4114800228600“Happy” Discussion questions: What makes you happy?List 3 things that would have the most effect on your happiness:Who is the happiest person you know? What is it that makes him/her happy?Do you know anyone who has suffered a great tragedy and is still happy? Describe what happened to them and how they overcame their loss and went back to baseline happiness…What are the building blocks of a life that flourishes with a deep and genuine happiness?Have you ever been a “flow state?” Describe what happens when you are there:Robert Burton’s 1621 “Anatomy of Melancholy: “A true saying it is, desire hath no rest, is infinite in itself, endless, and as one calls it, a perpetual track, or horse-mill” What is he describing that was featured in the film?What do you think is the best path to your personal happiness? Explain your reasoningThis film takes the position that happiness is a skill which with practice can improve in the same way that playing a musical instrument or a sport improves with practice. Do you practice happiness? Do you know anyone who does? Describe if so, how that person practices happiness…What is one thing that most happy people have in common?How does Melissa Moody, the beautiful woman whose face was run over by a truck, whose husband left her, who recovered memories that her father had abused her, and who is still disfigured after 30 surgeries, deal with her losses? Hint: She told us in the film, but it still bears repeating and then some…What is the difference between intrinsic goals and extrinsic goals? Are people who seek intrinsic satisfaction more likely to report being happy than people who seek extrinsic satisfaction? Explain…Why does the government of Bhutan want 50% of the country to remain forest?If the ultimate goal of a society is to make people happy, what would you change about the society you live in?The Danish lady shown in the film lived in a co-housing community which had a communal kitchen. What are the strengths & weaknesses of such an arrangement?Compare the most happy person you know with a person who is NOT happy. What are the primary differences between them as far you can determine?Why does focusing on compassion or loving kindness decrease depression more than anti-depressants?What does being responsible for each other’s health and well-being like the bushmen in South Africa, how to do with being happy?What can people do to increase their own happiness? HINT: think about types of goalsWhat part of this film impressed you the most?Was their any part of the film that you felt was exaggerated or hyped up for effect?What is the relationship between happiness and resilience?Why is happiness described as a process or a way of being?Develop questions & interview 3 people about their state of happiness and the ways in they increase their happiness. They can be family members, classmates, or anyone you know, but choose one from each group instead of all the same. After the interviews, write an essay detailing what you learned from doing this assignment…if anything at allThrough doing research online, etc…develop a program of daily mental exercises to increase your happiness level. The program shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes daily and shouldn’t involve hurting anyone or anything. Chart your success in your journal… ................

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