Brush Creek in and for Adams County to elect representatives for said County it being in the year 1800 Mr. John Rogers and Nathan his son being there and Nathan Rogers being refused his vote for want of a title to Land on which account John Rogers came to me and said he would give him a bond for fifty acres of land on his back line or corner or near three Mile Creek and as the deed was not pressent it was supposed on to be the southwest corner of said tract whereon said John & Nathan Rogers then lived said John Rogers asked me to rite a bond I replied Mr. Darlinton could do it soon or and better he then applied to Mr. Darlington sole a bond in the street and he and myself I think Witnessed the same and further saith not. Jos. Moore.

We certify that the foregoing depositions were subscribed and sworn to before us as stated in the Caption. Given under our hands and seals this 6th day of october in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Six. David Edie, Needham Parry.

The following is the notice filed with the said Depositions "Mr. Nathan Rogers take notice that on the sixth day of October next 1806 at the house of Joseph Darlinton in West Union between the hours of 8 & 10 oclock I purpose taking the depositions of Joseph Darlinton and Joseph Moore respecting a title bond I gave you for fifty acres of land part of the tract I now live on to be taken before David Edie and Needham Parry, Associate Judges.

On which notice is the following indorsement to wit: I was witness to the within notification being served on the wife of Nathan Rogers by John Rogers [underlining in original] on the 25 September 1806. Jonathan Pownall.

We do hereby certify that the within named Jonathan Pownall was duly sworn to the service of the within named Jonathan Pownall was duly sworn to the Service of the within notice agreeable to the return made thereon - 6th October 1806 David Edie, Needham Parry. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 9 p9.

ca 1810: daughter Evalina born.

28 July-1 Sept 1812: Roll of Capt. Thomas Lewis’s Company: Sergeant Nathan Rogers served under Lt. Samuel Bradford [Roster of Ohio Soldiers War of 1812, p. 88, orig. p. 379].

28 July 1813: enlisted in the war of 1812 from West Union, Adams County, Ohio. Served as sergeant in Captain Lewis’s Company of Ohio Militia.

1 Sept 1813: honorably discharged from service in Upper Sandusky, Ohio. He earned $26.41 including the hire of his horse.

5 Sept. 1813: He says he re-enlisted about this day from Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio.

Nov. 1813: Again honorably discharged from service.

July 1814: Charles Gallagher versus Nathan Rogers by appeal from the Judgment of William Porter, Justice of the Peace. Appellant to appear at next court. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book G p227.

31 Aug 1816: Nathan Foster Rogers asked the federal government for all monies owed him from the War of 1812. He served from Adams County, Ohio in Capt. Thomas Lewis' Company of Ohio cavalry. He appointed John Hayslip of Adams County, Ohio his attorney. The amount he was seeking to recover was his pay for three months and 4 days at 11 dollars per month and pay for one horse plus 36 days at 20 cents.

no date: daughter Letitia born.

*9 May 1817: son William Waugh born.

1819: daughter Mary Ann born.

1820: census - Sprigg Township, Adams County, Ohio: 2 males under 10 (1810-1820), 1 male 26-45 (1775-1794), 1 female under 10 (1810-1820), 1 female 10-16 (1804-1810), 2 females 16-26 (1794-1804), 1 female 26-45m (1775-1794), 1 in agriculture.

1820: daughter Theresa Dandridge born.

17 May 1821: Nathan F. and father John Rogers witnessed the re-survey of land on the banks of the Ohio River in Adams County, Ohio made for James Lawson. Virginia Military Survey Bk 1 p19.

7 Mar 1823: In the National Archives is a crew list which shows Nathan F. Rogers and Asa Mitchell of New Orleans swearing that they, together with Michael J. Brake of Harrison County, Va. were the true owners of a ship called the "James Lawrence" which was built at Tappan, New York in the year 1813. It was 61 feet long, 20 feet broad, the depth was 5' 6", had 1 deck, 2 masts, a square stern, she measured 56 and 79/95 tons and had a round tuck, no gallery and a billet head (a curved wooden carving used on a ship in place of a figurehead). Nathan F. Rogers, a citizen of the United States born in Pennsylvania, was the Master. This is all the material on the James Lawrence in the National Archives.

7 May 1823: sailed from New Orleans bound for the Rio Grande on the "James Lawrence".

5 Sept 1823: In the unpublished papers of Stephen Austin is the following account of the wreck of the "James Lawrence". Mexican Nation, Province of Texas, Austins Colony. I Nathan F. Rogers late Master of the Schooner James Lawrence, burden 56 tons 79/95 last from the port of New Orleans and bound to the River Grande, Cargo agreeably to the Bill of Lading, personally appeared (and) being sworn do solemnly protest and declare that on the 5 May 1823 the said Schooner James Lawrence was regularly cleared out at the Customs House of the Port of New Orleans bound for the River Grande with a cargo, as will appear by said clearance and bill of lading which accompanies this protest. That on the 7 of May the said Rogers sailed with said Schooner from the said port of Orleans bound as aforesaid, head winds in the Mississippi, crossed the bar at the southwest pass on the 12 same month, steared a southwesterly course for Galveston Island, and on the 14 changed course west. On the 15 at 8 o'clock at night hove in sight of the breakers on the leeward, a heavy gale blowing at that time dead on shore and found it impossible to keep off the breakers. After ineffectual efforts to bent out came to anchor with the bent some new cable in two fathoms of water at the edge of the breakers. Gales increasing and the sea breaking over the vessel and sweeping the deck frequently and the pumps becoming useless by getting chocked up, could not free the vessel from the water she leaked. In this situation finding it impossible to ride at anchor any longer called a council of the owners of the property and passengers and crew on board in which it was unanimously decided to run the vessel on shore as the only means of saving lives and property which was accordingly done at 8 AM on the 16th. And every possible effort was immediately made by passengers and crew to get out and save the cargo about two thirds of which was taken from the vessel that day and secured all in a damaged situation, except a few trunks and boxes of wax figures which were not damaged. The gale continuing on the 17th the vessel was a complete wreck. The said Rogers therefore solemnly protests against the wind and waves as the true and unavoidable cause of the loss of the said Schooner Lawrence, and that it was not owing to any neglect or fault of his, or of the crew.

+5 May 1824: a document written in Spanish and translated by Inga Corbett of Champaign, Illinois - "Nathan F. Rogers born in the U. S., occupation carpenter, residing at the present in this precinct. He has decided to reside in the Territory of Mexico, observing the laws and subjecting himself to the customs of the country. Since he has no land of his own, to support himself he deems it necessary to request four lots along the River of Guadalupe north of the road of Alenonta. Two of the lots by the River to be cultivated by Nathan Rogers and two other lots for the settlement of his two children whose families live on the other side of the River. In the name of all concerned he feels obliged to satisfy the right and customs of the original owners, and pay the Legal Claims office the costs of the transaction. In this case we approach you in due respect and request your gracious and just settlement of this request in Bahia 4 May 1824.

The interested paid the value of this land to this administration that is under my jurisdiction. Bahia 5de Mayo 1824.

The Legal Claims Office will inform me at this time if there is an impediment to the agreed sale of this land.

Bahia 5de Mayo 1824

In answer to your request of May 5 and in relation to the land the interested person solicits to buy, this Municipal Government can not find any obstacles to the transaction. It is understood that the distribution had to be from "{ase Anastauo" Northward and the land by the River will stretch equally far. This is stated by Martin de Leon, Citizen of Villa Guadalupe de Victoria. This is the statement of the Municipal Government in this particular situation.

The garrison of La Bahia del Espirito Santo 5/6/1824: I, Jose Sancedo, a citizen, head speaker of the Exma Diputacion Provincial and Chief of the Police, read the preceding information from the Municipal Government of this precinct. I take in account the pledge of Nathan Rogers to obey the Mexican laws and came to the conclusion to permit the sale of the four lots described in the other documents along the River Guadalupe.

In the name of the Mexican Government, under whose jurisdiction I work, I will give him the ownership under the law and have him sign the documents with adequate witnesses.

In the other district after 7 days of 5.5.24: I, the temporal Head Speaker, political chief of this province am referring to the four lots described in the preceeding document prepared for Nathan Rogers. I will describe the land measured by Francisco de Zora, Jose Antonio Saucedo, Jose Maria del Castillo the lots by the River Guadalupe presently owned by Tomas Gray.

One measure of 10 thousand rods along the River going North from that point 10 thousand rods going East and another 10 thousand rods going South and 10 thousand rods West to the original starting point. Herewith a perfect square is formed bordering Tomas Gray's land. This square contains the four lots to be transferred to Nathan Rogers.

I transferred the actual possession of the land from the original owner to Nathan Rogers by calling out in a loud voice: "In the name of the supreme government of the Mexican nation I give possession of the four lots contained within the measurements to Nathan Rogers. he will make use of it and this children and descendants.

Nathan Rogers after receiving the land gave a joyful call, started to pull out herbs and throw rocks. He was ready to plant. He was advised to populate the land and pay taxes according to the value of the Land to the Public funds of the province. On the presence of witnesses lacking a scribe I transfer this sale in good faith.

The Government of this date did not approve the possession of the land, therefore these papers are nulified and have no effectual value. June 2, 1834."

24 May 1824: Nathan F. Rogers witnessed a re-survey of land in Adams County, Ohio of 2000A on Little Three Mile Creek made for James Lawson. Adams County, Ohio Survey Book.

1830: census of Copiah County, Mississippi - Nathan F. Rogers 1 male 50-60 (1770-1780), 2 females 5-10 (1820-1825), 3 females 10-15 (1815-1820), 1 female 15-20 (1810-1815) and 1 female 20-30 (1800-1810).

ca 1833:?came to Texas as a surveyor with General Sam Houston. Ora Singleton: “One record says Gen. Houston made a speech in Maysville about 1832 asking men to help him colonize Texas.”

11 Nov 1833: John Rogers heirs vs Nathan Rogers.

1836: Nathan Foster Rogers was a bondsman in 1836 wedding, Copiah County, Mississippi, of John H. Davis and Narcissa McMichael [information from E. L. Kinney].

+1836: Deed by the Commissioners of Mason County, Kentucky in which the heirs of John Waugh (Nathan Foster Rogers was named with his wife Agnes (Waugh) Rogers) were granting 19A in the county to Mary Waugh. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 44 p12.

+Nov 1836: Agnes Rogers to Elizabeth Farrow, Commissioners Deed 44A Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 44 p9.

+1 Nov 1836: Agnes Rogers to Sophia Ann Waugh, Commissioners Deed 33A in county Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 44 p1.

+24 Nov 1836: Whereas by a decree of the Mason Circuit Court rendered at the August Term thereof in the year 1836 in a suit in Chancery wherein Joseph M. Farrow and others were complainants and Elizabeth Waugh and others were defendants it was ordered that Joseph M. Farrow and Elizabeth his wife, Mary Waugh, Anne Delashment and the children and heirs of John C. Waugh deceased viz Sophia Ann Waugh, Eliza Jane Waugh, Mary Johnston Waugh, Agnes Waugh Rogers and John Waugh convey by Deed of general warranty on or before the first day of the Next November Term of said Court to Agnes Rogers the tract or parcel of land herein after conveyed...and confirm unto the said Agnes Rogers her heirs and assigns forever a certain parcel of land designated in the Commissioners report filed in the Cause aforesaid as lot No. 1 including the ferry privileges annexed to said tract and bounded as follows viz: beginning in the center of the mouth of Cabin Creek corner to the Complainant...Mason County, Kentucky Deed Bk 44 p9.

+26 Nov 1836: Agnes Rogers to Ann Delashmutt 45A Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 43 p513.

April court 1837: p.455 Upon motion of Agnes Rogers it is ordered that a ferry be granted to her from her lands at the mouth of Cabin Creek across the Ohio River; also a ferry across Cabin Creek. Upon her giving bond and surety whereupon she executed and acknowledged bond with Thornton Hord, surety in the penalty of $1000 as conditioned by law and it is ordered that she be allowed the same rate of ferriage as John Waugh was allowed at the same place. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book M p455.

11 Nov 1838: John Rogers’ heirs vs. Nathan Rogers. John Williams was the guardian of Thomas W. Rogers, Elizabeth Ellen Rogers, and Sarah Rogers.

1840: census - Mason County, Kentucky - Mrs. Agnes Rogers is listed in the north part of the county - 1 male 10-15 (1825-1830), 2 males 20-30 (1810-1820), 1 female 15-20 (1820-1825), 1 female 20-30 (1810-1820), [Agnes] 1 female 50-60 (1780-1790), 1 in agriculture, 1 in navigation of lakes, river, streams “Mrs. Agnes Rogers”.

+1840: "Delinquents on the Inventory of Taxable Property Returned fo the Year 1840 By Daniel McDonald, Sheriff and Collector for the County of Victoria [Texas] Rogers, N. F. 17712 quantity of titled land, 53136 valuation, $265.63 total amount of taxes, $132.81 county tax, $398.44 total amount of tax due." Microfilm Dallas Library, Dallas, Texas.

24 June 1841: a list of persons who have not paid the Taxes due the Republic of Texas, for the year 1840, assessed upon property situated in the county of Victoria, who are considered delinquent and published in accordance with the 12th section of an Act to raise public revenue by Direct Taxation, aproved 16th January 1840: Rogers, N.F. Texas Sentinal [newspaper] Austin V. 3 #20.

16 June 1846: Nathan Foster Rogers at mouth of Red River (letter).

4 Sept 1846: Adams County, Ohio. "Dear Brother and Sister. I now inform you that through the Mercy of God we are all tho not well. Eliza has had the ague but has got it broke - Ann Maria has chills and fever tho not very Severe the rest of the Family is in Tolerable health. Fossett's Family is well. Mother (Agnes Waugh Rogers) is now at Cincinnati. She was well when she went away. We received your bearing Date June 16th and was glad to hear of your safe arrival at your home and that you are Satisfied. I hope you continue to be satisfied. We have received 3 letters from the Texas Folks one from Father (NFR) June 16th they were then at the mouth of Red River, one from Sam Smith June 18th they were then at Shreveport. All well but Agnes (not Nathan Foster's wife). She was taken sick at the mouth of Red River, one from Agnes date August 8th at a place called Dangerfield one hundred miles from Shreveport and twenty miles from Texas. All well then but Agnes. She yet had chills and fever. Gilbert Watson Will and Sam had gone to the Countylony. The families had stopt at the above name place till their return, they had ben gon ten days. They were not going to the Colony until late in the fall. They were then all much pleased with the Country. Honey ponds and pancake trees - Agnes stated Father [Nathan Foster Rogers] was with them but was going west soon and back to Kentucky this fall. Fine crops of corn cotton and wheat in Texas. Corn 25 cents wheat 75 cents. Now a little about our own Country. We have had the warmest summer ever has been in this country. We have very warm yet and wet. The wheat crop is good. Wheat is 50 cents, flour $2.62 and one-half cents per barrel. William Dawson Died in July he had been to Orleans and came home sick and died in a few days. Andrew Belles is sick but no hope of his death. William Farrow Died in July also Widow McGlisson in the same month. Roseanna Rogers had a son born July 2nd not named yet. Eliza Fossett is gaining strength in her hip. Curtis Rogers and Family is well. Thomas Rogers is much better in his mind than when you were here tho not altogether right yet. William Rogers has no bettr health than when you left here. I must close. Mary Ann wants you to write your next letter to her. No more but Remain you Affectionate Brother and Sister till Death B & E Moore." Written by Burris and Eliza Moore, daughter and son-in-law of Nathan Foster Rogers to James C. Pendleton and Evelina Pendleton, Warren County, Missouri.

1847: According to records passed out at a Smith family reunion about 1965 "He [Nathan Foster Rogers] was a surveyor in the Houston area in south Texas and took his pay in land. In a letter written by him in 1847 to his son William Waugh Rogers, mailed at Houston but written at Richmond, Texas he wrote that he planned to head-right over four thousand acres of land 'in the new county of Hopkins' as soon as the treaty of peace was signed between the United States and Mexico."

5 June 1849: Hopkins County, Texas "Dear Pendleton and Evelina. I take my pen in hand to let you know that I am well at this time through devine provadance hoping this will find you in the same State of Helth. I have bin on to the South of Texas 22 months Seing to my land afares. Eliza Moore and Gilberts famelys is all well. if you have not recived information of Bouroughs Deth and Jane I Can inform you they Died in September last and little Frank last winter. the Famely is doing well Joseph has Come to the famely. Foster will be out in the next Spring. I have heard from Kentucky your mother (Agnes Waugh Rogers) has had a bad Spel of sickness last Sommer and Reduced lean. Mary Ann and famely was well. Cousen Joseph and Forman Moore has both lost thare wives our ole naborhood has becom sickly. William & his famely was all well when Jo moore left Cabin Crick. Fossett is Moved to Cincinnatta and give up the place to your Mother.

I have a grate Desiar to see you but the Distanc is so fare that I do not think it will be in my power to Com to your State. it is proble that I will go to Kentucky in the fall Season if Spard Prospects of our state is good altho the Cold Fever has set the Wolld upside down. gold is Descoverd on the watters of the Arkences in a grate abundonc as in Callafornea the distance from this place is not mor than 300 milles all good Rode the hed of Red River and of the Oseark a branch of Arkances is the Gold Reagon - Our Crops is backward on acount of Cold frost and Running all most the whole time of planting wheat Crops is light Cattle Horses Hogs Sheap and all the Stalk kine dos will. I wrote to you from South Texas last year but got no answer pleas to write to me air Soon as this Comes to hand. Give me a ginnerl acount of all the prosperity of your prospects and wheather or no you will Come to the land that flows with Milk and honney. Short winters and not very hot Sommers. Vedetation grows hear all most with out work thare is helth in this County Som Sickness but the most is by being imprudent going in the wet and hot Sun. we have heard from you through your letters to Kentucky also The loss of your Infent babe You will write to me Derect you letters to Hopkins County, Tarrant is the County Site.

I have a grate deal to say to you if I was with you but I will Close with the blessing of an all Sarching god. Rember that we air all born to die be prepard to meete the judg of heaven and Stand in the Congragation of the Saints on the Rite hand of him that lives for ever and ever.

Your sisters Eliza & Lemeary with all the famely join thare Love to you. N F Roger YourFeather"

To James and Eveline Pendelton Moss Warrin County Warrington Post Oface.

+3 Dec 1849: To the honorable the Legislature of the State of Texas Gentlemen the undersigned your petitioner would respectfully represent to your honorable body that he Emigrated to the Republic of Texas Some time in the month of Ma;y AD 1823 and remained in the Said Republic performing all the duties required of him as a citizen of Said Republic untill the year AD 1825 at which time he left the Republic and returned to the State of Kentucky with the Expess intention of returning to Texas so soon as he could arrange his business but from the Exposoure and hardships he had Endured while in Texas his health became so much impaired that from his bad health and unsettled condition of his business he found it impossable to return untill Some time in the year 1835 and Since that time he has been a Citizen of Texas and has performed the duties required of him as such and beleaveing as he did that he was entitled to one leage and one labore of land [Webster defines a league of land as "an old Texas unit equal to 44428.4 Acres" and a labor of land as "an old Texas unit of land equal to 177A"] by virtue of said Emegration and Settlement in the year 1823 within the limits of Stephen F. Austin's Colony and conciquently he had not applyed for a headright under any of the Succeeding laws grantin lands to Emegrants and your pettioner is Still of the belief that he is Justly entitled to land as a collonist under the aforesaid Stephen F Austin. Therefore he would pray your honoable body to pass some law for his releaf and as in duty bound your petitioner will ever pray N F Rogers. Jacket for this document reads as follows: "The Petition of N. F. Rogers No. 34 Box 75 R. Refd to Com on Public Lnads Dec. 3 1849." Texas State Archives, Austin, Texas. [this petition possibly was turned down because Nathan Foster Rogers asked for so much land].

1850: census Hopkins County, Texas he lived with daughter Eliza Moore and was listed as being 73 years old, born in Pennsylvania and no occupation was listed. Eliza Moore, age 50, born Kentucky; Ann M. Moore, age 26, born Ohio; William H. Moore, age 16, born Kentucky; John S. (Sam) Moore, age 14, born Kentucky; Sarah A. Moore, age 8, born Kentucky, George W. Moore, age 5, born Ohio; N. F. Rogers, age 73, born Pennsylvania.

4 Sept 1850: census Mason County, Kentucky - District #2 - wife Agnes is listed as living with daughter Mary Ann and her husband Price Faucett. The schedule notes Agnes Rogers "since dead" born Virginia.

1850: census - #207 #207 Hopkins County, Texas living with daughter Eliza Moore is N. F. Rogers 73 born Pennsylvania.

5 July 1850: Wife Agnes died in Mason County, Kentucky and she was buried in the old cemetery in Maysville, Mason County, Kentucky. Her son William Waugh administered her estate in Oct. 1850.

