Management framework for people, processes and places in ...

Management framework for people, processes and places in the virtual workplace

Dr Ilse Geldenhuys, Prof Carina de Villiers and Prof Trish Alexander

A study conducted by three researchers at the University of Pretoria explored how virtual workers executed their activities through the use of technology, the type of business processes supporting them and the challenges experienced. The proposed framework for the management of people, processes and places in the virtual workplace was subsequently derived.

The framework aims to represent

management challenges, as the

the relationship between the people,

workplace is off-site or remote

processes and places components

and sometimes outside the

in the virtual workplace, thus

borders of the country. The places

providing a management framework

component focuses on establishing

that supports the virtual workplace.

an enabling culture, the types of

These three components have been

virtual workplaces, the types of work

incorporated into management,

appropriate to the virtual workplace

technology and practice components,

and infrastructure requirements.

thereby providing a framework based

on the relationship between people,

The management challenges related

processes and places.

to the management of people,

processes and places in the virtual

The newly developed framework is

workplace have a multiple relationship,

discussed based on the management,

thus emphasising that the components

technology and practice components

cannot be viewed in isolation. This

(based on people, processes and

connectedness is evident in the

places). The relationships identified

establishment of an enabling culture,

and discussed include business

understanding business process

process maturity, understanding of the

management, the need for a business

difference between business process

process support structure and

management and business process

infrastructure feasibility.

improvement, governance, support

structure, the integration of business


process tools and the feasibility of the

infrastructure. The framework thus

The technology component of the

provides structure to the management

framework is covered as an essential

of people, processes and places in the part of the virtual environment. As part

virtual workplace.

of the people component, streamlined

network accessibility, the need for


integrated business process tools

and the use of social networks were

The management areas of attention

identified as areas requiring attention.

identified during the research

The process portion of technology

relate to business process maturity,

relates to process technologies,

understanding business process

such as single-source and process


active change

realisation and The virtual workplace has specific

establishing an

enabling culture management challenges, as the

and support

workplace is off-site or remote and


Following on the sometimes outside the borders of

aforementioned the countr y.



is the process portion related to

support, including data integrity.

management. The process portion has Technology supporting the virtual

a correlation with business process

workplace relates to the feasibility

maturity, understanding business

and sustainability of infrastructure and

process management and the

has a bearing on the management

business process support structure.

component. The technology

The virtual workplace has specific

component's challenges relate to

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? Determine business process maturity

? Create an understanding for business process management

? Active change realisation ? Establish enabling

culture ? Establish business pro-

cess support structure ? Involve right resources ? Develop skilled

resources ? Retain skilled resources


? Determine business process maturity

? Create an understanding for business process management

? Establish business process support structure

? Sustainability of business processes


? Establish enabling culture

? Virtual workplace ? Determine types of work ? Feasibility of



? Determine streamlined network accessibility

? Determine standardised integrated tools

? Use of virtual work tools and social networks


? Establish single source ? Determine computer-

supported processes ? Integrated business

process tools ? Ensure data integrity


? Feasibility of infrastructure


? Create an understanding for business process management

? Develop skilled resources

? Encourage clear communication


? Integrated business process management tools

? Need for business process tool licences

? Need for business process governance

? Need for business process change control


? Feasibility of infrastructure

? Help desk support


Management framework for the components of the virtual workplace.





Context: virtual workplace incorporating technology

Management, people, processes and places in the context of the virtual


streamlined network accessibility and establishing an integrated, single source of information that is accessible from remote locations. There is a connection between people, processes and places, again emphasising that this topic cannot be viewed in isolation.


The third component of the management of people, processes and places in the virtual workplace is practice, and follows the central theme of identifying relationships. Creating an understanding of business process management, developing skilled resources and having clear communication were identified as important areas within the people component.

The process portion includes process technology, licensing and governance requirements, while the places portion includes feasibility of infrastructure and help desk support as identified. The practice portion discussed the need to understand business process management and addressed the need for business process governance and a standardised business process methodology. The relationship between business process management tools, licences and the help desk support is evident.

Dr Ilse Geldenhuys has a BCom degree and an MBA. Her PhD focused on research in the virtual workplace.

Prof Carina de Villiers was head of the Department of Informatics at the University of Pretoria from 2000 until 2011. She is currently a full professor in the department.

Prof Trish Alexander is an associate professor in the Department of Informatics. The use of computermediated communication by virtual teams is one of her research interests.

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