The Proteomics and Peptide Synthesis Core at the University of Michigan provides access to research services in peptide synthesis, proteomics and protein analysis by mass spectrometry and other techniques:

? experimental design and data interpretation ? finding the best analysis/synthesis options for your project scope and budget ? access to a wide variety of high-quality services from routine to customized

projects in qualitative or quantitative proteomics ? N-terminal sequencing and Amino Acid Analysis ? quality custom peptide synthesis at discounted prices

Our service commitment is based on quality, reliability and customer satisfaction.

List of Services


? Protein Identification ? Protein profiling (with and without fractionation) ? Localization of posttranslational modifications ? Protein mapping/maximum sequence coverage ? P rotein expression profiling

(Label free quantitation, options ranging from 1hr to 24hr of LC-MS/MS time per sample) ? SILAC ? TMT/iTRAQ ? Q uantitation by targeted analysis (parallel reaction monitoring, PRM) ? Elucidation of cleavage sites ? Sample preparation for a wide variety of samples (including clinical) ? Identification of N-terminus by mass spectrometry ? Molecular weight measurement of intact proteins

Protein Analysis

? N-terminal sequencing (Edman chemistry) ? Amino Acid Analysis ? old, heavy isotope labeled peptides

Custom Peptide Synthesis

? Linear and cyclic peptides ? Phosphopeptides and peptides with other posttranslational modifications ? Labeled peptides (e.g. fluorophores, biotin, FRET peptides) ? Cold, heavy isotope labeled peptides

All projects include consultation, data analysis, interpretation and discussion

Proteomics & Peptide Synthesis Core University of Michigan Medical School

2560A MSRBII 1150 West Medical Center Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48109


Training Opportunities

The Proteomics and Peptide Synthesis Core offers sample presentation guides, free project consultation, training seminars and department presentations. For more information, please contact Core Director Henriette Remmer.

Service Fees

Request forms, sample preparation guidelines and a list of service fees are available online at:

About the BRCF

The BRCF, part of the University of Michigan Medical School Office of Research, is a collection of centralized labs and services offering state-of-theart instruments, resources and expertise to biomedical researchers, investigators and educators.

For more information on the BRCF, visit

At the Proteomics and Peptide Synthesis Core, we work with each investigator to form an individual plan for project goals and emphasize customization of the experimental design that matches any budget. We provide personalized consultation every step of the way.

?Henriette Remmer, Ph.D., Director, Proteomics & Peptide Synthesis Core


Proteomics and Peptide Synthesis Core Henriette Remmer, Ph.D., Core Director

734-763-6285 734-936-2638

Open Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH CORE FACILITIES University of Michigan Medical School

2570 MSRB II ? 1150 W. Medical Center Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0674 734-647-4776


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