17 Oct 1850: Inventory and appraisement of Agnes Rogers estate - 1 cupboard, 1 mantle clock, 1 ding [dining] table, 1 bureau, 1 bed - bedstead & bedding, 1/2 dozen Winser chairs, 1 old Desk, 1 Role of Old Carpeting, 1 Breakfast table, 1 bed - bedstead & bedding, one Door lock, 1 Trunk lock, 1/2 dozen Table Spoons, lot of Spons & Sundrys, one pair of cotten Cards, one looking Glass, 1 pair candle Sticks, 1 map of jerusalem & 1 map of the US, 1 Book Numbers sacred Biography, 1 Trunk of Book & Trunk, 1 lot of old Cupboard ware, pot trambl, gridiron fire shovel Tripet & chain, 1 Ladle & skimmer, pair Cards & Candle molds, two 1/2 Gallon Basons - pewter, one basket and notions, Warfful Irons, Stove Kettle and coffee pot, five old flax wheels and real, 1 old pine Chest, 1 Halter Chain & 3 harrow teeth, 1 old ase of old Irons, 2 Leather Halters, Carpet warp & filling, 2 pair of Blankets at $1.00 per pair, 1 pair of coverletts, Bed cord 1 two gallon jug for measur, Window Blinds, 1 Cooking stove & fixtures, Weaving Spool & spool rack, one Small Box & old irons, 11 Knives and 14 forks and one steel, steel yards [a weighing device], 2 Small Lea Boards or nabers, Loom, one duch oven, 1 Kettle and 1 pot, one account on Maryanne Fossett for $33.75, an acct on Maryanne Fossett for $15.00, an acct on Davis Watson for $13.00, and acct on Davis & Watson for rent of Ferry for two years last may for 50 dollars per year and payable quarterly $100, Cash on hand $112.50.

28 January 1851 Texas Hopkins County: "Dear Daughter: This Coms to inform you that I am well Through the blessing of a benevelent God, hoping you and your Husband and Famely is the Same.

Your Sisters Eliza & Lemira air well and thare Famelys all in Good helth. William is with us at this time and is Starting on with the intention of paying you a Visset if he lives to get to you he will be the barrer of this letter as I have written Several letters to you without answer it may be that they have not Reacht you, but if they have got to hand I must think you air hard run not to have time to write to me if you have not got aney this will tell whare to write now the post offace is Tarrant Hopkins County Texas Dont forgit that if you have got so you cant write perswade your Husband to write to me. I have not much to write at this time as things is dull in this quarter of our State the helth of the parts we live in is all helth the Gospel is Precht and Sinners turning to the Love of God in Christ Jesus. I have grate reason to thenk my God that the Lord of Glory is in Texas he will be praisd in our land of plenty. Cotton & Shuger is Raised in the South Cattle and hogs horses Sheepe and Muls in this part Say the East & West. Steme bots is Coming to with in 45 Miles of this place and when Sulper is opend thay will Countym to with in 15 mils. the land hear in these parts will bring one bale of Cotton to the aire from 25 to 40 bushels of Corn wheat will grow hear if we Can git the Bearded [the prickly portion of wheat, oats, etc. which was believed to discourage birds from eating the grain] so that the Bords Cant pick it out before it ripens. the Sweet potaters grow a bundantly in this soil. I send you a list of Shuger and Melasses taken to Houston which is raisd on the Brazes River bottoms and not more than one-tenth of the land in Cutter of Cotton Shuger and Gardens for more then 125 miles from the mouth.

Texas Shuger and molasses arve in houston in 1849 Ending August 31th 1850 ending August 31th.

49 Shuger Hhds 1963

Molasses Bbls 2691

50 Shuger Hhds 3064

Molasses Bbls 3588

Making in all Molasse 6279 Barrals

Making in all Shuger 5027 this is Raisd on theBrazes River in 2 years the quantity made on the Collorado, Navestact old Cesina and Levaeco amounts to 3 times that Nomber besides the numbers quantity of Countytton Shipt to Eastren States and Uerip - and Som will Call Texas poore I Countynclude with my best love to you and Componyon let me hear from you on receipt of this favored by William the Lord bless you all N F Rogers

Eliza and Lamira has sold there interust in that mouth of the crick property to William and he gave them one hundred apeas and think you had better take the same and have now trouble about it" To Pendletons in Missouri.

+8 November 1851: Black Jack Grove Hopkins County Texas Honorable Members of Sinnet and Legislative body at the City of Austin in Texas Now in Sesion your Humble Servent the under Signed takes this way to Lay his petition before the Honorable House to adress his Grevinces as he has not Got his Head Rite of land or obtaind a Certificate for land which your Servent thinks he is intitaled to as a Colonist under Stephen F Austin and the Laws of Cowhecila and in Texas in 1823 and 24 Giving to men of Fameleye one legue and labour of land [see document dated 3 Dec 1849 for definition of this term] which is your humble Servents petion.. The time of first Coming to the Shores of Texas was in the Year of 1823 the 16th day of May landed in the James Lawrance Cap Sole Scooner laden with provitions under a heavy Sea and Gale dead on Shore lost all and the Cargo which was a grate loss To your humble Sarvent naked as it ware on the beach at the West end of Galveston Island Mr Asa Mitchell and my Self Sole owners which was my all or nearly Sow. Then asended the the (sic) Brazes River to the point whare Richmon now in Fort bend County arrived thare July 4th. In September Counl S F Austin returned from Mexaco administed the Oath of Govenment to me and in Cluded as one of his 300 Settlers. Don all the law requierd of me Such as to gow after Indians and perform meney other things to the diam. to mention Such as assisting the Surveyors up the River with the work. Two years Elaps whent in to the intiarrer of mexaco got Soim Mules and Horses Started for Kentucky for my Famely in 1826 Stade a short time then Started on my way for Texas 27 landed in Mississippi to get the money I had Sold Som Mules and horses which was to be payd on my Return disapointed and was not able to move on further Taken Sick lay helpless all most 2 years Doctor bills and famely Exspences reduced me low got my helth went to work and payd up made money to Start on for Texas arived at Galveston 1839 and Bin a Citizen ever Since and intend to live and Die in the land of plenty your humble Sarvent never left Texas on a count of tisapotting in ware it was in 39. the ware was not the thing that caused my Huy inabillaty and for the want of means was all that Kept the old man from this land. his armes for war was In Texas left with Counl S F Austin which was 4 good Guns 2 Rifles 2 duble Barrels & Spy Glass which I left thow Sick I was but incuriging settlers on to Texas menney whent through my information before the war. and Vollonteares in the time of war I gave all the means I had in possestion 2 yoing men to Git out to join the Armey which they did and got thare discharged honorab This is all that I think is necsery to Say Togeather with my Famely hear in Texas And if the Honorable House thinks it proper to Grant me the above Request it will do a Grate favour to him Respectfuly your Obedent Servant N. F. Rogers Personally appeared before me Henry Bingham an acting Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Hopkins State of Texas N. F. Rogers and made oath that the above petition is true to the best of his knowledg November the 8th 1851 Henry Bingham Justice of the Peace N.C.T. [Black Jack Grove is now Cumley, Texas which is west of Sulphur Springs SBS] Jacket of this document reads as follows: "Petition of N F Rogers Dec. 30 Referred to the Com. on Private Land Claims 11-8-51 No. 47 Box 75 R NF Rogers Petition of ---- Blackjack Grove Tex Nov 17th 5 Countyl J. Wren Austin City Texas"

Texas State Archives, Austin, TX

1853: Taxed in Hopkins County, Texas as follows "320A value $160, Orginial grantee N. F. Rogers, on what Stream - Caney, Total value $160, State tax 24 cents, County tax 12 cents". p. 17 Hopkins County, Texas tax list.

22 July 1853: In Mason County, Kentucky, Nathan Foster Rogers gave his statement about his service in the War of l812. He was 76 years old and a resident of Hopkins County, Texas. He says that he was an orderly Sergeant in the Company commanded by Capt. Thomas Lewis in the Regiment of Ohio Militia commanded by Colonel David Callien in the war with Great Britain declared by the United States on the 18th day of June 1812. He volunteered at West Union, Ohio on about the 20th of July 1813 for a term of 3 months. He continued in actual service for nearly 2 months and was honorably discharged at Upper Sandusky in Ohio about the 1st of Sept 1813. This will appear, he says, on the Muster Roll of said company as he lost his original certificate of discharge. He further declared that he again volunteered near Delaware, Ohio about the 5th day of Sept 1813 and remained in service as an orderly sergeant in Capt. John Haslip's Company of Duncan McArthur's Regiment. He was again honorably discharged without receiving a discharge certificate. He would like the bounty land to which he is entitled. He states that he has never received any such land.

7 Sept 1853: Mason County, Kentucky "Dear Son and Daughter I receivd your letter of August 17 which gave me much Satisfaction to hear from you altho you state to me your helth is not good at present it may be in consequence of the heet of the summer being so warm It has been hotter in this country than I ever felt it before You say you have a mind to take a look at Texas If you do I think you will like our Climate better than yours Altho we have some cold weather such as a Cold Norther blowing from the North for a day or two then it is all over and fine weather agane. The land is good for Grass and will bring forth good grane if tended well Corn from 25 to 40 bushels, wheat from 20 to 30, Sweet potatoes in Abundance barley oats and wry do well and vegetables of every kind prospers well by good working The watter is not good in general here as in Mousery but by having Sisterns we enjoy good helth. The branch watter is good seasons where the stalk [stock] can be kept off of it Hogs Cattle horses and all kine of animals do well in our land Salt has to be given to Stalk in this section of Texas as the salt dues [dews] does not reach so far North. On the Brazos and all that Southern part of Texas the cattle wont touch salt the grass being salt from the salt dues off the Gulph of Mexico.

Regarding the timber in the part I live in it is post oak, white oak, Red Jack, Spanish and willow oak, ellum [elm], ash, Hickory and pecan. Some walnut, cherry, honey locust in some parts - Bodark [variation of bodock: an Osage orange tree] Sedar and pine in abundance. Our building lumber is pine. Mills air getting tolerable plenty, Steam, watter, horses wind and incline. Watter mills will not be plenty Streams get to low to do much good in the Summer. If I can't get up Red River this autumn I then will come out to MO. if the yellow feaver continues if spared in helth and life. If I do not get to come out I will write to you before I go on my way home please to write to me on receipt of this letter. All our friends air well so far as I have any knowledge. I have not received my letters from home [Texas] lately. I expect that the yellow feaver has bin so bad that the mail has stopt in the Orleans route. I shall send a letter home this male as soon as my hand gets a little stedy, My nerves are not stedy at this time.

I shall start in a day or two to Chillacotha to see about my Parker land. When I return I will write to you agane No more at present but remain your loving Feather till deth. N F Rogers

Please to write to me if land warrnts can be laid to any advantage in your part of the country or not as I have obtained by soldier claime of land. (The jacket of his War of 1812 claims says #9640 - 95a) I have been offered 100 for it but if land can be got to Lay it on I would rather lay it myself." To James and Evaline Pendleton.

7 Sept 1853: Mason County Kentucky Dear Daughter: I am well at this time through the many blessings of God hoping these lines will find you all in the same State of helth. All the Friends is well at this time so far as I have any knowledge of. I was out on Brush Creek [Adams County, Ohio] with Curtis and his wife laast month. Seen Aunt Ellin Bolton She is in a low state of helth, her children air Ded and moved off, the oldest that was married to Womsley is ded and Nancy that married Smawley moved to Elenoys [Illinois].

The property in this county such as horses Cattle grane and land rate high. Negroes is out of all reason, a girl of 12 yers old sold the other day for $654 dollars men is worth from 12 to 15 hundred dollars. Mules is $125 to $150. Countyws 30 to 40 N F Moore has Bought the old ferry on the other side of the river and gives 35 hundred for it - pays $1000 down. He sold out the Cabin Creek ferry for the same to Mr. Tully that Bought of William for 9 hundred. The Damage obtained for the Railroad going over land and the mouth of Creek is 12 hundred Dollars the part of Charley's is not sold he will git about 3 hundred dollars and maybe more.

Curtis Rogers is coming with me to look at the country. I got a letter from Pendleton and that his intention is to take a look at Texas as there helth is not good in Mosuary. I have got my Land Surtificate and can sell it for 1 hundred dollars in hand it is for 80 acres. If I enter is myself it is worth 4 hundred if entered in Mosury or Elenoys. Land is gitting high. john Waugh is going out this fall to Enter land for himself and Mother as they air going to sell this place. Give my best love to all the children. Remember me to Mr. Hopkins.

Springdale is growing. Aunt Mary is living in her old cabin. Aunt Betsy Farrow is gitting along tolerable well. the Rode Company gives her 5 hundred dollars Damage. That roade is to go to Big Sandy then up that River and fall on Kinhaway then cross to Clinch mountain tunnel through that one mile, then on to James River and to Richmond. The road to Lexington from Maysville is going on past the Cair will run in one month through to Lexington. It starts in Maysville at the E end of 3rd Street then up Limestone Creek and crosses the North Fork below Taylor's Mill. I think I will be redy to start home in 3 or 4 weeks if spared. N F Rogers". To Lemira Smith the same day he wrote to Evelina Pendleton.

12 Nov 1853: Spring Dale Mason County, Kentucky " Dear Son and Daughter I receivd your favour of August the 11th in answer to that I thought that it would be in my power to pay you a Viset but things has turnd out otherwise and it will be out of my reach to perform the trip as I am Detaind Sow much longer than thought for as my bounty Land warrant has not Com to hand and the patten for the Parker land will not Com to hand till the first of next month and if I risk the fee by Colling on you I may be detained all winter then my Business would fail in gitting to Austin in time to meete the Land Commity which I must do if Spaird in helth but if I have my Strinth and Spaird I Intend to See you My helth is good at this time as it has bin for Som years as My State does not agree with you helth. Sell out and Com over to Texas Change of Climat may better your helth Warmer and better Climat then Mo you would not have to wourck Sow hard to make money raising of Stalk [stock] is light work. Care is all that is requierd with Cutting Som Grass in the latter parts of the Somer to fede your Cattle on in bad weather Salt is requerd to give the Cattle in this part of Texas as the Salt dues dont reach so far West as whare we live the land in this Country Vareys much Som of the perares air rich black Soil of a light loome and others of black was hard qualloty this kine of land dos not bare a drought but in a tolerable Season produces well the light loam bares drought and wet much better than the black or read land. Corn well tended with good Deap plowing will yeald from 30 to 50 bushels pr acre wheat grows well in good Cultavation beets groes well Potaters of the Swete kind now land Can bete our Country. Apple treas flurish well and Peach Treas bare fine fruat all kine of Vegetation groes well and of a fine flavour. I am now going to Say Something about Hogs we Can rais them with more Eas than aney other Stalk all that is requierd with Is to take Som Care of Sows and Small pigs till they get weand from the Sow then the grass and roots is all Safitient will the falling of the mast - which Seldom fales is plenty we have a good market for pork or Baken which is Seldom less then 14C per lb groos on Foot 4-50 to 5 Dollars Beaf Cattle $250 to 3 Cows and Calvs from 12 to 14 Dollars for hind Stead 2-25 to 3 dollars pr head horses & muels air tolarable high a good mule is worth 80 dollars a good Hors hundred. Corn is worth 50 C pr bushel wheat one dollar I have a grate terror you should Com out and take look at our Country I think that you wood be pleasd I will write to you as Soon as I git home to Texas your aunt Farrow is well John has gone down the river Polle and Ann is is at this place in the old Cabbens your aunt An is on a Viset going home tomorrow all the relitives is well so far as I know of I was over to See Curtes & Thomas Rogers last weak all well Mother Dame and Mr Williames is Comng on the old place got a New Houes built by the well Eliza Hill and famely is all well i am going to see Aunt Suzan Rogers to morrow is Staird but will Stay a Short time the first of next month is fine for to start home myb best wish and prayer to you if we Should not Meete i this wourld try and prepare to mete in the joys of our heavenly Feather whare Parting will be no more may the Lord bless you in all your labors. N. F. Rogers

I receved a letter from Mr Clark the man that Marred Eliza they woer all well I have not recived aney letters from home Since I got to Kentuckey Cant think the Reson". Letter to James C. Pendleton Meary Allen John Dyer Command you may.

1854: taxed as follows "320A value $160, Orginial grantee N. F. Rogers, On what stream - Caneye, Total value $160, State tax 24 cents, County tax 12 cents. Hopkins County, Texas tax list of 1854.

7 Feb 1854: Springdale "Dear Children: I take this opportunity to let you know that I am Injoying reasonble helth at this time through the Blessings of a kind Provedence hoping that you are Injoying the Same. I have wrote Several letters to you and received but one bearing the date of Sep 23 All the relations as far as I am acquainted is well and only William is bad off with his leg. I think it is going to brake out agane

The accident of Price Fossetts being kild on the Railroad from Wheeling near Warnersville I think was by his neglect gatting on the cars in the nite and Dark. I here inclose the knowlege of all I can obtain in these two Small Slips I have not seen Mary Ann yet but Shall receive letter from her soon.

The winter has been very cold so far but dry. Som appearance of rane at present. I have not got my Warrant on from the war office nor the Patent on the Parker land but am looking every male for them and as soon as they com and I go to Lexington and return them we'll start for Home (Hopkins County,) if Spaird. Will write to you when I leve here, and on what Boat for Orleans so that you will know if anything should take place unfavorable to myself or life.

Very little doing at present in Business of any kind. Flour is from $5 to $6.25 per bbl pork rather falling Baken 7 cents to 12 one-half cents corn 45 cents per bushel hard money is Scarce. Bank paper is plenty and counterfitting rappedly going on one to tens, ten to 100 this is old bank reserve.

Not having much to write of will close by giving my best loving wishes to our Famely Connections and friends. N F Rogers". [NFR mentions panic of 1853 by noting the scarcity of money.]

+1854: on tax list - Hopkins County, Texas: 320A, value: 160; original grantee: N. F. Rogers on Caney Creek - no personal property listed.

March 19th, 1854: Springdale, Kentucky "Dear Children I receved your letter of Feb 19 on Monday March 13th giving me joy to hear from you being in Reazoneble helth I injoy my helth as good as can be expected for a winter Seison of Cold weather like hear Three or four days Cold then warm. Sodent Change is not helth Ther you Say the winter has bin fine in Moy (Missouri) Thare not ben much Snow hear but Cold with raining one third of the time and hard freezing it has bin fine weather last weak till fryday. Rain and frost freazing hard in the night. Cold and Chilley till ten oclock in the morning. I have receved no letters from Texas Since I wrote last to you. Foster Moore got one letter from his Mother laft [last] monday all was well the 9th of Feb. You Speak Somthing of moving in the Fall and Some thoughts of Texas I will give you my opiyon in Moy I think that much more Can be dun in our parts it would add one hundred for per Cent to Cappetal of means 6 mounths you fede your Stalk of all kind in Moy and in Texas the range is all the year Exsept when the Perrwaray gits burnd off in the fall. Then it requirs Som feding that is to Say Cattle & horses by Cutting Som grass and staiking it in a Saving maner. Remebar all that Scarcity of forter which is but a Short time. hogs is kept in good order all the year by Som atention to make them gentle as the mast is always plenty to make good pork. Cattle is from 12 to 14 dollars for head. they have raisd Some being drove off to Callafornia these last 2 or 3 years past Land Can be got from one dollar to two pr acre in the natril State improved is higher acordins to what is don on a place buildings and fencing broke up al redy to cultivate for planting for Produce and Production of land In theses parts of Texas. The Staple production is Cotton one Bale to acre corn 40 wheat 20 oats 30 Bushels pr acre Swete potators 200 pr acre beans peas millions and all kinds of vegatabls dos well

drinking well watter is good in Som places but not ginerally Fish is not to be bosted so Game is gitting Som what Scarce in the Setteld parts of the Countyuntry Dear turkeys bore and Small game is is plenty whare the Country is not Setteld by going two days jurney we Can git plenty of Dear & Turkeys Bees dos well hear Som hunney raseis from 20 to 30 barrels of a year. Gilbert Smith kild 5 thousan lb of pork and didnot git all his hogs by 10 head being in the Swamp and Came on a rane Sow that thay wor not to be got out in kining time which is in Januray the ten would of made 2 thousand lb more he made all his pork in to bacon which was 146 pr lb for that Sold. The land certificute you hold if it is granted by the State of Texas under the Republick or Culling for land laying or being in that State it is good but if granted by the United Stas it Cant be Layed in Texas as all Land belonging to Texas grants her own Certifycites to Solderss land Clames or Settelers head wrights for land.

all Emegrants going to Texas at this time air intitald to 160 acres of land by living on it 3 years gratis also Can git 320 by gitting it Surveyd and pay tax for when that is don you live on the land or your Rapresentive for 3 years then at the End of 3 years pay $20 In the land office the Pattant is given to the Setteler and the land is all Clear. the part of the country we live in the best Grazing and most induarable paster wier grass and flat grass. one half of the land is Perrara timber Tolarable good Post oak Spanish oak Read & Black oak hickrey ash walnutt Ellems hackbery Pecun Willow oak Black Jack Sasaface gum and pine in Som places also Seder and in grate quantites Especly on the Trinity River the land on the Trinity between the three forks is the best land in Texas but Som what out of the way for trade at this time but in a Shorttime will be brought in market by the Rail Road to the west which will go through that Destrict and the Road from Galveston North Comes through by us which is begun and nearly finished to Houston this Rale Road will be Compleated in 4 years to Read River Cald the North Rout then thare is one to gow to Austin the Cappetal of State one from Houston to San Antonia there 3 Roads air Chartered

I have Every indusement to think that you Can find Reconsild to Countym to our Country and Spaird in life and helth with your means it will be better in your your Condition Climet good and I can say for one Thare is now State of our Uinion of better helth then Texas. Still thate Som Chil and fevour billious Countymplaints generily brought on by Exsposir The latude we liv in is 33 and one-fourth North 50 miles South of Read River 100 west from Jefferson our Steam boat point at present when the Rail road is Compleated Galviston will be our market City.

