The Whole Foods Market Giving Program is dedicated to helping nonprofit organizations in our stores' local community that have limited budgets and big hearts. Our giving program supports organizations that address community issues, such as: hunger relief, environmental concerns, local and sustainable agriculture, animal welfare and health and human services. Our focus is to support innovative groups that share in our Mission & Values, and strive to make the world a better place. Our core values include sustainability, community support, healthy eating education and a commitment to local growers.

Typically, The Whole Foods Market Giving Program seeks out organizations with small budgets, low overhead and direct community impact. Not all requests can be honored, and those that are not submitted at least 5 WEEKS in advance, that are incomplete or that are to benefit individuals or for profit organizations will not be considered. *Businesses can request community partnership on a case by case basis, which entails a commitment that is mutually beneficial.


Groups are invited to apply for support in the form of gift bags, gift cards, catering trays, or in-kind product donations (such as fruit, water, sodas, snack foods, etc.) for community events or charity auctions. In general, our stores support organizations based on criteria and proximity. That said, we ask that you apply to the store CLOSEST TO YOUR ORGANIZATION. We also must insist that you only apply to ONE STORE per event. If we feel a different store is a better fit, we will refer the application to that store contact. If you are seeking a sponsorship (a commitment of over $500), or a donation from two or more stores, we ask that you fill out our SPONSORSHIP REQUEST form, and return it to the appropriate contact.

The average total donation ranges between $25-$45. On occasion, select applications may qualify for donations of higher value; however, applicants requesting donations over $250 must reach out directly to the store that they wish to partner with, with a minimum of 4 months lead time. Each donation is determined on a case by case basis. Considerations such as timeliness of application, core value connection, partnership commitment and prior store commitments are all evaluated for each application. Selections for this type of donation are made monthly. Organizations must apply at least 5 WEEKS advance of when they require the donation. Once selected, organizations will be notified as to how they can collect or pick up their donation at the store. Organizations may be asked to display literature, email sign ups or share information on behalf of Whole Foods Market.

All organizations who meet our giving guidelines are eligible for this type of donation. However, organizations may only apply for and receive a general/in-kind donation once every six months.

Please note: A completed application does not guarantee a donation from Whole Foods Market. We like to help as many organizations in our community as possible, so a previous donation to

your organization does not ensure continued support.

NC Triangle Whole Foods Market Locations

The below map outlines the general range in which stores honor donations. Each store approves donations on a case by case basis.

We ask that you submit your request to the store closest to your organization.

The dotted lines signify a broader range, and where there is possible crossover between stores. In these cases, you can submit to the store you feel is shared most closely with your community/location.

*If your organization covers a larger scope, or more than one store, you can consider a Triangle Sponsorship Application. However, these are only granted 4 times per year, and require at least 4 months advance request.

Durham * 621 Broad St Durham, NC 27705 919.286.2290


Chapel Hill * 81 South Elliot Rd Chapel Hill, NC 27514 919.968.1983


North Raleigh * 8710 Six Forks Rd Raleigh, NC. 27615 919-354-0350


Wade Avenue * 3540 Wade Ave Raleigh, NC. 27607 919-828-5804 Nancy.Halberstadt@

Cary * 102B New Waverly Place Cary, NC 27518 919.816.8830


DONATION APPLICATION * Please read the cover page of this application before applying.


North Raleigh * 8710 Six Forks Road Wade Avenue* 3540 Wade Avenue

Durham * 621 Broad Street

Chapel Hill * 81 S. Elliot Road

Cary * 102B New Waverly Place


Today's Date:

_ Date of Event: *Must be at least 5 weeks from date of submission


Organizations 501?3 #:_________________ ____________________________________________________

Organization Address:

Web Address (if applicable):

Contact name:


Contact Title:

Phone number:

E-mail: _

Please check the category that best describes the primary service your organization provides:


Social Services

Health and Wellness

Hunger Relief

Poverty Relief

Animal Welfare

Organic/Sustainable Agriculture

Other (please specify):

Are you a part of a larger organization or does your group receive funding from a large corporation? Y N

If so, who?


What is the mission of your organization?

FINANCIAL INFO: Where does your organization primarily get its funding?

How will this donation be used to support your organization's cause?

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ABOUT YOUR REQUEST: Has your organization submitted a donation request to any other Whole Foods Market in the last 90 days? Y N If yes, when and to which store(s)? Has your group ever received a donation from this or any other Whole Foods Market in the past year? Y N If yes, list date(s) and store(s):

What type of donation are you seeking from us? If checking more than one, please NUMBER in order of priority.

Gift Card

Gift Bag

Non-prepared foods for an event (fruit, cereal bars, waters, etc.)

Catering Platters

Reusable Bags Other

Please detail the specifics of your request, including NUMBER/AMOUNT requested & any preferences:

Please describe the event that this donation will be used for, including location, date, approximate attendance, reach and methods of promotion:

What date /time is your donation needed by? How will Whole Foods Market's contribution be recognized?

To request a donation, return this completed form via email/mail to the store contact noted on page 2, or drop off the store Customer Service desk. Please include any informational material about the organization and/or event (flyer, brochure, etc.) All requests must be

received at least 5 WEEKS prior to the date your donations is needed, 6-8 WEEKS is recommended. You will be contacted by our store Marketing Team Leader if your donation request will be fulfilled.

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