
AN UNEXPECTED ADVENTUREA long time ago when I was seven years old. I was going to sleep when I heard noises from the living room I thought it was my sister trying to prank me, so I ignored and went to sleep. Later at night I heard noises outside my house I peeked through the window very scared and to my surprise I saw a dragon, a pixie and an elf outside my house. I got down and searched for them as fast as I could but I could not see them so I went back and saw a note that said ‘go 30 steps forward and look to your right’ I did exactly what it said and I saw a huge dragon. I quickly went inside and got my pet eagle and wore something warm. I tried to talk in sign language but I did not need to because It could understand English.I climbed on it and held tightly as it flew very fast. Very soon we reached a magical place with all sorts of mythical and legendary creatures. There were all my favourite creatures it was like a dream come true. Soon I landed on a cloud that was very soft. It was like a whole new world beneath our feet. I saw all my favourite stuff but for free. It was the best day of my life I was sure of that. All the creatures were very kind they gave me chocolate, ice cream and many more. I went to the bouncy castle and I could jump very high I did a lot of flips and stuff. It was very fun and I got to ride a hippogriff also known as Buckbeak we rode over the ocean we went to the moon and bought back a stone, luckily we could breathe under water and outer space. I was having the time of my life. Me and nigel my pet eagle were having fun it was two days without sleeping but it was like two hours because it is a magical world. After a long time there was an angry and surprised leader who came and asked a lot of questions and was quite interested in me and the human world he said to say the secret spell whenever I wanted to come to the secret world. Then he showed me something quite interesting, a sharp object which was in a circle it looked very cool. It was the thing that had kept their home alive and secret. They also spoke a funny language with all the creature. It was their language. He introduced me to all the living beings. After some time I saw creatures multiplying but their twins were small. They were so cute but they were really fast and really small so we could not see them. Then I got a bit hungry I did not remember when I ate last so my bag was empty, suddenly while I was looking in my bag a lot of sweet appeared strangely. I looked everywhere I did not see anybody or anything. I ate them thinking it was a gift from their leader. I ate them happily I needed to get some rest so I laid down to sleep. After some time a woke up and saw the most beautiful sunrise with nigel. Some people came and sat beside me. After some time I realised it was my school friendssachiv, kausthub, pradyun I asked them how they came here they said the same way I did but all of them together. Now it got even better each of us got dragons to ride. Each of the 5 dragons picked their master and let them ride we did races challenges and many more. I asked them for how long they said for 2 hours [which is of course 2 days] I also asked them how they found me? They said their leader knew where, I was getting a little sad because my friends weren’t with me and they just came and gave me a surprise. It was getting late so I went to sleep with my friends and slept. Then in the morning I went to their leader to have a little chat, after ten to twelve minutes I had to get back or else they will be worried. Me and Nigel went for a walk because my friends were sleeping. I just went around and saw many phoenix they were known for their healing powers and for their reborn powers. They were healing a hippogriff who had hurt himself badly I went to check and it was my pet. I had to wake my friends up because it was heavy for me. We rushed to help the poor beast. It had a huge and deep cut. We brought in some phoenix to help it. Soon he was ready to fly but I had to test to see if he was okay. He was much better and just needed to do some exercise. Then we flew our dragon, and saw some parts we did not see of the secret world. Later we went to have our dinner and I let nigel fly where ever he wanted to go because he knew where to find me. After a very yummy dinner me and my friends went to sleep, because in the morning we again planned to do something very fun. In the morning me and my friends got our dragons and flew to our destination. We went swimming with mythical fishes. Their fins were made out of gold and its teeth sharper then a t-rex teeth, after a long time of fun we went to go change because of our wet clothes. Then we wanted to go for a walk and of course michle and did stupid stuff. Me, jon and Krishnan were listening to music and just walking. After a very long and fun walk we came back to a castle, where we live. It was HUGE and there wer a lot of places to play and have fun. We went back to our bed tired and slept. After a very long night I woke up to see the sunrise with my friends. Later we had a picnic outside the castle. Unfortunately my best adventure had to end because it was very late. My friends me and took the dragon back home. But I could still come back with a secret spell whenever I wanted to. This is where my story ends or maybe starts…the end AYAAN SYEED HASHMI V STD 10 YEARS OLD ................

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