I expect to Starte Home in a Short time is Son as my pattin Comes on then I am ready to leve for home. I am truly Sorry that it out of my power to Visit you now but will live in hops of your Coming to the land that flows with milk and honey Will has bin layd up with his lame legg but is gitting better the ballane of his famely well all our Relations is well So fare as I have aney Knowledg of Mr John Williams is Ded Died last mounth Mother Dame is on her old place and is Very feable Thomas is living with her Curtis Rogers and famely is well.

Price Faucett was kild last Janurey By the Rail Car Coming from Wheeling Home 7 miles from Zena on to Cincinnata he was brought home to burey but lays in a vault yet. Mary Ann and famely was well last weak your aunt E. Farrow and Aunt Mary Waugh your aunt Theretha air all my old Aunt Elen Bolton is living but feble aunt Suza Rogers and all her Childrin is well S. Robertson and your aunt Ann is well. Thare has ben a grate Revivel in Kentuckey this winter both of the Methedis and Bapis Chirches hundreds turning from Darkness to the ligh of the Gospel in Christ Jesuas also in Ohio and Eastren States the glory of God is magnefying grately. blesied be the Lord. I hope that the Presents of the lord may reach texas with power in like maner

I close by Giving my blesing to you and your Children and hope the Blesing of God may dwell on you whill life. I Send my Best love to your two oldest Children tell them thare old unkel has a grate desiar to See them.

When you have a Chance to Send word to William & T. M. Farrow give them my Respects tell them that I have not forgot them.

Dear Children if we never meets in this world be prepard to in Heven Ferwell N. F. Rogers

N B on the last day of May I shall look for a answer if thir at our Office Tarrant Hopkins County, Texas if the Lord spars us14 August 1854: Tarrant Hopkins County, Texas a letter from Gilbert and Lemira Smith " Dear friends, I now answer yours dated July 4th come to hand Aug the 4 Gave me much satisfaction to heer that you were in good health at that time. We the connections are all in fine health at this time and no sickness in the country of any consequence. We are all Doing well. Making property fast and well satisfied in all respects with the exception of Shepard tht Debby Anns husband. he does like the country and talks some of going West. You spoke of the heat the hotest the tremometer has been here is 100 generally in the war season from 92 to 100 You spoke of the US land warrants they cannot be laid here. I will now speak of the connections again. William is married and has one child he married in Orleans him his wife and John are all at Louisville. The boys are fiting out a new boat for company on Red River Catherine, that's Will wife went to Cincnatti and Cabben Crick to spend the summer She spent the summer here last year she was born in France She speaks Tolerable good english Will is gettin 250 a Month and has a negro that is worth sixty dollars a month which makes $310 each month. John I dont know what his wages is Sam is the sheriff of Hopkins Cty. He lives 7 miles from us, they have two chldren both boys 3 boys and 1 girl. Debby had 2, 1 is ded they live 1 mile from us Joe Moore is married, him and Sam Smith both bought land together and improved place nearly all the boys that belongs to the connection owns land Will and John both have land near me When you come to Texas your first sto I expect will be with us you come to Doaxville in the Nation then to the Mouth of Ciamich there you will cross Red River then Paris then Tarrant and if your teems seem to be giving out when you are 1 hundred miles from Douxville you rite to me and I will meet you at the Mouth of the Ciamich with plenty of oxen there are some little bad road after you cross Red River Will received a letter from Ann E Faucett a day or Two before he started to the upper cuntry The connections were all well at the time in that country Except William Rogers his leg had broke again and it was expected that it would have to come off in a short time. Father has been in Kentucky more than a year. I have been looking for some time for him back but he has not come yet and I now think he will stay with William until he sees the result of his leg. I will tell you something about our crops the wheat generally good corn is very short in consequence of the drought we have had this summer. Corn is worth $1.00 per bu - I don't think it will be anymore than that a good mart We won't have to feed our hogs any corn. I had like to forgot to tell you Lemiras wate. She ways 190 lbs. I will close by saying that remane your affectionate friends Gilbert and Lemira Smith".

Dec 1854: December term probate court Hopkins County, Texas. Be it remembered that on the last Monday in December 1854 the county court pertaining to the settlements of Estates of deceased persons Met at the court House in the town of Tarrant...Estate of N. F. Rogers Deceased Gilbert Smith, Administrator protem upon said Estate and it appearing to the court that necessity required such Letters to issue it was ordered by the court that Letters protem Issue when Bond was given in accordance with Law which Bond was given and approved by the court...Now if the said Gilbert Smith Shall will and truly perform all the duties required of him under said appointment then this obligation shall be null and void otherwise to remain in full force and Effect...

[The previously quoted letters were in the possession of Ora Singleton. Fortunately she made copies and distributed them to various Historical Societies and libraries for she and her husband were killed in an automobile accident. Later I learned that their house had burned to the ground and I fear that unless she deposited the originals some place where I haven’t been, they burned with her house.]

Feb 1854: term of court Gilbert Smith appointed administrator estate of N. F. Rogers.

Mar 1855 term of probate court: Gilbert Smith swears that N. F. Rogers died without leaving any lawful will... also in 1855 Gilbert Smith, Administrator was agent for Nathan Foster Rogers' estate - tool $200, total value $200, State tax $190, County tax 15 cents.

May 1855: term of probate court Gilbert Smith presents the inventory and sales bill of N. F. Rogers' estate: 1 Grind Stone, 2 Oil stoves, 5 augers, 1 broad ax, 1 chopping axe, 1 hand axe, 1 hatchet, 2 Sprouting hoas [hoes], 1 mowing sythe and heath, 1 box of carpenter's tool, 1 spaid, 1 lot of old irons, 2 hand saws, 1 gun, 5 iron gun rods, 1 shot gun, 1 gun box, 1 monkey rench, pine rods carriage, 1 saddle & briddle, 1 key & 2 glew pots, cast wheel for wheat fan, 2 turning screws, 1 clock, 1 looking glass, 1 sword, 2 tether pinchers, 1 box plubing instruments, 1 willow basket, 1 demijon, 1 pot and saucepan, 4 chairs, medacine scales & waits, 1 bed and bedding, 1 trunk, 1 bucket, 1 curry comb, 3 plains & 1 hammer, 1 note on Bingham $99, 1 note on Bingham $25, Total worth $198.

May 1855: Gilbert Smith presents the appraisal bill and an inventory for the property of N. F. Rogers. The court orders Smith to sell the personal property and sell for cash a sufficient amount of property to make the sum of $40 and the remaining portion on a credit of twelve months. v1p326.

Oct 1855: Gilbert Smith presents a sale bill of N. F. Rogers’ property. v1 p346.

3 Oct 1856: the court orders the administrator to appear and show why settlement has not been made on the estate of N. F. Rogers, v1 p377.

Oct 1856: the court allows $465, presented by Gilbert Smith, to pay all the debts of N. F. Rogers. v1 p382.

Ora Singleton: “It is reported that N. F. Rogers is buried at Lodi in Medina County, Ohio as a soldier of the War of 1812. I have his picture made in 1856, date cut on the tintype, and a copy of a letter he wrote from Springdale in March 1854 besides others written in 1853. He spent a lot of his time in Texas and partly in Kentucky.”

Dora Larson in 1961: “I have found out that Nathan Foster Rogers was buried in a cemetery not far from Cabin Creek. Another record says in an old cemetery just east of Maysville, Mason County, Kentucky.”

Hazel Rupert Evans: Nathan Foster Rogers surveyed in Texas for Sam Houston. In the 1830s was captain of a schooner.

“Nathan Foster Rogers—an ancestor whose name is synonymous with the proverbial wandering star. From his birth in Bucks County, Pennsylvania in 1777, to Virginia, to Mason County, Kentucky, to Adams County, Ohio, to New Orleans, Louisiana, to Texas, Nathan Foster Rogers seemed to follow wherever the path to new adventures took him.

Nathan Foster Rogers was the son of John Rogers. His mother’s given name is unknown, but it is believed that her maiden name was Foster. Nathan Foster Rogers’ grandparents were Ezekiel and Mary Rogers. The emigrant of this Rogers family was Hezekiah Rogers. He came from Scotland and settled in Bucks County, Pennsylvania where he married Elizabeth Sebring.

By the year 1797, Nathan Foster Rogers had moved to Adams County, Ohio. He married Agnes Waugh, daughter of John and Elizabeth Waugh around this time. Nathan Foster and Agnes Waugh Rogers were the parents of eight children. Several of these children moved to Texas. His wife, Agnes, never came to Texas, but remained in their home in Mason County, Kentucky where she died in 1850. Their children were: John (b. ca 1798), Eliza (b. 15 November 1799-d. 2 May 1876, m. Burroughs Moore. They came to Texas in 1846.), Lemira Levina (b. 9 June 1803-d. 11 May 1894, m. Gilbert Smith. They came to Texas in 1846), Evalina (b. 1810-m. James C. Pendleton), Letitia, William Waugh (b. 1817-d. 1881 in Shelburn, Sullivan County, Indiana, m. Roseanna Mitchell. Three of their daughters came to Texas.), Mary Ann (b. 1819-m. Price Faucett), and Theresa (b. 1820-d. 1 January 1845, m. Sid Withem).

Nathan Foster Rogers was a veteran of the War of 1812. He enlisted from West Union, Adams County, Ohio on 20 July 1813. He was honorably discharged from service in Upper Sandusky, Ohio on 1 September 1813, and earned $26.41 including the hire of his horse. He says he re-enlisted on 5 September 1813 from Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio, and again was honorably discharged from service in November 1813.

The first record of Nathan F. Rogers in Texas appears in the unpublished works of Stephen F. Austin with the account of the wreck of the ‘James Lawrence.’ The account is dated 5 September 1823 in the Mexican Nation, Province of Texas, Austin’s Colony. On 7 May 1823, the ‘James Lawrence’ sailed from New Orleans bound for the River Grande. The crew list (copy in the National Archives), indicates that Nathan F. Rogers was one of the owners and the master of the ship. The ‘James Lawrence’ sank in Galveston Bay during a storm. (The unpublished works of Stephen F. Austin are in the Barker Library at the University of Texas at Austin.)

In a Spanish land grant dated 5 May 1824, Nathan F. Rogers was granted 10,000 acres of land in present Victoria County. He listed his occupation as a carpenter, and children were mentioned as living across the river. Nathan Foster Rogers lost this land due to non-payment of taxes.

In a letter dated 3 December 1849 written by Nathan F. Rogers to the Commissioner of Public Lands, he indicates that he first came to Texas in May of 1823, and remained in Texas until the year 1825 when he returned to Kentucky with the intention of returning as soon as he arranged his business interests. He states that he did not return—due to exposure and hardships which caused his health to fail—until the year 1835, and since that time had been a citizen of Texas. He further states that he never received his land due to him as a colonist. In a second letter written from Black Jack Grove, Hopkins County, Texas dated 8 November 1851, he states he was administered the oath of government by Stephen F. Austin in 1823 as one of Austin’s 300 settlers. He also states that he provided arms (‘four good guns—2 rifles and 2 double barrels, and a spy glass’), and ‘all the means he had’ to the war effort. (The originals of these letters are in the Texas State Archives.).

Original letters written by Nathan Foster Rogers and members of his family still exists. These letters were written in 1846, 1847, 1849, 1851, 1853, and 1854. In addition to Nathan Foster Rogers’ letters, there are letters from Burroughs and Eliza Moore, and Gilbert and Lemira Smith. Both of these families also lived in Hopkins County, Texas.

In the 1850 Hopkins County, Texas census, Nathan Foster Rogers is found in the household of his widowed daughter, Eliza Rogers Moore. Nathan Foster Rogers died in 1854 without leaving a will. His estate was probated in Hopkins County with his son-in-law, Gilbert Smith, as administrator. In a letter dated 14 August 1854, from Gilbert and Lemira Smith to family members in Kentucky and Ohio, they state that Nathan Foster Rogers had been back in Kentucky visiting for more than a year, but that they expected him to return to Texas soon.

It is not known whether Nathan Foster Rogers died in Kentucky, enroute to Texas, or in his home in Texas. His burial site is unknown. Quite an old man, but still not able to curtail his restless nature. A traveling man to the end.

Mrs. Lou Penn: Nathan Foster Rogers’ stepmother and children sued him for money borrowed. This action was what started his roaming around the country.

Some of the descendants of Nathan Foster Rogers are: Linda Moore Riddle, P.O. Box 758, Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482; Mrs. Sue-Beall Shaffer, 10215 Mapleridge Drive, Dallas, Texas 75238; Mrs. Billy Rose Chapman, Route Box 1, Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482; Mrs. Jean Evans, 1842 Maynard Drive, Champaign, Illinois 61821.

John G. Rogers (son of Nathan Foster and Agnes (Waugh) Rogers

ca 1798: born in or near Springdale, Mason County, Kentucky.

June 1815: to work on Cabin Creek road. Mason County, Kentucky Order Book G p327.

He was killed in a steamboat explosion on the Ohio River.

One source suggests that he got in some kind of trouble and disappeared assuming another name. “Benjamin Rogers ‘Foster’ [b.1817 d. 21 Aug 1879] was working in a mine in Ohio when about grown. According to Great-grandpa ‘Foster’, an older miner had been giving him a hard time. He decided to end the harassment and used some kind of tool to lay the fellow out. Thinking he had killed him our ancestor fled and changed his name to Foster. Many years later he learned that the man had not died but by that time he already had married Martha Moore Davis under his new name and had started a family so he never bothered to change back to his real name.” Martha Moore Davis was the daughter of William M. and Nancy Davis. Also listed are his children and their birth dates.

Jacobs Collection - Family group cards - Louisiana. LDS film #1684206 item #10.

Another source also suggests that there was a name change - The line was the same through to John Rogers whom she said was married to Eliza Foster, she also had the 2nd marriage to Diadamia Curtis. Nathan Foster Rogers’ children were the same except John Rogers born 9 May 1817 Adams County, Ohio; married about 1841 in Jasper County, Texas Martha Jane Moore (20 Oct 1823 Burke County, Georgia- 22 Dec 1899 Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, buried Spikes Cemetery) daughter of Winfield and Nancy (Belcher) Moore “Davis”; he died 21 Aug 1879 Caney Creek and is buried in spikes Cemetery in Calcasieu (now Beauregard Parish) Louisiana. Their children were known by the surname of Foster:

Emily Isofene Foster born 9 May 1842 Davis Creek Jasper (now Newton County) Texas; married Newton County, Texas 17 July 1859 Benjamin Whitman; died 1 Mar 1918, buried Whitman Cemetery, Newton County, Texas.

Henrietta Elizabeth Foster born 17 Jan 1844 Davis Creek, Newton County, Texas; married Calcasieu County, Louisana Apr 1862 James Berry, m/2 June 1865 Joseph Adam Whitman; died Brushy Creek and buried Spikes Cemetery, Beauragard County, Louisiana.

George Washington Foster born 27 Nov 1846 Davis Creek, Newton County, Texas; married Newton County, Texas 25 May 1851 Orinda Isabella Cochran; died 24 Aug 1917 Merryville, buried Spikes Cemetery Beauregard Parish, Louisiana.

Joseph Alexander Foster born 1848 Davis Creek, Newton County, Texas; married 30 Nov 187_ Julia A. Cochran, m/2 ca 1875 Nancy Lorina Mims; died 22 Sept 1925, buried Fountain Cemetery Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.

James Monroe Foster born 27 June 1853 Davis Creek, Newton County, Texas; married 11 Oct 1872 Lucy C. Hughes, m/2 21 Apr 1879 Sarah J. Hickman; died 20 Feb 1911 Brush Creek, buried Spikes Cemetery Calacieu Parish, Louisiana.

Louis Calvin Foster born 26 July 1855 Davis Creek, Newton County, Texas; married Big Woods, Calcasieu Parish, Louisana 1803 Cordelia Perkins; died 17 Jan 1921 DeQuincy, buried Big Woods Cemetery, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.

Thomas Jefferson Foster born 1857 Caney Creek, Calcasieu Parish, Louisana; married 24 Apr 1879 Malinda Cochran, m/2 ca 1888 Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana Mary Elizabeth Click; died Apr 1913 buried Fountain Cemetery, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.

Benjamin Franklin Foster born 2 Jan 1859 Caney Creek, Calasieu Parish, Louisiana; married 1 Jan 1880 Josephine Charity West, married Newton County, Texas, Olive Fenne; died 4 Mar 1919, buried Mims Cemetery, Beauegard Parish, Louisiana.

Nancy Jane Foster born 28 Mar 1864 Caney Creek, Calcasieu (now Beauregard) Parish, Louisiana; married Newton County, Texas 3 July 1879 William Lumpkin Smith; died 4 Dec 1915 DeQuincy, Beauregard Parish, buried Cooper Cemetery, Vernon Parish, Louisiana.

Eliza Rogers (daughter of Nathan Foster and Agnes (Waugh) Rogers)

15 Nov 1799: born in Kentucky.

22 Feb 1821: married by Joseph Moore, Adams County, Ohio, Robert Burroughs Moore (12 Oct 1798 Adams County Ohio-Sept 1848 Hopkins County, Texas) son of Joseph and Rebecca (Foster) Moore. They lived in Mason County, Kentucky, Adams County, Ohio and Hopkins County, Texas. Her father N. F. Rogers lived with her after he became older in Hopkins County, Texas.

29 Nov 1821: son Nathan Foster Moore born Ohio, died in 23 Feb 1872 Hopkins County, Texas and is buried in Tira cemetery, married Mason County, Kentucky, Amanda Melvina Crawford (1 June 1827 - 26 Jan 1913). He was a boatman in 1850 census Mason County, Kentucky #424 #424. Children:

Eliza Lovina Moore born 5 Feb 1850 Mason County Kentucky, died 22 Sept 1932 Hopkins County, Texas, married 23 Dec 1865 Hopkins County, Texas, William Garrison.

Janetta “Nettie” Moore born 25 Feb 1851 Kentucky, died 7 Oct 1914 Hopkins County, Texas, married Nathan Jasper Comer.

Rosa Burroughs Moore born 6 Mar 1855 Adams County, Ohio, died 3 Dec 1885 Hopkins County, Texas, married 1871 William Cass Hargrave.

Lucy Moore born 18 Oct 1864 Hopkins County Texas, died 21 Oct 1952 Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, buried Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas, married Will T. Holderness who died three months after their marriage. Note by Hazel Evans: “Lucy Moore taught in Eastman College at Sulphur Springs and later in Wesley College in Greenville, Texas. Outstanding personality. Made a trip to Hawaii by herself when she was 81.”

5 Aug 1823: daughter Ann Mariah Moore born Ohio, married 15 May 1851 Joseph H. Campbell, divorced and she resumed her maiden name. Child:

Minerva Moore.

25 Nov 1825: son Joseph Burroughs Moore born Ohio, married 11 Aug 1853 Catherine Gregg. He was mentioned in one of Nathan Foster Rogers' letters as living in Texas, also mentioned was that his wife died in 1846. Children:

Nancy Moore and William B. Moore.

no date: two daughters born in Ohio.

ca 1830: daughter Ann Maria Moore born Ohio, married 15 May 1851 Joseph H. Campbell.

1834: son William Henry Moore born Mason County, Kentucky, died 1892, buried Tarrant Cemetery, Hopkins County, Texas, married 23 Nov 1871 Hopkins County, Texas, Susan Caroline Matthews (9 Jan 1851 Hopkins County, Texas-30 Nov 1933 Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas). He was a farmer, operated a gin/sawmill and ran freight wagons to and from Jefferson, Texas. Children:

Edward E. Moore born 1 Nov 1873 Hopkins County, Texas, died 10 July 1949 Terrell, Kaufman County, Texas, buried Old Tarrant cemetery, Hopkins County, Texas, married Lillian _______, m/2 Vessie _______. Child:

Imogene Moore.

Ellie May Moore born 24 April 1876 Hopkins County, Texas, died 27 Nov 1955, buried Sulphur Springs City Cemetery, Hopkins County, Texas, married Newton Rhodes. Children:

Claude Rhodes, John D. Rhodes, Travis Rhodes, Kate Rhodes, Ruth Rhodes and Fird Moore Rhodes.

Gird Samuel Moore born 25 Nov 1878 Hopkins County, Texas, died 8 Feb 1972, buried Sulphur Springs City Cemetery, Hopkins County, Texas, married Zinnia Martin. Children:

Betty Lou Moore, Audley Moore and John Edward Moore.

Josie Franklin Moore born 19 Feb 1881 Hopkins County, Texas, died 9 Nov 1955, buried Sulphur Springs City Cemetery, Hopkins County, Texas, married John Rhodes. Children:

Josephine Rhodes and Billy Rhodes.

Zera Matt Moore born 31 Dec 1888 Hopkins County, Texas, died 9 March 1979, buried Sulphur Springs City Cemetery, Hopkins County, Texas, married 30 Oct 1923 Claude Robinson. Children:

Doris Robinson, Margaret Robinson and Martha Robinson.

