Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Name/Date:___________________________

Biological Fluids: Blood, Semen, Saliva, and an Introduction to DNA

1.Which technique did crime labs use prior to the development of DNA typing? (RNA typing, Chromosome analysis, Serology, Genetic profile)

2.Why do some jurisdictions not have a DNA typing facility in their crime labs? (Too few cases to justify the cost, Lack of faith in the reliability of DNA evidence, Refusal of judges to admit DNA evidence in court)

3.What is the liquid portion of blood called? (Platelets, Cells, Serum, Plasma)

4.Plasma accounts for what percentage of total blood volume? (55%, 45%, 35%, 25%)

5.What is blood plasma that has had its protein content removed called? (Blood platelets, Blood serum, Blood clots, Erythrocytes)

6.In most presumptive tests for blood, the oxidizing agent is a 3% solution of (Hydrogen peroxide, Potassium chloride, Sulfuric acid, Ethyl alcohol)

7.What is a common presumptive blood test that can detect blood even if it’s not visible to the naked eye? (Gas chromatography, Inductive plasma emission, Luminol, Precipitin)

8.What is a serological test that identifies the presence of proteins that are specific to humans? (Luminol, Precipitin, Antigens, Kastle-Meyer)

9.Which of the following is not an advantage of the precipitin test?(It requires a small blood sample., It is highly sensitive when bloodstains are old., It can be repeated to determine the animal species for blood that is not human., It can detect bloodstains that are not visible to the naked eye.)

10.Which of the following is used for routine blood typing? (Anti-A antiserum, Anti-B antiserum, Anti-O antiserum)

11.The Rh factor in blood typing is expressed as which of the following? (A, B, AB, or O; Numbers 1–5; Positive or negative; True or false)

12.What are the two most common blood types? (A+ and O+, AB– and O–, B– and A+, AB+ and B+)

13.What is the most common blood type among Japanese and Chinese populations? (A, B, AB, O)

14.Persons who have a significant concentration of antigens in other body fluids such as perspiration, saliva, semen, and urine are called (Bleeders, Secretors, Antigen fluent, Highly perspirant)

15.Which items might be stained by seminal fluid at a crime scene? (Drapes, Rug, Bed clothing)

16.Which of the following is not a presumptive test for semen? (UV light; Precipitin; Acid phosphatase; p30)

17.Which test for semen is not dependent on the presence of sperm? (UV light; Precipitin; Acid phosphatase; p30)

18.Which of the following items would be collected from a rape victim? (Fingernail scrapings, Head hairs, Urine specimen)

19.Which of the following is not one of the largest structures inside a human cell? (Nucleus, Ribosomes, Mitochondria, Chromosomes)

20.Where is energy for the cell produced?(nucleus, ribosomes, mitochondria, chromosomes)

21.How many chromosomes do humans have? (22, 23, 46, 45)

22.The egg cell contains which type of chromosome? (X, Y, Z, W )

23.The sperm cell contains which type of chromosome? (Either X or Z, Either Y or W,

Always Y, Either X or Y)

24.Pairs of chromosomes are considered (homozygous, homologous, heterozygous, heterogeneous) because they are the same size and contain the same information.

25.Where is DNA primarily found in a cell? (Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Chromosomes, Ribosomes)

26.Where is RNA primarily found in a cell? (Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Chromosomes, Ribosomes)

27.What is the major function of DNA? (Division of cells, Reproduction of sugars, Control and direction of protein synthesis, Photosynthesis)

28.Pairs of bases in a DNA molecule are held together by which type of bond? (Oxygen, Hydrogen, Helium, Iron)

29.What are the segments of DNA molecules that control the production of different proteins in an organism called? (Chromosomes, Ribosomes, Proteins, Genes)

30.According to the Human Genome Project, humans have fewer than (50,000; 100,000; 30,000; 3000) genes.

31.What is the first step of protein synthesis? (Transportation, Translation, Transformation, Transcription)

32.What is the second step of protein synthesis? (Transportation, Translation, Transformation, Transcription)

33.What is the specific amino acid that each of the three-base sequences in mRNA codes for called? (Genetic code, Antigen, Messenger RNA, Human Genome Project)

34.The first convictions based on DNA evidence occurred in which year? (1990, 1985, 1987, 1980)

35.Mitochondrial DNA is inherited from a person’s (Grandfather, Mother, Father, Grandmother)

36.True or False? Forensic serology has been completely replaced by DNA typing.

37.True or False? Presumptive tests detect not only blood, but also substances other than blood that can give a false-positive result.

38.True or False? Only people who have been bitten by a Rhesus monkey will test positive for the Rh factor.

39.True or False? Because blood type is inherited from a person’s parents, blood types tend to become concentrated among certain ethnic groups over long periods of time.

40.True or False? Saliva cannot be used to identify an individual through DNA profiling.

41.True or False? Seminal fluid may not contain sperm, particularly if the individual underwent a vasectomy.

42.True or False? It is not necessary to collect the clothes from a rape victim.

43.True or False? The father biologically determines the sex of the offspring,

44.True or False? Genes are sections of the DNA molecule.

45.True or False? Uracil is found only in DNA, while thymine is found in RNA.

46.True or False? In People v. Castro, the New York Supreme Court ruled that laboratories must prove the validity of their procedures before results would be accepted in court.

47.True or False? Defense attorneys are often able to get all DNA evidence tossed out, even if proper procedures are followed by the lab.

48.True or False? Mitochondrial DNA has never been used in a court case to prove a defendant’s guilt.

49.Blood plasma is a pale yellow liquid that is 90% ____________________ and 10% ______________, such as proteins, waste products, and nutrients.

50.The precipitin test determines the ______________________________ for the blood sample.

51.For every antigen, there exists a specific _________________________________________.

52.When a sample begins to clot in response to antiserum, it becomes ___________________________.

53.The larger the number of independent factors that can be identified in a blood sample, the __________ the percentage of the population possessing that particular combination of blood traits.

54.Saliva is more than 99% __________________________.

55.The ___________________ test is often used when many garments need to be tested for seminal fluid.

56.If a rape victim reports that the assailant bit, sucked, or licked an area of the victim’s body, then ___________________________________ should be collected off the victim’s skin.

57.Protein synthesis occurs in the ____________________________________.

58.Paternity can often be determined by comparison of the __________________ from the father and son.

59.The nucleic acid in chromosomes is ___________________________, the primary hereditary material.

60.When fertilization occurs, one chromosome is inherited from the _________________ and one chromosome is inherited from the ___________________________.


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