Luther Albert Moore born 10 Dec 1890 Dike, Hopkins County, Texas, died 26 Oct 1961, buried Sulphur Springs City Cemetery, Hopkins County, Texas, married 25 Dec 1921 Greenville, Hunt County, Texas, Marie Antoinette Kelly. Children:

Joseph William Kelly and Luther Dike Kelly.

19 Sept 1835: son John Samuel Moore born in Mason County, Kentucky, died 22 July 1904 San Antonio, Fannin County, Texas, married Malitha Katherine Davis. Children:

Lula Moore, Forman D. Moore, Lucy Olive Moore, Nora Alice Moore, William W. Moore, Bascom Moore and Alvin Roscoe Moore.

1840: census - Mason County, Kentucky - 2 males under 5 (1835-1840), 1 male 5-10 (1830-1835), 1 male 10-15 (1825-1830), 1 male 15-20 (1820-1825), 1 male 40-50 (1790-1800), 1 female 5-10 (1830-1835), 1 female 10-15 (1825-1830), 1 female 15-20 (1820-1825), 1 female 40-50 (1790-1800). They lived next door to Joseph Farrow.

1842: daughter Sarah A. Moore born Mason County, Kentucky, married 20 June 1855 John T. Wagoner son of Solomon Wagoner.

1845: son George Washington Moore born Ohio, married Hopkins County, Texas 5 July 1866 Mary Hoburg.

1846-1848: moved to Hopkins County, Texas.

Sept 1848: husband Burroughs Moore died.

1850: census - Hopkins County, Texas #207 #207 - Eliza 50 born Kentucky, Ann M. 20 born Ohio, William H. 16 born Kentucky; John S. 14 born Kentucky, Sarah A. 8 born Kentucky, George W. 5 and Rogers, N. F. 73 born Pennsylvania.

28 Apr 1853: according to a letter from Nathan Foster Rogers, Eliza m/2 in Hopkins County, Texas, Gilbert Clark. Latter-day Saints International Genealogical Index.

1870 census - Tarrant, Hopkins County, Texas - Eliza states she is 70 years old.

1876: died Hopkins County, Texas.

Parents of Joseph Moore who married Eliza Rogers

(included because of the possible Foster marriage to John Rogers)

Joseph Moore (son of George and Eleanor (Drane) Moore)

9 July 1754: born New Jersey.

1773: married near Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Rebecca Foster (1 June 1755 Cape May County, New Jersey-21 Aug 1833 Sprigg Township, Adams County, Ohio) daughter of Nathaniel and Mary (Eldredge) Foster, married 19 Mar 1754).


Sarah Moore born 18 July 1774, died 15 Aug 1793 Plumstead, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

Nathaniel Moore born 25 March 1776, died 1861 Indiana, married Nancy Welsh.

Aaron Moore born 21 Feb 1778, married 15 Oct 1796 Sarah Burroughs Watson, m/2 8 Dec 1814 by Joseph Moore, Nellie Prather both of Jefferson Township, Adams County, Ohio. Adams County, Ohio Marriage Book 2 p36.

Mary Moore born 22 May 1780, died 10 Feb 1864 Adams County Ohio, married 8 July 1797 Mason County, Kentucky Abraham Watson.

John Skillman Moore born 23 Aug 1782, died 16 July 1843 Belmont, Iroquois County, Illinois, married 20 Oct 1803 Nancy Edwards.

Foster Moore born 10 May 1785 Hampshire County, Virginia (now West Virginia), married Delilah _______.

Jemima Moore born 19 June 1787 Hampshire County, West Virginia, died unmarried.

Joseph Moore born 13 Feb 1790 Hampshire County, West Virginia, died 28 Oct 1884 Scioto County, Ohio, married 15 Jan 1812 Mary "Polly" Lawson, m/2 Isabella Elliott, m/3 Sarah Chenoeth.

Firman or Foreman Moore born 20 June 1792 Mason County, Kentucky; died 1883 Aledo, Illinois.

Rebecca Moore born Dec 1794 Mason County, Kentucky.

Burroughs Moore born 12 Oct 1798 Adams County, Ohio.

(From the family Bible of Foreman (Firman) Moore.)

+12 June 1788: deed from Joseph and Rebecca Moore to John Rogers all of Hampshire County, Virginia for 30 pounds 55 acres in Hampshire County lying on Stuard's run a branch of Little Capon patented to Joseph Moore 9 Dec 1786. Hampshire County, West Virginia Deed Book 7 p253.

1790: to Mason County, Kentucky.

Forman/Firman Moore born 20 June 1792 Mason County, Kentucky, died 1883 Aledo, Mercer County, Illinois, married 15 Feb 1815 Anna Worley, m/2 Rebecca Hoobler.

Rebecca Moore born Dec 1794 Mason County, Kentucky.

Burroughs Moore born 12 Oct 1798 Adams County Ohio, died Sept 1848 Hopkins County, Texas, married Adams County, Ohio 22 Feb 1821 Eliza Jane Rogers.

1796: registered as a Methodist Minister of the Gospel in Mason County, Kentucky.

Aug 1800: first Methodist Church in North West Territory built on land provided by Joseph Moore.

9 Nov 1824: died, age 70y 5m, buried, as is his wife, on Watson farm near Kimble's Landing on the Ohio River, Sprigg Township, Adams County, Ohio.

June 1962: graves removed to Manchester Cemetery, Manchester, Adams County, Ohio.

Lemira Levina Rogers (daughter of Nathan Foster and Agnes (Waugh) Rogers)

9 June 1803: born Kentucky [possibly Adams County, Ohio].

+17 Oct 1822: married Adams County, Ohio by George Bryan, Gilbert Smith (27 Oct 1799 Bucks County, Pennsylvania-11 Oct 1868, buried Connor Cemetery, Hopkins County, Texas) son of Gilbert and Bridget (O'Flanagan) Smith. Gilbert Smith operated a tavern in or near Tarrant in Hopkins County, Texas. Marriage proved by the following document: "Know all men by these presents that I Gilbert Smith ...the sum of Five hundred dollars in gold and silver coin to me advanced by my wife Lemira Smith..." Hopkins County, Texas execution docket dated 24 Jan 1868. Adams County, Ohio Marriage Book 3 p53. Ora Singleton: Gilbert Smith once lived in Boonville, Warrick County, Indiana.

10 Feb 1823: son William Rogers Smith born Ohio, died 1856 buried New Orleans, New Orleans County, Louisiana, married 2 Apr 1853 New Orleans, New Orleans County, Louisiana, Caroline A. Constance (8 Oct 1835 France-16 May 1905, buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery northwest of Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas). Caroline C. Rogers m/2 16 June 1858 Gideon Withem whose first wife was Theresa D. Rogers daughter of Nathan and Agnes (Waugh) Rogers. To this union six children were born, but three died in infancy.The family moved to Hopkins County, Texas during the Civil War. In Hopkins County, Texas - 1854 father Gilbert Smith was tax as agent for William Smith: 320A on Crosstimbers Creek, total value $320, State tax 48 cents, County tax 24 cents. In 1855 and 1856 Gilbert was still agent for his son. Children:

Josephine Louise Smith born 2 Feb _____ New Orleans, New Orleans County, Louisiana, died 18 Mar 1936, buried near Ada, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, (her father died when she was 3 months old), married Elisha Clapp, buried near Ada, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma. Children:

John Clapp, Mary Eliza Clapp, Dave Clapp, Wilburn Clapp, Ebil Clapp, Carrel Clapp, Tel Clapp, Elisha Clapp, Jr., F. L. Clapp and Eva Clapp.

Clara Agnes Smith born 15 Dec 1855, New Orleans, New Orleans County, Louisiana, died 16 Oct 1938, married Hopkins County, Texas 2 Sept 1875 William Eri Posey (_____-ca 1912). Latter-day Saints International Genealogical Index. Both buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery, northwest of Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas. Children:

Terry Eri Posey: born 29 Jan 1878, died 14 Mar 1947, buried City Cemetery, Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas, married 1901 Mary Ethel Lundy (29 Jan 1878-1907), m/2 1911 Verna Stephenson (23 Nov 1884-12 Dec 1963). Children:

Ira Posey born 26 Jan 1903, died 25 Jan 1906, buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Hopkins County, Texas.

Raymond Smith Posey born 18 Dec 1904, died 28 May 1978, buried Restland Cemetery, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, married 13 Sept 1930 Vera Clay McDonald (7 Apr 1905-_____).

Ada Elaine Posey born 17 Apr 1917, died 3 Aug 1967, married Bill McMillan, m/2 Ray Trimble. No children.

John Posey born 16 Aug 1880, died 25 May 1881, buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas.

Una Posey born 7 Oct 1882, died 6 Oct 1877, buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas.

Lou Nevada Posey born 1 Mar 1887, died 25 July 1965, married Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas 25 Oct 1911 (in a buggy parked in front of the First Methodist Church) Charles Raymond Midgett (4 Feb 1890-11 May 1971). Child:

Zera Ruth Midgett born 11 Apr 1919, married Commerce, Hunt County, Texas, James Hugh Coffey (13 Nov 1915-_____).

Smith Posey born 7 Apr 1890, died 9 Apr 1890, buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas.

Charles William Posey died 6 Apr 1938, buried Oklahoma, married 1899 Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas, Pearl Payton.

Zenna Mae Posey born 21 Nov 1906, married Cooper, Delta County, Texas, Murray Elliott Irons (1 Mar 1903-27 Dec 1962), m/2 Mount Vernon, Franklin County, Texas 12 June 1965 Charlie Ford Massey (12 June 1897-9 July 1982). Children:

Lillian Ruth Irons born 7 Nov 1925, died 19 July 1983, married Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, Freeman Powell, m/2 29 Nov 1965 A. J. "Duke" Cooney. No children.

17 March 1824: son Samuel Waugh Smith born Adams County, Ohio (Bible), died 20 Dec 1902, buried City Cemetery, Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas, married by Judge Elias Wallace at the residence of E. Hopkins in Tarrant, Hopkins County, Texas (Bible) 19 Sept 1850 Minerva Hopkins (15 Oct 1834 Indiana-21 Oct 1875, buried Connor Cemetery near Dike, Hopkins County, Texas) daughter of Eldridge Hopkins for whom the county of Hopkins was named and Harriet Day; m/2 Emporia, Lyon County, Kansas 1876 Mrs. Mary Johnson Orbison (22 Sept 1830 Kansas-12 May 1905, buried Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas). Samuel was the sheriff of Hopkins County, Texas, for 16 years. Children all by first wife:

William Joshua Smith born 26 Oct 1851 Harrison County, Texas (Bible), died 13 June 1932, married Bettie Jordan (7 Dec 1854-18 July 1895, (Bible).

Samuel George "Bird" Smith born 23 Apr 1853 Hopkins County Texas (Bible), died 7 May 1914 (Bible), buried City Cemetery, Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas, married Texas "Teckie" Shook (11 Aug 1858-8 Aug 1899), m/2 Maleni Ann Coker (27 Oct 1864 Mississippi-10 Mar 1933, buried City Cemetery, Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas). Sheriff of Hopkins County. Child:

William George Smith born 7 May 1901, died 14 Dec 1960 Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas, married 20 Jan 1926 Rose Thornton. Child:

Billie Rose Smith.

John Eldridge Smith born 12 Jan 1855 Hopkins County, Texas (Bible).

Matilda Jane “Jennie” Smith born 6 Oct 1856 Hopkins County, Texas (Bible), died 5 June 1930, buried City Cemetery, Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas, married Hopkins County, Texas (Bible) 26 Feb 1878 Aaron Goodman Lundy (6 Apr 1854 Merriweather County, Georgia-15 Jan 1940 Bowie County, Texas) son of James and Laura Elizabeth (Goodman) Lunday. Children:

Samuel Albert Lundy born 2 Jan 1879 Hopkins County, Texas, died 11 Dec 1937 Hopkins County, Texas, married 17 Jan 1903 Della Hargraves, m/2 Kathleen _______. Children:

Ina Mae Lundy born 30 Aug 1880 Hopkins County, Texas, married Hopkins County, Texas 3 Dec 1899 William Boyd. Children:

Lundy Boyd, Cora Lee Boyd, Mary Ethel Boyd and Jennie Sue Boyd.

Mary Ethel Lundy born 29 Dec 1882 Hopkins County, Texas, died 25 July 1907, married Hopkins County, Texas 2 Jan 1902 Terry Posey.

Lester Goodman Lundy born 15 Apr 1885, Hopkins County, Texas, died 15 May 1956, married 26 Dec 1902 Texarkana Crawford.

Sue Lemira Lundy born 14 Feb 1888 Hopkins County, Texas, died 15 Jan 1956, buried Mount Olivet Cemetery, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, married Tarrant County, Texas 15 Oct 1910 William Seth Hooper (18 July 1886 Cass County, Texas-3 Feb 1953, buried Mount Olivet Cemetery, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas) son of James Hilliard and Johnny Elizabeth (Bolt) Hooper. Children:

Jennie Louise Hooper born 27 Sept 1911 Tarrant County, Texas, died 13 Feb 1955 Dallas County, Texas, married Tarant County, Texas 25 Dec 1934 Matthew Sawyer Blanton (15 Nov 1907 Tarrant County, Texas-April 1985, buried Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas) son of Matthew Stuart and Lou Beall (Sawyer) Blanton. Children:

Sue Beall Blanton born 3 Mar 1936 Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, married Tarrant County, Texas 5 June 1959 Billy Earl Shaffer (7 Jan 1936 Delta County Texas-_____) son of Lloyd Earl and Imadell Estelle (Fletcher) Shaffer.

Baby Blanton born 16 June 1939, died 21 June 1939, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas.

Matthew Sawyer Blanton, Jr. born 15 June 1941 Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, married Tarrant County, Texas 28 Sept 1963 Frances Carmen Green (21 Feb 1941 Dallas County, Texas-_____) daughter of John Brooks and Carmen (Binton) Green.

Herbert McKnight Hooper born 9 May 1915 Tarrant County, Texas, married Germany 4 Sept 1946 Annie Hoohwald (2 July 1914 Porzlensen, suburb of Cologne, Germany-_____).

Beryl June Hooper born 15 Apr 1917 Tarrant County, Texas, married Tarrant County, Texas 25 Dec 1938 Hall Jett Splawn, Jr. (26 May 1914 Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas-20 Nov 1944 San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas) son of Hall Jett and Olie Gardner) Splawn; m/2 1945 Marshall Monroe McCarty (5 Nov 1915 Cook County, Texas-_____) son of Robert Emet and Lillie (Brooks) McCarty.

Mary Sue Hooper born 29 May 1922 Tarrant County, Texas, married Tarrant County, Texas June 1946 William Gene Duncan (18 Jan 1922 Navarro County, Texas-Nov 1959, buried Hilcrest Cemetery, Dallas County, Texas) son of Charles Giles and Bessie Ellen (Adams) Duncan.

Emma Cornelia Lundy born 10 Dec 1890 Hopkins County, Texas, died 1983 New Iberia, Iberia County, Louisiana, buried City Cemetery, Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas, married Hopkins County, Texas 17 May 1912 Pryor B. Cain. Child:

Jack Cain married Dorothy _______.

Gordon Lundy born 8 Aug 1892, died 27 June 1894 Hopkins County, Texas.

Roy James Lundy born 23 July 1895 Hopkins County, Texas, died 18 Sept 1950, married Louise Burns.

Harvey Gilbert Smith born 16 Oct 1858, died 17 Sept 1944, married Florence _______ (16 July 1875-3 Nov 1950).

Mary Emma Smith born 10 Oct 1861, died 16 Apr 1941, marrried Wilbur Julius Davis 9 Nov 1854-25 May 1928).

Patrick Henry Smith born 1 Nov 1863, died 31 Jan 1941, married Sarah Melissa Price (28 Aug 1868-7 Jan 1908).

Richard R. Smith born 16 Oct 1866, died 9 Aug 1828, married Sally McLendon (1869-1901), m/2 Leona Kelly (6 Mar 1882-_____).

Ralph Callan Smith born 1869, died 1954 "a very old man", married Ida Matthews (1878-1929).

David Rogers Smith born 2 July 1873, died 1 July 1937, married Ida Mae Collins (21 Feb 1883-10 June 1964).

9 Oct 1829: daughter Mary Agnes Smith born Kentucky, died 29 Apr 1892 Centralia, Marion County, Illinois, married Texas 28 July 1847 Rufus Hugh Scott, M.D. (In one of Nathan Foster Rogers' letters he said that Agnes was sick at the mouth of the Red River). Lived Blackjack Grove (Cumby) for a number of years before moving to ?Centralia, Illinois. Children:

William Walter Scott born 12 July 1849 Hopkins County, Texas, Samuel Franklin Scott born 1851 Black Jack Grove, Texas, Dora Scott born 1853 Texas, Ida born 1855 Texas, Mary born 26 June 1859 Texas, died 23 Aug 1865, Lola born 1863, Charles born 16 Oct 1868. Samuel Franklin Scott’s children were:

Hugh Scott. Dr. Hugh Scott distinguished himself as a soldier and surgeon after graduating from West Point. Congressman Wright Patman wrote that he had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Hugh Scott when he was chairman of a Congressional Committee for the Edward Hines, Jr. Veterans Hospital near Chicago. He also served as Assistant Surgeon General of the U. S. Public Health Service. Congressman Patman said that Dr. Scott invented or improved delicate and intricate machines for weighting and measuring cancer, X-rays and radio-therapeutic instruments. He died in 1940 in Oklahoma City.

Lura Inez Scott [grandmother of E. L. Kinney].

no date: daughter Deborah Ann Smith born Kentucky, married 16 Sept 1850 Burrell C. Shephard. Latter-day Saints International Genealogical Index. Lived Hopkins County, Texas, by 1854 they were "thinking of moving west".

1828: son John Smith born Kentucky, married 5 July 1857 Clara E. Bloomer in New Orleans, New Orleans County, Louisiana. Children:

Harvey Smith and Louise Smith who married Leonard Miller of Sulphur Bluff, Texas.

no date: Simon Smith born Kentucky, age 25 was the oldest of the children living in Gilbert Smith's household in the 1850 census.

9 Apr 1833: son James Henry Smith born Kentucky; died 1899; married Hopkins County, Texas 31 Jan 1856 Diadamia Hannah Pendleton (1836 Ohio-1926) daughter of James C. and Elinor (Rogers [daughter of Nathan Foster Rogers]) Pendleton. After the Civil War he moved to Sulphur Bluff where he bought a considerable amount of land which extended from New Sulphur Bluff northward to Old Sulphur Bluff on the banks of the South Sulphur River. Diadamia Pendleton’s mother was Elinor Rogers, a half sister of James Henry Smithe’s (her husband’s) grandfather, Nathan Foster Rogers, and her (Diademia’s) stepmother was Evalina Rogers Pendleton, daughter of Nathan Foster Rogers. Children:

Ellen Lemira Smith born 21 Oct 1857, died 22 Oct 1950 Hopkins County, Texas, married 7 July 1875 Sulphur Bluff, Texas, James Hargrave Brinton (26 Nov 1853 Sulphur Bluff, Texas-1902 Sulphur Bluff, Texas) son of William and Elizabeth (Hargrave) Brinton. Children:

Eulah May Brinton born 1876; died 1946 Sulphur Bluff, Texas; married Sulphur Bluff, Texas 1899 Peter Thomas Hare. Children:

Lorene Maude Hare born 15 Sept 1900 Sulphur Bluff, Texas; married Wilburn Earl Gibson. Child:

Billy Lou Gibson married Barven Allbritton.

Theodore Brinton Hare born 3 Jan 1903; died 2 Feb 1905.

Ellen Charlene Hare born 3 Dec 1904; married Joe M. Ham. Child:

Joanna Ham.

William Pender Hare born 1907; died 1961 Gordon, Texas; married Olga Coffee.

John Russell Hare born 25 Oct 1909 Sulphur Bluff, Texas; died 21 Apr 1989 Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas; married Edith Fisher; m/2 Nola Kimball.

David Hugh Hare born 9 May 1912 Sulphur Bluff, Texas; died 28 Apr 1989 Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas; married Cindee Ruth Wright, divorced 1945.

Kathleen Ruth Hare born 11 Jan 1915; died 17 Sept 1975; married Claude Waller. Children:

Gary Pender Waller and Jimmy R. Waller.

Smith Goldstein Hare born 1921; died 1923.

Susan Kate Brinton born 9 Oct 1877; married William F. Armstrong. Children:

James Armstrong and Joseph Armstrong.

William James Brinton born 9 Oct 1878; died June 1962 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; married Bessie Christine Ward (18 Dec 1885 Batesville, Arkansas-8 Oct 1977 Springfield, Oregon, buried Lane Memorial Gardens, Eugene, Oregon) daughter of John Thomas and Clarissa Ann (Jones) Ward. Children:

Joseph Ward Brinton born 8 Oct 1921 Paris, Texas; married Santa Rosa, California 17 Jan 1961 Elenore Frances Matthews.

Nadine Brinton born 9 May 1923 Texarkana, Texas; married Cliff Murray; m/2 Joseph Mossop; m/3 Bill Crook.

Carter Brinton born c1880; married Ella Cass.

Lydia Lou Brinton born c1882; died New Orleans, Louisiana; married ca 1912 Leonard Miller.

Dee R. Brinton born c1884; died Dallas, Texas; married Burgis Hughes. Child:

David Robert Brinton.

Susan Kate Brinton born 1887; married William F. Armstrong (c1887-____).

Charlie Thomas Smith born 1859; died 1956; married 27 Feb 1890 Carrie Lee McCoy (c1859 Sulphur Bluff-____). With the opening of the Indian Territory for homesteaders, he made the "Run" along with his brothers Henry and John. They took lands along the North Canadian River west of now Oklahoma City. He was a farmer, rancher and merchant in and around Cordell, Oklahoma. Children:

Scott Smith born ca 1885.

Zee Smith born ca 1887.

Ruth Smith born ca 1889.

Bertie Smith born ca 1891.

Damie Smith born ca 1891.

Wade Smith born ca 1895.

Henry Jasper Smith born 4 Jan 1867; died 1969, buried Sulphur Bluff, Texas; married 12 Apr 1891 El Virah Holloway in Sulphur Bluff (____-17 Apr 1953). He was a farmer, Stockman, rancher and ran a cotton gin. Children:

Carl Smith born ca 1893 Sulphur Bluff.

Dr. Ralph Smith born ca 1895 Dallas, Texas.

Earl Smith of Sulphur Bluff.

Dr. Claud Smith of Commerce, Texas.

Jeff Smith of Sulphur Bluff.

A daughter died in childhood.

John Waugh Smith born 1869; died 1952; married 15 Jan 1904 in Sulphur Bluff Lula Staten (1869-1946); m/2 Mrs. Lizzie Collins, widow of Buck Collins (____-3 Jan 1960 Ft. Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. This family made their home at Sulpher Bluff, Hopkins County, Texas where he was a rancher-stockman.

Ann Eliza Smith born 1872; died 1906; married 23 Dec 1894 Joseph L. Waters (ca 1872 Sulphur Bluff-____). He was a farmer-stockman in the Arbala Community of Hopkins County, Texas. Children:

Lester Waters born ca 1894.

Jesse Waters born ca 1896.

Damia Waters.

Lewis Waters.

Gilbert Pendleton Smith born ca 1874; married Mrs. Nora (Harris) Wright of Sulphur Bluff; m/2 Mrs. Callie (Jeffries) Fannin of Sulphur Springs; m/3 Mrs. Ellen (Tanton) Holloway, widow of Moses Holloway who was a brother of El Virah Holloway. Stockman-farmer of Sulphur Bluff. Children by first wife:

Roger Smith, Dowe Smith, Henry George Smith and Fannin Smith.

Sam S. born 1877

1832: witnessed authorization by Cornelius Fosset for Price H. Fosset to marry Mary Ann Rogers. Adams County, Ohio Marriage Bonds. Some Marriage Records of Adams County, Ohio 1797-1894, Adams County Genealogical Society, Marceline, Missouri: Walsworth Publishing Company, 1988, Volume 1 p153.

1836: son George Smith born Kentucky, married 10 Sept 1868 Hannah Elizabeth Neely of Nelta, Hopkins County, Texas, where they lived. Children:

F;premce bprm 1870, Gideon born 1872, Allia born 1874, Merlin born 1877.

28 Mar 1837: son Ralph "Rafe" Callen Smith born Kentucky, married Hopkins County, Texas, Margaret "Peggy" McFall, made their home in Dike, Hopkins County, Texas where he was a farmer and County Commissioner; died 12 Jan 1902. Children:

Betty born 1862, Lavina born 1867, Lamyra born 1870, James C. born 1872, Mattee L. born 1874, Cezar A. born 1878, died 1899, buried Connor Cemetery.

16 Oct 1839: Gilbert Smith signed a bond for the marriage of Theresa D. Rogers and Gideon Smith. Mason County, Kentucky.

1840: twin son Joseph N. Smith born Kentucky.

1840: twin daughter Eliza Jane Smith born in Kentucky.

5 Feb 1842: daughter Cretia Lemira Smith born Kentucky, died Cooper, Delta County, Texas, married 18 Oct 1866 Hopkins County, Texas, Abel McFarland.

1845: moved from Kentucky to Texas, traveling by river boat to Jefferson, Texas and from there to Hopkins County by a wagon pulled by oxen. They settled on Caney Creek, near the present site of Highway 19 and Roadside Park #154 at Tarrant which was the first county seat of the newly organized Hopkins County. Three of the eldest sons stayed behind as they had jobs on the river. Will died in New Orleans and Sam and John later rejoined their parents in Hopkins County. Barbara Anderson, 6080 Manon Street, La Mesa, California 91942-2250.

ca 1845: daughter Agnes Smith born Kentucky.

1846: moved to Texas with their children who were grown or nearly grown.

ca 1847: daughter Debby Ann Smith born Kentucky;married 19 Sept 1850 Hopkins County, Texas, Burrell C. Sheppherd.

1847: on tax list Hopkins County, Texas - Poll Tax $1, State Tax $1, County Tax 50 cents.

4 Sept 1848: Galveston and Red River. Rail Road Meeting. At a meeting of the citizens of Hopkins County, held at the house of Eldridge Hopkins at Tarrant on the 10th day of Oct...Gilbert Smith Called to the chair, James C. Steele, Secretary...proposal to secure the construction of the Galveston and Red River Railway...Mansel W. Matthews and Eldridge Hopkins requested to act as agents. The Standard, Clarksville and Red River County, Texas, Page 3 Column 2.

28 Nov 1848: John B. Craig, Alfred France, Hugh Barclay, Gilbert Smith and Ulyses Aguier be appointed a Jury of Review to review and mark a route from the Bridge on Little Caney Creek near Gilbert Smith's on the nearest and most practicable route to intersect the Center Road leading from Paris in Lamar County to Tarrant...Hopkins County, Texas County Court Minutes Volume 1.

Jan 1849: daughter Evaline Priscilla Smith born Hopkins County, Texas, married 11 Jan 1866 Hopkins County, Texas, Absolom R. Connor, 1900 lived Motley County, Texas. Children:

George born 1866, Luther born 1869, David L. born 1871, James A. born 1874, Edward R. born 1877, Lou, Ross S. born 1886.

1850 census: Hopkins County, Texas #204 #204, farmer born Pennsylvania, Lavinia 44 born Kentucky, Simon 25 born Kentucky, John 22 born Kentucky, James H. 18 born Kentucky, George 14 born Kentucky, Ralph C. 12 born Kentucky, Joseph N. 10 born Kentucky, Eliza Jane 10 born Kentucky, Lucetia L.8 born Kentucky and Evaline 1 born Kentucky.

1850: Hopkins County, Texas tax list - 320A $80, State Tax 12 cents, County Tax 6 cents.

1851: one of 36 men eligible to serve on a Jury. Hopkins County, Texas County Court Minutes Volume 1.

1853: Hopkins County, Texas tax list - 320A on Caney Creek $320, 2 horses $32, 4 cattle $80, wagon $40, Total $472, State Tax 70 cents 8 mills, County Tax $35 cents 3 mills. Also agent for William Smith.

2 Sept 1854: patent from E. M. Pease, Governor of Texas to Gilbert Smith Assignee of Fountain Roberson 320A Lamar District, Hopkins County, on Cross Timber Creek, waters of White Oak Creek near Tarrant by Certificate #162. Hopkins County, Texas Deed Book D p194.

17 Jan 1855: one of 36 men eligible to serve on a Jury. Hopkins County, Texas County Court Minutes Volume 2.

1855: Hopkins County, Texas tax list - 320A Caney Creek $320, 1 horse $40, 100 cattle $600, hogs $400, Total $1,360, State Tax $2.04, County Tax $1.02. Also agent for W. R. Smith and Administrator of N. F. Rogers.

1856: appointed "to employ some person or persons to repair the doors and windows of the Court and make contracts for the same to be paid out of any money in the Treasury as he may see proper...". Hopkins County, Texas County Court Minutes Volume 2.

Oct 1856: deed from Gilbert Smith to Caroline Smith, Josephine Lemira Smith, Clara Agnes Smith, widow and heirs of William R. Smith 320A patented to Gilbert Smith 2 Sept 1854. Hopkins Counry, Texas Deed Bk D p195.

1856: Hopkins County, Texas tax list - 320A on Caney Creek #320, 1 horse $80, 100 cattle $600, hogs $200, Total $1,200, State Tax $1.80, County Tax 90 cents.

1857: Hopkins County, Texas tax list - 320A on Caney Creek $640, 1 horse $80, 100 cattle $700, sheep/wagon $664, total value $2084, State tax $3.12, County tax $1.50.

Jan 1858: appointed to serve beginning 18 February 1858 for three months as Captain "to suppress and keep the Negoes in proper bounds and they are hereby empowered and authorised to punish said Negroes as they, in their judgment, may deem expediant in accordance with the law". Hopkins County, Texas County Court Minutes Volume 3.

1858: Hopkins County, Texas tax list - 320A on Caney Creek $640, 1 negro $700, 2 horses $175, 125 cattle $812, sheep/wagon $460, total value $1787, State tax $3.48, County tax $3.48.

1859: Hopkins County, Texas tax list - 320A on Caney Creek $640, 1 horse $80, 175 cattle $1225, wagon $585, total value $2530, State tax $3.16½, County tax $2.53.

1860: Hopkins County, Texas tax list - 320A $600, __ lots in Tarrant $40, 30 sheep $180, 1 horse $200, 180 cattle $1170, Misc $320, total value $2550, State tax $3.19, County Tax $2.55.

1861: Hopkins County, Texas tax list - 320A $600, __ lots in Tarrant $60, 4 horses $280, misc. $400. total value $1340, State tax $2.21, County tax $1.34.

16 July 1862: Hopkins County, Texas, I Z. G. Matthews Clerk of the County Court of the County aforesaid do hereby certify that Gilbert Smith has resided upon and cultivated the Land Surveryed for the Said Smith as a Pre-emption Claim by Isaac A. Grant, District Surveyor for Hopkins Land District on the 16th day of July A.D.1862 for the Space of Three consecutive years and has fully complied with the provisions of an act granting to Settlers on public domain Pre-emption privileges approved 22 Jan 1845. The above facts having been proved to me by the oaths of Isaac A. Grant and Eli Lindley two respectible witnesses to me... General Land Office, Austin, Texas.

27 Sept 1862: patent from F. R. Lubbock, Governor of Texas to Gilbert Smith 320A in Hopkins County on the waters of North Vaney, Waters of White Oak, waters of Sulphur Fork of Red River about three miles N from Tarrant, Redemption Certificated #270 issued 16 July 1862. Hopkins County,Texas Deed Book P p63 #346.

1863: Hopkins County, Texas tax list - 320A $760, total Value $5130, State tax ____, County tax $32.31.

1864: Hopkins County, Texas tax list - 320A $1280, 2 lots in Tarrant $50, Confederate Notes $500, tax on Confederate Notes $2..50, Misc. (horses, cattle, sheep) $4780, total value $6610. Poll tax $1.25, State tax $34.05, County tax $33.30.

1865: Hopkins County, Texas tax list - 320A $480, 2 lots in Tarrant $20, 3 horses $130, 100 cattle $50, 40 sheep $80, Misc. property $480, total value $1690, Poll tax $1, State Tax $2.11, County tax ____.

1866: Hopkins County, Texas tax list - 320A $480, 2 lots in Tarrant $20, 3 horses $130, 110 cattle $550, 54 sheep $108, Misc. property $280, total value $1568, Advalorem tax $3.13 [property taxed by percentage according to the value of an item or a tax on real property figured on the basis of the assessed value of the land], State tax $3.13, County tax $1.56.

1867: Hopkins County, Texas tax list - 320A $640, 2 lots in Tarrant $20, 2 horses $120, 25 Cattle $100, 40 sheep $60, Misc. property $200, total value $1140, Advalorem tax $1.70, Poll tax $1.

Jan 1868: Execution Docket from Gilbert Smith to Lemira Smith "...for $500 in gold and silver coins to me advanced by my wife Lemira Smith" one hundred head of stock cattle...34 head of sheep. Hopkins County, Texas Deed Book I p504.

3 Oct 1868: deed from Gilbert Smith to Lamira Smith for $500 "advanced to me by Lemira Smith, land in Hopkins County, Texas about four miles north of Tarrant and patented to Gilbert Smith as a preemption claim....containing 320 Acres of land...". Note in margin "filed 5th day of Oct 1868". Hopkins County, Texas Deed Book K p209.

11 May 1894: died, buried Connor Cemetery near Dike, Hopkins County, Texas.

From The Tell of Time: People, Place, and Things of Sulphur Bluff and Hopkins County, Texas by D. H. Hare:

“Gilbert Smith was born in 1795 in Pennsylvania, and married Lemira Lavinia Rogers, born in 1804, the daughter of Nathan Foster Rogers, in Kentucky. Eleven of their twelve children were born in Kentucky, and one was born after they moved to Hopkins County in 1845. In the move from Kentucky, they came to Texas by boat to Jefferson, which at that time was the principal city of east Texas. Gilbert Smith had his own river boat, and after the family was safely unloaded, the three oldest sons used the boat for some time for freighting on the Mississippi River.

From Jefferson they came in ox wagons…the Smith family decided to locate on Caney Creek. There they were, a big family, and nothing but a tar pole wagon and yokes of oxen. The three oldest boys, Will, Sam and John, stayed behind, as they had jobs on the river. Will died in New Orleans, but Sam and John later joined their parents in Hopkins County.

Gilbert Smith operated a tavern or inn at Tarrant. President Sam Houston stayed with the Gilbert Smiths in Tarrant when he made an inspection of a boundary dispute between the United States and Texas. Sam Houston offered to appoint one of Gilbert Smith’s boys, Sam, as sheriff of Hopkins County, which was being formed.

Sam declined the appointment and told Sam Houston, ‘If the people of Hopkins County want me for the sheriff, they must elect me.’”

Evalina Rogers (daughter of Nathan Foster and Agnes (Waugh) Rogers)

ca 1810: born Ohio.

2 June 1846: married with Foster Moore as Bondsman, Mason County, Kentucky, James C. Pendleton (ca 1806 Pendleton County, Virginia-30 Apr 18687, buried Connor Cemetery near Dike, Hopkins County, Texas) son of Nathaniel and Hannah (Scott) Pendleton, as his second wife. (His first wife was Elizabeth Elinor Rogers, half-sister of his second wife's father Nathan Foster Rogers.)

Children by first wife:

Nathan C. Pendleton born Missouri ca 1838 Ohio [he was 22 in the 1860 census], married 26 Dec 1959 Amanda McFall (1 Feb 1839 Indiana-28 Apr 1902, buried Connor Cemetery, Hopkins County, Texas). Children:

Joshua Pendleton, Emma Pendleton, Richard Pendleton, Rafe Pendleton, ? Jane Pendleton and ? Benjamin Pendleton.

Diadamia Hannah Pendleton born ca 1836 Ohio, married 31 Jan 1856 James Henry Smith, a grandson of Nathan Foster Rogers, and son of Lemira Rogers Smith (who came to Texas when Hopkins was a new county).

1 Dec 1848: daughter Elizabeth C. Pendleton born, died 17 May 1858, buried old Tarrant Cemetery, Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas.

4 Apr 1850: daughter Ann E. Pendleton born Missouri, died 30 Apr 1865, buried Connor Cemetery, Hopkins County, Texas.

1854: moved to Hopkins County, Texas.

1860: census - Hopkins County, Texas #455 $457 - James C. Pendleton 54 born Virginia, value of real estate $2,000, value of personal property $1800, Evaline 50 born Ohio and Ann E. 10 born Missouri.

1870: census - Hopkins County, Texas - lived alone.

no date: died Hopkins County, Texas.

Source: The Tell of Time, David Hugh Hare, Hereford, Texas: Pioneer Book Publishing Company, 1972, Wisconsin State Historical Library, Madison, Wisconsin.

Letitia Rogers (daughter of Nathan Foster and Agnes (Waugh) Rogers)

*William Waugh Rogers (son of Nathan Foster Rogers and Agnes Waugh)

9 May 1817 born Ohio - probably Adams County,

+11 Sept 1840: married Mason County, Kentucky by H. Linn, Roseanna S. Mitchell (ca 1820-30 Oct 1891 Sullivan County, Indiana, buried Little Flock Cemetery in an unmarked grave, the cemetery is on old US 41 west of new 41, southwest of Shelburn in Sullivan County, Indiana) daughter of William H. Mitchell who stated on 11 Sept 1840 that his daughter "is Twenty one years of age." She signed her name as Rose A. Her marriage bond gives her name as Roseanna.

no date: surveyed for government near Big Spring, Howard County, Texas.

no date: he served as captain of a steamboat from Springdale, Mason County, Kentucky down the Ohio River to the Mississippi to New Orleans.

no date: daughter Eliza "Lide" born.

*6 Mar 1843: daughter Georgeanna born.

ca 1844: son John William Eugene born.

+12 Feb 1844: deed from Herbert and Hannah Richards, Thomas Lowe and John Richards to William W. Rogers all of Sullivan County, Indiana for $440 land in Sullivan County, Indiana ¼ interest in thirty acres [in the division of Paschall Shelburns estate] off the south side of the SE¼ NE¼ S34 T9 R9W. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Bk 36 p477.

+20 Feb 1845: deed from William H. and Sarah A. Mitchell to William W. Rogers all of Sullivan County, Indiana for $66.66 land in Sullivan County, Indiana 8 acres off the north end of the NE¼ SW¼ S2 T8 north of R9W. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Bk 36 p478.

+28 Mar 1845: deed from William W. and Roseanna Rogers to Henry Mitchell all of Sullivan County, Indiana all of our right and interest in the following Sullivan County, Indiana land - 24 acres off of the east side of the SE¼ SW¼ S35 T9 R9W. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Bk36 p575.

2 July 1846: son Simeon Robertson born.

19 Oct 1846: deed from Sophia A. Waugh et al 33A Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 55 p347.

1 Nov 1847: daughter Margaret Agnes born.

ca 1849`: son Nathan Burris born.

4 Sept 1850: census - #425 #425 District #2 Mason County, Kentucky: William; born Ohio, wife Roseann; daughter Geogeanna; son William; son Simeon “Jimmie”; daughter Agnes and son Burrows [Burris]. Children all born Kentucky.

17 Oct 1850: presented inventory of mother's estate to court in Mason County, Kentucky.

+26 Jan 1851: deed from Eliza Moore and Lemira Smith of Hopkins County Texas to William W. Rogers of Mason County, Kentucky for $1 each ...containing all of the ground deeded to Agnes Rogers by the Court of Mason County as one of the heirs of John Waugh containing seven acres more or less... Mason County, Kentucky Deed Bk 60 p463.

28 Jan 1851: William Waugh was to take a letter from his father Nathan Foster Rogers who was in Texas to one of the other children.

2 April 1851: "Dear Sister and Brother I take this opertunity of informing you that I have arived home and found all the pople well and hope these few lines will find you enjoing the same blessing. I have Bin to Texas since I was with you and bought ant Eliza and Theresa part in this property I gave them one hundred Dollars apeas and will give you the same If you will take that for your Share you rite ameaditity to me for I want to no before May court I would like to See you in here this Summer tell penelton that Thomas Rogers wats to get his site in Ellen's part of that farm So I think you both had better come in this summer but dont fail to rite as soon as you get this letter So I may now what to depend upon The relations sends there love to you nothing more but remains your Brother till Death Wm. Rogers".

+19 Apr 1851: deed from James C. and Eveline Pendleton of Warren County, Missouri to William W. Rogers of Mason County, Kentucky their rights in land in Mason County, Kentucky land deeded to Agnes Rogers as one of the heirs of John C. Waugh, Sr. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Bk 60 p465.

2 May 1851: Deed from Eliza Moore et al to a tract Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 60 p664.

2 May 1851: Deed from James C. Pendleton et al tract Cabin Creek Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 60 p465.

21 Aug 1851: Deed from Henry I. Harrison et al 30 A Cabin Creek Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 61 p89.

1851: daughter Theresa Dandridge born.

+10 Nov 1851: deed from Price K? And Mary Ann Fossett to William W. Rogers all of Mason County, Kentucky for $200 land in Mason County at the mouth of Cabin Creek , the same more or less assigned to Agnes Rogers out of the estate of her deceased father John C. Waugh. Mason County Kentucky Deed Bk 65 p570.

4 Sept 1852: William W. Rogers to William Tully, real and personal property. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 61 p552.

+9 Sept 1853: deed from Roseanna and William W. Rogers to Nathan F. Moore for $400 7A Cabin Creek, together with the ferry franchise and ½ of the ferry boat now in use at said ferry and the grist mill on said ferry boat and four head of horses on said boat and their gearing deeded to Agnes Rogers as an heir of John Waugh, Sr. deceased. And William W. Rogers agrees to defend any claims...or by through or under Nathan F. Rogers or by or through any of the heirs of Agnes Rogers. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 62 p260.

17 Sept 1853: daughter Sarah Jane born Mason County, Kentucky, died 28 Sept 1853 of cholera infantum, 11 days old. Mason County, Kentucky Vital Statistics. [Kentucky vital statistics were taken for a period of only 10 years and they state that she was the daughter of a blacksmith].

+12 Apr 1854: deed decreed by the Chancery Court Charles W. William Plaintiff and William W. Rogers and others Defendants by appointed Commissioner William Rochester Beatty from the estate of Agnes Rogers, deceased to William Tully, Commissioners Deed 7A Cabin Creek Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 63 p22.

9 Nov 1854: RoseAnn and William W. Rogers to John T. Hughes 4A in county. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 66 p365.

17 Apr 1856: daughter Lucy Farrow born.

20 May 1857: Deed from Price H. Fossett et al 7A Cabin Creek Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 65 p570.

30 June 1857: son Samuel Waugh born. Kentucky Vital Statistics.

no date: ? son Andrew "Andy" born Mason County, Kentucky.

20 Apr 1858: Deed from James Harding et al 5A in county. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 66 p164.

9 Nov 1858: Deed from James Harding et al 11A in county. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 66 p366.

2 May 1859: son Thomas Six born. Kentucky Vital Statistics.

1860: census #1005 #985 Orangeburg PO, Mason County, Kentucky: William; wife Rosana; Children all born Kentucky - Georgeanna; John W.; Simeon R.; Margaret; Nathan; Eliza S.; Teracy H.; Lucy F.; Samuel W. and Thomas S.

+10 July 1860: deed from Edward Bullock, Executor of Oliver P. Wilson deceased to William W. Rogers for $50 land near the mouth of Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 67 p557.

1863 or 1864: moved to Shelburn, Sullivan County, Indiana according to Margaret Agnes (Rogers) Carter's obituary.

28 Jan 1864: Roseanna and William W. Rogers to John W. Crawford - Tract Cabin Creek Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 69 p467.

2 Apr 1864: William Waugh Rogers bought four lots of land in Springdale, Mason County, Kentucky, from the estate of Mary Waugh: Lot #7 $31.00; Lot #8 $21.00; Lot #9 $55.50; and Lot #10 $121.00. LDS Film #281830.

29 Apr 1864: William W. Rogers to John G. Rogers (brother) Power of Attorney. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 69 p637.[This doesn’t seem right; John G. was the brother supposedly killed in a steamboat accident. Who were George W. and Charlotte Rogers that were mentioned in the same document?]

+15 June 1864: deed from Daniel S. Bradley Administrator with the will annexed of Mary Waugh to William W. Rogers correcting a mistake in William Waugh Rogers selling a lot before he was supposed to to Benjamin F. Hook. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Bk 70 p293.

19 July 1864: Deed from Mary Waugh et al 5 lots Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 70 p89.

Dec 1864: History of Greene and Sullivan Counties (Indiana) “The grand jury returned an indictment against Haydon Cuppy, William W. Rogers and James T. Allen, charging them with the murder of a stranger by hanging him by the neck. The circumstances of the case were substantially these: Shortly previous to the sitting of the grand jury, two strange men, claiming to be from Louisville, Kentucky, got off the cars at the town of Shelburn and to the country for the ostensible purpose of looking for land that one of them claimed to own and proposed to sell to the other. They had not been long gone when one of them returned. Sometime during the day, a lady and some children were attracted into a thick woods by the moans of a person, where they found the other stranger apparently in a dying condition. He had been beaten over the head with a club in a terrible manner and had also been stabbed a number of times. He was entirely insensible, and no hopes of his recovery were entertained. He had been robbed of all his money and other valuables carried upon his person. The news of the supposed murder and robbery spread rapidly and soon there were several hundred people on the ground. The man that had returned to Shelburn was recognized as the person that had got off the train in company with the murdered man. He was promptly arrested and admitted his crime. He was taken to the woods east of Shelburn and, in the presence of a crowd of from five to seven hundred people, was hanged. The cause was not tried till the February term, 1867, and the defendants were admitted to bail in the sum of $5000 each....The case of the State vs Haydon Cuppy, William Waugh Rogers and James T. Allen was tried by jury and the defendants were acquitted. Although it was claimed that over five hundred people witnessed the hanging, no witness was produced, although many were examined and testified that they were present and witnessed the hanging as previously stated, who were able to state who the parties were that who was able to state who the parties were hung the man. The excitement and confusion seemed to have been so great that no one knew how or by whom the hanging was done.” History of Greene and Sullivan Counties, Indiana, Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers, 1884, p557.

12 Jan 1865: William W. Rogers from J. R. McKinney, part S½ S3 T8 R9. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book U p285.

+16 Jan 1865: deed from William W. and Rosana Rogers to James C. Buckner all of Mason County, Kentucky for $3156 at $20 per acre to be paid with interest within one year, 157 A on waters of Cabin Creek in Mason County. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Bk 70 p300.

+13 Feb 1865: deed from William W. and Rose Anne Rogers to Clarissa Sweet (late Degman) widow of Julius Degman and heirs of Degman for $22.50 land in Mason County on the waters of Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Bk 73 p440.

15 Feb 1865: Deed from Mary Waugh et al Deed of correction. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 70 p293.

16 Feb 1865: Rosanna and William W. Rogers to James C. Brookover 157A Cabin Creek Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 70 p300.

1 March 1865: deed from Thomas R. King and wife Jane to William Waugh Rogers of Mason County, Kentucky 120A $3360. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book U p285.

+1 Jan 1866: deed from William W. Rogers of Sullivan County, Indiana to Benjamin F. Hook of Mason County, Kentucky a lot in Springdale containing ( of an acre. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 71 p156.

+7 Mar 1866: deed from Charles A. Fawcett of Cincinnati, Ohio to William W. Rogers of Sullivan County, Indiana for $600 land at a place called Springdale willed to Charles by Mary Waugh - Tract Cabin Creek. Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 71 p272.

1866: broke his leg which was amputated.

+2 Feb 1869: William W. and Roseanna Rogers of Sullivan County, Indiana to John L. Hughes of Mason county, Kentucky for $150, $50 down and $100 to be paid within 12 months, a tract in Springdale. Mason County conveyed to seller by Charles Fawcett upon the death of Mary Waugh, Kentucky Deed Book 73 p300.

14 June 1869: Roseanna and William W. Rogers to Clarissa Sweet et al 2A Cabin Creek Mason County, Kentucky Deed Book 73 p440.

1870: census - #103 #102 Hamilton Township, Sullivan County, Indiana: William; wife Roseanna; Children Agnes; Theresa; Lucy and Samuel W.

1 Dec 1871: deed from Jno. W. Hazelrigg to William W. Rogers, for $100 Lot #11 in Shelburn, Indiana. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 40 p343.

26 Oct 1872: deed from Rees and Mary E. Nesbit to William Rogers, interest in estate of Paschal Shelburne, 1/8th part of heirs of Desdimonia Siner. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 40 p392.

+17 Jan 1874: deed from William H. Hill To William W. Rogers 4A $50 part S34 and S35 T9 R9. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 37 p172.

12 Feb 1874: deed from Herbert Richards to William W. Rogers undivided interest in lot 10, ¼ of 30A $440 S34 T9 R9. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 36 p477.

16 July 1874: deed from Francis Hill to William Rogers undivided interest in lot 8 4A Sullivan County, Deed Book 40 p389.

+9 Sept 1874: deed from Stephen and Mahala Ballard to William W. Rogers 24A off the east side SE¼ SW¼ S34 T9 R9W & 8A off the south enf NE¼ SW¼ S2 T8 R9W in Sullivan County, Indiana from the estate of Paschal Shelburn $125. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 74 p565.

20 Feb 1875: deed from Henry Mitchell to William W. Rogers 8A NE SW S2 T8 R9 $66.66 nd two-thirds cents. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 36 p478.

19 Feb 1877: deed from Maranda McClanahan et al to William W. Rogers undivided interest in 4A of town of Shelburn $150. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 40 p394

31 May 1877: deed from Frances Hill to William Rogers undivided 1/10th interest in Lot #8 in partition of lands of Paschal Shelburn, 4A. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 40 p389.

23 July 1877: deed from E.M. and Maranda McClanahan, Paschall, Caleb W. Reed and Craven S. Reed to William W. Rogers all of Sullivan County, Indiana for $205 our undivided interests in the town of Shelburn. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Bk 40 p394.

June 1879 (or before) a new trial in case of Spencer et al vs. W. W. Rogers in Circuit Court.

July 1880: case of Spencer et al vs Rogers in Supreme Court of Indiana.

15 June 1881: William Waugh died in Sullivan County, and is buried in Little Flock cemetery near Shelburn, Sullivan County, Indiana.

20 Dec 1881: deed from Samuel W. Rogers and wife Ida to Roseanna Rogers lot #1 in partition of land of William W. Rogers 13½ acres $500. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 47 p420.

25 Mar 1882: deed from John W. Rogers and wife Mary A. to Simeon R. Rogers undivided interest in estate of William W. Rogers east 1/2 of NE 1/4 Farm Sullivan County, 30A, 1 & 3/4 A, 4A in Shelburn lot #11 Shelburn $375 Sullivan County, Deed Book 47 p509.

25 Mar 1882: deed from Margaret A. Carter to Simeon R. Rogers 4A Shelburn $280. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 47 p510.

no date: Margaret A. Carter to Rose A. Rogers lot #2 from land of William W. Rogers $405. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 55 p475.

8 June 1883: Roseanna relinquished her right to administer her husband's estate and appointed her son John William E. in her place.

4 Aug 1891: estate sale held. The following items were sold by John W Rogers: saws & log chains, log chains & stretchers, chain & stretchers, old rubbish [which brought 35 cents], boring machine, 2 lots old irons, 2 bee gums, steelyards, old irons, seed sower, 3 lots old iron, crowbar & shovels, box & keg, tenon saw, cross-cut saw, whip saw, forks & shovel, 2 lots of tools, level & cleaver, broad ax, bench planes, chisels, akugers, bench planes, saw & adz, 2 lots of tools, wheat fan, double trees, ox yoke, 2 horse plow, single shovel plow, dirt scraper, scraper & shovel, corn plow, wheelbarrow, 2 axes, clapboards & ax, hay rake, wheelbarrow, brush scythe, log chain, saddle, 2 hogsheads, lot of rod iron, 3 jack screws, log chain & rollers, blocks & ropes, ½ of 300 ft of rope, blocks & ropes, sled runners, [2] set plow harness, pair check lines, 3 horse collars, 16 grain bags, work bench, spring wagon, log sled, [2] 2 horse plow, wheat drill, lot of lumber, woods reaper, roller, cutting box, sulky hay rake, 5 stacks of hay, dun horse, gray horse, gray colt, sorrel colt, roan colt, 3 iron kettles, red heifer, white heifer, red cow, roan cow & calf, brindle cow & calf, bull calf, 5 best hogs, 13 shoats, 3 sows & pigs, 3 pairs of goats, 3 goats, revolver Total $985.35. His marker in the cemetery cost $100. Also about 650 bushels of wheat worth about $700, $352.40 owed by children and others. All children except Samuel Waugh Rogers received of the estate.

19 Feb 1888: Shelburn, Indiana "Mrs Georgeanna Sartain Dear Daughter I recieved your letter a few days ago but have not had an opportunity to answer until now. I was glad to hear from you and that you was all well. I have been poorly all winter with cold and rheumatism but am some better now and I think that if the weather would only clear up and get setled I would feel a great deal better. I think we have had the most disagreeable winter we ever had. it is raining today and looks as though we will have a general thaw now. I had a letter from Leide last week. They were well satisfied, they were going to buy a lot and build this summer. She said the wrinkles had all left her face and they all look better than they had in a long time it had been very cold down there. Colder than ever known before. We heard from Lou this week they were all well. I have not been down to Wills since Christmas I have not heard from them for sometime. Sims are well so far as I know I had a letter from Mollie Whaley last week she said that her grandmother fell on the ice and hurt her arm very badly. I had received a letter from Margaret a few days before and she said she was thinking about coming out to see us all, but I am afraid this will put her out of the notion again. I was sorry to hear that you lost your horse. I have been thinking of coming up for sometime but the weather keeps so bad and I am so crippled up that I will not come up till the weather gets better. I am here at Andy's at present - they are all tolerable well. How are Terse folk I have not had a word from her this winter. Tell her to write to me I believe that is all. Regards to all. write soon and often to your Mother. Rose A. Rogers".

30 Oct 1891: telegram from Shelburn Indiana to Mrs. S. A. Rogers in Terre Haute #1454 Corner 2nd Ave & 15th St - "Grandmother Rogers is dead notify Aunt Sis" Signed Claude Rogers.

4 Jan 1892: son John William administered the estate of his mother. The following is a list of personal property belonging to her: old cow, young cow, 2 hogs, 1 and 1/2 stacks hay, bedstead & bedding, rocking chair, small bed, 2 quilts, 2 bed comforts, blanket, 2 bed blankets, heating stove, cupboard, clock, looking glass, watch, 1 dozen silver spoons - Total including cash $108.57 There were no papers in box 102. The above list came from Inventory Record Book 4 Sullivan County, Indiana.

28 Mar 1895: deed from William W. Rogers estate to Henry Mitchell SE SW S35 T9 R9 24A. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 36 p595.

21 June 1900: deed from John McKinney, unmarried, to William W. Rogers of Sullivan County, Indiana for $512, 4A - part of SE¼ NE¼ S27 T7N R9W adjoining the town of Paxton and lying west of teh E&TH Railroad, bounded and described as follows: beginning at a point 40 feet right angles west of said railroad and 13 chains and 97 links norht of the south line of said ¼ section, measured on a line parallel with said railroad 40 feet west of teh center thereof and runing south 74½ degrees west 2 chains and 8 links - thence north 16 degrees, west 1 chain and 98½ links - thence north 76½ feet, 2 chains, 3½ links - thence south 18 degrees east 196 links to the place of beginning, subject to mortgage on said lands of $300 given by grantor. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 77 p219.

24 Feb 1926: Recorded deed #7062 from Jacob H. and Imo Rogers to William Waugh Rogers all of Sullivan County, Indiana 2½A beginning at a point where the west line of the right of way of the C&EI Railroad is intersected by the north line of teh SE¼ NE¼ S27 T7N R9W running so along the west line of said right of way 338 feet - thence south 76½ degrees, west 325 feet - thence in a nw direction 388½ feet to a point on the north line of said ¼ 280 feet 4 inches west of the place of begining - thence east 290 feet 4 inchest to the place of beginning, except coal and mineral rights. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed book 136 p261.


nd surveyed for government near Big Springs, Texas.

nd as captain took a steam boat from Springdale, Mason County, Kentucky to New Orleans.

Georgeanna Rogers Sartain said : During the civil war one son of William Waugh Rogers fought for the south, two sons fought for the north - ruined financially by the war, went to Sullivan County, Indiana. She also told her children that she had two slaves. She had no use for “old Abe Lincoln”. She always wept when she heard the song “My Old Kentucky Home”. [I have never found any member of this Rogers family listed on the slave censuses in Kentucky. BJE]

Hazel Rupert Evans: “William Waugh Rogers was involved in a lynching in Sullivan County. Acquitted by jury trial.”

Ora (Rogers) Singleton:

“I have heard my mother say that her father, William Waugh Rogers, came to Texas, and took his father Nathan Foster Rogers back to Springdale after he got sick down here.”

Mrs. Penn said that Nathan Foster Rogers became sick and was taken back to Kentucky by Gilbert Smith. They met William Waugh Rogers “somewhere” on the way.

Ora Singleton:

"The first ancestor I know about was Ezekiel Rogers, born October 20, 1729, but I don't know where he was born. He had three sons and a daughter, but I do not know where they lived, except that the daughter was living in Mason County in 1853 and one son John Rogers was my great-great-grandfather born September 8, 1757 and died March 8, 1826, and his home was in Mason County then. John Rogers had two brothers, George Rogers born September 6, 1762, and Thomas Rogers, born February, 1767. His sister ELeanor Rogers was born September 28, 1771 and in 1853 my great-grandfather wrote about visiting her and called her 'my Aunt Ellen Bolton.' He did not mention either George or Thomas who were his uncles.

John Rogers married twice and my great-grandfather Nathan Foster Rogers was his son by his first wife, who evidently was a Miss Foster, but I do not know her name, when she died, or when Nathan Foster Rogers was born or just when he died. He was alive in August, 1854, according to family letters. John Rogers marries Miss Diadamia Curtis, September 5, 1799 and their children were half-brother and sisters of Nathan Foster Rogers. Diadamia was still living on the old Rogers home with her son Thomas in 1854 according to letters written by her stepson Nathan Foster Rogers, my great-grandfather. Members of the Waugh and Rogers families were buried near the old home Springdale, near the mouth of Cabin Creek, but in the late sixties or early seventies a railroad was built across that land and my grandfather William Waugh Rogers son of Nathan Foster Rogers, moved all the dead to the cemetery in Maysville.

There are only a few letters available now, to give my generation very much family history, but what we do know makes me ambitious to learn more.

Our great-grandfather Nathan Foster Rogers so the story goes, came to Texas about 1833 as a surveyor for General Sam Houston and from then to 1854, he divided his time between Mason County Ky. and Texas. We have several of his letters written by him to one of his daughters between 1849 and 1854 that are very interesting. His description of Texas, especially Hopkins County are so fine I had that published in a local paper last spring. He wrote from Mason County, Ky. part of the time, but he was anxious for his children to move to Hopkins County, Texas, so he told a great deal about it. Three of his daughters did move to Texas, and he called it 'home' after 1846. His son William Waugh Rogers, my grandfather, was a steamboat captain from Springdale to New Orleans, but moved his family from Springdale before 1870 to Sullivan County, Indiana where he died in 1881. Later three of his daughters moved to Sulphur Springs, Texas and I am the daughter of one of them. Why W. W. Rogers moved to Indiana, I do not know, but there were some other Rogers already there and they may have been related to our family."

Eliza L. Rogers (daughter of William Waugh and Roseanna S. (Mitchell) Rogers)

no date: born in Mason County, Kentucky.

15 Nov 1868: married Sullivan County, Indiana, John C. Higdon (_____-_____ Hopkins County, Texas).

1886: moved to Hopkins County, Texas.

no date: son Hubert Higdon born, married Violet _______ . Children:

Lura Higdon, Ardus Higdon, Jay Higdon, Dewey Higdon and Opal Higdon.

no date: died Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas.

Known as “Lide.”

*Georgeanna Rogers (daughter of William Waugh and Roseanna S. (Mitchell) Rogers)

6 Mar 1843: born Mason County, Kentucky.

17 Apr 1864: eloped with William H. Sartain to Aberdeen, Brown County, Ohio where they were married by the "Marrying Squire Sheldon", witnesses - William and Angelina Hall. (Barbara Jean Evans: I have never found this marriage recorded in county documents, but it is stated in the family Bible.)

4 March 1915: died, buried Highland Lawn Cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana.

Known as “Sis.”

Hazel Rupert Evans: William H. Sartain was a house painter. He was an alcoholic and died in the Indiana State Hospital at Indianapolis, Indiana.

John William Eugene Rogers (son of William Waugh and Roseanna S. (Mitchell) Rogers)

ca 1844: born Mason County, Kentucky.

15 Oct 1871: married Sullivan County, Indiana, Mary A. Walters (9 June 1856-10 Sept 1884 Sullivan County, Indiana, buried Paxton, Sullivan County, Indiana).

27 Sept 1873: son William Walter "Willie" born.

3 Aug 1880: son Joseph born.

no date: daughter Edna born.

no date: married Sarah J. Walters.

25 Mar 1882: deed from John W. Rogers and wife Mary A. to Simeon R. Rogers undivided interest in estate of William W. Rogers east ½ of NE ¼ Farm Sullivan County, 30A, 1 & 3/4 A, 4A in Shelburn lot #11 Shelburn $375. Sullivan County, Deed Book 47 p509.

24 July 1882: deed from John W. Rogers to W. P. Walters, part SW NW S29 T7 R10. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 28 p313.

8 June 1883: Roseanna relinquished her right to administer her husband's estate and appointed her son John William E. in her place.

4 Jan 1892: son John William administered the estate of his mother.

30 Aug 1892: son Carl born.

8 July 1896: daughter Hazel M. born.

11 Feb 1900: son Jacob Harrison born.

27 Aug 1886: son Jonathan W. born.

5 June 1913: died in Paxton, Sullivan County, Indiana.

Known as “Will.”

William Walter Rogers (son of John William Eugene and Mary A. (Walters) Rogers)

27 Sept 1873: born.

20 Feb 1894: married Sullivan County, Indiana, Clara B. Gordon.

20 May 1894: daughter born Sullivan County, Indiana.

31 July 1897: m/2 Laura J. Maxwell.

?1958: died.

Joseph Rogers (son of John William Eugene and Mary A. (Walters) Rogers)

3 Aug 1880: born.

11 Oct 1901: married Sullivan County, Indiana, Laura Belle Land (1878-1911).

27 July 1902: son Lewis born.

24 Oct 1907: daughter Mary E. born.

25 Dec 1929: died.

Lewis Rogers (son of Joseph and Laura Belle (Lane) Rogers)

27 July 1902: born Sullivan County, Indiana.

Mary E. Rogers (daughter of Joseph and Laura Belle (Lane) Rogers)

24 Oct 1907: born Sullivan County, Indiana.

Edna Rogers (daughter of John William Eugene and Mary A. (Walters) Rogers)

no date: married Thomas Whalen.

Carl Rogers (son of John William Eugene and Sarah J. (Walters) Rogers)

30 Aug 1892: born Sullivan County, Indiana.

19 Aug 1914: married Sullivan County, Indiana, Rhoda Lemons.

19 Mar 1919: son Carl C. born.

Carl C. Rogers (son of Carl and Rhoda (Lemons) Rogers)

19 Mar 1919: born Sullivan County, Indiana.

Hazel M. Rogers (daughter of John William Eugene and Sarah J. (Walters) Rogers)

8 July 1896: born Sullivan County, Indiana.

no date: married Byral Stivers.

Jacob Harrison Rogers (son of John William Eugene and Sarah J. (Walters) Rogers)

11 Feb 1900: born Sullivan County, Indiana.

11 Sept 1918: married Sullivan County, Indiana, Mary A. Dungan of Australia.

2 Dec 1918: daughter Anna M. born.

Anna M. Rogers (daughter of Jacob Harrison and Mary A. (Dungan) Rogers)

2 Dec 1918: born Sullivan County, Indiana.

Jonathan W. Rogers (son of John William Eugene and Sarah J. (Walters) Rogers)

27 Aug 1886: born Sullivan County, Indiana.

Simeon Robertson Rogers (son of William Waugh and Roseanna S. (Mitchell) Rogers)

2 July 1846: born Mason County, Kentucky. This child was mentioned in one of Nathan Foster Rogers' letters.

8 Jan 1868: married Sullivan County, Indiana, Rosa Carter (Jan 1846 Indiana-30 Oct 1891).

ca 1868: daughter Anna L. born.

1870: census #231 #230 Hamilton Township, Sullivan County, Indiana: Simeon, wife Rosa and daughter Anna L.

Aug 1874: daughter Musetta born.

Aug 1876: daughter Ida M. born.

no date: son Claude born.

Jan 1879: son William W. born.

2 July 1879: deed from Simeon Rogers to Andrew Carter part SE NE S4 T8 R9 3 and 33/100A. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 44 p474.

June 1881: daughter Lucy B. born.

29 Dec 1881: deed from Nathan B. Rogers and wife Frances to Simeon A. Rogers, 2 A, 64 rods, $120.

29 Dec 1881: deed from Simeon R. Rogers from Nathan B. Rogers Part NE NW S2 T8 R9 4A. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 53 p5.

25 Mar 1882: deed from John W. Rogers and wife Mary A. to Simeon R. Rogers undivided interest in estate of William W. Rogers east ½ of NE ¼ Farm Sullivan County, 30A, 1¾ A, 4A in Shelburn lot #11 Shelburn $375. Sullivan County, Deed Book 47 p509.

25 Mar 1882: deed from William W. Rogers to Simeon R. Rogers. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 48 p185.

25 Mar 1882: deed from Margaret A. Carter to Simeon R. Rogers 4A Shelburn $280. Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 47 p510.

Nov 1883: daughter Mary May born.

9 Dec 1883: daughter born but not named at time of record. Sullivan County, Indiana W.P.A. records.

Jan 1886: son Roy R. born.

18 Apr 1886: son born but not named at time of record. Sullivan County, Indiana W.P.A. records.

1900: census #431 #448 1453 Third Avenue, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana: Simeon R., wife Rosa and six children: Musetta, isa M., William W., Lucy B., Mary E. and Roy R.

23 May 1914: died Epperson, Montana on his homestead farm which was 23 miles to his nearest neighbor. His body had to be taken for several miles in a two-horse wagon on backwoods trails to a railroad station from his home.

Newspaper clipping in Margaret Sartain Evans’ scrapbook: “S. R. Rogers. Word was received yesterday of the death of S. R. Rogers 68 years old in Epperson, Montana May 23. Mr. Rogers’ home is at 1030 Seventh Avenue. The body will be brought to Terre Haute for burial.

Known as “Sim.”

Anna L. Rogers (daughter of Simeon Robertson and Rosa (Carter) Rogers)

ca 1868: born Indiana.

Musetta Rogers (daughter of Simeon Robertson and Rosa (Carter) Rogers)

Aug 1874: born Indiana.

She was crippled as a result of being dropped as a baby.

Ida M. Rogers (daughter of Simeon Robertson and Rosa (Carter) Rogers)

Aug 1876: born Indiana.

Claude Rogers (son of Simeon Robertson and Rosa (Carter) Rogers)

William W. Rogers (son of Simeon Robertson and Rosa (Carter) Rogers)

Jan 1879: born Indiana.

Lived Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana, was a cigar maker and sold insurance.

He always wore his hair plastered down with an oil preparation - he told the neighborhood children that it was possom oil.

Lucy B. Rogers (daughter of Simeon Robertson and Rosa (Carter) Rogers)

June 1881: born Indiana.

Mary May Rogers (daughter of Simeon Robertson and Rosa (Carter) Rogers)

She married an artist and lived in New York City.

Roy R. Rogers (son of Simeon Robertson and Rosa (Carter) Rogers)

Jan 1886: born Indiana.

He was killed hopping a train while running away from home. Hazel Rupert Evans: he got a girl pregnant and was killed running away

Margaret Agnes Rogers (daughter of William Waugh and Roseanna S. (Mitchell) Rogers)

1 Nov 1847: born Springdale, Mason County, Kentucky.

27 Dec 1877: married Sullivan County, Indiana, Andrew Carter (_____-30 May 1900).

14 Aug 1884: daughter Ora born Sullivan County, Indiana, married 7 June 1915 in Texas, Robert W. Singleton. After her mother’s death, Ora lived with her aunt Lida Rogers Higdon until Ora’s marriage. Both were teachers several years and after they retired as teachers they lived near Cooper, Delta County, Texas. She and her husband died in an automobile wreck by 1969. She was deeply interested in genealogy and deposited much of her work in various libraries to be available to all searchers. Apparently she had kept the originals and after she and her husband were killed, their house burned to the ground. I suppose the originals went up in flames.

Jan 1903: Margaret and her daughter moved to Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas.

9 May 1906: died Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas. Her obituary reads: "In Memoriam. Margarette Agnes Rogers was born near Maysville, Kentucky November 1st 1848 and lived there until she was 16 years old when her father's family moved to Shelburn, Indiana where she lived until four years ago when she came to Texas. At an early age she joined the Baptist church and lived, a devoted member. She was the mother of three children, 2 having died in infancy. She leaves a devoted daughter, Ora and four sisters to mourn her loss."

Known as “Ag.”

Margaret was a teacher for several years before she married. Margaret had two more children who died in infancy.

From an old newspaper clipping copied by Hazel Rupert Evans:

“Margrette Agnes Rogers was born near Maysville, Kentucky November 1st, 1848 and lived there until she was 16 years old when her father’s family moved to Shelburn, Indiana where she lived until four years ago when she came to Texas.

At an early age she joined the Baptist church and lived a devoted member. She was the mother of three children, two having died in infancy. She leaves a devoted daughter, Ora, and four sisters to mourn her loss. A friend.”

Nathan Burris Rogers (son of William Waugh and Roseanna S. (Mitchell) Rogers)

ca 1849: born Mason County, Kentucky.

no date: married Sullivan County, Indiana Dora_______ (ca 1846 Indiana-_____).

ca 1868: son William W. born.

Feb 1870: son Thomas born.

no date: m/2 Mason County, Kentucky, Frances Berry.

no date: son Elijah born.

no date: daughter Rosa Frances born.

1870 : census - lived Hamilton Township, Sullivan County, Indiana.

30 Sept 1901: Nathan Burris Rogers age 52, Post Office Plumville, Kentucky states "The Soldier must be correct to the age of Samuel Sartain for there is no record of the births of any of the children, we depend upon our memory" and further states that Cornelia S. Sartain is the coreect name for the youngest child. Nathan B. Rogers, Guardian. Named guardian of Samuel Sartain, William Sartain and Cornelia A. Sartain children of James Sartain, a Civil War soldier who died 23 Feb 1861 and his wife Julia Ann Spears.

1913: died Plumville, Mason County, Kentucky.

Lived Maysville, Kentucky. Known as “Burris.”

William W. Rogers (son of Nathan Burris and Dora (_______) Rogers)

ca 1868: born Indiana.

Thomas Rogers (son of Nathan Burris and Dora (_______) Rogers)

Feb 1870: born Indiana.

Elijah Rogers (son of Nathan Burris and Frances (Berry) Rogers)

Rosa Frances Rogers (daughter of Nathan Burris and Frances (Berry) Rogers)

Lived Maysville, Kentucky.

Theresa D. Rogers (daughter of William Waugh and Roseanna S. (Mitchell) Rogers)

1851: born Mason County, Kentucky.

25 Nov 1875: married Sullivan County, Indiana, Thomas Curtis Lloyd son of John Emery Lloyd a doctor and Elizabeth Higdon. He served in the Civil War as a cavalry officer. He died of black smallpox and was buried at night. Died of a stroke.

24 Dec 1876: son Guy Lloyd born, died Jan 1955, buried Hull Cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana, married 3 Aug 1909 Effie Brown (_____-_____, buried Hull Cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. He was a traveling salesman for Levin Brothers in Terre Haute. Children:

John Lloyd who married Violet_______, lived Terre Haute, Indiana.

Jane Lloyd lived in Terre Haute, Indiana.

Feb 1879: daughter Georgeanna Lloyd born, died unmarried. She was an elementary schoolteacher in Terre Haute, Indiana. Buried Highland Lawn Cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana.

1900: census - 1345 Second Avenue, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana: Husband listed as Thomas B. born Nov 1839 Indiana, housepainter; wife Theresa born Kentucky; son John G. grocery salesman and Georgeanna born Indiana.

no date: died, buried in Highland Lawn Cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana.

Known as “Tess.”

Lucy Farrow Rogers (daughter of William Waugh and Roseanna S. (Mitchell) Rogers)

17 Apr 1856: born Mason County, Kentucky [Family Bible in possession of Ann Loving].

25 Jan 1877: married Shelburn, Sullivan County, Indiana as his first wife, Samuel Beasley (19 Oct 1853 near Linton, Green County, Indiana--11 Feb 1936 Sulphur Springs, Texas) son of Ephraim and Sarah (Williams) Beasley. Lived Hymera, Indiana, and Sulphur Springs, Texas. He m/2 Mrs. Mary Neeley.

21 Jan 1878: son Bertram Beasley "Bert" born Hymera, Sullivan County, Indiana, died ca 1954 Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, married 1904 Mary Evans. Bertram was a lawyer in Terre Haute and Indianapolis, Indiana. Died at breakfast table from a heart attack. When first married they stayed awhileF with Allen and Margaret Evans. Children:

Lois Elizabeth Beasley married Harry Lewis. 2 sons. Harry was a mechanical engineer in Palo Alto, California, and became a millionaire from an invention.

Betty Beasley (twin) married Richard Campbell, lived Winnetka, Illinois. 3 sons.

Byron John Beasley (twin) married Mary Anna Butts, lived Indianapolis, Indiana, lawyer. Children:

John Beasley married Kay; William Beasley; Cassy Beasley, and Robert Beasley.

Elizabeth Beasley married Walter Edwards. Children:

Judith Ann Edwards and Mimmi Edwards.

1880: census - #204 #211, Curry Township, Sullivan County, Indiana: Samuel; wife Lucy and son Bertram aged 2, born Indiana.

8 Aug 1880: son John William Beasley born Hymera, Sullivan County, Indiana, died 1939 Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, married 20 Jan 1905 Betty Loudermilk. Will drove home from the office and dropped dead. Betty died while talking on the phone. Child:

Jane Beasley married John L. Lookabill, m/2 Charles Hesse. Lived Indianapolis. Children:

Janet Lookabill and Judith Ann Lookabill.

19 Sept 1883: son Clyde Lee Beasley born Hymera, Sullivan County, Indiana, died Harlingen, Cameron County, Texas, buried in Sullivan County, Indiana, married 4 July 1904 Mabel Mahan (died in childbirth), m/2 Myrtle Scott. Child:

Bess Beasley married George Davern and lived in Terre Haute, Indiana. No children.

21 Apr 1890: son Clifton Earl Beasley born in Hymera, Sullivan County, Indiana, died 1939 in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, had a heart attack on a golf course three weeks after his brother John William's funeral, buried in Hopkins County, Texas; married Ermine _______. Head of Travelers Insurance Company legal department. No children.

21 Nov 1892: daughter Georgia Pearl Beasley born Hymera, Sullivan County, Indiana, died May 1968, buried Linton, Sullivan County, Indiana, married ca 1914 Hopkins County, Texas, Willard Reintjes ( - 1962). Child:

Willard Reintjes, Jr. died 1963, buried Linton, Greene County, Indiana, married Midge Davis (1892 Hymera, Sullivan County, Indiana-____), lived Seattle, Washington.

9 June 1895: daughter Sarah Ann Beasley born Hymera, Sullivan County, Indiana, died in Nov 1978 in Harlingen, Cameron County, Texas without children, buried Hopkins County, Texas, married 23 Nov 1915 Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas, Richard Melton Loving (21 Dec 1890 Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas-22 May 1967 Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Texas).

1912: moved to Sulphur Springs, Texas.

20 Nov 1919: died.

Known as “Lou.”

Samuel Waugh Rogers (son of William Waugh and Roseanna S. (Mitchell) Rogers)

30 June 1857: born Mason County, Kentucky. Kentucky vital statistics record.

1 Apr 1878: married Mason County, Kentucky, Ida M. Scott. Possibly married Sullivan County, Indiana.

no date: m/2 Mason County, Kentucky, Ellen Sartain (could she be a sister of William H. Sartain?).

24 June 1874: daughter Ethel born (calculated from tombstone), died 22 Aug 1882 age 8y 1m 28d. Buried Little Flock Cemetery, Shelburn, Sullivan County, Indiana.

8 Mar 1882: deed from Samuel W. Rogers and wife Ida to Roseanna Rogers lot #1 in partition of land of William W. Rogers 13½ acres $500 Sullivan County, Indiana Deed Book 47 p420.

2 Mar 1891: son born Sullivan County, Indiana.

Thomas Six Rogers (son of William Waugh and Roseanna S. (Mitchell) Rogers)

2 May 1859: born Mason County, Kentucky. Mason County, Kentucky Vital Statistics. Latter-day Saints film #216834.

24 Aug 1865: died, buried Little Flock Cemetery, Sullivan County, Indiana.

Mary Ann Rogers (daughter of Nathan Foster and Agnes (Waugh) Rogers)

ca 1819: born Ohio - probably Adams County.

15 Oct 1832: married Price H. Faucett (ca1811 Kentucky-Jan 1854 Ohio, he was killed in a railroad accident on his way home according to a letter from Nathan Foster Rogers). Cornelius Faucett signed the permission for this marriages. Adams County, Ohio Marriage Book 3.

no date: daughter Lida Faucett born.

ca 1834: son Snelling P. Faucett born Kentucky.

ca 1836: daughter Ann E. Faucett born in Kentucky, she was mentioned in one of Nathan Foster Rogers letters.

ca 1838: son William Faucett born Kentucky.

ca 1840: son Jerome Faucett born Kentucky.

ca 1842: son Charles A. Faucett born Kentucky; died California.

ca 1846: son Henry E. Faucett born Kentucky; died California.

ca 1848: son John W. Faucett born Kentucky.

no date: son Max Faucett born Kentucky.

1849: Price was in Cincinnati according to one of Nathan Foster Rogers' letters.

1850 census in Mason County, Kentucky lists Price H. 38 born Kentucky as a boat pilot; Mary A. 36 born Ohio, S.P. 16 born Kentucky; Ann E. 14 born Kentucky; William 12 born Kentucky; Jerome 10 born Kentucky; Charles A. 8 born Kentucky; Henry E. 4 born Kentucky; John W. 2 born Kentucky and Agnes Rogers 70 born Virginia, marked “since dead”. They lived next door to Joseph Farrow 72 born Virginia.

1860 census in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio lists Mary A., age 37 born Kentucky, boarding house; Snelling P., age 24 born Kentucky, river pilot; William, age 21 born Kentucky, clerk; Jerome, age 19 born Kentucky; Charles, age 18 born Ohio; Henry, age 13 born Ohio; John, age 12 born Ohio; Mary T. born Ohio, age 8.

Theresa Dandridge Rogers (daughter of Nathan Foster and Agnes (Waugh) Rogers)

1820: born in Kentucky.

16 Oct 1839: married Mason County, Kentucky, Gideon Witham. He m/2 in New Orleans, Louisiana, Caroline Constance (she m/1 William Smith). She and Gideon had three daughters.

no date: son Charles “Charlie” Witham born.

1 Jan 1845: died in Mason County, Kentucky as mentioned by her father Nathan Foster Rogers in one of his letters.

Known as “Teracy.”

George Rogers (son of John and Diadamia (Curtis) Rogers)

no date: born.

22 Jan 1835: Power of Attorney from George Rogers of Franklin County, Missouri to James C. Pendleton of Warren County, Missouri "to sell my interest in the estate of my mother Diadamia Williams now living in Adams County, Ohio - all claim which I may have as one of the heirs of John Rogers deceased, my father. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 17 p116.

Joseph Curtis Rogers (son of John and Diadamia (Curtis) Rogers

15 May 1805: born Ohio.

24 Nov 1830: married Mason County, Kentucky, Sarah Wickoff (15 Feb 1809 Ohio-13 Feb 1882) daughter of John and Katharan (Blan) Wikoff.

Sept 1831: son John W. born.

14 Mar 1834: daughter Catherine born.

1836: son David Blan born.

1 Oct 1838: daughter Diadamia born.

1840: census - Sprigg Township, Adams County, Ohio - 1 male under 5, 1 male 5-10, 1 male 20-30, 1 male 30-40, 1 female under 5, 1 female 5-10, 1 female 20-30.

1850: census #491 #491 Meigs, Township, Adams County, Ohio.

16 Oct 1851: Joseph Curtis, Jr. born.

1852: son George Marshall born.

1853 and 1854: lived Brushcreek, Mason County, Kentucky.

27 Sept 1876: died.

Nathan Foster Rogers wrote about visiting Curtis and his family on Brush Creek in 1853 and 1854.

John W. Rogers (son of Joseph Curtis and Sarah (Wickoff) Rogers)

1832: born Ohio.

1909: died.

Catherine Rogers (daughter of Joseph Curtis and Sarah (Wickoff) Rogers)

1834: born Ohio.

David Blan Rogers (son of Joseph Curtis and Sarah (Wickoff) Rogers)

23 Feb 1836: born Sprigg Township, Adams County, Ohio.

19 Mar 1861: married Rebecca Jane Brown (1841-20 Jan 1934).

no date: daughter Etta born.

24 July 1867: son Francis Marion born.

no date: son Harry A. born.

1873: daughter Rena B. born.

no date: daughter Mary born.

1919: died, buried Table Grove Cemetery, Fulton County, Illinois.

Etta Rogers (daughter of David Blan and Rebecca Jane (Brown) Rogers)

no date: married _______ Pierce.

Francis Marion Rogers (son of David Blan and Rebecca Jane (Brown) Rogers)

24 July 1867: born Fulton County, Illinois.

25 June 1890: married Elressa Mae Clark (1870-1934).

3 May 1891: daughter Daisy Ora born.

25 Nov 1896: daughter Frances Marion born.

18 Mar 1907: daughter Helen Mae born.

14 Nov 1939: died, buried Table Grove, Fulton County, Illinois.

Daisy Ora Rogers (daughter of Francis Marion and Elressa Mae (Clark) Rogers)

3 May 1891: born Table Grove, Fulton County, Illinois.

25 Dec 1912: married William Hammer Harlan.

no date: daughter Virginia Harlan born.

11 Apr 1917: son James Rogers Harlan born Pennington's Point, McDonough County, Illinois; married 10 Sept 1950 Marjorie Dale More.

Nov 1971: died, buried Penningtons Point, McDonough County, Illinois.

Frances Marion Rogers (daughter of Francis Marion and Elressa Mae (Clark) Rogers)

no date: married _______ Stephens.

Helen Mae Rogers (daughter of Francis Marion and Elressa Mae (Clark) Rogers)

no date: married _______ Butterfield.

Harry A. Rogers (son of David Blan and Rebecca Jane (Brown) Rogers)

Rena B. Rogers (daughter of David Blan and Rebecca Jane (Brown) Rogers)

1873: born.

no date: married _______ King.

1940: died.

Mary Rogers (daughter of David Blan and Rebecca Jane (Brown) Rogers)

no date: married _______ Wheeler.

Diadamia Rogers (daughter of Joseph Curtis and Sarah (Wickoff) Rogers)

ca 1839: born Ohio.

George M. Rogers (son of Joseph Curtis and Sarah (Wickoff) Rogers)

1852: born Ohio.

Mary Rogers (daughter of John and Diadamia (Curtis) Rogers)

4 June 1807: born.

no date: married John J. Parker.

Jane Rogers (daughter of John and Diadamia (Curtis) Rogers)

1 June 1810: born.

29 Jan 1828: married by William Williamson Adams County, Ohio, Elijah B. Hill, a clergyman (_____Pennsylvania-_____).

1830: census Sprigg Township, Adams County, Ohio - 2 males 20-30 (1800-1810), 1 female under 5 (1825-1830), 1 female 2-30(1800-1810).

ca 1838: daughter Diadamia Hill born, married _______ Bryan. In the 1860 census she lived with her parents.

ca 1840: daughter Keziah Hill born, married John W. Pownell. Children:

Clara Pownell born ca 1862.

Isaac O. Pownell born ca 1872.

Orvil Pownell born ca 1877.

1840: census - p51 Sprigg Township, Adams County, Ohio - 1 male 20-30 (1810-1820), 1 male 30-40 (1800-1810), 1 male 60-70 (1770-1780), 1 female under 5 (1835-1840), 1 female 5-10 (1830-1835), 1 female 10-15 (1825-1830), 1 female 15-20 (1810-1815), 1 female 20-30 (1810-1820).

ca 1847: daughter Louisa born, married ______ Couley. Child:

Elmer E. Couley born Ohio.

1811: on Adams County, Ohio tax list - 550A and 20A, Sprigg Township - tax $3.77, 5 mills.

1860: census #672 Sprigg Township, Adams County, Ohio.

1870: census #356 Jane lived Sprigg Township, Adams County, Ohio.

1880: census Jane lived with Keziah and her husband John W. Pownell.

17 Jan 1881: died, buried in the Parr/Rogers cemetery in Adams County, Ohio.

Thomas W. Rogers (son of John and Diadamia (Curtis) Rogers)

4 June 1816: born.

28 Dec 1891: died unmarried, buried Parr/Rogers cemetery, Sprigg Twp. Adams County, Ohio.

Nathan F. Rogers speaks of his step-mother Diadamia living with this son on her old place in 1854.

Elizabeth Elinor Rogers (daughter of John and Diadamia (Curtis) Rogers)

18 Aug 1817: born Mason County, Kentucky.

no date: married James C. Pendleton (m/2 Evalina Rogers, one of Nathan Foster Rogers’ daughters).

22 Jan 1835: Power of Attorney from George Rogers of Franklin County, Missouri to James C. Pendleton of Warren County, Missouri "to sell my interest in the estate of my mother Diadamia Williams now living in Adams County, Ohio - all claim which I may have as one of the heirs of John Rogers deceased, my father. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 17 p116.

ca 1838: son Nathan C. Pendleton born Missouri; married Amanda McFall (ca 1840 Indiana-____).

1836: daughter Diadamia Pendleton born Missouri; married Hopkins County, Texas, James Henry Smith.

by 1846: died Warren County, Missouri.

Sarah Ann Rogers (daughter of John and Diadamia (Curtis) Rogers)

25 Feb 1821: born.

no date: married J. D. Thompson.

28 Apr 1881: died, buried in the Parr/Rogers cemetery in Adams County, Ohio.

George Rogers (son of Ezekiel and Mary (_______) Rogers)

6 Sept 1762: born Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

1787: on Hampshire County, West Virginia tax list. Ezekiel Rogers charged with this tax. No personal property listed. The 1787 Census of Virginia, Nettie Schreiner-Yantis, Springfield, Virginia: Genealogical Books in Print, 1987, Volume 1 p394.

1790: on Hampshire County, West Virginia tax list.

1791: on Hampshire County, West Virginia tax list.

1794: on Hampshire County, West Virginia tax list.

10 Sept 1794: deed from George Rogers of Hampshire County, Virginia to Jacob Doman of Lancaster County, Virginia, 193A on Branch Mountain. Witnesses: Jno. Parker and Isaac Newman. Hampshire County, West Virginia Deed Book 9 p10.

1795: on Hampshire County, West Virginia tax list.

1796: on Hampshire County, West Virginia tax list.

21 May 1799: deed from Joseph and Sarah Darlinton of Adams County, Ohio to George Rogers of Adams County, Territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio River for $450 current money of Kentucky 200A of land situated on the Ohio River. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 4 p96.

June 1800: petition for a road from the crossing of Elk Run [in Adams County, Ohio] to intersect the Limestone Road (near Union church, south of Bentonville) Signed by George Rogers, Ezekiel Rogers, John Rogers, Nathaniel Rogers. A History of Adams County, Ohio, Nelson W. Evans, West Union, Ohio: E. B. Stivers, 1900 page 120. The copyright on this book dated 1900 predates the burning of the courthouse in 1910.

14/15 October 1800: lived in Adams County, Ohio. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 9 p9.

7 Apr 1802: married by William Ratcliff, Methodist Minister of the Gospel, George Phillips bondsman, M. Key witness, Mason County, Kentucky, Susanna Phillips (ca 1785 Virginia-_____). Nathan Foster Rogers speaks in his letters of "Aunt Suzan Rogers".

+22 Sept 1802: deed from George and Susannah Rogers of Adams County, Territory of the United States northwest of Ohio River to Richard Rounsaville of same for $100 50A on the Ohio River in Manchester Twp. Adams County, Ohio. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 1,2,3 p74.

1806: on tax list Adams County, Ohio, 150A, 2nd rate land.

Aug 1807: to work on a road under Nicholas Wallingsford. Mason County, Kentucky Order Bk F p91.

+7 Sept 1818: deed with history of land from Nathaniel Massie down to Joseph and Sarah Darlinton who convey to George Rogers 200A in Adams County, Ohio. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 10 p331.

June 1819: to work on road from the North Fork at Lewis Mill to the Fleming County Line. Mason County, Kentucky Order Bk I p11.

ca 1824: daughter Elizabeth born.

+8 Apr 1825: deed from George and Susannah Rogers of Mason County, Kentucky to Abraham Watson of Adams County, Ohio for $1000 120A of land in Adams County, Ohio, it being the same land conveyed to Abraham Watson by George and Susannah Rogers by deed of 3 Sept 1806 at which time they had the equitable title, but not the legal tile, but have since obtained the legal title. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 12 p265.

+9 Apr 1825: deed from George and Susannah Rogers of Mason County, Kentucky to John Cone of Adams County, Ohio for $175 70A on Turkey Run a branch of Scioto Brush Creek...part of a survey granted to George Rogers by a patent from the United States 13 July 1818. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 12 p331.

+9 April 1825: George and Susannah Rogers of Mason County, Kentucky to John Cross of Adams County, Ohio for $195 130A on Turkey Run a branch of Scioto Brush creek...part of a survey granted to George Rogers by patent from the United States bearing date 13 July 1818. Adams County, Ohio Deed Book 13 p6.

+22 Jan 1835: appointment by George Rogers of Franklin County, Missouri of James C. Pendleton of Warren County, Missouri as attorney to act in his interests in the estate of my mother Diadamia Williams, all claim which I may have as one of the heirs of John Rogers deceased, my father.. Adams County, Ohio Deed Bk 17 p116.

Elizabeth Rogers (daughter of George and Susannah (Phillips) Rogers)

ca 1824: born Kentucky.

Thomas Rogers (son of Ezekiel and Mary (_______) Rogers)

Feb 1767: born Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

24 Dec 1805: married Mason County, Kentucky by Robert Wilson, Mary Campbell.

Elinor Rogers (daughter of Ezekiel and Mary (_______) Rogers)

28 Sept 1771: born Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Nathan Foster Rogers speaks of "Aunt Elin Bolton" in a letter written in 1853.

17 Oct 1805: married by Joseph Moore, Samuel Boulton. Adams County, Ohio Marriage Book 1 p3.

1810: daughter Elizabeth Boulton born Ohio, married 22 Nov 1824 Adams County, Ohio (Bk 3) William Wamsley (1804- ). In 1850 Ellin lived with this daughter.

no date: daughter Nancy Boulton born, married 22 May 1828, Adams County, Ohio, Isaac Smalley. In 1850 Nancy and Isaac lived in McLean County, Illinois.

1853: living in Mason County, Kentucky, by this date.

Nathan Foster Rogers wrote, “my aunt Ellen Bolton is living but feeble.” in Mar 1854 in Mason County, Kentucky.

Mrs. Penn said that Ellen Bolton ran a boarding house in Sulphur Bluff.

Thomas Rogers, Sr.

13 dec 1754: born Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

1778: signed the Oath of Allegiance in Haycock Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

8 Sept 1792: married Bourbon County, Kentucky, Rebecca Spahr (Dec 1771-23 Apr 1839) daughter of Jacob Spahr.

1 Mar 1793: daughter Isabella born.

2 May 1795: daughter Jane born, married Jake Vandevender, lived Brown County, Illinois.

24 Nov 1706: son Joseph born, married Sally Mallory, ;lived near Greenfield, Ohio.

31 Jan 1802: daughter Emily born, married Colman Reid, lived Harrison County, Kentucky.

1 Mar 1798: son Henry born.

14 Sept 1799: daughtaer Rebecca born.

27 Feb 1804: daughter Eliza born, married Tazewell Marr.

19 June 1806: son Thomas, Jr. born, died 16 Oct 1896, married Mary Hickman, m/2 America Waters, lived Dewitt County, Illinois.

2 Oct 1808: daughter Martha born, died 11 Oct 1889, married F. R. Wyatt, m/2 Victor Kenny.

18 May 1811: daughter Kitty Ann born.

14 Sept 1813: daughter Caroline born, died unmarried.

19 Mar 1839: died.

Family file Kentucky Historical Society.

William C. Rogers

1800: census - p261 Bucks County, Pennsylvania: 2-1--x--11-.

1810: census - Bucks County, Pennsylvania - listed as Esquire in Warwick Township: 31211x11-1- and 2 free blacks.

1824: Administration (of Warwick Township) File #5363.

Vital statistics from Bucks County Newspapers LDS Film #192633.

1. The Pennsylvania Correspondent:

17 June 1813 John Rogers and Rachel McNeal, both of Montgomery County, by Isaac Hicks, Esquire. Issue of 28 June 1813.

5 Feb 1815: James Rogers of Warminster and Sarah Ewers of Warrington by E. D. Corfield, Esquire in Philadelphia. Issue of 20 Feb 1816.

23 June 1821 Milton C. Rogers, Esquire and Eliza daughter of Cyrus Jacobs, Esquire by Rev. Bull at Whitehall, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Issue of 26 June 1821.

8 Jan 1822: William T. Rogers, editor Democrat and Farmer's Gazette of Doylestown and Mary Sophia Pugh daughter of John Pugh, Esquire of Doylestown by REv. John C. Murphy. Issue of 15 Jan 1822.

2. The Bucks County Intelligencer:

3 Nov 1828: Andrew Yates Austin merchant of Norwich, Connecticut and Susan T. Rogers of Doylestown by Rev. John H. Kennedy in Philadelphia. Issue of Nov 1828.

26 Aug 1830: William H. Rogers of Durham and Catharine Gordon of Nockamixon by Henry Miller, Esquire. Issue of 6 Sept 1830.

18 Sept 1833 William S. Tracy, Esquire, of Painesville, Ohio and Miss Mary S. Rogers daughter of the late William C. Rogers, Esquire of Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

Deaths of the Bucks County Intelligencer:

6 Jan 1834: Elizabeth Rogers age 5, daughter of Den. William T. Rogers. Issue of 4 Oct 1834.

26 Feb 1816: George Rogers age 79 of Plumstead. Issue of 5 Mar 1816.

Hampshire County, Virginia now West Virginia

Aaron Rogers

no date: married Cherise _______.

no date: daughter Lewiza born; married _______ Ludwick; children: James W. and William B. Ludwick.

no date: daughter Catherine born; married _______ Yost.

no date: son ? Branson Peters? born.

19 Apr 1850: will written; Witnessed by John Peters, Gibson Ruckman and William Beall.

23 Sept 1850: will probated; securties Sam and Gibson Ruckman.

David Rodgers

1774: deed in Hampshire County, Virginia from Garret Vanmeter to David Rodgers.

James Rogers

no date: married Martha _______.

1767: deed in Hampshire County, Virginia from William and Sarah Rogers to James Rogers.

1767: deed from James and Martha Rogers to William and Sarah Rogers all of Hampshire County, Virginia 264A on Pattersons Creek. No witnesses.

12 Oct 1772: deed of lease and release from James and Martha Rogers to Peter Jones all of Hampshire County, 44A on Patterson Creek. Witnesses: William Rodgers, Adam Wise, David and John Jones.

1782: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list with 8 whites.

1784: in Hampshire County, Virginia; Michael Stump's district; 8 free whites.

Jonathan Rogers

1769: deed in Hampshire County, Virginia from William Rogers to Jonathan Rogers.

19 Dec 1777: John Rogers received a land patent for 114A on the head of Lick Branch of Great Cacapehon including a Narrow Marsh. Virginia Land Patent Bk Q p245.

3 Aug 1772: deed of lease and release from Jonathan Rodgers to Peter Jones all of Hampshire County, Virginia 115A on Patterson Creek. Witnesses: Sam Dew, Abraham Johnson and Abraham Kuykendall.

1 Nov 1787: received a land patent for 252A in the counties of Frederick and Hampshire adjoining his own land and Owen Rogers on the drains of Sleepy and Great Cacapahon. Virginia Land Patents Bk S p311.

9 Oct 1788: received a land patent for 406A adjoining the land of Robert Parker on Stuarts Run. Virginia Land Patent Bk T p143.

Matthew Rogers

19 May 1767: received a land patent for 115A in Hampshire County, Virginia, adjoining lot #14 on Patterson Creek. Virginia Land Patent Bk K p431.

1770: deed in Hampshire County, Virginia from William Rogers to Matthew Rogers.

Owen Rogers

no date: married Mary _______.

1782: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1784: in Hampshire County, Virginia; Elias Posten's district; 7 whites; 1 dwelling; 4 other buildings.

1786: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1783: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1 Nov 1787: received a land patent for 121A in the counties of Frederick and Hampshire adjoining the said Owen Rogers on the drains of Sleepy Creek and Great Cacapahon. Virginia Land Patent Bk S p311.

1789: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1790: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1792: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1795: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1796: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1798: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

no date: son Robert born.

no date: son Owen born.

no date: son Evan born.

no date: daughter Mary born.

no date: daughter Lydia born; married _______ Bevan.

11 July 1807: John Rogers (son of Ezekiel) witnessed will of Owen Rogers - wife Mary, children: Robert, Owen, Evan (insane), Mary, Lydia Bevan. Early Records, Hampshire County, Virginia, Clara McCormack Sage, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1969.

1810: census - Springfield, Hampshire County, Virginia: ---1-x11-1-.

18 Feb 1822: will probated.

Owen Rogers, Jr. (son of Owen and Mary Rogers)

1810: census - Hampshire County, Virginia: ---1-x no females.

Patrick Rogers

no date: married Mary _______.

1796: deed Hampshire County, Virginia from Christian Stephens and wife.

1797: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1799: deed of lease and release from Patrick and Mary Rogers to Thomas Mulledy all of Hampshire County, Virginia 4A in Frankfort. Witnesses: F. Calmes, John Jones, Jr. and Will Armstrong.

Robert Rogers

1791: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1792: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1793: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1795: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1796: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

28 July 1796: received a land patent for 100A adjoining Lewis Throckmorton's survey on the north side of Sideling Hill. Virginia Land Patent Bk X p266.

1797: deed Hampshire County, Virginia from Lewis Throkmorton and wife to Robert Rogers.

1798: deed Hampshire County, Virginia from Charles Tyler to Robert Rogers.

1810: census - 1810 Springfield, Hampshire County, Virginia: -1-1-x3--1-.

Thomas Rogers

1794: deed Hampshire County, Virginia from Samuel Stephenson to Thomas Rogers.

1810: census - Springfield, Hampshire County, Virginia: ----1x----1.

William Rogers

no date: married Sarah _______.1767: deed from William and Sarah Rogers to James and Martha Rogers all of Hampshire County, Virginia 264A on Pattersons Creek. No witnesses.

1769: deed Hampshire County, Virginia from William Rogers to Jonathan Rogers.

1770: deed Hampshire County, Virginia from William Rogers to Matthew Rogers.

1778: deed of lease and release from William and Sarah Rodgers to Valentine Burket all of Hampshire County, Virginia, 51A on Patterson Creek.

1782: in Hampshire County, Virginia; Abraham Johnson's district; 10 free whites.

1784: in Hampshire County, Virginia; Abraham Johnson's district; 10 free whites; 1 dwelling; 2 other buildings.

1786: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1788: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1786: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1792: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list with 10 whites.

1793: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1794: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

1796: on Hampshire County, Virginia tax list.

Hampshire County, Virginia 1782 and 1784 County censuses (tax lists?).

It is suggested that if in 1782 a man and his family are listed, but are gone in 1784, that the 1790 census for Pennsylvania be consulted, and the counties in the western part - Alleghany, Bedford, Fayette, Washington and Westmoreland - be especially noted. It is quite likely that the names will be found there.

The census takers had contiguous territory, therefore the same initials following two names indicates that these families were neighbors. The names of the takers and the initials used are as follows.

JhW = John Wilson; JbW = Job Welton; MC = Michael Cresap; MqC = Marquis Calmes ('84 only); LA = Levi Ashbrook ('82 only); VW = Vincent Williams; WV = William Vause; AH = Abraham Hite; DM = David Mitchell; AJ = Abraham Johnson; OJ = Okey Johnson; MS = Michael Stump; ST = Simon Taylor; AR = Abel Randall; WB = William Buffington ('82 only); SR = Stephen Ruddle; EP = Elias Posten ('84 only).

1782: figures indicate free whites; sl indicate slaves.

1784: 1st figure = free whites; 2nd dewellings; 3rd other buildings.

William Rogers

10 Mar 1791: did grand jury duty. Hampshire County, Virginia Minute Book 1788-1791 p400.

22 Mar 1797: Ordered that William Rogers be appointed overseer of the road in the room of John Rogers dec'd, from Frankfort to Hollowbacks Mill. Hampshire County, Virginia Minute Book 1795-1798 p388.

20 Jan 1800: On motion of Wm. Rogers he is appointed guardian of Susannah Rogers and Jno. Rogers, orphans of John Rogers dec'd he having complied with the law. Hampshire County, Virginia Minute book 1799-1802 p133.

Mason County, Kentucky

George Rogers

son of Patrick and Orpha born and died 1 year Maysville.

James Rogers

2 July 1852: Bridget daughter of James and Bridget born Ohio; died 25 Aug 1855 Washington, Mason County, Kentucky.

John Rogers

20 Dec 1798: married Abigail Burch.

John Rogers

15 May 1852; died, John son of John and Nancy born and died Mason County, Kentucky.Hopkins County, Texas

Alvey Rogers

1850: census - #414 #414 Hopkins County, Texas: Alvey 24, farmer, born Ohio; wife Mary 21 born South Carolina; Lorin N. 1 born Texas.

Ora Rogers (Carter) Singleton (Mrs. Robert Singleton) of Cooper, Delta County, Texas, a descendant of Ezekiel Rogers. Found in the Rogers file in the Kentucky Historical Society’s Library in the Old State House at Frankfort, Kentucky. Ora’s mother was a sister of Georgeanne (Rogers) Sartain.

“Two brothers, Jacob and Hezekiah Rogers from Scotland settled in Bucks County, Pa. before 1729. On January 17, 1729 they received a deed for 250 acres of land in Plumstead Township near Plumsteadville. On April 21, 1733 Jacob Rogers deeded part of this land to Hezekiah Rogers. On March 11, 1780 Hezekiah deeded this same tract of land to his son, George Rogers. Another record says that ‘Hezekiah Rogers, an old man, died July 2, 1780.’ This was in Plumstead Township in Bucks County, Pa.

In the will of George Rogers, Plumstead Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., dated November 12, 1815 and proved March 21, 1816, mention is made of his wife Mary and these children—Hezekiah Rogers, Mary Kirkbride, Elizabeth Walton and Ann Geary. So far no proof has been found that Ezekiel Rogers, who was born October 20, 1729, was also a son of Hezekiah Rogers I.

Ezekiel Rogers served in Capt. William McCalla’s Associated Company of Militia in Plumstead Township, Bucks Co., Pa. on August 21, 1775 and John Rogers was in the same Company. On June 2, 1780 George Rogers was in Second Class and Ezekiel Rogers was in Third Class of the Bucks County Militia. In 1779 George Rogers was taxed for 75 acres of land and Ezekiel for 50 acres in Plumstead Township, Bucks Co., Pa. (Records from Pa.—except the date of the birth of Ezekiel Rogers which is on record in his family history, also the fact that he had a son, John Rogers, born in Pennsylvania September 8, 1757.)

From the Fillson Library, Louisville, Kentucky comes this record, ‘An Ezekiel Rogers was in Bedford Co., Va., in 1793 and went from there through the Cumberland Gap to Kentucky and in 1809 he lived in Bourbon County, Ky.’…

In 1853 a nephew of George and Thomas Rogers wrote about his Aunt Susan and his Aunt Mary. He also mentioned ‘my Aunt Elin Bolton’ who must have been Elinor Rogers. John Rogers lived in Mason County, Kentucky in 1792 and 1793. This nephew was Nathan Foster Rogers, born in Pa. in 1777, son of the above John Rogers. The name of his mother is not known nor is it known whether he had any own brothers and sisters; but John Rogers married on Sept. 5, 1799 Diademia Curtis, born Sept. 2, 1779, and they had six children. It is not known when John Rogers and his son, Nathan Foster Rogers, went to Mason County, Kentucky, but John Rogers died there March 8, 1826. In 1854 Nathan F. Rogers wrote that ‘Mother Diame’ was living on the old home place and that her son Thomas was with her…

The community of Plumville in Mason County was probably named by either John Rogers or his son in honor of their old home town, Plumsteadville in Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.”


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